Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Alaska Republicans tell Joe Miller to stop dodging questions!

I don't care if everybody realizes I can't do the job!  The only way to stop me is to vote against me!
From ADN:

Forty Alaska Republicans have signed an open letter to Republican U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller, urging him to start answering questions from the news media and voters about his background and qualifications to serve.

"It is unacceptable -- and certainly not a winning strategy -- to explicitly refuse to answer reasonable questions about oneself, and to disrespect the Alaska public and the press' right to do so before the questions have even been asked," said the letter, made public today.

"This is not unfair scrutiny," the open letter said. "It is what the Founding Fathers foresaw voters considering when they wrote the U.S. Constitution. It is at best inconsistent and at worst hypocritical to conceal facts about one's past while at the same time basing one's campaign on a claim to respect the U.S. Constitution as the most important source of political legitimacy in the land."

Hmm so the Republicans are finally starting to realize that there is something a little shady about their candidate huh?  Well about damn time!

Of course they might have come to that conclusion sooner if they had simply bothered to talk to Joe Miller's previous employers, who apparently expressed profound relief on the day that he decided to quit.


After graduating from Yale Law School in 1995, Miller moved to Anchorage to take a job as an associate at the firm then known as Condon Partnow & Sharrock. Attorney David Shoup was Miller's supervisor during the end of Miller's three-year tenure at the firm, and he tells Salon of Miller's departure: "We at this firm were not eager to have him stay, and so when he announced he was leaving, we were relieved."

Shoup says he cannot reveal more about Miller's tenure because of the firm's personnel policies. (Shoup is a part owner of the firm, which is now called Tindall Bennett & Shoup.)

Shoup acknowledges that he is a registered Democrat and that he has donated to Scott McAdams, Miller's Democratic foe. But he maintains his politics have not shaped opinion of Miller. "My view of Joe Miller is colored by knowing Joe Miller," Shoup said. (Ouch!  That has to hurt!)

Interesting.  The Republicans are not at all sure he is the right man for the Senate job, and his old employer is POSITIVE he was not the right man for the job at their law firm. So I guess the ONLY people who are still expressing confidence in Joe Miller are people from outside of Alaska who don't have to live in a state with Joe Miller as one of its senators, and Sarah and Todd Palin.

If THAT doesn't send a message to the people of Alaska, I don't know what will!


  1. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I don't know that there is a vetting process to run for office. Isn't it pay your money (there has to be money involved) and fill out the form?

    It would be a violation of civil rights to screen people before they can run. That's what Iran does.

  2. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Here's to hoping that the only support he's getting is from OUTSIDE AK. Sorry, votes don't count tards :)

    I think the tipping point was Bud Fate (last signature on the letter)

    Not my son-in-law

    Pretty telling of character for both Joe and his wife (who also,too did not correct the intro)

  3. Anonymous5:37 PM

    As much as I hate to admit it, this was an excellent response from the Republican Party. It allows them to take an ethical stand and forces the hand of slimy politicians, even if the voters don't have a clue!

  4. Can't we just move all those misinformed tea baggers to Texas or some where and build an iron curtain around them? They can play candidate all day long because let's face it, they really don't want to actually SERVE our country.

  5. laprofesora5:40 PM

    Did Scarah sign the letter?

  6. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Looks much more like a bunch of pro-Murkowski Republicans trying to bring him down than frustrated Republicans trying to get him to buck up. I don't think you can read much more into it. But I like the intermural infighting.

  7. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I just saw the most recent CNN poll for the Alaskan Senate race and couldn't be more dumbfounded. Miller has 37% of the vote and McAdams is at 23%. What is wrong with Alaska?

  8. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Get ready for 40 lifelong Alaska Party faithful to get shoved under the Palin / Miller bus.

    That Reudich stands behind these horrid examples of Party elite is telling enough on how despicable the Party has become. It isn't a party that Stevens would recognize.

  9. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Gryphen did you mean dodging and not doging?

  10. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I hate to do this to you gryph... but "Doging" should be spelled "Dodging"

    Just sayin'.

    Great post as always!

  11. Thanks gang! I check that headline over and over again before hitting publish but I still fail to notice little things like a dropped "d" almost every time.

  12. Buffalo, NY6:34 PM

    No need to apologize gryphen, it is a very common thing. Here's a scientific example:

    if yuo can raed tihs, you hvae a sgtrane mnid, too.
    Can you raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

    i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

  13. Anonymous6:35 PM

    The Repub letter is an attack.

    Concerned friends pick up the phone and quietly urge the candidate to "do the right thing". Pee'd off party elites publish a letter to the candidate. It doesn't matter what Joe Miller does, the power players want DISTANCE between themselves and their candidate whackjob.

    PS hoping to read a post soon about the carelessness of Sarah Palin

  14. Anonymous6:50 PM

    It looks like Sarah Palin is throwing Joe Miller under the bus again. Her name is first on that list.

  15. Anonymous6:58 PM

    @ 5:42 Anonymous- those polls are scary. yup, its a red state, and people just vote conservative. period. conservative voters don't read or research or pay attention. anything negative about their candidate is liberal lies. independents and undeclareds usually swing the vote whenever a dem wins. unfortunately Lisa is using up those votes. and if she wins, that's great (i won't mind), but if Miller wins, it will be her fault, hope she can live with that. we need everyone on board to GOTV for Scott McAdams.

  16. Anonymous6:59 PM

    good grief, that is some bad vibe from Joe's ex-employer. I wish some of these people would come forward and just let us know the details of his problem. Well, not like I'm voting for him and I even wonder if his bots would change their minds. This is what is so odd — his issues show such a total lack of character.

  17. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Every single word of that letter should be slammed down Sarah Palin's throat, as well as Christine O'Donnell, Sharron Angle, Jan Brewer, Rand "whiney boy" Paul, et al.

  18. Anonymous7:13 PM

    You have bigger fish to fry than obsessing over the spelling.


    This must be getting serious for Militia Joe Miller. Time to visit some Talibangelical churches and pray.

    Pray that nothing else seeps out!

    HAHA like that can be prevented.

    anon at 5:00 pm- at that link- WTF?? Land of Bizzaro. That slipped past because of all the other FAIL by Joe. How does something like that happen and the Stepford Wife is silent???

    Looking good Joe.

    Keith Olbermann and Rachael Maddow should have this on their shows tomorrow. My name is Joe Miller and here is my wife. Who is my father in law? Should he know my wife...

    Can you imagine being Bud Fate- what a nightmare to start getting calls like that! Is Joe Miller Really your son-in-law?!#%!?

    Shorter BUD FATE: ZOMG- I'd better
    be sure that people don't think that asshat married my daughter!

    And- Let's write that asshat a letter, I'll sign it!

    Joe Miller Owes Bud Fate an apology SRSLY.

  19. Anonymous7:29 PM

    About this letter- interesting- but not doing anything except turn the heat up 2 or 3 degrees.

    Anyone in Alaska still uninformed about Joe, and able to be convinced by this letter? This is REPUBLICAN CYA because they were so incompetent and stupid as to enable this BOZO to hijack the nomination. They stood quietly by doing NOTHING. For Years.

    The Alaskan Republican Party now now needs VEXCON due to the toxic infestations that they allowed to develop. Do not forget asshats- You knew who and what TEABAG JOE was before there was a TEABAG PARTY.

    If you want to do the right thing then start spilling what you really know about the Wasilla Mafia.

    The candidate- I don't know what his thought process is.

    The people behind the scenes organizing, funding and enabling this freakshow (and it is not only Joe Miller they are behind) are probably starting to worry.

    Can they trust this crazytrain to stay on the rails and not reveal them? How much longer are they going to trust Joe to follow their script? It seems like he is not so good under pressure.

    Due to all this incompetence, the folks behind these teabag idiots may be revealed.

  20. Anonymous7:29 PM


    And, don't believe the polls. Vote.

  21. Anonymous7:45 PM

    the latest Joe Miller ad is out, check it out......

  22. Military Law Expert: Joe Miller's Private Guards Violated Government Regulations

    A review of legal documents governing the political activities allowed to members of the armed forces confirmed the incident was a violation of the government's military directives.

    Subparagraph of Department of Defense Directive 1344.10 requires that members of the armed forces not "perform clerical or other duties for a partisan political committee or candidate during a campaign, on an election day, or after an election day during the process of closing out a campaign."

    Soldiers Spc. Tyler Ellingboe, 22, and Sgt. Alexander Valdez, 31, assigned to the 3rd Maneuver Enhancement Brigade at Fort Richardson, would appear to be in violation of this law.

    "As I read the regulations, regardless of the moonlighting or whether they were being paid for it, they shouldn't have been there performing these functions in the course of a political campaign," said Eugene Fidell, who teaches military law at Yale Law School and is president of the National Institute of Military Justice. "Had they been mere spectators it would have been fine. But being part of the team running the event crosses the line."

    It IS pretty bad when you stop to think about it.

    Here you have 2 active duty service men, who's boss is Obama, trampling the first amendment rights of the press at a political event.

    When you are on active duty status, you are not making a "citizens arrest", you ARE active duty military...PERIOD.

    Not to mention that the members of the military, are not allowed in ANY way, to be involved with politics while they serve.

    Hopfinger could very well raise issue with with this as well as Miller and the Dropzone Dumbass.

  23. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Joe Miller, Rich Iott, Sharron Angle, Christine O'Donnell, Rand Paul..... these are the cyncical products of the so-called grassroots "tea party movement". It is beginning to appear as if America is waking up, thankfully. Just in case, join this Facebook page which profiles the Tea Party's assault on cognitive integrity in political discourse:

  24. Anonymous9:03 PM

    to Anon @ 4:57 p.m. I don't know about Alaska, but down here, most jurisdictions require the potential nominee to get a petition signed by X number of registered voters. THen and only then, after the signatures have been verified will they be added to the primary ballot - is AK different? I think that means the "vetters" are one's peers and neighbors.

  25. Anonymous3:37 AM

    I want to know and am surprised why nobody is asking this question.
    Did sarah palin know what joe miller used others votes and tried to sabotage an election?
    Did she herself do anything?
    This was her boss, Rudy R. the one she got fired for unethical behavior.
    Did she know what joe hda done when she endorsed him?
    How does she feel about it now, seeing she is so big on 'ethics' in government???

  26. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Anon @ 6:50

    Are you saying that Palin signed on as one of the Republicans in the letter to Miller? Show the link please because the ADN article doesn't even mention Palin. If she had signed that letter to Miller, why didn't the ADN mention it? That would be big news.

  27. What the repugnasticans should have told that scuzzy looking Joe is to clean up his appearance!!!

    He always looks like something that crawled out of a dumpster after a 3-4 day "lost weekend" of heavy binging!

    It would be kind of someone of you to write down the name and phone number of a battered woman's shelter and quietly slip it into the hands of his wife.

    No one could look that abused without it being so.

  28. Anonymous3:24 PM

    In light of the comment by his former boss, we need even more to find out why he left the military academy early.

    Could it be he is just such a jerk they didn't want him around?

  29. Anonymous3:36 PM

    This info needs to be all over mainstream media to let the world know Miller is as crazy and crooked as the rest of the Palin-backed nutbaggers!

  30. Anonymous3:44 PM

    For a candidate to obtain signatures, it may be nothing more than claiming "Do you want to keep your rights as an Alaskan?" to get people to sign. They don't need to know what they're signing. Look at the mess in Colorado where they're claiming to have 75,000 signatures to put a bill on the ballot making abortion AND birth control illegal, yet most of the people who signed the petition were not told of it's true intent.


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