Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Will the real Teabaggers please stand up! Rachel Maddow discusses our tea stained politics.

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  1. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I watched the clip and now I know why no one has commented. Tea Party Foundation, Tea Pary Express, Tea Party caucus... it's exhausting. And I don't really care about any of them.

  2. Anonymous3:36 PM

    These tea party splinters didn't care about any racist comments until the NAACP resolution. Now they are trying to "whitewash" themselves.... lol..

  3. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I love Rachel. She makes everything so clear.

  4. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I love Rachel too! Not much love for any of the tea baggers. Any of them and all of them! Blech!

  5. Olivia7:21 PM

    I love love love Rachel.
    Rachel for President...hell, Rachel for Queen, Empress, maybe? Whatever...she is the BEST.
    Disclaimer: I am a straight 60 something grandma married for 43 years. Love love love Rachel!

  6. Anonymous8:48 PM

    She posted her bigoted rant on FB.

    She's a fucking bigot, and it's ok these days. I'm sick, after the bullshit that happened to Shirley Sherrod. Did you see that Breitbart called the farmer couple "plants"?? Mr. Spooner was a survivor of the battle of Midway.

    (thanks Gryph for allowing me to use the sailor language required)

  7. Randall6:40 AM

    If you haven't seen Monty Python's "The Life of Brian" then rent it - hell, buy it.

    The running gag about the political activists is perfect to describe the teabaggers:

    FRANCIS: And the Judean Popular People's Front.

    P.F.J.: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Splitters. Splitters...

    LORETTA: And the People's Front of Judea.

    P.F.J.: Yeah. Splitters. Splitters...

    REG: What?

    LORETTA: The People's Front of Judea. Splitters.

    REG: We're the People's Front of Judea!

    LORETTA: Oh. I thought we were the Popular Front.

    REG: People's Front! C-huh.

    FRANCIS: Whatever happened to the Popular Front, Reg?

    REG: He's over there.

    P.F.J.: Splitter!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.