Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Uh oh, Sarah Palin is going to lose what's left of her mind over this one!

Obama to Barbara Walters: "What I am saying is I don't think about Sarah Palin."

Well the Grizzled Mama might want to stick her chin out and declare that she "doesn't think about his black ass either!"  Except we know that she thinks about him constantly as evidenced by her numerous interviews, Facebook posts, Twitter rants, and the fact that he is mentioned 32 times in her new book.

Someday years from now ex-President Barack Obama will be standing in a grocery store picking up a loaf of bread and some milk like Michelle asked him to, when he will hear a scuffle going on between his security staff and some bedraggled, skinny old hag.

He will vaguely hear her  screach "Remember me?  I used to be Sarah Palin!" right before she is shuffled out of  the store and deposited onto the street.

The President will then turn to one of his staff and ask "Who was that?"

"Nobody sir.  Nobody at all." will come the reply.


  1. Virginia Voter9:00 AM

    PRESIDENT Obama almost lost it, he really had to stop himself from not totally cracking up.

    I can't wait for the manic tweet...

  2. Anonymous9:02 AM

    What will burn her most is the huge grin he gives after he says he doesn't think about Sarah Palin.

  3. laprofesora9:04 AM

    Love your grocery store scenario! What a hoot! I could totally see that happening. Thanks for my laugh of the day!

    Y'know, we should actually be thankful to Skanky Scarah for all the entertainment she provides us...nah, never mind.

  4. Anonymous9:10 AM

    This is a late comment on her interview with Barbara Walters, but don't you get the feeling that she is so grandiose in behavior and in her mind that she believes she will let us all know if she "needs" to run because everyone else isn't meeting her standards? Like she'll let us all know and she'll let the GOP know what she decides, because she is in charge and all-powerful?

    It's like she is almost threatening to run... Deep down she knows people within her own party don't like her, lots of Americans don't like her, and really she probably couldn't build a large enough base to defeat President Obama.

    He would so make mincemeat of her in any debate. The press will come after her this time, make no mistake about that. She will crumble like a house of cards.

    Yes, our amazing, brilliant, mature, wise President is also quite hilarious.

  5. laprofesora9:10 AM

    PS What a lovely, gracious, classy couple. Nobody had to say, "crap", "flippin'", "bastards" or invoke the big middle finger. Plus they aren't in constant competition with each other, unlike some other dysfunctional couple. Thanks for this breath of fresh air and civility. What we need now is a side-by-side video comparison of the First Couple and the Wannabe-but-never-will-be First Couple.

  6. angela9:11 AM

    Oh my. . . . .

    Sarah just needs to fess up to the obsession. I'm sure our kind POTUS would let her have a signed photo of himself that she could put in her "secret" closet.

    It's a thin line between love and hate, huh Sarah?

  7. Anonymous9:17 AM

    If there's ONE thing Sarah can't stand, it's not being noticed. That the President is saying he doesn't give her a moment's thought? Ha ha... Priceless. Yup, Sarah's blowing a gasket over that one, for sure.

  8. Anonymous9:18 AM

    OMG, the way he dismisses her is FLAWLESS! He doesn't rise to Barbara's bait, he just simply tosses it off like it's a silly thing to even consider. I love it! She is going to be definitely out of her twisted mind at the way he dissed her, without dissing her directly. Mr. President, I like your subtle, intelligent, slightly sarcastic style!

  9. just posted at c4p on the President saying he doesn't think about sp.
    Why would our President think at all about the "rosie ruiz" of politics?
    mine is the first comment, that is if they post it.

  10. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Very funny & I hope it happens. The unkindest cut of all as Hamlet would say.

  11. Love it.

    And there's even more Palin stuff. She called in to the Glenn Beck radio show and flubbed by saying North Korea was on of our allies. Glenn had to correct her. She wasn't even fazed.

    North Korea is an ally

  12. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Today the moron said on Glen Beck that we have to support our allies, the North Koreans.

    She's an idiot,

  13. Why in the world WOULD the President think about the crazed Wasilla shrew?
    Although he will answer his critics (those who speak intelligently, respectfully and have legitimate points), he knows she is just a hateful lunatic.
    The best way to deal with Palin is to LAUGH at her - laugh often, laugh loudly.
    Any discussion that paints her as a serious contender for any legit job is ludicrious - HEAR THAT Bwa Bwa?

  14. Anonymous9:29 AM

    You know scarah will come back withe a sophomoric, mean girl response that will make her look less of an adult and more like a child. her minions will eat it up as biblical law.

  15. Priceless!

    First DWTS, now our wonderful President having just the right response - just a few of the things being added to my list to be thankful for this Thanksgiving

    Wishing everyone a lovely holiday

  16. MC30319:39 AM

    BWAHHHH! He knows just what to say to get her goat. Let's watch Twitler dance just a bit faster as she screams "LOOK AT ME!!" heh

    (Loves me some Obama.)

  17. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Sarah is going to make Bristol stand outside the Whitehouse gate and flip Obama the bird.

  18. Anonymous9:42 AM

    But wait! There's're going to love this:

  19. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I think we should suspect that a upcoming tweet will include this retort: Come 2012 Mr. President, you will be thinkin''bout me every single day. You betcha'

    Ms. Palin is isn't going to like that Obama's dis is going to air before her "I think I can beat him" remark airs.

  20. emrysa9:51 AM


    I'm glad my president doesn't think about the loud, ignorant, lying dregs. obviously he's got more important things to think about.

  21. Anonymous9:54 AM

    What? He hasn't dedicated staff to her FB rants and her Bumpit? Sheesh! What is the whirled coming to? You'd think he has a country to run!

    He doesn't curse, he doesn't throw his daughters into the spotlight. . . can you imagine if she was VP right now, assisting McC via FB and Twitter?

  22. Uh, oh. "Me Bear" Palin probably believes that the sun rises just because of her. To be ignored by the one person that she is obsessed about, has got to sting.

  23. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I don't know, Gryphen. I think the final blow for Sarah will be when Sasha defeats Piper in the 2040 presidential election.

  24. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Quitter Spice says we must stand with our North Korean allies...LOL

  25. I just love the Obamas, and I just loved your grocery store comment. Yes, it was a laugh out loud moment.

  26. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Or...Maybe the final blow to her sanity will be in 2020 when Bristol, unmarried and still an advocate for abstinence, will be pregnant for the eighth time, and Granny will have to find a way to convince people that it is too possible for a 50-year-old woman to give birth.

  27. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Thanks Jeanabella for the Rosie Ruiz remark. It brought back the memory of Ruiz running the Boston marathon back in the 80s. She used the T (the subway system) to cheat her way to the finish. Wasn't a runner of any caliber. The analogy to Palin is spot on.

    Our President and First Lady have so much class.

    The contrast to Palin is stark.

    Happy Thanksgiving to Gryphen and visitors to The Immoral Minority.

  28. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Have you seen this yet?

    Sarah doesn't know the difference between North and South Korea

  29. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Excellent post, Gryphen.

    Your scenario reminds me of that famous photo of Palin approaching President Obama while he's seated at a formal event (Alfalfa Dinner?). Remember that? She's rushing toward the president, just a few feet behind his chair, with her hands outstretched and a goofy grin on her face. But Joseph Lieberman quickly blocks her and guides her in the other direction. In the meantime, Obama has been totally oblivious of her presence. I'll never forget that image.

  30. Anonymous10:36 AM


  31. Enjay in E MT10:36 AM

    Excellent - however she'll spew back with ...

    "he should be thinking of ALL the US citizens..."

    Yes Sarah, as much as you despise our President - he still is YOUR president, just as Murkowski is YOUR senator. Am sure those less fortunate: health problems, lost medical insurance, losing their homes, or unemployed weigh more heavily on OUR president than the rich elitists like you.

  32. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Ann 9:54...if she was VP she would have already quit, blammed it on mcain and started her run for 2012..TRUST ME!

  33. Good one Gryphen...

    $arah will be Alaska's version of Nora Desmond in "Sunset Boulevard". the parallels are amazing..

    $arah will refuse to realize her career is over and Todd will be too afraid to tell her, and he will start the story face down in Lake Lucille.

    If you haven't seen this movie and you have any interest in $arah, it is a must see.

    The "political scene" and the "Hollywood scene" are completely interchangeable, when it comes to corruption.

    When you read the following description, you'll see for yourself, but really watch the movie.

    Sunset Boulevard (1950) is a

    classic black comedy/drama, and

    perhaps the most acclaimed, but

    darkest film-noir story about

    "behind the scenes" Hollywood,

    self-deceit, spiritual and spatial

    emptiness, and the price of fame,

    greed, narcissism, and ambition.

    The mood of the film is immediately established as decadent and decaying by the posthumous narrator

    - a dead man floating face-down in a swimming pool in Beverly Hills.

    (much more at this link)

  34. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I wonder, with the royal wedding coming up, will sarah lose her appeal?
    Mutton versus lamb?

  35. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Heilemann & Halperin in "Game Change":
    "Palin was not aware there was a difference between North and South Korea"

    $arah Palin: "But obviously we’ve gotta stand with our North Korean allies.”

    Keith Olbermann: "That woman is an idiot"

  36. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Maybe it's just because I re-re-read the last book and saw the movie, but seems to remind me of another special relationship. Seems to me like Barack's our Harry Potter and Sarah's a prettier version of Voldemort, wouldn't you say?

  37. Anonymous11:49 AM

    LOL Palin does not know the difference between North Korea and South Korea. She also has a problem with New Jersey and Old Jersey.

    Don't worry North Korea we are coming to your rescue!

  38. Anonymous11:53 AM

    The ultimate slap down!

    Sarah is not even worthy of a ¨Sit down and STFU!¨


  39. Facebook Lurker11:57 AM

    Sarah thinks President Obama needs to read her book:

    Apparently only 150 people waited in line, and there were plenty of tickets available that morning. She confirms they are spending Thanksgiving in Arizona

  40. Anonymous12:06 PM

    The difference between classy and idle chatter! Have you heard what she said on the Laura Ingram show..going after BB and our First Lady! Keep talking Sarah, you know nothing hides on the internet! Everything will come back to bit you!

  41. Anonymous12:10 PM

    She wants so desperately to engage him in some kind of "battle" in the media...I really think that's why she's started to go after Michelle in her comments lately.

    Look at me! Hey! Hey! Look at me! Hey! I'm dissing your wife! See? Respond! Pretend we're equals!

  42. Anonymous12:10 PM

    And he shouldn't be thinking about her, that is not what he was elected to do.

    I did like Michelle's comment that by the evening of Nov 2 she could go to sleep early as usual because there was nothing else that could be done. that's a healthy attitude.

    What is sad is that Obama really didn't fight for his party's Candidates. If he thinks he will be better off without Allan Grayson fighting his battles for him than is is off in la la land.

  43. How ridiculous that Barbara Walters elevated Sarah Palin to the point she would ask Pres. Obama that question. The President's patience is impressive.

    How long will it take before Walters and the rest of them treat the beautiful and charismatic Mrs. Palin as the mentally unbalanced, lying, stupid woman that she is?

    I'm feeling very angry! Sarah's pathetic and obvious lie that she was in AK in 'flippin' freezing below zero temperature...a lie set-up with Greta's assistance on last night's show when Sarah was either in CA or AZ and Wasilla hasn't been that cold since last winter...has set me off. If this doesn't easily prove that Sarah is nothing but a myth and will lie about anything, I don't know what will.

    Where are the trolls? Tell us about Sarah's honesty and integrity. If you love her, get her out of the public arena and get her psychiatric help.

  44. Anonymous12:24 PM


    Sarah is Voldemort. Voldemort was smart and gifted.

  45. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I'm surprised the manic tweet hasn't happened yet. I guess her fingers are shaking too much with anger.

    Quick--get her a Bailey's so she can calm the flip down.

  46. SME13112:28 PM

    He should have said SARAH WHO?????? That would have really pissed her off. In that empty head of hers she will think he was avoiding answering because he thinks she can't beat him. She hears what she wants to.

    Still I do love the little smack down he gave her.

  47. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Great post. This is the beginning of the end for Sarah Palin and tribe. Now I know there is a G*d in Heaven and there is justice - what some may called 'a little old-fashioned karma going 'round, 'round, 'round.

    I never truly realized just how classy and intelligent The President and Mrs. Obama are until this interview. They have been under attack since Day One and with Sarah snipping at their heels, they never once flinched at the mad dog from Wasilla.

    Time to move on. I'm thinking the Ice Road Trucker, Lisa Kelly, should run for Wasilla Mayor. What do you think? America is done with the Palins.

  48. loveandknishesfrombrooklyn12:33 PM

    "Whatever Happened to Baby Sarah?"

    With sincere apologies to the truly talented Bette Davis and Joan Crawford.

  49. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Maybe the POTUS doesn't know who she is, but The Great Leader is smiling to have a new friend one sortie away.

  50. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I hope that President Obama doesn't call Sarah to ask which Korea we were supposed to bomb, was it North or South, I keep mixing them up.

  51. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I think that Obama dismissed Sarah along with all of the other people at Fox when he called them on being the spokespeople for the Republican party.

  52. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Spot on Anon@12:10 #1.

    Palin would love nothing more than a media-driven "Palin vs Obama" story, but Obama is far too mature for her. If she did get the GOP nomination, God forbid, Obama's cool patience would drive her nuts (and it probably does already). She's stuck in junior high, he's way too steady for her. Run, Sarah, run. You have no idea what you'd be up against. While America has plenty of scooter-driving snow heads and white bigots, it is also much more than that.

  53. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Guess WaWa thought she was going to have a "Gotcha" moment. In reality WaWa, President Obama "gotcha" back!!!

    Yes I found it hilarious but I also find it beneath the Office of President in how it continues to expose the media to their 'soundbyte get'. Palin was the Rethuglican VP pick - he was not running against her. Yet, the media acts like they did.

  54. Thank you Martha, for the Sunset Boulevard reference as it was the first thing I thought of when I read Gryphen's scenario. Could happen just that way - when she's totally disgraced.

    "I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille."

  55. Anonymous1:14 PM

    If you can find a clip from Access Hollywood of today......

    Carrie, the DWTS judge, is on Access Hollywood today.

    The statement she just made -- ooouch!! (Except we already knew it!)

    The panel were just talking about how nice Mark is and she said that when Bruno went in to work with Mark and Bristol, Bruno told Carrie that 'she' knows nothing and Mark just has to work & work at it to keep drawing it out of her!!

    Bruno can soon be found in the witness protection program!!

  56. Anonymous1:18 PM

    "Tawd, remind me again which side we're supposed to be on?"

  57. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Bristol credits her Palin 'thick skin' for dancing longevity.
    (Can I barf now!!)

    If it wasn't for the spray tans, their skin is so thin we'd see there hearts beating -- Oh wait -- they'd have to have one to do that!

    "This is a family show."

    She's saying that as a reminder to people. I think she blew that with her ad nauseam "haters" and her finger flipping comment. As per usual, the Palins have no clue as to definitions or use of words.

  58. Barbara Walters should be ashamed of herself. These are serious times and here she is trying to get some cheap sound byte out of the President with her "So you're NOT going to tell me if you think you can beat Sarah Palin???" The silly woman was almost incredulous that the President had enough maturity not to take the bait. Walters should thank her lucky stars that he didn't just lose it and slap her. What a maroon.

    Compared the Obama's response to the midterm election results to Bristol's response about losing DWTS and it is night and freaking day. All class from the Obamas (let's get to work and continue to focus on what we need to get done) and all trash from Bristol (middle finger, smug attitude).

    Thank you Mr. President and First Lady for once again giving honour to America and the Presidency.

    Can someone please get these awful Palins OFF my TV???

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  59. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Loved your grocery store story and Martha's reference to "Sunset Boulevard". That's Quitty in a nutshell - obsessive and delusional with handfuls of mean and petty thrown in for good measure.

    The Alfalfa Dinner took place in Jan or Feb of 2009. Can you believe that after her nasty, racist rallies she REALLY THOUGHT that she could charm her way into the WH inner circle?

    As she ages I think we will see her wearing ever more massive and elaborate wigs. And more plastic surgery.

    She will be a tiny crone, with huge hair, tottering around in short skirts and Naughty Monkey pumps, convinced she is alluring as ever.

  60. Anonymous2:17 PM

    @11:25 - For the love of Hogwarts, bad analogy. Sarah is a Muggle!

  61. Anonymous2:51 PM

    What bothers me the most is that 40% of Americans think that Sarah Palin could be the President of the USA. WTF is wrong with this percentage of the US? Seriously, WTF is wrong with 40% of American citizens?

  62. @10:34

    I found that picture of Lieberman blocking Palin from Obama:

  63. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Read it, and you won't be able to sleep at night

  64. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I remember during the campaign Michelle Obama remarked "why do they hate us so?" in reaction to one of Palin's anti-Obama gatherings. It made me ill. Palin is a font of hate.

  65. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Bristol once again shows she is just like her mom before the winner on DWTS was announced she said she hopes she wins it would be like giving a big middle finger to the people who hate her mom, hate her. Sweet little girl, I hope the Palins do the world some good and all of them go away.

    You know that $arah will run, it's her only chance to beat President Obama. She is so full of hate because she thinks she lost to Obama not Biden. She would have had McCain killed by now so she could take over and she didn't get that chance, and boy is she pissed. Who is behind pushing this mad woman off on us trying to get her elected? It must be big oil she has always been loyal to them. If she does get to run she will have a total melt down when she loses and someone may get hurt.

  66. What Curioser said. I'll add that President Obama's response was a masterpiece. How can Sarah's supporters attack it ("refudiate" it?) without sounding like preschoolers? "He does too think about her!" "We'll make you think about her!" "What's the matter with him that he doesn't think about her!" Etc.

  67. Commenter @ 10:34am I changed my avatar for you! Enjoy.

  68. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Sarah is Voldemort. Voldemort was smart and gifted.

    12:24 PM

    Sarah is neither smart nor gifted - she's pure evil. For some reason only sane people can see that.

  69. I love the Obamas so much. Together or individually they are each wonderful people. He must be the best husband to respect his wife so much.

    President and Michelle Obama have so much grace and style, they are calm, cool and collected, smart and educated, classy and are raising such lovely children...

    for Thanksgiving in the USA I am so grateful for President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama as First Lady and Gods Bless their wonderful family.

    Bless the parents who raised such a lovely couple and protect them and keep them in your arms forever.

    That's what I am thankful for this day.

  70. Randall4:37 AM

    And the last thing Obama ever said directly to Sarah Palin was at the Alfalfa Club dinner. He said,

    "Congratulations on your Golden Globe for '30 Rock'."

  71. Anonymous5:12 AM

    President and Mrs. Obama are way more than we deserve at this awful moment in our history.

    Even on an issue like SP, which has Barbara Walters snookered, our intelligent, dignified president got it right once again. As did Mrs. Obama. --Amy1

  72. DetroitSam5:21 PM

    It is so obvious that Palin is obsessed with President Obama and it has nothing to do with politiics.

    Afterall, look what she's got: Unemployed husband who has never done anything of significance in his like.

  73. DetroitSam5:31 PM

    Angela @9:11 am: wonder what Palin would do if someone did send her a signed picture of President and Mrs. Obama?

    Boy, I would pay money to see her response.

  74. DetroitSam5:51 PM

    Hammer and a Feather @10:34 pm: That is the photo.

    I love the caption: "Photo of President Obama, Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin at 2009 Alfalfa Club dinner"

    "Well, at least they were in the same room-- with a few hundred of their closest friends".

    President Obama does not even know she is behind him.

    But she cursed old Joe big time for stearing her away.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.