Monday, December 20, 2010

Former McCain staff member Nicolle Wallace says we should stop attacking Sarah Palin because she will ultimately defeat herself.

From The Telegraph:

Wallace, who worked closely with Palin on the ill-fated 2008 Republican presidential campaign, said the former vice-presidential candidate's weaknesses would be revealed by the rigours and demands of a long contest to secure the party's nomination for the next White House election.

"The more people try to take her out, she only becomes emboldened, strengthened, it makes her such a martyr," said Wallace, who has recently written a thriller called Eighteen Acres, drawn in part from her experiences on the bid for the White House of John McCain and Palin, his running mate.

"She has very obvious deficiencies that will reveal themselves as the nominating contest gets closer," she told The Telegraph, adding: "Let her shoot her moose or whatever the heck she does on her show, it will all work out."

"What's troubling is she has missed an opportunity to go beyond the platitudes and deepen her knowledge," said Wallace, who was formerly communications director in the George W. Bush administration. "It's incredibly cynical to think you can win an election without having a thoughtful intellectual discussion with the country, thinking you can just scare people into voting for you."

Wallace has a point.  Going on the attack does allow the Grizzled Mama to portray herself as the victim and inspires her supporters to rise up to protect her.  However her response to even the perception of an attack reveals to those who have not been drinking her crazy Kool-aid that she is an extremely defensive and arrogant person and helps to pull back the facade she is trying to build around her and reveal the true face of Sarah Palin.

That is why I feel it is still important to poke holes in her mythologies by bringing to the surface facts and first hand accounts from those who really knew her BEFORE she started to try and polish her image.

But yes Wallace is very correct that Sarah palin's worst enemy in the whole world is Sarah Palin.


  1. Anonymous6:08 AM

    It depends on the attack. Calling her daughter fat is probably going to create more sympathy for Palin than she would normally get from women, so I would really advise dropping the whole "Is Bristol pregnant or just overweight?" meme.

    On the other hand, a relentless spotlight on her stupidity and hypocrisy should stay constant. Seriously, there is nothing this woman says that can't be verified as total BS.

  2. Anonymous6:12 AM

    The entire truth about Sarah Palin's insane grasping at power has to be exposed and digested by the American public in order to make us safe from the next "Palin" disaster. Sarah Palin might have been VEEP then president. That such a stupid, evil person was that close to immense power is a lesson that every voter must comprehend.

    The people that put Palin that close to power will try it again with a slightly less stupid, slightly less mentally unstable puppet. Those are the people we are fighting. Palin's exposure is our only weapon against them.

    The live tweet blog, the book signing ejections, the Joe the neighbor visits are all worthwhile blog posts. The entertainment keeps us on an even keel. But the real pupose of your Palin blog posts is her ultimate exposure. You are on a serious mission, G. Keep on keeping on.

  3. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Agree that she may very well do in her own political chances without any help from us. She has already done so to a great extent.

    The idea that if everyone would stop scrutinizing her - which inevitably leads to criticism, she makes it so easy - she wouldn't be able to cry "fowl!" or play the victim, well I really have to wonder what makes someone get out there and propose that idea at this point in time.

    I mean, what's so bad about Sarah acting paranoid, displaying a massive chip on her shoulder on a regular basis? I really don't think she garners much sympathy when she does that, anyway.

    Makes me wonder if there aren't some powerful people pushing for this angle from behind the scenes, for they are probably getting desperate that their investment isn't paying off.

    Can you imagine how much farther she might have gotten if people consciously chose to turn a blind eye to EVERYTHING she does? That's how she has gotten even this far! The MSM didn't do their homework so she was able to establish a foothold with her bs. Uninformed fools have been taken in by this marketing creation already, and it has been unbelievably difficult to push back on the original PR wave she got away with. (Bad grammar, sue me.)

    It would be the height of stupidity to adopt a laissez-faire approach to Sarah Palin. Naivte of the highest order.

    Why does this Wallace woman want us to take that risk? She's made my "untrustworthy" radar, permanently.

  4. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever. Nicole Miller can take her novel and shove it up her a-hole. I hate Sarah Palin -- HATE. But seriously, no one in American politics has benefited more from lax and rose-eyed reporting of his background than John McCain, that phoney baloney asswipe who Nicole had no problem working for, even though his entire persona is a lie. If Sarah thinks she can portray herself all phony-baloney, it's because she learned from the best -- John McCain, the only "hero" in American history who gave intelligence to our enemies and the only person who could get away with flat-out calling his wife an a-hole in front of reporters and then denying it. Not that it mattered, because no one seemed to care about it in the media. Or the fact that he cheated on his wife. OR the fact that he crashed three planes before he got to Viet Nam where he became a "hero." Or the fact that he took illegal campaign contributions. Or the fact that his wife stole drugs from a non-profit and then got a doctor disliscenced for tattling on her. Or the fact that she was investigated for the FBI for this, etc, etc, etc.

  5. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Only a woman will be able to bring down Palin. A man can't do it.

  6. Anonymous6:35 AM

    "It's incredibly cynical to think you can win an election without having a thoughtful intellectual discussion with the country, thinking you can just scare people into voting for you."

    Is that how she ran her campaigns in Alaska?

  7. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Nicolle Wallace is a Republican campaign professional. Why would we pay attention to what she recommends would eliminate a Republican candidate from consideration? These people go to work for whoever's paying. She's out there plugging a book and it doesn't help to kiss a little Palin ass while she's at it.

  8. I agree that we should be going after John McCain who is in power and who is displaying some sort of mental illness besides being just a grumpy old man. He and his advisers (cough, William Cristol)are responsible for picking Alaska's ranking mooseturd as a running mate. Nicolle Wallace is a couple of years late with her mea culpas. We'll take it from here, thank you very much.

  9. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I want to clarify my second paragraph in my 6:08 post...when I said "her" stupidity, I was referring to Sarah Palin, not Bristol.

  10. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I concede the high ground to you, Nicolle.

    But I need to vent occasionally in a vain attempt to rid myself of the poison.

  11. Anonymous6:57 AM

    You have to remember that Wallace is a Republican. The Republicans have made a huge mistake, letting Sarah run crazy like this for the last two years. Her followers are now so in love with her that NOTHING will make them turn away from her--they have too much invested in her. So yes, any Republican attacking her will alienate her followers and lose them. The Palinbots will never vote for Obama, but they can certainly stay home and not vote at all. THis is what Wallace fears.

    However, pointing out what a freaky idiot Sarah is will not alienate those who already think she's a loser; it will simply lower their opinion of the Republicans. So for the moderates and the Democrats, the reaction will be different.

    However, people seem to really think it's wrong to "attack" her family. It doesn't seem to matter to them that she uses them as political props, that they are adults inserting themselves into the political discussion by running around the country alternately dry humping dancers and making speeches advocating abstinence as the only form of birth control, or (in the case of Willow and Track) making money as reality TV stars or, in Trig's case, at the center of one of the greatest hoaxes ever perpetuated on the American voting public. People swallow her lie that the libruls are "attacking her family." Not sure how to get around that.

    The other things that could bring her down--dairygate, housegate, etc--require investigations that just aren't happening.

  12. Anonymous6:58 AM

    We have to continue going at Palin in every direction as it reveals how thin skinned she is and how she continues 'fighting down' in that she continues to pick the fights with 'bloggers' and her 'lamestream media'. She continues to lash out at the President, the First Lady, etc. As in the past, she picked fights with Levi! If he surfaced again, it would draw her out!! Come out, come out, wherever you are Levi!!

    Her ad nauseam 'common sense' comments never sets out true ideas to handle issues - she just strikes out against anyone & everyone.

    Keep up the the exposing of her hypocrisy and stupidity!!

  13. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Nicolle Wallace is a coward. She has enough ammo to take Palin down and won't use it *hoping* that Palin will self-destruct. That may be true but it may not, and even if it does happen the psychotic Palinbots will still vote for their queen. And in the meantime, while Nicolle and the rest of the GOP cowards sit idly by hoping for a Palin meltdown, they allow her to corrupt the political discourse with her ignorant, uninformed platitudes.

    This country has serious problems and we need serious discussions about them, not the incoherent tweets of a teabagging reality show famewhore. We can't sit around hoping that at some point Palin's obvious deficiencies will be her downfall, it needs to happen asap so that she will stop clogging the airwaves and that "thoughtful intellectual discussion" can happen with those who are capable of it. But that wouldn't help Nicolle sell books, would it?

  14. Anonymous7:09 AM

    2006: At one point during the KTUU debate, Binkley told Palin that she was going to have to get specific and stop wrapping herself in platitudes and Alaska's constitution. She replied with a smile that had a touch of pity. It was almost as though she'd said, “There you go again.”


    Now, as to Palin, I agree entirely with what Mara said. She is — she has star power without any doubt. She has an extremely devoted following. But she is not a serious candidate for the presidency.

    She had to go home and study and spend a lot of time on issues in which she was not adept last year, and she hasn't. She has to stop speaking in clichés and platitudes. It won't work.

    It could work for eight weeks if you're the number two candidate, as she was last year. But even so, she got singed a lot in that campaign. You cannot sustain a campaign of platitudes and clichés over a year and a half if you're running for the presidency.

    Fresh new ideas? New energy? A new kind of leadership?

    She's a celluloid leader, not applicable in real life. She can't even progress past her first ever campaign for Mayor. Same old Sarah, emotionally and intellectually stunted at 12 years old.

  15. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Nicolle... who was breast feeding during the campaign?

    Bet it was not Sarah.

  16. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I'm with anon @ 6:17 a.m. - as with AKM, Gryphen, Shannyn Moore, sometimes Dan Fagan, Alaska Dispatch, Vanity Fair, The Atlantic and Andrew Sullivan, Progressive Alaska and hundreds and thousands of real Alaskans and regular Americans.

  17. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Anonymous said...
    It depends on the attack. Calling her daughter fat is probably going to create more sympathy for Palin than she would normally get from women, so I would really advise dropping the whole "Is Bristol pregnant or just overweight?" meme.

    On the other hand, a relentless spotlight on her stupidity and hypocrisy should stay constant. Seriously, there is nothing this woman says that can't be verified as total BS.

    6:08 AM

    I have to disagree with you on the first part, the way she raises her children DOES matter. If she cannot keep her own house in order, how is she going to handle the White House? Plus all the distractions from the crime sprees and pregnancies would not help her.

  18. Anonymous7:21 AM

    John McCain also too hated Ted Stevens. Hated that Ted and Frank and then Lisa kept bringing home the bacon to Alaska. Hated Alaska Tribes (ostensibly over his Navajo Nation constituents but I'm not going to give him that kind of props) cause they got federal recognition under the Clinton Administration and were eligible for more funding.

    In his picking such an obvious political neophyte with all the sophistication (albeit intelligence) of the Unibomber, it was his way of sticking it to Alaska's 'forefathers' and kissing the ass of a base that rejected him up to that point.

  19. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Anonymous said...6:27 AM
    no one in American politics has benefited more from lax and rose-eyed reporting of his background than John McCain
    EXACTLY! This man(?) has gotten away with more than almost anyone. He's a disgrace to this country. This video of how he treats the families of Vietnam POW'S says everything you need to know about McCain.

    He was a traitor in Vietnam and he couldn't close that file f*#king fast enough. He sold us out more than once.

  20. Anonymous7:30 AM

    This is just so uncalled for. Attacking the First Lady for wanting kids to be healthy? Misquoting the First Lady to set up her 'fuck you' comment like an 8 year old. Shame, shame, shameful.

    Sarah Palin Jabs Michelle Obama's Anti-Obesity Campaign With S'mores

    Sarah Palin took a shot at Michelle Obama during Sunday's episode of her reality TV show, "Sarah Palin's Alaska," jabbing the first lady's anti-obesity campaign for attempting to deprive Americans of dessert.

    While searching for s'mores ingredients on a family camping trip, Palin remarked:

    "Where are the s'mores ingredients? This is in honor of Michelle Obama, who said the other day we should not have dessert."

    Michelle Obama has been a key proponent of an initiative to improve children's health by encouraging better diets and sufficient exercise. In May she announced her "Let's Move" program, which promoted dessert alternatives, among other dietary suggestions.

  21. Anonymous7:32 AM

    "I agree that we should be going after John McCain who is in power and who is displaying some sort of mental illness besides being just a grumpy old man."

    don't bother. McCain has been protected by his family his entire life. He should have been court martialed for killing fellow soldiers on the Forrester. Over 160 seamen died in that incident, there were over 40 first hand witnesses that were threatened with dire consequenc­es if they talked about the incident to anyone and the issue was smoothed over as only an admiral with clout could have done.

    McCain's MO is to throw the first smears so that anything that comes back in a retaliator­y manner can be called fabricatio­ns.

  22. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Sarah Palin's trailer trash park will bring her down too. They are all hill billy grifters looking to make that easy quick buck.

  23. Anonymous7:46 AM

    During the Obama campaign, I really disliked Nicole. Over the past two years I have come to really like her and respect her opinions. She actually seems to be more on our side than most conservatives.

    I am currently reading her book and so far, it's very good. Let's just say...she does her writing, unlike the quitter...and she has a very good writing style.

  24. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Palin's Book Tour Sputters

  25. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Gads she has no class at all this bitch from Alaska.

    S'mores Wars: Palin Flings Dessert -- Figuratively Speaking -- in First Lady's Face

  26. Anonymous8:08 AM

    She IS doing herself in. That show is turning many off, hunters and fisherman, the ones she thought she had in the bag, so to speak.

    And she is becoming a joke on the morning shows. How do they go back to viewing her seriously now? Especially when nothing has changed, she has not done the serious work.

  27. Quick, someone post Michelle Obama's resume so we can compare it to Sarah's.

  28. Anonymous8:14 AM

    No free lunch for Wallace here today!

    Was thinking of how to say how hypocritical and selective Wallace is on this topic.

    Nicole is not trustworthy on this subject for a number of reasons.

    It has already been said by others.

    If AND when Sarah has some sort of 'fall from grace' LOTS of Republicans have to have their asses covered in advance- THIS WOMAN WAS NEARLY VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

    Mostly the repubs hope it all ends quietly and that she just slinks off to some off media hideaway.

  29. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Seems like the establishment Rethugs are trying to get in front of this train wreck, but don't really know how. They know that if Palin gets the nomination she'll bring their party down. I guess Nicole is right in that attacks on Palin are not going to matter to her rabid base, and only allow her to play the victim card. But that victim card doesn't work on independent voters or Democrats. The more she plays it, the better Obama's odds in the general, and those odds are already good. What Nicole really worries about is that the more Rethugs attack Palin, the greater the Democratic victory.

  30. Nicolle Wallace is right, of course, and watching Sarah self-destruct ain't gonna be pretty. If you were shocked at Bristol's reference to a "big middle finger," just watch this space.

  31. Anonymous8:29 AM

    "She has very obvious deficiencies that will reveal themselves..."

    Like what, Nicole?
    Like, she can't actually read?

    What an interesting minuet it is; watching kings and kingmakers dance around and flirt coquettishly with simple truth.

    Where are those clothes, Nicole?
    A trifling detail? It's been dealt with and put to rest? The American public truly doesn't need to know?

    Washington, D.C. is just like Alaska, isn't it, with its 5th-grade-classroom mentality. Everybody's incestuous, everybody knows everybody and their secrets, everyone's afraid of pissing someone off. Everyone's got some kind of interest in remaining silent. The popular kids hold everyone hostage.

    I won't be buying Ms. Wallace's book and she'll get no respect from me. She's a Keeper of The Secrets. Do any of these people feel any sense of higher responsibility to this country? Do any of them realize that it's truly an act of treason to participate? Are any of them troubled by their own role in perpetuating this shit on the American people? Do none of them possess any degree of moral courage?

    The $500,000 worth of clothes and services that still hasn't been explained and accounted for, represents the pinnacle of hypocrisy and corruption.
    This in-your-face, gross act of campaign law violation swept under the rug is still so troubling at so many levels.

    I exercised my right and my obligation to ask and be answered. I made two phone calls in October of this year - to the Republican National Committee and to the Federal Election Commission.
    RNC: "It isn't our job to keep track of Sarah Palin's clothing. You need to call the McCain campaign!" Rude and teenagery. Hung up on me. Oh, Buddy, it is actually your job.
    So, I tried calling "the McCain campaign", left messages on a couple of random phone numbers. No one ever called me back.
    I called the FEC to clarify and confirm my understanding of campaign finance rules, contribution reporting requirements, what's included in the financial accounting reconciliation for the federal campaign funding.
    You know, the 18 million dollar check from the Federal Treasury to the McCain Campaign. Yes, the taxpayer money part of John McCain's run for president. The government hand-out.
    Well, according to the FEC - ALL OF IT is included. Every expense and every contribution from any source. It's THE LAW.
    Those line items are IN the FEC reports. So what that means is that some "private benefactor" fronted a credit card for Palin's 8-week career on the national scene, staffers were reimbursed from campaign funds for purchases, and the campaign ultimately took the value in cold hard cash from the Federal Treasury. Without following the rules. Without identifying where that contribution came from.

    I speculate that it was Franklin Graham and James Dobson. Who do you think it was?

    But what really gets me choked up is that Nicole Wallace KNOWS.

  32. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I think the problem with attacking Sarah is that, so far, everything that's come out about her and that can be proven is sort of 'meh.' She's a banal, mediocre person, so her scandals have been pretty banal and mediocre, making it look like those who attack her are just being petty. We have been hearing for years now about these secrets that will change everything, but I'm starting to think that the Palin family is so below average none of their secrets are bound to be all that explosive and they will fall more into the eye-rolling, trailer-trashy stuff we've all gotten used to by now.

    I think Wallace is right. It's not attacks from her enemies that will bring her down--it's her own arrogance, lack of insight/self-awareness and overexposure that will do it. She in that dangerous 'pride before a fall' zone where she believes her own hype. Since she surrounds herself only with sycophants, she seems unaware that much of what she does publicly (clubbing living things to death, allowing her 7 yo to wear make-up, etc) is weird to a large segment of society. The more they see of this sort of clueless behavior, the less they will like her.

    She really is the embodiment of the 'banality of evil.' There is nothing outstanding about her except her glorified view of herself and her willingness to be a vocal advocate for racist, hateful and downright stupid beliefs that were discredited decades ago. The more people get to see just how very (below) average this group is, the more they will grow tired of her 'meh-ness' and come to resent her contradictory sense of self-importance.

  33. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Too bad Wallace did not feel the need to expose Palin's "obvious deficiencies" when she was trying to get her into the VP position. Is there even ONE repub. who thinks of the country before party? This woman should explain why she worked to get Palin into office, knowing she was not even close to being qualified.

  34. wakeUpAmerica8:39 AM

    Yes, it is cynical, but isn't that exactly how Bush was elected in 2004? Fear?

  35. Anonymous8:40 AM

    So we have heard this advice before, re the SP baby hoax: don't go there, just ignore the hoax, other more important issues will bring her down, there are plenty of those "more important" issues. And the hoax is just sooooo yucky.

    I see that point. I understand it,

    But other candidates' toes HAVE been held to the fire for just plain lying, apart from what they were lying about. Clinton's Monica escapade was as much about lying as it was about his indiscretion. Hillary was outed on her lies about Bosnian sniper fire. Edwards on his LYING about mistress and baby (in addition to his hilarious defense of himself -- that he was unfaithful only when his wife was in remission!).

    So Gryphen: once again, my request that you ask your well-placed media expert for the rationale in not presenting the abundantly available proof re SP's babygate. Just so we can understand that rationale better.

    I'm guessing it's this:
    --No one wants to be first;
    --They'd rather she implode on some policy issue so the hoax need never be addressed;
    --MSM thinks it might not matter to SP supporters as much as a more substantive policy issue;
    --MSM has subtle but clear cues from bosses to keep hands off the HOAX.

    So what do you in the media think is the reason this is never going to be revealed? Even though the hoax, once revealed, is the perfect symbol for all the rest (and the rest is much harder to document and prove). --Amy1

  36. The next question that will be asked after babygate is exposed is, "When did John McCain and his campaign staff know about it?".

    After Sarah reluctantly told Brian Williams she would release her medical records, the campaign shot back with a 'No. We won't be releasing them." It wasn't until the final hours of the campaign that the medical letter was produced.

    I think Nicole would prefer that the public just sour on Sarah because Sarah is an annoying and dumb sourpuss rather than have actual scandals rehashed or brought to light.

    It's going to be very embarrassing.

    I don't understand why Nicole and the others, including McCain, can't say that they were fooled by Sarah's lies...just like a good portion of the media and the public. It would be much simpler that way. Sarah would be branded a liar so, even if she insisted McCain knew about her scandals before selecting her, they could accuse her of lying about that, too.

  37. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Nicolle Wallace knows things that we don't about the Palins. If she says that Palin can destruct herself, she'd know.

    I don't agree that anyone should stop attacking Palin - watching her go into hysterics any time she's criticized is flat-out funny!

    However, 100% agreed that if we did stop attacking her, she'd just attack herself into irrelevance anyway.

    Hey Sarah? All the Republicans I know are annoyed to death with you. Seriously. You're embarrassing. And they think you're more like an Alaskan Kardashian than a political hopeful.

  38. Anonymous9:09 AM

    "It's incredibly cynical to think you can win an election without having a thoughtful intellectual discussion with the country, thinking you can just scare people into voting for you."

    Umm, this from Bush's communications director? Isn't this how Bush intimidated Congress to go along with the war in Iraq and the Patriot Act and won the election in 2004?

    Republicans who knew better are responsible for Sarah Palin, who doesn't. She's their fault, their shame, and their problem.

  39. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Also, what Republicans hope is that Sarah Palin can be dealt with in the primary process by people figuring out she's unprepared. Then she'd just fade away without making their whole party look incompetent. What they DON'T want is for Sarah Palin to be revealed to be a complete and total fraud, because then they will all be complicit in that fraud.

  40. Enjay in E MT9:13 AM

    I agree that so-called "family attacks" make QuitterQueen more sympathetic to a certain degree. Yet these kids, who should have been in school & kept from the limelight are in the limelight because of SP. If not for dragging them with her on stage, public grown-up events, DWTS and now with SPA - they are open to criticism. (Just as Miley Cyrus & many other teen celebrities) Track however, keeps a low profile and therefore I wish him well with whatever his endeavors are.

    I also believe SP will eventually bring herself down with her anger, out-right lies, lack of world knowledge, bitter attacks showing lack of respect toward other public servants that have worked hard to help this country, etc. Yet we cannot allow her to persist in influencing public opinion via lies & half truths to the detriment of our country.

  41. Anonymous9:21 AM

    What Nicole Wallace says might be true, but why can't she and others just tell us what they know about Sarah. I am tired of all the PC behavior on the part of politicians and the media when ir comes to Sarah. They could possibly prevent her from running now and subjecting America to more of Palins influence.
    I think her statements are a big cop out.

  42. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Th trouble with Nichole's method is, by leaving her alone, you are giving her credibility. So when you start running out of time when the election cycle gets down to crunch time, you look like a desperate opponent to start bringing up personal deficiencies at the tail end. It's easy to write off criticism then as politics as usual.

    I know when I voted for her for Governor, I was missing a lot of the real story about her. I wish some journalist had gotten on the story and done some real reporting while she was still mayor of Wasilla. We'd have never gotten this far if that had been done.

    Even when I started having my doubts about her, it was hard to change my mind. All the stories I was hearing including her 6 week pregnancy sounded like jealous lunatics trying stir up trouble. It was easy to write things off. I had to sit down and look at some facts and then pay real attention to what the Palins said and did and admit that things didn't add up, before I started questioning my personal beliefs about Mrs Todd Palin.

    I say give people all the info you can and give them time to let the real story about the Palins sink in. Fortunately, no matter how hard they try to hide and shape things, they can't help shooting themselves in the foot.


  43. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Wallace is right that attacks aren't productive, but getting the truth known and out there is. And, as far as the Repubs go, for their own good, they better stop pandering to her and start requiring some real debate if they want to be serious contenders in '12.

  44. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I agree with Wallace that it does make her more emboldened. It does make her actions more extreme. The more of this crap she does the worse she looks, though. Not to the morons who adore her. They aren't smart enough to ever understand what's going on, but everyone else is catching on. So, let her be emboldened. It's a house of cards.

  45. Anonymous10:18 AM

    "so I would really advise dropping the whole "Is Bristol pregnant or just overweight?" meme."

    While I might agree with you on the pregnant thing, and I would agree with you on the fat thing, IF Bristol had always been tubby, hefty, large-boned or whatever euphemism is in vogue.

    But when Bristol goes on a dancing show, known for toning up, trimming down,'s contestants BECAUSE of all the physical exercise, and gains weight - then yes, it is indeed legitimate fodder for discussions of her work ethic. The weight gain proves that she DID NOT WORK hard, as did her less than mediocre performance. SO, she should not have gotten as far as she did, even on the "effort" vote. Furthermore, Bristol is a WHIIIIIIINer. Because she complained about working hard when she so obviously did not, which in turn puts the lie to a ton of things $carah has claimed and exposes her poor parenting skills - and heck, if you can't run a family or a household - you obviously can't run a country.

  46. honeybabe10:31 AM

    evil succeeds when good people do nothing. but in order to know what to do we need all the pertinent information. happily there are lots of alaskans who are diligently searching all the nooks and crannies. palin's personal, well deserved nightmare. keep up the search kids. this is important for all of us.

  47. Anonymous10:31 AM

    John McShame and Sarah palin have not gotten over their lost to our President they have both tried in their own way to use race,bigotry,selfishness to undermine the President. It has not worked,If Palin is buying a place in AZ, I would think some of the same people would be involved,unfortunately for them the American people are not buying
    Palin.Sometimes I look at what's comming out of these two and say thank God we did not vote these two nasty people in.

  48. Gasman10:32 AM

    I think that Wallace’s point about Palin being her own worst enemy is valid, but we allow Palin’s massive bullshit campaign of lies, deceit, and treachery to flourish unchallenged at our own peril. Think of the damage that Palin in the White House would do to our nation and the planet. This woman is beyond stupid. We have already seen what having a moron as president was like. Palin is an even bigger moron.

    I say call “BULLSHIT” to each and every inane utterance from Snowdrift Snooki. Don’t let her lies go unchallenged. There are far too many within the GOP who do not support Palin but are willing to try and use her to inflame the lesser angels amongst their idiot base. If Palin’s antics can rally the teabaggers and get them to contribute to the GOP or come out on election day, the GOP powers that be seem content to let her continue her buffoonery. I find that strategy to be reckless and incredibly risky.

    It seems that many industrialists and generals in post Weimar Germany thought the same thing about a certain former Austrian corporal.

    THAT certainly worked out well, didn’t it?

    Palin is a congenital liar, a narcissistic grifter, and a simpering buffoon. Why in God’s name should we not clearly point these things out every chance we get?

  49. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Wow. Check out what Joe Klein finally had to say about McCain - and especially Palin:

  50. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Remember the guy that wanted Sarah Palin to run the RNC?

    How about the guy that thinks only property owners should be able tom vote in the TEABAG nation he thinks we should become?

    I think the same guy that held the Teaparty convenion in Nashville that paid Sarah to speak.

    His latest idiocy:

    Tea Party Nation Founder: Let's Get Rid Of The 'Socialist' Methodist Church

    More info on this bozo The Unorthodox, Dangerous and Profitable Ideas of Tea Party Nation's Judson Phillips

    The guy actually said:
    "In short, if you hate America, you have a great future in the Methodist church," he says.

    Did Sarah really work for this guy?
    Time for grifta grannie to repudiate and refute this guy, and return the money he paid her also too.

    Waiting for the facebook post....

  51. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Kudos Rick @ 9:23

    "I know when I voted for her for Governor, I was missing a lot of the real story about her. I wish some journalist had gotten on the story and done some real reporting while she was still mayor of Wasilla. We'd have never gotten this far if that had been done."

    ....... for actually taking the time to find out the truth.

  52. It is not the crime, it is the cover up12:20 PM

    So we have heard this advice before, re the SP baby hoax: don't go there, just ignore the hoax, other more important issues will bring her down, there are plenty of those "more important" issues. And the hoax is just sooooo yucky.

    So what do you in the media think is the reason this is never going to be revealed?
    --Amy1 8:40 AM

    curiouser said... "When did John McCain and his campaign staff know about it?"

    They can't say they were fooled b/c they could be caught in lies. If the truth and evidence is revealed they are looking at some serious prison time.

  53. Anonymous12:24 PM

    To 6:08 So, can we just call Brisdull uneducated and illiterate? Apple didn't fall far from the tree. The Health/Palin women have been pregnant before marriage, is that an appropriate Christian behavior?

  54. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I still they, The Rethugs, will pull Jed out of cold storage and run him and Wallace is trying to smoothings over for the GOP...So exactly, why did Wallace write a book, non fiction, about Palin and has earned money off the bashing of Plain herself. Wallace is a hypocrite. But she shows up on the talk shows to talk about Palin everyday...

  55. Nicole Wallace has very little credibility in my book, since she was one of the folks who actively worked to get Palin (and McCain) elected (despite apparently realizing that she had major deficiencies). Those are not the actions of someone who loves their country (but instead only loves their party or possibly their job). I think that we need to keep tabs on Palin and continue to call her out on falsehoods. If it makes her emboldened, so be it. Hopefully, she will shoot herself in the foot in a big way. But we should not sit idly by, hoping that she will bring herself down. I don't think that we can trust that will happen. There is that quote that goes something like this "All is takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing." Well, she may not be exactly evil, but she is bad. We cannot ignore her and do nothing. So Gryphen, thank you for all that you do, and keep at it please.

  56. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Come on, already! Sarah, we're still waiting for your tirade berating Nicolle Wallace. We expected immediate retribution. Where are you, RAM? Normal folks want to be entertained by Quitter's shenanigans and her mindless palinbots demand new targets. Get to twittering a refudiation, Sarah/RAM!

  57. Anonymous12:44 PM

    It is true that Sarah is her own worst enemy and I think she will bring herself down. That said, it is imperative to keep on her and the whole family branding that they are promoting in the most crass commercial corporate ways possible. Sarah needs help with everything, including bringing herself down. Don't let her down. It is not an actual attack to seek the truth. There is nothing wrong with questioning the authority of people like McCain and Palin. They have teamed and conspired to wrong our nation. They are destroying the future for all children. We take our garbage and poop across the globe and try to convince others that we are right and super powdered.

    It is necessary and legit to bring attention to Bristol's body shifting. It is best when done more with tact and not blatant tackiness, but the latter will not always be the case. Both the pregnant-abstinence theme and the major childhood obesity-diet are important and can not be left out of discussions. Willow and Piper are vying for center stage and rewards, also, too. Bring-it-on-Sarah keeps harping on the areas that effect her props, the Mama hockey and cubs et al. If she was truthful she could clear many things up. She doesn't allow documentation and she won't sue because she and her backers are in up to the tips of their pointy little heads with crimes and misdemeanors.

  58. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I find it very interesting that the issue of the issue of the RNC clothes keeps coming up, as we have seen Twitler has worn the clothes after they were supposed to be returned. What I find so funny, is that each and every day Sarah is the worst dresser known in the public eye. Palin's inability to learn how to dress properly for events, is just a small issue, but since she has never learned the facts of history, the only thing she at least could have done right is to dress properly. The only thing Sarah could have done with the cash she has made, has been a huge failure, because she is TOO cheap to even buy professional and appropriate clothing. But I bet she has a large collection of black push up BRAS on hand when Graham and the other RWNJ's come a' callin'. I wonder who is washin' her spanx? Does she mail them to pat Buchanan for hand washing or is the LSM doing her panty washin'?

  59. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I agree w/the comments regarding McCain and Nicole. They learned more about Palin during the campaign and should be disclosing, or leaking, the information. Perhaps we will see more of that as the primary draws closer.

    Palin will split their party (should she win the nomination, which I doubt)in half and assure the re-election of President Obama which would make me very happy!

    People need to vet Palin's records in Alaska - she horribly divided her own party while playing quitter govenor. (Don't forget too that it has been proven that Toad was running things during her short tenure.)

    The Palin crowd needs to be stopped and all their crud disclosed. She and Toad need to be investigated by the IRS and FBI for things they have done in Wasilla, Juneau and Anchorage.

  60. Anonymous1:14 PM

    7:03: Exactly! Let's get on with the serious work in this country.

    As to whether Palin ran her campaigns in Alaska invoking fear? For the mayor's office she threw a friend under the bus by some very ugly religion baiting—the very person who encouraged her to run. She threw Gov. Wally Hickel, her campaign booster, under the bus as soon as she was elected. She is duplicitous and calls it "politics as usual." Apparently she didn't get the integrity gene.

  61. Anonymous1:34 PM

    11:29: yeah the guy who thinks we should only allow property owners to vote obviously missed the history lesson on feudalism. Probably thought it was a waste of time.

  62. Anonymous1:53 PM

    A poll for those interested.

    Winning this poll Vote NOW for "Ass Clown of the Year!" at Daily Kos might get someone all weweeed up.!

    -And the nominees are...

    1. Sarah Palin: For just being herself

  63. Anonymous1:54 PM

    A poll for those interested.

    Winning this poll Vote NOW for "Ass Clown of the Year!" at Daily Kos might get someone all weweeed up.!

    -And the nominees are...

    1. Sarah Palin: For just being herself

  64. It is true WGE is her own worst enemy. But that is not her worst feature. She appeals--purposefully or unwittingly--to the very lowest aspects of human nature. She has managed to call out people who are unable to think their way through complicated political arguments, who believe that "politics" is some kind of unnatural crime. Any notion of normal political campaigning post-Palin is just wishful thinking.

  65. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Nicolle Wallace knowingly and with malice aforethought participated in the attempt to place a pyschopath 2nd in line to the presidency of the United States.

    Anything, Nicolle Wallace has to say regarding the Palin campaign is pure, simple, unadulterated ass covering.

    Nicolle Wallace thinks people are stupid enough to care what Nicolle thinks. But she played with fire and deserves the consequences, banishment from politics and shunning by all clear thinking people. Prison? Possibly!

  66. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Nicolle Wallace would like for us to buy her book.

    She is making a lot of appearances recently to promote it.

    She wants the money, and no responsibility for trying to elect McCain / Palin.

    Not spending a dime on that book.

  67. Anonymous2:47 PM

    But the largest part of how she is self destructing is the result of her inability to survive even cursory critiquing, both factually and emotionally.
    Since it all happens in print or on video that creates a huge library of "facts" that she will not be able to successfully BS and lie her way around or out of.

  68. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Nicolle Wallace could put out the truth about Sarah. She hasn't. She might when it is good for Nicolle Wallace to do so.

    The idea of just leaving her alone is convenient for Nicolle and the Republican Party, and for Sarah too.

    The bloggers shouldn't listen to Nicolle's advice any more than Sarah did. This advice is too convenient and self serving.

    Here is the rill dill.

    This is just like martial arts, turn the opponents strength against them. When the opponent makes an unsuccessful attack, they are often left off balance and at a disadvantage. Allowing them to stand without forcing them into action is what Nicolle is advocating.

    The opponent has not gone to a neutral corner.A smart and judicious offense is the appropriate defense.

    Especially when the truth about her is the reason for her attacks.

    The more mistakes she makes the more she destroys her possibilities. She can have her idiot supporters, but if she makes the wrong mistakres she could alienate them too.

    Want her to go away?
    Here ya go- hava nuther banana peel or three-careful now don't slip ;-). Remember that she doesn't plan ahead well- Gryphen book signing, seatbelt non use etc.

    Blog on.

  69. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Nicolle, I don't know how you slept at night while knowingly working to get that narcissistic monster into the WH.

  70. Anonymous3:53 PM

    "It's incredibly cynical to think you can win an election without having a thoughtful intellectual discussion with the country, thinking you can just scare people into voting for you."

    Nicolle, I don't recall any "thoughtful intellectual discussion with the country" being encouraged by the campaign you worked for.

  71. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Sarah, how's the view from under the bus? Is it awkward being there with all your former friends and an entire state's worth of forsaken Alaskans?...

    Oh well, just deny, deny, deny.

  72. Anonymous4:43 PM

    The fact is the GOP needs Juicy Cue Rograine (that business name she came up with). They NEED her or else the Republicans feel weak, pitiful and impotent. She is the best Juicy they could come up with, the only Juicy that will dance with them is Palin. In the end she will be their demise since they must stick like super glue to her until she is done. That includes the GOP that are trying to escape the Juicy plague but can't give it their best shot. They will die with the Juicy curse out of fake loyalty to the Reagan motto about no ill against another Republican. ROTFL! If Reagan was alive would he say she is a Republican or did she just infiltrate the party? She is the enemy of Republicans and her AIP, John Birch cred is more like what she is.

    It is Juicy Palin who will expose more Republicans over time.

    McCain may not live long enough to get what he has coming. His senility also protects him from ever facing a fact. Even if he won't know it, his name and legacy will be a hideous disgrace. Others will do time for their part in his shenanigans. The McCain name must be brought up more often in connection to all things Palin. They deserve to be bonded like no other campaign team for all of history.

    Wallace is a little turd that knows too much. I agree with 2:04 PM and hope she can end her days in lock up as she deserves for her part in these crimes.

  73. Watch Lawrence O'Donnell tonight. He is eviscerating John McCain.

  74. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Leave that megalomaniac alone while she sours the country? I don't think so Nicolle. Look where not speaking out about her while you were working on her campaign got us.

  75. Anonymous7:05 PM

    "Nicolle Wallace could put out the truth about Sarah."

    Nicolle Wallace should do time for sitting on what she knows. No wonder she writes fiction now, she is toast in politics. She makes the criminal Republicans before her look good.

    I hope she gets everything she has coming. Her books should be boycotted and people must keep answering back to these crooks. The bigger ones, the ones like Wallace and the littlest ones. All of them must go down after what they've done. If you don't care about the politics, people like Wallace are why the child abuse and cover up is so easy for the Palins.

  76. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Maybe 'victim'-hoodcomes out during the poking in her favor, but, admit it, folks, it sure is fun poking at the S'errorist!!

  77. DetroitSam6:39 PM

    On GMA, Sarah Palin Hints at Her Plan to Transform America

    Long article, but very good. Worth the eggort to read.


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