Sunday, October 24, 2010

David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the KKK, would like to explain why it is not a bad thing that the Teabaggers are racist. Oh THIS ought to be good!

David Duke carefully explains, for all of those university educated people who do not get their information from the ivy covered halls of Fox News,  that it is perfectly okay that the Teabaggers are a white movement. Just like it is fine that the NAACP is predominantly African American, that a pro-Jewish group are mostly Jewish, and that the Society for the Advancement of Little People has all of those tiny dwarfs as members.

Nobody calls THEM racists! Now do you brown, black, short, Jewish, Asian, female people get it?

The white people in America are being oppressed and treated like...gasp...minorities!  And DD and the Teabaggers are standing up for their lily white right to marginalize other ethnic groups and demand the lion's share of the power and prosperity that this country has to offer.  How can THAT be considered racist?

Did you know that Thomas Jefferson has many of his writings censored just like, wait for it, David Duke? Clearly they should be seen as equals.

Duke goes on to explain the Teabagger's racism by saying that it is perfectly okay because our founding fathers were ALSO racists. See? That totally makes it alright! 

Heaven forbid we should learn to be more tolerant and accepting then the less educated and primitive people who came before us. 

(Did Duke put Sarah Palin in the same company as President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden at 6:40?  Oh THAT could come back and bite him in the ass!)

So to sum up.  The founding fathers hated minorities.  They wrote the Constitution. Teabaggers love the Constitution like crazy!  (But not enough to read it) So the Teabaggers should be allowed to hate minorities! Case closed!

Wow! The Teabaggers really owe David Duke a huge debt of gratitude for finally explaining their movement, and why it should be embraced by every ethnically pure, Aryan in America.

Remember, if you ain't white, you ain't right!

(You should also read Wonkette's take on this video.)

P.S. Did anybody else notice that Duke had the same "vaguely bearded" look that Joe Miller sports up here in Alaska?  Coincidence?  I wonder if Duke would also embrace the East Germany approach to border security that Miller espouses?


  1. Gads what is that growing on top of Dukes head? it looks like some of the ass hairs from Bristols DWTS monkey suit landed and colonized his head.

    Well I just got another candidate for Ass Hat of the Week.

  2. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Duke's right. It is perfectly fine for the teabaggers to hate whoever they want to, free country and all that. It is also perfectly fine for the rest of us to treat them with the contempt they deserve and for them to just take it. They can't have it both ways, they can't say they are not racist yet push for racist treatment of those not "like them".

  3. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Hey DD, anything can be justified. You and the Nazi, German-loving-patriotic volk, had the same contempt for the same "others" that you do! And like others sheep in a herd mentality, with nationalism, patriotism and family oriented "values", saw no problem with first rounding them up, locking them up and exterminating them. All in order to keep their "civil society", civil. Nice huh? Wake up America. The new fascism is knocking on the door from within and they are draped in flags, crosses, selective constitutional love AND backed by the same monied interests that backed other despots in the last century.

  4. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Gryphen, your post is pure perfection.

  5. Anonymous8:58 AM

    He looks oddly feminine in the screen cap...wonder how that works for him.

  6. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Where did he get his doctorate? Is Glenn Beck's university giving out advanced degrees now?

    He ignores the fact that the blacks who voted for Obama didn't use Nazi symbolism or threaten violence against his opponent or the country if they didn't get their own way. It is the guiding principle that there are 'real Americans' who are white and Christian and that no one else should have a say in governing the country--and that, indeed, violence is a legitimate tool to keep 'non-real Americans' from elected office--that makes the Tea Party racist. Not the color of their skin.

  7. Ok - so I couldn't bear to watch the whole thing - what is it with these people? It's not just the stupid coming out of their mouths, it's the sound of their voices. Does all that rage change the sound of their voices and make it hard to listen to unless you're also brain-damaged by hate and anger? ugh.

    It's really unfortunate that "the lamestream media" gives these jokers so much airtime, it convinces them and others that more than a minority of Americans feel the way they do.

  8. lwtjb9:54 AM

    Eeeeeewwwwww. Did you HAVE to do this? He makes my skin crawl. Now I must rush to the shower and scrub my brain with lye soap.

  9. DD is such an advocate for a phrase I once heard an idiot mouth: "Don't you know a Caucus is for Caucasians?"

  10. David Duke is pure evil, yes. But he is honest about it. And I thank him for letting America know that he is in full support of the racist Teabagger movement. Maybe that will give him a slightly cooler spot in hell.

  11. OK, so which is it? I thought the teabaggers were denying being racists. Are they owning it now?

  12. GrainneKathleen12:28 PM

    eegads! bigotry sure is ugly... and has a bad rug to boot!!!
    i have nothing against metrosexuals - to each his own - but why would this kkk guy want to look like one? maybe it's the billy ray cyrus effect.

  13. GrainneKathleen12:35 PM

    but getting to dd's rationale for the domination of white people over the country/universe - emmm, sorry, try again. i know human beings can rationalize just about anything, but this is some of the most convoluted and ugly thinking i have ever had the displeasure of being led into. their imaginary homogeneous america would SUCK (and i rarely use capitals). sounds more like nazi cleansing of all the "undesirables" to me.
    oh, and the thomas jefferson comparison is a hoot! only poor censored tom could understand the trials and tribulations of the likes of david duke.
    now back to that awful rug...

  14. Sorry, I couldn't manage to finish watching the video without gagging! Ignorance can be remedied by education, but stupid and bigoted is forever!


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