Monday, December 13, 2010

All of Barbara Walters 10 most fascinating people were happy with their portrayal on her show save one. Do I really even have to give you a hint?

I hope next year Walters leaves the ungrateful, thin skinned bitch off her list.

We all now that what Palin hates more than anything is to be ignored.  Hopefully someday soon she will have the opportunity to spend ALL day hating the fact that she is being ignored. Then she might know what it feels like to be one of her children.


  1. Gasman1:26 PM

    I'm trying to imagine what kind of coverage would Palin actually approve of? We know she goes batshit if the praises aren't intoned with just the right inflection or they don't seem to be delivered with enough fervor.

    What praise would be high enough to suit Palin?

  2. Anonymous1:26 PM


    Big story: HCR ruled unconstitutional. Little story: 14 judges disagree.


  3. could you please post a transcript? the video is blocked in Canada :(

  4. please post a transcript, video is blocked outside USA

  5. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Why fascinating??? Is being an intolerant, uninformed, dishonest, lazy, unforgiving and bitter part-time mother and wife fascinating?

  6. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Interesting that Barbara didn't say why the Palin group didn't like Sarah's portion of the show. Knowing Sarah Palin, the reasoning would have been verbalized and Barbara probably doesn't want to start a public battle. I'll wager Palin never makes her list again! Yea! Palin screws herself AGAIN!!!

  7. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Third year in a row that she was on the most fascinating list...what is she complaining about?


  8. Anonymous1:46 PM

    What Barbara revealed is perhaps among the most telling among Palin's interactions with the media. If this doesn't say it, nothing will: she doesn't want to be interviewed, she only wants to use the press as a vehicle to portray herself as pure greatness.

    Sarah, you're pathetic.

  9. angela1:56 PM

    Palin is a sad, pitiful case.

    I think what's happened is she can no longer tell the difference between the people kissing her ass (like Walters) and the people who call her out as the mess she is. Because people wondered what was wrong with Todd and thought she was hyper---she's blaming pandering Barbara. It's all about how Sarah looks.

    There will surely be a tweet or Facebook rant to continue the nightmare drama that is Palin. Todd, just put the good meds in her morning coffee so this crap will end.

  10. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Greta seems to be the only female that can interview Sarah to her satisfaction. Maybe because Greta has such a "girl crush" on her and Sarah feels properly admired. With men she can do the flirty thing, which makes her more comfortable and she feels in control.

    If Sarah has a problem with this softball, warm and fuzzy sit down, she is absolutely not capable of running for POTUS.

  11. Anonymous2:05 PM

    There you go, Barbara joins Kate Courie.
    Added to Lame Stream media enermy list -Barbara Walters? Wow, just wow Sarah.

    Sarah come on!!You have to accept that you do not sound they way your Palibots tell you.
    If you did not like your expressions, thats actually how you sound. Actually I thought you did better here. Oh well, practice more on your jabs on others.
    Oh sorry, the barbara and the producers made you say that? How do you call other women's dudes
    " Impotent Limb boys". How do you know they are impotent? Presidentialmarial? NOPE
    So ya think Todd is the only one with a good one right?

  12. Anonymous2:11 PM

    What the hell could she be complaining about now? I watched the interview and the only weak link was SP. I thought BW was pretty soft on her.

    Different day/same story: SP adding to her list of imagined injustices.

  13. Anonymous2:14 PM

    You know who else insists that every story about him is glowing and cries foul if not enough praise is heaped on him at every possible opportunity? Kim Jong Il. Sarah's 'dear leader' view of herself is getting rather old. The media has allowed her to control the story for too long. I think they are starting to get sick of her, too. Being rude and ungracious are not very presidential qualities.

  14. Anonymous2:15 PM

    She just can't be satisfied with an interview unless she's given full control over the set, questions asked, and editing, can't she? Oh, and she should be allowed do-overs on parts she doesn't like too.

    Wow, thanks for sharing that. That is very revealing. Not that we didn't already get it. This just made it so much more explicit.

  15. Anonymous2:41 PM

    OMG, Gryphen, your last two sentences summed up my feelings exactly!

    "Hopefully someday soon she will have the opportunity to spend ALL day hating the fact that she is being ignored. Then she might know what it feels like to be one of her children."

    Karma can be a bitch - an even bigger one than Sarah!

  16. We're revisiting the Couric interview. Sarah makes herself look bad and then blames it on editing. I hope Walters is beginning to understand that the Sarah she presented last November is a myth and that Levi told the truth.

    Repeating myself...who cares what Sarah reads when she can't comprehend it.

  17. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I couldn't view it either (I'm in Canada) but you can view it at the ABC/The View website.

    Third clip from this morning.

    BTW 1:26 says HCR ruled unconstitutional. Not true.

    A judge (who has a monetary interest in a GOP consulting firm) has ruled that the individual mandate is unconstitutional.

  18. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Wake up and smell the roses, Barbara, Sarah Palin is mentally unstable NOT fascinating.

  19. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I wonder what Barbara Walters is receiving from the Palin Posse?

    She has staff- but it might get screened and the best of the worst then passed around. If Sarah is on a hate it will be ugly.

    Way to win friends and influence people.

  20. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Answer to Gasman-

    Sarah wants the media to function as an extension of her publicity machine.

    Someone writes the 'commercial' Sarah stars as appropriate., and without dissension or question the script is played for the viewers to love.

    Something goes wrong? Must be liberal h8trs in lamestream media attacking her.

  21. Anonymous3:15 PM

    So, reading mediainsiders blog is like reading a REALLY baaaaad creative writing piece. Or like reading the national enquire, where some failed novelist combines every rumor they have heard and concocts the most sellable story. Actually, that sounds suspiciously like any magazine on the stands.

  22. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I can understand her disappointment in the interview. Similar to her reality show with Gosselin, she thought she would get to take another set of reality stars on a camping trip. Since Snooki et al were in close proximity, she was thinking the Situation, in the tent, with a rifle! Sarah's version of Clue!

  23. Anonymous3:18 PM

    The judge in HCR case should have recused him or herself because of the appearance of a conflict of interest.

    Contrary to what Justice Scalia goes around self-defining, judges and Justices must adhere to a canon of ethics or face disciplinary action. Even Justices of the Supreme Court can be removed for certain things.

    What has happened to our judiciary? Ethics matter - otherwise the system is a farce.

  24. Anonymous3:19 PM

    As much as we'd all like it to be true, I frankly don't see how Levi could know much of anything when he wasn't around but for a month or two after the election. and he was stillworking. Mercede said herself BRistol and Levi hung out in his room a lot. While Sarah obviously Sarah had to know about the sexual activity since Bristol lived in Anch to stop it, Levi was misleading with his "She knew...muahahahaha" Both parties have gone back and forth on the "we knew each other well, they helped me out" to "Levi who?"

  25. emrysa3:21 PM

    lol. now baba wawa is on the shitlist. 2 examples in 2 days of sarah palin blaming others because she made herself look like the dumbass that she is. she is truely insane.

  26. Anonymous3:34 PM

    "Hopefully someday soon she will have the opportunity to spend ALL day hating the fact that she is being ignored. Then she might know what it feels like to be one of her children."

    Well, we sure know she won't be ignored in these parts.

  27. Anonymous3:35 PM

    i knew it was her as soon as they mentioned one person wasn't happy

  28. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Get ready for the ride. It's coming.

    It started with the blogs - most notably Palin's Deceptions, IM and Palingates. Then we got Vanity Fair. Then a few politicians and celebrities. It's gaining momentum. More are openly criticizing her every day, and you will see it gain more and more until it's a full press storm.

    She won't run. The "lay of the land" won't be favorable for her.

  29. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Apparently it must have had something to do with "What do you read?". She just can't seem to get a satisfactory answer. And look at the way she treated he guest Kate Goselin. I can't wait until she throws Greta under the bus like she did Elizabeth.

  30. Anonymous3:40 PM

    HCR was NOT found unconstitutional. Only ONE part of the bill was, the individual mandate.
    And by. far RW judge.

    It will be repealed because soc sec, Medicare and some other programs have a mandate too for years! You can opt out if you want, but if you join later on there is a fee.

    Please don't spread false information. It doesn't help either side.

    Anyway to read what the whiner is complaining about???
    God she is such a DIVA!! She proves it more each day and the fake reality show proves nada!
    Diva whiner princess diva!!!

  31. Anonymous3:54 PM

    What could they have been upset about? Since we all know SP will never take responsbility for anything handled wrong, it must have been what Barbara asked about. I am thinking of the rocky marriage one, in particular. As SP was jabbering on, Todd was staring kind of hard and annoyed at Barbara.

  32. emrysa3:54 PM

    @ 3:15 pm - I think you nailed it. the things you mention are exactly what made me suspicious of that person when they were posting semi-regularly on pg.

    "where some failed novelist combines every rumor they have heard and concocts the most sellable story"

    I mean NAILED it.

  33. Anonymous3:58 PM

    O/T but,

    I bet $arah Palin and the assholes at TLC thought having that other annoying woman Kate Gosselin on '$arah Palin's Alaska' was going to be a huge ratings boost. The show's ratings were only up 11% from the previous week. Last week's ratings were at a new low: 2.78 million viewers. Ratings for yesterday's show increased to only 3.1 million viewers. Barely cracked the 3 million mark. FAIL.

  34. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Yet another GOP member gives Palin the thumbs down:

    "Kit Bond may be leaving the Senate, but he isn't ready for retirement just yet.

    And, when he does go back to work, it won't be on any campaign for Sarah Palin...

    “I have reservations about anyone who quits as governor halfway through the term,” said Bond, himself the former governor of Missouri."

  35. Anonymous4:09 PM

    3:34 p.m. said:

    "Well, we sure know she won't be ignored in these parts"

    Well, we know $arah Palin won't ignore these parts, either.

  36. Anonymous4:14 PM

    OMG I went to c4p and the big gripe is that Barbara disrespected Palin by asking her what she reads. And then they went on about Palin's press conference in Haiti? Huh, I thought the only press invited was Fox News, how was that a Press conference, and, she didn't need a teleprompter and she hardly even looked at her notes. found this "Sarah Palin urged fellow-Americans not to forget 22Haiti as she finished her two-day blink-and-you-miss-it visit to Haiti with a 15 minute press conference without wanting to answer any press questions. She has asked people to “get out of your comfort zone and volunteer to help.” What a frickin joke!

  37. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I think you all missed the point. The special named General Petraeus as the MOST fascinating person. Really, everyone knows he's nothing more than a community organizer in Afghanistan. How could such a loser beat out the accomplished half-term governor? He's not even in America and look at his last name! Doesn't look rill Amurikin to me. But cheer up, Sarah. At least this time, you didn't lose to a Black man.

  38. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Good gawd, it sounds like Barbara's special stuck to Sarah's prescripted questions and covered the book list exactly as she wanted. This is Barbara Walters for God's sakes, not Mary Hart, have some class Sarah! We all knew you weren't fascinating and you proved it. You're petty and paranoid and systemmatically burn every bridge built for you.

    Instead of embracing all of the incredible opportunities you've had, to build strong relationships with people who can help and support you, you have turned everyone against you for NO REASON! Now the world is full of people who have horrible things to say about you because of your behavior. So YOU LOSE Sarah and are clearly mentally ill, since no sane person goes through life this way.

  39. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Love and agree with all the comments above (that I can see at this moment).

    I wonder if Sarah wasn't pissed off by Babwa's "Do you think you can beat President Obama?" question. She came back with her sassy cocky self, but still I bet she felt Babwa was implying she could never beat Barack Obama. That he will make mincemeat of her in any debate, if it ever went that far. That his IQ is probably double hers.

    You know - the question played into all of her deepest fears about herself and her obvious inadequacies in the context of her unrealistic Presidential aspirations.

    If this is her third interview - and thanks for that fun fact - she had probably envisioned some sort of foregone conclusion atmosphere by now, not still all the doubt and confrontation (soft ball, albeit) coming her way. Surely she is aware of these blogs and what she's in for, at the very least.

    Sarah, if you are reading, you need to rework your goals, honey. You aren't up to this. Figure out other ways to have the sustained fame and fortune you seek. Just leave the White House alone. It's not for you.

    If you do that for us, if you stay out of politics in any way, shape or form, we will probably leave you alone. Otherwise, I am sorry, we are going to scrutinize your every single move. It's our patriotic duty.

  40. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Mansour and Palin twitterers were upset that Mark Levin's book was cut out of what she reads as if that says alot. C4pee even posted about it as well as the Palin Posse of twitterers.

  41. Anonymous4:51 PM

    The reason Sarah can't behave as a normal politician might, building alliances in a positive manner and methodically working toward a national position, is because she has so many secrets.

    I have to say it's almost sad.

    It's the secrets that push her to sabotage every single thing that might be good for her. It's the secrets and the bizarre, paranoid priorities that keep her judgement so compromised.

    She is so busy worrying about image, it has been at the complete and utter expense of substance. One has to work and study to create substance. She doesn't have time for that. She goes on the offense to distract, and stays on the defense in order to put out the many fires that surround her on a continual basis.

    It's the secrets, Sarah. Just let your family off the hook and do something else with your life. Maybe you could even be a more available mother and grandmother, how about that?

  42. P.O.d4:57 PM

    "...hating the fact that she is being ignored.Then she might know what it feels like to be one of her children."

    You got that right. Is it Sarah Palin that is blocked outside of the USA? Wouldn't that be special.

    IMO, the alleged journalists, interviewers and what nots that soft ball, are blind or myopic must be blocked from all media. I am so disgusted with Walters and all of them. At this point they are as much to blame as the crazy lady herself. They share in the blame for the child abuse and neglect as well. Why hasn't anyone of them seriously looked into and investigated what has been happening with those kids? Do they just disregard all children? Have they forsaken a good education for children? I don't get why there is no one in the media that will do something about the garbage Palin spews and call her out more about that lame ghostwriter she uses for Bristol and herself. You would think there was one or two that would investigate and cover the truth about her children.
    They let everything slide on this one. I never hear in the media about Trig or that Sarah is hands on involved in any of his causes. How is his treatment coming along? His eyes? His ears? Does he get any help? Piper is ballooning faster than Bristol and may have hit puberty already. She really breaks my heart. Each time I think about tough girl Willow shoving her head in the cake I could puke. That was not funny but Piper wants to please and let herself be the butt of a bad joke. Willow and Bristol are both the hardest and best able to fight back but they live in too much fear to do what they need to survive.

    Walters had an opportunity to shine some light on what Sarah does to her kids and she was a coward. I don't have an ounce of respect for her anymore. I once thought she did so much for women and that she was a good parent for handling that and her career. I don't have the words to say how disappointed I am after her Sarah Palin interviews. She is lucky Becky Mansour turned on her but she will never make up for her mistakes. She is corporate.

    Highly recommended reading: Peter Dale Scott’s New Book THE AMERICAN WAR MACHINE

  43. Anonymous5:00 PM

    There are managers, agents and all kind of media insiders who work behind the scenes to promote Palin. She is not smart enough to orchestrate all of this publicity, but she is happy to fly first class, stay in five star hotels and wave at crowds. She hasn't even bothered to learn her one canned speech, word by word.

    Somebody got to Barbara and convinced her to feature Sarah again. What a pity that Sarah won't be Time Magazine's Person of the Year. I can name some other prizes that Sarah won't be able to buy, no matter how hard her publicity agents work:
    No Nobel Peace Prize for Sarah
    No Emmy for Sarah Palin's Alaska
    No Pulitzer Prize for America by Heart
    No Nobel Prize for Literature for America by Heart
    No Grammy for best recording of screeching America By Heart

    Let me put it another way. If Sarah is fascinating for being a publicity whore, then Barbara omitted equally fascinating people such as Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus for starters.

  44. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Gryphen -- There is a commenter on named Ugg the Repug who came up with the very best title I've ever seen yet for $arah P:

    Halfguv Princess Quit & Twit©

    I think everyone should refer to her by this delightful name from now on. I'm sure it won't take much to have it catch on! Way to call it, Ugg the Repub whoever you are! Perfect description, right down to the copyright sign...she's one of a kind alright.

  45. "I'm twelve and knocked up, I love Bristol"5:18 PM

    Barbara honey, write a book. Spill your guts with the truth and have it published after you retire or go to the great beyond. I hope that is what you are doing, it is your last chance to make up to women and the world for giving that A-hole a stage the way you did. It can be your secret until.... just do it and don't hold back. I know you honor and respect adoptions. They can be wonderful but not when wrongly used or when babies become a commodity. Babies become a hot item on the market and unwed teens are part of that racket. You could have been influential in helping and saving those teens and babies. It is difficult to handle a situation like Bristol Palin but the truth about her racket must be exposed one day. Sarah out and out lied to you and said she did not know Bristol was sexually active. Bristol's own words defy that.

  46. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Is Sarah Palin ever happy with anyone?

  47. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Some of the Qs Barbara asked addressed some of the common doubts people have about Sarah. Very fair material. My guess is that's partly what she didn't like. She probably thinks that people should just treat her the same as someone with the stature of a respected statesman would be treated.

    Sorry Sarah, you gotta prove yourself to get to that level, and so far you've proven to be anything but a serious public official. You can't just fake it and expect everyone else to play along. The WSJ can publish an infinite amount of ghostwritten policy opinions and Fox can project your screeching voice until the cows come home. In the end, you just can't fake authenticity. You're a fake. We know it. You know it. Your family knows it.

    Nobody needs you, loser.

  48. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Is Baraba Walters surprised that Palin in doing her usual whine routine? Where's Walters been these last 2 years?

  49. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Why do people think Chuck Sr said "the sight of caribou makes Sarah soaking wet" or something to that effect?

    He did not in the last ep

    In the hunting ep, he said literally "Sarah was soaking wet. her boots were water logged" Hardly scandalous

  50. Anonymous5:46 PM

    My theory is that SP KNEW that Walters would ask the "what are you reading" question. Of course she knew.

    Then, the grifter made a deal with Mark Levin to mention his book in her answers (for a "reasonable" fee to SP in exchange for the plug).

    THEN, SP either forgot to mention Levin's book (and Levin is pissed off) OR the plug for Levin was edited out. Therefore, no $$$ for the grifter, who is always looking for a payoff - anywhere and everywhere.

    SP DID get the C.S. Lewis plug in, though. Just in time for the release of the movie:

    "10 Things You Can Do to Ensure Narnia 3 is a Success"

  51. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I doubt that either Mansour or Palin would be honest with Walters about why they didn't like the interview. They can whine about that Levine man being shunned and that may be part of it. They may be had an agreement with him that he would get some kudos. There is probably much more and they may not have even been that upfront with Walters. Something miles apart from what they say may have really taken them into rage.

    Someone in the Mansour/Palin group gave the go ahead to Todd's hat and that strange way he perched himself as a dummy. Can you imagine if the Palins were your responsibility and you saw how that was staged and how bad it came off on the little screen or a big HD? You might be so mad and embarrassed you would never mention what got your goat. You would find something else to write to Walters or whine about. I don't think we will ever know the truth.

    Palin is fascinating like the charismatic Charlie Manson or Ted Bundy. People like Lohan are actually talented in spite of the other problems. Hilton does have some business sense and she does look good in clothes. Even the Khardashians have a business and are other than media hos. Gooselin is a no talent baby factory and comes closer to the Palin and Octomom cheap circus act. I'll scratch Octomom, she is mental and a breeder but under the media radar now.

  52. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Surprising news!

    ADN says: Miller appeals ruling on write-in vote count

    "Republican Joe Miller is taking his challenge to Alaska's U.S. Senate race to the state Supreme Court."

  53. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Gryphen, no need to post... What do you know about this? Any truth?
    Comment in PG...

    A FRIEND of mine who does free-lance production in Alaska for national and international clients (i.e. Discovery...BBC etc.) related an interesting story to me recently. He had been contacted by the Burnett production people earlier this year and was asked to put together several Alaskan camera crews for SPA. This is a common practice for non-theatrical productions whenever they need to shoot outside of their base. Most send out their own segment producers, but prefer to outsource camera and sound 'locally' when possible because it saves a lot of money.

    A few weeks later, FRIEND got a call from his Burnett contact saying it was a no-go. When asked why, he was told the producers had decided to send up crews from LA.

    This summer, FRIEND ran into a Burnett crew out in the field and was told that his company got the boot directly because of Sarah Palin. FRIEND was told that she found out that his crews had shot various 'Palin' stories for some of the nightly entertainment shows and was livid about that. FRIEND was told that Palin demanded that NO ALASKAN CREWS were to be used for SPA. The person who told FRIEND this would not elaborate further, but did tell FRIEND that he should be grateful that the deal fell through.

  54. @ anon 4:51pm

    I totally agree! Granny Grifter has way too many secrets and skeletons. Trying to stay in front of them takes up all her time and most of her 3 brain cells. How I wish the people with the most damaging goods on her would finally grow some balls and put and end to this grifting, lying charlatan!

  55. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Barbara has interviewed countless Heads of State, Presidents, Generals Senators, and Hollywood's elite. Yes, she has done more celebrity type interviews in the last era, but that doesn't detract from her career, her accomplishments, and the respect she has earned. General Petraeus graciously thanked Ms. Walters for the interview. Oprah sent her a long and grateful email from Australia. For all we know, Snooki was actually appreciative.

    Ms. Palin, what kind of misguided logic allows you to be asked the simplest questions by Ms. Walters and be named as one of her most fascinating people only to have your sycophants attack her.

    Every time you can hit one out of the park, you choose to take the bat to the pitcher's head rather than run around the bases for a home run. This one was so easy.

  56. Anonymous 5:57, I decided to post your comment because there is some chance that this friend is the local sound guy who accompanied the BBC crew to interview me.

    I have to imagine that if Palin knew about THAT there would be no way such a person would be able to get a job working on HER show.

    She is after all perhaps the most vindictive person in Alaska.

  57. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Bristol Palin is not above jokes, criticism

    Is Palin off-limits when it comes to being the punch line for comedians?

    Absolutely not.

    You could, perhaps, argue that Sarah Palin’s 20-year-old daughter was off-limits when she was 17 and just a vice presidential candidate’s child. Even though the candidate did seem to trot her children out when it suited her and then demand they be left alone when it didn’t.

    Since then, Bristol Palin has appeared in an episode of “The Secret Life of the American Teenager” to preach abstinence. She’s gone on talk shows ranging from “Today” to “Tonight” to “Oprah” to “The View.” She signed on as a contestant on “Dancing With the Stars.” And she’s made plenty of profane, public Facebook postings.

    Bristol Palin has made herself a public figure.

    So if Griffin wants to make a bad joke about her weight or if Keith Olbermann wants to name her that day’s “Worst Person in the World,” it goes with the territory.

  58. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Take our Poll

    Jet-setter Palin

    What do you think about Sarah Palin's trip to Haiti?

    Good for her.She has my vote.
    I'm not sure.

    Read more:

  59. Janet in Texas6:43 PM

    OMG, Gryphen you must dig and find out what the slimey bitch didn't like. I love it when she hates it.

  60. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Indeed, before criticizing anyone fighting the childhood obesity epidemic, Mrs. Palin should take a look at a factual snapshot of ordinary American children today. Over the last three decades, childhood obesity has tripled and, today, half of all kids in struggling, heartland communities are overweight or obese.

    This crisis puts kids at risk for adult health problems like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers and strokes. It's not just our kids' health that's at risk. If this crisis isn't reversed, it will have devastating effects on our health care system, health costs and future productivity and economic growth. Equally alarming, 25 percent of 17 to 24-year-old Americans weigh too much to join the military.

    Simply put, this crisis is a threat to our national security, not from an overwhelming attack of enemies abroad, but from an attack of overwhelming calories within.

  61. JenniferinVA6:48 PM

    Well, who's lying?
    I saw a tweet by Ramsour yesterday that said the Walters interview was edited, leaving out some of SP's answer to the what-do-you-read question. She bitterly implied that it was done to make Sarah look bad.
    As an aside - all of Ramsour's tweets are rude, snarky, paranoid and accusatory, She's pretty aggressive toward whoever she perceives is questioning and/or criticizing her boss. I was shocked at her angry, lashing-out tone. She throws around the word "liar" about reporters who write about Palin.
    Anyway, someone isn't telling the truth here. Barbara said that no editing was done to Sarah's answer - that they included the whole thing.
    My money's on Walters as the one who's telling the real story!

  62. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Maybe Palin can start her own network, called the Quitter Network, and then she can write her own shows. Oh, that's right, she has producer rights on SPAlaska, and it still portrays her family as complete failures.

  63. Janet in Texas7:01 PM

    Halfguv Princess Quit & Twit

    Love it ! I've already used it on my Facebook.

  64. if i remember correctly sarah got annoyed when baba asked something like,"what do you say to the people who think you're not informed enough to be president?' and then sarah got all flustered and snippy and said, paraphrasing, well i don't think they say that, i think some say that i'm polarizing. she didn't like having to defend how uninformed she is, and was ready with an answer to a question about being polarizing instead, so she changed the question and answered the polarizing one. i think baba repeated the question about being uninformed and she blamed it on haters, liberal lamestream media, levi, egg salad, etc, etc. also, the interview made todd look lame. i don't know if that would bother sarah or not though.

  65. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Apparently it must have had something to do with "What do you read?"

    That really got her, didn't it? It got her with Katie - she actually misinterpreted Katie's question due to her own incredible sense of resentment and inferiority complex - she thought Katie thought her unread, probably because SHE IS.

    Now, as a media-savvy person she knows they will keep asking that, so she should have a non-defensive conversation-ending answer to those questions. She could even dismiss it in a funny way (Comic books?) to make the question go away.

    But she can't help it, she's so sensitive she has to keep picking at the scab of "you people think I'm a hick up here in Alaska."

    What a terrible disposition for someone who would have to act on the international stage.

  66. Anonymous7:53 PM

    4:14 p.m. - "get out of your conmfort zone"

    The last thing Haiti needs right now is a bunch of do-gooders with no needed skills coming in. ANd the last thing the state department needs is a bunch of do gooder Americans planting themselves smack in the middle of a possible civil war and needing to be rescued.

    Hey $carah, why didn't you get out of YOUR comfort zone and lose the Fox News entourage, the private Learjet, etc. and do some REAL work. Poverty Porn is absolutely right.

  67. Anonymous8:03 PM

    The definition of "palin" is pathetic.

  68. Big Eye Roll8:17 PM

    It would have been funny if she had referred to SP as "the ex governor of Alaska" and refused to name her.

    Mouth without a face, face without a brain. . .

  69. Onejrkitty or DobieTracker8:33 PM


    Below are portions of different articles I googled regarding:


    One of the articles specifically mentions as an example, Palin's interview with Couric over reading material:

    -- involve people having a belief or perception that irrelevant, unrelated or innocuous phenomena in the world refer to them directly or have special personal significance. In psychiatry, delusions of reference form part of the diagnostic criteria for psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia, delusional disorder, or bipolar disorder during the elevated stages of mania.

    Another example of the "Idea of reference" is when she misunderstood Katie Couric's question: "What do you read?" Katie wanted to know how she formed her worldview and what publications influenced her.

    Sarah interpreted the question as: "what do you read up there in backwards Alaska?" And, therefore, took offense at the question. In fact, Katie Couric did not say "Alaska" in the question. So SP misinterpreted the question as an insult, just like the "Who's Your Daddy?" matter.

    (psychology) A symptom complex in which, through the mechanism of projection, an individual incorrectly believes himself or herself to be the direct object of casual remarks or incidents or of external events

    I think it is likely that Palin actually "hears" questions differently as they pass through the filter of her mental illness.


  70. Anonymous8:49 PM

    6:43 - As to Palin countering Michelle Obama's help to children as to the proper foods to eat and obesity issues that are so evident throughout the U.S.

    Sister Sarah needs to look at her own family and review what their eating habits are - she doesn't seem to spend much time w/them or at home in Wasilla. Bristol appears to have a weight issue - especially after practicing (supposedly) while on DWTS all those weeks and still gaining weight as we all watched. And, then there is Piper who appears to be moving into puberty and soon her teenage years.

    Sarah showed her idiocy when taking cookies to the christian school to counter Michelle Obama's message. What a horrible example she sets as a mother and an adult woman! There is no way this woman will EVER be President of the U.S.
    She is the most vendictful person I've ever seen. Evil, evil, evil!

  71. Anonymous8:50 PM

    GrainneKathleen, so true. She came ready with something to say about being polarizing, but not uninformed. This just goes to show that she only wants things her way, that she expects the media, as another poster put it, to be an extension of her PR campaign, and she clearly can't think on her feet by responding to questions that she didn't practice for in advance.

    Nobody in this country needs you Sarah. But the more I'd be glad to never hear from her again, the more I want her to keep coming out a little more, and do these kinds of interviews outside of Fox. Just when she thinks she can be a little better prepared, she flubs.

    Todd. Get a personality dude. Your such as pansy.

  72. Anonymous8:50 PM

    For crying out loud. People concerned about their image who feel they need to be on guard in order to be fairly portrayed by the media BRING their own public relations experts with them when being interviewed or filmed. If she is too stupid or cheap to do that, it's her own damn fault. And if she is such a control freak that she thinks she can do it herself she is a fool. Granny and her dude need to go back to the city counsel or PTA.

  73. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Sarah is amazing, isn't she?

    Sarah only allows FOX to take pictures and videos of her.

    Sarah must have a lot to hide from the public.

  74. Anonymous9:13 PM

    6:48 PM Could Ramsour be the one to forget to list the Levin? She is blaming BW staff to deflect from her mistake? Whatever it is they are ridiculously hilarious. The Levin stink could also be a distraction from something they don't want anyone to notice. Levin may be in on the ruse. He may be upset for getting left out and they are pumping that to distract.

    If they had wanted to do more interviews with Barbara they would not fan the flames. They are acting up for more reasons than Levin.

  75. Anonymous10:34 PM

    You know, she should be GRATEFUL that Walters gave her the time of day---as she said, she had her entire production team and plugged her book. This is why she deserves to get the negative attention she gets, and that will most definitely continue being that she attracts it like flies.

  76. Onejrkitty - Thanks for the info on 'ideas of reference'.

    Another example was Sarah's reaction to an ADN joke poking fun at Lisa Murkowski on the occasion of her appointment to the Senate by her father. Sarah took the joke as mocking her own father and produced her famous 'Who's Your Daddy' essay.

  77. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Wow. Palin bitches about petty details, and totally takes for granted the honor of being interviewed as one of the ten "most fascinating people."

    Not an ounce of humility or appreciation of her good fortune discernible. She's a true narcissist with a massive (or fragile) ego and entitlement issues.

  78. Someone needs to remind Palin and RAM that Barbara Walters didn't get to where she is by lying repeatedly in her interviews and omitting important phrases that would change the meaning of the "interviewee's" words. They hate the fact that Palin is too stupid to realize what she is saying may not be what they want revealed, however, Sarah has been known not to take any type of instruction from anyone. She brags about not having any handlers when she is in desperate need of someone who can get her to keep her mouth shut at the appropriate times.

    Sarah's ego is so overwhelmingly large that she has no clue as to how she comes across nor does she care. Everybody's 15 minutes are up sooner or later, $arah, and yours are just about there. Finally!!!!

  79. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Sarah's book has tanked to #43 at Amazon. She has crossed herself over into the arena of sensational journalism, only. There are a few who don't want to commit to giving up on her but everywhere else it looks like the party's over. After a life of faking it and manipulating, she has finally met enough people who don't buy her BS any more. I am a middle-class citizen and have little in common with her, mostly because I'm proud to be educated. Her's is a family of simple-minded people who, through a series of twists and turns, stumbled onto the national stage and settled in. However, Sarah doesn't have what it takes to carry through with anything and so, I think, has come to the end of this road.

  80. Anonymous4:58 AM

    The reason Palin didn't like it was because she didn't win. Third time was the charm in her book. She was upstaged by a "rell Amerikun."

    Sarah, go pick the lint out of your navel and give America a rest!

  81. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Sarah didn't like the interview because it proved Michele Obama can wear sleeveless tops and Sarah should not. Palin has "lunch lady" arms. Sports nut, running expert, fish basher, big caribou hunter, mountain climber and fisherwoman has the arms of a couch potato.

  82. Anonymous5:22 AM

    My guess is that Palin embellished what was said in her Walters' interview to RAM and the rest of her staff. RAM bought into it and went on a rampage to defend her boss. Rebecca got caught up in defending a lie. Palin didn't plan on the whole interview being released... so again someone is lying and of course it's PALIN.

  83. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Ok, I agree with everything posted here, But, no one mentioned Toad's red hat? If that alone didn't make the two of them look ridiculous......, I would think it was such a distraction that no matter what they said no one would notice anyway. Toad: "Hey should I wear this in the interview?" Crew: "Oh sure, snicker snicker, Mr. Paylin, you look great!" What a mess.........the paylins.

  84. Anonymous5:47 AM

    She can keep calling the shots but she'll find that NO ONE IS INTERESTED, anymore. She is building her own coffin. She'll have a couple more flops and then find that her only option is a gig with the PTL Club. She'll say that she's decided that she has a calling to follow and spend the rest of her life saying that people wanted her to be president but she decided not to be.

  85. Anonymous5:52 AM

    dmoreno56 said... Ok, I agree with everything posted here, But, no one mentioned Toad's red hat? If that alone didn't make the two of them look ridiculous......

    It had to be that hat!

  86. Walters morphed into an old media whore a loooooooong time ago.

    Why do you think she has Elizabeth Hustlebuck on "The View"?

    For all intents and purposes she is every BIT as annoying and stupid as Palin, BUT, like a train wreck, folks can't help watching and it's all about the ratings.

    The ratings generate the Benjamins and that is ALL Baba has cared about for ages.

    We all know that Palin brings ratings, internet hits etc..

    Palin is a controversy's controversy, that the MSM just WILL not let go of....THEY keep her relevant for the same reason as Walters.

    It's a shame to see Walters go out as money grubbing and careless, but she shed her integrity, as easily as she did her old fur coat that had gone out of fashion.

  87. KiheiKat6:09 AM

    Did anyone read the logo on Toad's red hat?

    Did it say Palin Man? Did it match his purse?

    These people(?) are pure evil and are rapidly revealing themselves for what they are - or what they're not. They're not qualified to run a hot dog stand.

  88. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Rebecca ManSour is the worst thing to happen to Sarah Palin. Really she is a horrible advisor and all in the media, as well as other politicians know this. She is a huge contributor to Sarahs downfall and will soon be thrown under the bus like others. For those of you who think Sarah has a large organized political machine of handlers and advisors, you are wrong.
    Her main advisors are Todd and MANSOUR. Some of her Washington advisors dropped her because Sarah does what Sarah wants. She doesn't trust anyone completely even Todd or MANSOUR. Read the book Game Change and you will see a very accurate picture of the real Sarah.
    She doesn't have a team and thats only part of the reason she will never be president.
    MANSOUR is not a good addition to Palins team. She screams at people on twitter and calls them names. She is immature and inexperienced and has some major issues like Sarah. I hope she sticks around because she is bad for Palin -- constantly being a victim,whining, caustic, over aggressive, nasty!!! Who does she emulate???

  89. Anonymous6:49 AM

    "Over the last three decades, childhood obesity has tripled and, today, half of all kids in struggling, heartland communities are overweight or obese."

    At the same time, Americans diets changed - sugar was replaced with HFCS because it's cheaper and plentiful. HFCS is in EVERYTHING! Humans were never meant to eat corn. It is not beneficial in any way but it WILL make you FAT!

  90. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Baba Wawa is famous only because of Gilda Radner.

  91. Anonymous7:02 AM

    "lunch lady arms"


    Yup. We're laughing at you, Sarah.

  92. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Sarah Palin has huge problems with Michelle Obama. She can't really let it out like she can about the President. This was a presentation moment for the team they want to run the country. I'm not sure why they wanted to dress Todd down and have him look like a hick. They thought it was a charming down-home look the tea bags would go for? In reality it took them out of the race. Sarah has some kind of mental body distortions, she must have thought her arms are sexier than the First Lady. In a moment of truth she saw herself on the screen in this interview and HOLY SOW! She lost it and couldn't let on how vain she is.
    Something more than the deal with Mark Levin took them over the edge. The what-she-reads thing is stuck in her craw as well. Their reaction was too severe only be that one thing.

    Sarah is sensitive about her children because they are her credentials. She is the Grizzly Mama Hockey Mom and can do no wrong (unless she needs to play humble about some small thing). I agree that the childhood obesity gets to her. She is more competitive with Michelle Obama then she is with Todd in that SPA propaganda. She knows at some level that at least two of her children are out of control in ways she cannot hide or control. Sarah wouldn't know anything about the facts of childhood obesity, those things get in her way. She wants to prove she is right by showing that her arms look as good and her children are the picture of her wild Alaskan ideals. Both of those things are failing her.

    What happened with the books and Mark Levin are in the mix but I think their presentation of Todd as a white house first mate meant a great deal to them and they didn't like what they saw.

  93. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I think Barbara probably feels grateful that there was no pantry full of canned goods nearby.

  94. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Todd is puny. If he can't handle voice lessons or an operation he should never open his mouth in public. All they have to offer is a First Ladyman that looks sick and can't give a speech. ROTFL...

  95. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I do believe that Barbara is grateful the whole Palin interview things are over. She helped to feed the beast and set women back a few thousand years. Now she can interview Palins opponents and critics. Dunn and McGinniss and others who will be coming out with books. I would like to see her make up to the poor teens that are harmed by the Palins false promotions of abstinence and all.

  96. sillyone10:33 AM

    to emsyra (spelling? and to anon 3:15) this is why meida insider posted what he psoted on his blog abou tnot feeling welcome, and I think he was talking to emsyra saying to us to not believe media insider and beware, well just as you have a right to post that, he/she has a right to post anything a well. They are not the only ones who come on here a spread gossip or rumors. Hell a few things here might be gossip or just a rumor as well. I think we can decipher for ourselves whether or not we want to believe anything posted period. While I'm not mediaman him/herself, I just wanted to post that. No offense, so stay cool (well warm actually lol) and easy

    and to anon 5:37 I think you already know the answer to that one haha

  97. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Do you think Todd fathered Sarah's children?

    Todd sounds a little on the sweet side. That's okay, he just sounds sweet.

  98. emrysa5:44 PM

    nice to know that people have the opportunity to clear their name when they're accused of saying things that they didn't say.

  99. emrysa6:07 PM

    emrysa DID NOT tell people "to not believe media insider" as stated by sillyone @ 10:33 am.

    emrysa DID say "beware."

    that is all, since apparently I am not allowed give my full explanation.

  100. DetroitSam6:16 PM

    "She is more competitive with Michelle Obama".

    Mrs. obama is not in competition with anyone, least of all SArah Palin.

    Does anyone believe that Mrs. Obama gives one wit about Sarah Palin?

    Two questions:
    - at does Todd Palin do for a living? What has this man ever accomplished?

    - how can Sarah be considered a hockey mom? Track might have played hockey in high school but does he play now? Do the others play hockey? And how can the ones still in school play hockey when the barely attend school?


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