Sunday, September 12, 2010

Palin calls possible Murkowski write-in campaign "futile."

Courtesy of Bloomberg:

“Joe Miller is going to win the general,” Palin said in a brief interview after she unexpectedly appeared at a Sept. 11 commemoration in her hometown of Wasilla, Alaska. “It seems like it’s a futile effort, there, for a write-in effort, but she certainly has that right to do so.”

John Bitney, Murkowski’s campaign manager, declined to say when she would decide whether to pursue a write-in candidacy. He said she has received “a lot of encouragement” from “a broad spectrum of people from across the entire state” to run.

“I love competition in business and sports and politics,” Palin said. “It’s all good.”

Palin, 46, dismissed the notion that Murkowski could draw votes away from Miller, should she enter a race that also includes Democratic nominee Scott McAdams, the mayor of Sitka, Alaska.

“I do not believe so,” Palin said. “I believe that Joe Miller is going to solidify more and more support as the days go on, as more and more people know him, not just his resume and his record, but what motivates him and his intentions for this state and for our country.”

I have no idea how successful a Murkowski write in bid for election would be, but I know I personally  would just love to see those smug looks on Palin and Miller's face wiped right off.

Of course I am rooting for Scott McAdams, but I cannot say my heart would be completely broken if Murkowski beat Miller as well.

I was very saddened when Ted Stevens died recently in that plane crash, but never more so than now knowing the Ted Stevens, the ultimate political fighter, would be standing with Lisa Murkowski and helping her crush Miller under her heel.  In fact if Stevens WAS still alive there is some doubt hat Miller would have even won the primary.

However I did hear Miller speak yesterday, and listened while he was interviewed by the press later, and he is not to be taken lightly.  He is both intelligent and well spoken.  He has moderated some of his more radical ideas and definitely comes across as fairly reasonable in person. 

In other words it will be an uphill battle for either McAdams or Murkowski to beat him in the general.  As much as I hate to say that.


  1. Anonymous7:25 AM

    The grifter knows all about futile efforts!

  2. In other words it will be an uphill battle for either McAdams or Murkowski to beat him in the general.

    This is a good refutation of the idea that we should hope for Palin to be the Republican nominee in 2012 because it would guarantee Obama's re-election. Some of these teabagging nutjobs who have gained nominations across the country may lose races that a more moderate Republican (like Murkowski) could have won, but it's far from a sure thing that they'll all lose -- and we can't be absolutely positive Palin would, either.

  3. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I think if Murkowski pursues a write-in campaign, Miller will win. Moderate people who might vote for McAdams if their only other choice is Miller will probably vote for Murkowski. Miller won't win an outright majority, but he'll win a plurality. Murkowski should bow out.

  4. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Well lets hope someone kept copies of some of his more radical speeches so they can be used against Him And to show that he changes with the wind. Futile or not it would still split the vote and just might give Scott a better chance.I was going to say she should endorse Scott but than Miller would say see i told ya she was a democrat..People are letting emotions rule instead of common sense and self interest for themselves and our country.

  5. Anonymous7:59 AM

    O/T = Can anyone guess what's wrong with Palin's skin in this picture, near the edges of her shirt? Combined with the jaw lump photos in the Alaska Dispatch, she is not doing well.

  6. London Bridges8:02 AM

    Did Sarah endorse Miller because Bitney became her campaign manager? Does Bitney have any dirt on Sarah? Would bringing Sarah down give Lisa a write-in ballot victory?

  7. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Was it futile when Nader took votes away from Gore?
    as a matter of fact, it was pivotal, and cost Gore a state.

    What Sarah and the Teabaggers don't get is that they are doing more to the GOP's chances in November than anything the Left could ever say or do.

    I guess we'll find out very very soon.

    If I'm right, guess who's going to come out of this smelling like a rotten teabag?

    - kellygrrrl

  8. Anonymous8:17 AM

    “I love competition in business and sports and politics,” Palin said.

    Said the quitter.

  9. sarah palin has been a plant into the republican party by the AIP in AK ... that is pretty easy to spot ... she has single handedly taken down the GOP as we know it ... and in return the establishment of the GOP is going to take down Palin for making such a mess of their party ... Sarah Palin bringing the GOP to their knees one teabagger at a time!

  10. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Murkowski needs to realized she's been Scozzofava'd by the Republicans, the baggers and Palin. Murkowski needs to endorse McAdams and encourage her supporters to vote for him.

    Remember NY district 23....Dede did the right thing for NY23. Lisa needs to do the right thing for AK.

  11. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Time for the Dems to play hardball. If Mayor Sullivan endorses Taylor bring it up that Sullivan cheated on his wife. Bring up any dirt you can on anybody associated with Taylor even if it is his nanny. Fight fire with fire.

  12. Anonymous9:33 AM

    o/t - I'm glad Bristol and Mark are having fun and that she's showing much progress. Considering she's only played sports and has had one year of gymnastics, it's pretty ballsy for a little country girl from the sticks to go on DWTS, even though most stars dont have dance experience. Look at Melissa Joan Hart, no coordination and she did rather well

  13. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Palin's skin is showing the effects of too much time in her tanning booth.

  14. Chenagrrl9:58 AM

    Old joe may be sounding more moderate, but check out these questions some Fairbanksans have.

  15. Anonymous10:34 AM

    How does one moderate their position or ideas? By the time you're ready to seek public office, you either believe in something or you don't. If you change your position, it is either because you now believe you were previously wrong (and should say so), or you're going with the flow - something Queen Esther doesn't like.

  16. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Personally, I think the desire to just get rid of incumbents will be overwhelming in the next few election cycles.

    Between Miller and McAdams, I see the chest thumpers voting for Miller because he likes to play the "tough" guy and it works for their egos. That's how right leaning voters like to see themselves. And in the upcoming elections it will be these types of voters who will have the most incentive to get out and vote. The reasonable voters and the moderates will just assume substance will win out. They'll stay home and lose the election.

    It's rarely about substance. It's all about appealing to the inner ego. That's how someone like Palin got elected in the first place. While it is clearly obvious she is very ignorant when it comes to policy and incompetent when it comes to actual governance, she is very clever about the baser nature of humans. It's her area of expertise, you might say.

  17. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Well if Stupid Sarah says it, it must be true!

    I agree with kellygrrl @8:05. Stupid has no idea what a write-in candidate might do for her endorsement's chances of winning the general. A split teabagger/GOP vote is the last thing Miller wants. So I say, keep taunting Lisa, Stupid!

  18. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Gryphen- I just want to say thank you for your usually tasteful blog. You understand opinion and fact for the most part and remain compassion above all - while showing your true feelings respectfully. I appreciate you saying how you don't want to hurt the Palin family just highlight what you feel is immorality. The commentary from readers remains equally insightful and telling about what America is and represents. While you and PG obviously share readers, I detest the outright viciousness over there in commentary. It worries me that someone may actually physically harm Sarah or a family member/friend.

    Again thank you

  19. Anonymous11:37 AM

    As to the problem with Sarah's skin, it's nothing more than a little rough S@M with her new boyfriend.

  20. KidShalleen11:51 AM

    Hey Gryph. If you feel you must show that vacuous vamps picture with her mouth open all the time, could you at least photo-shop a hook in it?

    Just askin'!

  21. Anonymous2:15 PM

    It would be nice if there was a legitimate and even moderately strong write-in effort for Murkowski because:

    1. It would split the consevative/republican vote at least to some degree.

    2. It would force Palin to come out more forcefully against Murkowski who would hopefully return the favor in kind.

  22. Anonymous2:22 PM

    "'s pretty ballsy for a little country girl from the sticks to go on DWTS"

    Oh, please. She's getting paid handsomely. What's truly ballsy is for Bristol to think she's some kind of "star."

  23. hauksdottir2:56 PM

    @Anonymous 7:59 AM


    If you look at untitled#2 (the previous one in the stream), the red zone is obvious. Sarah spent too much time all at once in her tanning bed (vanity&stupidity), probably after she decided which top to wear.

    Even her make-up skills won't hide blistered skin.

  24. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I went to the Bloomberg link.

    The headline at Bloomberg was

    "Palin Welcomes Murkowski to Alaskan Election Race,Calls Effort Futile"

    The Bloomberg story starts out

    "Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said she would welcome a write-in ballot bid by Senator Lisa Murkowski, while predicting it would be a “futile” effort."

    This is both a taunt and a "bring it on" from the former half governor to BOTH Senator Murkowski and the sane portion of the Alaskan Republican Party.

    The positions on the issues and votes that Senator Murkowski has made obviously diminished her support within the Republican ranks in Alaska.

    The problem is that The Palinista branch of the Republican party will never concede anything to the remainder of the party.

    The rest of the Alaskan Republican Party must decide to: hide and hope the Palinistas go away, surrender to the Palinistas and suffer the consequences of the resulting governing trainwreck,
    or support a Murkowski run in opposition to Miller.

    This is probably a scorched earth policy, the seat is more likely lost to a Democrat in a three way race. The three way race would no doubt feature Murkowski going after Miller in a way to ensure that nonpartisan and undeclared vote for her and not him. These voters may decide to vote for McAdams as a result of the negative campaigning against Miller by Murkowski.

    The Alaska Republican Party ( not The Teabag Express part) will face more of the same also too in 2012, they can try to make their position better, and running Lisa Murkowski now against Miller is a logical way to do something NOW.

    One thing that is clear is Sarah Palin just stuck her finger in Murkowski's eye.

    (Palin grudge against Bitney? Palin... A grudge??? HMMM.)

  25. Anonymous11:27 AM

    How interesting that Steven's died in a plane crash....Interesting timing. Coincidence?

    Just saying.


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