Sunday, August 08, 2010

So putting the rhetoric from Fox News and Sarah Palin aside, how is our President REALLY doing? I am so glad you asked!

From Daily Kos:

The President has the highest legislative success rate than any president ever in more than 50 years.

This is a President with such a substantial record of legislations, in my mind there will never be another President as competent as this unique President Barack Obama,

We have enough in our bank to counter any concerns of the American people, including the Republicans. If needed, we’ll bring out the entire collection.

Starting with the Stimulus package several policies are contained in the stimulus package, the President saved the nation and the world, here are some of the few policies that we benefited from the stimulus package; bare with me and let’s go through it;

Education- Billions for funding education, $5 billion in new funding for Head Start, $2,500 tax credit to help offset the cost of tuition (among other expenses) for those seeking a college education. Nearly five million families are expected to save $9 billion. In addition to the grants, college kids are actually getting a $ 1000 or more for laptop and school supplies, no excuse folk, education is the key to a successful future, education is top priority on the President’s agenda, "no kids left behind" this is just simply amazing.

Unemployment insurance for up to 99 weeks for the unemployed and modernized state UI programs to cover more of the unemployed.

Large new investments in the safety net, from food stamps (SNAP) to affordable housing to child care
Reform of the Justice Department, including the end of politicized appointments and a dramatic increase in enforcement by the Civil Rights Division

Auto industry rescue, which saved tens of thousands of jobs and stabilized the economies of Michigan and other auto-industry states

Gas mileage improvements, with requirements rising to 35mpg

Stimulus support for transit programs and hybrid / electric vehicle production

Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act (FERA), greatly strengthening protections against mortgage fraud

Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act, protecting against excessive rate increases and other abuses

The Signed the HIRE (Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment) Act, which provides incentives for small businesses and other measures

Stimulus funds for new smart grid investments and so many more.....

The Obama administration has spent $ 9.3 billion on approved 2,500 highway projects. in all 52 states, 260,000 jobs were created from this investment alone) and this year the government is set to approve even more projects than previously envisioned, folks; there will be more money available for additional transportation projects.

And if you enjoyed these examples and want to read more then just click the link at the top of the page.

The next time somebody starts taking shots at our President and then suggests how much better Sarah Palin would be in the White House you ask them, what exactly has SHE done lately for our country?  And then you send them this link.

And that goes for any of those Fox News watching morons who, against all reason, believe that the Republicans have the answers to solve the serious problems confronting our nation today.  You ask them WHAT the GOP did to move this country forward lately, as well as during the eight years of the Bush administration?

You better make sure you have a packed lunch ready.  Because it is going to take them ALL day to think of something.


  1. Olivia4:27 PM

    I don't care what anyone says, I think he is doing a fabulous job. He has accomplished so much in less than 2 years and gets credit for nothing even on the left. It is shameful how he is being maligned. It's like the old story how a black man has to do 10 times the amount of work as a white man to get any credit for it. The right will try to rewrite history but I believe they will never be able to erase the accomplishments of this man. The same thing will happen to a lesser degree once a woman is elected.

  2. Thanks for the post and link. I have directly benefited so much from Obama's legislation, including getting a big tax break from having kids in college, to those kids being able to stay on my health insurance much longer. I had to sit next to a blowhard in Borders talking about how much his freedoms had been taken away under Obama and I finally asked: "what freedoms?" All he could sputter was bailout.

  3. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Now that takes some HUGE 'cojones'. wouldn't you say?

    I don't regret for one second casting my vote for this amazing man. No matter what they do to beat him down, he still shines. Just think, he managed all of this with Fox screeching their insanity 24/7, Limbaugh spewing his filth daily, right wing radio fear-mongering their asses off, Rethugs acting like school kids and the Queen Bully of them all, lobbing her Twitter bombs and Facebooks rants and STILL he shines and makes us proud.

    Thank you Gryphen for posting this article, it makes me feel proud and hopeful to live in this country.

  4. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Amen and Amen....

  5. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Olivia, I agree with you wholeheartedly!

  6. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I couldn't agree more. My only question is why isn't this the loudest message out there and why in the world do the Republicans seem to shout their anti-Obama rhetoric so loud it drowns out the good he has done?

    The bottom line is he has accomplished a great deal in a very ugly political environment. That being said, why do we allow Republicans to control the message.

  7. angela4:55 PM

    The noise on the right is sometimes deafening where this president is concerned. But that's all it is, noise. President Obama will never make the wing nuts happy. And he certainly disappoints Progressives.

    As I am neither--just a plain liberal and realist, I think it's important to throw out the rhetoric, anger and ridiculous expectations and really see what this President has accomplished with a howling right and a sometimes whining left.

    And Olivia is correct about the 10 X amount of work.
    Sad, but true.

  8. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I like our President and I'm not regretting voting for him. My only problem with the post is that there are only 50 states, not 52. Territories are not states.

  9. That's a great one.

    Here's another handy dandy list put together by Shog with a search feature to add to it.

    Obama Administration’s Achievements (Thus Far)

    Suck it crybaby Republicans!!

  10. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Go Pres. Obama! Another proud constituent weighing in here. Obama 2012!

  11. That being said, why do we allow Republicans to control the message.

    The answer can be summed up in 5 words.

    Right wing corporate controlled media.

  12. Anonymous5:27 PM

    President Obama is amazing. He is the real deal (or rill dill as Palin would say if she an honest bone in her body).

    I am so thankful for his leadership.

    Mind you, there are still things I hope he can achieve to undo the harm that the GOP and GWB did to our country, but it has been amazing to see the progress that has been made.

    However, he could not have done this without the support of the people who voted for him. We are all still signing petitions, making calls, writing letters and contributing what we can. Together, we have made a difference, but he has been the one to lead the way and ensure our dreams, hopes and needs are met.

    May he continue doing this for another six years!

  13. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Just think of what he could do if there were moderate Republicans helping him achieve things for the good of the country, for the good of the average American? The mind boggles and the heart hopes it can still happen.

  14. Beldar Kohnhed5:32 PM

    With unemployment unlikely to diminish significantly and the Afghanistan likely to continue unabated into 2012, the challenge is going to be energizing the fickle middle and impatient left to support our president in the voting booth. The narrative of an effective, dynamic and clear-headed chief executive has to be drummed into the citizenry at least 10 times as much as the 'Kenyim, Muslin, Comyoonist, Natzi, Neegrow, Destroyer of Nations" crapola that the opposition slings incessantly. The risk that Palin, Newt, The Huck or any of 'em takes the reins of government is too nauseating to contemplate.

  15. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I am so Proud we have elected Barrack Hussein Obama. He's doing wonderful job despite the noise from the Right Wing Fringe, the Media and many on the Far Left.

    MimiC, I agree, many of us have benefited from the President's legislation, including the brainwashed fringe. My son is able to stay on our health plan until he's 26. My company received tax credits for hiring individuals who have been out of work for more than 60 days. We have received tax credits for 10 new hires so far. I was out of work for a year and half and when I joined my company received a tax credit for hiring me. Also, we have obtained several projects from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

  16. Anonymous5:33 PM

    "Operation NEW DAWN" POTUS bringing the Troops home from Iraq!

    How come no ones talking about this????
    This is HUGE!?!
    Where is Sarah "Welcome home troops?" * Crickets*

  17. None of these accomplishments are screamed out in the hysterical tone of voice that accompanies the idiocracy that gets all the media attention.

    He just goes along managing things so that the screamers barely noticed how their asses have been so saved from the anarchy they so deeply and stupidly want.

  18. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Anon @ 4:50

    I hear you! The inequality of the voices is what gets me the most frustrated.

    The Republicans have been abysmal at actually governing, but they are unparalleled at manipulating the media and the message. The Democrats, on the other hand, are like the camera-shy person who just singlehandedly saved a bunch of toddlers, kittens and puppies from a burning house but insists that it was really nothing! The Dems need to start crowing about their successes and calling the Repubs on their lies.

  19. May we continue to enjoy all the blessings of Team Obama's hard work in securing the future for all of America but, especially the almost forgotten middle class!

  20. Anne In DC5:47 PM

    I have absolutely no regrets about voting for this president, and he has done a great job notwithstanding the efforts of the Party of No.
    So many misguided souls are into instant gratification and are foolish enough to think the Party of No cares about them. Those are the ones who are actually delusional enough to think the Quitter Queen of Alaska would be their salvation, although she has a proven record of not being able to handle either mayoral or gubernatorial responsibilities effective. And this is aside from her record as a shallow, self-absorbed demagogue who only wants to line her pockets with ill-gotten money.

  21. Anonymous5:52 PM

    We need President Obama to keep his pledge for net neutrality or we may not have access to wonderful blogs such as this.

    Use Bing (not Goggle - who with Verizon is ready to close a deal which may endanger net neutrality -fair access for all, not just corporations) to google for petitions to sign. Hurry, the deal is set to go through tomorrow.

    The petitions will be presented to Congress. Some petitions already have nearly two million signatures.

    Help remind President Obama that this is an important issue because through the internet we helped generate enough support to get him elected. We will need it to help ensure he is re-elected!

  22. Gryphen - EXCELLENT posts today.

    THANK YOU for your tremendous efforts and please know that you are appreciated.

    I will show my appreciation via paypal link. ((hugs))

  23. phoebes in santa fe7:03 PM

    I'll echo everyone's sentiments and I can only hope to be on the lawn again of the Capital on January 20th, 2013 to witness another Obama swearing in.

    My problem is with the Progressive Dems, who are disappointed that Obama has not done "enough". The Progressives are as naive in their own way about how the government works as their counterparts on the Right. They seem to feel that Obama merely had to waive his arms and the Progressive agenda would have automatically passed. Just as the wingnuts on the Right who think if Sarah Palin is elected President, that all she'd have to do is wave her arms and we'd return to the good old days of the 1950's (or in some cases, to the good old days of the 1850's!).

    I can deal with the idiocy from the Right - it's their job to criticise Obama - but I just can't stand it when it comes from OUR OWN SIDE!

    Obama has done a stellar job so far digging us out of the mess of the previous eight years of Bush/Cheney. Thanks for publishing his list of accomplishments.

  24. Anonymous8:11 PM

    President Obama represents sure represents me more than Palin over will/does/can! - His leadership, integrity, wisdom is outstanding... despite the party of No, he managed to get some important legislation passed. It's a new century, and Bush, McCain, Palin, etc. are pre-historic. I hope the younger generation keep this train moving. My grandson was the first in the family to introduce us to then Senator Obama... and he lives in the small town of Homer. He has internet buds across the country who talk politics. Lately the young buds are saying what a retard Palin is. In 2012, they will be 18 yrs old- voting age. YES! :-)

  25. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Believe it or not, the Quitter Queen was actually right about one thing - during the campaign she told a crowd that God wouldn't let the wrong people win.
    She got that right !

  26. Linda Arizona9:05 PM

    Seeing President Obama's smiling, kind hearted face and reading your post of his accomplishments so far inspires hope and optimism for this lefty.

    If we all vote and encourage our Democratic friends to vote, then let the noisemakers screech in their own echo chamber. They won't succeed as long as we stay active.

    Gonna sleep better knowing Mr. Obama is on the job!


  27. President Obama is doing a fabulous job considering all the crap he has to deal with on a daily basis. I am saddened by the fact that he must work extra hard because the party of NO would love nothing better than to bring him down. I am very proud of my president and support him 110%.

  28. DetroitSam9:17 PM

    The Republicans control the message because the excuses for journalist don't hide the fact that their goal is to help them undermine the President and try to discredit him. How else can you describe what passes for journalist on the major networks, (except for KO, RM, and ES). The reason Giuliani made that comment about "no terrorist attacks against this country under the Bush administration" is because he knew that Stephonolopus would not allow his to get away with it.

    Every day we see the faces of very same bloated republicans who have obstructed the President since day one on network and cable TV where they are allowed to say any outrageous thing they choose. No fact checking. No followup questions.

    Don't forget the right-wing newspapers and even those that are not supposed to be right-wing to report the news neglect to actually report the news. So many people don't even know enough to look up information on the internet or they are lazy or just don't care.

    McCain, DeMint, McConnell, Hatch, Richard Shelby, Gingrich, John Bohner, Buchannan, Limbaugh, Beck, Dick Army, Hannity, Eric Cantor, Lieberman, Liz and Dick Cheney, Mitt, Rudy, Palin and a whole slew of republicans, right-wingers and tea baggers appear on these shows or have their own to bash President Obama with very few comments in his defense from many who call themselves progressives and liberals. Or even from members of ther Democratic Congress.

    These people are given free reign to the TV airwaves.

    John McCain has been the favorite on most networks. He is a bitter old man who cannot accept the fact that a BLACK MAN is the President of these United States. He believes this the Presidency belongs to him. He is wasting the years he has left destroying whatever legacy was he is supposed to have built. He has not offered a single solid solution to any of the problems we face in this country. That is because he has no solutions. His goal is to try to undermine President Obama in any way he can.

    McCain, the republicans and what passes for main stream media in this country are trying to undermine the Presidency of President Obama. This is why the so many Americans are totally clueless about what President Obama has accomplished.

    (forgive my long rant, but this is something that really fries my liver)

  29. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Wait... ***52*** states?!?!?

    uhhh..... was this written by Sarah Palin in a fit of honesty?

  30. Anonymous9:22 PM

    President Obama is doing a FANTASTIC TREMENDOUS job. His accomplishments in the past 18 -19 months surpass all expectations and they have all been accomplished inspite of the "Party of No."

    You rock, President Obama. Happy Birthday!

  31. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Our President is doing a great job in one of the most caustic and divisive political atmospheres that I have known. I have so much respect and admiration for this man who keeps on going with all the negative and hateful rhetoric that is thrown at him daily and non-stop. I can't wait to see who will run against him in 2012. I don't see a viable candidate and I hope it won't be miss Quitty Pants on Fire. If it is, it will surely be a landslide win for him and a smackdown of all SMACKDOWNS for Ms. Palin.

  32. Anonymous10:27 PM

    President Obama is doing an amazing job in the face of unprecedented obstruction and naked bias/jealousy/hate from the GOP.

    When I was in my medical residency program, only 10% were women, and in my fellowship program, only 1% were women. I had to work twice as hard and be twice as smart to get the same respect as my male colleagues. And I did. My experience gives me an acute appreciation of how difficult the situation is for PO who not only has an intrinsically very difficult job, but he's doing it against added biases and pressures that previous presidents didn't have to deal with. Kudos to PO.

  33. Anonymous11:05 PM

    All the responses here have been articulate, heartfelt, and inspiring. I just wanted to say how proud I am to be part of this amazing group of people. Thank you, Gryph for providing us with great material, and thank you to all the commenters for their support and insight.

  34. Anonymous12:45 AM

    I am also very proud of President Obama. He and Michelle are so classy - especially when compared to the likes of Limbaugh, Beck and Palin!

    I suggest that supportive notes be sent to him at the White House. I am truly hopeful that he and Michelle are so busy that they don't see or hear the crap that is said about one of them on a daily basis.

  35. kdusmdd1:35 AM

    LOVE LOVE our President Obama

  36. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Likala is correct. That is why ignorance is rewarded, and individuals who want to be a good reporter are shunned, or fired.

  37. Anonymous6:00 AM

    I agree with Olivia also about blacks and women needing to do 10 times the work to get any credit. I'll add that if thrown in the mix the loud mouths seeking to obtain power to dominate who braodcast and tweet with the goals to undermine, obstruct, degrade, character assassinate and their lack of effort to address issues and problems, do the work of problem solving, the POTUS shall be damned if he does and damned if he does not.

    Following facts about issues we know the Party of No is often in faor of something. If the President is also in favor they shall demonize him assigning a malicious intent to maintain their story he is "destroying" the country evening blaming only him for the deficit before he became POTUS.

    MimiC: by asking questions as you did at Borders there is a chance a person might stop and think. The fear mongering lie "take away your freedoms" has resulted in persons even actig out lies are real enraged Obama shall take away their right to fish or the infamous Obama is planning to murder yuor parents and kill your infants..see Trig..Obama is going to have our children put to death..yeah Saint Sarah shall save us from the devil himself. The demon she invented pathalogically lying.

    There shall remain an element of society of persons who lack accountability and responsiblity in their personal lives. They are vulnerable to propaganda, it works for them so they aren't responsible for thinking or what they believe. Such people are also black and white thinkers, dividing people and the world as either good or bad. Any fact or lie that maintains their cognitive distortions and dysfunction to them is 'truth'. lol if Palin lies their business is Halbut fishing...she has been busting her ass on a fishing business this summer..the weak minded delete the fact the Palins are doing a reality show. They will delete fact about the Salmon business. At C4P they do have principals about reality shows so they simply lied to themselves it is a documentary equivalent to Discovery Channel's finest documentaries.

    I respect Obama's tenacity and ability to maintain his integrity to honor his goals he campaigned on and not quit due to the diversity, hate, fear mongering and enormity of underming and sabbotage at the expense of we citizens.

    I respect his efforts to obtain compromise so both parties get a win, collaborate to solve complex problems and restore the economy and upholding education is a strength that distinguishes underdeveloped countries so the US not become out paced by smaller countries i.e as individuals and a nation we strive for improvement. There are those who need to control and defend being the 'best' number one superiority in all things instead of what they claim being real.

  38. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I post a link to this article on my facebook page with an innocuous comment about how it made one think and thinking was a good thing. I was assailed almost immediately by a right winger. Thank goodness for Buddhist teachings or I would have gone off.
    M from MD


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