Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sarah Palin's RNC fundraising letter.

What an incredibly nasty, and intellectually insulting piece of propaganda!

"Foreign leaders", "illegal immigration", "government's chosen winners"? Does anybody else get a powerful whiff of racism after reading this thing?  Or is that just me?

(H/T to Black Talk Radio Network and my friend Loriah.)


  1. Anonymous2:35 PM

    It's just you and 4 other "Progressives" who won't call a spade a spade and, no, that is not a racist remark.

    Illegal aliens aren't "undocumented" or misunderstood, they are citizens of another country who deliberately broke our laws and came into this nation illegally.

  2. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Yessirree: YOU TOO can help to save our gubmint, and even GO TO HEAVEN...butcha gotta SEND MONEY, goddammit!

  3. Anonymous2:50 PM

    As a Republican, where can I make a contribution to the Democratic Party? I no longer want to be associated with the GOP.

  4. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Do the "teabaggers" (that's what they started calling themselves) know that scarah the WGE is associating herself with the RNC? Does the RNC know it?

  5. Anonymous2:59 PM

    What a meaningful survey. I intercept donation solicitation calls from the RNC all the time (my mother must have donated at least once). Those calls are even more insulting. These guys sound like Glenn Beck. I'm always too flabbergasted by the absurdity of the material and delivery to whip out one of my standard snarky responses. Insulting is the only word for it, and anyone who isn't insulted is just plain stupid.

  6. Anonymous3:19 PM

    It's about ten paragraphs too long. Did she forget to mention Obama, Pelosi, Reid enough? Que a Reagan reference. Oh, and deficits. Oh and where this country is headed for us best workers in the world.

    Where are the more capitalized words? More punctuations?

    Where is the box that says, if you like / love me, check this part?

    I'm embarrassed to know how this middle school populist crap actually raise money.

  7. Anonymous3:29 PM

    @Anonymous 2:35pm ... I can't disagree with you. Illegal aliens are criminals.

    But ... illegals have been doing this for a long time. No Administration has been able to find a good solution for the problem in decades.

    The GOP is quick to use the immigration issue as a lightning rod for their party, claiming all of the bad things that will happen with the unchecked influx of people across the southern border. But let me remind you (and all of the other GOP/Tea Party lurkers on the site) ... the criminals who hijacked 4 planes on 9/11 were ALL here legally from other countries. NO IMMIGRATION REFORM would have prevented their acts.


  8. Anonymous3:32 PM

    To the person @2:50 who wants to contribute to the dems, here are a couple of websites:

    Democracy for America

    Organizing for America

  9. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I stopped being a Republican during the Reagan years and have never regretted the decision. The GOP has been in decline since they elected that smiling grifter in 1980, but the decline has escalated since 2000.

    Sarah Palin, DeMint, Bachmann, McCain, and all the rest are just the latest in a long line of lying bastards who work against the best interests of the average American. They talk the talk but do not walk the walk.

    Palin is simply the best example of low they have gone and is a clear sign that the GOP now works for corporate America.

  10. We are NOT supposed to respond, reply or comment UNLESS WE AGREE WITH HER!

    Did you note that? NO conversation, dialogue or debate allowed, by edict of The Queen!

    BTW, most of the cult members will not send $ to the RNC - ONLY to sarahpac. They are well-trained on this matter.

  11. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Yuk, blatant propaganda and fear-mongering! To think the GOP once had some dignity.. (sigh)

    Like Anon 2:50pm I was once proud to be Republican, but William F. Buckley has been replaced by Glen Beck, and I am just mortified.

    I have a question. Just whose sticky fingers is this money going to? That signature alone makes me wonder if this is another of her scams. The illegal "Alaska Fund Trust" had NOTHING to do with Alaska, and I hope these checks are not going to a shell company for SarahPAC.

    (Or maybe I do. If so, RNC donations are going to be spent on Granny Palin's luxury travel, first rate hotels, around the clock security guards, in-house political consultants (i.e. Bristol), etc., etc., etc.,)

  12. angela4:20 PM

    Thanks for giving us a civics lesson Anon 2:35.
    I know how them there "other" people have been absolutely scaring the hell out of you people for the last eeerrrrrrr . . . 20 something months since the new administration got in. Funny, a lot of things that have been going on for years and years just NOW started scaring the hell out of you and your fellow "rill muricans"

    And the spade remark----you sure are a republican--aren't you?

  13. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Shame on you Sarah Palin. You own part of an industry that survives because of immigrant help. It used to be it was worth it for U.S. college students to come up and work for the canneries in Alaska and take home a chunk of change. Now the only people who can come here are from countries where their economies find Alaska minimum wage profitable. Not everyone is like your family and owns a setnet site in the richest salmon grounds in the world. But, you can bet it is immigrant labor that processes your fish.

  14. I still haven't changed my voter registration so I've received quite a few of these regular, nasty fundraising surveys. I either check the box that is opposite of their expected response or I write a note correcting their bogus questions. I guess they've gotten tired of me and taken me of the list as I didn't get this very special letter from Sarah Palin.

    It's particularly infuriating to me that they keep insisting that the fed. gov't has taken over healthcare.

  15. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Sorry, I don't see anything racist about "foreign leaders" because it was really surprising to many when the President bowed, since it's not protocol for our leader to bow to another nation.

    As for "illegal immigration," well, I don't see that as a "racist" issue because the people I know do not approach it from that angle. Sure, I'm certain that there are others who are afraid of anyone with darker skin and want them to be kept out of our county. BUT, the people I talk with are simply tired of paying for welfare benefits and providing education to people who have not followed the law. Whether they are white, brown, or purple -- they must follow the law.

    I'm curious about who she is pointing fingers at when she says "government's chosen winners." Who are they, exactly? Gryphen, you imply that it's also racist. So, would you please explain it further. Thanks!

  16. Let me remind everyone that Bush was in charge for eight years, Congress funded building the fence that never got done. I believe Pres. Obama is and has been deporting more illegals than Bush did. What more do you want.

  17. I am going to send my own survey to the RNC:
    Do I think President Obama is doing a good job.YES
    Is the healthcare reform good for me?YES
    Is President Obama handling the foreign leaders correctly? YES
    Am I in favor of funding the border fence with Mexico that was funded under Bush, but was never built?YES
    Will you make a contribution to the RNC? NO, I WILL MAKE ONE TO DNC.


  18. Anonymous5:00 PM

    PA John, Obama and many of his supporters want to find "a path to citizenship" that would allow 10 million illegals to become citizens without returning to their home country. That rewards illegal behavior and would put a massive strain on our nation's resources.
    The rest of you can resume your usual 'She's ugly!' insights.

  19. emrysa5:08 PM

    I wonder what anon @ 2:35 would do if s/he was a native of a country that had NO JOBS. bet anon has not given it one minute of thought.

    if you really want to do something about the problem anon, start lobbying for $15.00 an hour minimum wage. if employers were forced (yes I said forced) to pay a wage that adult americans could live on then your illegal immigration would be solved.

    cheap employers and americans who want something for nothing are the problem. do something about it instead of pointing fingers at the scary brown people.

  20. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I fail to see racism in that letter. I see common sense and fear. There's a reason why the current administration won't divulge where it wants to see America go. There's no reason why any of the national leaders cannot openly discuss concrete details and beliefs on the future of America.

    We need outsiders to penetrate the bubble of DC politics.

    There is not one well known politician in office today that is used only the purest methods of campaigning and work ethic. They all are corrupt and common sense America will bring them down eventually.

  21. BAustin5:30 PM

    Sister Sarah would make a great televanglist....politician? Not so much

  22. Anonymous5:44 PM

    The survey was: check the box if you agree with my spin.

    Shame on them and her spinning the POTUS bowed down. These fools have no class and lack culture. They are the same Americans who shout at the french in France demanding they speak english, demanding Kentucky Fried Chicken.
    Stay home if you can't respect another culture! Sarah please don't let your daughter chew gum like a cow saying "asshole" in front of Thatcher either!

    I work in a hospital. Does the public have any idea how much money must be written off for the uninsured and absorbed by those who pay and have health insurance?
    In America, it is a law to treat people in the ER. We do not pile up the seriously ill or near death on a curb. Do Reel Amerikuns not care about their fellow Americans or do they consider us antiAmerica to support health care and balance out the cost burden.

    Oh, I forgot "free" government provided health care is only for the Palin's...forgive me.

    Yes, let us not educate people so they can earn a living..that is sure to help lessen government assistance program for unwed teen mothers and baby daddys who drop out of school, eh? Talk about lowering the country to the rest of the world! This is who, her alues and what the RNC has chosen to speak for them.

  23. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Palin, her Kingdom is on Facebook and she's only relevant there.

  24. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Hey I have my own letter for Sarah:

    1) Do you think your actions of accepting thousands of dollars for 40-minute speeches is creating a great example for all our nation and it's youth, while there's an urgent need for health care workers who are only getting paid a fraction of this for a 40-hour work week?

    2) Do you think it's wrong for a White House administration to act humbly and responsibly before other nations, as the bible teaches?

    3) Do you expect our children and grandchildren and disabled elderly to go without any form of health care, while your children and grandchildren have health care?

    4) Will you stop asking for contributions from people who believe you are running for President and start working a real job?

    Yes, ____ Sarah, I agree, we need to be led into a better future, but one where people can feel they have a voice, but not led by you.

  25. Anonymous5:58 PM

    We should not forget that GW Bush might made gestures for immigration reform towards the end of his eight years, but he and President Fox of Mexico did nothing but encourage illegal immigration.

    Fox was able to rid himself of the poorest yet most ambitious and restless people, and Bush was able to get cheap labor for business by ignoring the problem.

    Palin doesn't seem to understand the complexities of the issue but neither does she understand the GOP's basic interest in getting cheap labor without regulations for the biggest agricultural and fast food chains. Honestly, she loses on all counts because she simply refuses to research, listen and learn.

    Her fund raising letter reflects her lack of understanding and depth.

  26. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I was a registered Republican for 40 years....extremely socially liberal, but a Republican. When "gramps" named the "brain dead bimbo" his running mate, I changed my political affliation and voted for President Obama because as an Alaskan, I knew what a loser Palin is. Everything I've seen from the Republicans in the last two years has verified that I made the right decision. In fact, they have gone even more downhill.

    Although he voted for President Obama, my husband is still a registered Republican and gets R mailers. I can hardly wait for this letter to hit our mailbox. Probably a waste of time but I'm going to fill the thing out!

  27. Anonymous6:27 PM

    It's getting to the point that things are so bad in this country and our government is so impressive that, to save us, it may require another nation to invade us.

    Cause that's how it's typically done, right?

  28. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I have two letters for Sarah



  29. Anonymous6:49 PM

    This ticked me off so much that I wrote and erased 4 comments.

    For empty vessel puppet Palin or any of her FANS.....K M A.

    From a hard working middle class grandma whose wealth was redistributed to the rich who knew how to scam the system.


  30. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Anonymous at 5:00 said:
    "PA John, Obama and many of his supporters want to find "a path to citizenship" that would allow 10 million illegals to become citizens without returning to their home country. That rewards illegal behavior and would put a massive strain on our nation's resources.
    The rest of you can resume your usual 'She's ugly!' insights.

    5:00 PM"

    good you think this is dog training or child rearing with your "rewards illegal behavior". Deal with the realities of the situation. We can't march 10 million people or whatever the number down to Mexico and push them over the border. Many of those people are already well integrated into our society and have children who are legal citizens. This path to citizenship allows us to work with those that are already here. Dealing with those that want to get in, legally or otherwise, is a separate discussion.

    And Sarah Palin is one of the more ugly people ever to infiltrate the media...and I'm not talking about her looks.

  31. Anonymous7:10 PM

    @Anonymous 2:35pm

    This is a terrible, small-minded POV. You must be a Teabagger...And an idiot.

    What about babies who are brought here? What about children who are brought here as toddlers? Are they breaking the law because their parents take them somewhere? You're an idiot. Try to think about others once and a while.

  32. Anonymous7:14 PM

    If illegal immigration is so bad...

    Why did Republicans support the poster child of 'anchor babies' Elian Gonzalez in 1999?

  33. Anonymous7:26 PM

    5:58 PM

    You hit the nail on the head...on all issues. The people who support these jack-holes can't understand the nuisance. I remember when net neutrality first came up, my first thought was: Wow, they're going to turn the Internet into Cable TV...meanwhile Glenn Beck was saying this was a "freedom" issue -- wtf...freedom? to make profits? Over freedom of access to an information system that OUR government created?...And that's JUST what they're going to do. Read the Google/Verizon plan.

    Then there's taxes. They want to cut taxes and reduce government oversight. Right, because that has worked so well with the financial industry, coal mines, oil rigs, and the food industry. Do I have to remind people -- AGAIN -- that private industry has put POOP in our food and not taken any action until the government forced them?

    And somehow, it has gotten through these thick skulls that firing 1 million plus government workers, that getting rid of the Department of Education and IRS, would be good for the economy. You have to be on CRACK to think that? You really do. Effing retards!

    (And that's not meant as slight against people with special needs...I think people with special needs could also see how foolish it is to think that FIRING people is good for the economy.)

    I just want to shake them and say, Uh-DOI

    PS: Ridding the government of the Department of Education would be especially foolish. So long economic opportunity. Because basically, only the rich would be able to afford college -- even public schools are crazy expensive now. No DOE, no student loans, no student loans, and there goes the university system, meaning more job losses .

    So good job Republicans! Good planning. You're TOTALLY the right ones to lead this country...into the stone age...

  34. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Sarah Palin will put her name on any document for the right price. The RNC tests phrases to find those that generate the most cash. Then the big mailing goes out with Sarah Palin's name on it.

    So the "survey" has all the money raising key words and Sarah Palin gets a fat check.


    the RNC knows Palin is hopeless as a candidate for president. Before Palin begins to suck cash away from viable candidates the RNC will be forced to neutralize her (without appearing to be involved).
    The faked pregnancy or the drug use are probable items in the RNC's list.

    The only one that doesn't understand Palin's fate is Palin herself. Mentally unstable was the right call by the McCain campaign staff.

  35. Ok. There doesn't seem to be anything in that letter that is a direct link to the Republican Party. So anyone sending money is sending it to "RNC Victory 2010." Who is that. Who gets the money?

    I only ask because I don't see addresses provided for people to send money to. What are you supposed to do if you get one of those letters? Or did I miss something. . .

  36. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Anonymous @ 2:56 said...

    ...I intercept donation solicitation calls from the RNC all the time (my mother must have donated at least once).

    Same with my 88 year old mom...I just let 'em talk to her and justice is served! "Why yes, she'd just love to visit with you..."

  37. Ratfish8:26 PM

    How much per candidate did Sarah give?

  38. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Interesting how the republicans NEVER ever complain about the businesses that hire the "illegals".

    Why don't republicans go after those people?
    Because to republicans, businesses can do no wrong.
    They can hire illegals, pollute our air, destroy our water and fishing industries and poison us with salmonella, but all hair and preserve the mighty businesses!
    Keep giving them the tax breaks and the free rides, yes sir, because who makes large donations to republicans?

  39. Annie Goolihy8:43 PM

    The powerful whiff I got was from me throwing up in my mouth. How can these people who demand the government get involved in a private real estate transaction, suggest the state of NY give away land for said transaction, and suggest revising the 14th Ammendment, claim that Obama is "ripping apart the fabric of the Constitution" and favoring "big government over small business"? What would the headlines read if it was Obama's idea to revise the 14th Ammendment, or to donate government land to build a "mosque"? He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. I'm starting to believe that his Presidency will go down in history as one of the most productive. He's not letting himself be distracted from his job by these hypoctrits.

  40. Anonymous8:45 PM

    From the article:

    Childishly Worded Partisan Survey

    Not only is she lying, assuming of course she knows the facts and intentionally misleading registered Republicans, in this particular letter she is continuing her divisiveness and playing on some white Americans sense of entitlement.

    Not only is the survey in factual and just rehashing old talking points but in the letter Sarah Palin alienates Republicans who may not agree with her agenda and she clearly tells them o the behalf of the RNC that they do not want to hear from them. If you are a Tea Party fanatic who wants to “take our country back" then they definitely want to hear from you and your wallet so she can help prop up Republican establishment party picks and perhaps treat big money potential donors to another night out of drinks and strip clubs. What happened to only propping up Palin Tea Party picks? Well, that is the issue, the Tea Party isn’t a party at all, it is the extreme wing of the Republican party that not only represents more of the same policies that create the economic mess inherited by President Obama, but worse is the fact that is also embracing more radical and extremist politicians that talk like they want to start a civil war if they can not have win back power.

  41. hey gryph, do you watch leverage (on TNT)? it's a pretty fun show in general, but last night (8.15) was a bit special! it features a corrupt west virginia mining company that endangers workers for profit, BUT this mine does so by way of a fictional and "bought" attorney general, who looks and dresses just like SP and misuses her PAC funds for personal gain by way of false or dirty mineral rights deals! ('though she is more well spoken, and a bit smarter, heck normal humans all are...., but just as vicious. but she plays "the woman card" and "abuse of power card" clearly. )

    despite being AT not governor, if the character wasn't modeled directly on S palin i will eat my hat! (and i never wear it other than in winter, so it's an old dusty hat too....)

    i believe the this was a clear intentional jab at SP, and that already aired episodes can be viewed online. check it out! it's called "the underground job". very fun..


  42. Anonymous9:08 PM

    This reminds me of another RNC/Resluglican hit piece I saw in 2007 after the Dems whacked the resluglicans for basically being morons and kicking them out of office. That pieced phrased the questions the same way and IF you let yourself fall into their well of lies, only answer their questions one way or throw the whole thing in the trash.

    This piece of sludge - both the letter/begging note for money AND the Swag-Hag's LIE-FILLED-STAFF-WRITTEN-PIECE-OF-GARBAGE (kinda like her) is classic resluglican swill meant to infuriate the nut-bag base and focus them on exactly what the propaganda machine wants them to focus on A NICKEL A SEAT - NOT reality.

    This mouthpiece is NOT a pee-party representative any more?? What happened, did they drop her as a bad habit or just a media moron?? They've now reduced this to a level of even the dirt-poorest folks which they want to keep that way, saying they can't refuse a nickel per congressional seat.. What garbage..

    These resluglican scum-bags have no scruples or morals. These are a loathsome people that deserve all the slime that can be possibly dumped on them..


  43. Anonymous10:26 PM

    I received one of their donation requests w/a questionnaire attached and after reading the questions wrote a note on the top of the page and said I liked and appreciated our new administration and thanked God that McCain and Palin had not be elected. I mailed it back to them with no funds and great satisfaction. Will see if I get this new one w/Palin's letter - if I do, will basically do the same thing. Still don't know why I get their stuff as I'm not a registered "R" and never have been - am undeclared.

  44. My neighbor just showed this to me earlier today. She sent it back with a note that she will never give any money to an organization that uses Palin as a representative. I know many conservatives that feel the same way, including half my family. Are these idiots so stupid as to think she is a legitimate representative of any political party? The only thing she represents is herself.

  45. Anonymous12:42 AM

    $ista $arah better watch out, she is soon going to look like Dr. Laura, all that bitterness causes ugliness.

  46. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Luna, we thought the same thing -- that the corrupt attorney general on "Leverage" was a Palin figure (especially her hair).

  47. Anonymous3:08 AM

    @omomma, it comes with a postage paid envelope. I already sent it back so I don't recall the address, but it was in D.C. I returned it after writing on it that I would not donate because of Palin. I figure I cost the RNC $.44. The least I could do.Those surveys are bogus. They just want stupid people to feel their opinion matters.

  48. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Keep alienating the independents. That works for me. Go Stupid Sarah!

  49. Anonymous3:27 AM

    My pet peeve is with Corporate Welfare. This needs to be brought at front and center to the American people and call it what it is! Some situations are justified but many are not and it goes to heart that public monies is being given to Corporations to sustain them etc... This CW practice needs to be brought into the sunlight for discussion and educating the American people about this Corporate 'entitlement' practice.

  50. On Morning Joe today a pundit (sorry-don't know his name) stated Newt Gingrich is a "political pyromaniac" pouring gasoline on fires he starts.

    I wish he also identified Palin as a political pyromaniac.

    RE: Palin's letter and survey she is incorrect and making false extreme accusations regarding the President is against free markets.

    I have no problem with government haing regulations which protect citizens, the environment, our children and the economy. If a recession bordering on great depression can be prevented and citizens burdened to restore the econmomic balance due to even realtors and lenders's greed and choosing to lie, misinform people to make vast sums of money with no future forsight their actions would ultimately destroy people financially and destroy property values then I am all for their being laws to prevent greedy idiots profiting at the expense of others and future generations.

    Then I consider the source, Palin who believes no rules apply to her.
    How charming she can feign concern of "stabs to the heart" yet does not care when people listen to her and seek to kill people on her basesless depraved lies to deceie people others are demons and she the great protector of the fictional demons she lies, controls the lies and edits her FB to manipulte false perceptions all people are of one mind with her.

    Why no one calls her out on lies e.g. mosque steps will be on the site, "on hallowed ground" is amazing. Anything the POTUS says, Palin will take a scrap of truth and plug it into her spin twisting an unrelated fact into something ...using it all for her self and all against someone else.

  51. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Random: I comparing Trig pics and determined that triggybear looks like the Trig we see today (in family pics...)

    Maybe Trig had to be hospitalized or just kept away from crowd/exposure during the campaign if there really was a diferent baby. Thats understandable

  52. Anonymous4:50 AM

    This type of letter is normally sent by the Chairmen of the committees. So, how much did they have to pay her highness for the use of her name? I will never believe she wrote one word or even that she read it.

  53. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Who is handling her PR? Besides the ugly tone, this is a sloppy piece of work--far too long and repetitive. She didn't take into account that the majority of her supporters are mouth-breathing troglodytes and this will overwhelm them. Plus, she asked them to do math--never a good idea when you are appealing to Republicans.

  54. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Anon at 2:56

    No, Tea Party members do not call themselves "teabaggers". That is a moniker given to them by a member of MSNBC.

    PA John,

    Yes, there have been illegals for a long time, there have also been muderers for a long time. Following your logic then, murderers should not be prosecuted.

    For the rest of you that are always using the "racist" comments, may I remind you that Hispanic is NOT a race. If you want to be grammatically correct and use proper English maybe you should start using "xenophobia". I know that it is probably a hard word for you to spell and will probably have you all racing towards your dictionary, or for the ones that don't own one will look it up in the internet.

  55. Rick Hill6:20 AM

    What an incredibly nasty, and intellectually insulting piece of propaganda!

    That's what I remember from the mailings I received from them, not sure why I got them...
    Contrast that with the DNC mailing I just received. All it did was ask how I thought the President did on this issue or that....Pikers!

  56. Anonymous6:36 AM


    Was there a return envelope included with this letter? If yes, please post it.

    Also, too - for anyone receiving it, if it has prepaid postage, stuff it with monopoly money or newspaper and mail it back. It'll cost the "RNC" the price of the postage if you do that, leaving less for ahem, possible, er, maybe $$ really will be used for candidates.

  57. Randall7:30 AM

    Hey, teabaggers - you don't see the racism in Miss Informer's RNC fundraising letter - AND THAT'S THE PROBLEM: you can't even see it WHEN YOU SEE IT.

  58. To Anonymous @4:40 a.m.
    What form of mental illness would compel someone, anyone, to show off a borrowed baby because the real one was ill?

    Wouldn't normal people just say "Baby can't be here with us because he is ill and Dad/Grandma/big sister is caring for him?"

  59. Anonymous12:11 PM

    And this, folks, is how you get "statistics." This is how FOX has so successfully gotten the poll dogma of "The majority of Americans are against..." into the public's vocabulary. You better believe the RNC is using this poll. But sadly, everyone does it--I've gotten the same kind of weighted surveys unabashedly worded to fish for specific results from Planned Parenthood. Disgusting... (but even more disgusting that we've lost so much discernment that we fall right into these traps...)


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