Friday, November 26, 2010

The Grizzled Mama uses Thanksgiving Facebook message to stomp her feet and throw a tantrum about "unfair" reporting on her North/South Korea gaffe.

In the beginning of this Facebook rant Palin's ghostwriters mashed together a number of gaffes made by President Obama, many of them occurring during his exhausting campaign and health care debate, apparently to illustrate that the media does not report HIS verbal blunders with the same aggression and consistency that they report Sister Sarah's.

I will not cut and paste it here because I want to focus on Palin's completely over the top response, on Thanksgiving Day no less, to the criticism that came from the fact that she mixed up South and North Korea. (You can read the cobbled together "speech" of Obama gaffes by clicking the "Facebook rant" link above.)

Of course, the paragraph above is based on a series of misstatements and verbal gaffes made by Barack Obama (I didn’t have enough time to do one for Joe Biden). YouTube links are provided just in case you doubt the accuracy of these all too human slips-of-the-tongue. If you can’t remember hearing about them, that’s because for the most part the media didn’t consider them newsworthy. I have no complaint about that. Everybody makes the occasional verbal gaffe – even news anchors.

Obviously, I would have been even more impressed if the media showed some consistency on this issue. Unfortunately, it seems they couldn’t resist the temptation to turn a simple one word slip-of-the-tongue of mine into a major political headline. The one word slip occurred yesterday during one of my seven back-to-back interviews wherein I was privileged to speak to the American public about the important, world-changing issues before us.

If the media had bothered to actually listen to all of my remarks on Glenn Beck’s radio show, they would have noticed that I refer to South Korea as our ally throughout, that I corrected myself seconds after my slip-of-the-tongue, and that I made it abundantly clear that pressure should be put on China to restrict energy exports to the North Korean regime. The media could even have done due diligence and checked my previous statements on the subject, which have always been consistent, and in fact even ahead of the curve. But why let the facts get in the way of a good story? (And for that matter, why not just make up stories out of thin air – like the totally false hard news story which has run for three days now reporting that I lobbied the producers of “Dancing with the Stars” to cast a former Senate candidate on their show. That lie is further clear proof that the media completely makes things up without doing even rudimentary fact-checking.)

“Hope springs eternal” as the poet says. Let’s hope that perhaps, just maybe, they might get it right next time. When we the people are effective in holding America’s free press accountable for responsible and truthful reporting, then we shall all have even more to be thankful for!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

- Sarah Palin

Wow!  Can you believe THAT post?

This is essentially an entire post that could be summed up with "Not fair! Not fair! Not fair! He said a stupid thing too, why is everybody always picking on ME?

What Palin, and whoever spent all day yesterday researching her little bitch-fest for her, fail to understand is that, unlike Palin, the huge majority of things that the President says are highly intelligent and delivered with authority. 

However Sarah Palin is a potpourri of ridiculous statements and uneducated responses to questions from reporters.  Even the reporters on Fox News.

From her Katie Couric interviews, to the turkey slaughter video I put up yesterday, Palin stumbles every time she is without a carefully scripted speech delivered to a receptive audience.  And even THEN she can fuck it up.

And then we have President Obama who almost always gives a seamless speech, and even when in a room full of hostile Republicans without the help of teleprompters, can not only stand his ground but use his vast intellect to eat their lunch for them.

You know the funny thing is I kind of agreed with Caribou Barbie about the North Korea slip up. I DID listen to the rest of the interview with Glenn Beck and heard her refer to North Korea in the proper context, and even though I was sent the link over a dozen times, I gave it a pass.  My feeling was that she had said more ignorant things in the past, and would say more ignorant things in the future, so jumping on this seemed a little petty.

That is until today.

Sure anybody can make a mistake, Sarah Palin's staff of researchers just proved that in this Facebook post, but what is much more news worthy is the Grizzled Mama's over the top reaction to being called out on HER mistakes.

Remember this is a woman who wants to seriously be considered for the MOST IMPORTANT job in America, and THIS is how she responds to criticism.

Sarah Palin is the most thin skinned and defensive person on the political stage, can ANYBODY seriously believe that she could handle the kind of intense scrutiny and criticism that she would receive on the campaign trail, much less in the White House?


  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    In my opinion, it really went under-reported and her freaking out about it with her relentless persecution complex only draws attention to it.

    She is so incredibly defensive. Wonder if she has spent any time at all studying foreign policy so she can sound like she has a clue if she runs.

  2. Anonymous7:12 AM

    A recent article in Politics Daily is a shining example of Sarah Palin's priorities -- apparently, her PR staff and attorneys are on the front burner, while her kids bump along behind like so much baggage . . . well, unless there's a photo op.

    When considering Palin's likely run for president in 2012, keep in mind what one of my more astute Facebook friends noted: "Well, a good parent would be an excellent start for a good leader....and inability to parent would indicate the same for leadership....are you listening, America???"

  3. Anonymous7:19 AM

    1.) It was said in a Vanity Fair piece by then McCain/Palin advisors that Palin didn't understand that the Koreas were divided, separate entities.

    2.) Palin simply hasn't proven herself, Obama has.

  4. Anonymous7:21 AM

    She may have been 'in context'
    later on in her chat-fest, but she was not before she was corrected.
    DrStrangelove and all.

  5. Anonymous7:26 AM

    While Miss Twit plotted her nasty Thanksgiving screed, Our President and his family were out feeding the hungry, offering support and sustenance to everyday Americans who are in need during this holiday season. The stark difference of how someone behaves in the pubic arena is boggling. She really has no sense of decency or protocol. What is so disturbing is that the media laps it up like warm milk given to a cat and promotes and elevates the twit to levels that are delusional, at best, allowing her to poison the discourse in a way that has never been seen quite like this before. It's a crying shame that we have to tolerate this horrific family and the foul and disgusting lies they all seem comfortable perpetrating on the world. How the hell did this fiasco take hold the way it has. SICK.

  6. Anonymous7:26 AM

    You're right, Gryphen. Sarah's rant was totally inappropriate and unnecessary.

    Yes, her latest gaffe was taken out of context (but she did not seem to be listening when Beck tried to steer her back to sanity because she gets too wound up in herself), but both Vice President Biden and President Obama are far above her intellectual and emotional levels that each time she picks these kinds of fights, she loses. However, again, she is too self-absorbed to realize how poorly this kind of rant is received.

    Thanksgiving is a day for everyone to Give Thanks, not a day for air petty complaints or whine about everyone else. Sarah seems to have no understanding of this at all.

    Everyday, regardless of its social or spiritual significance, seems to be just another day to bitch. Sarah has no class, no social grace, and no appreciation of anything beyond herself. How very sad.

    I would pity her, but to what point? Is she capable of change, of compassion, or even simple decency?

  7. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Sarah still doesn´t know why there is a North and South Korea.

    Sarah still doesn´t know the difference between the two.

  8. Anonymous7:29 AM

    She is a sad, pathetic person.

  9. Anonymous7:35 AM

    My initial response was that it was just a slip of the tongue, like we all have from time to time. The thing that makes slip ups like this an issue when they come from Palin is the astounding face that a large majority of the electorate is uneasy enough with her grasp of foreign policy (not to mention basic geography) that they are unsure whether this was a simple blunder. The fact that it's plausible to many Americans that someone who wants to president may not know the difference between N and S Korea is what makes it newsworthy--not the goof itself. It's the 'country' of Africa comment all over again. She is so woefully uneducated about the world we live in that even her innocent slip ups become potential foreign policy disasters. We don't have to wonder whether Biden or Obama understand the history of our relationship with Korea because we know they do. But we certainly can have legitimate questions about Palin's level of knowledge based on her past naive and ignorant comments.

    Glad to see she was focused on faith and family on Thanksgiving. Is she ever able to think about anything other than herself?

  10. As Alan Colmes points out, her North Korea slip of the tongue is the least of Palin's problems.

  11. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Wow, like totally presidential Sarah!

    Can you imagine Barack Obama, given all the shit he's thrown day after day from people not fit to carry his golf clubs, ranting on a social networking site about how UNFAAAAAAIR it all is?

    Can you imagine Hilary Clinton doing this craziness? Of course not, but therein lies the difference between adults and someone just (badly) playing the part of an adult. Does Stupid really think this endears her to people?

  12. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Dear Sarah,
    Perhaps if you had not started the war with the (LAMESTREAM)media, you would not be in this position.

    Perhaps if you had not told the world that you will not be interviewed by anyone who disagrees with you....all might be well.

    The President talks to all of the networks and I am sure they do not all agree with him. But he does not make stupid statements about them like you have done for two years.

    Why should the MSM give you a pass when your whole message has been that they are stupid and you are smart!!!

  13. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I thought the airing of grievances was reserved for Festivus.

  14. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I think it is funny that she attacked Mr. Biden, when she couldn't even pronounce his name prior to the debate. "Hey, can I call you Joe?"

  15. Anonymous7:40 AM

    OMG, she sounds like one of those whining women libbers from the 60s and 70s. She has to react to everything. And she sounds like someone in middle school who noticed that someone got something she didn't. It is getting old. "If you don't say something nice about me, don't say anything at all". She only talks to Fox News, and she screwed that up. I am curious, how come she doesn't react every time someone brings up the Trig story? Her show is a whine fest, her book is a whine fest.

  16. I don't believe for a minute that she wrote this, but since she pretends to, I'll pretend she does too. Why in the world would she spend time researching Obama's mistakes when she could be spending time with her precious family on a major holiday ? What happened to Alaska women being so tough ? And, as my dad always told me, nobody promised that life would be fair.

  17. It's so horrible how the lamestream media takes her exact words and puts them in proper context and it makes her look like an idiot.

  18. Anonymous7:42 AM

    She is a psychotic bitch!

    After her rant about feminists, look who AGAIN is playing the victim!

    After her nonstop lying, she dares to accuse others?

    And she is in the press 24/7 mostly because she put herself there! And she doesn't get at all that America is sick of her! Bllchhhhh! How can her fans even stand her face. We are bombarded by NPD Broomhilda all day every day! If I ask anyone about her, they roll their eyes. Even my conservative friends have had enough.

    Get it Sarah? Enough! Go away ! Shut up!!
    You aren't presidential and you are a moron all the time! Gryphen is right about our President. He speaks intelligentally and thoughtfully 98 % of the time.
    Your slamming of him is NOT working!

    She is like a loud cackling shrew that won't go away!!!
    Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!

    You all watch, her ratings and book sales will suck because everyone has had enough.

    Please GOP and Wasillians, make her go away!!

  19. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Well, I never heard anyone give a Thanksgiving, Poor Picked on Me rant before! All people legitimately "misspeak" occasionally and from the stories I read that is what most reporters thought she did. It was funny and based upon the ignorances she has displayed before, it is understandable some may have thought it was a dumb mistake on her apart. Why can't Her Vacuousness, She of the Salad Shooter of Public Speaking, just laugh at herownself for once instead of attacking everyone? President Obama and the First Lady are not attacking her, and reporters report what they hear, be it from her or someone else. It's hard to believe that she actually is paying people through her PAC to help her act like a spiteful mean girl. If there is a God, this is not going to work out for her, at least I hope that is the case. I took journalism in high school and probably know more about it than she does.

  20. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Anon 7:26... Very well said!

    And thanks Gryphen .

  21. Anonymous7:44 AM

    And what makes her think that the American public wanted her ranting to them on Thanksgiving?

    Does she ever just shut it down for a day? She is like that Chatty Cathy doll that we had to take the batteries out of and put her crazy but up on a shelf in the closet and close the door!!!

  22. emrysa7:45 AM

    I'M A VICTIM!!!

    one of the things that makes this so stupid is the fact that the press always points out biden's gaffes, even before he was vp he was known for them. but she acts like it's only her! persecution complex is right.

    note to sarah:

    maybe if you didn't use run on sentences and horrible grammar on a daily basis, your "occasional" gaffe might go unnoticed. but it's a pattern with you and we all like a good laugh at your expense because you're an idiot.

  23. London Bridges7:45 AM

    That picture gives me an idea for a job Sarah might be able to perform:
    When Punxsutawney Phil is too old to crawl out of his hole, he can be replaced by ta da: Punxsutawney Palin!!!

    The position description includes photo ops. Sarah might even be able to wear fur!

  24. Once again, in the face of the most severe attacks ever leveled against any politician in history...EVER...we watch water roll off the thick-skinned back of the gracious Sarah Palin.

    I think someone isn't happy about her daughter's 2nd runner-up finish on DWTS, the poor-to-mediocre book tour kick-off, and the quandary over how to spin the arrival of Tango Palin.

    I do hope the media will take her demand for fact-checking seriously....BABYGATE/EARGATE, Baby!!!

  25. Anonymous7:48 AM

    She has obvious psychiatric problems and the press should be reporting on that.

    Imagine the effect on her poor kids as she goes on lime this. I've never seen such an Inappropriate display of

    Sarah Palin is very mentally ill. Come on media, a little digging and you'd find that out.

  26. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Be sure not to miss the poll which is currently at 85% "This is alarming. It just proves how unfit she is to run our country."

    Sarah Palin on Glenn Beck's radio show: 'We gotta stand with our North Korean allies'

    Read more:

  27. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Always whining and playing the victim. Why do her followers see her as so strong? Just because she says she is? What dolts.

  28. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Obvious she had whine with her dinner

    and skipped the humble pie for desert

  29. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Remember Howard Dean? The campaign that was going great guns until "the scream" heard 'round the world? I have read, and I believe it, that the room was so loud that he was forced to talk at the top of his lungs to be heard at all. But the crowd noise didn't get recorded on tape, so what TV viewers heard was a man who sounded deranged...and the campaign promptly sank. You did not see Howard Dean on TV or facebook saying NOT FAIR NOT FAIR NOT FAIR.

    Sarah Palin is not emotionally or intellectually fit to lead her family, the town of Wasilla, the state of Alaska, or this country. How much more does she have to do to prove that?

  30. She is in no way qualified to compare herself to the President, they are in totally different classes. She was not running for Potus, although she thought she was, and she just can't stand the fact she is way outclassed. I am so sick of her face being plastered on TV by the LAMESTREAM media, we should make up our minds to switch channels every time they show her, maybe the media would get the message.

  31. Anne In Texas7:55 AM

    I have nothing nice or constructive to say. I simply abhor her. Others may think Obama is the anti-Christ. I frankly think she is. She has no redeeming value whatsoever. She is a waste of a human being.

  32. nswfm7:57 AM

    At Thanksgiving dinner, this horrific error came up when my dad asked if I'd heard she called N Korea our ally. Mom said, "Palin is like a bratty high school cheerleader who always has to be the center of attention. As a substitute, I saw a lot of them, but couldn't do anything since I wasn't their teacher."

    She also wished the media wouldn't give her any attention. I said someone has to watch her to make sure she doesn't end up in a position of power where she could do damage. Thanks, Gryphen.

  33. Anonymous7:58 AM

    She sure served up a big dish of bile for Thanksgiving.

  34. Anonymous7:59 AM

    plus she has absolutely no problem jumping on ANYTHING the President says, and mostly out of context. Actually i think that some of President Obama or Jo Bidens gaffes did make the news, they just didn't go all crazy responding to it.

  35. David Lynch8:03 AM

    I recently saw a segment featuring a man who worked high-up in the McCain campaign - I think he was promoting a book.

    He spoke of how McCain really wanted Lieberman to run for VP, and when Lieberman bailed at the last minute, they chose Palin with very little vetting.

    As they groomed Palin for the Biden debate, they realized they were in for trouble. Not only did she have trouble with Obama and Biden's names (she kept using the name "O'Biden"!!!, she also had very little grasp of world affairs - including her ignorance regarding North and South Korea

    She hadn't grasped that North and South Korea were separate states, or why they were separate states!!

    So Palin has history that demonstrates the strong possibility that her recent gaffe may not have been an honest mistake.

  36. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Palin constantly compares herself to people who have become leaders and who are way out of her league. She continues to make a fool of herself everytime and is a pathetic excuse for an ex-Govenor turned paid Psychobabbler.

  37. Anonymous8:08 AM

    @7:35, I'm assuming you meant this ironically: "Is she ever able to think about anything other than herself?"

    Because, otherwise, you are completely delusional. Her entire FB rant was about herself and how she's a victim of the lamestream media (that prop her up and give her the attention that she LIVES for).

  38. angela8:13 AM

    If her family really cared they'd get their cash cow medicated a bit more and have her committed before she does any more damage. That she keeps trying to equate herself with President Obama is laughable, and quite sad.

    I used to joke about how unhinged Sarah was--but using Thanksgiving to rant, blame and basically just show her ass . . . . All she had to do was just say oops--or nothing at all. But she had to drag RAM away from her turkey dinner to spew the hate---again.

    I don't know, if Sarah wasn't such a psychopath I would feel sorry for her. Mostly, I feel sorry for
    the American public. And let's face it, in her world it's all about her and not anyone else as she puts out whining, self pitying, thin skinned screeds about how mean everyone is to her. As always; boring.

  39. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I take it Sarah wasn't at home in her sports complex making Thanksgiving dinner for her family. Instead, she was ranting on facebook. She's more adolescent than her teenage daughters.

    Her gaffe was no gaffe at all but the verbal meandering of someone who hasn't a clue what she's talking about.

  40. Anonymous8:16 AM

    One thing that you reported on that the lsm missed, was the hate speech Willow put on facebook came from Palin having a potty mouth at home.

  41. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Another excellent article by Andrew Sullivan

  42. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Uh, Gryphen, she got it right in the rest of her Beckfest because Beckerhead corrected her when she said it the first time. I don't give her a pass.

    BTW, Tundra Turd, poor baby, poor baby!! Feel better now? Poor, pitiful, picked-on little girl. WAAAAHHHH!!

  43. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Weak Tea: The GOP's 2012 Presidential Field is Lousy and Decrepit

    Then there's the Palin Bubble. She's lived almost entirely in her own sheltered conservative world the last two years and thus avoided tough questions about everything from her sudden resignation to her support for the bank bailouts. But that won't fly in 2012, when she'll face these issues in debate after debate. The Fox News cocoon can only protect her so much when the attacks originate from other Republicans—as seems likely, given the recent comments from Karl Rove and other GOP leaders. Palin's interviews this month with The New York Times and ABC are a concession that she can't avoid the lamestream media forever either, but there's still no evidence she'll be any better at handling them than she was in 2008.

  44. Anonymous8:26 AM

    @7:35, big oops! Very poor skimming skills on my part! Apologies.

  45. There's one thing I find really unfair Sarah,your face and empty rhetoric everywhere I look!It doesn't matter if you know the difference between North and South Korea.What does matter,is that you if given a chance would create Chaos throughout the entire World!

  46. Anonymous8:27 AM

    The major difference between President Obama's, VP Biden's gaffes and this crazy woman is that they LAUGH at their mistakes and ADMIT when them.

    Also you silly woman, most folks probably took this gaffe as just that. But than YOU, not the media, but YOU go and make a major issue of it yet again. Shouldn't you have been spending QUALITY time with your family on Thanksgiving???? That what us REAL (not RILL) Americans were doing!

  47. BanditBasheert8:29 AM

    Um yes - she really did tantrum about this. Why so thin skinned?

    The jealousy of the President and his lovely family? When she and the Toad and kiddos could have sat around on the slab they poured on the WH lawn and Bar-B-Q squirrels for Thanksgiving. Just a good ol' fashion Palin Thanksgiving.

    This tantrum screed is just one more example of how incredibly mentally ill this woman is. Obsession? Jealousy? She literally cannot stop thinking about the Obama family.

    I hope the Secret Service is watching this creature.

  48. Anonymous8:29 AM

    "The one word slip occurred yesterday during one of my seven back-to-back interviews wherein I was privileged to speak to the American public about the important, world-changing issues before us."

    Wow. SEVEN interviews in one day. She really IS important. "Speaking to the American public." Not the radio/television broadcast audience. Not the show's audience or its host. Not a particular news outlet audience. She was addressing _the American people_.

    Awesome. That's kinda presidential, huh?

  49. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Sarah Palin's Brand of "Feminism" More Popular With Men Than Women

    Palin peddles a shallow narcissism dressed in 'empowering' feminist language.

    Listen up, all you champions of women's rights, Sarah Palin has a message for you. All that stuff about equal pay, controlling your own body, putting an end to domestic violence and rape: that's a whole lotta tired old hooey. There's a new feminism afoot, a feminism that's moved beyond the issues of economic justice and your right not to be beaten and violated, and it's all about Sarah.

  50. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I wonder how she intends to hold journalist accountable to her wishes..... jail, execution, water boarding, or ship them over sea's to the country of Africa or our allies in North Korea.

  51. Anonymous8:35 AM

    "...wherein I was privileged to speak to the American public..."

    Best line evah.

  52. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Someone ought to tell this moron that it is always open season on politicians in the public sphere.

  53. Anonymous8:37 AM

    From the other side the Atlantic, the reception was of astonishment and utter disbelief that a person with a mindset like that could one day press the 'red button'. She wouldn't even know which way to send the rockets, so we in Europe (or anything 'not real american') could be on the receiving end. Though we've got our own set of nutcases (like Wilders in the Netherlands), American politics sometimes looks like a Circus, with the only sane person your admirable Preseident (I only wish he would use his whip some more).

  54. Anonymous8:37 AM

    She's super-sensitive to the fact that she is ignorant and seen as stupid. It's her own fault, she is simply too thin-skinned to let anything go. She is mentally ill..

  55. Anonymous8:39 AM

    "When I told them to bomb South Korea, it was just a slip of the tongue." Sarah Palin

  56. Anonymous8:40 AM

    She had "seven back-to-back interviews?" Go figure how she has become the spokesperson for all things! One can only hope that if she is so important and in demand, she is at the top of her game, and you know if you are on top there is only one way to go--hope her trip down to hell starts soon.

  57. Actually, most people didn't hear about her gaffe. It wasn't a huge media story. The people who spent any time on it are the ones who find her like an mosquito bite, irritating and difficult to ignore.
    I told people about it yesterday, even making the point that it was a misstep, but used it as an entree to discussing her real record as governor and mayor is not. That record has been underreported, and when people discover it, it halts many of her admirers in their tracks. Especially since I can give independent links.
    The thing that strikes me about Palin's defense is not that everybody make gaffes, but that if the President's gaffes were never reported she wouldn't have been able to google them.

  58. Anonymous8:49 AM

    So, what "seven interviews" did she do? Interviews with whom? On what day? All on the same day as the Glenn Beck show, presumably, since that's her excuse on Facebook.

    Is that another lie?

    Let's do a little Friday contest - can we collectively find the seven interviews? List 'em here.

  59. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Um, let's hope that Sarah Palin "gets it right" next time. Blame the world for your personal fuck-ups is the Palin credo.

  60. London Bridges8:50 AM

    If Sarah were "accidentally" institutionalized in a mental institution and wrapped in a straight jacket, the scene would go something like this:

    Sarah: "Why doesn't anyone believe me? My name is Sarah, and I'm the next President of the United States! Release me immediately!"

    Worker: "Sure lady! We've got a guy in the next lockup who thinks he's Napoleon! Pretty soon you'll be asking to be let out so you can be on Dancing With The Stars! By the way: the batteries on those two things you are always trying to type on died six months ago!"

  61. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Hey Sarah, rumor has it that Bristol is carrying the baby of a North Korean. Is that true?

  62. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Heard on CNN that some of the links that Sarah pointed to on her rant were videos that were edited to make Obama look bad....what a president she would be, we would be in war with every country because she saw something on UTUBE that she takes as news.

  63. Anonymous9:01 AM

    The grifter to Beck;

    "We aren't having a lot of faith that the White House is gonna come out with a strong enough policy to sanction what it is that North Korea is gonna do.”

    Maybe her mistake was simply opening her mouth-she does so much better with her FB posts!

  64. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I really hate to hear people point to her children and say, "That's why she shouldn't be POTUS. She needs to take care of them."

    To me, the issue is more nuanced than simply a mother with a demanding career which takes her away from home frequently. She has a stay at home husband (theoretically) providing care, so it isn't as if there is no adult parental unit at home. Who cares if it is the mom or the dad?

    The real issue is that either Todd is doing an abyssimal job parenting or the multitude of issues facing the family (unwed young mother, son with drug and/or emotional issues, son with development disabilities) are severe enough to warrant a great deal of attention from both parents. Either way, additional support from Sarah is warranted.

    And on behalf of high school cheerleaders everywhere, I take offense to that comparison. I've never seen a cheerleader behave that way. Even my 8 year old behaves that way only when really pushed to the edge. It might be more valid to compare SP's emotional maturity to that of a pre-schooler.

  65. laprofesora9:03 AM

    To be fair, it is an easy slip of the tongue to say "North" instead of "South". If Scarah Paylin had proven herself to be a learned, educated person, with a strong command of world affairs, we could give her a pass. That is why the President is given a pass when he makes a mistake; he has proven himself to be intelligent and highly educated. A human error is understood. But we cannot give her a pass because her skills are unproven. We are NOT assured that she knows the difference between North and South Korea. We do not have confidence in her understanding of world affairs, and therefore have to assume that her gaffe was indicative of her ignorance rather just a human error. Her over reaction seems to reinforce this. She is an idiot.

  66. Anonymous9:06 AM

    One piece of advice for Sarah:

    Try thinking of Thanksgiving as a verb.

  67. its called self control, $arah. try it sometime. rise above the fray? no way!

  68. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I am and have been transparent in my disdain towards Sarah Palin. She took stupid all the way to the bank; is a succubus of, and lightening road for, the worst sort of Right-wing populist know-nothing nonsense; and is an expert performer of a particularly noxious type of rural blackface. Apparently, Palin follows through on the New Right’s due diligence in her new “book” and includes an obligatory attack on Michelle Obama’s patriotism and the then soon to be First Lady of the United States’

  69. Anonymous9:12 AM

    When she plays victim, it screams L O S E R.

    American loves W I N N E R S, and avoids losers like the plaque.

  70. Anonymous9:13 AM

    As a contributor to the Fox Channel's disgusting version of "news," so much of which has turned out to be false, made up, or at the very least distorted, it is the very definition of IRONIC that Palin would state that it is the REAL media doing that.

    I'm noticing a HUGE trend in the rightwing's assault on America: blaming LIBERALS for doing EXACTLY what THEY ARE DOING.

    Pondering that fact, I realized it could be that this is their theory behind it: if you call someone a cheater, FIRST, when facts turn up showing it is YOU doing the cheating, it takes away the sting and the strength of being labeled the real cheater.

    The other overwhelming trend in Republicans and the various other nutjobs with microphones shoved in their mugs, lately, is to use the EXACT SAME PHRASING in criticizing the President and anything Democratic.

    When you see a MONTAGE of these windbags uttering such a hackneyed phrasing as "smaller government, less spending" over and over, you get the impression that some cackling wizard behind a curtain, is sending out orders to all these bozos to say nothing BUT his approved bits of propaganda.

    Why that isn't noticed by "conservatives" or "independents" is beyond me. It just REEKS of a George Orwell prediction.

  71. Ed Henry reported on CNN (11:47 CST) that some of the links Palin gave on Facebook concerning President Obama contain video that has been doctored by people in the past to make it look like he was saying something inaccurate.

  72. I suspect we are over-estimating Sarah Palin if we think she lifted a finger on Thanksgiving day. As the Gryphen, a bunch little elves toiled all day to find examples of verbal slips from Obama's speeches. Just as another elf prepared the original remarks on the conflict between N. and S. Korea, and yet another wrote the book that Sarah is so busily promoting.

    What truly scares me about Sarah Palin is that she is willing to be a figurehead for the highest bidder, her price being unending attention and a luxurious lifestyle.

  73. Sue Woodward from Winona MN9:22 AM

    On some of the other potential GOP Presidential candidates Facebook pages:

    Mitt Romney
    I'm thankful for the brave and patriotic soldiers who protect our freedoms and keep us safe. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

    Mike Huckabee:
    This Thanksgiving I have much to be thankful for, and I'm sure you do too. As we gather around our dinner tables with family and loved ones - I hope you join me in reflecting on many blessings we've been given and remember to help those who may be less fortunate. In fact, one of the most rewarding feelings about the holiday season comes when you find ways to help others in your community. Perhaps you can donate to a food bank, or volunteer to help serve Thanksgiving dinner to those in need. You can invite a friend or neighbor to share in your family's Thanksgiving dinner. Offer prayers for our leaders, for the world, for our nation and for our communities. Whatever you can do will most certainly be appreciated - and that selfless service will fill you up with a wonderful feeling that only comes from helping your fellow man.
    Also, make sure you offer a special prayer of protection and thanks to our magnificent service men and women who are still fighting to keep us free - they willingly sacrifice their holidays so we don't have to.
    Please log onto our website and tell us what you're thankful for and why.

    In thanks,

    Mike Huckabee

    Tim Pawlenty:
    Mary and I hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving. A special thanks to all the men and women serving in our mililtary around the world

    Newt Gingrich:
    Happy Thanksgiving! Tell us what you are thankful for below

    Also a long note here:!/notes/newt-gingrich/a-grateful-nation/134638943258376

    On Obama's FB page:
    To every American, I am thankful for the privilege of being your President. To all our service members stationed around the world, I am honored to be your commander-in-chief. And from the Obama family to yours, have a very happy Thanksgiving.

    And Michelle's:
    "Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to come together with family and friends to give thanks for all the blessings in our lives. And we must also remember those in our community who are in need of our help and support—especially during these tough economic times."

    And what does Screecha do? Bitch, whine and complain about the POTUS on Thanskgiving. Nice.

  74. Anonymous9:23 AM

    If I caint be Miss Alaska....

    I might as well try out for Miss North Korea....

  75. Anonymous9:26 AM

    It wasn't a 'slip of the tongue'. She didn't misspeak and say "North Korea" when she meant South Korea.
    All the media spin that she made a simple gaffe is wrong, in my opinion. From the real context of what she was saying to Beck, and her comments throughout, my impression is that she REALLY DID mean NORTH Korea.

    "We're not having a lot of faith that the White House is going to come out with a strong enough policy to sanction what it is that North Korea is going to do."

    "But obviously we've gotta stand with our North Korean allies."

    Beck: "South Korea."
    "Eh, yeah. And we're also bound by prudence to stand with our South Korean allies, yes."

    The United States will be sanctioning North Korea's actions? What? In what respect, Sarah?
    Do you apply the word "sanction" in its literal definiton - meaning approval and validation?

    Or do you mean it in the economic sense? Did you mean "embargo"? What trade do we enjoy with North Korea, exactly?
    What do you mean, Sarah?
    Could you please list the three main trade commodities with North Korea?
    Do you think we should stand ready for a declaration of war with North Korea?

    Library of Economics & Liberty:
    Throughout most of modern history, economic sanctions have preceded or accompanied war, often in the form of a naval blockade intended to weaken the enemy. Only when the horrors of World War I prompted President Woodrow Wilson to call for an alternative to armed conflict were economic sanctions seriously considered. (Wilson claimed that, by themselves, sanctions could be a “deadly force” and a very effective diplomatic tool.)
    The term “economic sanctions” encompasses the deliberate, government-inspired withdrawal, or threat of withdrawal, of customary trade or financial relations. (“Customary” refers to the levels of trade or financial activity that would probably have occurred in the absence of sanctions.)

  76. Anonymous9:34 AM

    ...That's why I named her Miz Palin.

  77. Anonymous9:34 AM

    North Korea's Pyongyang Rose aka Sarah Jong Palin can we see your birth certificate?

  78. Anonymous9:37 AM

    In my family, the 4-letter F word that rhymes with "truck" would get you your mouth washed with soap. The real problem would be that 4-letter F word F-A-I-R. Life's not fair, we were told, and given an extra chore to emphasize the point. SP should have had my parents.

  79. Anonymous9:45 AM

    The only thing her overreaction has done is to highlight how thin-skinned and vindictive she is. That fact has been reinforced repeatedly by the quitter queen of the facebook realm herself, Our Lady of Perpetual Victimhood.

    Thanks again $arah for showing us JUST HOW MUCH OF A NARCISSIST YOU REALLY ARE! Textbook Narcissistic Personality Disorder trait.

  80. Anonymous9:47 AM


    Tahhhdd and Sarah Palin are headin' out to North Korea. They just received a $100,000 contract to build a 14 ft wood fence between North and South Korea.

  81. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I am begging you all: Let's boycott ANYTHING Scarah Payin (any of the Palins)!!!

    Stewart/Colbert exempt of course b/c they can't stand her but if WE ALL STOP clicking on links about her, turn the TV off if they are covering her...
    We gotta quick rubber-necking this train wreck and sucker punch her where it hurts: NO ATTENTION!!! TURN OFF SARAH PALIN"S MEDIA ATTENTION!

    We can keep eye on her by letting Gryphen and other bloggers' report on her pure and utter useless bullshit!!!

    What do you all think of a mass media boycott of her?

  82. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Momma, how do you say FAGGOT in North Korean?

  83. Anonymous9:52 AM

    “Hope springs eternal” as the poet says. Let’s hope that perhaps, just maybe, they might get it right next time. When we the people are effective in holding SARAH PALIN accountable TO BE responsible and truthful, then we shall all have even more to be thankful for!

    Fixed. Bitch.

  84. Anonymous9:54 AM

    The reason why Sarah's gaffe needed to go viral is because of this, her gutteral-reactionary-shoot-from-the-hip-kill-em-all-and-let-God-sort-em-out style of leadership would have South Korea a smoldering ruin by the time her handlers pointed out who the U.S.'s ally really is.

    M in BET

  85. Anonymous9:57 AM

    And how would she know about bidens gaffess if they weren't reporte
    Difference is that he laughs off the criticism

  86. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Sarah Palin is so dumb…

    How dumb is she?

    Sarah Palin heard that the North Koreans had tea parties with their rice so she thought they were tea bagger allies.

  87. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Was Sarah asked to call into Glen Beck's show or was this a blessing she bestowed due to the seriousness of World Events?

    "The one word slip occurred yesterday during one of my seven back-to-back interviews wherein I was privileged to speak to the American public about the important, world-changing issues before us."

    First off, we know how busy you are Sarah. We know how happily you sacrifice your precious time with family, the pews and YOUR state of Alaska to supply the manufactured demand of you as a commodity and as a Fox News contributor (note, you lost the political analyst title.)

    Second, you chose to do seven back to back interviews in a row, not only when you are busy and easily distracted, but when you are ignorant of the issues you feel you should speak on.

    No one would have criticized you for not coming out with your thoughts on Korea, North or South. You thought it was what is expected of someone who presumes to be the leader of the Free World. You don't fill that order Sarah, you are not fit to lead, you are not knowledgeable to lead. You make us cringe with your pretend intelligence on these matters.

    Did that gotcha private citizen scream out at you when you were buying lunch - "What are you goin to do about North Korea Sarah, you gotta have a plan on North Korea?"

  88. Anonymous10:05 AM

    You, I just love this tirade of hers:

    "Well, North Korea, this is stemming from a greater problem, when we’re all sitting around asking, ‘Oh no, what are we going to do,’ and we’re not having a lot of faith that the White House is going to come out with a strong enough policy to sanction what it is that North Korea is going to do. So this speaks to a bigger picture that certainly scares me in terms of our national security policy. But obviously, we’ve got to stand with our North Korean allies – we’re bound to by treaty…."

    Okay, what's YOUR fucking solution you vapid tart?

    (crickets, deer-in-headlights stare)

    Yeah, that's what I thought.

  89. Anonymous10:07 AM

    President and Mrs. Obama are going to be interviewed tonight on TV. I think it is Barbara WaWa doing it and what do you want to wager she brings up Palin in some manner. Wonder how long it will be before Palin comes out on her Facebook about the interview - in a derogatory manner, of course!

    Palin in no way compares to the classiness of President Obama. And, she isn't mentally capable to hold the office he does.

    I want so badly for the press to ask her tough questions...she'd flunk a test on Alaska she would on U.S. history, our current wars, previous wars, etc.

    I hope she falls flat on her face and SOON!

  90. Ted Powell10:11 AM

    "She's super-sensitive to the fact that she is ignorant and seen as stupid."

    She brings to mind this exchange from A Fish Called Wanda:

    Otto West: Don't call me stupid.
    Wanda: Oh, right! To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people! I've known sheep that could outwit you. I've worn dresses with higher IQs. But you think you're an intellectual, don't you, ape?
    Otto West: Apes don't read philosophy.
    Wanda: Yes they do, Otto. They just don't understand it. Now let me correct you on a couple of things, OK? Aristotle was not Belgian. The central message of Buddhism is not "Every man for himself." And the London Underground is not a political movement. Those are all mistakes, Otto. I looked them up.

    Otto, many times, to various characters: DON'T CALL ME STUPID!!

  91. Anonymous10:42 AM

    For what reasons does she think everyone wants to scrutinize her? Because we're jealous of her? There are plenty of attractive, successful women that I respect and can be jealous of (including working mothers) that don't make the headlines and aren't "crammed down our throats". She's not one of them. Personally, I think she doesn't get called out for much of the stupid things she says. Her gaffes are not occasional. Most people are trusting and believe people will tell them the truth. So, in reality, she is the one taking advantage of our trust more than anyone is taking advantage of her. Sarah, I'll tell you why you are constantly criticized ... we don't like you and the dumb things you say and chances are we never will. It's your bulldozer, screw-you, my-way-or-no-way attitude that I don't like. Some people do .... I don't and people are going to continue to tell you that. I don't want to see you in the news anymore. Period.

  92. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I too think Sarah's "North Korea" statement was a legitimate slip. Maybe she didn't know about North/South Korea prior to having her eye on the national spotlight, but my guess is that she likely does now, even if only very superficially. I'll even grant her that the reporting on the slip was over the top, and cast to make her look like a dolt (which she is, but I don't think she said it out of a misunderstanding). However, our media does suck, but it's what we have. She dug this hole for herself.

    Her FB rant is ridiculous. She is trying to equate Obama's slips to hers. Yes, everybody makes them. Yes, they report more heavily when she does them. But it's not because anyone is "out to get her". It's because people who know better know that she is a fake, and when she slips, it is usually out of ignorance, not just a common verbal missstep.

  93. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Jesus Louise Sarah! Your ignorant daughter gave Americans her middle finger during DWTS and now you are doing the same thing to our American GI's and our Allies by siding with your buddies from North Korea.

  94. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Sarah Jong, papers please.

  95. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Sorry, but in the interest of English vocabulary ...

    anon@ I don't think succubus works in this sentence. Did you mean sychophant?

    Also, lightening means to make lighter. I think you meant lightning.
    Also, rod, not road.

  96. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Momma why is Sarah on a book tour when we all know she does not read?

  97. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Spelling, word choice and grammar corrections are simply unnecessary.

    Btw, succubus is a real word. Look it up. Perfect choice when talking about SP.

  98. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I had the misfortune to be listening to the Glenn Beck show when Palin made the blunder; and, in point of fact, she did not correct herself "seconds later". Beck interjected a "our South Korean allies" and she spat out a quick "Yeah" before mucking through the balance of whatever anti-Obama spew she was in the midst of.

    Yeah, it was probably a simple case of mis-speaking; but the fool mischaracterizes how even it played out.

    Just sayin'.

  99. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Now in the interest of spelling...

    I meant sycophant, not sychophant.

  100. Anonymous12:07 PM

    You'd think, at 74 years, John McCain finally had his opportunity to learn that big decisions should be thought through with care, but no.

    Sure, Palin is a cancer for America, but my hope is that this will all play out as it should in the long term. It's a good possibility, as concealing the truth the way she does is as fruitful as trying to seal every little hole in an increasingly pressurized dam with chewing gum. It's only a matter of time before the big bust. If she goes down hard, as she should, so too might all of the scumbags that lifted her up.

    In a way, I'm glad that she's in the discourse, even if she attempts to distort reality beyond recognition. She encourages the rats to come out from hiding in the sewers. Without her, they may continue to hide in the dark until something else comes along. In other words, she helps our nation face some of its ugly problems.

    Her potential base is more limited than some may fear. She can only incite so many with hate and false patriotism.

    Her days are numbered.


  101. (Fingers in ears:) "LA-LA-LA-LA-LA I know you are, but what am I?"

    Another second-grade-level tantrum by Buttercup.... wait, I've known second-graders who were better mannered.

  102. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Sarah, it's just that we want to be make sure you know which Korea is the aggressive one, so, if you are at the "One" in 2012 taking that 3:00 am phone call, we can rest easy that you got it straight.

  103. Anonymous12:46 PM

    How low can she go? A Facebook whinefest against the President on Thanksgiving day? Yep.

    On top of that, CNN has reported that some of Palin's FB links to PO's supposed gaffes were doctored. So, she's not only a vindictive whiner on our national day of Thanksgiving, but she's a lazy researcher propagating lies. Great. Can someone tell me again why the media give this self-victimized moron the time of day? What an effing embarrassment to our country.

  104. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Spelling, word choice, and grammar corrections are necessary. It's indicative of one's education and concern for attention to details. It's also one of the most common reasons Palin gets criticized. She sounds like a bumbling idiot.

    I know succubus is a word, and I don't have to look it up. I already know what it means. I hardly think it applies to Palin.

  105. Anonymous1:08 PM

    A. Palin did not correct herself even when helped out.

    B. Palin was speaking careless when a tense international situation demanded thoughtful speech.

    C. Palin compares her press coverage to that of Obama's, when in fact, she has been given unparalled latitude by the press to control every aspect of her public speech.

    D. Palin WHINES.

    Your daughter Bristol's great big middle finger right back at you, Sarah Palin.

  106. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Sarah lied. She did not correct herself. Beck corrected her. If she"d lie about that, she'd lie about anything.

  107. Anonymous1:24 PM

    You do realize that the elves had worked out that little facebook rant quite a while ago. It's been just a waitin' for that IDIOT to make yet another stupid statement, so the literary masterpiece could grace her facebook page.

    The elves are working up another rant to cover for Palin when her clothes become extra bizarre again (happens when the medications are out of adjustment).

  108. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Anonymous 7:26 AM
    I would pity her, but to what point? Is she capable of change, of compassion, or even simple decency?
    The answer to your question is no, a socioopath is not capable of those things.

  109. "If the media had bothered to actually listen to all of my remarks on Glenn Beck’s radio show, they would have noticed that I refer to South Korea as our ally throughout, that~~~~ I corrected myself seconds after my slip-of-the-tongue,"

    WRONG, Glen Beck corrected you $arah, in a low voice, the seemed exasperated.

    As Keith Olberman pointed out, from the book Game Change, which he read, after he played the radio segment on the air:

    OLBERMANN: Just a slip of the tongue, right? We take you to the book "Game Change," page 397: "on September 10th, she was preparing to fly back to Alaska to tape her first network interview with ABC`s Charlie Gibson. Before the flight to Anchorage, Schmidt, Wallace and other members of her traveling party met Palin at the Ritz Carlton near Reagan Airport in Pentagon City, Virginia, and found her that although she had made some progress with her memorization and studies, her grasp of rudimentary facts and concepts was minimal. Palin couldn`t explain why North and South Korea were separate nations."

    It is at the end of #1 segment.

    CNN reports this morning that with the exception of the "57 states gaffe", the links $arah provided to PROVE Obama's incompetency, you guessed...DOCTORED videos.

    Reminds me of Breibart and the Acorn pimp videos.

    I was hoping that some blogger had checked all of $arah's links by now and posted the BS in each of them.

    Hint , hint............;)

  110. emrysa1:50 PM

    thurbers @ 8:47 am sez:

    "if the President's gaffes were never reported she wouldn't have been able to google them."

    exactly! great point. one that I'm sure is lost on sarah and her ghostwriter.

  111. Anne In Texas1:57 PM

    succubus: a demon assuming female form to have sexual intercourse with men in their sleep. i dunno - i think it sort of fits

  112. 7 interviews back to back? really? where are the other 6? on the cutting room floor?

  113. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Her WH press Conferences would become the thing of legend.

  114. Anonymous2:51 PM

    succubus is right on target! wink wink;)

  115. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Anon@9:08a was merely reposting from the link that was also provided.

    I'll agree with GenieO@11:28a that succubus wasn't quite the right word for the context of that quote.

    However, I'll disagree with GenieO@12:56p and agree with Anon@11:37a that succubus is the perfect word to describe Sarah:

    From the Wikipedia:

    In folklore traced back to medieval legend, a succubus (plural succubi) is a female demon who takes the form of a human woman in order to seduce men, usually through sexual intercourse.[1] In modern times, a succubus may or may not appear in dreams and is often depicted as a highly attractive seductress or enchantress, while in the past succubi were generally depicted as frightening and demonic.[2] The male counterpart is the incubus. Religious traditions hold that repeated intercourse with an incubus or succubus may result in the deterioration of health, or even death.

  116. honeybabe3:23 PM

    i love all of the comments and pray that the rest of the u.s. tunes in to see what we really think of palin. those of us who put up with her from the first! thank you one and all.

  117. aj weishar6:18 PM

    One major fact is missing here. Glen Beck corrected her as soon as she said it. Normally an interviewer lets it go than comes back to the statement. They like to let celebrities dig a deep rut and see if they can get out.

  118. Anonymous9:05 PM

    GenieO is the resident writing tutor, then, apparently.

    I am no troll, but when people greet commenters with the red pencil I think we are spinning our wheels.

    I've noticed that the level of discourse being allowed on your threads, Gryphen, has disintegrated markedly. Perhaps you have some reason for allowing junior high school retorts now. Probably hoping to ensnare a Palin child or cohort.

  119. Anonymous4:05 AM

    A gaff is when you have thorough knowledge of something, and then misspeak. A gaff is funny.

    What Sarah Pay-me Palin did (saw that moniker somewhere else), was have a confused moment in her brain, - NOT a gaff.

    It's common knowledge that Palin had no prior understanding of Korea, and was not aware of 2 separate countries. So clearly this is a mistake of comprehension. As the saying goes: "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing." And that is so true.

    THIS is what happens when you stuff yourself with facts and study on the cliff notes version of world events.

    What happens is that while you're talking your mind jumbles up and you don't even know what you're saying WHILE you're saying it. It's kinda like those times you're at a house party, had a few drinks, you're bored and bullshitting your way through some topic, and get totally lost about what you're even bullshitting about. This is what happened to her.

    When Glenn Beck corrected her, she should have said, yeah I meant South Korea. She didn't say that. This is what she said instead:

    Beck: "South Korea."
    "Eh, yeah. And we're also bound by prudence to stand with our South Korean allies, yes."

    Why are we "also" standing by South Korea? That means in addition to. So in addition to who, North Korea? Yes, that's exactly what she meant, because she got confused. It was NOT a gaff.

    Poor girl.

    Anyone who thinks this person is going to get anywhere near the white house has rocks in their head.

  120. Anonymous5:40 AM

    "That's the real story about the Palin flub about North Korea that the media isn't covering. It's not that she misspoke, but that anyone cared what she had to say on the issue in the first place."

    -Mitchell Bard at HuffPo

  121. Anonymous6:27 AM

    4:05, you are correct. I also, too, heard her say "and." She gets away with so much ignorance because people do not listen closely or if they do hear her say things, they do not hold her accountable. Seiously, is it just too much work?

    When Beck said S Korea, Palin must have thought he was adding to what she was saying, not correcting her. So we stand with one because of a treaty and the other because of prudence? ????? Yep she most certainly is a victim of crash "learning," which isn't learning at all.

  122. Anonymous8:29 AM

    That's exactly right. It was NOT a gaffe, a misspeak, a slip of the tongue, etc.
    She MEANT it.
    That's the bad part here. She's being given a pass and underestimated. Bad move.
    I wish journalists would go to the material themselves, not just rewrite a AP story for additional publication. The first journalist called it a gaffe, so now all the rest are too, without actually examining what she said and what she meant.
    Never mind a reasonable expectation that a politician aspiring to higher office would have a working knowledge of world affairs. A mediocre high school education provides information about Korea; absolutely positively one couldn't earn a university degree in anything, without being exposed to the United States history and relationship to Korea.

    And really, WHAT "seven interviews"? This should not be ignored - she said it.
    Not only is that barely remotely possible physically, but who would these interviews be WITH?

  123. Anne In DC9:54 AM

    If Palin hadn't previously made so many gaffes, especially while demonizing our president, I MIGHT have given her the benfit of the doubt for one.

    Judging from the fact that she posed this nonsense at all, she must know that she is viewed as a joke because of her many misstatements, distortions, and outright lies. But she is too
    silly and immature to reflect on the fact that her own words and actions have earned her this reputation.

    This misstatement and her defensive stance about it bring up memories of how in February she was making fun of President Obama for reading from teleprompters while reading from crib notes on her hand. She got so much well-deserved ridicule that she even tried to evoke a passage from the Bible to rationalize the hand notes.

    If she had any of the "common sense" she likes to pretend she has, she would have learned to think or research before she speaks. Common sense would also prompt her to reflect on the fact that when she insults the president, there is always something at hand that makes her look even worse. For example, while she accused him of "palling around with terrorists," it was known that her husband was once a member of the secessionist AIP, and that she spoke at a meeting of theirs in 2008. She weighed in on BP, when it was alleged that her husband once worked for them.

    Every time she flaps her gums, she has either injected herself into something not concerning her or she simply doesn't know what she's talking about. Either way, she always tries to find a way to insult the president and she always ends up with her foot in her mouth.

    All she has managed to prove is that she is an emotionally arrested, spiteful, and vindictive middle school mean girl in a middle-aged body. Those traits show why she has no business being president, or being an elected official of ANY office.

  124. Anonymous2:20 PM

    She actually and truly doesn't know which "Korea" we are allied with.
    That's a fact. That's why she said it the way she did. That's why she added the "and", "bound by prudence to stand with South Korean allies, yes" part.
    She really doesn't know. Her arrogance got ahead of the talking points.

  125. Anonymous3:45 PM

    "Let's do a little Friday contest - can we collectively find the seven interviews? List 'em here."

    1 - practice with Piper
    2 - practice with Toad
    3 - practice in front of the mirror
    4 - practice with Trigger
    5 - practice with Piper again
    6 - Glenn Beck
    7 - Iowa book store (6 people)

  126. Gasman8:58 PM

    Gryphen, if it hadn't been for the assessment of McCain's campaign staff of Palin's lack of understanding about the difference between North and South Korea as described in "Game Change" I'd agree with you that this was just a slip of the tongue. However, John Heilemann and Mark Halperin tell a different tale:

    "Before the flight to Anchorage, Schmidt, Wallace and other members of her traveling party met Palin at the Ritz Carlton near Reagan Airport in Pentagon City, Virginia-and found that, although she had made some progress with her memorization and studies, her grasp of rudimentary facts and concepts was minimal. Palin couldn't explain why North and South Korea were separate nations."

    - "Game Change" - pg. 397

    There is a documented track record of her being bi-ignorant about the Koreas. This latest snafu wasn't merely a slip up, but a return to form for this simpering buffoon.

    She is simply too fucking stupid to understand the difference between the two countries.

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