Saturday, November 06, 2010

Does Sarah Palin have to mythologize EVERYBODY in her family?

Buried in this puff piece by the New York Post promoting Palin's new un-reality show, is the following description of Todd Palin:

"And Todd is like Captain America," he says of Palin's husband. "Literally, this guy can do it all -- fix fishing nets, drive the boat out, catch the most fish, fix the engine, fix the car trailer, drop the transmission . . . and pick up a shotgun and hit the target every time."


This description sounds very like the work of those writers of dime novels from the 1800's. You know, the ones who turned criminals like Billy the Kid and Jesse James into folk heroes.  Those little booklets were filled with tales of derring do and  larger than life adventures but extremely short on reality. And this reads very much like that kind of fact free mythological moose crap.

Look I am sure that Todd Palin is a very capable guy and probably seems very impressive to people living in a big city, drinking Frappuccino's, and wearing a surgical mask for fear of breathing in somebody elses germs.

But in Alaska Todd Palin is hardly the epitome of manhood.

In fact he is not even an impressive example of one of our women.

Not to be mean but Todd Palin, besides being famous for his marriage to the first woman Governor of Alaska, really has only one other claim to "fame" and that is for winning the Iron Dog race in 2007. 

The race is 1,971 long and it is fairly grueling. You know, by lower forty-eight standards.

However Susan Butcher, an Alaskan woman, won the Iditarod race four, count them FOUR, times.  A race that is 1,150 miles long, and in which the competitors use nothing more than a dog team, a sled, and more guts than your average Marine. 

The Iron Dog was put together by a bunch of bored snow machine enthusiasts who were tired of just racing around and around Big Lake. But the Iditarod is a race so treacherous and exhausting that it often takes the lives of more than one of the dogs participating before the last dogteam reaches Nome, and has damn near killed several of the human participants as well.

As for fixing nets, driving boats, and repairing engines,  Alaska women have been doing the first for centuries and the second and third since they first brought combustion engines to the wilds of Alaska.

Now I have no idea how good of a shot Todd is with his shotgun, but my grandmother once dropped a bull moose that was chasing her dogs around her yard with one shot. (Not only that but she chased off my grandfather, after he suddenly returned from a three year long drinking binge, with that same shotgun. He thought he could sweet talk her right up until she fired a warning shot over his head, and then he ran for his life.)

Look I know that Palin wants to create this crazy, bigger than life image of herself and her "perfect" family.  But it just is not true.

From what I have heard repeatedly in Wasilla Track is NOT a young man brimming over with patriotism. Bristol has NOT been miraculously re-virginized.  Willow and Piper, are just normal kids.Trig is rapidly turning into a very temperamental and difficult to handle toddler.  Sarah Palin is NOT the last great hope for this country. And Todd is NOT Captain America.

Whatever, or whoever, Todd Palin may have once been, THIS is who he is today.

Now does THAT look like Captain America to you?


  1. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Poor Todd. He's such a tool.
    And has anyone else noticed that he talks like he has a dick in his mouth?

  2. Sounds like Sarah lives in her own world...many women do. Sounds like she is trying to create her own "Camelot". Very sad, she is becoming unglued.

  3. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Todd looks more like a skycap than Captain America. Maybe MS America with the purse and all. Maybe he's trying out for the new GEICO commercial, the one where the man and woman shop for insurance and Todd holds the European Over The Shoulder Man Bag. LOL

  4. Anonymous4:31 PM

    "In fact he is not even an impressive example of one of our women."

    Gryphen, as the sister and daughter of men who put Toady to shame, this made me laugh so hard I spewed Dr. Pepper over my keyboard. And now I want to marry you.

  5. Anonymous4:37 PM

    The new TLC video, he also cleans after her- wipes the patio table clean and carries her book for her!!!!!

  6. Anonymous4:42 PM

    No, more like Captain Pussy-Whipped.

  7. SME1314:44 PM

    This is just more of Sarah's fantasy family that she keeps selling out to the higher bidder. Sadly her followers believe this shit.

    I did love your line about him not being as tough as most Alaska women. LOL

    It would be interesting to know why he and Scott Davis has parted ways after all these years. Any ideas on that Gryphen???

  8. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I have it on good authority that Captain America would never say the "why are you shaking" line that Todd tried to use menace a citizen.

    Good job, Gryphen, calling out this hyperbole about Todd. He's not a frontiersman, he's a surbanite with tons of mechanized toys and a lucrative marriage. Alaska is truly a challenging environment that produces astoundingly well-rounded sturdy individuals (stop blushing, Gryphen) but Todd is not a particularly outstanding or interesting specimen.

    Sorry to hear that Trig is difficult. Hope it's just a "stage". Many DS kids get strong before they develop enough mental capacity to be reasonable. That this child is a pawn in the game Sarah is playing is so very sad.

  9. AKpetdad4:46 PM

    I would gladly carry AKpetmom's purse.

  10. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I'm not sure if that's Captain America or captian 'Murika.

    What happened to those pink panties from Sheriff Joe? captian 'Murika rill comfortable in them also too?

    If it was rilly Captain America on the shores of the dead lake- 1. He wouldn't be complaining about the writer next door ( he'd be too busy chasing AIP and Dropzone types out of the state) and 2. He wouldn't need to drill a peephole in the fence that blew down so his wife could snoop on the resident next door. If Captain America had built that privacy fence- then it would not have already blown down.

    So no-one with out xray vision can be sure what happened to Sheriff Joe's pink panties- but the security types at the airports across this great country might have an idea. You do come off as a pisser and a moaner in that TLC clip BTW.

  11. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I don't think SP's Alaska is supposed to showcase them as the perfect family. Did you read Mark Burnett's quotes in one article? He said he was shocked that Sarah allowed some of the more real scenes to be approved, that they showcase the other side of a family. He gave her props. From what people are saying, the show is a pretty real depiction of them. Track spent pretty much the whole summer in D'ham fishing; he is tight with that part of the fam. We shall see. Let's not judge until the 14th. That's only fair.
    Track must not be that unhappy; he is still dating Britta and she's pretty darn happy

  12. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Really Gryph?! Did you ever see you daughter as a toddler. I've yet to meet one who's easy to manage. My2 yr old goddaughter has the attitude of a teenage and my 4 yr old sister bites everyone. Not something a parent can control without binding them. The family loves him

  13. Anonymous4:59 PM

    One of the funniest lines ever..."In fact he is not even an impressive example of one of our women."

  14. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Tawd looks like he's getting a bit of gayface going. What's with his beard thingy? Yuk.

    His building skills? Not so much. Fixing vehicles? Big deal. My husband kept his high-school graduation pick-up going for 250,000 miles. When we left AK we sold it to some very grateful friends who continue to drive it everywhere and love it. Riding a snowmachine. Yawn. If only I had a dollar for every snow-machine riding loser that I knew in Alaska. It's like an extension of their boy bits, to them anyway.

    I keep spreading the word here in TX that she is a fraud and every single thing that she says about her family is questionable.

    I did love this post, as always.


  15. Anonymous5:03 PM

    More like "Cap'n Crunch."

  16. Anonymous5:04 PM

    It sounds like Todd is like many, many men out there who can do outdoor stuff, fix cars, and shoot a gun. In fact, he sounds like a lot of women. What's the big deal?

    And, thank you Gryphen for pointing out what I've been thinking all this time. Not knowing much about snow-related races, when I first heard about Todd, I though he participated in the Iditarod. Then I found out he raced snowmobiles (snow machines? is there a difference?). I was a lot less impressed and it's been downhill since then.

  17. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Well said, Gryphen, well and truly said.

  18. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Todd is the Kim Jong Il of Wasilla. On his first round of golf with no lessons, Kim shot 8 holes in one out of the first nine holes, and a final score of 28. If Todd is such a great shot why did Sarah have an affair.. He failed to hit her target?? Nice propaganda, Sarah.

  19. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Don't forget that The New York Post has been owned by News Corp- Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, since 1993.

    Not that that adds anything to understanding why they might publish this little promo piece for Sarah's 'reality' show. A special advance screening for them too eh?

    Captain America my as*!

    Looks more like a rent boy to me.

  20. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:07 PM

    I think a good word for the Palins and their reality sideshow would be "mythopologize."

    Sarah and TAAHHHD...the Kate and Jon Gosselin of poluhtix!


    Fashion Man Strikes Again! He will strike a pose with any action prop!

  22. Anonymous5:08 PM

    This is NOT a puff piece about them in the New York Times! It's a puff piece in the sleazy New York Post.

    Big, big difference. Owned by Rupert Murdoch -- as in the same douche bag that owns Fox News. Are we surprised?

    QUICK! Make a correction. The NYTimes has some integrity left, the NYPost has had none for a long, long time (Murdoch bought it in the early 90's).

  23. Captain America, huh? Well then, Mr. Reporter. Explain to me why the fence Captain America built fell over in the first good wind.

  24. Frankly, I think Sarah's testosterone treatments worked so well, she's now teabagging her Toady. You know, I'm actually feeling some sympathy for the guy. Best he can hope for is a good divorce settlement. He'll never get to touch the Ice Queen ever again.

  25. Gryphen made me laugh.

    AKpetdad made me smile!

  26. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I'm comfortable enough with my masculinity to carry a woman's purse.
    But then again, my sister won the Iditarod. I have five sisters.

    Your argument is invalid.

  27. Also, too, the NT Times and other media need to get their reporters out of NYC more often and into flyover country. If Todd did do all these things, it really isn't all that exceptional. My dad for example, who's a generation older than Todd & hails from northern Michigan, grew up on a farm with all that entails, has a PhD in physics, gardens, fishes, hunts & with my mom's help butchers the deer, and before they became computerized did a lot of the work on the cars. One memorable fix, when he was in grad school & money was tight, was repairing the tail pipe with a soup can. Granted not the typical experiences of someone who grew up in NYC or LA, but NOT atypical for much of the rest of this country.

  28. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I feel bad for Track. He selfishly went into the army with friends, his friend (who joined years prior is being fucked over by the govt and army - but he should get off), and his enlistment is being scrutinized solely on petty gossip. At least he has his gf and family.

  29. Anonymous5:23 PM

    New York Post, not times. Verrrrry different paper.

  30. Anonymous5:24 PM

    What I do know and is of interest to me about Todd Palin is that he quit his job. So, as far as I know aside from Sarah's grandiose distortions painting him like the Brawny paper towel guy is that he overstepped his bounds in the governor's office. I have seen him use intimidation and bullying tactics due to lacking social and self assertion skills. I also saw the most hideous fences I'd hve been mortified if my spouse had thrown up such a piece of shit up. I am aware their side yard needed some work and that he is so full of himself he was not embarassed and unbelievably goes along that shoddy fence is the solution to immigration.

    It's my personal taste and standards but for their money and his alleged handiness their yard looks closer to shit including the grass and the entire compound resembles a hodge podge and looks frankly ugly.

    For two people allegedly enamored with the beauty of AK and nature they might consider that their home and compound be some authentic reflection of that.

    I respect skills that individuals have including the ability to repair things. Hobbies are nice too. It is not exactly a resume for the Washington DC area given I am certain snow maching on the national mall would be prohibited. I am quite certain the white house has qualified people to repair nets and fix things like a weed whacker engine. There have been rumors the moose and cribou are not plentiful in VA either:) It comes in handy to have some formal education and it is imperative to take an interest in genuine causes as an elected leader's spouse insstead of me me me watch me zoom through snow or see me me me catch a fish.

    I'll get back to ya' for I am going to try to envision Todd Palin with his abs defined, unshaved, dripping with he man sweat, no shirt, his biceps bulging in some dude shorts on the white house lawn with engine grease on his hands. (pause) Okay, I gave this serious consideration and it is not enough to bring to the election table but Harlequin romance novel called and wants him for a cover of a bodice ripper novel. He'll look perfect, airbrushed tearing a caribou apart with his bare hands as his hot breath is seen reach the bosom of a damsel in distress as her carotid artery bounds and she quivers gazing at him. PS the dude does not dress appropriately either for occasions conveying arrogance and an air of "F U".

  31. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Willow and Piper are normal???? Did I read that incorrectly?

    Check out OzMutflats for an awesome post busting up the family image Sarah tries to narrate. A picture tells a whole other story.

  32. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Gryphen, So glad you posted a link to the Palin's peak NYP story, for some reason I could not get the thing to post over on "Uh oh! Mama Grizzly may have just" when I put the link in so I just said to google it.

    Does anyone think Toddy will stick around when the sheite hits the fan and money starts drying up or will he grab his share and his gonads and head farther North?

  33. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Toddy is living in the dream world of X-gino's grand plans to have the right wing of America fall in love with her. Toddy is riding this pay check train out to the last stop. I can't say that I blame him. He did go to high school in Wasillia but spent his grade school in the bush. He has sure traveled far.

    Its kind of funny for us to see this transformation into a multimillionaire metro sexual man.
    He has done will serving his women being her side kick..... its hard to be a yes man, ok dear, your the boss dear, for such a power hungry and mentally ill women.

    I think Toddy might have a break down before SP. There is a limit to the amount of BS any Alaskan guy can take!

  34. Hey Gryph, New York POST, not New York Times. The Times, however much it prints its opinion pieces as front page news, isn't really into puff pieces about the WGE.

  35. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I'm still helll bent on making him pay for his assertion to Van Susteren that he used his Co- Governor position in a way desiring to progress Native hire in the State. Then how did the FOIA emails reveal he thwarted a competant professional like Dillingham's own Kim Williams (a childhood Alaska Native friend) from a Governir appointed position she was well qualified for? Asshole.

  36. Oops! Yes I meant New York POST not TIMES.

    Sorry for the mix-up and thanks for straightening me out.

  37. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I don't think anything less of a man who carries his wife's handbag sometimes. I did know a hen pecked man who's wife wore the pants in the family and made him walk behind her and carry her purse. I would not leap to conclusions seeing a man hold a heavy looking purse.

  38. Anonymous6:26 PM

    @4:58 pm: Yes, all toddlers are difficult. But since Trig has Down's Syndrome, he may not have the mental capability to respond to the same type of discipline that most other children would. He requires different, more specialized attention.

    If he gets that, he could thrive just as much as any other "normal child"(and I use that term sarcastically, as I don't think there is anything "wrong" with him). Gryphen, do you know what modifications, if any, are being made for him? Is he even getting the care he needs?

  39. Anonymous6:39 PM

    He has sad eyes. No wonder.

  40. Anonymous6:39 PM

    And so what? He's still a despicable human being. Not to mention that I can do equivalent things such as (but not limited to) cut down trees, fix the horse trailer, dig deep holes to plant trees, shoot a pistol, skeet shoot, jump a horse over a 5'6" fence, train search and rescue dogs for urban disaster, spend several hours every day teaching at-risk teenagers (without benefit of a taser) AND leap tall buildings in a single bound.

  41. Anon 4:55 - "Did you read Mark Burnett's quotes in one article? He said he was shocked that Sarah allowed some of the more real scenes to be approved, that they showcase the other side of a family."

    Come on, now! They're in huge show promotion mode. Did you expect Burnett to say Sarah made them edit out everything negative and the show presents a distorted view of the Palins? And, of course, there will be some intentional 'imperfect' moments. They must prove they're just 'real' folks. Hmmm, if Burnett has half a wit, he would have been shocked Sarah approved the 'drill a hole in the fence to I can spy' clip. To Sarah, it was a useful scene to show what how horribly they're picked on.

  42. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Captain ANTI-AMERICA according to his political affiliations.

  43. Anonymous6:49 PM

    It goes without saying that you can throw a rock at the Anchorage airport and still hit any Aladkan woman more frontier, motherly and accomplished than Sarah Palin, right?

  44. Anonymous6:51 PM

    He sounds like Alvin and the Chipmunks, too bad his pipsqueek voice doesn't match those dreamy masculine looks. And mask his hideous character flaws. Like marrying Vally Trash like Sarah Heath.

  45. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Umm, my husband is a DRAMA TEACHER in PA, and he can do all of those things AND he's been known to kill and field dress a deer (though not recently, as I don't care for venison). What is the big major whoop?

    I always laugh when I hear about the Sarah retort, "Have you seen Todd?" Yep, I have, and he looks like a 70's porn star. (Who apparently has these dubious miraculous Capt. America talents that pretty much anyone I know -even middle school students-have - but they don't have the 70's porn look)

  46. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Fuck Todd. Ive done that and more. Well, I didnt drop a tranny, but I doubt he did, alone, either.

    Someone in LA PR is doing a *major* PR push for these wonks. BP/trapp with the 'agent', popup stories coming out making these douches
    'seem' so personable; all for
    trickling them down thru the entire holiday season ahead.
    Its already been stated 'it is good for her' politicks, they find it "genius" to shove as many as possible in front
    of the 'camera'.

  47. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Gryphen...I agree with everything you wrote, but the most ideal way to turn people off would be to praise Tawd endlessly, at the expense of other men. In other words, if I said to a woman like Elizabeth Hasselback, that Todd Palin is TWICE the man her hubby Tim is (a football player, no less!!)..wouldn't she come to her husband's defense? Wouldn't she, or any other woman who felt her own husband's virility was in question when put side-by-side with that "superstud" Palin, feel the need to point out all of T.P.'s faults? Wouldn't they also see the NON-superhuman powers of Sarah Palin brought to light, as women everywhere would suddenly realize how awesome THEY are...the Palins mythologize THEMSELVES, and stupid idiots who have been following their lead may begin to feel there's nothing special at all about the Palin family... 'bout time!!

  48. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Karl Rove apologized for criticizing Sarah the other day.
    See media matters. These guys don't hVe the balls to bring Sarah down. The MOST nauseating thing is Sean Hannity (meathead) call it a documentary and referring to her as governor nonstop. I'm so sick of these unethical lying morons. Calling it a documentary is absolutely ridiculous and it's hard to believe Hannity et al are so stupid that they really think it's a documentary!! Jerks!!

  49. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I have never been a fan of short guys wearing high heels. Who are they kidding?

  50. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Captain America carted his amniotic fluid leaking wife on a transcontinental flight back to Alaska for "fish picker" bragging rights.

    Todd is the single biggest contributor to the lie Sarah Palin is peddling to the American electorate.

    All the PR and all the spin and the hype isn't going to be enough. Todd will suffer the same fate as Sarah, political oblivion and some major financial problems. I hope he DOES stay married to her though. 50 years of Sarah Palin is a fitting punishment for jerking America around with this sorry excuse for a VEEP candidate.

  51. Anonymous7:33 PM

    My hubby can do all of those things, has a master's degree and is taller and better looking.

    That's nice that Sarah likes her husband, but all I can say is eeeewwww.

  52. Anonymous7:45 PM

    @7:22, the only man who can get away with that is Prince.

  53. emrysa7:50 PM

    todd palin is a piece of shit just like his "wife" as he likes to call her.

    both of them are lying, grifting bullies.

  54. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Sarah's starting to look like Joan Collins on daytime Soaps! A bit too much nip and tuck that.

  55. mommom7:54 PM

    Hell,I could do all of that until I lifted a 17 HP riding mower off of my DH's arm and destroyed my back.Can still most of it except drop the transmission.Well,maybe I could drop it!!Just not re install.And I am without a doubt that I am a better shot.And I once competed in a combined training 3 day event think Olympic like horse competitions) while 4 months pregnant and won. Tawdy is just a little girly man now.

  56. Anonymous8:11 PM

    He looks more like the recipient of
    Sharon Anle "man up."
    Sarah Paylin "man up."
    Christine O'Donnells "put your man pants on."

  57. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Remind me again, just how long was it until the wind blew Captain America's crappy fence down? :)

  58. AKRNC8:28 PM

    My father could do all of those things, too. He wasn't Captain America. He was a competent man who loved his family, took care of them and did whatever was needed but he would have had a fit if my Mom had ever written about those things as if they were above average of noteworthy. I also remember that nine times ouf of ten, whatever my Dad was doing around the house, whatever needed fixing, my mother was often by his side, helping him.

    I can't help but think of what Sarah said in the trailer for the show, "He catches a fish and I make millions." What a disgusting, degrading comment and it can only be taken one way. It's meant to belittle her husband's accomplishments. $arah is a very vain woman who will NEVER be happy.

  59. aj weishar8:47 PM

    Captain America? No, but his shoes do match his purse.

  60. lwtjb9:04 PM

    Try this for one view of Alaska's women.

  61. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Sarah said that? I haven't watched any of the trailers (well, I did watch a clip online of the "cement pad" bit), so I haven't kept up with the whole thing. That's atrocious! She really does have him by the short hairs, doesn't she?

  62. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Stop hooking into all this silly shit just to fill space on your blog. You're making a fucking ass of yourself.

    Quality you little closet fairy, not quantity.

  63. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Check out the story over at The Mudflats. Joe McGinniss has had enough of Palin and his attorney has issued a letter that all images of him be removed from the show, trailers, etc., as no approval was obtained for any.

    Wonderful time at the Rally Gryphen - so sorry you didn't make it to the party for all of us to meet you!

  64. justafarmer10:26 PM

    Here in Appalachia, we all fight every day and enjoy life. Last night we made up a huge kettle of Venison Bourguignon. Between me & the neighbor, we wasted NOTHING from the deer. My husband can fix anything...our newest vehicle is a '98 S-10, next newest is a '75 Ford pickup. Our farm tractor is a '55 Ford Workmaster. We grow our own fruit & veg, corn & hay for the livestock. And we live in a house in the backwoods that was built before the Civil War.
    The Palins with their concrete slab patio at a house with HUGE windows are poseurs who couldn't make it if their lives depended on it.

  65. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Somebody compared toad to a rentboy, I fell out of my chair laughing! Perfect analogy!

  66. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Todd a real man? You mean the one who essentially ignores that he is part Native American because he can "pass" as white? The one who married a woman who was pregnant with another man's child? The one who's best friend and business partner slept with his wife and still the Pip Squeak took her back? The one who is unemployed and now works as a "husband" for Sarah? That man? Ha. Ha. Ha.

  67. Maybe, Toddy was put in charge of her medication. [She appeared a bit high that day.] They could have been in her handbag.

  68. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Track Palin did not join the army to be with his friends. He worked for one year in the Green Zone as most likely an administrator before he went home to be used as a political prop by his mother.

  69. FEDUP!!!12:07 AM

    Just to make you realize: $he $aid that Toad 'hits the TARGET' every time! I do too - hit the target every single time (and let me tell you, I am a NOVICE shooter!), that is, but 'not exactly' the bulls-eye, LOL!

    Toad better knows how to fix a net and an engine on a boat if he REALLY is a fisherman!

  70. This woman is now worth $20 million dollars. She is trying to keep the illusion alive for us little We The People. She needs the WTP to remember that she is still a hick that can't us the letter "g". She needs WTP to believe that even though she now has more money than the entire population of Wasilla COMBINED, that she is just like we everyday little people folk, with a husband that changes his own oil and hunts to get the family through the long, cold winters.

    See, the Palin's are the American dream with a "feminist" twist (Sarah throws up a little when ya call her a feminist). She makes more money than God while her husband continues to behave all "hicky" (cue the John Raese political commercial). When he isn't shooting wildlife or dropping a transmission or wrestling salmon with his bare hands, he is carrying Sarah's purse and roughing up non-fox news reporters, all while trying to pull off the metrosexual but rugged look.

    'Cause he's Captain America....

  71. Aussie Blue Sky1:58 AM

    When I first read Burnette's "Captain America" quote a few days ago I thought it was more a reflection of Mark Burnette than Dud Palin. If Burnette is so impressed by such humdrum undertakings, he must be a real girl's blouse.

  72. "He catches a fish and I make millions."

    O.M.G. I want to say "unbelievable" but I completely believe you.

    Note to Sarah: you're trying to keep the myth alive that you are one of us. Can't do that when you brag about making millions.

    That quote almost makes me feel sorry for Todd.

    I have the sense that Todd sticks around because the kids won't be cared for if he leaves. Sarah has some serious money now, so it isn't like he would be broke if he left her.

    Does Sarah EVER spend time with her children (except Piper, who is Palin's BFF)? Poor Trig must be very, very confused, as would any toddler that had drive-by mothering.

    And why is Palin doing the turtle neck shoulder thing again? I hate that; makes me want to slap her on the back and yell at her to sit up straight like! She could do it on Fox when she was interviewed with Ferraro.....

  73. Anonymous1:30 AM

    If Todd wore a Captain America outfit into the bedroom, you think he might get a little ??

  74. Anonymous3:06 AM

    People who really do all the things these frauds claim to do are too busy actually doing it. Actions speak louder than words.

  75. Anonymous3:36 AM

    It's the big city "elites" who fell in love with her and brought her to the lower 48. Or rather, inflicted her on us. And I guess to them, it's impressive when a guy goes fishing, I dunno.

    But obviously Todd doesn't do anything anymore, not one damn thing, except look after Sarah Palin. And the reason for that is obvious, because she can't take care of herself. She's a literal mess. She needs multiple handers AND a doting husband. Obviously if Todd thought she could go seven days straight without imploding, then he would spend more time doing all those manly things.

  76. Anonymous3:50 AM

    I'm guessing Trig's hearing problems are contributing to his behavioral ones. Not being able to communicate is frustrating to a child.

  77. Anonymous3:57 AM


    I've lived in a big city all my life and let me tell you, not one person that I know is impressed with Todd Palin. Todd Palin wouldn't last one week in my neighborhood. But there are a couple of guys on the corner that would be happy to snatch his purse!

  78. Anonymous4:34 AM

    From the same article: "You'll get to see a pioneer family in a pioneer state."

    Riiiight. Even if they live in a mansion-like house with a turret on a dead lake and drive around in Cadillac Escalades and spend more money on cosmetics than I do on groceries.

    There haven't been any "pioneers" in AK in many, many years.

  79. Anonymous5:01 AM

    I find it odd that she rarely mentions Track or plays up his service to the country. A war hero son would certainly burnish her patroit persona.

    Perhaps she doen't want to invite scrutiny. Any thoughts Gryphen?

  80. Anonymous5:40 AM

    My "Adopted" family has two men who do all that and hold down full time jobs as teachers and coaches. And do charity work.

    Todd is not special. but he is good at living a pretend life.

  81. Chenagrrl5:47 AM

    Todd is like many Alaska-born guys. They can do it all, especially in the villages. I think not enough is known of the Palin family and its connection to western Alaska. I find it fascinating that he is a happa. I guess I am sympathetic, too, because I could see one of my brothers or cousins in his situation. If you go through pix of Trigg, guess who is holding him the most. I disagree with his support of the AIP. But in general, I say leave Todd alone.

  82. Chenagrrl5:48 AM

    Make that One of us happas. There I said it.

  83. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Eh, so Toad makes a great day laborer - so do many illegal Mexican immigrants. Seriously, they trek just as far, in worse conditions, without the snow machine.

    Funny, in the lower forty eight, we consider people accomplished if can do those things, and be good parents whose children will attend top colleges, and read a book, great literature no less, and discuss it. We can also don evening dress, looking as if we belong in it and it isn't a costume and go to the opera or a play and know how to behave. We also write missives longer than 142 characters, reflecting a train of thought that has more than one car.

  84. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Anon 4:17
    Yes I have noticed: I think it's scarah's strap-on...

  85. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Todd Palin is a F'in pansy next to my husband! My husband is truly an Alaskan Man -who drives me absolutely nuts with all his hordin', stacking and piling, of things he's scrounged because "it don't grow on trees in the bush". But I got a cabin, a steam bath, 3 greenhouses, a hot tub, a gazebo, and more meat than this one family can eat in a year so we feed half the elders in the village too.

    And at the same time he truly respects me as an Alaskan woman and while he expects me to be able to fix the skiff if it conks out on me, or at least be able to radio in to him why I can't fix it myself, hit the deer I'm aiming at with my .270, and help him clean it too; he also brings me bunches of Alaska wildflowers he's stuffed in his pack and brings down to me after a sheep hunt and changed the kid's diaper without me asking.

    That's a real man!

    Todd is a... Actually I'm not sure what Todd is now, but he's sure not what he probably once was long ago in single young man hood.

  86. Anonymous8:32 AM

    My husband can do none of those things that Todd can, however, when we disagree on something the canned food and refrigerator stay intact.

  87. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Oh fricking please!!
    I'm a city girl but i can launch our boat, put bait on the line, take a fish off the line, change a tire, etc etc. Todd sounds like me, a ciy girl!
    Todd is nothing special. At all. He is short, walks and talks like a gril, has bad skin, is uneducated, and oh yeaah, unemployed also too.
    The only thing he has in common with Captain America may be the penchant for spandex!!

  88. Anonymous8:59 AM

    My wonderful husband can fix motors, go bow-hunting, build a shed and remodel a basement. He's also the best cook in the family, cleans MUCH better than I do, and is a classically trained master woodworker. But I wouldn't call him Captain America. Sarah's just trying to puff Todd up along with the rest of the family so that we'll think they belong in the White House. She can't stand all the positive attention the Obama family receives, just by virtue of them being smart, nice people. You can tell what our President thinks of his wife just by the way he treats her. He doesn't have to describe her as Wonder Woman!

  89. Anonymous10:09 AM

    @ both Anony. 8:32


  90. Anonymous10:37 AM

    It's Progressive Insurance and not GEICO. Funny about the guy with the "man purse", though.

  91. Anonymous11:53 AM

    6:43 a.m. Wonderful! I love your post!

    Indeed, I think Todd Palin is ADD in the worst way. If you have ever been near him you would notice he has a wheezy voice, is rather effete and is a gum-snapping maniac. Hardly a show boy.

    As to the parenting? Nothing goes on there. The kids are "maintained" but there is no preparation for a future life and the parents seem just fine with that. Pretty low end.


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