Monday, October 04, 2010

Tonight's DWTS performance by Bristol Palin. Updated!

(Updated to include practice footage and judging.)

Ummm nice belt?


  1. Anonymous7:04 PM

    The belt is not hiding what it should be hiding, IMHO. Also,too, not much dancing by that "star".

  2. Anonymous7:05 PM

    not very impressive at all

  3. Anonymous7:07 PM

    what! She never gave him the food he danced for!

  4. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Can someone explain to me why you would wear that belt to draw attention to an oversize belly? What happened to the Spanx?

  5. Molly7:12 PM

    Is it just me, or is her whole pelvic region just ballooning up?

    Huh. I wonder what is causing that.

  6. Anonymous7:15 PM

    why is she always taking her clothes off?

  7. Anonymous7:18 PM

    If she's not pregnant I'll vote republican.
    (Just kidding)
    But seriously that is a baby bump and she is chunking out all over with this one.

  8. Tonight was accurate judging. mark could not dance his as of so they both looked good tonight. This dance was just a notch up from her performance on Secret Life of American Teenager. Seriously, Bristol seems to have no emotions. She can smile feigning pleasantness but comes off dead or very angry.

    Check out footage at the end of the show. Bristol lloked angry. The other performances looked happy, pleased to glad tonight's round was over. Bristol was intolerant to receiving critique. They received the secondest lowest score to my recollection.

    Being a Palin she won't look inward and perceive shse was "attacked". She looked like the wheels of revenge were turning in her head at the end of the show.

  9. It appeared that SHE (BP) was the only one of the "stars" who did not applaud during the show close. WOW! Consume a few too many sour grapes schnootzie? No worries hon, your momma's "hounds from hell will be unleashed" and keep you safe from elimination. pays to keep secrets.........

  10. Bristol runs from the paparazzi. Why would she dance with a homeless man?

    The judges didn't like her at all tonight. Finally they see she isn't dancing, just swaying to the music and throwing out her arms to pose.

    Yes, she looks pregnant.

  11. Anonymous7:26 PM

    "Will Dance for Food"? Shouldn't that be Bristol's line?

  12. I never actually thought I would ever watch this show but the possibility that Bristol might trip or something makes it irresistible. At least she wasn't on last this time so I could bail early!

  13. Anonymous7:29 PM

    did I see black spandex underneath?

  14. Call the What Not To Wear Team for assistance in costume design.
    She looked larger in the middle to me too. Maybe they'll have a come back next week. I doubt it for she looked so pissed off.

    Heh, maybe Sarah will send some weird tweets for entertainment. I bet the judges are assaulted by Palinbots threatening them.

  15. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Bristol does a very realistic snotty gal.

  16. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Cho has GREAT legs.

  17. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Was that Piper in the audience?

  18. Anonymous7:38 PM

    If she's not preggo, she might want to get checked for fibroids. This girl is a chunk.

  19. Anonymous7:40 PM

    even the belt can't dance

  20. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Can't figure out why Bristol wears that grey heavy hoodie over another shirt. Mark was just wearing a t-shirt, during rehearsals. There's something a bit strange why she can't just wear a plain t-shirt, especially during that heat wave. She must feel self-conscious and just doesn't want anyone to see a bit of pudge.

    Her dance effort wasn't as good as the others. But for an amateur, she's pretty good.

    On the other hand, I feel that Bristol is not all that into this. She gives the impression she's just ridin' the wave, and waiting for the next gravy train to take her "wherever". Her immature dialogue, and bland answers to questions show she's unaware of "conversation techniques" or she's playing the hillbilly for all it's worth. Or, she's just a very non-animated person who lives from party to party. Hey, where's, like, the next party at? Someone needs to help her with some pageant tips. Where's mom?

  21. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Did they say she danced the fox trott? I just saw her slowly being dragged around the floor, no trotting or quick steps at all.

  22. I have been boycotting DWTS this season because of Palin, but I finally watched this clip. That has got to be one of the least energetic performances I've seen on the show! Having spent most of my life battling the bulge, I won't comment on BP's weight...

    O/T - great article on HuffPo -

  23. Judge Bruno said "I know that there is something in there, but show it to me, baby!"

    I think he's giving us all a hint about Bristol, like last week when he shouted "FOX is waiting!"

  24. Chunky monkey learns dance steps. This is a career starter? Lifetime achievement? What's next.

  25. Just my two cents: Bristol deserved low scores, this week and last week and the one before. HOWEVER, the judges were pressed to give her higher scores than she deserved.... UNTIL.... THE BOOING HEARD 'ROUND THE WORLD last week directed at Sarah Palin. This told the producers that BP/SP really aren't as popular as imagined. It also may have signaled to the judges that they could stop with the BS and give Bristol an accurate score.

  26. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I don't have a tv, and can't watch all the dancers. But, I bet Bristol is rather poor in comparison. She doesn't put much pizazz into her steps.

  27. Bristol told the insider that she hopes her mom does run for President...and did anyone notice that instead of saying Alaska's Most Famous Daughter they are now calling her a teen advocate or some bullcrap like that? Maybe some mama grizzlies don't like their baby grizzlies feeling less important then the palin grizzly!

  28. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Since her entire body is "blowing up", my guess it's a girl.

    And what was with that question about (paraphrase) is she finding that her body is changing because of the workouts like the other contestants? Uh,no....

  29. linda8:31 PM

    i read on some entertainment website this week that bristol said that the dancing is not taking the weight off her like it has other "stars" who have been on the show. no kidding? i can't decide if she's pregnant or just fat, but one would think she'd lose it if it is just fat. dancing for hours is major exercise. i also noticed that in that dress she had a very broad and fatty back, upper arms. i'm a fatty, too, so i'm not going to criticize too much. also, the camera does add pounds. what i can't figure out, though, is WHY isn't she losing with all this exercise? i think even i would lose if i danced all the time.

  30. dsmyre - You made me laugh!

  31. I'm sorry, but she is horrible. Clearly, every dance has been in slow motion because she can't do the dance if it was any faster. There is ZERO, and I mean ZERO emotion in her face when she dances. It's terrible! She needs to be voted off this week.

  32. Also, she does seem to be gaining weight. She is a chunk. That girl either eats like a pig to stuff down her feelings of inadequacy or she's preggers. It's one or the other.

  33. Anonymous8:35 PM

    God I would rather sell all my shoes than watch that bullshit.
    I am sick to death of the Palins and all their nonsense.

  34. I've never ever heard a mom describe her 21-month old baby as a one-year old.

    I can't believe she's whining about how difficult this is for her when she's got a live-in nanny and Ivy Frye to take care of her and Tripp.

  35. hauksdottir8:39 PM

    That was pathetic.

    She doesn't do anything for at least 30 seconds of the dance. Mark is scrambling for ways to extend the set-up so that Bristol doesn't have to dance too long, but she still shows NO ENERGY, no ability, no zing. He could be dancing with a cat, and the cat would bring more to the performance.

    It is very obvious that she doesn't hear the music. Her steps and movements had nothing to do with where either the rhythm or the melody was going. Was she counting in her head?

  36. Anonymous8:44 PM

    It's fun to watch Ballas because he's good dancer. Bristol isn't a dancer and talented as Ballas is, he can't turn her into one. Mama tweeted the phone number early so that her cult could start flooding the lines and I'm sure that worked for them.

    Another almost strip-tease: "We Palins may look aloof but we can be had". Somehow noticing the homeless isn't the message that I've gotten from Palin and her teaparty friends.

    Keep on dancing while your mama's cult sends death threats to a poor sick 18 year old kid and his family. Makes me sick.

  37. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Oh, my god, that was sooooo boring.

  38. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Mark kept kissing her. She must be giving him the "victim" thing. He is her protector. Anyway, Mark is a nice guy, and Bristol has some kind of charm going for her with men.

    I think the judges were being fair, finally! DWTS can't start playing favoritism/politics or they will discredit their show.

  39. She's not putting any energy into it. I am in my late 60s and dance over six hours a week in various settings. I never dance in a sweatshirt; I'd die of heat. Mark's tshirt is much more like. Bristol is not trimming down which I would expect if she were working as hard as DWTS always says the couple do. The routine was basic, simple. I really don't think she feels the music. I hope she isn't pregnant. That would be extremely foolish.

  40. And I'll have another one and another one until mommy is embarrassed enough to start acting like the mother she never was to us kids.

  41. Lynne9:02 PM

    Well, I thought the performance was kind of pretty, but she isn't really in a league with dancers like Jennifer Grey. It seems obvious that the routines have to be fairly easy for her, and I suspect she's never going to be comfortable performing.

  42. I thought that for someone new to ballroom dancing she did a good job.
    She has potential but I don't know if she can really unleash and let herself go.

  43. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Bristol had definitely been doing some abstention rooting without a condom. Happens every time to Bristol. She will do it until she makes sure it does.

  44. SME1319:17 PM

    Who the hell dressed her tonight. Sweet lord, who wears red granny panties or a red girdle (whatever it was) under a see through white dress where no other red exists. That was beyond tacky.

    Her dancing was far worse tonight than last week and she shouldn't have tried gaining sympathy by saying she is a single mom with such a busy schedule.

    The other contestants are busy with real lives and they manage to do the work. If she only had 4 days to practice that's her own fault.

    All in all i hope they kick her off soon. I detest DWTS.

  45. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Bristol's partner had to haul her around the dance floor most of the time, and she looked miserable and pouty at the end when all the other dancers were smiling and clapping. Either she's a very poor sport (like her mother), or it's beginning to dawn on her that she's in way over her head (unlike her mother who's never had anything dawn in her dull lizard brain).

    Yeah, this girl is either preggers or there's a huge mismatch between the calories consumed and the calories burned in her practices. Embarrassing spectacle all around.

  46. Anonymous9:27 PM

    At least she's modest.

  47. Anonymous9:28 PM

    The part she did best was when the guy took off his clothing she immediately removed hers.

  48. Anonymous9:41 PM

    I think of the other stars that lost a lot of weight on the show--Kate Gosselin, Marie osmond, etc. Bristol looks like she is getting bigger and those matronly costumes are not helping.

    Even Margaret Cho looks like she had definitely lost weight over the past weeks.

    Just doesn't make sense that she still keeps porking up despite all the exercise....

  49. Ratfish9:41 PM



  50. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Ballas might make a Fred Astaire, but she's definitely no Ginger Rogers. She went through the motions with a heavy step, and that should have been a flowing and graceful dance. The marks this week, as in the previous weeks, were overly charitable.

    Too bad the person in charge of her wardrobe is not doing her any favors. She does not have the arms or the silhouette for that dress. There are many gowns she would have looked lovely in, but that wasn't one of them. She may not be a great dancer, but she could look nice.

  51. Well. Would you want to give her real score, compared to the other dancers, and run the risk of having her mommy's friends turn their guns on you?

  52. Anonymous10:27 PM

    I don't care if she is preggers or not. She can't dance worth a crap. Just my opinion and I can dance and love the art. What the hell is she doing on that show??? Pathetic!

  53. Anonymous10:32 PM

    "It sucks" -? I wish someone could have coached Bristol on a more appropriate word to use at the end.

    Also - at the 3:50 mark - that is Sarah's younger sister, Molly with her daughter and the other woman is the one Sarah hired near the end of her book tour to help out - I think it's an old acquaintance from high school of Sarah's. At least Bristol had her aunt who has spent a lot of time raising her and especially raising Willow, and her cousin in the audience tonight.

    I know she's not a natural dancer, but I hand it to Bristol for giving it a try. Regardless of what she does with the rest of her life, to me she will always be the 17 year old, unwed, pregnant junior in high school whose mom, unbeknownst to her, agreed to run for the vice presidency of the United States- and then who didn't have the decency to tell her herself but let bald Mr. Steve Schmidt do so after she'd flown all night to Ohio under the belief her family was traveling to celebrate her parent's anniversary.

    That look of sheer terror and horror while she's standing on the Ohio stage with mommy trotting out in her red Naughty Monkey heels to accept the nomination while Bristol clutches four month old Trig and desperately tries to use his little blanket to hide her growing abdomen will haunt me the rest of my life.

    It's what pure raw greed and unchecked ambition will do to a person - make them totally blind to those around them, including their own desperately needy children.

    What must it feel like to know your own mother cared so little for you she'd do that to you? What do you think this poor girl's self worth is?

    Go ahead Bristol. Dance. Show her she can't control you anymore.

  54. Anonymous10:34 PM

    I'm sure seeing the video of Levi and Brittni didn't help her today. LOL

  55. Anonymous10:46 PM

    I hope Bristle is practicing Xtian safe sex with the way she's letting Mark kiss her. And also too, that "dance" was a snooze. Snooze Bristle Snooze.

  56. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I think there is a reason why she went on about how she is going to dress for the show. I definitely think she is trying to hide being preggers. It's the old protesting just a little too much.

    If she's not pregnant, then she is getting all kinds of fat!! She needs to put down that tub of Ben & Jerry's and join her bitchy mother on some "jogs" (aka dip into her mom's meth supply).

  57. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Did I hear BS say something along the lines of "that sucks" once she got her score? She turned into was Miss Pouty Face for the rest of the show. Stay classy BS ..

    It appeared that she was reading with her head down in the quick clip of her PAID public speaking abstinence mantra to a room full of geriatric attendees. Didn't appear to possess a public speaking voice either. Invest some of your money honey on a speaking coach and public speaking courses. Or for minimal cost, participate in a Toast Master's club. You're selling something you don't have.

    No matter how the show pumps up BS' credentials and persona with this "Activist", "public speaker" crap ... she falls flat in her attitude, work ethnic, appearance, and personality on national TV! I suspect we will see Saint Sarah bless the show with her presence again in order to inflate those scores once more and make those judges and 'fans' be accommodating to the little BS. After all she is a Palin and is entitled.

  58. Facebook Lurker2:46 AM

    You just know those judges have read about the wrath of the Palinbots...Bristol deserved 5's. Did you get a load of the blue haired audience she was telling to "abstain"? LMAO at that one...they are all post menopausal or on Viagra, he, he.

    That girl is getting bigger every week....the arms, the face, the gut. If she's not pregnant, she's got a problem.

  59. dancingthroughlife2:53 AM

    m106 (8:35), I've thought about emotional eating, too, but it still doesn't make sense for other people (Cho) to look like they're losing weight and Miss Palin keeps gaining. If that paunch is from eating too much, she'd almost have to be eating every minute she's not rehearsing (or spewing her nonsense). I paused it at about 2:46 and the lighting did a nice job of highlighting a definite swell there. If she's not pregnant, I'd be shocked- and if she is, this is a bad time to do DWTS. If it turns out she IS pregnant, she's hurt her image even more, and not only in the "abstinence only" arena- she's failed at acting, and I hate to tell the little princess, but she's pretty much failed at dancing, too (I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that if she wasn't pregnant, she might be better at this). Watching Mark, it's obvious he's trying to distract the audience from her lack of anything resembling emotion while dancing.

    She needs to go home, raise her son, and figure out what she wants to do with her life. She doesn't look happy, and a tiny part of me still feels sorry for her having a mother like Sarah Palin. She is old enough now, though, to make her own choices, and those she has made aren't any different than her mother's.

  60. Anonymous3:02 AM

    That girl is pregnant. She has the breasts and butt of a pregnant woman, and the baggy clothes and spanx aren't hiding the belly too well anymore, either.

  61. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Why is everyone surprised that Bristol shows no emotion when she dances? On a good day, she has about as much personality as a limp noodle. She is so uncomfortable when she's dancing. It almost makes me feel sorry for her, almost. Too bad money and fame are so important to her that she spends all this time doing something that she obviously hates.

    I also wondered why she wears that heavy gray hoodie during practice. There is no way anyone could truly do a good rehearsal in that thing without getting heat exhaustion. Which might explain why she dances the way she does - not a lot of rigorous practicing going on.

    Maybe she just wears it when the cameras are on to hide the baby bump.

  62. Anonymous3:32 AM

    I"m glad she has family/friends there every week. Molly, McKinley and Juanita this week

    Did anyone catch Todd on the radio last night?

  63. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Bristle is chunking out because she isn't sweating aat practice!!! Real dancing is athletic hard work. She is not doing hard work. She is dancing community ballroom beginner class dances. She looks OK for a teenager doing conmunity beginner class ballroom dancing.
    The juges were kind with 6. She was a 4-5 MAX!!!
    How is a 22 month old now a one year old? WHY CAN'T THESE FREAKS REMEMBER THEIR CHILDREN'S AGES AND BIRTHDATES????????????
    Also, the joke is on the Palin's:
    Will Dance for Food!!!! Isn't that what Bristle is doing? Two weeks, 100K, booted off. Hope she can reconciling whoring herself out with the laughingstock humiliation!!! DWTS plannners have a sense of humor that the Paylin's don't get, or don't give a shit about for 100k.

  64. ManxMamma3:41 AM

    How can you judge a dance when you can't see the performer's feet?

  65. Anonymous3:44 AM

    "Full on nachos" and "semi-constipated" is how she is described. Too much cheese.

  66. White is just NOT Bristol's color. This style of dress was not complimentary to Bristol's body shape. All I could see were the seams in the front and sides of the dress which seemed to stand out because there was no flow against her skin.

    Last night was first time I watched the show... I tried to adjust my TV thinking it made her look heavy. But she's a kid..and she's out of her league. I do believe she will be marginalized beginning last night. What the hell was this show thinking!!!!!

  67. Anonymous4:08 AM

    She'll get her the $100,000 and walk out with an "injury" 'cause her ego can not take the truth.

  68. Anonymous4:23 AM

    What do you want to bet that she is voted off before she pops like her mother did with her last pregnancy? You know the "one week you're super ab woman, the next you're 7 months along"?

  69. Anonymous4:25 AM

    That dress was just awful. The gays in the costume shop are doing it on purpose because they know her mother would put them all back in the closet or worse.

    I was in the theatre for some time, and I bet this is what is happening.

  70. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Here is another weird thing: She must be putting the spanx on herself because wardrobe would get the beige colored ones, not dark under a white dress.

    So, she must not let them near her "waist."

  71. Anonymous4:32 AM

    I thought for sure that she was going to cry during the interview at the end, and I did feel a teensy bit sorry for her. But that's what happens when you try to build your brand! I wonder if Mom is telling her to "buck up."

    Did anyone else notice how lifeless she seemed in that small clip of her speech to the white, adoring crowd that is long past having to worry about pregnancy? Is that just her personality?

  72. Anonymous4:35 AM

    m106 @ 8:35 pm
    "That girl either eats like a pig to stuff down her feelings of inadequacy or she's preggers. It's one or the other."

    Good point. Could she be pigging out because of both reasons?

  73. Anonymous4:44 AM

    It was painful to watch. First, the costuming was not flattering. Whoever mentioned the red undergarments was spot-on; that bleed-through of the red under the white was truly tacky. The bodice was not flattering to her figure. The belt only added to the impression that she has a baby bump.

    Bristol unfortunately has no personality insofar as the presentation of the dance goes. She seems stiff and angry, resentful of having to do this or simply unable to have simple fun. Maybe because there was no booze involved, she couldn't relax.

    The interview section was perhaps the saddest of all. She is not aware of her body language and does not move with grace or dignity. She might as well be out in a pasture throwing her arms around.

    I don't mean to bash Bristol. She deserves a chance to be her own person. Unfortunately, the persona she is projecting is not one that is pleasant, graceful, or talented.

    Every time I hear her speak about abstinence, I keep having the sentiment "do as I say, not as I do" run through my head. She is not someone who truly seems regretful for having a child out of wedlock - not that she should necessarily, but if she's preaching to others, then she should truly come across as repentant. According to her church, she has committed a sin, after all. Note: I said according her church, so don't get upset.

    She and her mother seem to judge others, but are unwilling to be judged by the same standards. That's all I am saying.

  74. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Well, it was just boring. The dress wasn't bad, well, it was better than last week's, but I'm not sure why they would put her in something as unforgiving as white . . . .

    Notice how there is booing, but it's done as each score is announced. This is in contrast to "Boo-gate" where there is clearly cheering after each score is announced, then booing after all the scores are given. I think, were the audience upset with Grey's scores, they would have booed after each score, just like the audience here.

  75. Anonymous5:09 AM

    She's not losing any weight because she's NOT dancing. All she does is walk and move her arms. That's not a workout, nor is it called dancing.

    Poor Bristol - all that stress. Hey Girl, try working full time and going to school WITHOUT a nanny and help from Mommy Dearest's pocketbook!!

    Sympathy Level = 0

  76. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Why did Bruno giver her a "7" for her score? I swear this show is such a set-up, or else they are getting serious death threats if they DARE to score Bristol as they should. I'm feeling very angry about how unfair it is to the other dancers.

  77. Anonymous5:28 AM

    What is up with Ballas kissing her? I counted 4 times while "on camera" It just seems very weird. If Bristol doesn't get the votes to stay tonight, I bet Mommie Dearest will be there next week to make sure she gets higher scores.

  78. London Bridges5:34 AM

    Bristol practices abstinence religiously 28 days each month. This provides 100% protection against unsightly bloating. At least it does each February! Well, make it 75% of February's!

  79. Anonymous5:45 AM

    check out the pics from her visalia speech. this girl is queen of the disappearing tummy bulge. im jealous and I only have a slight pauch

  80. Anonymous6:21 AM

    At the Candies even in NY shortly after Tripp's birth, I marveled at how a teen could just lose the postpartum weight so quickly. She looked like a tall drink of water.

    She was equally skinny on the Teenage Mommy show with her acting as compelling as her dancing (not even marginal.)

    But her chunky photo-shoot with Levi in their re-engagement ploy and subsequent DWTS physical regime just doesn't add up to normal weight fluctuations. I'd suspect this would happen in her mid to late 20's, but not now. She's only 19.

    If she's not preggers and flipping the bird to us all every week - then I'd be embarrassed to showcase my body this way on national television. The hubris of these Palin women is astounding.

  81. Anonymous6:45 AM

    poor little rich girl, everyone so mean to you, and none of the boys want to play.

  82. Anonymous6:54 AM

    At the Candies even in NY shortly after Tripp's birth, I marveled at how a teen could just lose the postpartum weight so quickly. She looked like a tall drink of water.


    BRistol's automatic weightloss post Tripp is very normal fora younger person. All the people I know who gave birth in high school could still wear their normal clothes, none were over a size 4, maybe 6.

    I had a professor give birth to her first child at age 43. She is 5'4'', a natural size 0, and vegan. She never had to buy maternity clothing, and could wear her equally skinny hubby's jeans. (he's probably a 30in waist. theyre tiny). I'd say she was smaller than Sarah looked at "8 mos" or at least the same size.

    It only goes to show us that you cannot compare one person's body to another's. Even family members can differ. IT does appear Bristol is following in her mother's footsteps concerning body type, except she's taller. But Willow definitely is, petite, short, slim-waisted, nice chest size, muscular thighs. LAuden's weight also fluctuates as Bristol's has done. We know Bristol's not pregnant. She is remarkable at disguising the bulge under tight knit dresses. She's a beautiful girl who most definitely was NOT the worst last night. I pray America voted to put us out of our misery and vote Sitch off. THAT was painful, though you do feel for him trying.

  83. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I agree with a previous poster that said that B is not toning down because she is not dancing, but walking through her routine and waving her arms.

    She is there to collect her paycheck, with a minimum of effort. No one who is willing to put 100% focus on dancing wears a jacket during practice.

    Even if she just threw it on when the camera crew was there, we should have seen her sweaty or some evidence of throwing herself into the routine.

    Her dance partner does not seem to be willing to push her. Based on reports of her screaming matches with mommy dearest, I think he knows he is dealing with a damaged person. Tears and tantrums if she is pushed too hard is my bet.

  84. Anonymous7:01 AM

    What did she do to her mouth? She either had her lip puffed up or she got veneers. She looked weird and self-conscious about her mouth. Pulled one of those clean-your-teeth moves right before the scores, and it was gross.

  85. Anonymous7:20 AM

    The poor girl isn't any better at dancing than she is at abstinence. She should milk the DWTS gig for all it's worth, get in that pick-up truck of hers and find a nice town in, say, northern California or Oregon where she and her baby (ies) could have something resembling a normal life.

  86. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Did ya notice that the poster "Making a Difference for Life" has a much thinner version of the Brisket???

  87. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Bristi-20 yr old public speakers don't answer an interviewer by saying "it sucks" and Mark holding a sign that says "will dance for food" is kind a snark on you since you seem to be porking up.
    Most people who have been dancing for almost 2 mos would be losing weight but I guess if your partner is dragging you around the dance floor that wouldn't be much exercise on your part, but Mark is probably getting really fit hauling your ass around. And whats with all the kissing on the end, it that to feed your ego??
    All your Mamas bots can keep voting you to stay but that isn't going to help you dance any better unless you but some effort into it...

  88. Anonymous7:46 AM

    DId you catch at the beginning of that video, when Bristol says, "I'm so glad we got that dance over!" she sounds JUST like her mother?! Made my skin crawl. You know that old saying that if you want to know what a girl will be like in 20 years, you look at her mother? Next guy who thinks he wants to bang Brisket needs to think about waking up next to Sarah.

    Sarah was wooden in her pageant days, too; she only got as far as she did because she had Curtis's mom fixing things for her. The next year when she went to the state pageant as Miss Big Lake (why do we never hear about that?) she didn't even place.

    And is it just me, but that "Bristol the Pistol" line always makes me think of the Sex Pistols. An unfortunate evocation. Also, Bristol is the farthest thing from a "pistol" I could imagine. She's stuck up and awkward and condescending and lazy, with no emotion or energy.

  89. Anonymous8:05 AM

    We don't want her or her family in Oregon. Give us Oregonians a break. Nasty and hateful is not our style and I'd like to think our morals are, at least, above the curb.

  90. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Did she actually say that public speaking is who she is? Since when? Since someone convinced her she's getting those gigs because of something she did other than being the daughter of Sarah Palin who got pregnant when she was a teenager?

    I guess, like mommy dearest, she's trying to get it when the getting's good. In that case, stop whining that you're a working mom (ha!) who can't get much time in the dance studio because you're taking care of your son. Maybe you should have blinked, Bristol.

  91. Anonymous8:28 AM

    As a mom, I'm embarrassed for Bristol. She's an insecure, small town girl with no talent or education. Her mom was cruel to push her into this.

  92. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I don't watch DWTS and this is the first time I've watched Bristol perform. I DO watch So You Think You Can Dance, where everyone competing has had years of dancing, so perhaps my POV is jaundiced a bit.

    Willow knew the moves, but she wasn't dancing. She didn't feel the rhythm or the story. She was counting in her head so she would come in on the right note. There was none of the effortlessness that comes with true dancing, and there was no sense of joy in movement. I agree with the person who said she walked and moved her arms.

    However, even a person who is just walking and moving her arms should be losing weight! They are supposedly having hours of practice every day. Those are hours when she's not eating. She actually looks heavier now than she did a couple of weeks ago- and no, I didn't watch the video but I saw a few pictures.

    Ballas kissing her: I suspect that the only way Bristol knows how to relate to any man is through sexual attraction. I bet Ballas tried encouragement and realized it wasn't working- he's doing what he can to make Bristol feel attractive so she'll stay... just to keep her competing. I wonder if he's going to be brave enough to talk about her when the season's over... as well as the other dancers.

    The judges' comments were interesting, especially the one who said, "I know you have it here" and taps his head. How on earth does he know she has it there? Bristol's totally vacuous. She has nothing to say unless she's primed with a comment or somebody's written a speech for her. She completely doesn't get the fact that her dancing is supposed to create a story. (Come to that, I'm sure she's never read any books and that her mother never read stories to her when she was little. She probably doesn't grasp the concept of "story.")

    Inflated scores for the publicity factor. This is what, week three? She's not going to be the last one standing.


  93. Anonymous9:22 AM

    She may not be pregnant but her body moves like a pregnant woman's and not like an overweight girl's. Suspicious. Dangerous. I wonder who did her physical before going on this show?

  94. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Thank you Anon @ 8:05 am.
    Oregon is much too beautiful to be polluted by the presence on any Palin (except for Trig).

  95. Bristol is rebelling and that accounts for the weight gain from overeating. She is also pregnant and that is part of her rebellion. I think that if Bristol can't get her message across on DWTS then she is frustrated enough now to make sure she gets the message across during this pregnancy. That means that she will make sure that she is seen in public while she is pregnant in spite of mommy dearest's efforts to keep her hidden. Bristol is now at the point of not being able to conceal her emotions any longer in order to be financed by mommy. She needs to let go of all the hurting soon.

    I think that she will be voted off DWTS because it's obviously her intent to end it now. I sincerely hope she isn't because her next display will be even more transparent to us. If mommy's handlers have a psychiatrist on staff then they will surely coach mommy to have her pulled in the only way that will look legitimate. Sarah can't allow the bomb to explode on national t.v. and anyone watching closely can see that the fuse is burning now. As it is or was with all of Sarah's children.

  96. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I would have been absolutely mortified, at the age of 19, to look, talk, and dance like that on national television for weeks--preserved for posterity. (Honestly, it would have been a nightmare that I would never have overcome.) This can't be good for her self-esteem. Why would her parents let her do this?

  97. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Bristol is on DWTS for a reason. We just don't as of yet know the reason.

    This whole pregnancy/non-pregnancy issue keeps us busy. If we focus our concentration here, then maybe other things fall off the radar. Also, the pregnancy speculation can be used to show Bristol and by association her mother, a victim. I wouldn't put it past Sarah to have Bristol wearing a fake baby belly to keep the talk going.

    On the other hand, I think Bristol not only looks pregnant, but she moves like a woman whose center of gravity has shifted. No amount of spandex can hide that. I could see a scenario where Sarah wanted Bristol on DWTS while pregnant to add credence to her own claims of not showing, tight abs, and active until the end of her pregnancy with Trig. Like mother like daughter.

    We should be voting to keep Bristol dancing so we can see the ending to this manufactured drama.

    No coincidences, right?

  98. Anonymous2:02 PM

    The fit of the dress smacks of such rapid weight gain that the costume shop can't keep up letting it out. The puckers (look like points) on the seams over her butt show how it's riding up because it's too tight. Oink, oink, Ms Piggy.

  99. Anonymous2:26 PM

    No way vote for Bristle - a little thing called integrity.

    But I think the answer to why she can't show emotion: with a volatile, vindictive parent like $carah, kids learn to hide their emotions so that it can't be used against them later. The term is shutting down.

    Ballas seems to be using the physical closeness to reassure her, but she's just not responding. I', guessing that could signal such a lack of physical contact in the Palin family, that she has no idea how to respond to it, unless it is sexual - and those were pretty chaste kisses on Mark's part.

  100. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I'd be guessing it's Max who will spill, not Mark, as both Mark's and Corky's jobs would be on the line.

  101. Anonymous3:59 PM

    10 pounds in the last week.

  102. Anonymous @2:26 p.m.- YOu've got a lot of that right about the lack of physical contact and this is apparently a case that goes right back to early childhood. Good analysis! One thing that you said I would disagree with though is that Bristol is shutting down. On the contrary, she is in a rebellious stage and is acting out against her mother now. All to no effect because of the power of the mother to influence som many people to be accepting of Bristol's behavior and make it seem like it is quite normal. Of course it's not and the fuse is lit. If you are a professional in the field of mental health you will understand, and I think maybe you are.

    I personally have no qualms about talking about this walking, dancing bomb ready to explode because I recognize that Bristol is only going to be able to find some kind of a normal life when she escapes the abusive relationship with her mother.

  103. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Not familiar with the show, but Mark seems like such a sweet man. He tries so hard to support her which indicates to me that she is probably a basket case behind the scenes. One of the reasons she appears larger is that he appears to be smaller in size. At the end, when they are given their scores, Bristol doesn't look quite as large. Belly, yes, but not an overly large person.

  104. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Did she actually say that public speaking is who she is?

    The clip of her last public speaking was as flat and vacuous as her dance act. Someones feed her head and she is programed. She can memorize. That's it.

    She is destroying Mark Ballas and Dancing with the Stars. They will be seen as the same lying charlatans from now on. Too bad.
    All the fools that say she can move her feet therefore she dances must be called out as blind or idiot liars who carry the Palin water.

  105. Anonymous6:50 PM

    I agree Bristol is pitiful and it is hard not to feel sorry for her. I don't think that will help her at all. It is better to get out of the sorry pity and expect her to grow up and face life like a successful person would do. If she is disabled enough to make that impossible her disabilities must be faced and addressed so she can get help. She can't grow and all she thinks she is doing as long as she is home based in Wasilla. Anchorage is too close and negative for her. She won't get better by going away for a time to work in a Hollywood industry, Sarah's tentacles will reach her where ever she goes. She must make a psychological break from her mother and her life as a political operative. That is a large part of why they are having her dance through these hoops. If she fails they will deny and have another resurrection later on. She will crack up one day, but they will keep it secret if they can.

    That was Aunt Molly going along with what they are doing to that tortured young girl? She has no one who can be real with her? It is pathetic. It appears she is doomed. She has no one to help her adjust to being on planet earth. Mark has to pump her up to dance without breaking her spirit. He may get so emotionally involved that he wants to continue to try and help bring her out of her shell. He needs to be a little more honest about the show and her dancing if he can.

    The only good thing for Bristol is that she seems to have no self awareness and she obeys and won't read the blogs or anything that critics a Palin. In her narrow world she is what her puppet masters tell her. She possibly wonders why people are asking about her ballooning weight.

    Britani Sensor doesn't have the weight problem and Levi translates to the screen well.

  106. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Yes, Anonynmous7:46, I did catch Bristol sounding JUST LIKE her mother and it made my skin crawl, too. I'm so glad you noticed it and mentioned it because I was wondering if I was imagining things.

    The other huge thing I noticed was the way the audience boo'd. I'll bet anything that the show's producers put them up to that by instructing them to boo. That would reinforce their lie that last week's audience was not booing Sarah, but instead was booing scores. Now, they can point to the reaction this time and say, "See, the audience did it again."

  107. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I think Bristol is beautiful. Her body looks like what a woman's body should look like. She is not an actress or a give her a break people...I wonder what all of you look like. I am reading a lot of judgement on here for someone you don't even know. I dislike her mother and don't really find her to have that much of a personality but come on! Give her a break...she's just an average teenager that made a mistake getting pregnant. She shouldn't have to suffer because you all feel the need to pass judgement on someone because of her mother's political affiliation.


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