Monday, September 27, 2010

Step aside Baby Boomers, "Generation We" is hot on our heels and they are better educated, more socially conscious, and more progressive than any other generation before them.

If you are a progressive, reading the results of this survey will put a smile on your face the entire day. (Survey is in pdf form.)

A new generation is about to seize the reins of history—the Millennial generation.

Born between 1978 and 2000, the Millennials currently include 95 million young people up to 30 years of age—the biggest, most diverse, and best-educated age cohort in the history of the nation.

Self-aware and committed to generational solidarity. .Millennials do not see themselves at odds with older generations of Americans, but they do believe their generation has a unique set of experiences that set them apart.

Strongly progressive, socially tolerant, environmentally-conscious, peace-loving, and poised to lead the biggest left ward shift in recent American history.

Sober but optimistic in their assessment of the future. The Millennials worry about being the first generation in American history to be worse off than their parents—but they believe this fate can be avoided through shared effort.

Enthusiastic about the power of collective social action. Millennials don’t see government as a panacea, but they believe in its potential and want to take it back from the special interests and the power elites.

Unselfish and socially committed. The Millennials are not a “Generation Me” but rather a “Generation We.” They volunteer in record numbers and declare themselves ready to sacrifi ce their
self-interest for the greater good.

Millennials do not see themselves at odds with older generations of Americans, but they do believe their generation has a unique set of experiences that set them apart.

Strongly progressive, socially tolerant, environmentally-conscious, peace-loving, and poised to lead the biggest left ward shift in recent American history.

The Millennials worry about being the first generation in American history to be worse off than their parents—but they believe this fate can be avoided through shared eff ort.

Millennials don’t see government as a panacea, but they believe in its potential and want to take it back from the special interests and the power elites.

The Millennials are not a “Generation Me” but rather a “Generation We.” They volunteer in record numbers and declare themselves ready to sacrifice their self-interest for the greater good.

This is the generation that helped elect President Obama, and gets their news from Jon Stewart, and watched James Cameron's "Avatar" and identified completely with the alien race while viewing the forces attempting to strip the planet's resources as the selfishness of the generations that preceded their own.

Perhaps the most important characteristic of the Millennials is their across-the-board rejection of the country’s current leadership and dominant institutions. Whether it be Congress and the federal government, major corporations, or organized religion, these young Americans believe the large institutions that dominate modern society have comprehensively failed, placing narrow self-interests ahead of the welfare of the country as a whole. Frustrated and seeking an outlet for their innate idealism, they are eager for wholesale change. The Millennials have already begun shifting the nation’s politics. Having come of age with Washington dominated by Republicans, they leaning strongly the opposite way. Although they reject both “liberal” and “conservative” labels, they are especially scathing in their denunciation of conservatism, which they associate with hypocritical moralism, administrative incompetence, ideological rigidity, and corporate scandal.

Regardless of how many Fox News lies spill into living rooms all over America, or how much money is spent on television advertising by special interest groups in the years ahead, or how ignorant the Republicans try to keep the voters of America, THIS is the generation that is emerging.

I talked to my daughter about this study last night, and to her the findings in the study were something that she felt should be completely obvious to anybody paying attention to her and her friends.  She said the days of partisanship are finished once they take over. 

She sees a future where racism, sexism, and homophobia are things of the past.  Where each person is judged individually and not based on a pre-determined label or prejudice.

She also believes that organized religions are seeing the last of their influence on the morals of Americans and that instead the day is coming when a more simplistic, yet accessible type of morality will be the norm throughout the country.

In other words the generation about to take over is the worst nightmare for the Fundamentalists and Teabaggers.  Yet for me it is a dream that I almost did not dare to imagine might one day come true.

I only hope I live long enough to enjoy the beauty of the America that their compassion and sense of unity will create.

Namaste my friends.  The future looks very bright indeed.


  1. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Sounds wonderful! I just hope they don't succumb to the greed of their forefathers.

  2. Anonymous6:20 AM

    O/T - Just an FYI, for what it's worth. Gryphen, you should check out the new story on the Palins' sham marriage in the National Examiner, 10/4/10 edition, pages 28-29. (The National Examiner is owned by the same folks who own the Enquirer). It says that $P is paying TP to stay in the marriage and pretend to be happy while she campaigns through 2012. It says it is a $20 million dollar arrangement. It is a tabloid publication, but it seems to line up with your "Splitsville" story.

  3. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Very refreshing to read, and I agree with your daughter's take - my son (born in 1993) fits into this group and just shakes his head at the nonsense, intolerance, and ignorance going on these days. I'll gladly hand over the keys to the kingdom to this bunch!

  4. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Yes! And my 16 year old grandson will be 18 in 2012. He plays internet games (from Homer, AK), and blogs with others his age across the country, and they all think Sarah and her ilk Suck!

  5. Anonymous6:30 AM

    I might feel better about this, Gryphen, if I hadn't seenwhat happened to the counter-culture, anti-materialism, peace loving generation of the 60s: most of my generation turned into the biggest money grubbers the country had ever seen.

  6. WOW!

    I'm 73 and I've felt that way since 1950.

  7. Anonymous6:49 AM

    '........a smile on your face the entire day.' It's about time!

    What really matters: Important news of Wasilla celebrity. Can't get enough of Bristol and Elvis!

    When will the FBI find the resources and time to look into the Palin's hoax?
    FBI/anti-war movement'

    Today is a big day for one of Wasilla's own.


    censor/‘kill-for-sport’ trial

  8. This survey gives me some hope for the next generation after having had a day long back and forth with a young man from the south with him tossing out talking points from the conservative right wing pundits.

    I lost it when he said that the moral fabric of our country was and always would be conservative. I pointed out the hypocrisy of his comment by listing examples of the conservatives who have been caught with their pants down. The best he could do was call me an idiot retard. I think he may be in trouble with sister Sarah for using the "R" word. Or maybe not, 'cause surely he was only joking with me.

    Anyway, all this to say, I truly do hope that the next generation will indeed blow away all of these prejudices so firmly ingrained in our generation.

  9. Anonymous6:52 AM

    To be sure, my grandchildren are more forward thinkers as far as race, sex, etc., but I'm not sure I agree with your assessment. You might want to listen to this first:

  10. Anonymous7:02 AM

    FYI - Correction for you. AVATAR was made by James Cameron.

  11. I hope those kids have a chance, with all the manipulation and censorship these days.
    How is the concern and coverage in Alaska? UK: video.

  12. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Woops, I posted the wrong site; this is the correct one:

    (The other one is good for finding out the that Teabaggers don't mind mixing with the "elite" of Beverly Hills...)

  13. Anonymous7:15 AM

    What a happy thought! I have 2 "Generation We" kids. Both are extremely socially conscious, practice a minimalist life style, progressive, well educated, world traveled, have good jobs....I could go on and on. They are the hope for this world. I feel comfortable letting them rule.

  14. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I'm raising two millenials, not indoctrinating them into any religion, and encouraging them to think critically, question authority, be politically active etc etc etc. The status quo won't know what hit them when the milllennials get active!!

  15. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Hey Gryphen. Have you spoken to Sadie lately? I keep hoping she'll come out with a new one soon. Gotta love her determination to keep up "the fight".
    Thanks for all YOU do!

  16. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Thank you 6:52 AM anonymous. They are organized and get good press coverage. I am in California and have noticed a change. Bristol Palin is the face of an activist today.

    Palin Promotions had boots on the ground
    Beverly Hills - Runyon Canyon - California
    The Palin Promotions Team is statewide
    Mama & Papa Grizzly
    Mama Grizzly Star Parker
    101 Reasons to Support Sarah Palin
    Governor Sarah Palins Accomplishments.

  17. Anonymous7:28 AM

    YES! I read somewhere else that the fury of the teabaggers might hold sway for one, maybe two more election cycles, then stick a fork in it, they are done, as the next generation turns 18 and feels it is their civic duty to vote, vote, vote.

    They will not be whipped into fear by the strawmen Fox "News" trots out.. one of the signs Jon Stewart displayed for the Rally to Restore Sanity was "I am not afraid of gays/immigrants/muslims/guns/teabaggers/etc."

  18. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Kind of needed to hear this today.... the gods know we need some kind of optimism. I've been telling myself "the pendulum is bound to swing back" for years now.

  19. That's great, but will they vote in off year elections?! Very important that they vote in every election, and it seems that many folks (don't know what age group) don't seem to think it's important.

  20. mommom7:48 AM

    It reminds me of a trip from here in Louisiana(Lousyanna) back home to NJ last year.After a week we needed to do some laundry and my DD and I went to a laundromat with my Granddaughter(baby) and 2 grandsons,ages 6 and 8 at the time.After an hour or so we went to collect the boys from where they were playing with their new friends they met at the laundromat and found them sitting on a bench with the 2 brothers they made friends with,ages 5 and 9.The oldest looked at me with his arms around my GS's shoulders and said in such a surprised voice"Two black brothers and two white brothers playing together!This is good!"
    So these two boys being raised here in the south are doing ok.It can be done.Of course,my neighbors here in our doublewide community(much nicer than you would think) don't speak to us,what with the Obama signs and my grandsons best friend visiting(he is black) and my son in laws best friend visiting with him(a great young black man who lost an arm in the service of his country,how can they not love him?

  21. Anonymous7:50 AM

    “I see no justification for giving a tax break…for the wealthiest people in America…the tax cuts at the high end have increased the deficit enormously.” Pelosi

    Either N Pelosi is ridiculously stupid or a chemical spill happened upon Capitol Hill. No one is looking to raise OR lower taxes. It's all about extending or ceasing the Bush tax cuts. Not extending them for the rich is the dumbest decision EVER. esp since the line is drawn at 250k, which is not that much for people who wish to start a business. Someone needs to tell Madam Speaker deficits become large and evergrowing due to massive spending. Ask California how that happens. I know the deficit was caused in part by the war but there are other ways of rectifying it - rebudgeting for one

  22. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Why doesn't Govt take all the money received from the tanning tax and begin paying off the deficit that way

  23. Anonymous7:52 AM

    My 2 daughters are in this group, 24 & 26 yrs old. And they and their friends (the older one especially) are exactly as this report says. Very encouraging for the future!

  24. Tania7:58 AM

    Gryphen I agree with your daughter; to us the insanity is obvious! In our generation, being racist or homophobic is well, odd, and will likely earn you mirth, derision and a swift metaphorical kick up the backside to tell them that attitude is not cool. Put it this way; I've worked my way through uni in jobs with this generation, and one job had a flamboyantly gay manager. Despise the workplace populated with teenage boys, I do not know of one instance where he received any disrespect but rather the contrary. It wasn't an issue.
    A Cosmo magazine survey on young men I was reading recently said the majority do not believe in God. Not scientific albeit, and only on men, but it's a trend I enjoy. Also, that's Australia not America, but it all helps!
    The sooner we rid our world governments of the scourge of those that seek to impose their beliefs on us all, the better.

  25. Anonymous8:02 AM

    OMG. - O/T. That Palin Promotions stuff looks pathetic! Hilarious, even. I say that as an L.A. resident...The tote bag in and of itself says it all.

  26. @Anon. 7:18

    Bristol Palin is an ACTIVIST? You've got to be kidding!
    The only time Bristol Palin has been ACTIVE is between the sheets.

    She's nothing more than a money grubbing grifter just like her NO ACCOMPLISHMENT MOTHER.

    Wait, I take that back. Her mother is very accomplished at one thing. And that is squeezing money out of dumb asses.

  27. Anonymous8:08 AM

    so a lawyer attached to Ted Stevens 08 trial commit suicide this weekend?

  28. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I see we have a robot claiming that giving the rich the means to continue paying less tax than they should, will make everything alright in the world...just like it has these LAST 9 years, in which they've had this opportunity to "create jobs" with their windfall.

    Lets hope people who parrot Fox talking points like that, are NOT going to be found among the new crop of citizens coming of age!

    I'm so happy to hear something GOOD about those bringing up the rear...sure has seemed as if their main concern for years, has been to get off work or school, and find a place to get stinking drunk.

    Not that I blame them: when I hear the price of an urban dwelling, hovering around $400,000 even during a downturn, I can see why they'd do the "beatnik" thing of feeling like the world was ending, so not putting out any real effort in life.

  29. Anonymous9:58 AM

    So why do older, white, hate-filled blowhards get all the media attention?

    Most young folks I know are so amazing and interesting. They're creating solutions for large-scale community problems as high-school and college projects.

    My daughter's reaction if Sarah Palin is the next president: to live abroad. What a waste of talent and brains, to lose them to England or Africa, which is where they'd prefer to live. They see right through Palin, but we're told that Palin represents the New Feminism.

  30. What Anonymous@6:30 a.m. said. It's what prompted my previous [unposted] post. The young "millenials" would do well to read serious history and religion to get a sense of the realities of human nature. Go forth and do your best, always, but understand your "movement" was invented by a couple of entreprenurial types, not notorious for self-sacrificing public service. Love of money is the root of all evil.

  31. This post does make me happy! I really hope that your daughter is correct.

  32. KidShalleen12:31 PM

    I've got a daughter, 29, and a son 27, and I've been on to this for quite some time. Yes, they will be America's salvation,. if salvation is even possible.
    Remember, Boomers, we thought we'd be the ones. But a generation schizophrenic enough to give us both Bill Clinton and GWB was destined to be screwed up.

  33. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I often look at YouTube videos of young people talking about politics. I've seen teenagers sizing up the current situations better than any paid news commenters. I'm in awe of them. I step away from my computer feeling that maybe there is hope for this nation.

    I believe that Palin, Bristol of unearned fame, and the hidden evangelical puppet masters are trying to entice young people over to the evil side. No method is too underhanded.

  34. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Have you read The Fourth Turning? Interesting book and what its authors had to say about the role of Generation X during this time of crisis. In short, Obama's generation has the thankless task of trying to fix the problems when they aren't trying to keep everything from flying apart. The parallel generation in the past included U.S. Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman. Interesting, ya think?
    M from MD

  35. aj weishar8:01 PM

    Thank you for this post. I am the father of two from this generation, and I thought it was unique to our school system. It's great to know we have a generation coming to clean up the mess. They kept asking me why people believe the lies from politicians. This generation will bring a social conscience back to the White House and Congress and put people before corporate interests.

  36. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Best news I've heard in a long time. It gives me hope.

  37. Anonymous10:17 PM

    You are wrong by many accounts. There are always some decent people in any generation but the envelope for behavior has been pushed pretty far. Young people have been found to be less moral and civic minded on a number of qualities. They have also been found to be more selfish and narcissistic.


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