Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Palin's former staff ask for FIFTEENTH delay in releasing her e-mails to the media.

From the New York Daily News:

On Monday evening, Palin's former staff in the Alaska governor's office asked the state's attorney general for their 15th postponement to requests to release nearly 25,000 emails exchanged by the former governor, her husband and her staff, MSNBC reported.

The requests were made by several news organizations, including NBC News, MSNBC.com, The Associated Press, Mother Jones, Pro Publica and the Juneau Empire, in 2008 after Sen. John McCain picked her as his vice-presidential candidate.

State regulations allow the attorney general to approve a delay if information released in public records would hurt the office of the governor, and three different attorneys general have received requests from the office to delay the release of the emails since Palin was in office.

This time, the governor's office has asked for a delay until May 30, 2011.

At that point, the former governor's office will have put off releasing the emails for 986 days, 20 more days than Palin's term as governor, according to MSNBC.

This is unbelievable.  Obviously Palin left people in very important positions with instructions to make sure that information which might damage her would be kept out of the hands of the "Lamestream media," and so far it has worked like a charm.

It is becoming increasingly clear that these e-mails might be the key to the end of Palin's influence.  The fact that after all of this time they are STILL fighting like crazy to keep them secret should raise anybody's red flag, even those who were not convinced that Palin had engaged in any wrong doing.

Innocent people do not work this hard to keep their records secret.

P.S. There is a good chance that all of this will be a waste of time for Sister Sarah's supporters.  There might be a leak about to take place that will bypass this e-mail logjam and get the information out into the public arena despite the Grizzled Mama's best efforts.


  1. Anonymous4:21 PM



    sounds very, very good, G. Please keep us posted.

  2. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Go Leakers!!!!!

  3. FEDUP!!!4:22 PM

    I wonder if anyone higher-up could order the release of the emails - like some Supreme Court judge?

    And Gryphen: Here's to hoping that your story will FINALLY come true, and the Grifter-par-excellence is finally brought down - and FOR GOOD!!!

  4. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Let the leaks begin, too much has been hidden far too long in this former governor's file.

    Someone is probably scrubbing the e-mails, or they might have already been scrubbed earlier.

    This woman has way too many secrets that need to see the light of day.

  5. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Where's Wikileaks when we need it?

  6. angela4:32 PM

    I wonder, is it the hubris of political power? Sarah Palin put official state business on Yahoo accounts that were so easily gotten into--I wouldn't even call it hacked.
    Did she understand the idea that everything she put on gov. emails was public? The question is, Is she stupid or did she think she was so smart and above it all nothing she did would ever be questioned---until it was.

    This woman's psycho dance needs to be over.

  7. Enjay in E MT4:32 PM

    We can only hope the next time Palin - candidate says "Hold me Accountabl­e" to prospectiv­e voters - remember this is the Governor who by passed state record laws by using several Yahoo accounts for her personal government mail (that she didn't want record of on the Government servers)

    A woman who wanted to take down the Corrupt B'tards Club of shady back room "good old boy" deals - to be transparen­t & open with her constituan­ts. Instead - she made her own back room shady deals benefittin­g friends & family by appointing them to state positions & committees­, while removing public servants who disagreed with her....

    Perhaps her own emails - will finally be her undoing.

    Paging Wiki-Leaks
    Immediate Assistance Required in Alaska!

  8. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I guess they're waiting on a new shipment of wite-out.

  9. Anonymous4:49 PM

    A leak in January, Dunn's book published in April, emails released in May, so over by summer. And it's flippin' HOT in Arizona about then. Also too all those brown people, and not brown in a good way, from tanning beds...

  10. I am fearful nothing would hurt this woman. Its probably a big build up to a great big "oh we already know THAT!" And the people that already know this crap about her will not be surprised and her palinbots won't believe it nor care!

  11. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Isn't it past time for the justice department to be looking into conspiracy and corruption charges, naming the Attorney General's office in Alaska, the Governors office in Alaska and the other pertinent offices involved in this cover up?

  12. Mark In Everett5:02 PM

    The Rs in charge have called open season on the half-term gov/full-time mean girl - they've been setting her up for a fall for a few weeks now. Her TLC show makes you wonder if the producers weren't setting her up to fall - in it she comes off as so not presidential. Even Bloody Bill Kristol opined she won't run, can't say why but... Of course he is always wrong so you can believe Snowdrift Snookie will run in some form and it'll continue to be hilarious... that is if said leak doesn't bring her down sooner instead of later. That's my hope. The sooner the better.

  13. Anonymous5:03 PM

    sarah used to be a really big fish in a very tiny pond.

  14. Anonymous5:09 PM

    If I had access to any of the e-mails, nothing would stop me from contacting Julian Assange and having him "Wikileak" Palin. Couldn't happen to a more deserving scamp!

  15. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Well, tell the Sarah clan, that her followers are asking for the president's birth certificate, so she is also not immunied from producing Trig's B/ certificate. Be ready for what you ask for racists, and tell your racist future presidential candidate madam Sarah to release her records too. This is so good to be true. Truth Vs Lies

  16. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Same old, same old from these willfully ignorant, egomaniacs.

    Read that the Tea Party Governor-elect in Maine just appointed his daughter to a state job worth $41K a year.

    Oh, yeah, clean up government, restore honor and integrity (that was Georgie Bush), transparency, blah, blah, blah.

    I wish the state and federal attorney generals would hold these politicians accountable when they break laws regarding sunshine meetings, transparency, et cetera and that the state and federal legislatures would pass statutes that require a higher level of transparency. Polices, rules and regulations come and go, but statutes last a mite longer and are more readily enforceable in court.

    I want to see more politicians stripped of their offices, fined and sent to prison whenever they breach the public trust. We know there are laws that cover many of these issues, but too often little is done to enforce them.

    We need stronger whistle-blower protections and incentives.

  17. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:17 PM

    Will SP need maxi-strength Depends for that leak?? What a fantastic New Year's gift that would be! Go, Gryph, go!!

    I predict that paranoid trolls will be invading this site in 3..2..1...

  18. I can tell you what is in those emails, snarky nasty comments, lies, abuse, retaliation targeting, plans for manipulation and possible cover ups of pregnancy issues. I am very grateful to those who are fighting to get those emails released because I want to see if they contain any communication about my case. If there was no communication that tells me something as well. I just posted on the ADN that the department of lies is still owned by SP. She not only placed people in the DOL to do her bidding she placed them in agencies all over the state. Then the people of Alaska used their collective intelligence to elect Parnell and continue with the same crap. What we need is an Alaskaleaks site operating out of Bora Bora or Iceland. Remember Wikileaks can't do the leaking, they just post what people download to them. I am sure they would be very glad to post those emails or any other evidence on Palin.

  19. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Perhaps the emails incriminate Sean Parnell and/or the very staff that are not releasing them... ? also, too

  20. @Angela said: "The question is, Is she stupid or did she think she was so smart and above it all nothing she did would ever be questioned---until it was.

    This woman's psycho dance needs to be over."

    I've known a few true sociopaths (unfortunately) and this is a common trait; they really do think they can pull the wool over other people's eyes. They generally have some success at it, however eventually, unless they move on to fresh and sociopath un-wise folks, they eventually self destruct. You can read an excellent book with a perfect description of SP called "The Sociopath Among Us."

  21. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Leak! Leak! Leak! Let's hope those leakers let loose!

    Also...I kind of love that picture. Showcases Sarah's old lady mouth, jowls and wrinkly eyes.

  22. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Gryphen can you explain to me how this works? Sarah used her private yahoo e-mail and so did Todd. Did they just give the state her password and say copy away (of course I know they didn't)? Did the state subpoena it from yahoo?

  23. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I bet these emails will reveal she had an affair(s). In our American political arena, this is a deal breaker.

    Case closed.

    None of the rest of the crap about her kids will matter at that point.

  24. What, exactly, is her power?

    I'm not trying to snark.

    I really want to know how she holds this glim-glam over people all this time.

    It's gotta be more than the mafioso tactics used in Wasilla.

  25. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Bretta at 5:42 asked what does she have over other people.

    My guess is she has picked up dirt about other Republicans in the last couple of years. She would be crazy enough to threaten to tell what she knows if they move against her.

    Now *that* would be a Barbara Walters special I'd tune into!

  26. sewnup6:12 PM

    Well, we know how thin her skin is; if she fights this hard to keep secrets we know there's something there.

    We also know she's mentally ill because otherwise, with her inability to ignore any perceived slight, actual or otherwise, she'd be beyond the breaking point by now if her brain operated like it should. My mother was diagnosed a sociopath and she acted exactly like Palin does: could do no wrong, was sure everyone else was too stupid to see through her, and on and on.

    And the scariest part: years of expensive counseling, meds, hospitalizations, whatever, didn't make one iota of headway; she died as crazy as she'd always been, sad to say. So the future is about to take a turn for the worse, either for her or for us. Let it be us, please. She's done enough damage.

    Go, Gryphen, go!!!

  27. Anonymous6:12 PM

    so according to Meghan McCain, HBO is casting the Game Change miniseries, specifically her family right now. And she says the book is 70% false. Well, duh Meghan. I"m sure there are loads of embellishment in all camps (PAlin, mccain, clinton, obama)

  28. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I really do know why people worship and fear Sarah. Is her father involved in rituals, or black magic? His home is creepy.
    Only people who are involved in black magic can get away with stuff like the Palins do. Seriously
    I would find out who her Psychics are.
    The fear for Sarah and cover ups are getting ridiculous.
    A few of us can see right through their crap.
    Gryphen I respect your guts. Keep it up. I can tell you, your blog is screened all day by trolls.Keep them dancing. We have a male friend and his wife.. both republicans.. They are so much into the Psychic stuff that makes me want to shake their heads to stop.
    But they both go to church on Sunday.
    I can not rule out the Palins on that.
    Her father looks creepy for me, with all the sculp skeletons and dead creature in his house.

    Just saying.... Palin must be influenced by some demonic spirits.
    I do not believe in this things, but I come from a world were they practice these things. I have met many Americans who's lives relies on Psychics, men and women. Just leaves my mouth open.
    I suspect Palins are in that too, that is why many are so still blind folded in their crap lies.

  29. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Was that Toad I saw with a case of Bar's Leaks at Alaska On and Off Road Last week? That was the BIG case (6@12=72 bottles per case).

    Enough for the entire fek9 field- or an entire maladministration also too!

    If we see anyone in the Paylin Krewe buying Stop Squeal then there really is something to this.

  30. Anonymous6:16 PM

    well, so far, nothing factual has been released. Just petty, spiteful, career saving stories. What more would you expect of the political world? If BIll Clinton, Obama, and Hillary's pasts didn't bring them down, what makes you all think Sarah will be different?

  31. Anonymous6:18 PM

    People, perhaps even Gryphen too, desiring to bring Sarah down keep overlooking an obvious source. . .Alaska Airlines glorified baggage-handler-turned-Appointments-and-Commissions-Director Frank Bailey, a self-described "Hatchet-Man" for Governor Palin.

    He did everything and anything to progress Satah Palin to high office and settle her score-keeping once she could abuse the power and resources of high office.

    His book deal fizzled, but he's got the goods on Sarah and Todd. He may not know or realize how damaging it is to outside the Palin-Bubble eyes. He isn't too swift, but he did get dirty for the First Family.

    Frank Bailey, he knows a lot more than anyone gives him credit for, and that has to include the former half-term co-Governors.

  32. Anonymous6:20 PM

    5:36 PM Anon: Also...I kind of love that picture. Showcases Sarah's old lady mouth, jowls and wrinkly eyes.
    I think if she didn't Clairol her hair, she would be totally gray as well.

  33. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Her supporters should be charged with obstruction of justice. Make them pay the price for her sins if they won't follow the law!

  34. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Where's Wikileaks? They can crack the highest state secrets of countries around the world. They can surely crack Sarah's emails.

  35. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Tick Tock Princess Dumbass, the clock is ticking.

  36. Anonymous6:40 PM

    These employees should be fired for perverting the course of justice. Is there anyone in Alaska who isn't corrupt who could push this? A simple solution would be to name the people who are obstructing justice.

  37. Anonymous6:44 PM

    It is important to remember who the current governor is.
    This is part of what Wikipedia has to say about Sean Parnell:

    "Parnell's career alternated between politics and corporate sector. He went from the Alaska house and senate to the oil company, ConocoPhillips Alaska, to one of the largest oil lobbying firms in the U.S. and back to a state agency as deputy director of Alaska’s Division of Oil and Gas, the position he held while running for lieutenant governor.

    In 1992, Parnell was elected to the Alaska House of Representatives, where he served two terms and was a member of the finance committee. In 1996, Parnell ran for and was elected to a seat in the Alaska State Senate. In the Alaska Senate, he was a member of the Energy Council and served on and then co-chaired the Senate finance committee.[4]

    Parnell left the Alaska Senate to become director of government relations in Alaska for the oil company ConocoPhillips.[5]

    In 2005, Parnell joined the lobbying firm of Patton Boggs, where he advised clients on state and federal regulations in developing major oil and gas projects. Patton Boggs represented ExxonMobil in the Exxon Valdez oil spill litigation.[6] In April 2005, Washingtonian and the Dallas Morning News reported that Patton Boggs was the first in revenue among lobbyists.[7]

    Parnell left Patton Boggs less than two years later on December 3, 2006 [8] to advise Governor Sarah Palin on issues related to commercializing Alaska North Slope gas.[9][10]"

    If you wonder why those emails just never seem to be ready to release even though Sarah is not governor any more; remember how the current Governor got there.

    If you wonder about how and who was behind Sarah Palin getting elected... then maybe look at who might have been backing Parnell.

  38. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Dairygate=money laundering to friends

    Sean Parnell and gang very aware and still it continues.

  39. Anonymous7:26 PM

    @6:16 p.m.,

    What "pasts" are you speaking of? Since when did the Clintons or Obama ever go to such lengths to hide their pasts? Monica Lewsinsky doesn't count. Bill Clinton never had a reputation of hiding from the press, and he worked hard to become president, and over time gained people's respect.

    Palin is the opposite. Not only is she a dummy, but she's crazy, and corrupt as hell, and losing more people's respect everyday. $arah Palin, is trying to sneak her way into the White House, with out any tough questions, or real scrutiny. I doubt these "pasts" you speak of come anywhere close to faking pregnancies, and running the state government like the mafia.

  40. SME1317:45 PM

    They really don't want anyone to know that palin was Governor in name only. She didn't actually do anything. Instead, someone we did not elect made all the decisions and Palin merely signed her name to them.

    If they release all these emails and see that the vast majority of them are only dealing with the personal issues of the kids and the parents and not about this great state - heads will roll.

    Those emails will never be released. I think it's time someone bring a lawsuit against them all.

  41. To Anonymous at 5:22 : OF COURSE THEY DO! You are so right: these emails incriminate so many others: staffers who encouraged and even helped "creatively" come up with reasons to charge travel expenses, and other things for the children to the State of Alaska among other things. They covered up, they made up, they facilitated a huge misuse of state funds, time, and resources. If these emails are released, there are some who are still on staff to Parnell whose jobs should be in jeopardy and who could face criminal charges IF and this is a big IF, the letter and the true spirit of the law is followed. This would be good for the people of Alaska in the long run, but it may be embarassing at first. So many elected officials and their staffs have gotten away with so much.

  42. Anonymous7:57 PM

    One should assume that those obstructing the release of the emails would lose their jobs if they were released. They have nothing to lose by stalling and obstructing. Someone needs to up the ante on these public employees and have them follow the law! Perversion of justice!

  43. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Sarah Palin: Winner Of The 2010 Glenn Beck Misinformer Of The Year Award


  44. Anonymous8:38 PM

    anon @ 6:15

    to my dismay, I have had the same thought.

    even wondered if she was the unsuspecting tool of others.

    the videos of her being 'blessed' and protected from witches, etc by the African pastor just raised the hairs on the back of my neck.

    she seems to 'progress' evil in the form of hate so relentlessly, that I find it hard to believe she is fully conscious of what she is doing.

    If she is a conscious actor, we all need to do a lot more of Love and Light work!

  45. Leak until there is no tomorrow! Please. I want her gone yesterday! It is long past time ... I hope many many leaks spring up asap!

  46. Anonymous9:15 PM

    From the Huffington Post. Most of you know the players so explain, please....
    JUNEAU, Alaska — The Alaska governor's office says it needs until May 31 to release potentially thousands of e-mails sent and received by former Gov. Sarah Palin.

    By that time, more than 2 1/2 years will have elapsed since at least one person and several media outlets, including The Associated Press, requested the e-mails. Palin has been out of office since July 2009.

    A work plan submitted to the new attorney general, John Burns, says the Department of Law plans to assign two people to review the records full-time, including a former assistant attorney general with whom the department will contract. According to the plan submitted by public records officer Linda Perez, the cost will be $120,000.

    Burns' predecessor had granted extensions in the past.

  47. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Is there a possibility that Parnell blackmailed Sarah into resigning so he could be governor?

  48. Anonymous9:20 PM

    First troll at 6:16.... trying to peddle the all-negative-palin-stoties-are-lies bullshit.

  49. 6:16
    She's a complete moron that belittles any individual in America or elsewhere that actually tries to make something of themselves via cultural and scholarly education. She parades her family as if they are worthy subjects for others to use as role models, when in fact, there are no role models in that entire clan.

    A kid who did a turn in the service because he had to, a daughter who birthed a bastard child in her teens, a daughter that does nothing but roll her eyes and doesn't listen, a pre-teen that defies her mother's every command, and a special toddler that came from who knows where. Oh, and a husband that was a roughneck in the oil patch and races snowmachines.

    That's all she has. If your family considers this to be something worthy of emulating, well, I feel sorry for you and you should try to do better.

  50. Anonymous2:28 AM

    I love this site, Gryphen, but I hate the "cliff hangers" you throw out. It makes it too tabloid like. When you actually have the information, I will be very happy to read it.

  51. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Really, how can she (and they) get away with this? Doesn't a lawsuit mean anything?

    Didn't Twitler famously say she'd do what she pleased until the courts told her she couldn't?

    I truly loathe this bitch. I really hope she loses all her ill-gotten gains, and I don't wish that lightly.

  52. Anonymous4:11 AM

    I believe there is a leak, and the SS Grifter is slowly taking in water.

    Cue distractions: Joe Miller lost the election but is hanging around like an unpaid bill.

    Bristol's new digs and whether or not she'll major in something else besides Sex Ed.

    The Palinesque Comedy "Refudiate", which I thought was playing for a limited engagement has returned for an encore performance five months later.

  53. Anonymous4:37 AM

    The emails could very possibly contain babygate information. It wouldn't surprise me if Sarah was dumb enough to email others about her plan to fake being pregnant in order to promote herself politically.

  54. TwoBlueJays6:11 AM

    AKPetMom, I love your comment "If your family considers this to be something worthy of emulating, well, I feel sorry for you and you should try to do better.". That's one my main problems with Palin. In this country we laugh at Larry the Cable Guy as a redneck stereotype. Palin, her family, and her background are no different from that stereotype - she depends on exploiting it - yet people would elect her to the highest office. She comes from nowhere, has done nothing, and yet because she is charismatic and "just like me" (gag) she should be in a position of power and authority?? I live in what's commonly referred to as a "redneck" part of southwest Ohio, and have yet to meet someone whom I would consider Presidential material. I just don't want to believe that America has become a country where stupidity and greed are valued over intelligence, honor, and integrity.

  55. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Is anyone on this blog really crazy enough to ever expect justice for the Palins...... with Osama bin Laden
    still running free and smirking Dick Cheney bribing Nigerian "justice" to drop the charges of bribery against him....

    or the WAR CRIMINALS OF THE CHENEY-BUSH CRIMINAL CARTEL still unpunished..... and likely never will be even after GW and the Dick have both publically admitted their crimes???

    "Justice delayed is justice denied!" William Ewart Gladstone

    Enough money will buy a wealthy person any kind of JUSTICE outcome they desire! IE; The bought and paid for supremes who SELECTED George the idiot to be president!

    Dick Cheney's $250-Million 'Get Out of Jail Free' Card | The Nation
    Dec 27, 2010 ... Plans to hold Cheney to account for a Nigerian bribery scandal have been ... off the hook in a major criminal case that involves charges of government ... to have paid to get the government of the African country to drop ... "We know as a point of law that once a criminal charge has been filed in a ...
    www.thenation.com/.../dick-cheneys-250-million-get-jail-free-card -

  56. What was it that Palin said about how her administration would be transparent and open to the public? Seems she LIED!! How do the 'bots excuse this crap she pulls over and over?

  57. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I hofe if anybody interferes with any Falin emails will be sent to frison.

  58. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Why the delay people?

    What specific reason are former palin staff members asking for the delay?

    Whoever is asking for the delay should have their emails looked into for the past 5 years.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.