From Slate:
So far as I can tell, Sarah Palin has four core beliefs:
1. Things go better with God.
2. Yay, Alaska!
3. Let's drill that sucker.
4. Curse you, political establishment.
Palinisms occur when Palin expresses one of these views in her idiosyncratically involuted syntax ("It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia"); when she expresses two or more of them in combination ("God's will has to be done, in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that"); or when she says anything at all in her imitable my sentence went on the Tilt-a-Whirl and got nauseous way ("And I think more of a concern has been not within the campaign, the mistakes that were made, not being able to react to the circumstances that those mistakes created in a real positive and professional and helpful way for John McCain").
Tina Fey's caricature of Palin as an unprepared high-school student trying to bluff her way through an oral exam by mugging and flirting hit its mark not merely because of the genius of the mimicry, but because of its fundamentally accurate diagnosis of Palin as bullshit artist. Palin's exuberant incoherence testifies to an unusually wide gulf between confidence and ability. She is proud of what she doesn't know and contemptuous of those "experts" and "elitists" who are too knowledgeable to be trusted. This curious self-regard echoes through her book, Going Rogue, described by the critic Jonathan Raban as "a four-hundred-page paean to virtuous ignorance."
The issue is not that Palin, thrust upon the national stage with little warning, still doesn't know all the details. That's understandable. The issue is that she rarely appears to have the slightest grasp of what she's talking about even when she's supposed to know what she's talking about. For instance, in one of the 2008 campaign's most surreal examples of rhetorical excess, John McCain said Palin "knows more about energy than probably anyone else in the United States of America." A few days later, she offered a sample of her expertise in a town hall meeting: "Oil and coal? Of course, it's a fungible commodity and they don't flag, you know, the molecules, where it's going and where it's not. ... So, I believe that what Congress is going to do, also, is not to allow the export bans to such a degree that it's Americans that get stuck to holding the bag without the energy source that is produced here, pumped here."
In my opinion the really fascinating thing about Sarah Palin is NOT Sarah herself, it is the fact that there are so many people in America who seem to want to ignore her glaring deficiencies and project onto her some kind of superior sensibility that can not be measured by watching or listening to her speak, or examining her record as a mayor and governor. These people seem to believe that despite ALL indications so the contrary Sarah Palin is the last hope for this country.
That is why we must pay attention to Palin. It is not because of who she is, but because of what she represents about the willing ignorance of a certain population in this country. A population that are inclined to put their intellect on the back burner and only use their emotion driven belief system to select somebody who, for whatever reason, "feels" right to them.
And it is any wonder that for these almost exclusively Caucasian, middle aged people, with a limited educational background, would "feel" that Sarah Palin is more"right" than the intelligent, well spoken, biracial Barack Obama?
If you would like to purchase "Palinisms: The Accidental Wit and Wisdom of Sarah Palin" ou can do so by clicking here.
It is not even necessary to be an Obama fan to note that this woman has a limited grasp on anything! Her intellectual prowess is no higher than the average blogger who weighs in with an opinion based on what they have heard on Fox News.
ReplyDeleteThe irony is watching her string a series of words together then attempting to find her way to the exit. She believes the longer the sentence the more "prepared" she is to deliver her latest brand of "mish mosh" nonsense.
Bad enough to listen to her bromides delivered with a substantial amount of "shrill", but wading through a transcript of what she said is painful to say the least. And this coming from a supposed student of journalism? Yikes!
The saddest part is that there are truly those out there who believe she is "an instrument of God" instead of the complete fool she is even when wearing her "celebrity" hat. Makes one question the educational system of this nation when this D- student of politics is being considered as the leader of the free world.
Stupid sayings,....does that remind you of anyone else ?
ReplyDeleteThe RW hates intelligence. It's intelligent, educated people that see through their lies and bullying tactics. They see the "me first and only me" economics that leave the country in a shambles.
The RW prefers stupidity and ignorance,... it's their way.
"That is why we must pay attention to Palin. It is not because of who she is, but because of what she represents about the willing ignorance of a certain population in this country."
So why not focus on that, instead of the daily updates on baby-gate, ear-gate, Levi-gate, next-door-neighbor-gate, facelift-gate, not-having-sex-with-Todd-gate, built-a-real-tall-gate-gate ...
Constant daily snark about her hair, her shoes, her clothes, her facial expressions; and moment-by-moment reposts of her tweets and FB updates detracts from that. It really does. It puts the attention squarely where she wants it ... on her - every moment of every day - and on the incessant negative focus of bloggers and other media "out to get her" for everything she does.
Frankly, I don't care if she's had a facelift. I don't care about her hair. I don't even care if she hates her daughter's boyfriend and isn't too crazy about her husband. I'm sick and tired of hearing about every breath she takes. I'm tuning out, turning off and reading anything but more bitchy blogs about Sarah Palin.
I do think people need to beware of her politically, and according to polls and news articles and commentary by both Democratic and Republican politicians, the majority of voters are. She's a fading fad, not a serious political movement -- but she won't fade if she doesn't stop getting 24 hour a day attention.
Prop 8 was overturned - what does SARAH say about it? BP capped and killed the largest oil spill in American history - what does SARAH think? Arizona's immigration law going down in flames - let's hear from SARAH. No. Let's not.
Her followers are idjits and kooky religious extremists, and no one down here in the lower 48 outside of that merry band (and Faux news, home of all the other cranks and kooks and loons) takes her seriously.
Focus on the fact-bending and the danger of her garbled rhetoric, but let the National Inquirer do the "Sarah Palin's Alien Baby!!" crap, otherwise you come across as just as obsessed with her as her fans and it's a slippery slope to making people wonder, "Geez, did Sarah break this guy's heart, or jilt him at the altar, or what???"
Best summed up by Forrest Gump... "Stupid is as stupid does"
ReplyDeleteSarah says stupid things because she is just plain stupid.
She is smart about how to suck money from other stupid people.
The quote Sarah lives by the most.. "there is a sucker born every minute"
Having been the mother of teens I am well aware when they are "playing with the truth" and unprepared to answer a question.
ReplyDeleteEver watch a teen squirm when called upon in class to discuss an issue they never studied for? Lots of meandering sentences hoping to fool the teacher into thinking they know the answer if they can only "hide" it among the multi syllables and unending sentences.
This is Sarah Palin in a nutshell. Content to rest on her looks in the hopes that this will eventually drag her over the finish line while throwing a few references to "god" along the way while offering "analysis" of a subject she clearly knows nothing about.
Just in case anyone has forgotten that this woman was running for the office of Vice President of the United States, alongside a 72 year old man with a history of cancer, please let me remind you of just how qualified Sarah Palin was in her interview with Katie Couric. By the way, Sarah glanced at note cards in her lap while making this infamous quote:
ReplyDeleteCOURIC: Why isn't it better, Governor Palin, to spend $700bn helping middle-class families, who are struggling with healthcare, housing, gas and groceries, allow them to spend more and put more money into the economy instead of helping these big financial institutions that played a role in creating this mess?
PALIN: That's why I say, I, like every American I'm speaking with, we're ill about this position that we have been put in where it is the tax payers looking to bail out, but ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the healthcare reform that is needed to help shore up our economy, helping tho— it's got to be all about job creation too, shoring up our economy, and putting it back on the right track, so healthcare reform and reducing taxes and reigning in spending has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans. And trade, we've got to see trade as opportunity, not as— competitive— scary thing, but one in five jobs being created in the trade sector today, we've got to look at that as more opportunity. All those things under the umbrella of job creation. This bailout is a part of that.
When Tina Fey repeated Sarah's little speech, word for word in that same sing-songy way, people all over the world saw the clip and knew how truly stupid and unprepared Sarah Palin was for any office. No wonder Sarah replays that interview in her mind when she says, "You're not the center of the universe, Katie." No, Sarah still thinks that she is. Doesn't she have any idea how she sounds?
It's unnecessary to parody Palin's manner of speech.
ReplyDeleteHow can Sarah continue to make these embarrasing media appearances with her mouth unable to work? The nerve damage has really taken its toll; she doesn't really have the voice for radio, though. For someone w/ narcissistic personality disorder, you'd think she want to stop making public appearances rather than to have so much footage of her inability to form coherent sentences--combined w/ her inability to use her mouth. I had Bell's Palsy once, so I know how disturbing it is when your face doesn't work. But my face came back. Hers is permanently damaged. Now I see why she won't go on other networks & hides on Facebook & Twitter.
ReplyDelete"That is why we must pay attention to Palin. It is not because of who she is, but because of what she represents about the willing ignorance of a certain population in this country."
ReplyDeleteThere's the RUB. Great comment Gryphen.
Excellent post, Gryphen, not because of the Palinisms, but because you have captured in just a few of your own words precisely why we need to stop this evil woman in her moose tracks!
Oh, gee, maybe because she is stupid? Let us not forget...uneducated, arrogant, and mentally unbalanced.
ReplyDeleteI am worried about the burgeoning protests over the mosque in NYC. It feels like an issue that the Americans described in this Slate article will use to go mainstream and Sarah has certainly exploited it to her advantage. Why does no one in the MSM ask Gingrish or Palin or any of their idiotic followers how they plan to get around that pesky 1st amendment in the Constitution (that THEY claim to be trying to protect from Obama and that THEY claim is a static document that should not change with the times) to make it okay to discriminate on religious grounds? I can't even understand why there is a debate on this issue. It is both illegal and unconstituional to deny the mosque a building permit, so why are we even having this discussion?
ReplyDeleteIt is truly sad that Palin was unleashed on this country. Crazy bigots have always been around. Now they feel bold enough to come out of their caves and demand a voice in the governance of the country thanks to her pathological 'leadership.'
And why doesn't anyone in the MSM point out that the founding fathers, well aware of the 'tyranny of the majority' specifically designed a system of representative government rather than direct democracy knowing that mob thinking is often stupid and dangerous. They also put in a 'supremacy clause' to ensure that states that wanted to institute laws in violation of the constitution (like Prop 8) were not able to. If I hear one more rightwing pundit blather on unchallenged about the 'will of the people' I think my head will explode. We are a nation of laws. That is America's claim to fame. Palin and her ilk are desperately trying to change that. They have far more influence than they should, and are a huge threat to this democracy. I don't discount her at all. In fact, I think we are in deep trouble in this country thanks to Palin and her ilk.
she says what she says because she's seriously mentally ill. only in america can someone like this be considered a "leader." in any other country in the world she would be locked up.
ReplyDeleteI so wish the media would simply ignore her.
ReplyDeleteThen the ignorant would have to hunt her down.
This post is in response to the most recent post on Palin Babygates, which I am unable to reply to directly.
ReplyDeleteThe question was when did the Christian Mafia contact Palin. Perhaps it was shortly after she became governor. Perhaps it was a lot earlier. Let us not forget the Palin campaign for Lt. Governor in the previous election. She was the bible-beating pro-life mother of four from the valley. Nothing else. She did not even really try to sell her looks. As a result, she seems to have been a little too out there for even Alaska republicans. (Sean Parnell also ran on a similar platform.) This and her religious right reputation as mayor of Wassilla certainly may have placed her on the Christian Mafia's dance card. The real question is who transformed her into the pro=developement moderate who got elected governor? When she ran for governor, her far-right religious views were not the focus of her campaign. Again most Alaskans seemed to "forget" her earlier positions.
And yes she had some strong republican supporters including the late Wally Hickle. But, I suggest that actions and events since she was elected demonstrate that she was using him. I doubt Wally was responsible for the transformation. But I could be wrong. You need to look at other members of the Christian Conservative movement in Alaska. Including Prevo and Loren Leman.
Being ignorant and stupid didn't stop Bush from being elected..While I don't think Palin has a moose chance of getting the keys to the White House, she does need to be continued to be exposed. Her star has been fading for a while, and this continued snarky bashing of our President is just an attempt to stay in the headlines. No amount of plastic surgery can keep correcting her aging,without her continuing to look as waxen as she already does, and Granny Grizzly is aging fast..
ReplyDeleteBecause she is George Bush in a skirt?
ReplyDeleteLet's not forget this woman actually said she didn't think it was so important for people to have college educations. That good old "common sense conservatism" was all they needed. Well, since conservatives seem to be common with no sense these days I guess her stupid statement is mute. Let Sarah take one of her children to someone with common sense and no medical degree when they are sick. Or maybe this talking bag of bad hair would like to pick one of her rabid bootlickers to be her attorney.
ReplyDeleteUltimately, Palin talks out of her ass and these Palinisms happen because she is an uneducated nitwit who can't stand that the President of the United States is an educated and erudite
man who blows her away in every way. But mostly he ignores the road ho and that infuriates her and helps the babbling.
I've met Palin lovers. And they are normal until you actually ask them about why they believe Palin could run a fruit stand let alone the country. When you mention that she quit as governor of one of the least populated states in the union and has never actually stated any real policy—you get "she's a good mother, is patriotic and seems to care for our country". When you tell them her history of quitting and assorted nightmares--they glaze over. They'd feed their children to this monster and grin while they did it.
I always smile because I never thought I'd actually meet people from Stepford. Of course they are from the low rent part of Stepford where they revel in tabloids, teen pregnancy and a screeching know nothing ex politician. But it is interesting to watch them deny the woman is an idiot because they cannot stand or fathom how the man in the White House—is not white.
That's WAY too complicated... She's not that smart..
ReplyDeleteSO, a) she spends donated money for someone to make stuff up for her, or 2) she doesn't pay someone to make stuff up for her. See, you end up at the same place you started - SHE'S STUPID!
Gryphen, a poll by CBS showed that Tea Partiers are better educated than the average American as a whole.
ReplyDeleteTo answer Kwach, the reason why they go on and on about hair, makeup, facelifts is because they do not have anything intelligent to write about. Remember, these people have been indoctrinated into what to say, do etc.
Anyone with two brain cells would note that she has not had a facelift since recent pictures of her show the () lines around her mouth which is one of the things that a plastic surgeon would get rid off in a facelift. Not to mention the tiny lines around her eyes. The reason this "face lift" statement is continuously mentioned is that someone posted it once and like all good lemmings, progressives, liberals, leftists (whatever they want to call themselves) have to repeat it since they have to follow party rule.
Mickey7, I agree with you.
ReplyDeleteFloyd M. Orr, your comments on this blog are always spot on, and your blog is fantastic. I cannot leave comments there because I do not have the right account yet, but know that I read it every time you post something new. You have become one of the premier blogs on these issues, along with Gryphen, themudflats and others, Thank you.
Gryphen, as others have stated, you succinctly stated the essence of the Palin problem today. Thank you as well.
ReplyDeleteNow, refusing to back down, PolitiFact insists the Democrats do have a plan, and points to a 2011 budget document put out by the White House. This rebuttal is hilarious for two reasons. One is that there could not be a more meaningless piece of paper than a “2011 budget document,” since congressional Democrats have no intention of even trying to pass a 2011 budget. The second reason is that, as even PolitiFact points out in this very document, Obama has already broken his promise not to raise taxes on people making less than $250,000 a year.
So then what is the value of a promise in a document about a budget that will never pass? PolitiFact gives passing credit to Palin for pointing out that no pending legislation seeks to extend the tax cuts for anyone, but then dismisses this as insignificant. This is a good example of how these “fact-checkers” often come to the job with little understanding of what constitutes a fact.
Legislation that originates in Congress is the only way the Bush tax cuts can be extended for anyone. If there is no proposed legislation, there is no proposal. A commentary in a document about a hypothetical budget that will never be passed is meaningless.
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ReplyDeleteAnon 7:36 AM
ReplyDeleteI agree with you 100%. I love coming to this blog. Gryphen is an excellent writer, but when the discussions are about Sarah’s kids, Levi, Botox, etc., I get a little annoyed. We should as you say, “focus on the fact-bending and the danger of her garbled rhetoric.” There is plenty of evidence of how dangerous this woman is. If we continue to pay attention to the mindless gossip of the hillbilly family, no one will take this blog seriously and we will miss opportunities to expose the facts. These facts will prove Palin doesn’t need to be anywhere near the White House. Time after time the media has given Palin a pass and it’s up to us to prove how much of a threat Palin and her cult followers are to our country.
Excellent post. Gryphen, what do you know about something that happened in Homer and that Shannyn is upset about and will be talking about?
ReplyDelete"...exuberant incoherence..." - that bloody nails it! We must also pay attention because of who she is not as well. Got to cover all the angles with this slimy leach...
ReplyDelete"These people seem to believe that despite ALL indications to the contrary, Sarah Palin is the last hope for this country".
ReplyDeleteThese people are right-she's definitely the LAST hope!
Hey, Randall @ 7:56 A.M.:
ReplyDeleteThat was 'NO PARODY' from the other Anonymous @ 7:48 A.M. - THOSE WERE PAYLIN'S 'EXACT WORDS AND 'ANSWER' to Couric's question - I repeat, Paylin's EXACT WORDS AND ANSWER! It proved to all progressive citizens, and many people around the world, that Paylin is POSITIVELY QUALIFIED FOR 'NO PUBLIC OFFICE'! It also PROVED just how stupid, ignorant, dumb Paylin is! She has had two years to study and learn the various issues needed to be in office, but she decided her 'looks' will get her in and there is no need for her to study or LEARN anything about any issue. This once again PROVES just how STUPID she is!
When she is 80 or 90 y/o, she will look just like Joan Rivers due to all the plastic surgery she will have had. Even that will not suffice in her attempts to get the keys to the WH.
We cannot let our guard down because just as GWB was elected [TWICE???], she can do the same thing and if we currently think our country has gone to hell now, just imagine what it would do if she was anywhere in the vicinity of the WH. We need to fight her every inch of the way with 'intelligence and fact' - both of which she runs from.
Why does Bristol say stupid things about her cell phone service?
ReplyDeleteWhere the heck is Bristol and why does her cell phone not work? WTF happened with the Matanuska Telephone Association, executive Carolyn Hanson? Bristol claimed she would not go underground and is anyone certain where Tripp is? Levi is content with co-parenting by text and cell (when it works). Young unwed mothers have many issues that Bristol could be helping them with. Why is she hiding now?
Us Magazine: "I was looking in the mirror and I thought, I don't like this. I'm only 20. I need to kick it into gear"
You know what leaves me in slack-jawed amazement?
ReplyDeleteI'm a CPA and I work with CPAs - educated, hard-working people with strong work ethics - who are also fundamentalist Christians. These people, when reviewing candidates for hire in their CPA firms, would pick a Barack Obama, hands down, no doubt about it, over an obviously light-weight, zero work ethic Sarah Palin. They would be WOWed by Obama's credentials. They'd see right through Palin's shtick in a matter of one or two interviews. She would just fail the questions. These people understand over-inflated resumes. Unless they were just looking for client eye-candy or a pretty PR type, they'd have more confidence in the ability of the Obama candidate to do the actual work. At the end of the day, they realize that they have to meet peer review standards of quality. I've been working with these people for 30 years. I know this about them as I know my own thoughts.
YET - I can think of several who are drooling all over Palin, convinced she is the Second Coming and the Savior of Our Nation.
I think, when it comes to someone who resonates with their religious world-view, they forget the logical, education and knowledge based decision making they perform in their working lives and resort to the emotion and faith based acceptance with which they approach their religious tenets.
The same thing applies to the Wild Ride. I know many religious, conservative women who would have been shocked and horrified to hear of such an event AT ANY OTHER TIME IN THEIR LIVES. But, because it is part of the Palin mythology, they discard all of their values and expectations of how a pro-life mother would and should protect her fetus. I know because I've had many a conversation with these women about just such topics, ie women who engage in reckless activities while pregnant. To hear the thrill in their voices as they recount the Wild Ride is stunning. I have lost all respect for them.
I never before understood how Hitler came to power. But I do now.
A great article from Arianna Huffington.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin, "Mama Grizzlies," Carl Jung, and the Power of Archetypes
Anon 7:36.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Let's analyze the details of HER RECORD.
Dig up minutes of meetings during her tenure as mayor and on the oil and gas commission. What did she say, what did she offer? Which were her ideas. What did she do as governor. The daily nitty gritty.
G, you may not be able to find people who will talk about the personal, uncomfortable stuff, but surely you can find people who will point you in the direction of THE RECORD. Real stuff they can stand behind and won't paint them as petty.
Let's give her actions center stage. And, guess what, if she shines, then we were wrong about her. But if she doesn't, it's the stuff that rational, independent people will understand, whether they are high-school educated salt of the earth folks or big city elites.
The gates are fun sometimes, but give people INFORMATION that will leave her stuttering to explain. If it is hard-core business, people will see through her lamestream sham.
Great post. Succinct. She is Bush in a skirt, an idiot puppet.
ReplyDelete8:30 AM: It is curious as to when the Christian Mafia contacted Palin. The Palins old business partners, the Hansons, can fill in the details. What is their relationship to the Christian Mafia? They have been deleting and changing things long before McCain grabbed Sarah Palin as a running mate. The Hansons appear to do well hiding behind prop children as well. The Hansons reaction to any news of Palin and their association is curious. Why does an executive of a large employer in the Valley not have a professional photo? How did Brad manage to get a local paper delete and scratch certain articles and comments for him? How did his treatment of the boys he coached effect their lives? Were there other coaches that adhered to Brad's crude, savage and inhuman treatment of youth? What are their names? Why is that part of Valley history wiped out or changed? Did they belong to the same group? They speak a similar language. "family values."
PS - G, while I think we do need to have more discussions about Palin's record, I want you to know that many of us appreciate that you continue to post about what a sham Palin is as a person, an Alaskan, and a mother. You do it in spite of the disdain of some of your fellow bloggers and bravely in the face of the insults hurled at you by deranged Palin fans.
ReplyDeleteCharacter counts. And posts the reveal Palin's deficits are important.
I'm just saying you should take a page from the playbook and craft your posts in such a way that put you in the best light. Think of the DNC response about vetting. That was the best way to respond to Palin's substance-free rhetoric.
I totally agree with the poster who said we don't need stories about her children or her grandchild. What we need to concern ourselves with is why she appeals to a significant portion of the population, and what it says about them. We need to make sure we are at those polls in November to ensure that they don't get their way in voting in people who don't care about any of us.
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing that people can listen to her on a daily basis saying incredibly stupid things like "common sense" trumps a college education at a university, no less, and credit her with intelligence. There are actually people to this day saying that she beat Biden in their vice presidential debate, although she did nothing but wink, say you betcha, and recite stuff she obviously memorized. No other explanation have made sense of what she was saying. She didn't answer the questions post because she couldn't. And how can people who make excuses for her hand notes or her constant badmouthing of the president expect to be taken seriously?
This woman is an international joke, and people are shaking their heads in disbelief that anyone so shallow and stupid can be elevated to such an undeserved status.
I seriously believe that her handlers think all of us are just as stupid as she is, and that if they just keep putting her out there in all her unadulterated idiocy, enough people will embrace her to enable her to rise to national power.
Hmmnnn...I'll admit to the logic of one of the postings above, about our picking on Sarah over stuff like her hair, and so forth.
ReplyDeleteBut when a person makes a CAREER out of trying to poop on other people incessantly, its as if they are ASKING for others to do the same to her.
Example: if I had been ME who she went on national tv and described as having no balls, I'd have no doubt countered with something like "Hey, can you just IMAGINE what that witch's vagina looks like?"
Thankfully, the dignified President is able to squelch such a reaction.
Thank you, Gryphen, for continuing your massive effort to save us all from this supposedly Christian celebrity menace.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Slate, for using the word "nauseous" correctly, in the sense of sick-making, not sick-feeling. The nauseous vacuousness of Sarah Palin make me feel nauseated!
@ Kwach
ReplyDeleteI agree that the focus on Palin's personality flaws and sordid family situation are largely beside the point and hugely tiresome...
But, in my view, Babygate is not so much a personal issue for the Palins as it is a huge political issue for the US.
Palin did not pull this hoax off without a fair amount of help, and we need to be asking who helped her, how and why.
Jane Mayer's October 2008 article in The New Yorker entitled "The Insiders: How John McCain came to pick Sarah Palin" offers some important clues as to how the Christian Mafia along with prominent Neocons began actively grooming Palin to be VP in the summer of 2007. I suspect that was when the Trig hoax first began to "gestate."
We need not only focus on why Palin's brand resonates with the 20-something percent of low information voters, but, more importantly, on who has pushed her rise to power and why.
7:36--I do agree Palin gets alot of attention on these blogs, especially since much of it is for petty stuff, but she's a petty person with petty followers who love her for petty reasons. It won't be a debate or an appearance on "Meet the Press" that ends her career. It will be her tabloid life coming to light. The Bristol/Levi circus has done more to diminish her credibility than anything else since that Katie Couric interview. Anything fraudulent related to Trig would be the final nail in the coffin. The fact that these personal scandals would mean more to her followers than her ignorance is sad, but that's the reality. Think about this--if she gained 50 pounds, just like that her career would be over. Sad conservatives have gotten that shallow.
ReplyDeleteAlso, it's important to remember that just because she cannot win an election doesn't mean she's not dangerous. She has now become the de facto leader of a political party. Her extremism has bullied Republicans to the right all across the country. Her vindictiveness has set the political tone and has led to an all out war against this president and his agenda to help the country. She is shaping the narrative in too many ways to count, two examples--"death panels" and the ground zero mosque hysteria. She doesn't have to be a serious presidential contender to do some major damage to this country.
I don't buy anything about her or her family. Frankly, I'm sick of hearing about all their trailer trash drama. Who gives a rat's ass about that except for the ignorant idiots that are like her. The only thing I care about is someone bringing her down. I hate what she's doing to our president and our country. No good can come from this sick idiot.
ReplyDeleteI spoke to a person this weekend who truly believes that 85% of the people who voted for President Obama are illiterate.
ReplyDeleteHe went from believing Sarah was a better choice than President Obama to not voting at all if Sarah was on the ticket.
I told him Sarah was not who she says she is and laid out all the gory dirt. All of it. I told him she was out there lying as we spoke. It was the first time he had ever heard a fellow conservative say anything bad about Sarah. He ate it up.
Took me two minutes.
Politics is a blood sport. The worst of these people respond to the worst about Sarah.
I have found intelligent and thoughtful Democrats are the most resistant to babygate. They forget that we conservatives are not politically correct, especially in private. I fight the ugly with ugly simply because sometimes it´s the only thing that works.
SP expresses the fear that has overcome her fans. We need to understand that. They are afraid and not just of the man currently in the WH. I think they are afraid of losing their jobs, or house or whatever. They also are fed fear (FEMA camps, taking guns away, etc).
ReplyDeleteI have a friend who is a preacher wife and she said something very profound to me. "Love and hate are not opposites because hate comes from fear while love does not come from the lack of fear." Think about that folks.
Sarah Palin is more ambition than ability and more noise than knowledge.
ReplyDeleteShe is a train wreck in motion. I can't stop watching. Plus, I worked with an idiot who when asked why he supported her said in all earnestness: "She is a breath of fresh air." After I determined this regurgitated comment came from a Fox news "analyst" I realized we were in for a real doozy of a ride on the crazy train. She is unfortunately here to stay. Keep an eye on her hijinks. She has no real understanding of this country, her family or herself. She truly is a product of the unexamined life.
ReplyDeleteThey left out her two most important core beliefs:
ReplyDelete1. Look at ME!
2. I need more money!
Is Sarah on drugs or does she just drink 20 cups of coffee a day?
ReplyDeleteYes, 8:30, yes, and yes. I live in the Bible Belt. Floyd is hot on the trail. Believe me, we in the Republican Party did not know about babygate. Granted, that a very few learned of it after her selection and made the wrong decision to cover it up is glaringly obvious. We would never, ever, have approved the abortion that is Sarah Palin if we had known. And the Christian Mafia knows this all too well. They are the ones who helped Sarah fabricate her facade, and they are the ones who prop it up. Study her followers. She has no one else.
ReplyDeleteChristian Conservative Activist are the worst of the worst. And what I am about to type will not be received well here, but it is the absolute truth. Rebecca was banned from Team Sarah by these ¨sola scriptura¨ types because Rebecca was too tolerant, too moderate. Before Hillary announced that she would run, her spokesperson in an interview said: ¨Forty per cent of the people are against her. She gets it. But forty per cent of the people will be for her. The race is about the the rest." I believe, sincerely, that the CCAs are using Rebecca to rein in ¨the rest.¨
Rebecca, you are better than the snake skin that is Sarah Palin. It is eating you alive. Your ¨la gaite de coeur¨ is gone.
Find it.
While reading your intelligent post, my mind kept flipping back to an article written by somebody who is beyond infatuated with Sarah. The only value in reading his short article is that it makes stunning comparisons between his Sarah and liberal women. Brace yourselves.
He's from Flower Mound, TX - suburban Dallas.
I believe their are two reasons why the reason the Half Gov. is so "wordy"
ReplyDelete1) She attempts to baffle us with bull shit answers while we attempt to follow a tiny thread of logic in what is being said.
2) She was schooled for TV journalism and tv stations get real upset when you have "dead air" -- so she just keeps wording it up.
On the other hand, those that believe God is speaking thru her, only do so because she speaks in tongues. And 99% of her tongues are forked.
~~~~ Altho its great drama to follow her attempts to become a member of the elite Political scene... we do need to stay vigilant on everything she does as well as who is backing her. Roger Ailes? Murdock? Beck? Dobson?
Reagan & Bush Jr both got into office with high powered backers - the US voters were sold packaged sock puppet presidents. Altho Palin is important (because she's on stage) its the ones pulling her strings that are critical to uncover. What is THEIR agenda? Military conflics? Christian national religion? Theocracy?
Less taxes for the wealthy? Eliminate Regulation?
Palin's jaw looks really weird as if she might have had liposculpture on her lower face or what is referred to as "buccal fat removal" because from the mid to lower part of her face it no longer looks soft but instead sharp, gaunt and angular,like a male. Also the 'hook' nose that she used to have, and showed when she smiled is gone.Nasal surgery her fuller upper lip with the "cupid's bow" is new. She also has the tell-tale crinkled nose when she smiles which indicates a botoxed forhead (i.e. the accessory muscles are extra evident when the forehead & crows feet are paralyzed).Lots of filler work too, in major wrinkle lines. That's on the outside. All the venom,hatred she spews through her pores gives her the total look of a crazy woman
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous @ 9:09
ReplyDeleteYou said "Gryphen, a poll by CBS showed that Tea Partiers are better educated than the average American as a whole."
I saw that poll and it didn't surprise me. I know some teabaggers who have graduate degrees from Ivy League schools. One who has a masters degree from Yale but he adores Palin, Beck and Annie Coulter. (I attribute his devotion to his being a racist). I know a lot of teabaggers who have degrees but those degrees are from colleges that I don't think would rank above a mediocre high school.
If the teabaggers are "better educated than the average American", we're in deep trouble. Just because someone has a degree doesn't necessarily mean they're "better educated" - even Sarah has a degree. That poll and the teabagger movement should be a red flag about our educational system.
8:30 AM Anonymous
ReplyDelete"This post is in response to the most recent post on Palin Babygates, which I am unable to reply to directly."
WTF? Why would I want to read your comment which was supposed to be on a different post and blog? This is not good blog etiquette by any stretch of the imagination. Please go contact the other blog author if you are having a problem posting there - that's a no brainer.
Again, WTF? People are resorting to doing some strange things lately. I think we all just need to step back and take a deep breath. Clearer heads need to prevail.
In Alaska do any of the Christian Mafia have names? The Palins have been thugs over the years but can we say there is a direct link to a Christian Mafia in Alaska? Todd Palin has been a henchman for Sarah. Who else is a henchman among their friends? Can this ever get specific? Are there Christian Mafia suspects in Alaska? Sorry this confuses me. It is very important but so many missing pieces.
ReplyDeleteSarah couldn't have gotten this far without intelligent people carrying her water. She requires a slew of paid consultants and bloggers to spin out her disastrous utterances.
ReplyDeleteWhy do such intelligent people get caught in her spell and why does it take so long for those individuals to realize that Palin is a loser? Meg Stapleton lasted a long time but finally saw the light. Can Rebecca be far behind? The trouble is that there seems to be no end to the amount of delusional people and Fox network folk who are willing to jump in to fill the gaps.
I am sick of stories about Sally Heath's children and grandchildren.
ReplyDeleteCan we stop all those stories and is that a good way to go?
I do think Sarah, Track and Bristol as adults can be newsworthy. Especially Bristol now that she is a role model for young girls and boys.
I haven't read "Palinisms," so can't comment on content. But, I'd like to point out that Leland Gregory put together a similar book (with a few more pages, 112 vs. 96), that was published last month: "You Betcha! The Witless Wisdom of Sarah Palin."
ReplyDeleteMaybe someone here would like to get them both and compare/contrast the two?
I'm all for periodically ressurecting two priceless videos: The "Hey Sarah Palin" on Youtube set to the tune of "Hey There Delilah" -- it's wicked & still spot-on.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course the phone call with Sarkozy. Sometimes when she is being particularly vile I listen to that and it makes me feel better.
I do think bloggers owe it to the public to keep posting the Sarkozy phone call now & then to ensure that all remember how impossible it is for the rest of the world to imagine the US having enough people stupid enough to get someone like that elected.
I love those videos.
8/8/10 Sarah is expressing concern for Afghan murders:
ReplyDelete"Taliban in Afghanistan murders our US aid workers;America's heart is for victims,our resolve aimed@ evil ones seeking innocents' destruction" about 3 hours ago
@SarahPalinUSA More on the Morlocks of Wasilla:
Finally the Tillmans have a little vindication. It is still not enough considering what happened.
Mary Tillman speaks on Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal and his role in covering up the truth about her son's death. By Mary Tillman August 8, 2010
Track Palin is an adult and I would like to know why he leads a secret life. What was his problem about greeting his family and friends at the homecoming the Army has to welcome soldiers? That is not healthy or normal adult behavior and someone should explain. His name is continually used for a military prop. Yet it appears that he gets special treatment and does not have to work like a soldier. Unless his job is to spy on the neighbor. Is that what the Army and taxpayers pay him to do? His mother day photo came out to look like another Palin on drugs, he looked mad as hell, that is for sure.
@SarahPalinUSA More on the Morlocks of Wasilla:
We know Bristol is BFF with Jeremy Morlock's sister. Why can't the Palins speak about their close family friends? Why are all the people in Alaska who do know about that having to lie by omission? It is all too strange. If you live in Alaska is it that hard to say the name of the owners of the house that Willow vandalized? I don't care what Willow did. It should concern everyone if anyone is abusing power and covering this up.
Did Track and Jeremy Morlock play hockey together? Was a coach like Brad Hanson part of their training? It is too bad no one can speak of the atmosphere in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough that creates these people. Are there no sociologists in the area that can help people comprehend what the Matanuska-Susitna Borough is about? Why is there not a way to put this in perspective for the people that have never lived in a small hillbilly place?
Gryphen, we NEED all of the details about Sarah and her family. Why? Because then we're prepared to talk to everyone who adores her.
ReplyDeleteSome of her followers don't care about "just the facts" -- but, they are swayed by even the smallest details. If we don't discuss the posts by Mercede or the thoughts about Sarah's face lifts, then we might not be ready to answer a follower who is enthralled by Bristol's abstinence or Sarah's looks.
I say -- discuss it all! If someone doesn't like a post, then he should be perfectly capable of clicking past it. Right?
I say -- discuss it all! If someone doesn't like a post, then he should be perfectly capable of clicking past it. Right?
ReplyDelete4:50 PM
AGREE. It is all relative and even the most trivial could lead in to something more pertinent.
Adults are perfectly capable of clicking past. Not enough has been discussed when it comes to certain secrets and the connections. We are to believe all the people in Wasilla and their connections are merely coincidence? We know people claim to have evidence or know who has it. What do they say? Nothing much. PG has good research at times but they know who has the goods, they say it is people in high places. They can't even say what they are waiting for? Is it meant to keep them getting high traffic? I hope not. I know of one blog that is also in the know about who has the goods. They are supposed to be the good Christian. When you check out their family it is real mixed up. I feel so sorry for the kids. They don't know or like who their parents are. What a let down to see that someone who does speak up about Sarah's religious standing is equally a mess. Some of the parents who have children that are part of the same circle are probably protecting there deliquent children or themselves as parents. The parents of the kids with Willow do not want people to know that they have kids like the Palins. They give Palin a pass to keep their so-called good name intact. That will crumble one day. Since they wait so long it will no doubt be to Sarah's advantage. They will not get out in front of the story. Sarah will and she will win against the fools that miss good timing.
ReplyDeleteIs everyone but Sarah a masochist in Wasilla? She eats them alive and they beg for more. They all sacrificed their children. It is a setting for a Stephen King novel. They have a particular cult speak. I have some experience in a community with Priests that were child molesters. The victims were young and it was all about the Priests. It would hurt the children and it was best to keep it quiet to protect them. It was beyond hypocrisy. Religion can turn on people when they are blind to abused children. Holy Mother Mary the best mother will ignore a child when bedazzled by a Priest.
ReplyDelete9:09, your comment is just plain dumb. seriously. funny how all you focus on are the face lift comments. i guess the rest you are afraid to touch. anyway, about the facelift rumors. most of us don't care, but we do wonder where her good looks have gone. it's either stress, inner hate, or a bad facelift. beyond a casual interest, we don't care. it's just part of the many strange things about palin.
ReplyDeleteand by the way, being in lock-step is a conservative trait. look back at every conservative admin. all the repubs are always in line, like little tin soldiers. it is only the left that has real mavericks. that's why dems always have such a hard time getting legislation passed. we have many independent thinkers.
good try. please play again.
12:50, that was hilarious!
ReplyDeleteanon 1:15, poor eh vogel doesn't know very many women. i suspect he's been bested at work, and likely at play, by a liberal woman and he is consumed by the shame of it. i also suspect that palin could beat him up and he'd cry like a baby. but he forgets that part.
ReplyDeletehmm. vogel, it's a mag cover. it's posed and airbrushed. jeez. you sound like a sissy. i live in the DFW metroplex and if i ever run into a squirrley guy, i'll know it's you.
Snowing in Alaska,
ReplyDeleteyou are clearly new here. Floyd is the owner of that other blog, and he often posts here. i've tried to post on his blog, but it requires accounts that i don't have and don't want to add to the 1000 accounts i already have. others may feel the same and so post an answer here, knowing that Floyd will see it as well as Floyd's readers.
no big deal.
ANON 7:36 & ANON 10:48 You asked about Palin's record. Here's a great report on her vetting that was done prior to her run for Governor. After reading it the only thing that came to mind repeatedly was that she hasn't changed a bit. She's still intellectually ignorant, refusing to accept responsibility for any wrongdoing and completely unaware of the world around her. Nothing has changed in Palin's world since this report was done except that she now has a healthy bank account. She has certainly not improved her mind, despite the time to do so and her aspirations for the Presidency. Here's the link for the report:
Anonymous 10:10 AM,
ReplyDeleteThat was my point: Palin is self-parodying, thus, any attempt would be superfluous.