Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wow! Everything really IS political these days!

From Comics Alliance:

We've known since Comic-Con that Archie Comics would be bringing President Obama and political rival Sarah Palin to Riverdale to back opposing student government campaigns, but I'm not sure anybody was prepared for the idealistic town's effect on the pair on the cover of an upcoming issue. What other fictional locale could inspire the harmony that is sharing a chocolate shake (or perhaps even a malt) at Pop Tate's Chocklit Shoppe?

Okay well first we KNOW that Sarah Palin would never share ANYTHING with President Obama, or a Democrat, or for that matter, a black man.

And second just how old does the artist think Sarah Palin is?  That cover makes her look like she is only nineteen or twenty years old.  You know back before she became a bitter middle aged shell of her former self, and started to yell "Do you love your FREEDOM!" at the top of her lungs in a pathetic attempt to make people pay attention to her.


  1. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Oh, no! They gave Sarah the face of Betty and Veronica when she's clearly closer to Miss Grundy.

  2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:04 PM

    Oh. Dear. God. Will Mr. Weatherbee or Professor Flutesnoot make a play for Sarah?


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