Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Just when you thought there was no more room in Joe Miller's closet for any more skeletons, here comes another one! And hey, this one brought a "mystery hideaway" with him!

So hey, you know how you are supposed to claim ALL of your property and assets on the Senate financial disclosure statements when you decide to run for the Senate?  Yeah? Well guess who didn't do that?

Apparently Joe "Quit staring at my beard, it is the best I can do!" Miller owns a two story house on 40 acres of land near Willow.  But don't worry, no harm done because the land is not EXACTLY in his name.  Can you say "legal loophole?"

Courtesy of the Alaska Dispatch:

The land was purchased in 1996. Former owner Arnie Hcrnir said he gave in to a low-ball offer from Miller because he really needed to sell. Hcrnir didn't say how much Miller paid, but land in the Willow area was going cheap at the time.

Miller had been working for a year or so as an attorney at an Anchorage law firm, although in 1995 he'd signed a sworn statement that he was indigent.That claim allowed him to save $50 on a state hunting and fishing license; he got a license reserved for the poor for only $5.

Before purchasing the cabin, he and his wife, Kathleen, began work on a costly addition to their Anchorage home that more than doubled the assessed value of what had been a $93,100 house. And shortly after that, the Millers went shopping for their out-of-town hideaway.

In the summer of 1996, Miller found Hrncir who'd built a solid cabin back in the woods a couple miles off the George Parks Highway in the area of Caswell Lakes. Hrncir did not remember Miller by name when contacted by the Alaska Dispatch earlier this month, but he did well recall selling the property to a "young Anchorage lawyer." Hrncir said he met the attorney in an Anchorage Denny's Restaurant -- Miller was working as a lawyer in the city at the time -- to sign the papers closing the deal.
But Miller's name does not appear on the deed registered with the state.

On paper, the land Hrncir sold to Miller is in the name of "Bobbi Reed,'' trustee for The Wilmington Trust. Reed is an old friend of Miller's wife, Kathleen.

Reed lives in Anchorage, but tax statements are sent to her at an address in Fairbanks. The address is the post office box for the Law Offices of Joseph W. Miller.

Okay so the property is in a trust?  And who are the beneficiaries?

When he took a job as a state magistrate in the late 1990s, he filed an Alaska Public Offices Commission report that listed the owners of the property as three of his children and their interest in the property as a "trust.''

Oh!  So the trust names the Miller children as the owners of the property and this nice lady, Bobbi Reed, manages the trust for the kids.  Well that is very kind of her.

Reed said she knows nothing about a trust even though she is named as trustee.

Wait, what?

Asked where The Wilmington Trust was registered, Reed said, "I don't have a clue.''

Now let me get this straight, there is a trust set up for the kids, and this lady is named as trustee, but she know NOTHING about any trust? Well you all know what we are about to learn next don't you?

Alaska Dispatch could find no record of The Wilmington Trust..

Go ahead, raise your hand if you saw THAT coming! Alright, alright put your hands down, and stop looking so smug!

Okay you saw THAT coming, but did you see THIS coming?

The story Hrncir tells about the land deal with Miller doesn't exactly paint a flattering picture of the candidate. The year was 1996, Hrncir said, and the economy in the area just north of Willow -- once the site of a proposed new state capital -- was going in the tank. Everyone was broke and getting out or already gone.

Hcrnir finally decided to put the place up for sale in an Anchorage newspaper. Not long after, the Anchorage attorney, his wife and several of their kids came by. "He knew I wanted to sell bad,'' Hcrnir said. "He made me one of those 'offer's good only until the sun goes down' deals.'"

Hcrnir didn't really want to sell for the cut-rate price being offered, but he felt that he had to. And he perfectly understood the low-ball offer; business is business.

What followed wasn't, at least not by Alaska standards. The deal was made in Willow, Hcrnir said, but he met Miller in Anchorage at the Denny's on Dimond Boulevard to sign the papers to close the sale. Up to that point, Hcrnir said, he'd always found the Anchorage lawyer a friendly guy. That changed the second the legal documents were inked.

Hcrnir told Miller he planned to go back to Caswell to get the last of the family's stuff out of the cabin, including the generator Hcrnir had said all along he planned to take with him. Miller told Hrncir that he was to stay off the property.

"He schemed me out of that,'' Hcrnir said. "He pulled out a paper and said it said (sold) 'where is, as is.' Legally he was right, (but) he went from a friend to a legal counsel in a minute.''

And that my fellow Alaskans is the guy who wants us to trust him to represent the people of our fair state.

Personally I would not trust this son-of-a-bitch as far as I could throw him. (Gee I wonder how far that would be?)

Believe it or not, there is even MORE truly disgusting things revealed about Joe Miller and his "mystery hideaway" in the Alaska Dispatch article.  If you think you can handle any more of Miller's less than ethical business dealings feel free to read more. Me, I think I need to take a shower.


  1. Anonymous2:50 AM

    You forgot: the headline should be "Just when you thought there was no more room in SARAH PALIN ENDORSED CANDIDATE Joe Miller's closet for any more skeletons, here comes another one! And hey, this one brought a "mystery hideaway" with him!"

  2. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Wilmington Trust is a major bank trust company based in Delaware, https://www.wilmingtontrust.com/wtcom/. So they are for real. I'm under the impression that they mostly deal with high net worth individuals on the East Coast, though, so it seems strange that an indigent fisherman in Alaska would use their services.

  3. angela3:21 AM


    When I saw the word "skeletons" in the heading of this post . . . . . . I'm just saying. Joe strikes me as the sort who will eventually have all of his property dug up by the local authorities.

    Skeezy, skeezy, and more skeezy. What's next with this freak?

  4. Anonymous3:26 AM


    Here's a $25K Deed of Trust to First American Title Co. and "Credit Union 1" from the Millers on this property.

    And is this Miller's "farmland" on which he received subsidies in Fairbanks?


  5. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Yep, he $arah Paylin's pal all right.

    Frankly, I don't care how much folks don't like Lisa Murkowski. At least she isn't slimy. Miller is slimy. And repulsive. Frankly, every time I see his picture, I think ped.

    As well as McAdams is doing, I don't see him winning. Alaska needs to get behind Murkowski in this race, or you may end up with this slime ball as senator.

  6. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Wow - will Miller ever be held accountable for the amount of sleaze he produces? He seems to do things in a way that are only marginally legal - perhaps because he doesn't really understand the law beyond how he can personally gain from it.

    What a creep. I think anyone who votes for this blowhard, bully and bast**d should be ashamed of him or herself. Who would give this guy power over them? You'd have to loathe yourself a lot to put him in the Senate. Nothing like shooting yourself in the foot by voting for scum like Miller.

    Sorry - I don't normally talk about people in this way, but Joe Miller is a special case. He really is a nasty piece of work.

  7. Anonymous4:32 AM

    THIS is exactly how the Palin clan hides their assets. "Trusts" in others' names. I hope this gets blown out of the water. And I sincerely hope the witch of Wasilla goes down with the ship.

  8. Anonymous4:34 AM

    teabagger chomiller should be wearing a kuspik...

  9. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Alaska Recorders office doesn't make it easy to find documents (many of which aren't viewable. And of course, there are misspellings and other clerical errors.

    Hiding something seems to be fairly easy in Alaska.

  10. Anonymous4:57 AM

    This guy is so dirty.

  11. Moral of the story: Don't screw with the press.
    What is next? A mistress and a love child or a second wife and family.
    This man lacks any semblance of morals or ethics. Although, this would make him perfect for Washington D.C., the Senate seat would be for his benefit and not for the benefit of Alaska. You guys have a dilemma. Two republican candidates with murky pasts and presents and one democrat that is rational but can't get noticed. What a travesty.

  12. I read your link to Alaska Dispatch and wound up in Wonkette. Wow she is really focused on Joe's Military disability.

    I hope the info about this disability surfaces before the election.

    Now with all this info on Joe re:what he says and what he does... will he still get elected?

  13. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Shocked Joe Miller did not burn the house down to collect the insurance money...

  14. Anonymous5:23 AM

    It would make me sick, but I'd hire him to be my blood sucking, scumbag lawyer. Better he represent you than go against you.

    That said, I'd never give him any power over a population.

    I'm turning in my absentee ballot today, Joe is not getting my vote. Nor is Captain Zero, unfortunately, Parnell is probably going to win for nothing.

  15. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Joe, you should have planned ahead and faked a pregnancy with a special needs child. Apparently that's the only way to really shield yourself from the press. Oh, and be sure to be sexually provocative while yelling "sexist!" any time anyone criticizes you.

    Sigh. The saddest part of this (aside from the fact that Sarah Palin does the same kinds of things but doesn't get called out) is that even though Joe Miller is a flat out criminal and a slime bag carpet bagging lawyer of the lowest order, plenty of people will still vote for him.

  16. Anonymous6:15 AM

    'Mitler' should just wear a sandwich board saying:

    "Don't piss me off, I'm running out of space to hide the bodies"

    It's no different than Palin who has left parked buses everywhere. Check the ground under the buses and you find massive body counts.

  17. Anonymous6:38 AM

    On a sidetrack note after reading about the taxes being sent to and paid by Miller on this property:

    When will the taxes be assessed on the Palin Wasilla compound? The new buildings still do not show as being assessed.

  18. Anonymous6:49 AM

    GI Joe, and his buddy, Mrs. Todd Palin, are frauds and liars. Liars cannot be trusted, and should never be elected to anything. The seller of the hide away property found out the hard way.

  19. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Is there any capacity in Joe Miller's life in which he HASN'T tried to cheat Alaskans?? Goodness, the man started grifting the state the moment he got there and hasn't stopped since. If he doesn't win, I can't imagine how he won't get run out of the state on a rail.

  20. emrysa8:26 AM

    jeezus gryphen it just doesn't stop with this guy. it's almost unreal.

    it's clear as day why palin endorsed this guy. they are 2 peas in a pod, couldn't get any more crooked.

  21. Enjay in E MT9:02 AM

    You don't suppose Joe & Sarah were separated at birth do you??

  22. This guy makes ordinary crooked politicians look positively angelic. Even his TP supporters should feel betrayed by his utter lack of integrity, his hiding all these things that could potentially sink him as a candidate. He was never working for any "movement," only for himself. I hope they come to see Joe for what he is, and their reaction to his betrayal won't be pretty.

  23. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I don't know if this is a legal loophole. Joe might want everyone to think it is. Either Joe and his family own this property or they do not. Doesn't matter what has been done to obscure ownership- in the end it comes down to - either they own the property, or they own the trust or whatever they have set up, OR they do not own it.

    If they do own something having to do with this property- then it should have been reported on disclosure forms- as Miller had done in the past.

    While there may be a be a large bank doing business under that name- if they were involved-would they do things like this?

    Joe's closet is a double wide walkin-

    Seems like the Miller's Matsu Hideaway neighbors are tightlipped- maybe they are worried about Joe's friends.

    Tony Hopfinger was handcuffed by Joe's DropZone security squad on October 17. AK Dispatch in Medred's story reports that they interviewed the 'trustee' Bobbi Reed on October 19th.

    HMMM Was AK Dispatch was working on this story before the DropZone incident...and word got back to Joe, or the campaign, or the security squad (what other services did Drop Zone provide?)?

    DropZone Bill has described Joe Miller as a friend in discussing this handcuff incident. Time for Joe to do some more explaining?

    Because this might be getting really interesting. I'm sure AK Dispatch can document their end of this.

    Joe Miller- seems like he is accused of 'No unemployment insurance for you- AND THAT GENERATOR IS NOW MINE ALSO TOO.

    Looking Good.

  24. Anonymous1:17 PM

    How did Joe get out of teh Military so fast?

  25. Anonymous3:55 PM

    The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that Palin & her people are pulling the wool over everyone's eyes (including Miller's).

    The plan: Endorse an ethically compromised teabagger, get him elected, then have him recalled once all his dirty laundry & dirty ethics are exposed.

    Then her buddy, Parnell, appoints Sarah as the Senate replacement. No muss - no fuss.

    This scheme allows Sarah to continue to pad her bank account & pander to the lower 48 & be queen to the backwash. All while not having to work the campaign trail, expose her dirty laundry, face the media scrutiny - so on and so forth.

    I'm convinced the Palin gang know all about Miller's background. The only problem is some of it is being revealed before she wants it revealed.

    Denise (Michigan)

  26. hauksdottir8:20 PM

    What on earth would Joe Miller want with the Hcnir's family belonging? I can see the logic behind the generator... but quilts, plates, toothbrushes, and family pictures???

    Oh ye gods and fishes, what an asshole!!!

    As for Wonkette focusing on the disability, I agree and think that IS the most important issue. If Miller is suffering from PTSD or any other crippling psychological ailment, the entire country NEEDS TO KNOW. Before the election.

    We don't need a talking time bomb in DC, especially one with his own private army. Maybe Rachel's investigators can find someone willing to talk?


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