Sunday, December 12, 2010

SNL cold open features President Obama having a change of heart after being kidnapped by the Republicans and suddenly embracing "trickle down" economics, expressing outrage over Bristol's treatment on DWTS, and doubts about where he was born.


  1. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Sadly, that was very funny.

  2. That was brilliant and just about says it all.

  3. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Here is my take: Vote and impeach both Obama & Biden immediately before the new Congress kicks in. no debate. Pelosi then becomes president. Otherwise we'll get Boner as president. Save the country.

  4. Anonymous7:48 AM

    My president can take it.

    He is no dummy. Unlike some other celebrity/politicians, he very much is a student of history.

    I believe he has his eye on the future and how to get the best deal for the American people in the long term.

    Could it be that the discontent that is drummed up by the Faux news people has permeated all of politics?

    If we had gone to work and turned out democratic voters in the last election, we would not be crying today.

  5. JenniferinVA8:19 AM

    I have to say I don't think it was funny. I don't mind SNL slamming politicians but it seems that Bill Clinton, and now Barack Obama get savaged by the writers while GW Bush was handled pretty lightly and portrayed as a lovable dunce who was just a good old boy - not the disaster he was for this country for eight long years. Even Dick Cheney wasn't treated like the evil, corrupt, heartless bastard he truly is.
    Also I'm tired of Fred Armisen. The writers must love him because he gets more camera time than any other cast member. I think his impersonation of Obama is weak but they use him b/c he's the only one who can physically approximate Obama's look.
    SNL needs new material!

  6. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I thought it was a good summary of what happened. I believe this complete roll over to get a belly rub from the opposition was just too much. Primary him!

  7. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I suppose this makes SNL more Fair and Balanced than Fox News.

    Now, when does Obama's ghostwriter issue a thin-skinned, snarky personal attack on Armistad (asking for his papers) and asking why the FCC isn't refudiating all this makin stuff up about him?

    Oh yeah, we're talking about a dignified statesman that has the weight of 8 Bush years to cast off and not worry about being lampooned by comics or attacked by gutteral quitters that fancy themselves armchair Chief Executives without a title.


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