Thursday, August 26, 2010

Countdown discusses the elections in Florida and Alaska and "refudiates" the idea that Lisa Murkowski might run as an independent.


  1. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Please say it isn't so: refudiate gaining acceptance in our lexicon!

  2. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Alaska has now joined the ranks of the District in MN that keeps reelecting Michelle Bachmann. Of course, that district has an excuse, i.e. they are filthy rich. I thought Alaskans had their fill of being embarrassed and humiliated since Palin entered the public stage. While some didn't like the politics of Lisa, at least she didn't embarrass Alaskans.

  3. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Lisa... get some revenge and help save the GOP from Sarah.... Release a little dirt on her.

    We are waiting to hear how her house and cabin got built and paid for.

  4. Anonymous5:57 AM

    OT, but this video needs to go viral...

  5. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Great video by Rachel about the Koch Brothers...

  6. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Hopefully, the Murkowski crowd stays home on election night.

  7. Anonymous7:08 AM

    OT Joan Walsh wrote an article about the Honor rally

    Beck has an agenda to promote Palin in what he says is a nonpolitical rally. Walsh references the Newsweek article Billionaires Against Obama.

  8. As a registered Democrat I voted for Alex Sink in the primary on Tuesday in Florida, but I am dumbfounded by the fact that people voted for Rick Scott. No one I work with, however, all right wing insane, will admit to voting for him.

    I think Alaska deserves what it gets if it keeps letting the TEA party decide its candidates. Of course Florida does too, but we did elect President Obama, so I am hoping the 3 districts with sense (those with institutions of higher learning mainly) elect Ms. Sink to be our new governor.

  9. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Heavens, Gryphen.. Please remember to put "refudiate" in quotes if you insist on using Palin's made up words.

    Actually, I wish you wouldn't use it at all. (Countdown refutes or repudiates the idea would be correct for any who are confused.)

  10. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I haven't seen the latest election results, but having watched decades of Alaska elections I suggest that you wait for the rural vote to come in before assuming that Liza lost. I don't know this Miller guy from anybody and I really doubt that rural Alaska has either..well, except maybe the Libertarians in Fairbanks. As I recall, Palin did not garner the support of the rural Alaskan voters...the Alaska Native voters in rural Alaska...and I doubt she would inspire them to vote for anybody. People are more likely to vote for a name that they recognize such as Murkowski.

  11. to Anon 5:32,
    there are a few rich folks in Stillwater, MN. The remainder of the district could give Wasilla a run for it. Rush L. and anti-choice billboards every 50 yards on the highway. . . "snowmachine" trailers abound. (Can you tell I live in the little blue ghetto of the 6?)
    The DNC is as much to blame about Bachmann this time around. They are giving zero support to her opponent. Many suspect that Bachmann is just too "useful" as a whack job. . .perhaps the same as the 1/2 Gov?


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