Friday, October 22, 2010

Wonkette tries to get Teabagger Joe to answer a few simple questions. Guess how that worked out.

From Wonkette:

Alaskan Senate hopeful and semi-bearded teabagger Joe Miller literally ran away from a question about his disabled-veteran status during last night’s “Meet and Greet” session in Anchorage. In a roomful of 50 people — most supporters and well wishers — Miller was asked what to identify his service-connected disability and his official “percentage disabled.” Panic swept over Miller’s sweaty face.

Looking away from your correspondent, Miller yelped to no one in particular, “We’ve gotta go!” He then pointed to his wife and said, “Let’s move!” The Millers hustled to the back of the vacant strip mall office next to the pizza place and surrounded themselves with campaign staffers.

To read the rest of Bill Scannell's humorous encounter with "barely bearded" Joe just click the link at the top of the page. Oh, and don't forget to read the comments, they are hysterical!

Okay gang let's keep the heat on this guy.  He cannot avoid the press forever!

Well not unless he builds a compound in Wasilla, and refuses to talk to anybody except Fox News that is.


  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I've been looking for this revelation in the Alaska papers today, not even Dispatch has it covered!

    Let it rain, bring on the thunder!

    Welfare Queens have nothing on this Asshole Supreme.

  2. Linda Arizona11:31 AM

    I think you and your fellow citizens in Alaska are about to turn some things around. I'm so glad you're doggin' this creep.

    Your Daily Kos link had the story of our Rep. Raul Grijalva's office getting some bad mail yesterday. From Azstarnet: "Each piece of paper had a swastika drawn on it, Sarvana said. The substance in the plastic bag was hydroxyacetanilide, he said.

    While the Tucson Fire Department initially told the office it was toxic, Sarvana said he's heard reports the substance may not be toxic. The Federal Bureau of Investigations is testing the substance, he said."

    This is beyond crazy.

    Stay safe.

  3. I obviously haven't been keeping up with Joe Miller-gate. He's a disabled vet, too? The same as Drop Zone Bill Fulton?

    My guess is they are both emotionally or mentally disabled. Depression, bipolar disorder, something along those lines. Because they both appear able-bodied to me.

  4. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I'm female (so don't the whys and wherefores of beards and shaving), and think it would be more work to be semi-bearded. That "look" must be some kind of personal statement.

  5. Anonymous11:59 AM



  6. Feminist Pig12:01 PM

    Is this Joe's military stealth? I like how he yelled and pointed to his wife. Would he have meant something different if he had pointed to someone else?

  7. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Have you seen this article ?

  8. Anonymous12:04 PM


    Anonymous @ 11:45AM

    You are correct. It's akin to hair-length (short v. long).

    The "in-between" stages are generally the most dreaded.

    It just makes him look disheveled. Must've worked great in his legal practice...

    So Joe, regarding the stubbly mess on your mug - SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT!

  9. Anonymous12:15 PM

    The firsthand report of Joe Miller claiming to be a disabled veteran came from Phil Munger at the Progressive Alaska Blog.

    " And also, nobody in the Alaska media seems interested in pursuing what I found out, confronting Miller at the Alaska State Fair last month. This is Joe Miller, about to yell at me, "Why would I do away with Veterans benefits? I'm a seriously disabled Veteran!"

    Read the whole post at Progressive Alaska.
    Joe the Teabagger- On the Dole for Years, Took Money For Doing Nothing

    Phil your question has been asked.

    The no answer is deafening on this one. It will be asked again if Militia Joe comes out of his bunker.

    Rachael Maddow, Kieth Olbermann there is more campaign FAIL from joe Miller.

  10. SME13112:15 PM

    I'm not sure how familiar you are with VA disability but damn near ANYTHING can be classified as a disability. I know one guy who got an 80% disability for a scalp condition. I kid you not. His condition was dry scalp.

    I'm sure whatever Joe's condition is/was is either psychological or it is some minor bullshit like he can't shave or he gets irritated skin. In either case he has claimed to be severely disabled and he couldn't risk anyone knowing it is some bullshit disability or a mental one (which I suspect).

    What a shame we can't see what his real DD214 says. The one he redacted and released I do believe was a forgery. He didn't do a black out redaction he changed the information. Like his re-entry code should have been blacked out, instead it said NA - he changed that. He could have changed dishonorable to honorable as well.

    What we do know is he got out early but had no IRR and that says a lot (if it's true)

  11. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Does Joe do three-ways with Sarah and Todd?

    Or is he in the swingers club?

  12. Isn't it time for the press to try to track down people from Yale, West Point, former classmates, servicemates, etc. to get a clearer picture of this person? The clock is running and Murkowski could easily hand this guy a six-year minimum tenure in the nation's capital where he will no doubt prove to be a very nasty puppet indeed.

    Anon @12:02--That was enlightening and as Hitchen's would say, when you find this kind of blustering hatred, you can set your watch for the revelations to follow. 5 - 4 - 3 - 2

  13. wakeUpAmerica12:54 PM

    SME131 , what is IRR?

  14. Vindicated!

    I hope we get another report from the fundraiser besides Bill Scannell's on this. I believe him, but another version will peg it.

    I've been accused by another AK blogger of making up my conversation with Joe at the state fair. I didn't. He just blurted it out because he was pissed at me.

    He's chickenshit.

  15. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I don't like Joe, but I don't know why anyone would think he didn't serve IRR time after his release from active duty. He has a discharge certificate from May 1997, which would be 8 years from his commissioning as an officer in May 1989. The only way to get that discharge would be to have been in the IRR.

    I also don't think his DD214 was forged. It looks fine to me.

    No explanation for his short active duty stint, but the docs he released look real.

  16. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Let's remember that "in a time of war" the noncombatants are about 10:1 combatants.
    What was his specialty of study at the Academy?
    It could have been supply or transportation or administrative.

    Face it he could have been released from the Academy early and and or given disability after Desert Sturm if he got an STD while in service.

    Perhaps that is why he is so crabby.

  17. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Miller's lawyers are trying to put off the hearing set for tomorrow o his employment records--an obvious tactic to delay this until after the election.

  18. Anonymous1:22 PM

    "While the Tucson Fire Department initially told the office it was toxic."

    The substance was apparently the powered base for Tylenol which in pure form is toxic and can attack virtually all major organs and lead to organ failure and death.

    Remember taking large doses of aspirin or Tylenol can be a successful though nasty way to kill yourself. In excess they really screw up you blood chemistry balance and attack vital organs, also too.
    (Definitely not recommended as an "easy" way out. So don't try this at home.)

    More tests are being done on the sample.

  19. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Joe Miller, a man "beardly" alive...

  20. Anonymous1:47 PM

    New story up at Fairbanks Daily News-Miner about Joe and his computers.
    Whitaker: Fairbanks borough was concerned Miller broke state law in 2008

    “At issue is whether or not the law allows me to tell the truth without fear of punishment,” Whitaker said. “It is my opinion that it is probable that a crime was committed. It appears at least two laws were broken by Mr. Miller.”

    “I remember a discussion with the borough attorney in which she said, ‘Mayor, I believe there have been serious violations of the laws,’” Whitaker said in a Thursday interview with the Daily News-Miner.

    Go read the whole thing- more details on What the Borough is saying Miller did.

    Also a really lame denial and distraction dstatement by Miller campaign spokesman Randy DeSoto about this.

    No Comment from Joe. Surprise. Surprise.

    Joe is screwed on this issue.

    His best move is to sue everyone and get a Palin lackey judge to issue pre election gag orders and preventative detentions for all bloggers and journalists.

    Enforced by DropZone.

  21. Poor sweaty Joe shows his paratrooper courage in Public, It has to be a psychological disability he doesn't want to talk about or maybe he was outed under DADT. Time will surely tell.

  22. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I second that....


  23. igettit22:15 PM

    I second the recomendation of the Mother Jones article noted by Anonymous @ 12:02.

  24. trishSWFL2:20 PM

    "refuses to talk to anybody except Fox News that is. " Bet that's what Paylin told him to do, lol

  25. Anonymous2:46 PM


  26. poor trig2:58 PM

    Why does a mother take her child into a situation like this? Is she even cognizant enough to accept that this is her responsibility?

    Where is Sarah's combat vet prop?

  27. Anonymous2:59 PM

    IRR = Individual Ready Reserve. For an 8 year military commitment, you're required to serve 4 (or 5 depending on if you went to an Academy or ROTC or not) years on active duty, and the rest of the time to the 8 year point in the IRR. So if you stay on active duty for 7 years, you spend 1 year in the IRR. In theory, the military can call you up from the IRR if they really need people, but this is very rare.

    DADT started in 1993. If he were discharged from active duty in 1992 for being homosexual, I don't believe they would have kept him in the IRR.

  28. Anonymous4:23 PM

    I'm not familiar enough with his biography to know... When exactly did he go to law school, relative to his military service? What bearing would that have had on his military status?

    Either way, I hope Alaskans wake up and do the right thing by their state.

  29. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I hope this story can be verified and that it goes viral. It certainly sounds like something FiveBuckJoe would do.

  30. Anonymous4:41 PM

    It's really very simple -- if Mr. Miller had nothing to hide or be ashamed about with respect to his disability status, he would have no problems sharing it with the public.

    The same goes for his borough records.

    He has no problem using his military service and borough experience to tout his supposed fitness for a prestigious public office like a Senate seat, but doesn't have the integrity or confidence to answer questions about those experiences???

    Miller's hiding something. Not good. Every voter should run the other way as fast as they can!

  31. For Your Doorknocking

    by digby

    Dave Johnson has written a very handy piece called: Eight False Things The Public “Knows” Prior To Election Day:

    1) President Obama tripled the deficit.
    Reality: Bush's last budget had a $1.416 trillion deficit. Obama's first reduced that to $1.29 trillion.

    2) President Obama raised taxes, which hurt the economy.
    Reality: Obama cut taxes. 40% of the "stimulus" was wasted on tax cuts which only create debt, which is why it was so much less effective than it could have been.

    3) President Obama bailed out the banks.
    Reality: While many people conflate the "stimulus" with the bank bailouts, the bank bailouts were requested by President Bush and his Treasury Secretary, former Goldman Sachs CEO Henry Paulson. (Paulson also wanted the bailouts to be "non-reviewable by any court or any agency.") The bailouts passed and began before the 2008 election of President Obama.

    4) The stimulus didn't work.
    Reality: The stimulus worked, but was not enough. In fact, according to the Congressional Budget Office, the stimulus raised employment by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million jobs.

    5) Businesses will hire if they get tax cuts.
    Reality: A business hires the right number of employees to meet demand. Having extra cash does not cause a business to hire, but a business that has a demand for what it does will find the money to hire. Businesses want customers, not tax cuts.

    6) Health care reform costs $1 trillion.
    Reality: The health care reform reduces government deficits by $138 billion.

    7) Social Security is a Ponzi scheme, is "going broke," people live longer, fewer workers per retiree, etc.
    Reality: Social Security has run a surplus since it began, has a trust fund in the trillions, is completely sound for at least 25 more years and cannot legally borrow so cannot contribute to the deficit (compare that to the military budget!) Life expectancy is only longer because fewer babies die; people who reach 65 live about the same number of years as they used to.

    8) Government spending takes money out of the economy.
    Reality: Government is We, the People and the money it spends is on We, the People. Many people do not know that it is government that builds the roads, airports, ports, courts, schools and other things that are the soil in which business thrives. Many people think that all government spending is on "welfare" and "foreign aid" when that is only a small part of the government's budget.

    Read on for more.

    I've been having some interesting chats with mildly interested voters. And this is exactly the kind of thing that is really helpful in winning them over. They are busy, they are dealing with these issues in a very haphazard fashion and a lot of their ideas come from a sort of conventional wisdom osmosis. If you can present them with some simple explanations about why things are not as they think, they're receptive to it.

    I'm not talking about the tea partiers, of course. They are "informed" by Glenn Beck and there's no getting to them. But your average independent voter or casual liberal voter is persuadable on this stuff.

  32. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Does "disabled" mean the individual is NOT in the military reserves?

  33. Anonymous6:58 PM

    For me Joe's bristlecheeks soo conjures up Homer Simpson. What a toon!
    Actually he does trim often and sends the clippings to Sara for her bumpit.

  34. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Is there a reason part of his honorable discharge would be blanked out?

  35. Anonymous8:14 PM

    It's Friday, time for the snark...

    Any sane alaskans willing to go to the next Joe Miller event (if he's brave enough to come out in public anymore), and put a box of Depends near the microphone? Obviously, questions must cause him certain physical reactions - I would guess that whoever does his laundry would appreciate this...

  36. Anonymous2:07 AM

    SME, you bring up an interesting possibility: that the vague beard may itself be the disability! Hmmm...

    Poor Trig, I'm with you. I don't know a ton about DS, but surely a parent who really cared about her toddler son's special needs wouldn't bring him into that kind of mob scene?! Of course he cried!

  37. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Re: Is there a reason part of his honorable discharge would be blanked out?

    It probably has his social security number on it. I don't think they're supposed to type that on the certificate, but sometimes they do. Mine doesn't have it, but my wife's does.

    Re: Does "disabled" mean the individual is NOT in the military reserves?

    Well, if found to be disabled during service time, someone could be medically retired. Since Joe isn't retired, I assume that when he left the service after 8 years, he was evaluated by the VA for disabilities, and found to have something. That something could entitle him to disability payments. For instance, we have a friend who, after getting out of the service, was determined to be 30% disabled due to hearing loss suffered in the service. He gets a disability check each month. I guess you could call him a disabled vet. The VA urges every service member to be evaluated for disabilities after leaving the service, so if something comes up later, they have a record. For instance, maybe you broke your leg and it seems to have healed, and there is no disability, but you re-break it later in life and it doesn't heal well due to the first break. Your military service clearly impacted the situation.

    Or take Agent Orange for example. Lots of guys exposed to it develop cancer later in life. Having the exposure documented by the VA will help later when trying to receive medical care/benefits.

    I'm thinking Joe doesn't want to tell anyone why he's "disabled" because it's some minor thing and he made a big deal of being a disabled vet, and people assumed he's some war hero or something. Explaining the real deal would be embarrassing now. Who knows, maybe he gets migraines? Maybe his knee always hurts? Maybe he wets the bed?


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