Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bristol's secret weapon on dancing with the stars was prayer? And here we thought it was Spanx.


“It is faith that got me through this, just praying all the time and just relying on God and knowing that He is on our side and we’ll get through this,” she said.

“Just persevere, have confidence, and be willing to go try new things,” she said, asked what she’ll take away from this. “I’ve grown so much as a person.”

Oh gag me!

Well Sarah Palin's ghostwriters are certainly working overtime these days.

No way are those Bristol's words. They are designed to excite Palin's base of evangelical anti-reality supporters, who can see a clearly pregnant young woman and believe she is instead all puffed up because she is just brimming over with the holy spirit.


Though to be honest I DO believe that Bristol Palin did a little praying.

She undoubtedly prayed every night that the other contestants would not rat her out, that she would not give birth onstage, and that the Palin-bots stayed as ignorant as her mother promised her they would.

By the way I happened to run into my doctor friend again yesterday, the one who told me he knew Bristol was pregnant several months ago, and the topic turned to DWTS.

"Have you been watching?" I asked.

He looked over his glasses at me and smiled. "I told you so."

Then he looked down at the papers on his desk before looking back up and saying. "But I don't think this is the same kid."


  1. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Whoa! Back the train up! Not the same kid? What happened to the other kid? Was it whited out is Washington?

  2. Anonymous7:02 AM

    The giveaway, for me, is that she has absolutely NO WAIST. If you google "4 months pregnant" and look at "Images", you'll see many women who look exactly like Bristol. Not only that, but when I saw Pink perform on the American Music Awards the other night at 4 months pregnant, running and jumping all over the place, I knew it wasn't the least bit out of the question. I really do think Bristol is pregnant. The question she going to take an "extended trip to Europe" right now, or what!!? How many different pregnancy scenarios can ONE family play out ?

  3. FEDUP!!!7:05 AM

    That must be the most unflattering photo of her yet...

    Interesting as to the doctor's words. HMMMMM..... So, she had a white-out procedure? Is that the only type of birth control the Palins are doing?

  4. Facebook Lurker7:06 AM

    So, did this doctor think it was Willow that was pregnant? I don't think she is...up until the Facebook war, the pictures I saw of her gave 0 indication of that.

    The Enquirer article said she had a "scare" and took a test, but I didn't think it definitively said she was preggers, at least not what was posted online.

    As for Bristol, that girl needs to take some of her cash and spend it a Pea in the Pod, Gap Maternity, or Nordstom and get herself some maternity jeans. Hair and makeup looks nice, but damn, her clothes are sloppy. Those leggings could probably walk back to Alaska on their own. She practiced in them, went to restaurants in them, etc. YUCK.

  5. FEDUP!!!7:07 AM

    BTW: Did she have something done to her face? Somehow, it looks different (besides F.A.T.)

  6. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I can't really believe that God told her to use the word 'hate' or that he told her to give America the 'finger'. If it was, strange God Bristol is hanging out with.

  7. And her mother dissed the First Lady about her anti-obesity campaign for children. And Bristol was the spokesteen for abstinence. So, Bristol is either obese or pregnant. Either way, it's an epic fail for the Palin brand. How's that preachy, teachy thing workin' out for ya?

  8. Anonymous7:14 AM

    This is exactly what I have been thinking. I really hope that media insider is correct and that someone tells what they know. I believe that each person makes their own choices and do not care to make any moral judgments about what Bristol does or does not do. But the hypocrisy is outrageous and it is way past time for these people to just go away and get on with their lives.

  9. Anonymous7:16 AM

    If those *are* Bristol's words, it only shows how her mother has taught all her children to speak in incomplete sentences. But I'm with Gryphen - it's the ghostwriters attempting to sound like Sarah by writing incomplete sentences :)

    Nice cliff-hanger Gryph - it immediately put an image of a Stepford wives scene in my head - the one where the robot burns her hand and short circuits in front of Katharine Ross - it's how I picture the palinbots reactingto the news Bristol has been pregnant like fifty times in three years - LOL

  10. Anonymous7:18 AM

    "But I don't think this is the same kid."


    Could you add a link to the post in which you first discussed Bristol's pregnancy with this doctor? Thanks.

  11. BanditBasheert7:21 AM

    Eventually even Spanx gives up.

    I was on the "doubting" fence until the picture from GMA yesterday. It is not physically possible to gain that much weight and doing that much rehearsing. Calories in vs calories out.

    Unless she's eating a cow a day.

    Also, she gets that puffy face thing her mom does - and she's trying to say she gained weight due to MUSCLE increase?

    Wonder how long before all of this is made to "disappear"?

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  12. Anonymous7:26 AM

    OMG, that girl is ugly both inside and out. Sadly, her mother gets away with things because she is pretty. Bristol? Not so much.

  13. Anonymous7:26 AM

    bristol probably whites out several times a year to preserve the abstinence gig

    but WHY did she keep this baby?

  14. OK now even my head is beginning to pop.... what does "not the same kid" mean???????

    **starts counting on fingers**
    sooooo....let's see...

    1 Bristol may be the birth mother of Trig (though my bet is on someone else - NOT Sarah)
    2 Tripp
    3 some other kid ?? (perhaps did not carry to term??? is that what she was "mourning" - vague memory of something like that being reported on)
    4 she may be pregnant now (or have a serious medical condition)

    FOUR pregnancies before the age of 21 and not married...

    I'm not even sure my brain can get wrapped around that idea - not saying it doesn't happen - but if there is even more then 1, that girl has some serious problems - emotionally and mentally (after one you would think any sane person would be using protection)

  15. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Oh, it was God that gave Bristol the "big middle finger" line. Silly me, I thought it was Sarah.

  16. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Interesting that Bristol said "just persevere" and Sarah used the word "perseverance." Does anybody think either of these two morons- or any Palin, come to that- actually has EVER used that word in her life? Or even known what it means?

    I remain convinced that Bristol was several months pregnant on the July US cover. Tripp's leg was carefully arranged to cover part of her abdomen, at the side, but if you looked along it you could see that her belly stuck out beyond the leg. In all of her pictures, she's only chunked up during the time somebody was pregnant.

    I think she either miscarried or had a white-out miscarriage after she and Levi broke up. Maybe he wasn't willing to be a Todd to Bristol's little oopsy.

    And I'm convinced she's pregnant again. And as an unverified source quoted her "this one I'm keeping!" Which leads one to question what, exactly, has happened to all of her pregnancies.


  17. emrysa7:35 AM

    it's pretty funny to hear someone had to pray to "get through this" - really? had to pray to get through dwts? - was it that fucking hard??? awww, poor baby! what a joke.

  18. Anonymous7:35 AM

    My theory is that she had a miscarriage with the first one, then set out to get pregnant again. Unfortunately, many young girls who grow up in dysfunctional households have babies believing it will give them that feeling of unconditional love that they didn't get from their parents. It is probably also the only thing she's ever had that was completely "hers".

  19. Anonymous7:38 AM

    “I’ve grown so much as a person.”

    That you have, my dear ... as a person or persons ...

    - kellygrrrl

  20. Anonymous7:39 AM

    "and knowing that He is on our side "
    if there is a God how do they know He wasn't on Jennifer's side ??
    She has serious back problems and is more than twice her age.
    But more important i would like to think that God doesn't take sides in something as frivolous as a dance (popularity)contest.

  21. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I wouldn't be surprised at all if Bristol had an abortion and then got pregnant again. Isn't there ONE person in this family or around them who sees how wrong all the lying is?? Aren't they worried about these kids being raised like this.
    Sarah actually thinks those TV shows make her and her family look good!! Think about that and you can easily see how disturbed she is.

    On another note..Gryphen and others... This article says a gay and lesbian organization has asked Sarah to apologize for the anti-gay comments repeatedly.

  22. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Bristol: the poster child for Sarah's Anti-Covernment-Nutrition program.

    would that be the Anti-Anti-Obesity klan?

    - kellygrrrl

  23. Anonymous7:42 AM

    If BP has chosen to bear this child and not others, it MUST be because there is a bigger price tag attached to it!

    Sounds like she has sucked that Levi kid dry, so who is the lucky guy this time? He has to have money. Going to be Expense roll in the hay, dude!

  24. BanditBasheert7:47 AM

    I'm trying to stay on the fence here. If a physician made the statement "I don't think it's the same kid", he would be referring to the baby, not the BabyDaddy.

    Just questioning - IF she is pregnant now, and if she WAS pregnant in late May/June, it's not the same baby. It was all questionable - in late May early June - but she tends to get very "puffy" especially in her face (like her mother). She was puffy then - then she went really slim. I believe she is normally slim.

    Now - she's getting ready for the Macy's Day parade again....she is virtually a blimp - after appearing on a show that requires a ton of energy.

    Toward the end of the run, it was obvious she was having difficulty dancing. Mark danced around her, not with her. She shimmied, and she shuffled and clumped.

    I'm guessing at least a 30-35 lb weight gain in about 6 weeks....

  25. Anonymous7:48 AM

    bristol probably whites out several times a year to preserve the abstinence gig

    Wouldn't it be easier to just get the depo shot and say it was for medical reasons and call it a day?

    I was on the pill several years before I was sexually active to regulate my menstrual cycle from hell.

    It's a valid use for being on the pill and not being sexually active (if someone found out) and it's got to be better than a lot of white out.

  26. Anonymous7:58 AM

    This is so odd.

    For the life of me I can't understand why the media is not asking about this. I mean seriously, the women on the View didn't notice? No way. The papparazzi following her only alluded to it: " hope your baby likes Disneyland". Brooke alluded to it "we've watched you grow". Bruno alluded to it "you're glowing". But no one has even asked. Unfortunately, for anyone to come forward after and say they knew all along will do no good. Sarah's going to be able to say "see, my daughter hid hers too". I think it will be the end of babygate, just as they planned.

  27. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Wow, this is just juicy and totally sad at the same time. It's not like they are catholic and don't believe in birth control, but yet choose to have a 'white out' while getting paid to preach abstinence. I can honestly say i have never hated anyone, but Scarah and now Bristol bring out these terrible feelings in me. Media Insider, i really do hope that what you posted happens,.. really it's all i want for Christmas. Please insiders, bring this family down stat!

    And what the hell is up with the huff post and all the Palin stories? I would like to think that they are keeping tabs on the crazy, but they are also giving her an avenue to continue to showcase the crazy. It's like feeding the beast!!!

  28. One thing still gnaws at me. Why oh why, after her pregnancy with Tripp and the effect that had on her mother's ambitions, and given Sarah's CURRENT ambitions and how devastating another unwed pregnancy would be, WHY wouldn't Bristol have gone on the pill? HOW could she possibly get pregnant again? I mean, forget abstinence. I'm sure she's been knockin boots with someone, but to risk pregnancy again by only using condomns? That's the only thing hanging me up right now that this is just rapid belly fat gain from stuffing down her feelings of anger, inadequacy, and sadness over what her mother has done to their family.

  29. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Dang Gryph, that Dr. quote deserves a post of it's own so no one misses it... no the same baby??? WTH, WTF, SMH!!!!!

  30. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Remember when Media Insider said Bristol was pregnant earlier in the year and this is another pregnancy? If this is true, what a total farse that she's been getting paid as a spokesperson for Abstinence! Who really cares otherwise, it is just the complete and utter hypocricy that this family is constantly gaming the system for their own gain.

    In the FB postings on Alaska WTF last week, Levi said "they won't let me see my sons"!! So whichever sons he's referring to..Trig & Tripp? Is this Abstinence queen on her 3rd or 4th pregnancy, Good Gawd!

  31. Anonymous8:02 AM

    The only thing "Fatty" was preying for was that the line at McDonald's wasn't too long.


  32. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I don't think Willow was ever pregnant and if she was, it was taken care of before she ever showed. My child has a class with her and they never indicated a thing about it. Only mentioned how clueless she seems on a daily basis.

  33. Anonymous8:04 AM

    @7:07 That would be her Snooki spray tan face. It looks very unnatural

  34. Seriously. The Palins don't have THAT much money to pay off the number of people it would take to keep all that quiet. Too complicated.

    If she was preggers at the June wedding mash-up, there'll be some excitement in February. That alone will stretch the secret-keeping machine out of shape.

  35. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Entertainment Tonight showed the Stars from Dancing with the Stars who lost weight. Jennifer Grey got back to the same size she was when she starred in "Dirty "Dancing." Brandi lost one dress size. Kyle lost weight, and he said that he was only eating pizza. Bristol was the only "star" who did not lose any weight.

    After some contestant lost, they received offers for other show business opportunities. Bristol said, "I am waiting to see what God has in store for Tripp and I." Bad grammar aside, she must not have been offered that reality series she was dreaming of.

    As for God directing Bristols stellar performance, it was Sarah who said in 2008 "God wouldn't let the wrong person win." He didn't in 2008, and he didn't in 2010. God does not reward people who want to give the middle finger to haters.

  36. Anonymous8:13 AM

    If this is not the same pregnancy that had speculated on back in July or so...then perhaps, she may have just decided to have yet another rebellion/consolation baby to get back at her mom.

  37. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I was stumped for a while with the idea that she would have a baby, then not have the next one, then have the next one. But people do lose babies by natural causes. I know. Not everything someone does needs to be sinister or manipulative, even if you think that person is sinister or manipulative. Sometimes things happen by acts of nature.

  38. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Ben Barber asked her last spring if she was pregnant. He did that for a reason--he must have had a suspicion. Rachel Maddow also did her big wink thing last spring and said Palin wanted to say "baby" again. That would be way too early for this pregnancy. And Bristol was huge in the spring like now, then thinner in the summer as evidenced by the SPA episodes we are now seeing.

    Now she's big and thick through the middle again (the no waist thing). Probably not the same kid.

    My theory: why is Bristol keeping this one--Sarah needs a new cute prop (if not in time for the book tour, in time for the POTUS campaign starting later this year). Trig is getting too big and probably hard to control and Piper is growing and not the "cutesy" very young kid she was before. They will appear with a new baby they "saved" somehow from abortion.

    What is so bizarre is that they don't even try to hide the pregnancies. Bristol wears the sloppiest, most drab and old looking and belly hugging clothes. Its like she wants to be found out. Very bizarre.

    Well, according to Media Insider here yesterday the latest baby daddy has a book deal (which Levi never did for some reason). The truth has to break sometime. Bristol is too "out there" & recognizable now and she is addicted to media attention so it will be too hard to hide out with "mono" again.

    What a classless group these people are.

    Thanks Gryphen for all you do !! The bloggers and the kids up there have more guts than the adults. Palin needs to be exposed for the fraud that she is !

  39. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I don't like to speculate too much about her psychological problems but she reminds me of a couple of girls I knew. Both had reputations for making the rounds with boys. Both kept getting knocked up. Different situations but similar stories. One is now locked up, the other one did get some help. They both could not stop getting pregnant. Their lives centered on it and it gave them great self-esteem while pregnant. Very weird. When I see Bristol I instantly think of those girls. I think Bristol has a similar psychological disorder. IMO Bristol has been getting pregnant since 2006 or earlier. I have no clue how many births or other. She did appear to look pregnant around the good-bye Ben, hello Levi time. That child would be here by now. Is that the one the doctor is referring? Levi would certainly have an interesting book, I hope he is working on that. Like Bristol and Sarah would tell him, they are going to criticize you anyhow you might as well Write Levi Write.

  40. I just wanted to wish you and your daughter a lovely Thanksgiving. Thank you so much for all you do, Gryph. Oh, and for keeping me sane from the non-stop barrage of evil, nasty words and deeds from this crazy, lazy, ignorant grifter family.

  41. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Slater: Bristol Palin, Tom DeLay reflect the country's polarized political dance

    AUSTIN — In one of those quirks of coincidence and fate, Bristol Palin and Tom DeLay both faced judgment this week.

    DeLay’s was in a courtroom. Palin’s was on national TV.

    One thing they shared, beyond their mutual experience as contestants on Dancing with the Stars, was that both got here in much the same way — as products of America’s sharply polarized politics.

    Palin was swept into the finals of the popular TV show on a wave of tea party support from conservatives fervently behind her mother, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

    Critics said the right had hijacked the voting. And if anybody missed the point that the country had divided politically over a dance contest, Bristol Palin made it abundantly clear on the show Tuesday night.

    “Going out there and winning this would mean a lot. It would be like a big middle finger to all the people out there who hate my mom and hate me,” she said.

  42. Lynne8:24 AM

    Well, if Bristol is four months pregnant, it could easily be Levi's based on when they were "engaged" and living together again. What a mess this girl's life is, and Levi wouldn't appear to have gotten any smarter. I don't normally watch soap operas, but I guess that no longer applies.

    And Happy Thanksgiving, Gryphen, and to everyone who reads this.

  43. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Wonder what God thought of her and Willow's profanity-laced Facebook rant and her desire to give anyone who didn't vote for her the middle finger? Does He have different standards for acceptable behavior if your last name is Palin?

    Not so hard to 'persevere' when the cards are already stacked in your favor. Love to see her bravery in the face of what typical single mom's have to deal with--you know the ones who don't make $345,000 for showing up to a reality show with rigged voting.

  44. Anonymous8:29 AM

    "but WHY did she keep this baby?"

    More $$$$ from the media. I might be
    willing to have a baby out of wedlock if
    People magazine paid me $100,000 for
    the baby's photos.

  45. Anonymous8:32 AM

    "1 Bristol may be the birth mother of Trig (though my bet is on someone else - NOT Sarah)"

    I still think he is a Palin, because he looks
    exactly like Sarah. But he could be a grand
    child, after all Bris looks just like Chuck.

  46. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Finally remembering the old Palin soft-shoe to bring on the talk of God and blessings to keep it ril for the base. Frankly, I'm surprised she didn't do that at every speechifying opportunity, whether it be the TMZ paps or in front of the judges, behind the scene footage or with Tom or Brook.

    She started the God references in the last few weeks, and I think she's escalating the God-Speak to justify or distract from her pending pregnancy announcement.

    The classic fundy Monopoly play, talk about God and you get out of jail for free. Remember, the spin is that Bristol chose life, again.

  47. Anonymous8:37 AM

    "FOUR pregnancies before the age of 21 and not married..."

    My aunt, Sarah Palin/Pat Robertson fanatic Churchy McChurcherson, had 3 by age 21,
    and that was in the 1950s. She was 17 & unmarried with number 1. Her fourth was in 1970 & she was unmarried then too, but told
    every one they'd gotten married. She even
    used his name. My cousin didn't find out
    he was illegitimate until he father's
    funeral, and was devastated, even though
    he had 2 illegitimate children of his own.
    Some people!

  48. Anonymous8:44 AM

    "Entertainment Tonight showed the Stars from Dancing with the Stars who lost weight. Jennifer Grey got back to the same size she was when she starred in "Dirty "Dancing." Brandi lost one dress size. Kyle lost weight, and he said that he was only eating pizza. Bristol was the only "star" who did not lose any weight."

    And did you see Jen's serratus muscles? Talk about a solid core - and she has a hubby and kid, too. And she did another TV drama - wow!

  49. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I still can't reconcile that photo of a young Levi holding a baby that is wearing a pink hat and Levi has on a pink wristband.

    Most hospitals only give the bracelets to the parents. Someone said that the hospital was out of blue hats and bracelets. Now THAT just doesn't sound right - out of both at the same time?

    It is supposedly a photo of Tripp, but many have mentioned that Levi looks younger than in other pictures taken when Tripp was still a baby.

    Gryph - Can you put a little pressure on Mercede and see if she can add anything more to it?


  50. Anonymous8:47 AM

    "bristol probably whites out several times a year to preserve the abstinence gig"

    If so, she'll probably end up with breast cancer,
    because abortions raise your cancer risk.

  51. 10catsinMD8:47 AM

    The doctor's story is very interesting. Not sure what to say, but Bristol is definitely huge right now and probably preggars.

    The doctor talking to you - is that not some breach of confidentiality. He obviously is not her doctor, but may see her in passing, or when she goes to see her doctor. Still, what about confidentiality?

  52. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Of course they do, Lucy. But if they are unmarried women who are abstinence speakers, it's the "having the next one" that creates the hypocrisy. (On top of the on that was the miscarriage or preggers scare).

  53. Anonymous8:59 AM

    As a mother of 4 who adores her children, the natural urge of the mother is to have another child with the same father. You want to replicate the first child, with the same genetics, & have a full-blooded sibling for them.

    Bristol seems to adore Tripp, the Palin family is so dysfunctional, that the following scenario is possible. She became pregnant with Barber's child, only to abort it & get back with Levi. just to get pregnant for a natural sibling to Tripp.

    Crazy for normal persons to imagine, because it seems like playing God & not following nature's course. But for a Palin, anything seems possible.

  54. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Bristol will go into hiding and have her baby. She will not participate in the DWTS Tour because she is pregnant. But the Palins will lie and say it's for her safety due to all the death threats and all.

    I think the Death Threat rumor was a lie and started by the Palinbots. If she was actually threatened do anybody think she would just be walking around LA with friends? Just watch and see.

  55. Anonymous9:04 AM

    When did God support that kind of dancing.... I know in the church we have the praise dancers, fully covered and the liturgical dance, which a form of worship in the church... Few are professional dancers and most are not, but when they dance it is really beautiful... I used to make their dance garments...

    The Palin need to stop pretending to be something they are NOT... These people try to hide before Christian to deceive those who can't see beyond their noise. You can't have it both way... evil with a dirty mouth attacking innocent people like The Obama, books and magazine writers one day and turn around and act like a Spiritfilled Christian.

    GOD WAS NOT IN THE MIDST OF BRISTOL DANCING.... Did Bristol paid her tithes and give to the poor... Did she reached out to those who lost their job and blessed a couple of families with Thanksgiving dinners... STOP the religious talking and walk it...

  56. ORLY?9:07 AM

    So was Jesus was giving her the finger when she didn't win?

    Girls like Bristol rely on one god: themselves. There is nothing godly about Bristol's actions and anyone who thinks that salvation is through the Palin's god is allowing themselves to be deceived.

  57. Anonymous9:10 AM

    The Palins are so fake.

  58. @ 8:13 am,

    ""If this is not the same pregnancy that had speculated on back in July or so...then perhaps, she may have just decided to have yet another rebellion/consolation baby to get back at her mom.""

    That was my opinion on the Tri-G/Tripp scenario. $arah took the first baby - probably for very good reason in her mind - then Bristol instantly got pregnant again. (Thinking you can't get pregnant postpartum is a common mistake, see Irish Twins.)

    Only with Tripp she stamped her foot to keep the baby.

    I do think Bristol is baby-making out of deep emotional pain, trying to compensate. In some people pregnancy becomes an addiction because oxytocin is so very nice - it keeps you wanting to breastfeed, it helps you orgasm.

    Saying God wants you to procreate is redundant. A salmon lays a million eggs when she spawns. A cat births multiple kits, so on and so forth and on and on. Of course.

    Deep in our reptile-ancient brain the desire to reproduce is greater than the desire to eat or have sex. This fact has been known for a very long time.

    But it has nothing to do with religion's view that it is more 'godly' or 'blessed' or 'spiritual' to do so.

  59. Oh, BTW, young Palin women:

    Even if your man doesn't get inside/come inside, so you are technically abstinent, if just one drop, especially the first drop, gets where it can travel up to the egg, you can become pregnant. That's how virgin births happen. Jesus wasn't the only one. Happens every day.

    The first drop of semen can contain millions of sperm ready to spawn.

    I'm just letting you know because your grisly momma doesn't.

    Okay, you can give me the middle finger now.

  60. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Fertile Myrtle

  61. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I thought, "God", was on everyone's side.

    The Palin's sure like to be the middle of controversy. They must get off pretending to be so goodly religious, and getting sympathy, moral support, and most of all big BUCKS being holly posers.

    "IT just must be Gods will if he keeps me on the DWTS show"

    I just love SP's new phrase, "I just put up a pray sheald to protect me from the haters"

    If she has such "thick skin with a supper dupper pray sheald", why did she quit being govener. She blamed it on the bloggers giving her trouble and not allowing her to funtion as Govener.

  62. Anonymous9:32 AM

    check out the Stuffed be the judge.

  63. Facebook Lurker9:43 AM

    Gotta love Joan Rivers in a recent interview: :

    Q: I know you said you don’t put politics in your act, but you must be following the Palins.

    Oh that Bristol on “Dancing With The Stars” – she should not have been there. Instead of cha-cha-cha, she must have been doing cha-cha-chew. How did she dance for eight hours a day and manage to gain weight? People were voting politically and that took all the fun out of it. She’s talking about abstinence and she was f—— in the parent’s house. What kind of family values is that? I hate her."

    Awesome, right?

  64. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Bristol Palin: Pregnant?

  65. Anonymous9:55 AM

    I wondering when Brisket prayed to God, did he tell Brisket what to say on Facebook with Willow. Brisket has a funny God or she realy does not pray to God.

    What do you think?

    By the way Brisket, did your God tell you to give everybody the finger?

  66. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Is Brisket spending Thanksgiving with her mom in North Korea?

  67. Anonymous10:02 AM

    My gosh, she is HUGE!! If she's not pregnant again, then she has a serious eating disorder. She's gained at least 30-40 pounds since the beginning of DWTS- that's 5 pounds a week after (supposedly) leaving a sedentary desk job and "working her butt off" with hours of daily dance practice. You can be 100% sure that if there were a medical or metabolic reason for her weight gain, the Paylins would exploit that in all these articles and use it tp play victim and try to get paid $15K for speeches as the PCOS Poster Girl.

    In order to pack on so many pounds so quickly she'd have to be consuming at least an extra 3000 calories/day ABOVE her normal dietary maintenance (about 2000 calories for someone her age & size) and the calories she burns in dance practice (about 1000 calories for 4 hours), which adds up to stuffing her face with at least 6000 calories/day! Is she eating the ENTIRE Cheesecake Factory?! If this is the case, then Sarah needs to stop insulting Michelle Obama's efforts to curb obesity and call her to get help for Bristol because at the rate she's going, she'll be topping 200 pounds by Christmas.

    Now if her weight gain can be explained by other reasons (*cough*knockedup*cough*) then I hope there are some photographers in Wasilla or Anchorage or Arizona keeping an eye out for how she progresses over the next few months.

  68. Anonymous10:07 AM

    A quote from the Dalai Lama seems appropriate:
    The compassionate mind is very important. Fear, anger, jealousy are based on a self-centered attitude. By developing a sense of caring for others' well-being your heart automatically opens and that brings transparency, straightforwardness and honesty, which leads to friendship. We are social animals, and one individual's survival relies entirely on the rest of the community.

    M from MD

  69. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I cannot think of a family more godless than this one. Give me a fucking break. Nothing like hijacking the all-mighty to win some third-rate "reality" contest.

    And by the way, isn't the title of the show "Dancing With The STARS?!?" What exactly is Bristol's claim to fame aside from getting knocked-up?

    Spare me.

  70. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Lady Rose:

    Counting on my fingers as well --

    1. Likely current one (according to Media Insider by an older guy who's been showing up at DWTS)
    2. One likely last spring (when living with Ben Barber)
    3. Tripp
    4. Confirmed 2007 "mono" pregnancy -- likely DS Trig or the very premie looking Ruffles (AKA "Triggybear") baby with the ear deformity
    5?. The 2006?(?) picture of her in the light green sweater in the family picture taken inside. She is standing sideways on the right side of the photo, looking quite slender but with a very noticable bump in the right spot. The three girls definitely look younger and Track is not in the picture. Piper is up high like she's sitting on a high mantle or something.....

    Gryphen, please find that old green sweater picture and post it. Very telling I think.

    Very sad. As someone said below there is a pay-off for her to keep this baby. Sarah needs a cute prop.

  71. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Grandma Palin is justa prayin' Bristol does not deliver the little bas- I mean 3rd grandson on DWTS dance floor.

  72. Anonymous10:37 AM


    the "green sweater" picture from what Audrey from Palin Deceptions is pretty clear is from Fall of 2006 during the Gov campaign.

    Bristol had a curious bump then as well.... #5 ?

  73. spandex4chins10:42 AM

    Can you pray away a gout flare up and still eat the obesity diet?

  74. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Re: Anonymous at 8:47

    The abortion-breast cancer hypothesis has been the subject of extensive scientific inquiry, which has led the scientific community to conclude that abortion does not cause breast cancer. This consensus is supported by major medical bodies, including the World Health Organization, the U.S. National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the American Medical Association

  75. Anonymous11:12 AM

    So many people think BPaylin refused a "white out" and became an unwed teenage mom.

    I pose that the NY trip,where they stayed in the $700/night hotel, just the two of them,$P & BP, while BPaylin was in mid pregnancy, was a trip with an agenda for not having 3 people returning to AK, but just two.

    It would be reasonable that no MD would perform a "white out" due to the age of the potential patient, or that the pregnancy was too advanced for their policy of first trimester ab only.

    Also, an out of state patient with the possibility of leaving the area and being out of reach of medical care if complications arose and would not be properly tended to, still has implications for the original attending physician.

    The craziness of this family exceeds any sane thoughts but I have always believed the NY trip was in vain and the risk of doing a "white out" in AK was beyond the Clan's willingness, or they had already been turned down by the "friendly medical staff in AK due to __________ (fill in the blank) and figured those hep NY docs would do their bidding for a little green.

    Clearly, with the absentee parenting that goes on for both of these females, and the tawdry job done so far, to say they are attached to their offspring in any healthy way is not true, unless it does not interfere with $P or BPaylin's time on the public stages.

    Sorrowful but true. Please go away, everyone of you, Levi and Mercede too. Enough is enough.

  76. Anonymous11:12 AM

    So many people think BPaylin refused a "white out" and became an unwed teenage mom.

    I pose that the NY trip,where they stayed in the $700/night hotel, just the two of them,$P & BP, while BPaylin was in mid pregnancy, was a trip with an agenda for not having 3 people returning to AK, but just two.

    It would be reasonable that no MD would perform a "white out" due to the age of the potential patient, or that the pregnancy was too advanced for their policy of first trimester ab only.

    Also, an out of state patient with the possibility of leaving the area and being out of reach of medical care if complications arose and would not be properly tended to, still has implications for the original attending physician.

    The craziness of this family exceeds any sane thoughts but I have always believed the NY trip was in vain and the risk of doing a "white out" in AK was beyond the Clan's willingness, or they had already been turned down by the "friendly medical staff in AK due to __________ (fill in the blank) and figured those hep NY docs would do their bidding for a little green.

    Clearly, with the absentee parenting that goes on for both of these females, and the tawdry job done so far, to say they are attached to their offspring in any healthy way is not true, unless it does not interfere with $P or BPaylin's time on the public stages.

    Sorrowful but true. Please go away, everyone of you, Levi and Mercede too. Enough is enough.

  77. colibrimoon11:26 AM

    What is "white out"? I have never heard of this.

  78. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I'll go along with the good doc. I think she whited out the baby prior to DWTS but got pregnant again (Mark?). As with bunnies & other little critters they are either pregnant or just about to be. Bristol seems to follow their example. I wasn't aware that God wanted Bristol to win DWTS...what's Jennifer...chopped liver. She does look pregnant now.

    Happy thanksgiving!!

  79. Rick Hill11:39 AM

    The one aspect of her that seems to have changed is believing her own line of bs. Her mother will let you know that you can only lie convincingly if you believe what you are selling.

  80. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Of COURSE god is on Bristol's side. You don't think he'd be on the side of a black kid and a Jew, do you?
    (sarcasm, unless you're a palin/Heath.)

  81. I am missing something here - the use of 'white out,' what does this mean? Are you saying she had an abortion?

    I'm wondering if she has an eating disorder. Her weight gain seems to be pretty evenly distributed over her entire body, not just in her abdomen - I know, lots of women gain all over their bodies when pregnant - but how it seems to come and go makes me think she's a compulsive overeater who occasionally goes on a starvation diet.

    Well, I guess time will tell. Would some one please enlighten me about white out?

  82. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Anon 11:29

    Re: "white out"

    That is the Palin blog slang for elective abortion. It comes from a section of Sarah's first book Going Rouge. She made a bid deal of how she has two spontaneous miscarriages along with the alleged 5 live deliveries. Which makes the Wild Ride back from Texas story aupposedly to then give birth to Trig all the more ludicrous (but we know she wasn't pregnant so it never really happened).

    Anyway, in her book Sarah made a BIG deal about how the doctor's office/clinic mistakenly had whited out (on the medical bill) the real reason she was at the doctor (the supposed miscarriage & subsequent D&C) and put "abortion". First of all, medical offices don't use white out on computer generated bills and they don't use the term "abortion" (it would more likely be D&C, TOP, VTOP, etc.)

    So it seems Sarah was "pre-defending" herself should those two instances of unfinished pregnancies come to light (which they likely will). It seems she is trying to preemptively label them as miscarriages, versus elective abortions (which they may well have been). That would get her in big trouble with the fundie religious "pro-life" crowd so she's trying to head any abortion speculation off at the pass....

    So the whole "white out" thing was such an obvious lie that it has stuck as our blogging slang for an elective abortion. Hope that clarifies.

  83. Anon @ 8:16 AM said "...Sarah needs a new cute prop (if not in time for the book tour, in time for the POTUS campaign starting later this year). Trig is getting too big and probably hard to control..."

    I've noticed that Sarah Palin has taken other people's DS babies in arm for photo ops, such as the little girl with glasses at her 1st day pre-Thanksgiving book signing, and that boy last year who was mistakenly captioned by the media as being Trig. She really doesn't need Trig anymore.

  84. Anonymous12:48 PM

    colibrimoon said...
    What is "white out"?

    A white out is an abortion.

    It is a term used by those who don't trust what Sarah Palin says. In Going Rogue she says she had a miscarriage and the doctor's bill wrongly said "abortion", but that had been whited out and miscarriage typed on top of it.

    We assume this bill is out there somewhere and would be damaging to anti-choice Sarah if it surfaced, so she addressed it in advance in her book. We also assume Sarah did the white-out and correction. -B

  85. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Anon 8:44 - BirdsGalore

    The pic of Levi & the baby where you mention pink hat and bracelet, I went back to the picture to look.

    I think they are white. I've seen other pics where with the lighting in rooms and possible use of flash, it can pick up coloring from the paint. It is also some whites are not pure white, they have different hues that when you put them against a pure white, they could look a blue white or pink white. There is a whole range. Some pinks you buy, hold beside another pink, it looks peach. Same vice versa. Happens in all colors. Even some blacks against pure black, appear a dark navy.

  86. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Was watching Lopez after Conan. He said that he wasn't one of the people wanting Bristol to fail, he was waiting for the floor she was dancing on to fail. The audience got it right away.LMA0!

  87. OK, I came up with a Palin scenario to explain away Bristol's pregnancy: she's a surrogate for some, poor barren Palinbot. (Cue the music.) Now, the skank can be a heroine: danced her ass off (Not) while pregnant; carried her little secret bravely; sacrificed her womb for the betterment of a good Christian family, and on and on ad nauseum.

  88. Anonymous1:28 PM

    If God was on Bristol's side, why did she lose?

    The utter hubris. It's nothing short of blasphemy.

  89. colibrimoon1:53 PM

    Thanks for the clarity on "white out". Sarah is trying to stay two steps ahead of everyone!

  90. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Did you just use the term Obese to describe a girl who's no bigger than a size 12, if that? Wow, Are all women under 25 who aren't size 0-4 obese to you?

  91. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Willow is not pregnant. There was no indication of it online all summer or recently and there were PLENTY of pics of her. I also highly doubt there's a chance she could be. I still highly doubt Bristol has been pregnant since Tripp or before Tripp. This is a girl whose weight has yoyoed more than a yoyo - since 8th grade. She was a skinny child and preteen, but her adolescent hormones were obviously inherited from Sarah, who was not tiny (baby fat and that family apparently are best friends)

  92. Anonymous2:13 PM

    BanditBasheert, Bristol never mentioned muscle increase. That was a random article to explain the weight gain. I still don't think it's THAT much weight gain - maybe 10 lbs. But she did have to deal with a whole lot of nasty remarks. I'm sure Mark shielded her all he could from the nasty things people tweeted him but it's gonna get back to her eventually. Anyone who's shoot their tv or threaten someone over a freaking tv show needs therapy so they can work on getting a life. I was pissed that they killed off Edie on Desp Housewives - for like 5 secs. Then my baby fussed and all was forgotten and life continued on. At least the pros and other stars came to Bristol's defense. Jen defended her on twitter, Tony was quoted in an article saying people are stupid essentially and that she handled the situations well. I liked this DWTS group.

  93. Anonymous2:17 PM

    to Kajo, I attended a GR book signing, and people almost literally throw their babies into Sarah's arms so tey can get a picture. Obviously is someone has a Downs baby, they wont hesitate to either. PEople give her all kinds of gifts and crap like that. Several people are invited back to speak with family members or Todd etc. I will admit, one of her book signings was warm and welcoming, not rushed and impatient.

  94. Anonymous2:18 PM

    DId yall see the picture outside of GMA. Bristol signed a sign that said, "Will you dance with me?" DOwn syndrome rocks for a little boy with down syndrome. IT was cute but random

  95. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Not that I give Levi a lot of credence, but he did say on camera that Bristol and Sarah both aren't into abortions. I think she took Bristol to NYC in 2007 to get her away from Levi and maybe because life was stressful. I still think the reason Bristol left formal education then was due to bitch fighting between team B and team Lanesia. Why won't SAdie discuss fall 07? Why does Levi become a deer in headlights when asked about it? We have myspace messages addressing fighting between the two groups, and a "kick her ass" comment. Then both Levi and Bristol left school.

  96. Anonymous2:28 PM

    What do you mean "please go away"? Most of America can carry on with their lives just fine even with the Palins doing what they're doing. America is not going to take kindly to the character assassination people have planned for this family. What happened to just let people run for president. America will decide who they wish to elect based upon who they feel is more apt to lead. Good people don't pay attention to the periferie.

  97. Anonymous2:35 PM

    10catsinMD said
    ***The doctor's story is very interesting. Not sure what to say, but Bristol is definitely huge right now and probably preggars.

    The doctor talking to you - is that not some breach of confidentiality. He obviously is not her doctor, but may see her in passing, or when she goes to see her doctor. Still, what about confidentiality?***

    Doctors can't discuss their own patients by name without the patient's consent. They can comment on people who are not their patients. The only thing being 'breached' is the zipper in Bristol's jeans! :)

  98. Anonymous3:16 PM

    "What a mess this girl's life is,"


    You need to start saying "what a mess this girl's fictional life is, because everything that has been speculated to death and assumed to be true based upon ill-wishes, is false. Bristol has one child, Tripp. I cannot comment on whether or not she was pregnant in 2007 because I am not her siamese twin, nor am I in Alaska. I will comment that there has been no evidence at all (from private pictures) that Bristol has been pregnant since Tripp. When an image appears (either public or private) that is sketchy, another appears that refutes the pregnancy theory.

    Remember, not all youth are slim naturally. A lot of young people/teens do not maintain the same weight. Every time someone attacks her weight, saying she should be fit and slim for her age, every non-slim, non size zero person is attacked.
    I personally do not think she's pregnant, as I carry my weight the SAME way. I am also a column and about the same height so this is where I'm coming from. BRistol has remarked on facebook about her weight. Her and a friend were comparing themselves to each other. I don't think she'd say in USmag and tell Ben B that she's not pregnant. I think the line "This isn't about that" has more to do with her extra weight/bigger belly. Her and Lauden have the same fluctuations and Willow (the few times she hasn't been tiny) puts on weight the same way. Now if the rest of the family were perpetually thin as rails and BRistol was THE ONLY yoyoer, that could be cause for concern.

    Wow - the fact that I am trying to justify something for someone I dont know makes me feel horrible. Thanks for being the cause that I stooped to your nosy level.

  99. Anonymous3:19 PM

    THe only people I know who had several kids before age 21 are the people who got married in high school. They are grown, still happily married, and not on welfare or in their parent's basements. So yes success can come to people whose destiny is to be a mother before anything else.

  100. Anonymous3:24 PM

    hmm. thought that was a photo of Ricki Lake, not BP. a chunky ten yrs ago Ricki Lake.

  101. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Maybe the comment means not the same kid poked Palin so this third or forth preggers is by someone else - not referring to the bun in the oven.

  102. Anonymous4:21 PM

    One and the same Anon@7:34 AM.

  103. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I've always been on board with the pregnant thing - confirmed! when I looked that view photo. Then today I looked down at my own paunch - I know it's thanksgiving (and I'm very thankful!) and I did have a child last year, but - my belly was stupidly out there (beyond boobs).

    That said - I'm ancient! I will tell you when I was 20 I ate crap all the time and danced (clubbing, not like work) about four nights a week. I never gained, so I'm not buying the 'she's fat' story (b/c I can gain weight by looking at ice cream, so).

    Love to you Gryphen - happy Thanksgiving to you, your daughter and family! Muchas gracias!



  104. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Wow... one of your Anon's was busy from 2-3:30. Not such a good Thanksgiving Day, buddy? What set you off? Hope everyone is enjoying this day to be thankful.

  105. My mother agrees with me that "something" is off about the Trig issue...she saw the photos of Sarah and being the owner of two functioning ocular surveyors (aka EYES) she saw that of course Sarah was not pregnant.

    But she is on the fence about Bristol being pregnant now and this is her reasoning: she says nobody is SO stupid that they wouldn't put their daughter on birth control, PERSONALLY hand her the pill every day, etc after Bristol had at least two pregnancies. She says even Sarah wouldn't leave it to chance when obviously gearing up to take a run at making the white house All HGTV, All The Time.

    However...I think Sarah Palin may well be the ONLY person who is clearly THAT stupid.

  106. aj weishar6:20 PM

    NO, NO, NOOOOOO! You know what they're planning???? She's pregnant, not sure who the father is. Look for a carpenter named Joseph offering to marry her. The baby will be born in about a month in a stable. The doctor who delivered Sarah's wild ride child will proclaim Bristol's baby was not the result of having sex. Somehow, she just mysteriously was with child. Look for a comet rising out of the east, and Rush, Beck, and Scarborough following it.

  107. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Argh! I find myself in the unenviable position to defend $P a little bit again. With regard to the "wite-out" question. A miscarriage is also called a spontaneous abortion. I know, I had one and that's what the Doc called it. I suspect that the paperwork from her Doc said that on it and she freaked out, thinking in her uneducated way, that he meant elective abortion. So, she changed it - wited it out - to miscarriage. Still stupid, but I suspect she put it in the book because that piece of paper is around somewhere. I'll admit it could be what you guys are speculating, but I do think my explanation makes more sense.

    WRT Bristol, I agree with previous poster who objected to the adjective "obese." B is not obese, but she is overweight. I'm not convinced she is preggers, but I'm starting to lean more that way. Someone two days ago did give a plausible medical scenario describing a disease which causes a person to bloat up like that which urgently needs medical attention. That's possible too.

    Time will tell and I'm willing to wait to get the answer on this one.

  108. hauksdottir12:07 AM

    Bristol is turning "mourning into dance", just like in the Bible, according to her mother.

    What does this very young woman have to mourn?

    The absence of her first baby, probably a victim of FAS, given her drinking and Indian blood... where is ruffled ear Trig? Or the loss of her spring pregnancy, whether due to induced or spontaneous abortion?

    The ONLY skill that Bristol has is to easily conceive. She is uneducated and untrained for anything else. 50,000 years of human evolution and 7,000 years of human civilization has passed her by.

  109. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Wow, in recent pics Bristol looks like she's aged 10 years.

    Someone mentioned Ricki Lake, and that's not a bad comparison because she's getting that way. I have no idea if she's preggers or not, but we'll find out soon enough won't we? Because you can't abort that far along I don't think. She either will give birth or not, and we'll have our answer. I'm kind of inclined to think no, and she has some sort of weight disorder instead.

    Part of the reason I think it's a weight and hormonal problem is because she is not a healthy 20 year old girl. To me, she exhibited severely low self esteem and social anxiety. Severe weight gain for a young woman usually points to mental/emotional issues stemming from a problem growing up, and often molestation. Fat girls hide behind their weight and I think that's what she's doing.

    And, watching Sarah, we all know that mental disorders run in the family and that kind of thing can be inherited. I wouldn't be surprised if Bristol is "not right." I mean, it's so odd also that she didn't bond AT ALL with young people on the show. She clung to Mark, at first didn't even let him touch her waist during the first judging, which was so strange, and now at this point not only does she let him touch her, but he practically f*cks her in front of us. So that kind of weird sexual, loyal, secretive bonding that occurred is also a red flag to me.

    So, if she pops out a baby, I will be a little surprised, but I admit that yes from her body shape it's certainly possible she's pregnant.

  110. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Is that Van-Flea in the picture with Bri$tol? I recall an old article with his picture and it reminds me of him.

  111. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Anon @ 7:14: "I believe that each person makes their own choices and do not care to make any moral judgments about what Bristol does or does not do. But the hypocrisy is outrageous and it is way past time for these people to just go away and get on with their lives."

    Completely agree--well said!

  112. Anonymous6:05 AM

    For the trolls -- Medically declared "Obese" would be only 180 pounds on a 5'5 person.

    Ideal weight for 5'5 female is only 118-138, anything over that is overweight.

    And no, no one expects her to be a size zero, but she has a serious problem you cannot ignore. You don't gain 30-40 pounds of chubby middle (not muscle) in two months of dancing eight hours a day, several days a week for 3 months!

    She either has an endocrine problem (thyroid or cushings), an eating disorder, or she's pregnant. There's no other explanation. You can see the change in her from when she started.

    Either way, it would be in her best medical interest to get help and it should not be ignored or shrugged off. If she's not pregnant, that weight gain in the tummy is NOT healthy. Now that she's not dancing, it will just get worse.

  113. Anonymous6:32 AM


    That was satire

  114. Anonymous6:33 AM

    So why did Bristol the Pistol get the fat chair on GMA???

    I mean, it's taller, wider, and had curved arms, unlike the others. She went right to it, so it was for her.

  115. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Hellooooo, baby bump:

  116. Anonymous7:18 AM

    "I suspect that the paperwork from her Doc said that on it and she freaked out, thinking in her uneducated way, that he meant elective abortion."

    But Palin happily admitted to the procedure,
    the D&C. She just didn't like the fact it was
    called an abortion, which it is, if it is done to
    a womb with a fetus. Dead baby or not, Sarah
    Palin D&C'd her womb to rid herself of the
    contents, and that is an elective abortion.

  117. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Really???? It was God who got her through the cage dance, simulated sex, chest shaking and pelvic thrusts.

  118. Anonymous12:06 PM

    YEs, it could have been a miscarriage. Alaska has laws regarding "white-out" after the first trimester.

    I still think she was allowed to keep this one because the baby daddy has bucks.

    She has been raised to believe that sex equals love and theat birth control is wrong. This combo produces kids...and she has learned having kids = $$$.

  119. So. She had a D&C (like her Mom) or miscarriage, then got pregnant again?

    I just know they'll blame this one on Levi.

    Levi better insist on a paternity test for both kids this time.

  120. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Bristol probably has 3 or 4 kids by now. She seems to be always pregnant and doesn't know who the fathers are.

    I loved the DWTS comments by the judges. Bristol has GROWN immensely and has a BROADER spectrum of life. chuckle

  121. Anonymous5:15 AM

    "I just love SP's new phrase, "I just put up a pray sheald to protect me from the haters" "

    Bristol acts just like Mommy Dearest. She also stated on the DWTS finale that it was an "us against them" attitude. In her mind, it was AK against the lower 48. Before she danced, she graced her family with a hug, and SP shouted, "You show 'em, you show 'em!". No class at all.

  122. Anonymous5:16 AM

    I'm with the Dr. I don't think it's the same kid either.

  123. Anonymous5:21 AM

    To Anony @ 7;26 No my Dear, her mother is not pretty, she is really, a very ugly human being.

  124. Anonymous5:26 AM

    "Did you just use the term Obese to describe a girl who's no bigger than a size 12, if that? Wow, Are all women under 25 who aren't size 0-4 obese to you?"

    today's size 12 is the old size 16 of the '80's. Bristol is more like size 16 TODAY, which is the old size 22 of the 80's. So yes, she is huge for an 18-20 year old. If Willow is only 16 now, then Bristol is 18. They were only two years apart in age until wiki was changed the day she was announced. At the time, the claim was that Track had changed the entries, but I don't believe that.

  125. Anonymous5:29 AM

    ANONY @ 7:26 "It must be, because there is a bigger price tag attached to it"


  126. Anonymous5:31 AM

    correction> Anony @7:42 not 7:26

  127. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Not certain how I ended up at this blog site, amazed at the hatred spewed here. Why the merciless hatred of a young woman who's mother ran for office? She made a mistake loving a guy who's not responsible enough to act like a man. She's paying for her mistake every day and is attempting to inform other young girls on the choices they make, using herself as an example.
    If you're teenagers then you must be the mean girls and hopefully you
    learn your lessons as you grow up. If you're an adult...shame on you, you're a danger to our free society. There are so many more things to do in your lives than to spnd your time acting in such a vitriolic way. EVERYONE makes mistakes & everyone must deal with them as best they can. Have some compassion some day it could be you. Get a life.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.