Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Sarah Palin leaves little Piper to care for her stage prop while she goes to wave signs for her butt boy Joe Miller. So Piper decides to call in to a radio show and talk about it.

Update: The Palin-bot who posted the YouTube video does not appreciate our response to Piper being left alone so they won't let me embed it anymore. But you can still watch it by clicking here.

So let me get this straight.  Little nine year old Piper is left ALONE to care for her two year old brother with Down's syndrome, and she decides, all on her own, to call into a talk radio show based in Anchorage? 

Is Sarah Palin running for worst mother of the decade?  Surely there must have been another adult in the house, don't you think?

Did anybody else notice that the two idiots hosting this radio show are SUBSTANTIALLY less mature than the child they are speaking with?

H/T to Wonkette.


  1. WOW that's all I can say - how can a 9 year old be left alone to care for a toddler and on top of that a toddler with Down's!

    I keep hearing KO's voice in my head saying "that woman is an idiot"

    The sad thing is - her fans will adore her for it - and it makes my brain hurt to even think about how they will twist this to be part of her wonderful mothering skills

  2. Anonymous11:58 AM

    In my state, it's illegal for a child under 12 to be left home alone.

  3. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Piper at nine is a fan of Bob & Mark? I thought those guys were banned from the air years ago!

    I can see that the Queen Mama Grizzley is doing another bang up job of raising her kids!

  4. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Off topic: I love the ads. It's fun for me to see the nasty, nasty things Mark Kirk is saying about Alexi. Using a screenshot from Fox News...that's just what an independent moderate would do in a campaign...

    Also...I'm glad that SHARRON ANGLE will FIGHT for EVERY JOB...
    Really? Where do these dupes come up with this shit?

  5. onemorethought12:05 PM

    There must be an adult there. Piper says she has to go to school in half an hour. Who will be watching Trig then?

  6. angela12:07 PM

    Hmmmmm. . . . . .

    Alaska Children's Services Inc. 907-346-2101

  7. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Do they have any laws in Alaska regarding how old a child has to be before the child is left alone anywhere? And if they do, do they not apply to the Palins?

    Was piper alone in the house with Trig? Was any adult there with her?

  8. johnie2xs12:13 PM

    Doe the State of Alaska NOT have an office of Children and Families?
    And would they not want to investigate this error of parental judgement???
    Or is that just another case of the "lamestream media" piling on Sarah?

  9. GrainneKathleen12:13 PM

    that's bizarre, but i am not at all surprised. what would she call into a radio show, though? i do hope she stays out of politics. i feel terribly sorry for the kiddo, though.

  10. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Shame on Palin/Todd!!!

  11. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Poor thing. You KNOW $carah is standing right there shaking her head yes and no and you can hear paper rustling a few times....writing the answers for her??? The two idiots aren't even buying that $carah isn't there..

    This is a new freaking low. Poor kid.

  12. Irishgirl12:24 PM

    It's all damage control. Did this air after the VP article? C4P had a piece about Frye saying she was in Palins' home while the Palins were off waving flags....guffaw!!!! I can't find that article at the moment.

    I don't know what sort of parent would leave a 2 year old in the care of a 9 year old. I recently paid money to a babysitter to sit with my 13 yr old daughter for a few hours. She was mortified, but there was no way that I would leave her alone in the house on her own.

  13. Anonymous12:27 PM

    An adult in the house dialed the number and put Piper on. Not possible that this happened any other way. A nine year old on with a couple of middle-aged men talking about pee and poo!!??!! And Sarah freaked out over Joe McGinnis "looking into Piper's bedroom?" Or David Letterman making a joke about Bristol (not Willow, Sarah.) Or calling Michael Gross "impotent,limp and gutless."

    Hey Sarah,ever heard of the concept of a double standard? You are a pathetic parent and person.

  14. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Sarah Palin accuse Joe McG of peeping on her children.

    Sarah Palin claims reporters are stalking Piper on the way home from school.

    Sarah Palin calls David Letterman a pedophile.

    Sarah Palin seems fixated on her girls' vulnerability to sexual assault.

    Yet, Sarah Palin allows (and, of course, encourages) her 9-year-old daughter to call into a radio show hosted by a pair of inappropriate, vulgar men liable to say anything at any time.

    No wonder the Palin children get into so much trouble. Everything is completely twisted and turned around in that house.

  15. Anjaak12:31 PM

    The youtube link isn't working any longer. Sarah works fast!!!!

    Anyone else make a copy?

  16. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Mom preggers when wed to DUI Dad. Track in trouble with the law. Bristol druggie and preggers twice. Willow vandal like Track. Piper media hound like Mom/Bristol. Prop Tri-g named for his disorder. Best family ever.

  17. I've seen those pictures of her carrying around a brother who is half her size and who could have suddenly moved and been dropped on his head. Are her parents not the least bit aware?? Now we hear that she's watching Trig while Palin is out campaigning. If there was another adult in the house why wouldn't she have said so? She called in once before back in March.

    What I'd really like to know is how she manages to keep up with schoolwork when she has missed so much school? How did she manage to advance to 4th grade? Also, have you heard about her having problems in school, Gryphen? I read that she was acting out, talking about sex to the other students. Can you lend any credibility to this or is it just a rumor? I can't say I'd be surprised if she has heard far too much for her young age. This is sad, really sad. Sarah and Todd would be brought up on child neglect charges if they were anyone else for leaving Trig and Piper alone without adult supervision.

  18. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Come On........we are being set up. I am sure she has been home alone with the baby on occasion, but some one put her up to this just to get us all riled up. NO WAY. They are setting up these stunts. Bristol talking about the hunting.....saying she missed her prom due to her pregnancy--these are just little digs to see how far those of us on the other side will go. It is sad that these people are playing these games, but it is a game. I would not put it past Sarah to leave Piper home alone, but I would also not put it past her to play this sick trick. Not buying it.

  19. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Guess Piper plans on stardom after all???

  20. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Either this is a clear-cut case that needs to phoned in to Children's Services at the number Angela gave, or it is a set-up by someone in the Palin household to get yet another day in the local headlines via the children.

    Either way it is disgusting. Even if there were an "adult" present, that adult should not have allowed a nine-year child to call an adult talk radio program.

    What, does Sarah have their number on speed dial?

    I wish the silly guys would have asked Piper WHY she was calling. Being nine, she might just have told the truth - maybe bored being the oldest one at home, maybe ticked-off for being left to care for Trig, or maybe, just maybe, mommy or daddy or willow put her up to it.

    Dang, won't know now.

    Maybe it's because I don't have a house full of kids or because I am always with them, but I would never expect a nine year old to change diapers or care for a younger sibling - particularly not one with disabilities. Good grief, what if there was an emergency or she didn't know how to recognize what constituted an emergency.

    Todd and Sarah are bad parents. Careless and self-absorbed people who should not be allowed the responsibility of raising kids. They've done a terrible job with the three eldest and it seems the fourth is being expected to fulfill duties beyond her years. Poor Piper and Trig - the others are to be pitied also, but there's not much anyone can do now to help them. I hope someone wises-up about the two youngest before it is too late.

  21. Virginia Voter12:42 PM

    Apparently this is not the first interview Piper has done with the jokers. One of the see 4 peers posted another one on You Tobe back in March.Check it out.

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that a nanny or Toad was home, Sarah couldn't be that awful of a mother, right?

  22. angela12:47 PM

    1.) It's wrong if Piper is telling the truth--that she is caring for her baby brother and she is alone.

    2.) It's wrong if there really is another adult there; but they are manipulating her to call into a radio station and lie about her taking care of her little brother alone.

    3.) It's wrong that she is calling into a radio station--period.

    4.) It's wrong if there is an adult there who doesn't realize Piper is calling into a radio station.

    As usual, anything Palin affiliated is wrong.

  23. Anonymous12:50 PM

    My guess is that either Piper's mama or papa were in the room with her and put her up to calling in to the show and telling her what to say. And, I think that is worse than if little Piper did decide on her own to call into this radio show. It was a staged Palin political move, imo.

  24. Virginia Voter12:55 PM

    A little OT, People Mag has a poll up about who will be the first one voted off Dancing with the Stars...guess who's running away with the top spot?

    Bristol Palin with a whopping 27%, and the closest competitor is Margaret Cho with 17%


  25. Vileplume12:55 PM

    What is going on in Alaska?
    Noone seems to care that the Palin children are used as props and babysitters. And, the child with Down syndrome is being left under the supervision of an 8 or 9-year-old sibling?
    That is illegal in most states. What is the law up there?
    And, when is the last time Trig was seen in public? If he is habitually left in the care of an 8-year-old, he is not receiving adequate care to help him reach his potential.

  26. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Nothing goes on with the Palins that isn't tightly scripted and choreographed. "Hi, this is Piper and I just finished field dressing a moose, just like Mommy taught me. We had so much fun cooking up a big old mess of moose stew. Mommy says to talk that way because it sound cute for a nine year old. Next, I am going to start a fan club for Mommy. I will need my own face book page and my own blackberry. Mommy has taught me how to get my way, so I am going to try some of her tricks on her. I am a very fast learner. Love, Piper. P.S. Nine is not too young to be a baby sitter. I have been taking care of Trig since he was born. No one else would. And, in case you wanted to know how I do get my way, I don't have to do the stuff that Track, Bristol and Willow do. I just remind Mommy that I was the one who was there when Trig popped out. It wasn't Grandpa Chuck, it was me."

  27. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Well she never said that she was completely alone. On the other hand, she was stumbling a bit on some of her answers, and if an adult was there, wouldn't they be whispering what she should say when she couldn't come up with an answer?

    My gut feeling is that either one of the other kids was somewhere on the premises, but that they weren't paying any attention to what she and the toddler were doing (such as calling a radio show), or Sarah figured she'd just be gone an hour or so and did actually leave the two youngest on their own.

    I still don't leave my 13 year old alone with my eight year old. And I certainly don't let them call radio stations. But I guess I have an over-active imagination.

  28. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Didn't Piper get the memo that there was to be no freelance contact by The Family with anyone from the media?

  29. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I can't believe that Sarah, nutty as she is, would leave her nine year old alone in the house to look after Trigg without any adult supervision whatsoever. With the number of Palin friends, relatives, hired help, etc. there had to be someone else there with Piper.

  30. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Attention: I almost went the site 12:17 but got a warning from my browser that it url was a log-in and that it may be trick.

    Please use caution. I am not saying the poster 12:17 is trying to trick us, but merely that the url itself is not safe.

    Just thought you'd want to know.

  31. Anonymous1:07 PM

    That kid loves, loves, loves the spotlight. Has ever since her mother marched her out on stage as if they were doing a version of "Toddlers and Tiaras". Piper could not get enough of the spotlight.

    It would seem that she was more than likely prompted to call into the show for no other reason than someone there thought it was "cute".

    Piper is cute kid but my instincts tell me she is a younger version of her mother and the spotlight is where she wants to be.

  32. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I still think Piper could have called in herself - though it seems unlikely. Sarah could have the number on speed dial.

    If there was an adult in the room, it was someone with very poor judgment - even if he or she were following Sarah's orders. How sad.

    Piper just sounded a little lost. Maybe it was stage fright, but it seemed to me she didn't have any idea of what she was supposed to say.

    Don't radio stations screen calls? I think the radio station itself bears responsibility for airing Piper's call. It was inappropriate and can only be assumed to be without parental consent. The radio station and the two fools on the program should have known better

    Plus, if the station didn't have the private number before, it does now.

  33. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I worry about how Sarah will treat Piper about this embarrassment. Knowing Sarah has a temper, you never know what she might do.

    I would not want to be Piper even if Sarah or one of her minions (or Todd or Willow) thought up this call as a "fun" thing for Piper to do. The public reaction is not good, therefore, who will pay for that - probably Piper.

  34. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Nice Stupid Sarah. Anything to stay in the news...

    I'm with you dmoreno56 @ 12:37. These 'adults' in the Palin household are like a bunch of feckin' children with their goofy stunts every other day of the week.

  35. Anonymous1:24 PM

    There is a note (12:55 pm)that Bristol will be voted off DWTS due to her first performance, but I tend not to fall for it. Don't you think that the supporters of Sister Sarah will come out in full force to keep her on as long as possible? I think she'll even have more support than did Kate and look how long the latter lasted. She couldn't dance at all and admits it today - with fun humor. Bristol doesn't have a personality or a sense of humor about herself and neither does her horrible momma.

  36. TNbluedot1:24 PM

    Anjaak @12:31 -
    Go to youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7RzbZ0SyDwfeature=player_embedded

  37. Anonymous1:27 PM

    "In January of 2008, Palin, while Governor, went on the Bob & Mark radio show with a pair of Anchorage-based shock jocks, Bob & Mark, who were belittling Palin's former mentor, the matriarch of Alaska's Republican Party, Lyda Green, by calling her a "bitch" and a "cancer." Palin actually giggled throughout their remarks (you can hear her sicko giddy response on the recording, including to a "fat" joke about Green) even though she knew full well that Green was a breast-cancer survivor. Palin then added ever-so-sincerely that "we'd be honored" to be visited by Bob and Mark in Juneau. She puts on that phony Palinspeak voice that she invokes when she tries to sound "official."

    "She really has no moral compass," Green told me recently. "She uses people in a very un-Christian way. She only does what is best for Sarah."*

    Using Piper as a shill is despicable, and it would not be an overstatement to say Sarah Palin is a child who should never have had children.

  38. emrysa1:33 PM

    so gryphen do you think this was a track-instigated stunt? he doesn't work and is supposedly living with mommy and daddy.

  39. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Of course they're stupider than a 4th grader, they're asking for Sarah Palin.

  40. Anonymous1:36 PM

    This doesn't make sense. - well
    The only way it makes sense to me is if there's a mole in the house.
    Why would Sarah have Piper call to say she was babysitting Trig 1/2 hour before school starts. (and presumably it takes 10-20 minues to get to school)
    Why would Piper think to call in and say "This is Piper"
    Now, a mole, encouraging Piper, who seems to love the stage, to call in makes sense. And Piper following the suggestion makes sense to me.
    But I could be wrong.

  41. Anonymous1:40 PM

    The Vanity Fair article described Piper throwing a little snit-fit when she was given black Sharpie pens to sign autographs. Everyone should have know that Piper only used the pretty pink pens.

    Even if an adult dialed the station and thought that it would be cute for Piper to call some shock-jocks, they are turning the kid into a spoiled brat. Normal kids do not call into talk shows, and normal kids don't throw tantrums over having the right pen to sign an autograph. Poor Piper!

  42. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I can just see it. Track, ticked about having to watch the kids and hitting the bong a bit too early, thought it would be funny to have Piper do this. That's the way I see it happening. No way did the kid call on her own.

  43. Anonymous2:05 PM

    My guess is that Track was the supposedly adult authority on the premises, but when he passed out (or the equivalent, if you know what I mean) Piper was alone and bored and called somebody who would talk to her.

  44. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Gee, if I'd been those DJs or their producer, I would have been asking Piper why she was calling and where the grown-ups were and if I could talk to them about letting a child phone my radio show. But then I'm a responsible adult.
    M from MD

  45. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Something about this whole thing smells. Obviously, Piper was put up to it. I'm wondering if those two idiots on the radio show were expecting the call. Because the question they didn't ask was: Why on earth are you, little 9-year-old Piper Palin, calling in to this radio program today? That is the question that should be asked about this little publicity stunt.

  46. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Piper was not left alone in the home in that at the end of the recording you can hear an adult tell Piper that she has to go to school and it also sounds like an adult, most likely Sarah, gets on the phone after Piper and begins to talk to the radio hosts -- this is at the very end of the tape. In other segments, this radio station has called Sarah's home -- so this is probably what happened here and Piper just happened to pick up the phone.

  47. Anonymous2:27 PM

    don't blame Track - this was Sarah all the way - gee, I haven't been in the news lately....Piper why don't you talk on the radio!

    I seriously doubt that stupid was out working. She doesn't work.

  48. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Gryphen, do you know why Track is home already from the service? It really doesn't make sense that he is. Either he had a dishonorable discharge or some kind of health (drug?) problem? There are rumors about both. Can you share what you know?

    It sure seems these kids are all very unstable.

  49. Anonymous2:35 PM

    The two adult radio hosts should say "put Mommy, Daddy, or whoever's watching you on the phone, we have to make sure it's ok for us to talk with you on the radio".

    Regardless of the Palin irresponsibilty in letting this call happen, the radio show hosts SHOULD behave like responsible adults.

    The diaper discussion is perverted. I LOATHE this exploitation of a child. Piper's giggling with adult males she hardly knows is horrifying.

  50. Anonymous2:49 PM

    While the eldest Palin girl made riches just by laying on her back, the youngest palin girl is going to grow old with a bad back because she is the only one lugging around Trig.

    Let's share the work, where is Re-Tawd, Track, Sarah and Willow. Forget about Bristol helping with Trig, she is in LA lifting and twirling Mark around. The show never specified who had to do the lifts. Might as well be the heavy one lifting the load.

  51. http://tvwatch.people.com/2010/09/07/photo-bristol-palin-is-miss-modest-in-her-dancing-costume/

    "Palin, 19, calls herself “naturally shy” and wants to make sure she sets a good example for her son, Tripp, 20 months."

    That ship has sailed, been boarded and pillaged by pirates, set afire, and sank.

  52. Innnnnteresting2:58 PM

    At around 2:53 you can clearly hear a woman laughing.

  53. Here is a thought, has anyone seen Trig in a while? Hasn't it been months? Is this a way to establish that Trig is alive and well. If Track is there why did she say 'she' is taking care of Trig?
    I'm going for the Track smoking the bong theory.

  54. Anjaak3:07 PM

    (Thanks TNbluedot for the link.)

    Maybe someone was in the "compound" & Sarah thinks that is Okay even though they are in another house entirely.

    Piper really should have supervision if she is watching a special needs baby. When Sarah is gone, who watches him anyway???

    If she is off caribou hunting & Todd is on the roof, who watches the kids?

  55. Anonymous3:08 PM

    So, Piper happened to call in, within the hour or two that these guys just happened to be on the air? Come on, this was a planned stunt.

  56. Anonymous3:15 PM

    There would be NO (NONE, ZERO, NADA) question in any listener's mind that there was adult supervising Piper's end of the phone call if the radio hosts were reasonable people.

    The fact that there is DOUBT that Piper might have been unsupervised is a great big honking fat cause for ALARM!!!!

    Sarah Palin needs intervention.

  57. angela3:26 PM

    OMG peninparadise!

  58. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Maybe Piper should write a book, seems discount books are a truely cheap deal for the Palins:

    America by Heart : Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag by Sarah Palin (Hardcover - Nov 23, 2010)
    Buy new: $25.99 $14.03

    Available for Pre-order. This item will be released on November 23, 2010.

  59. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Isn't home alone illegal?

  60. Is that Trig #1; with the ruffled ear, or Trig #2?
    Sad really to know that Piper takes better care of Trig than $arah.

  61. Sarah bragged about how independent all her kids were 2 years ago when Piper was 7; so, yes, I'm afraid I believe that Sarah would leave the two youngest children home alone.

    I think I hear Trig in the background at the end of the clip but no adult voices. He sounds pretty far away if Piper is supposed to be watching him. It seems kind of sick that 'family-values' Palin fans think this is cute.

    I do wonder if Sarah asked Bob & Mark to call to try to document that Piper is going to school. It would be similar to Bristol telling Leno her mom was hunting.

  62. Anonymous4:01 PM

    At least we now know who the "nanny" is.

    But that means that TriG is not getting the help he needs from a specialist, and Piper and Willow are not getting the tutoring they need for the school they miss.

    The "Special Needs" person in the Palin household is St. Sarah. Her needs are consuming and destroying her family like a human black hole, and she is very comfortable with that.

  63. Anonymous4:07 PM

    A nine year old is fully capable of listening to the phone number being given out repeatedly on the talk show, writing it down and dialing.

    She was home alone with nobody to talk to got bored, turned on the radio and dialed.

  64. Anonymous4:45 PM

    to 2:35, Piper has met and hung out with Bob and Mark. There is another radio convo where one of them mentions her coming back to his house to play (probably with his kids). The palins know the conserv radio hosts well.

  65. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Does it really shock us? Heck no! Wasn't it Palin herself who bragged about driving down the frozen tundra, alone in her vw with kids asleep in the back, in the middle of the night, for the gov campaign? and in order to stay awake she rolled the windows down, radio blasting, drinking red bulls? Why would we be shocked at this? narcissists don't care. period.

  66. mommom5:15 PM

    All of the adults are fools.If Sarah left Piper alone with Trig,she is a fool.If she allowed or encouraged Piper to make this call and let anyone listening think that an 8 year old girl is home alone with her handicapped brother,making them easy pickings for a pedophile or maniac,she is a fool.If her brother,father,or big sisters did the same,they are fools."Bob" and "Mark" are the biggest fools of all,for not having the intelligence to figure out that an 8 year old girl home alone advertised on the radio is a piss-poor idea.

  67. Anonymous5:30 PM

    There's an odd moment at 00:48 when Piper is asked why she isn't holding signs for Joe Miller:

    DJ: "... is it because they are heavy?"

    Piper: "No, I'm watching [garbled] an' Trig."

    DJ: "You're watching what?"

    Piper: "Trig."

    DJ: "Oh, you're watching the baby!"

    She's watching two babies? Or she stumbled over the script?

  68. Anonymous5:40 PM

    I don't believe that a 9 year old kid would be left alone to care for Trig. There had to be another adult there with her. I've never heard Bob & Mark before but they are truly imbeciles. Is there anyone -- ANYone -- in the Palin circle of friends who has any class at all? She's a 9 year old kid and they can't come up with anything but poopie diaper talk? Asking a child if she'd been pee'd on yet. Geez.

  69. Anonymous6:09 PM

    This is just a reheasal. How soon before Piper starts making the big bucks giving speeches?

  70. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I don't believe for a minute that Piper was alone. They probably have a nanny there. The biggest concern is a 9 year-old calling a trashy radio talk show. Doesn't Piper have any friends her age?

    Does this child not have any little girlfriends that she would have preferred to call - talk about girl things and school and such?

    This was a set-up. Was it an attention-grabbing set-up made by the child herself, or was it her mother? The behaviors in this family are just unbelievable. Most kids I know hate to get up in the morning to get ready for school, let alone caring for a baby brother.

    Something isn't right in that home.

  71. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Apparently she has 'no friends' so the people she considers friends are those stupid DJ's.

    Sad that she is 'made to be far more responsible' than Bristol. What a childhood! Funny thing is I bet she won't even hold this against her worthless mother when she is old enough to understand the significance.

  72. Anyone who believes this was a spontaneous event should have a look at this great bridge I have for sale.

  73. Where are his glasses and hear aids? Unless I am going blind I don't see them on him. I have seen one picture with his glasses on.

    I mean it isn't like she left them alone at home but at 9 she is not ready to supervise any toddler without adult's around.

  74. DetroitSam8:15 PM

    Why would a 9 year old girl (or boy) be listening to a trashy radio show?

    I think it was staged.

    BTW, do Track and Todd work at any job or are they supported by Sarah?

    I don't care how many millions she brings in but how do these two look at themselves in the mirror?

  75. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7RzbZ0SyDw

    The link still works.

  76. Anonymous8:29 PM

    If this was not a "spontaneous event," what does Mrs. Palin have to gain by it? It sure doesn't make her look like a good mother.

  77. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Just my 2 cents worth. It was scripted and staged. It was a PR event..Sarah using her kids as a prop.

  78. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Why do we care what her children do? #justsayin

  79. I remember seeing an interview between La Palin and Matt Lauer which was in Sarah's kitchen with Todd and Piper present. I thought Piper was the most intelligent person in the room. Listening to this interview has not changed my opinion. I would vote for Piper to an age-appropriate office. (Her Mother the quitter has no age appropriate office left.)

  80. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Okay, I know a family that has seven kids. It's typical that the kids take care of each other. The five and six year olds watch the baby. There is nothing strange here.


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