Saturday, September 04, 2010

Bristol keeps up the family tradition and lies on national television.

Now the first lie (0.30 in the video) is that Sarah is out hunting.  That is highly doubtful as the Vanity Fair piece outed the fact that she did not hunt (I have heard that from various sources as well), AND she was reported to have been in California with Willow.

The second lie ( at the 1:20 mark) is that Bristol is still working at the dermatologist office in Anchorage.  I know for an absolute certainty that she has not worked there since before she and Levi hooked back up.

The third lie (at 2:20), and the one that has everybody all atwitter, is that she did not attend her prom because she was pregnant.  According to Sadie neither Levi NOR Bristol wanted to go to their prom in 2008, in fact Bristol was not even a student at Wasilla High at that time.  She was supposed to be attending school at West High in Anchorage, but she had mysteriously dropped out. And if she WAS pregnant with Tripp at that time she could only have been a few days pregnant and it is somewhat doubtful that she would have even known yet. (In Vanity Fair Levi says they told Sarah that Bristol was pregnant on May 4.)

And if the theory about her being Trig's mother were true than she would have given birth to him the day before the Wasilla prom which took place on April 19th.  However I am certain that she did not.

Here is Mercede all dressed up to attend that prom in 2008 with a, clearly not dressed for dancing, Bristol Palin. Does she look pregnant to you?

Now if Bristol was talking about the 2009 prom, that would have taken place AFTER she had Tripp on December 27, 2008.  So obviously she was not pregnant then either.

According to People magazine Bristol "graduated" on May 15, 2009 which would essentially mean NO MORE PROMS!  So unless Bristol is talking about missing the 2007 prom, when she would have been a sophomore at Juneau-Douglas High School, then Bristol lied to Jay Leno on national television about missing her prom due to pregnancy. 

Like mother, like daughter.  I bet Sarah is just beaming with pride.


  1. Ratfish4:17 PM

    Someone should tell Bristol that there is something called "THE INTERNET."

    It has repeatedly exposed one Sarah Palin lie after another- from elopement to bridge to nowhere to Troopergate to family travel at public expense to illegal the Palin Family Slush Fund.

    And it will expose Bristol as a serial liar if she persists.

  2. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Go figure.

  3. nswfm4:35 PM

    Perpetual pregnancy machine?

    "Bristol lied to Jay Leno on national television about missing her prom due to pregnancy" is more like she lied to the national TV audience. And the blogosphere and the twitter universe.

  4. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Hey guys,
    As poorly as she is at acting, and most likely dancing, telling jokes is not her thing either, but clearly, she was trying to make a funny about her mom hunting since the VF piece was picking on her for not being a hunter. I felt certain that Jay's writers came up with than one for her to break the ice and try to be funny with a fairly innocuous subject. To suggest she was actually serious about her mom currently hunting, and we here on this blog are trying to make it out to be a lie, kinda makes us look foolish--don't ya think? It has been confirmed that she was in LA with Bristol. Let's not stoop to their level. Who cares anyway if $P does or does not hunt, she tells plenty of other more serious lies that we can hold her feet to the fire.

  5. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Sarah Palin will do the mama grizzly spin on Bristol's blunder.

  6. The first comment about Sarah out hunting was I thought a snipe at Vanity Fair.
    Parlin being what she is??
    I could imagine her telling Bristol.
    If Leno asks you what I am doing ?
    Tell him I am out Caribou hunting.

  7. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Thanks, Gryphen, for answering the question about the Office Manager, and how she has managed that job from Wasilla.

    Second, Bristol's statement about not going to her prom because she was pregnant does not relate to a time when she was pregnant with Tripp. He was born in December, and she could have gone to the proms in 2008 and 2009 without any problem. Not Tripp.

    I wish that you have expanded the idea about Bristol missing her prom because she was pregnant. Leno was specific when he asked she went to her (Bristol's) prom. And, she seemed to go to different high schools, including home schooling (which doesn't usually have a prom).

    Many of us who were fans of Palin Deceptions considered the possibility that Bristol gave birth to Trig earlier than the stated date of April 18. If she had given birth a few weeks before, he might have been in a neonatal care unit, and Bristol may have been lactating and pumping milk to feed him. Under those circumstances, she wouldn't go to a prom. And, if she had given birth, even at the beginning of April, she wouldn't have been in good shape to go to a prom. Drive over to someone's house and pose for pictures, fine, but not an evening of being on your feet dancing.

    In any case, Bristol hasn't done herself any favors with that statement. She may not have been pregnant anymore, but she was still being punished for screwing up her mother's political ambitions, so the comment still works, I couldn't go to the prom because I was pregnant....and I gave birth to a baby....and I couldn't go....and my mother wouldn't let me....and I was pumping milk... because I was (had been) pregnant.

  8. London Bridges4:51 PM

    I recall seeing some pregnant looking pictures of Bristol in March or April of 2009. Comments around that time said she must have been post-partum. Could this be why Levi was dumped shortly after Tripp's birth, so he wouldn't know about the 2009 pregnancy?

  9. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Want a little giggle? Go to

    The title of Gross's article on Sarah Palin on the front cover of the UK version of Vanity Fair is priceless:

    "Smears, Lies,& Big Speaking Fees. Inside Sarah Palin, Inc."

    I sort of like that as much, if not more than Sound & Fury (the US title) because it is just as accurate more to the point of the real problem with her.

  10. Facebook Lurker5:03 PM

    So we know conclusively that Bristol was not pregnant for prom 09, and barely 5 weeks pregnant for prom 08 if we assume Tripp was born on Dec 28, 2008 at full term, certainly not pregnant enough to be unable to wear a pro

    So why the lie? Did Jay's writers come up with that to get a laugh, or is Bristol just that clueless ? I find it fascinating that the Palins lie so easily and often.

  11. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I'm not convinced she's lying, because it slipped out so readily (in contrast to the way she searched for an answer as to what, exactly, her mother was hunting). Yeah, I know lying can come as easily as breathing, but there was something about that delivery that was so, so natural.

    So let's consider the possibility she is telling the truth. Are there any other 2008 proms she might have been thinking of instead of the Wasilla High one? If she wasn't attending Wasilla High in 2008, would she have considered that prom "her prom"?

    Also, I seem to remember from the deep dark reaches of the Palin Deceptions site that the picture of Mercedes is not the Wasilla High prom. Maybe Colony? What date was that?

    Clearly, Bristol wasn't pregnant for any 2009 proms ... I don't think. That WOULD be a story if she were.

  12. Anonymous5:08 PM

    dmoreno56: No, I don't think she was kidding about the remark. If she was, she is really, truly has no talent at all - not even for basic kidding.

    I will give her youth as an excuse for being so poorly prepared to hide her lack of skill.

    However, that she violated the custody agreement by disparaging Levi is not to be excused. She may not have said those things in front of her son, but that clip will be around for a long time. She took their son away from an area where he could visit him per the custody terms. She will be in LA for a while just practicing let alone filming. She should be chastise by the court. If Levi's attorney has an ounce of professional ethics and talent, he should lodge a complaint this coming week.

  13. Anonymous5:10 PM

    To the person who wanted to downplay Bristol's lies, I simply want to point out that she is being paid to be a spokesperson and role model for teens by Candie's. She is getting paid to give speeches on abstinence and being a good mother.

    She is an adult making adult choices - mostly bad ones. She is fair game not because she is Sarah Palin's daughter, but because she is violating the standards she is being paid to represent.

  14. I was really hoping that Sarah had indeed dragged the TLC crew off to get her some huntin' creds. The concept makes me giggle.

  15. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Bristol worked at the Drs office pretty much through July if I remember correctly from her facebook. Her last day I believe was in that last week of July maybe the 3rd week. But she was working when she got "engaged".

    I think the pregnancy/prom debacle was due to the fact that it's less embarrassing to annoucement a pregnancy (which the public knows about) than annoucement not being in school. I think her and Levi weren't in school due to fighting among classmates.

    Did you hear about the chick at Colony that was beaten up due to cheating. She stood there and took the beating from the other chick. the Valleys a charming place aint it. and remember, that myspace message about whomever wanting to fight BRistol for Lanesia occurred in the fall of 07. which leads me to believe B and Levi were never serious before they dropped out of formal education. esp since in May 08, theres myspace evidence to suggest that B was still talking to Johnny and Levi was pissed at J. check out Sadie's myspace wall.

    Yeah, I have a feeling Levi was another notch on B's bedpost

  16. Gryphen, there is a KTUU picture of the Palin family leaving thru the back door of Mat-Su Hospital in the afternoon of April 19, 2008.

    Todd (carrying Trig), Sarah, Willow, Piper and Bristol. In this picture, Bristol looks just she does in the one you have posted.

  17. Anonymous5:33 PM

    So unless Bristol is talking about missing the 2007 prom, when she would have been a sophomore at Juneau-Douglas High School, then Bristol lied to Jay Leno on national television about missing her prom due to pregnancy.

    Hmmm, doing some old style math (using fingers & toes). Mid April 2007 prom times to mid-late January 2008 would be 9 months (the 40 week version), tying in a bit to the thought that Trig was not born in April 2008, but earlier. Think about his size, yet he was an at-risk preemie, and all the speculation surrounding the miracle release not even 48 hours after birth, then showing up at "mom's" job only a few more days later.

    So, Ms. Bristol would have been obviously showing by October/November 2007. Wasn't that around the time she did her "disappearing" act?

    Interesting kettle of stinkin' fish (perhaps of the dead fish/flow variety).

    Anyone up for checking this out?

    PMom (GA)

  18. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Ginger: "Gryphen, there is a KTUU picture of the Palin family leaving thru the back door of Mat-Su Hospital in the afternoon of April 19, 2008.

    Todd (carrying Trig), Sarah, Willow, Piper and Bristol. In this picture, Bristol looks just she does in the one you have posted."

    Hmmm. Link, please?

  19. Anonymous6:14 PM

    To Ginger, are you sure you're not talking about the video of the Palins entering the church that was set on fire? Todd's carrying Trig, Bristol pregnant, Piper and a girl who doesn't appear to be Willoe (too tall) but is assumed to be her

  20. Anonymous6:37 PM

    One more lie, I believe. Bristol states somewhere in the Leno interview that she worked as the office manager at the dermatologist's office. I doubt it. The best I can envision is that she was the receptionist.

  21. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Like mother, like daughter.

  22. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Palins lie like ducks quack.

    Apparently it can do them no harm.

  23. BAustin7:02 PM

    I am not sure...,I don't think Bristol is "lying" but rather expressing reality in palinville.

    Remember this poor girl has grown up with a mother who is mentally insane!

  24. I did not watch her appearance because I have made it a point to not watch The Grifter or the Griftette on any shows to keep my sanity and also, too, because I don't wish to give them any clicks or ratings. I appreciate the comments from others who took one for the team, though.

    Sadly, I don't think anything will come of this little "oopsie" from the Griftette because nothing came of the other "oopsie" during the email hacking trial where she said she was distraught to find pictures of her baby (even though he wasn't even born yet).

    The bottom line is nothing this family lies about it is EVER challenged by anyone, media or otherwise ... so the ruse continues and they keep doing it because it works.

    Until someone comes forward with proof and the balls to expose this bitch once and for all, she will continue harming this country.

    And I don't see it happening, alas.

    We're screwed.

  25. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I believe she worked here:
    Alaska Dermatology & Laser Center

  26. Anonymous7:16 PM

    aside from the not-surprising fact that she's a habitual liar, my real question is how in the hell are her agents getting her all these gigs? There is nothing interesting about her. She is nobody and nothing. Is there really one person in America that gives a rat's arse what she has to say?

    MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!

    - kellygrrrl

  27. I'm having a delayed reaction.

    Gryphen - Are you saying you're certain Bristol didn't give birth to Trig or that you're certain she didn't give birth on April 18th?

    And if you can go one step further, is your certainty based on any other first-person sources besides Mercede and Sherry Johnston and what they've previously stated?

  28. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Anonymous 5:oopm wrote
    Think about his size, yet he was an at-risk preemie, and all the speculation surrounding the miracle release not even 48 hours after birth, then showing up at "mom's" job only a few more days later.

    If Trig was an at-risk preemie, He must have stay in the hospital for over a month, before coming home in April... Someone above mention the Palins were seen leaving the hospital on April 19, 2008 with Trig... An at-risk preemie with DS wouldn't have been release the next day, after being born... and the mother would have been wheeled out of the hospital, not walking out. One of my niece was a healthy preemie, and she stayed in the hospital for a month before coming home. Trig could have been born in March or February, but wasn't released from the hospital till April 19... This is probably why Sarah had to rush home.

    Bristol is too much like her mother, A lying wonder...

  29. Lies or not, the Joe Six Packs and Mama Grizzlies of the nation are praying (probably daily, and quite piously) for a Palin/North ticket come 2012.

    The (Postponed) Wisdom of Oliver North

  30. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Anyone who will lie under oath in a court room will anywhere, anytime, about anything and to anyone.

  31. Anonymous7:41 PM

    FB friend: Hi (name), Did you see Bristol Palin on the "Tonight Show" yesterday. She seems really cool, I think she was kinda nervous though. She cracked a few jokes about being in the public eye and stuff. Can't wait to see her on "DWTS".
    3 hours ago · View Feedback (1)Hide Feedback (1)

    FB friend: NO! I totally missed it. She even said it on her fb to watch. Oops! Maybe I can find it online. I'm glad she was cool on there. She does get nervous in interviews - but who wouldn't!, so that's good. I sure hope she does well on DWTS. The media is making her out to be a spoiled brat and it saddens me because she is the complete, humbled opposite. Anyway, nice to hear from you! Hope all is well! :)
    2 hours ago

  32. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Miss you!
    July 30 at 5:44pm · View Feedback (3)Hide Feedback (3)

    FB friend
    Miss you too, pretty lady! Miss the office yet? Haha
    July 30 at 5:47pm
    Haha yes! Its so weird now having something fully occupuying my time! I want to go back! Haha
    July 30 at 5:52pm
    FB friend
    Hahahaha NOOOO!!! Don't do it! Haha jk. When do you leave for your adventure?
    July 30 at 5:54pm

  33. Anonymous7:45 PM

    today's my last day at work for a while!!!! i'm going to go travel, i wish you were still up here :( we miss you
    July 23 at 5:06pm · View Feedback (4)Hide Feedback (4)

    FB friend
    Oh wow!! Where are you going to travel? For your speaches, or with Levi? Will you be in Atlanta soon? You have to tell me when and I'll come see you!
    July 23 at 5:10pm
    Not with Levi, just getting out of AK for a while :) .. Just baby and I.. I think I have speeches lined up in ATL soon!!! We definetly have to meet up!! How Madelyn?!
    July 23 at 5:13pm
    FB friend
    Well I wish you the best!! Madelyn is good. She's still in MN but is ready to come back, or just be with us again. We think we may have found a house in Augusta. So we're meeting the people on Mon. Things are good :) I miss our chats at work. :(
    July 23 at 5:20pm
    i know! i miss looking over the printer to chat with you! we miss you so much here!!!!
    July 23 at 5:34pm

  34. Anonymous7:49 PM

    7:16, Bristol has been approached by the networks. That is customary for gigs like these. Just like for her speeches. I don't believe Bristol has any agents. We do know from FB she was in LA early July/late June for some work. She took Tripp only

  35. Anonymous8:09 PM

    They are beefing up Bristol's resume in citing "Office Manager" so that they can boast of her executive experience when she runs for Mayor of Wasilla against Levi.

  36. Anonymous8:24 PM

    7:07 PM

    That's what I thought. Why is it a secret?

    I have a friend that worked in a dermatologist office and she says they are crass now. All well and good if you need them for legit reasons but it is so much about the botox now. They don't need to push that on women to make sales.

  37. Anonymous8:53 PM

    curiouser, I have been wondering the same thing. Thanks for asking for clarification. You asked awhile ago, though. Seems like we might not get an answer.

  38. Anonymous8:55 PM

    I'm thinking there is another baby somewhere belonging to Bristol. She is unaccounted for a period of time & out of school. Don't think it is Trig, cause young women rarely have Downes Syndrome babies. This "mystery" baby could have been born around the same time as Trig. Bristol does look a little thick in pictures during that time. Lying all the time can be confusing & I think she gets mixed up about pregnancies & babies when she talks.In court, she said the computer had her baby's only picture, but he wasn't born yet?

  39. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Bristol might not have been lying about Sarah being out hunting. She was out hunting...hunting for people to fleese them out of their hard earned bucks.

    Hey it sure beats working for a living. And we all know Sarah doesn't like working!

  40. Belly Pad9:33 PM

    Thank you for this post Gryphen.
    Damn Palins can't even remember their lies to keep it straight! The evil f*&$%rs!

    Seriously, they are evil, who knows whom they've had killed to cover up their countless lies? What happened to the baby with the ruffled ear?

  41. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    They are beefing up Bristol's resume in citing "Office Manager" so that they can boast of her executive experience when she runs for Mayor of Wasilla against Levi.

    Reply: Never thought of that. Her resume is long and impressive:

    Office manager
    Owner of Public Relations company
    Human Reproduction Specialist
    Motivational Speaker
    Home Owner *paid in full
    Car owner *paid in full
    Mother of ?

    All at the tender age 18 (and under)

  42. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Some people seem to believe all the questions and answers were completely spontaneous. I find that very hard to believe. I wouldn't be surprised if Mama Grizzly herself prescreened the questions, and coached Bristol on the answers. I don't watch late night talk shows often, but when I do, it's obvious the guests have some say in the questions they want to be asked. But typically there are some follow-up or unexpected questions. Leno was obviously sticking to the script.

    Who sent Bristol the text? Was it DWTS? How did they get her number? Was it her agent? Why would an "office manager" (slash administrative assistant slash receptionist) need an agent? Was it Mommy Dearest? Was it before or after Bristol bristled at Levi's reality show scheme?

    According to Anonymous @5:13, it must have been before. You must have more info, Anon. Don't hold out on us!

  43. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Thanks Anon @5:13. Your comments must have been approved while I was writing mine.

    As for Bristol testifying about her baby's picture in the hacking trial, I thought I read somewhere it was an ultrasound picture. Or is that just a cover-up?

  44. Anonymous10:04 PM

    A word about talk shows, and Bristol's comments. There is a person who does a pre-screening,before the show, talking with the guest and developing things that the host will want to talk about with the guest. It also gives the writers a fast minute to come up with some funny off the cuff jokes to make the host look good.

    Normally, the little index card has clues such as "interesting vacation last summer," "episode with a leaking toilet," or "they got a pet iguana." Then, with great interest, the host leans forward and, surprise, asks if the guest has been any where interesting, and did they bring back any strange pets? You found him where, in a leaking toilet? The audience goes wild.

    Of course Bristol knew what was going to be asked, and DWTS has some say in promoting their show. They even supplied the real dancer (too bad that Bristol really didn't join in).

    The remark that was really out of place was Jay's response when Bristol said that she couldn't dance, she was awkward and had no rhythm. He turned it into a joke about not using the rhythm method so she got pregnant. The joke fell flat.

    Please don't tell me that it was a question out of the blue, asking Bristol if she went to her prom. She didn't, and she might have been prepared with a different answer, but I remember Bristol's interview with Greta when Bristol said, emphatically, that she decided to keep the baby. Maybe this was Bristol's one bold little move not to follow mommy's orders. Gryphen told us that they do have issues. And, if we forgot, there was that one week engagement that Sarah didn't approve of.

    Say, by the way, the last time they had to get rid of Levi, somebody got bought off with a big new car. What is the chance that this time, Sarah lowered the hammer on Levi, promising Bristol that she could have this fun trip to California, and earn money, too.

  45. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I would have second thoughts about doing business at any place that hires Bristol Palin as an 'office manager'. Doesn't show any common sense.

  46. Anon 8:53PM

    With no clarification from Gryphen, I guess nothing has changed since the last related comment (found under the 'babygate' tag), from the July 24, 2010 post, “Andrew Sullivan has chosen to step away...”

    “It all seemed pretty cut and dried back when I was convinced Bristol was the mother, but now the evidence points toward another source.”

  47. @Anon at 8:55

    80% of Down Syndrome babies are born to mothers 35 and younger. 80%.

    From Wikipedia:
    "Maternal age influences the chances of conceiving a baby with Down syndrome. At maternal age 20 to 24, the probability is one in 1562; at age 35 to 39 the probability is one in 214, and above age 45 the probability is one in 19.[73] Although the probability increases with maternal age, 80% of children with Down syndrome are born to women under the age of 35,[74] reflecting the overall fertility of that age group."

    (I've read similar statistics from the National Down Syndrome Society).

    A way of understanding these statistics is, all other things being equal, if you have an pregaant 18 year old and a pregnant 44 year old, the odds of having a baby with Down Syndrome are much greater for the 44 year old. However, the odds of the 44 year old getting pregnant in the first place are much, much less than the odds of the 18 year old getting pregnant. Especially when the husband of the 42 year old sleeps in a recliner.

  48. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Re: Bristol's employment at the Doctor's office - -

    Somewhere, I have forgotten when, where, or from whom, but someone mentioned that she was employed to work at the office (after hours) as a 'house-keeper', a maid, a janitor -- or 'what-not'.

    Whichever would seem more dignified, but still a little less impressive that being an 'office manager', also too!!! :o)

  49. Anonymous11:08 PM

    I have to say I can't figure this girl out. Sometimes she is as skinny as a rail with hardly any breast then we see her chubby with huge breast then she is skinny and finally she is chubby again. What is going on? I have had three kids and my weight never fluctuated that much. I also think she is breaking the rules of the custody agreement we she makes fun of her baby daddy on national TV. She should be ashamed of herself.

  50. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Bristol would have been 2 months pregnant in May if she delivered in December.Pregnant in March...
    1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 months pregnant.

    Review your math.

  51. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Bristol states somewhere in the Leno interview that she worked as the office manager at the dermatologist's office. I doubt it. The best I can envision is that she was the receptionist.

    6:37 PM

    That's a typo...she's an orifice manager. (Sorry, couldn't resist)

  52. The Vanity Fair article was excellent. Whoopie-do about the mistaken identity of baby in stroller. A drop in the bucket compared to the avalanche of Palin clan's planned deceptions.
    I have grown weary of motives post national attention as 'authorities' on Palin or Alaska and inconsistencies of Shannyn and Jeanne. Inflated egos due to national spotlight as Palin coat-tail consultants for MSM have clouded the importance of gaining and exposing the truth about Palin. Can't always wait for the smoking gun, spent bullet and eye withnesses. Some bloggers take risks after research such as yourself, Palingates and Palindeception blogs.
    Thank you for this blog and also to Mr. Gross. Holding my breathe for McGinnis and Dunne's books.

  53. To: Anon 5:57 PM

    Sorry, don't have a link. I can tell you this: Lori Tipton, KTUU, and her crew were camped across the street. They took the pictures of the Palins leaving thru the back door of the hospital.

    It goes way back, but Palingates has a copy of an e-mail from Lori telling us she was camped across the street when the Palins walked out.

    To: Anon 6:14 PM

    Yes, I'm sure it wasn't the video of them going into the church. Funny, you should mention this. I purchased a CD of this program from an affiliate of KTUU (Quality Services).

    They blew up the video and it shows Bristol, Todd, Willow, Piper and the niece (no Trig) going into the church/school. They cut out the part where Bristol turns her head to the left and spots the camera.

    To me, it looked like they did something to the video in four places to slow down her gait. Now, this was Dec. 15, 2008. Twelve days before she supposedly gave birth to Tripp.

    When the video starts out, she is several feet behind the family. She sees the camera to her left and takes off thru the "ice and snow." Her hands were in her pockets pushing the front of her jacket out which had to hinder her balance.

    She ran ahead of everyone into the church/school. For someone 8-l/2 months pg, with no one aiding or helping her, I thought it was amazing.

  54. Anonymous3:21 AM

    on FB someone dumb kid (who's parents probably instilled in him to hate Sarah) is wearing a tshirt that says "shut the fuck up" over a pic of Sarah. His status and comments to it read:

    Chancie (last name not disclosed) It's my shirt, so fuck you.
    10 hours ago ·

    Austin Webre Its a good shirt! Lol
    10 hours ago
    Nicoli Cederholm i dont care if it has heroin on it.
    10 hours ago ·

    Willow It's my mom, so f you
    7 hours ago

  55. Anonymous3:41 AM

    There's only one moment in Bristol's People interview that actually sounds heartbreakingly real. She admits that she skipped her prom — " I don't have that kind of time. And the dress is, like, $400, and the shoes, hair, makeup, it's way too expensive." "People" magazine, May 21, 2009

  56. London Bridges3:58 AM

    One thing that is interesting about Bristol's "official" pregnancy which allegedly was April-December 2008 is that I have never seen a picture of her that showed her really pregnant. The convenience store picture and others could have been bulky clothes.

    On the the other hand, we've rarely seen any pictures of Bristol where she clearly was NOT pregnant.

  57. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Anonymous 5:oopm wrote
    Think about his size, yet he was an at-risk preemie, and all the speculation surrounding the miracle release not even 48 hours after birth, then showing up at "mom's" job only a few more days later.

    If Trig was an at-risk preemie, He must have stay in the hospital for over a month, before coming home in April... Someone above mention the Palins were seen leaving the hospital on April 19, 2008 with Trig... An at-risk preemie with DS wouldn't have been release the next day, after being born... and the mother would have been wheeled out of the hospital, not walking out. One of my niece was a healthy preemie, and she stayed in the hospital for a month before coming home. Trig could have been born in March or February, but wasn't released from the hospital till April 19... This is probably why Sarah had to rush home.

    Bristol is too much like her mother, A lying
    I think this explanation makes the most sense--Trig is not the age they say he is---and you are right, how in the world would a hospital allow a premie DS baby, OF THE Govenors no less, to go home so quickly. NO WAY. Me thinks Bristol slipped up big time.

  58. Anonymous4:03 AM

    I remember reading in sadie's post at the 2nd breakup that Bristol left a txt msgg on Levi's phone stating that she was hoping he was not the father of Tripp. This leaves the possiblity that B was sleeping around and tripp is not levi's son. No one is talking about that, did I miss something somewhere, where that information was clarified and found to be NOT The case? It sure seems to be a rather important detail to this whole thing. Especially since LEVI has to come up with so much child support. Can someone please comment and set me straight.

  59. London Bridges4:14 AM

    I could only watch 1:24. Bristol looked ratty, vacuous and like she had sucked a lemon backstage. Maybe it was the pressure from the iron corset. Poor Bristol!

  60. Anonymous4:41 AM

    The biggest problem for me about Trigg is that he has DS. Young girls typically do not have this issue, but I just learned that the "older" father can pass this on to the baby as well. I wonder who might actually be Triggs daddy. Does anyone know if Bristol was hanging out with any older men? Raped? Incest? I have not seen this brought up yet. It seems, based on the text I spoke about before, that she admits to sleeping around. A different daddy for Trigg might help explain the early 2008 pregnancy. When did $cara announce that the baby had DS? Maybe they did not know Trig had DS and that is why he was born where he was. Why would they test B for DS? Just a thought. I am likely missing a very obvious point, but I am still learning about the facts. Feel free to set me straight.

  61. Anonymous5:03 AM

    After looking at RadarOnline pictures of Bristol leaving dance practice.. how can anyone say she is good looking?

    She looks better in some pictures where the angle does not show her recessed chin and her double chin.

    Bristol almost has more chins than a Chinese phone book.

  62. I've always thought that the picture was telling: dressy Mercede sweetly taking the time on the way to prom to visit a friend who has been up all night with a newborn baby.

  63. Anonymous5:38 AM

    9:45, an ultrasound explanation sounds like a lame coverup... i don't remember an ultrasound being photoshopped...only that iconic image of mother and special needs child prop.

    how would/could they have known a picture was taken unless it was made public? it isn't as if when a copy is made it automatically deletes the original leaving a note saying "i was stolen." sheesh!

    do YOU remember any ultrasound pics on the web? i don't.

  64. Anonymous6:17 AM

    i think she lied about being pregnant at prom time for a much sadder reason. She didn't want to say that she never had a prom because going to school was so unimportant in her life. I mean, from all accounts this poor girl rarely, if ever, showed up at a schoolhouse door. There's a lot of flim flam about homeschooling, moving schools, but in reality, she basically has a GED.

    BUT she did lie.

  65. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Wasilla High School's prom was in April 2008, based on a 2008 prom photo gallery in ADN; one 2008 blog post placed it on April 19, and "properties" for the ADN photos dates them to April 22, likely the day the paper processed/posted them. This was a Tuesday, which makes April 19 plausible. Other regional high schools had their proms in April 2008, as well.

    According to a 2009 article in PEOPLE magazine, "Bristol found out she was pregnant at the beginning of May last year, just weeks after her mother, then 44, gave birth to her fifth child--son Trig.",,20282000,00.html

    Tripp Palin was born December 27, 2008. According to Chuck Heath, Bristol's due date was December 20, 2008, which--using a conception calculator--indicates a date of conception of March 29, 2008.

    Urine home pregnancy tests can determine pregnancy approximately 10 days to 2 weeks after conception, but few women check this soon. On April 19, Bristol would have been approximately 3 weeks pregnant.

    Morning sickness does not begin until approximately 4 to 6 weeks after conception, and at 3 weeks, Bristol would not have been showing. So even if she knew she were pregnant, why would pregnancy cause her to skip prom on April 19? It certainly would not have been cause for her to forego planning to attend prom, and if she had planned to attend, her dress would still fit at 3 weeks.

    Trig Palin was born April 18, 2008. In the photo of Bristol with Mercede Johnston in her prom dress, Bristol does not look pregnant, but this is supposedly the day after Trig was born.

    The statement Bristol made lends itself to the following possibilities:

    1. Bristol lied to Jay Leno, thinking it made a good soundbite.

    2. Bristol decided she would not go to prom because she knew she was 3 weeks pregnant with Tripp in April, and PEOPLE reported it incorrectly as May.

    3. Bristol was pregnant with some other baby in April 2008.

    4. Bristol was talking about senior prom in April 2009 and was 4 months pregnant with a baby that she soon after aborted, since she was clearly not pregnant in photos during that time.

    5. Bristol misspoke, but it seems like an odd mistake. If she wasn't pregnant, why didn't she go to prom? And if pregnancy had prevented her from going, isn't that something she and any girl would remember clearly?

    I think it also calls up an interesting question. If your mother flew home emergently and gave birth the day before your prom, wouldn't that have been a significant event to recall? "I didn't go to my prom because my mom had just given birth to my brother," or "Well, my prom was one day after my brother was born, so I decided not to go."

    Add that to Bristol's statement on the stand in the Palin Yahoo e-mail hacker trial about being upset that photos of her son were obtained and altered--a hacking that took place before she supposedly had a son--and you get something very odd going on.

  66. The big disadvantage for Sarah in having Bristol out there fame whoring too is that she's going to have to remember at all times what lies her mom has told so as not to contradict them. Since that's impossible things could get truly funny as Bristol takes more opportunities to find cameras to talk to.

  67. BAustin7:45 AM

    yep...she looks ALOT like Chuckles in the photos leaving the dance studio. Very creepy.

    One of the earlier comments mentioned that Bristol wears hoodies alot, some days is rail thin, and other days kinda chunky (or pregnant). With the recent kerfluffle over whether it was bristol or willow yelling the the teacher in made me wonder if these two sister who look sooo much alike, don't stand in for each other occasionally. This could explain the drastic changes in her weight.

    Also, it is sad reading the comments trying to figure out how many times this girl was actually pregnant...and when/if she ever went to school. Stupid girl!

  68. Anonymous8:01 AM

    dmoreno56 said... @4:03
    I remember reading in sadie's post at the 2nd breakup that Bristol left a txt msgg on Levi's phone stating that she was hoping he was not the father of Tripp. This leaves the possiblity that B was sleeping around and tripp is not levi's son.

    This is what I got out of it...Bristol didn't know who was the father at first, and got a DNA that prove Levi is the father. She was disappointed that he is the father and not someone else. Yes, she was sleeping around with more than one guy... rebellious, seeking attention and at war with mama Sarah.

    dmoreno56 said... 4:41am
    The biggest problem for me about Trigg is that he has DS. Young girls typically do not have this issue, but I just learned that the "older" father can pass this on to the baby as well. I wonder who might actually be Triggs daddy. Does anyone know if Bristol was hanging out with any older men? Raped? Incest? I have not seen this brought up yet.

    Someone in Palingate comment session, They saw Bristol very very pregnant at a club early 2008(not sure where) drinking and doing drugs and no one was stopping her.... this can cause SD along with STD un-treated. A old friend of my husband gave her STD while she was pregnant and her youngest (baby#4) came out extremely disabled. so it can be a number reason....

    It will be funny if we found out Sarah tied her tubes after having Piper... LOL

  69. Demoreno56, Bristol is not at all likely to be the mother of the DS baby we know as Trig. She is the mother of Ruffles and/or Tripp, or Ruffles may even be Tripp. Please visit Palin Babygate for more information and theories.

  70. Anonymous9:16 AM

    So which is it, Bristol was pregnant for the prom, or she couldn't afford the dress???

  71. Anonymous10:09 AM

    11:26, i'm not sure your math considers that Tripp was born at the END of dec. therefore, conception would have been at the END of march. during may, bristol would have started out at 5 weeks and progressed to 8 weeks.

  72. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Maybe Bristle has been the patient for so long in the Dermatologist office, she just feels like she is the office manager?

  73. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Thanks everybody for helping me understand my confusion. My daughter was born with a ruffled ear and it still has issues today and I can see where one would believe that the baby with the ruffled ear is not trigg. Don't understand where that baby came from or get the theory behind that. As underhanded as paylin is, I just don't see them switching babies--that is too far down the crazy road. Mommy faking a pregnancy to cover up her daughter's mistakes and protecting her image--sure, stranger things have happened. I have read all the plaingate baby stuff and you all have reconvinced me that there is certainly something going on. Sure wish someone with a backbone in Alaska would clear it up. They would go down in history and make a great deal of money. BTW was there a DNA test done to prove levi is the father--is that public knowledge? I can remember the first thing that came to my mind when I first saw trig on stage was that he was a big baby for his age. I later found out that they claim he was premature. I don't buy it. He was not born on April 18/19--no way. He appeared to be a NORMAL 6 month old in August, not a premature 3.5 month old. NO WAY HOW COME SADIE DOES NOT CLEAR THIS UP__SHE HAS TO KNOW THE TRUTH>

  74. Anonymous12:05 PM

    When trying to figure out which of several conflicting stories is true, I find it helpful to ask which story requires me to believe more crazy unlikely things. The official Palin pregnancy story requires too many crazy suspensions of disbelief whereas almost everything (the unbelievable pregnancy, wild ride, Bristol "out of school" etc.) fits with the hypothesis that Sarah's fake pregnancy was to cover for Bristol. But the dates don't work, unless Bristol's baby (Trigg? Ruffles?) was born earlier, and some known facts are consistent with this possibility. The prom-pregnancy story has to be a lie, but kind of fits if what Bristol was really thinking was that she didn't go to the prom because she just had a baby. By the way, I love this site and all the discussions. And I think the issues are important, because SP is unfortunately not merely a joke -- she is a dangerous risk to American values, which she clearly doesn't understand.

  75. Statistics, people. Statistics are our friends.

    "Young girls typically do not have this issue" (DS babies) is misleading. The vast majority of DS babies are born to young mothers because it is young women who are the vast majority of pregnant women.

    If--and that's a big if--a 44 year old woman gets pregnant, she is more likely to have a DS baby than an 18 year old pregnant woman. But it is very very hard for the 44 year old woman to get pregnant in the first place. Fertility falls off precipitously after one is out of her 20's.

    When we have a DS baby whose maternity is in question, it is much, much more likely that the DS baby has a young (under 35) mother than an old (over 35) mother.

  76. Anonymous1:47 PM

    This girl has zero personality; between her and Jay this interview is a real yawner

  77. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Does anyone know if Bristol was hanging out with any older men? -

    Bristol was passed around at a lot of parties. It looks vaguely suspicious that Levi's FATHER quickly left town. I have always suspected he may be involved as the father of Tripp. Levi is protecting his father. That could also explain why Tripp looks like Levi - they are brothers.

  78. Anonymous2:07 PM

    After reading the brouhaha about how Bristol is insisting on "modest" dresses for DWTS, did anyone else find her too-tight-to-breathe ensemble for Leno a little hypocritical?

  79. Anonymous2:23 PM

    This mom/daughter duo do not care at all whether a statement is true or false. They are not embarassed by exposure of lies either. They will just keep doin' what they do and sayin' what they want, until "the court makes [them] stop".

    Only thinking people notice the inconsistencies and care about lies...but thinking people are not at all who she wants to appeal to.

  80. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Anonymous @ 1:48, this has always been a suspicion of mine as well.

  81. @Anonymous.

    Very good point. If Bristol didn't want to say, "I couldn't go to the prom because Levi and I had both dropped out of school," why didn't she say, "My mom had just had a baby that morning, a month early, so my plans changed."

    Why not reinforce that other, extremely important lie? Is "I even missed my prom" one of her standard sob story lines about how hard it was for her to be a pregnant, unwed teen?

  82. Anonymous9:50 PM

    The baby picture Bristol testified about during the hacking trial was apparently of Trig. According to this article, she admitted to being pregnant at the time of the hacking.

    I'm not defending the Palins; just trying to close off this dead-end people seem to be heading down.

  83. Anonymous12:15 AM

    I love how she plotted years and years before she got into politics to take pictures of herself hunting so she could say she hunts years and years later. (eye roll)

    As for the prom, she could have been talking about 2008. I mean, she was pregnant that April, right? After having just found out you're pregnant, I don't think the prom is the first thing on your brain.

  84. Anonymous12:45 AM

    To the commenter who said Bristol's dress was too tight on Leno - maybe a little, but basically it was a modest dress, not too short and a nice neckline.

    Now to other exciting things: I had my husband watch the video on PG of photos of $arah in March 2008 and he finally agrees that there was NO WAY she was pregnant at that time. Yay! He no longer thinks I'm nuts. Now, he's not ready to agree to some of the theories about where Trig came from. As a joke, here's what he offered:

    Trig was the baby of a liason between Todd and a crack Wh0re. Probably any other infidelity would have been overlooked by the Repubs, but such an unsavory one would be death to $arah's career. So to prevent said CW from blackmailing them in the future, they adopted the baby and bought her off (ok, actually, he said they sent her into the wilderness never to be found again). I cracked up. You're fully on the crazy train now, honey!


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