Sunday, December 05, 2010

Somebody is AWFULLY defensive about tonight's episode of "Sarah Palin sees Alaska for the very first time."

From the terribly tortured Twit's twisted tweets:

"Controversial" Sarah Palin's Alaska hunting episode tonight? Really?
23 minutes ago via web

Unless you've never worn leather shoes, sat upon a leather couch or eaten a piece of meat, save your condemnation of tonight's episode.
22 minutes ago via web

I remain proudly intolerant of anti-hunting hypocrisy. :)
22 minutes ago via web

Tonight's hunting episode of Sarah Palin's Alaska "controversial"? Really? Unless you've never worn leather...
3 minutes ago via Facebook

I am beginning to wonder if the Grizzled One knew what she was getting into with this reality show/political advertisement?  She appears to have been completely caught off guard by the negative response from people who realize that Palin does not HAVE to hunt in order to eat.  She CHOOSES to kill these animals in some bizarre effort to make herself seem more electable, and THAT is what is eliciting such negative media attention.

The insanity of advertising this program as a showcase for Alaska's magnificent wildlife, which then shows Palin bludgeoning it, shooting it, or chopping it into pieces, seems to have completely eluded both the producers of this television show AND Sarah Palin.

(H/T to the anonymous commenter who brought my attention to these tweets.)


  1. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Stupid thinks the electorate is made up only of brain dead hicks who kill only for fun -- and that they will be the ones who will put her equally ignorant ass in the WH.


  2. Anonymous8:10 AM

    To me, it's a simple matter. I am not a vegetarian, although I try to limit the amount of meat/poultry I eat for health reasons as well as out of kindness. I also try to purchase animal products when I have comfort about living conditions (e.g., free range) and know there are no equivalent alternatives (e.g., Premarin).

    We have friends who hunt, and we love them. However, they do not have the almost giddy response to killing that Palin does. It is her downright glee in killing that makes me sick--and I assume others have the same reaction. No, Mrs. Palin: It is not hypocricy. It is a reaction against your exploitation of what does not need to be a cruel act for reasons of increasing your celebrity and fattening your bank account.

  3. Anonymous8:10 AM

    I just wrote this in the other post, before I
    saw this one:

    "Unless you've never worn leather shoes, sat upon a leather couch or eaten a piece of meat, save your condemnation of tonight's episode.
    6 minutes ago via web"

    Ya, kind of like you, Sarah Palin, calling yourself
    a Christian when all we ever hear & see from you
    and your family is lies, and hate, and racism,
    and arrogance, and pride, and reality trash, and adultery, and illegitimate children, and pre-marital sex, drinking, drugs, laziness, grifting, back-biting,
    judgement, homophobia, cursing, greed, and vanity,
    and children disrespecting their parents, etc etc.

  4. Anonymous8:12 AM

    She's never shot or skinned anything in her life. Running her mouth or running over people with her Bus does not count as hunting. Everyone who's hunted can tell she's a phony.

  5. laprofesora8:14 AM

    Who is she trying to kid? She needs to massacre an animal to feed her family??? This woman has gone beyond "idiot" to full out delusional. I believe there are native Alaskans that probably do need to hunt for survival, but this bimbo ain't one of them. Gryph, could you let us know how many grocery stores are in her immediate area? She needs to be called out, again, for the complete moron she is. This time she has gone too far in overestimating how gullible the American people are.

  6. Lynne8:16 AM

    The importance of not having a hunting license seems to escape her as well as the obvious phoniness of her abilities.

  7. I've said it before, but will repeat. Yes, I know where my meat and leather come from. However, I choose not to watch the bludgeoning or killing of animals for ENTERTAINMENT!!! That does not make me a hypocrite. It makes me a compassionate human being, who does not see any entertainment value in watching animals or fish be killed. I'd no sooner watch Sarah Palin bludgeon a halibut, filet a salmon than watch a steer get electrocuted and it's throat slashed before continuing down the slaughterhouse assembly line. It's NOT entertainment to ME. BTW, I come from a family of hunters, and am not anti hunting.

  8. Head Doctor M.D.8:22 AM

    A lot of people I know were disgusted by the halibut scene where she is bashing the fish over the head with baseball BATS!!! I have conservative friends who fish who were outraged by that.

    She is clueless about the rest of America. That is part of the problem. Most Americans can't relate to her and she has no clue about it! None! She has grown up in a tiny bubble with a narrow world view. She doesn't know what she doesn't know because she's a sick narcissist!

    Expect another week of her defensiveness, out of control emotional rants and berating of others. Sarah is a sick sick woman. For those who don't believe this, pay attention.
    NO OTHER " political" person in the news over reacts like this. She attacks and berates and name calls. Over and over and over again. Some of the attacks on her and her family are horrible and wrong. But she should NOT respond! Do you ever see President Obama react to criticism? He is attacked every day in sick ways. But he is emotionally stable and intelligent. Sarah Palin isn't!

  9. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I'm still laughing that she thinks people hunt cows to make leather shoes and couches!

  10. Yes, she pretends to be something she's not, but it worked for Bush. Her fans aren't big on critical thinking.

    (And remember John Kerry going hunting before the election? Poor guy didn't decide until the end who he was supposed to be.)

  11. Anonymous8:25 AM

    She is beyond clueless. Excellent post Gryph. The next task is to clue the lamestream media into her lack of hunting license and see how she spins that one!

  12. Anonymous8:27 AM

    One of the teasers showed her shooting a rifle. The whiplash effect of her head from the kick of the gun was very telling. It was obvious that she isn't familiar with shooting.

  13. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Ok lets get this straight. Todd does hunt Sarah does not. I know the Palin family and she is not a hunter.

  14. BanditBasheert8:31 AM

    Nicely phrased. Sarah Palin does NOT need to hunt to eat. She can walk 50 yards and have lunch at the Best Western Lake Lucille (yup after you cross the railroad tracks, the BW is on the right and down a little dirt road is Chez Palin (hardly in the woods, although they do have trees).
    I understand sport hunting - I wish it didn't happen, but I do understand especially if individuals use the meat and enjoy it.
    What I don't "get" is her joy and the tingle she gets with all the blood and gore.
    #1 - she's never picked up a gun and shot before in her life. She can't even hold a fishing reel, they had to hire a hand model.
    #2 - she is WAY too fixated on the killing aspect.
    #3 - I do agree with her comments about leather, but people don't "HUNT" Leather. We eat cows and leather is a useful use of the remnants and certainly better than just using the meat and tossing the skin. That being said, I don't eat red meat anyway. But I do wear leather.
    #4 - Again I am unimpressed - she didn't shoot that caribou and she didn't have a permit. Her buddy at the AK Game & Fish said she didn't have a permit, and then she did. So which is it? Oh that's right, he is a Palin appointee.

    So what have we learned: She lies about everything - she realizes killing this animal isn't going to look good to about 90% of the American public and if TLC doesn't put a disclaimer on this, there may be a bunch of little sick kids when they see this abomination on camera...also the killing. She claims to hunt because she eats. We ALL eat - but we don't all hunt. Many of us hunt veggies.

    Her show is epic fail - just like her. I wouldn't watch it ... because I find killing just for fun disgusting. Apologies to all who hunt. I speak for only myself.

  15. Anonymous8:34 AM

    None of the Palin kids hunt.

    Guess they must not be hungry enough to go shoot animals.

    or maybe they know how to google map search nearest fast food joint.

  16. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Ronni Chasen murder suspect's gun does not match up! What about Eddie Burke's gun? What if Ronni was going to out Bristol's current pregnancy? Was Margaret Cho giving us a clue about Sarah's newest anger?

    Sarah will anything necessary to become president! It's quite apparent.

  17. Anonymous8:40 AM

    While I agree that 4 tweets on one subject is overkill, I don't buy that she was caught offguard. Nothing's changed in her opinion of hunting. I actually find it ridiculous to hear people bitch about wolf-slaughter, caribou hunting, and other livelihood activities, because you dont hear people publicly complain about how other cultures eat domesticated animals... It's hypocritical to be only against hunting in the US yet not condemn other cultures traditions. Sarah Palin's Alaska has always been about showcasing Alaska through Sarah's eyes. She grew up fishing, hunting and hiking. It doesn't matter if she doesn't do as much of that anymore. She has had busy jobs. She also makes it clear when they've never done an activity before. But it's absolutely crazy to keep saying "Sarah Palin sees Alaska for the first time" because even her toughest critic knows that's not accurate. People, haters and loves alike, find this family fascinating. Why, I have no idea. They are like every family I grew up with in N Florida. It was pretty ballsy to include some of those awkward scenes some parents may not have included. Sarah doesn't show shame in her life, or she would have hidden her whole family away after 2008.

    While I have found each episode so far semi-boring, I appreciate her enthusiasm for the great outdoors and her willingness to let her family "just be."

    Alaska is a truly marvelous place on earth and if people choose not to visit solely based on one resident, I feel sorry for them.

  18. Jabber Gun or Trigger Talker8:41 AM

    She is not a good shot. Some people pride themselves on accuracy, but she shoots like she runs her mouth, with no direction but knowing that if she shoots or jabbers long enough, she'll eventually get something.

  19. igettit28:42 AM

    From any photos I've seen, the commercial part of Wasilla is one big strip mall. From what I've hear, the Palin family has enough money to take advantage of this fact.

    Need to hunt? Really, Sarah, Really?

    I'm not anti-hunting. I'm anti-big fat phony.

  20. more smoke and mirrors. the problem is not with hunting per se, sarah, it's with the unnecessary and gleeful manner in which it's acted out, and the misrepresentation of alaska as a place where EVERYONE needs to hunt to stay alive. here in maine lots of folks hunt, too, as a sport and/or as a means of storing healthy meat for their families. and there are conscientious hunters and sicko hunters as well. but the sicko hunters aren't being glorified with their own fake reality show/campaign commercial. that's the problem. as well as the seeming lack of a permit. here in maine, fish and game have more power than the police in that they can search your home without a warrant. wonder what they would find in sarah's freezer....?

  21. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Hmm, preemptive stupidity, that sounds like Sarah's style

  22. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Perhaps she can tweetpic us a photo of her hunting license.

  23. Randall8:48 AM

    mmmmmmm... wolf stew

  24. Anonymous8:48 AM

    O/T, I saw Kathy Griffin live at the VH1 Divas Salute the Troops on Friday night. She was hilarious and mentioned that Bristol was the only contestant on DWTS to gain 30 pounds a week and was the "White Precious".

    I'm sure the comments won't make tonight's airing on VH1 but one can hope!

  25. Anonymous8:49 AM

    A Palin presidency would affect the entire world, and the world is watching ... and wondering when in hell the American media will begin to do its prescribed duty. Vet Mrs. Palin, please, NOW. Take note of her ties to a secessionist organization. Take note of her fake pregnancy (pdf). Take note of her connections to dominionism and the Seven Mountain proponents. Take note of her abysmal record of raising her own children - one an unwed mother who is likely pregnant again, another a school bus vandal, another yet a house vandal. Take note of her legacy as half-term governor, where elders were abused, where indigenous people were abandoned, where the environment was sacrificed in the name of profits, where ethics and transparency were simply feel-good words and not guiding principles.

  26. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Exactly Head Doctor MD @ 8:22 am. Granted, there have been some pretty harsh attacks on SP...many warranted but some not. But our president has had an equal share levied against him and his family as well and you don't see him resort to middle school tactics because he's mature enough to know not to dignify any of it with a tweet!

  27. where is that photo from? it looks like the grim reaper is standing behind her ready to go out fake huntin', also, too.

  28. Anonymous8:55 AM

    the show makes it very clear that SP has never hunted in her life. She doesn't know how to hold a rifle or a pistol. She doesn't know how to load a rifle or a pistol and it's very evident.

    It's also extremely clear that NONE of the Palin children have ever spent any time outdoors hunting or fishing.

    Everything about this show is FAKE! just like SP.

  29. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I am lol re: we DON'T hunt cows for shoes or couches!

    The licenses or lack of hunting and fishing licenses needs to be pursued and the real controversey is Sarah Palin lied to con the nation via TLC she is a consumante huntress despite doing neither and no licenses or appropriate permits. Nor do the Palins have a halibut fishing business. Nor is Todd the Jesus of salmon fishing in AK.

    SP is entitled to lie and con people. Get the popcorn ready for she'll become more enraged by people not swallowing her bait, lying can of worms she can't squiggle out of. She has gotten herself in deep now. Stay tuned for further implosions of rage.

    I hope Olberman shares Bristol's and Willow's FB vulgarity and audio of the Bob and Mark show. Also the statement written for Bristol, one is the ral Bristol and the otehr is the fake person. Wow, an entire family of Jekyll Hyde's! A "perfect" narcissists' family!

  30. womanwithsardinecan9:00 AM

    I grew up eating wild venison and wild fish (my father bow-hunted, try that Sarah). We did not stuff animals; we ate them. I have killed animals for food and don't have a problem with that. But as others have pointed out, the gleefulness is what people object to, as well as the fakeness of pretending that Sarah is actually a hunter or fisher. And I'll bet her moose chili sucks.

  31. "From the terribly tortured Twit's twisted tweets" -- Having a "T" party, Gryph? :)

  32. Anonymous9:11 AM

    All she's doing is trying to drum up an audience for tonight's show.

    The more she tries to act defensive in her tweets, the more she is desperately hoping for good ratings. This is right along the lines of GWB's ranch/theater prop in Texas.

  33. Anonymous9:11 AM

    She is emulating her fathers bloodlust. He brags how he moved to Alaska for better hunting and killing. Remember the pic of the Heath home, filled with the stuffed carcasses and skeletons of animals he killed. Sarah might not herself hunt much, if at all, but she does have to act to please her daddy.

  34. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Most leather products in this country are obtained from the beef industry. The leather is a by-product of slaughtered cows.

    Not moose, wolves, fish, bears, etc.

    Once again, Palin, you really are dumb. But then you and your followers glorify dumb.

    By the way, did Toad graduate from anything?

  35. Anonymous9:18 AM

    If she has been hunting all these years why does her dad have to give her step by step instructions in shooting the caribou. Wouldn't she already know that.

  36. Anonymous9:19 AM


    '$arah Palin's Alaska' is not about seeing Alaska through the eyes of $arah Palin. It's a fucking eight week political ad. This show is not about Alaska, it's about promoting $arah Palin!Too much of the show is focused on her family drama. WTF does that have to do with a "nature" show? The problem is Palin is a FRAUD, and she is trying to fool people! I find her constant bitching about everything, and everyone through Facebook and Twitter ridiculous. The Palins are a "fascinating" trainwreck! If Palin doesn't like people saying mean things about her show, than maybe she should shut up, leave us alone, and get out of our faces!

  37. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I come from a family of hunters also. We were poor growing up and my gradfather brought home rabbit and deer. But in her case, it has nothing to do with conservation. She acts like all resources should be used up until they are gone. She is no conservative.

  38. FJ Dandy9:21 AM

    Just imagine all those old men, salivating while Quittypants beats the life out of onto the rill dill...killin' for fun!

    Her base will have a h*rd-on watching their queen shootin' and killin' and guttin' and skinnin'.

  39. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Palin's stupid twitter:

    "I remain proudly intolerant of anti-hunting hypocrisy."

    I remain proudly intolerent of phonies, you bitch!

  40. Yup, the family needed shoes, so it was time to go Hereford hunting. I bagged a prize specimen, dropping him with a single shot from my trusty 30-06 at three yards ...

  41. Anonymous9:25 AM

    My similar thoughts just posted on another blog ... I think I must have missed something here regarding Ms. SP and her 'Come on PETA, give me what you got' Facebook taunts. Personally, I haven't seen anything on other blogs or in the comments I've read that have brought up the PETA issue. Guess what, SP? The PETA fish don't seem to be biting your Facebook lure and apparently that's making you both crazy and impatient ... thus the multiple tweets trying to incite a verbal confrontation. Ms. SP, it's the Holiday season, big NCAA football weekend, difficult weather in much of the US and I guess nobody wants to expend the effort to care about you, you, you. As for your show, I watch Amazing Race and have found myself just following it up with Undercover Boss. I have no interest or energy to change the channel by 9 PM.

    Given that you were a couple of days late on your Hanukkah post, I'm assuming you'll be starting your family's Holiday season on this 2nd Sunday of Advent. Will be seeing pictures of ALL the Palins preparing the family Advent log and/or wreath for Christmas?

  42. Airing the slaughter of Santa’s reindeer on December 5th – priceless
    also, clueless

  43. Anonymous9:38 AM


    There needs to be a disclaimer prior to the show airing and when it returns from commercial saying: Innocent animals were killed during the making of this politically based television show. Voter discretion is advised".

  44. With in a mile of Sarah Palins home.
    Fred Meyers
    Carrs / Safeway
    Target with a grocery section
    and a few miles down the road is 3 Bears Store a small Costco type off shoot.
    Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Carls Junior,
    Arbys, McDonalds, Subway, Burger King........

  45. Do you ever wonder if Bristol is one of yur anonymous commentors?

  46. Anonymous9:50 AM

    What a psycho!

    When I first read your post, I thought you were talking about Sarahbot tweets. But this insanity is from Sarah!!!! LOL!

    Why does she desperately crave the approval of the MSM when she claims they're irrelevant?

    How embarrassing her her.

    I clicked on her twitter page, and she's desperately clinging to Ted Nugent right below those tweets. Ted, of course, is the rocker-turned Right Winger who claimed he never did drugs on tour or did anything bad, and he's revirginized just like Bristol. I saw him and his crazy wife on tv a few times. They are CERTIFIABLE. And he kills bears and eats them. Bears! What a f*cking nut. Look, we have people who cook deer meat and other things down here in Florida. That's normal. But who the f*ck goes after Smokey the Bear and eats him??? And what happens to the bear cubs after you shoot the mother? Does Willow or Bristol go into the woods and adopt them? Or does Nugent kill and eat the cubs too? YUCK!

  47. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Leather couch....So she's killing a cow?

  48. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Come to think of it, wouldn't it be funny if during one of the Alaska episodes where Sarah is pointing out the mama grizzly and her cutzy cubs to Willow,... that Ted Nugent comes into view and blows away the mother, and the blood spatters all over the cubs? I'll bet that would win over the Independent Voters Sarah needs so badly, eh?

  49. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Anon 8:40 -- Northern Florida is either cracker or LA (Lower Alabama). I'm from Pensacola, so I can say that.

  50. emrysa9:58 AM

    oh so now she's trying to say that leather shoes and leather couches come from hunters, lmao. I'm sure there are probably some very rural natives in alaska who tan their own hides, but for the most part IN THE MODERN WORLD leather is a by-product of farming. NOT hunting.

    good thing those bots are stupid!

  51. Anonymous9:59 AM

    We eat venison and have no problem with hunting for food. As many others have also stated, though, there is no joy in the killing of an animal and it should always be done with respect.

  52. "The insanity of advertising this program as a showcase for Alaska's magnificent wildlife, which then shows Palin bludgeoning it, shooting it, or chopping it into pieces, seems to have completely eluded both the producers of this television show AND Sarah Palin."

    Yeah. Kind of like the famous Turkey Pardon of 2008. She's had two years to find people who might be able to think these things through. One wonders. . .

  53. The picture seems to be Sarah Posing with a collectible rifle that is never intended to be used.

    My Dad owns two centennial rifles. They are fully opperational but he told me that if they're fired they lose their value. So even if that rifle was presented to her she would be a fool to actually use it. If that's what the picture is supposed to imply; that she hunts and his is her hunting rifle.

    How come no outrage at hunting without the proper permissions and documents? Even if she got her lackeys to issue her a permit after the fact, what about that caribou tag? How would she fudge the lottery that she didn't win?

    I can see her alienating the hunters by not being legal and alienating the non-hunters through her wanton slaughter. Yes, not only does she NOT have to hunt to put food on the table, but in so doing, she is taking food away from those that DO have to hunt for food. Sarah makes enough money to go to any local store and stock her larder.

    She does have the stupid vote locked up, though.

  54. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I watched the recent livestream video about the Inuit and climate change (Isuma TV). A good deal of it talked about the effect on hunting, etc. There were some scenes of hunting and fishing, but what struck me was how respectful the hunters were in taking a life. They honored the animal's sacrifice; they didn't glory in its death. Didn't see any stuffed trophies on the walls, but there were lots of folks *wearing* the fur from animals they'd harvested.

    I've hunted, and I don't have a problem with it if it's a quick kill, and the meat is used. If you don't want it, look into Hunters for the Hungry. They help a lot of hungry folks around here.

  55. Anonymous10:08 AM

    OT: A very good article that we should take notice.

    She Who Must Not Be Named

  56. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Scarah Palin is just trying to entice people to watch this show. She knows that without the constant tweets and controversial comments, the viewers would continue to drop.

  57. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I thought Sarah did her hunting for Taco Supremes at Taco Bell.

  58. Enjay in E MT10:12 AM

    Obviously, being in Montana - hunting & fishing are a big part of our lives. Just from seeing the previews of the "hunting show" I agree with many of the comments that it is the "giddy glee" -

    I was also surprised via the clip that she appears to shoot without a defined background - who or what could be 10 to 100+ yards behind that caribou if the shot misses? Safety safety safety !

    There should be another disclaimer that the hunt was staged and the "actors" did NOT follow standard National Hunter Safety Guidelines & Teachings. Better yet, membes of that organization should speak out!

  59. SME13110:14 AM

    I don't have an issue with people hunting, as long as they are planning to eat the meat. Sport hunting is another issue altogether. However I DO take issue with people who hunt just to pretend to be a hunter on a reality show.

    Now we know she doesn't have a hunting license so if the show makes it appear she made the kill we all need to raise hell until she is fined/jailed for hunting without a license. Or the show should have to make a public announcement that she was not hunting after all. It was all bullshit.

    She gets by with way too much and it is time the state stand up and enforce their laws. I've seen people go to jail for killing a deer to keep their family from going hungry. There is no reason the same shouldn't apply to her.

  60. EX CAT10:21 AM

    There's a Three Bears in wasilly? Wow I might have a reason to go there yet!

  61. angela10:23 AM

    Good grief. I'm not vegetarian (anymore) and I am not anti-hunting (though I'd never do it); but Palin continually underestimates who "real americans" are. And the majority of us know a bullshit artist when we see one. The bots are another species.

    Wasn't this dipstick in the lower 48 on the ONE day that caribou was hunted--wasn't she? And unless I'm mistaken she can feed her family at Taco Bell or wherever rich, low class grifters feed their kids these days. Leave the caribou for the Alaskans who really need the meat, 'cause they can't afford to go to Costco.

    Nice make-up Sarah. If she'd been wearing anymore the caribou would have seen her from five miles away.

    Hahaha---she is way past defensive on this one.

  62. WalterNeff10:33 AM

    The average age for Sarah Palin's Alaska viewers is 57. The percentage of of people who use Twitter or Facebook that are above age 55 is 15%.

    Who the hell is she talking to?

  63. Anonymous10:34 AM

    A lot of people I know were disgusted by the halibut scene where she is bashing the fish over the head with baseball BATS!!! I have conservative friends who fish who were outraged by that.

    Watch the episode. I don't think she actually connects with the halibut. They cut away before showing her bashing. All they show is her grabbing the club and flailing toward the fish - IMHO in a way that would never had connected with the fish - and they they cut away.

    I'm sure she wants us to think that she gleefully beat the fish's brains out, but I am totally convinced that she didn't do it - because of incompetence, not lack of intent.

    That's actually the worst message here - she wants us to think that she does all this stuff, she can't do it or doesn't know how.

  64. honeybabe10:37 AM

    wouldn't it be heaven to have someone go through all the inspections and rules to palin's book signing only to tell her what they think of her face to her face. man! i would pay money to see that

  65. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Where is her hunting/fishing license?!!

    Trophy hunting is repulsive ANYWHERE!

    There is NO GOOD SCIENCE that predator control works (aka shooting/trapping wolves)! Under Palin, there was a $150. bounty on wolf paws.

    Subsistence hunting is good; that should only be the 'rights' of the Native Alaskans. Depending on the numbers they should get first dibs (the people in rural AK that actually need to hunt/fish to EAT! The rest of Alaska; subsistence hunting is a 'privilege'!!!

    Only SOCIOPATHS GET OFF on killing animals or people. That is a scientifically proven FACT!

  66. Anonymous10:38 AM

    ..."I have studied and read about this lady from the time Sen. John McCain pranced her onto the political stage, and I continue to because she has never left the spotlight. She just relishes shining on her rather good-looking features.

    "If you ask me directly what I see in her persona, I'd have to say the gal is many-faceted. She is gutsy, sometimes coming on two-fisted, sure of herself in the face of being wrong at times, and I've even seen her being as cute and coy as a baby seal.

    "For now, let's not deal with politics. Instead we'll look at the lady as a wife, mother and hardy breadwinner. If you saw her on the tube last week on 'Sarah Palin's Alaska,' you will be convinced she is the good ol'-fashioned household woman who loves her brood dearly.

    "Another picture of her I saw was that this femme de la femme also has the instincts of a tomboy. You see her vigorously cleaning freshly caught fish, then taking a rifle in hand and aiming at a wild animal she expects to bring down. Now some animal lovers and anti-gun folks might denounce this in loud voices, but you must remember, this is Alaska and hunting for game that winds up on a dinner table is a way of life. Up there it's not, 'Let's go buy steak for dinner.' Rather, it's: 'Get your rifle off the rack and shoot me some fresh meat.'

    "So, we have here a lady, with her smile and brunette haystack pompadour, who waltzed out of her job as governor of Alaska and is now flirting with a higher office. Like only the highest office in the land, for heaven's sake.

    ..."But, folks, like in all accolades to a person, there is always that BUT. And here it is:

    "So often has the Lady Palin made faux pas in political venues that I wonder if she's in the right ballpark (or rather, profession). Like only last week she mistook North Korea for South Korea. Not good.

    "It's in those very moments that I have a clear picture of Presidents FDR, Harry Truman, Ronald Reagan, Ike and JFK sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office. And, I ask myself, "Sarah Palin in that same seat?" Can't possibly imagine that.

    "Yes, folks, she is a nice lady, but she must feel more at home while cleaning fish, shooting live game and caring for her family.

    "From my study, her living in the White House would not be good for her. And, for that matter, it wouldn't be good for us, the American people, either."

  67. Anonymous10:39 AM

    @ Anonymous 10:08, thanks for that tip. I was particularly impressed with the comments; I tabbed the Readers Recommendations to get a sense of how the comments are viewed by other readers.

    When she first appeared, at the Convention, I was so taken with the story line, though taken ABACK by her manner. Within two weeks, my mind was made up.

    Still and yet, she has that charisma. I guess this is a "What might have been?" thought: If she had taken that power she has to magnetize attention and actually been the voice for those she proports to speak for, so much suffering might have been alleviated.

    That she is a hollow clanging cymbal is now on view to the whole world.

    A pity.

  68. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Is that the gun she had under her bed in a box. the one asked Levi to show her how to shoot it?

  69. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Someone has a misunderstanding and it is not me.

    Note to TV producers, wannabee starz and twittertwats-where I live most people do eat meat. I really like a good steak. Pulled pork also too. I have some leather boots and shoes. I watch Keith and Rachael sitting in a really comfortable leather chair.

    Firearms in my house are not used to harvest ribeyes,shoes or furniture. I don't feel guilty or weak because of that. Not less American than some either. My friends tell me the same. We know fake when we see it- and it's not us!
    We in most of rill 'Murrica buy those things in stores. It is easier, and safer.

    Especially it is safer in the subdivisions not to have everyone out shooting dinner at the same time. The same subdivisions where Sarah's book buyers live and go to church. How many moms have time to hunt for their kids back to school shoes with a gun? The tanning might be time consuming and smelly too.

    When you hunt cows for your Naughty Monkey Pumps (Double Dare Fireengine Red Large Buckle 3 and a half inch heel) how many pairs of shoes does Todd make per cow?

    Where I live the people that hunt and shoot cows (pigs and chickens too) are called vandals by the police. The farmers don't like them so much either.

    Now about some food issues that I've been noticing:
    Our food we do cook ourselves when we bring it home from the store. Both in my house and many of the neighboring houses, cities and towns. I hear that many farmers do cook their food from a grocery store also too. Not too many cow farmers hunt their own cows to put food on their families.

    We have a nice big organic garden to grow vegetables. It is really fun and good food too. The 'taters and carrots last almost until spring. Beans and corn are sometimes frozen to eat later. The 'maters are frozen and make really good salsa, soups and sauces.

    I see they grow really nice vegetables sometimes in Alaska. Will your vegetable gardens be on a future tv show? They must be hidden from view fairly well as I haven't even caught a glimpse yet. There must be plenty of gardening time since not much time is spent on residential landscaping and flower growing. Is your garden organic? Macrobiotic? Herbicide resistant for less work and better sponsorship opportunities? We can't wait to see your garden.

    I have some doubts also about your cooking skills too- so I am eagerly waiting for the episode where you show us your skills with that. What has been shown so far only makes me think that you can't cook very well. Yolks versus whites is kind of an important detail sometimes. Bread raising does not mean bringing the frozen bread up from the freezer. Show us how you roll in the kitchen.

    Meanwhile down here (in rill lower 48 'Murrica) we still have stores and money. (But thanks to some previous Republicans we have less of that).

    So those of us in rill 'Murrica will continue to eat meat and wear shoes bought in stores.
    It is a lot less trouble. The people in the stores have rill jobs also too supported by all this buying instead of shooting.

    If the Palin family has to buy something they can't kill or make- how does it get to their house by the lake? Dogsled? Snowmachine? Airdrop? Maybe UPS or FedEx in a truck that drives up to the door? If no one is home can they leave it down the block at the Best Western? Maybe this will also be on a future tv show episode too.

    Still watching and waiting for the best episode in my leather chair.

  70. Anonymous10:47 AM

    All I can say to the hypocritcal bitch is how about taking your own advice.

    Save your condemnation for every subject that you stick you nose into that does not concern you.

    How dare you tell people what to do sitting on your effing throne passing judgement on anyone who disagrees with you and then taking offense when people have enough of your shit.

    I swear if this idiot every had the guts to say this stuff in public someone would kick her ass up and down the street.

    I'd pay to see that show!

  71. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Look, she's tweeting to plug the show. She invented the "controversy" just to boost her ratiings. Fraud, pig, scum of the earth. Yeah, I'm talking to you, you sickness incarnate. Melly

  72. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Republicans fear their base's GILF fetish may cost them in 2012.

  73. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Anon @ 8:40 am: "It's hypocritical to be only against hunting in the US yet not condemn other cultures traditions."

    Whales. Japan. You're so thinly disguised it's laughable. I'm telling you, the controversy is being invented, today, by Palin, with 4 tweets and counting, to BOOST HER RATINGS. The rest of what she says beyond raising a controversy in itself, means nothing.

  74. Anonymous10:59 AM

    If Trig needs a new pair of shoes, what would Sarah do? Well it depends on the situation.

    1. If there was a Discovery or TLC crew around her house, Sarah would put on her camo gear and her Rambo headband and stalk a baby calf, kill it and gut it live for the cameras and make a pair of shoes for Trig.

    2. If nobody is around, Sarah would holler out to Bristol to go get her fatherless son Trig a pair of shoes at the shoe store and bring her back a taco wrap and a diet Dr. Pepper.

  75. a couple funny comments got through sarah's f-book page:

    ("Tonight's hunting episode of Sarah Palin's Alaska "controversial"?
    Really? Unless you've never worn leather shoes, sat upon a leather couch or eaten a piece of meat, save your condemnation of tonight's episode. I remain proudly intolerant of anti-hunting hypocrisy. :) )

    "Animals have rights too!"

    "I don't like hunting but if it is done for food and used, then I guess thats fine; but too many animals are killed just for "trophy". One thing I don't like is the aerial killing of wolves and the poisening of them; this is insane and barbaric."

    "That's only one thing you're proudly intolerant of. What else?"

    and my new favorite:
    "Wow it's nice of facebook to have a group like this so you can find all the imbecile's at once. It's like a moron directory!"

  76. Anonymous11:05 AM

    If Sarah comes on the show and says when she was young her daddy first introduced Sarah to basketball by killing a moose and making her a basketball from the skin and that's how Sarah the Barracuda was born, I'm going to call bullshit on her.

  77. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I guess, as a Alaskan, I can say truthfully that hunting season dictates hunting rather than larder requirements. And, the hunting is carefully planned with all parts of the moose used or given away. But that is in Fairbanks. Wasilla is not the same. She is just showing off. Why would you beat a fish you were going to eat? Wouldnt that damage the meat? While my husband hunts, I am a vegetarian.
    Why does Sarah like to hurt things?

  78. Anonymous11:24 AM

    BOYCOTT HER SHOW and send a clear message to the media that interest in this trainwreck is steadily declining. Only then will they stop trying to cash in on her "celebrity" and will instead see her as a detriment to their brand.

    Everything she does and says is in reaction to reality. Remember awhile back when people said Sarah didn't hunt then the first interview Bristol does on the tonight show she says her mom's hunting. Now Sarah thinks she's proving to the world that she's right but it's all backfiring on her like everything else she does.

    Just like the camping episode with Kate when Palin said people in the lower 48don't know what it's like to live in the wilderness. WTF? She's got 2 large homes, a private plane, has earned millions by being crazy and has her own Fox studio. Who is going to believe she lives in the wild, when her bumpit remains intact in almost every scene she shoots?

  79. A comment on FB says it all:
    Someone just posted elsewhere: "I could eat alphabet soup and shit a more intelligent argument than Sarah Palin!"

    And anon 8:48 who said:Perhaps she can tweetpic us a photo of her hunting license.

    She will show it to us when the ink is dry. She probably just had it issued.

  80. Anonymous11:36 AM

    When will people realize that Sarah Palin is NOT a Politician, anymore than I am, and has zero credible, sustainable credentials...She's simply developed herself into a "CELEBRITY WITH ATTITUDE" Money is good now but predictably not long lived...Enter the children. She may be smart in this regard but it's pretty sad!

  81. Laprofessora, in answer to your question of how many grocery stores are located within a 5 mile radius of Palin's home: 4. We have a WalMart, Target, Fred Meyer and Carrs/Safeway. There are also 2 specialty grocery shops; a European Grocery and Asian Grocery. A bit further down the Palmer-Wasilla Highway there is Mat Valley Meats and a Three Bears Warehouse Store (Costco Reseller). 13 Miles away in Palmer there is another Fred Meyer and Carrs/Safeway.

    So, as you can see there are plenty of options for stocking one's freezer without resorting to wild game. If one has a taste for wild Alaskan game there are two processors, Indian Valley Meats and Alaska Sausage, that are located in or near Anchorage. These companies offer a wide selection of packaged Alaskan game and fish. One need never get blood under one's fingernails to even enjoy the best wild caught food that Alaska has to offer.

  82. just saw this on twitter

    Dear Sarah, I created all creatures - they are a resource to be used respectfully not for joyful slaughter, propaganda or "unreal" tv show

  83. Anonymous11:55 AM

    OK, I am also one who gets the fact that I have the luxury of not actually knowing how my beef gets to my supermarket, or how my purse was made, etc. I have commented on this to family and friends, and have said that if I did watch the films on these topics I would probably become a vegetarian/vegan purist! I choose to be somewhat blissfully ignorant of the particulars. I can understand why some might call someone like me a hypocrite, I suppose, but it's not like I don't recognize the contradiction. My squeamishness vs. my own consumption, in other words.

    What so many are pointing out, however, is the marked appetite, for lack of a better term, that Ms. Palin demonstrates while she engages in these activities. It's just unseemly. I respect people's right to enjoy hunting and fishing, particularly if they do it in the proper spirit and with the full understanding of nature's cycles and our place in all of it.

    I don't understand, however, what looks more like gratuitous brutality in an effort to bolster her machismo credentials - as well as those of her husband ;-). What she underestimates, also, is that these kinds of images can really haunt a person. Just the story about Mitt Romney letting his dog vomit from a carrier on his car roof was hard to take, and may very well get resurrected when he runs again. This kind of thing makes people uncomfortable and makes people wonder about a person's heart and compassion, or lack thereof.

    If Sarah were a REAL sportswoman, who truly spent lots of time through the years following and participating in these various hunting seasons, then fine. But that's just the final straw, isn't it? She isn't a REAL sportswoman.

    SHE is the hypocrite. SHE is simply PROJECTING onto her critics, once again. It's both predictable and textbook. Nice try, Sarah.

    This footage will haunt you and now you are realizing it.

  84. I'm not against hunting as a means of food gathering. If a person hunts deer and he uses the meat for food, the skin for clothing, then who am I to judge?

    But when I see the stuffed bear on that woman's couch or mounted animal trophy heads, I have to wonder "what's the point?"

    Also, shooting animals from a helicopter doesn't count as hunting, Sarah. I'm fairly certain that's cheating.

  85. Anonymous12:02 PM

    It's like Nicolle Wallace said: Sarah will dig her own grave with the things she says. It is becoming clear to even the people who don't pay much attention how thinskinned she is. We already know how many things she's so intolerant of she has to go off on a Facebook Twitter rant.

  86. Betsy S12:03 PM

    Hey Gryph, check out the new National Enquirer! SP on the cover accused of cheating about Bristol's votes on DWTS, + Willow's homophobic snark on Facebook is a
    copy of her mother's language....

  87. Anonymous12:04 PM

    8:12 AM, is correct.

  88. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I think you have been set up. Sarah is the one trying to make this episode controversial by sending out those tweets, and in turn attract more viewers. I see it as a desperate act on her behalf with the end intent being an increase in viewers this week. Her reality show is bombing and she is is once again screaming "look at me".

  89. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Anon@8:22 AM, Belly laughter.

  90. Anonymous12:09 PM

    The great irony here is that if Sarah doesn't appear to be an authentic participant/expert in any of these activities, the very vote she is trying to court will see right through her.

    She is such a foolish person.

  91. The problem is that only a handful of people hunt for "sustenance".

    In order to hunt there are a number of expenses, proper vehicle, licence, tags, rifle, ammunition, clothing, fuel, your time and a large freezer to keep it all in.

    Not many hunters know how to butcher their game properly if at all.

    The average weight of a moose is 1,200 pounds!!

    That is a daunting task for a professorial butcher to take on at a single setting.

    Regardless, you must pay to have it hung in cold storage until it is able to be butchered.

    The cost of having game butchered is prohibitive.

    When all is said and done, if you were going to keep such large amounts of meat on hand it IS cheaper to buy it at COSTCO, or in bulk from your local butcher.

    The reason people hunt is because they ENJOY it, they call it a "sport".

    The problem with ALL of this is that these same people ENJOY killing the animals.

    Think about that for a minute.

    They enjoy killing the animals.

    Every time a person ENJOYS killing any living thing, a part of THEM dies too.

    It is the most dehumanizing endeavor that I can think of.

    There is a particular term "kill crazy", for those who just cannot get enough of killing these animals.

    They develop a true blood lust for killing.

    On the other hand there are a VERY FEW hunters and trappers who respect, even revere the animals, appreciate that they give their lives for human nourishment, warmth and livelihood.

    They never over-hunt a species/area, never allow a species to over-breed to the determent of the animals.

    They practice good management.

    They respect/revere, appreciate, and truly care for the animals, their habitat and of course other humans.

    Unfortunately these hunter/trappers are DAMN few and DAMN rare.

    We KNOW what category the Palins fall into.

    They take pleasure out of whatever they may do to become more wealthy and famous, even if it evolves killing.

  92. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Be happy that Ms. Palin spouts off and we hear about it, abeit over and over again. She could have used other tactics that would have legitimized her but she prefers to believe that everything that comes out of her mouth is doctrine and, those that write for her are pushing very agressive trial balloons, such as challenging belief systems in politics. Why anyone would actually believe that she could write a 5 paragraph essay on anything is beyond me. I write professionally and there is no way that she could suddenly come up with these topics much less write succinctly about them.

  93. Charles Blow blows off Palin:
    So left-leaning blogs like The Huffington Post plaster pictures of her and her family all over their sites with entries about her latest gaffe or sideswipe. But she’s barely mentioned on popular conservative blogs.

    Maybe its time to call C4P, DSOC4P: Diminishing Supply of Conservatives for Palin!

  94. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Am I the only Alaskan that doesnt understand why she has no bug bites?

  95. BTW, did she or any of the "hunters" have proper licences with tags (in advance) for the game and was what they were hunting in season when they were "hunting"?

  96. Anonymous12:23 PM

    10:39--you make a great point that people often forget. SP has a great gift for connecting with people that could have been used in a positive way. Instead she chose to use her natural talents to advance herself at the expense of others and the best interests of the country. History is going to judge her very harshly for this. She's going to be one of the great villains of this time in American history. Sometimes I wonder if she knows this, or if she does, if she has enough conscience left to care.

  97. Anonymous12:32 PM

    She wants PETA to make a stink so she can be a victim again and to get more publicity.

    Has there been any talk about her show really at all?

  98. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Can everyone who regularly reads this board agree not to watch tonight? We know what it will be, the same old crap. She's stirring the pot to get viewers. Don't take the bait!

  99. Facebook Lurker12:41 PM

    He, he, the Bristol Sheeran personal facebook page has been deleted...maybe I had something to do with it??

    See my entry under the Bristol RAM Margaret Cho post from yesterday.

  100. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I know that this wont get published... Sister Sarah is our salvation. While I do not agree with everything she says, I give it consideration when she says it. The upper crust of society is not familiar ground. Sarah's extreme views are not extreme to me. People say that she is racist. I say that she is honest. I wish she would be more racist because she speaks only the truth. How could she not, she is one of us.

  101. Anonymous12:46 PM

    That is a good question, who criticized her show? Did anybody? Or is this her usual way of bringing attention to herself. Just like the Hater's. Were there really haters, or is this her way of bringing attention to herself, also, too?

  102. Anonymous12:47 PM

    She makes it sound like everybody has the opportunity to rush out and shoot a caribou. She must remember that normal people would have to have a permit, but not Sarah. Is anybody going to persue the fact that she may not have the right credentials to even be hunting?

  103. Anonymoose12:53 PM

    Wow, I have to agree with her for once. It is hypocritical to cry and show outrage over hunting and the treatment of animals if you eat meat and consume other animal products. If you find something morally abhorrent, why pay someone else to do those same actions for you? How is it any better? And stopping the killing of animals from being shown on television will not stop the killing and suffering of animals. The only way you can make change is by not spending your money on meat at the supermarket (which btw most likely comes from factory farms, which are much more inhumane than hunting). It's simple supply and demand, if you will pay to eat it, someone will kill it. If Sarah Palin's callous treatment of halibut and whatever animals she slaughters tonight manages to convert one person to vegetarianism/veganism, or makes many people consider it, then this is a good thing. People like her will hunt animals whether we are watching or not. If we censor what we find disturbing, we will never change the world. If killing animals upsets you, you can close your eyes but it won't make it go away. And don't give me that crap about you can't be healthy unless you eat meat, have you looked at America/UK/Australia lately?? Obese yet malnourished.

  104. Anonymous1:01 PM

    the only one screaming for a controversy is her. all she knows are ways to try and get attention to herself.

  105. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I couldn't get out of Wasilla fast enough. The fact a guy cleaning his rifle in the apartment upstairs managed to shoot a 6-inch hole in my kitchen ceiling didn't help either. Fortunately, my son and I left shortly beforehand.

    There are idiot hunters and fishermen in Alaska just like any other state. I've commercial fished in Homer - didn't club them, shot them with a small .22. Painless and simple and didn't throwing their beating hearts overboard either.

    SP has a definite older white-men audience - yep, with h*ard-ons evertime she's on the tube. Embarrassingly enough, my father is one of them. All other admirers are embarrassing stupid. Do I know these people? Unfortunately, yes. They're from Wasilla and they PRIDE themselves on not needing no stinkin' education.

    SP is a person you grow to love to hate. She verifies my former life in Alaska and why I left. To that, I say 'thank you Sarah!'

  106. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Someone was asking about what was in her freezer. How about Elfin-Eared Trig and Tawd's balls?

  107. I was thinking that it would be like if Dr. G, on her autopsy show, giggled and laughed about her latest cases, and showed the brains and guts and stuff and said "Oh, isn't this neat? See how cool that is? Isn't it cool how the blood drains out of the bodies once I hack open the chest?"

    But no, Dr. G is incredibly respectful of the families and the dead she works on.

    Sarah is a sick person. She LOVES showing off that she LOVES killing things. That is not normal. Where has she shown respect for the animals she (pretends she is) killing?

  108. Anon 8:48am - Kathy Griffin: "...Bristol was the only contestant on DWTS to gain 30 pounds a week and was the "White Precious"."

    Oh, my! If this is anything more than Kathy Griffin being outrageous or alluding to Bistol as single, uneducated, and pregnant, it's quite disturbing.

    Griffin - Did you see Precious? Have you talked to Kathy Griffin recently?

  109. Anonymous1:11 PM

    HEY! I eat meat. So, of course, I watch reality TV programs about slaughter houses.

    Right? Nope!

    Sarah Palin doesn't know squat about firearms or the tracking of animals. Her self-portrait as hunter is laughable. So, busy, insignificant, stupid Sarah has to create a distraction. Get the focus on the "controversy" so her pathetic attention seeking behavior will be forgotten.

    NEVER let Sarah frame the conversation. She is a sociopath. She lives to distract the unwary and chortles with glee whenever someone takes her bait.

    Millions of people know Sarah Palin faked a pregnancy. Sarah has to work overtime to distract them all.

  110. Anonymous1:11 PM

    sure, there was a little bit of talk about her show - someone posted on FB that it failed. Then Bristle and Pillow duked it out on FB with profanity and slander.

    That's about it. The only people trashing AK are the Palins. We 'haters' don't watch trash TV. Hence, EPIC FAILURE and Stupid has to resort to "a made up controversy" to beg people to tune in.

  111. Anonymous1:13 PM

    @12:53 PM

    SOCIOPATHS enjoy killing. Normal hunters don't try to get their game to suffer (unless they are sick in the head), they go for the "Kill Shot"...When you get Halibut that doesn't die the first few times with a whack to the head, you put a bullet in it's brain.
    THE HUMANE PEOPLE/HUNTERS put the animal down as quickly as possible for so many reasons. One: Because it's HUMANE. Two: Adrenaline sours the meat...Three: GO AWAY TROLL/RAM!

  112. Anonymous1:14 PM

    the make up of a person can be defined by how he/she treats others and those below him/her (animals). While I do not contest hunting, I am creeped out by her behavior because it is out of line with the concept of hunting. Too much anger and resentment. Too much hate.

  113. Anonymous1:15 PM

    anyone that has looked at the show saw SP's fake long fingernails and fake hair bumpit knows that she doesn't hunt or fish and has never loaded a rifle. She is too transparent.

    I would even dare to say that the only thing she ever learned how to do from Chuck can not be voiced in mixed public.

  114. Anonymous1:17 PM

    "Controversial" Sarah Palin's Alaska hunting episode tonight? Really?

    This is obviously Sarah responding to something. I did a quick search to find out what, but could find nothing that this statement is relevant to.
    Does anyone else know what this is about?

    But I did find some other really interesting stuff.
    Here's Ted Nugent addressing his "fellow Americans who like to eat and breed(?)":

  115. Anonymous1:20 PM

    If this were my family relative, I'd ask them to seek professional help immediately. If someone I cared about were constantly waging a war of words with people who had no significance in their lives, I'd be advising them to "let it go".

    She's the one who gets paid thousands upon thousands of dollars per episode to be able to say she loves hunting, yet she's INTOLERANT of viewers with another opinion?

  116. Anonymous1:29 PM

    @12:45 PM

    You want more racist? I'm sure Sarah Palin will oblige.

    But that is not the limit of Sarah Palin's mental stability. She eventually will turn on even you, little faithful one.

  117. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Ahhh $arah you really do not know the electorate , the only thing I have to add to this discussion is (so many great things have been said already)

    Thats what comes to my mind when she begins blathering about hunting.

  118. Anonymous1:31 PM

    A while back, I signed a petition online stating that I would not patronize advertisers who sponsor SPA. Since I don't watch it, can anybody tell us who those advertisers are, so we can be sure not to patronize them, and tell them why?

  119. linda1:33 PM

    anonymous @ 9:11 -- i agree. she WANTS everything she does to be "controversial" so her name is mentioned. she is stupid like a fox in my opinion. she knows that there are many people who will disagree w/ her hunting animals and bludgeoning fish. it's calculated. and these tweets are just to gin up interest in the show. people will watch if they think it's "controversial."

  120. Anonymous1:38 PM

    WikiLeaks Attempts to Expose Palin's Thoughts, Finds Nothing

    That's the bombshell from fugitive founder Julian Assange, who said that after months of hacking former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's brain, WikiLeaks has come up empty.

    "I challenge the best hackers in the business to have a look inside," he said, speaking from an undisclosed location. "There's nothing there."

    Mr. Assange, still on the run from authorities, said that once his team of hackers gained access to Gov. Palin's brain, "What little we found there was so encrypted it bore no resemblance to any recognizable language."

  121. Anonymous1:39 PM

    In the ongoing drama that is Sarah Palin’s political reality show, score this past week “Blue bloods 3, Palin zip.”

  122. As far as hitting fish in the head, that is also done with salmon here. You knock it in the head to kill it quickly. With halibut, considering how large they can be, if you don't kill it BEFORE you get it into your boat, it could cause a lot of damage, to both boat and human. If the fish is huge, hell, they'll shoot the damn thing in the head with a gun! The bat won't do the job.

    That's the reality, but do people want to watch that? I do not think so. And I think they want to see Palin doing it even less. Never in all of my LIFE did I expect another human being to have such a negative affect on my psyche as this woman does. I'm on the verge of needing therapy for it.

  123. More of the same... she is ginning up her slavering minions with phony self-righteous indignation over something that is not even real. The reality challenged folks at c4p lap it up.

  124. Anonymous1:48 PM

    We all know what Sarah Palin is doing here. It's what she's always done: pretending to be something she thinks other people will admire and revere. Sarah Palin knows that her real self is woefully unremarkable...looking, acting, thinking, etc. So she puts on a mask of the red hot huntin' mama. That's what she thinks the people want (and, there are just enough people who DO want that to keep her at it.)

    She pretended to be an athlete and a musician in school. She pretended to be a college student. She pretended to be a "fish out of water, but aint she pretty" beauty queen. She teased and tweaked and stuffed, and dyed, and faked everything to become a "hot mama" mayor" and then the "hottest governor."

    She faked motherhood (in more ways than one), faked fidelity, faked knowledge, faked sincerity, and faked Christianity.

    She's really an empty shell. I'd find her to be only pathetic if she didn't stick her nose in national affairs. As it stands, she's dangerous.

    Luckily, like all phonies, she will eventually implode. Let's try our best to bring that on sooner rather than later.

  125. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Oh Palins, F@ck off!

  126. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Not surprising that Sarah would use any opportunity to shovel crap. Sarah is very insecure and does the “smarmy teenage” cutdowns in attempt to make herself feel better. I feel sorry for Bristol, but her recent Facebook rant shows either Mama is rubbing off on her, the stress of being a Palin is getting to her, or she’s “got the genes”. Usually smarminess goes away by age 20 (often by 15 or 16). Sarah’s too old to change – she’ll always be a vindictive snipe. She has a nice smile, but it’s starting to look painted on (vacant eyes). With every catty statement, she seems closer to the edge of the rainbow – no politician has EVER disrespected so many people, especially not those in their own political party.

  127. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I'm with some of the other commenters here, who in the media (or anywhere else) criticized anything about tonight's daffy little show? Is it even on anyone's radar anymore?

    Gosh, Sarah's starting to act like a less smart version of Jenna from '30 Rock.' I'll bet she goes to stores, stands in the middle of the floor and screams "I better hurry and get my shopping done before someone recognizes me!"

  128. angela1:58 PM

    Now that I think about it, she's making this all up again. The only thing anyone ever said about Sarah's show is it is a fail, cause she's a phony. That's the totality. Palin and her show are phony. And now she's ginning up controversy where it doesn't exist. Everyone knows she'd disappear if she wasn't fighting with someone or something. She must be desperate.

    Anyone who watches this tripe is only putting money in her pocket. Gryphen gets heartburn so we don't have to watch her. Sorry Gryphen. I guess you don't get Workman's Comp for this.

  129. Enjay in E MT2:02 PM

    To be honest, in many parts of the country hunting has become an elitist sport with the cost of tags, travel, supplies, "guides" to private hunting clubs owning or controlling huge blocks of land (Buckmasters).

    My husband hunts pheasant, deer, elk and antelope. More often than not, he comes home with great pictures, not meat. He enjoys the time outdoors with nature, walking and taking in the scenery. The meat is not a necessity for our survival - but is not wasted either.

    Hunting is a valid method of wild animal management. A majority of hunters I've known are NOT like the ones shown TV - on "The Hunting Channel" or what SP will depict on her show. A staged excited first time thrill killer.

    And I have NO intention of watching her show. Haven't done it yet, and won't waste MY time with HER propoganda.

  130. Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "Somebody is AWFULLY defensive about tonight's epis...":

    I think you have been set up. Sarah is the one trying to make this episode controversial by sending out those tweets, and in turn attract more viewers. I see it as a desperate act on her behalf with the end intent being an increase in viewers this week. Her reality show is bombing and she is is once again screaming "look at me".

    So true and bears repeating.

    Since her #'s tanked after the first program, she IS indeed more desperate than usual for higher ratings.

    They probably planned this segment to air, when the viewer-ship took a downturn, while they were in preproduction.

  131. Anonymous2:07 PM

    where to start?
    1-sarah's program is on tlc-check the listings of their programs. don't think they are known for their hunting episodes.
    2- only 20% of people hunt in alaska, i have no problem with subsistence hunting. natives depend on this.
    3-sarah as gov. had a hand in appointing members to the alaska board of game that were unqualified. they increased predator control management. that meant the systematic killing of hundreds of animals-bears, wolves. hunting from aircraft, trapping , snaring, the gassing in dens.
    we are a large state with a small population. a lot of hunting here is for pure sport. the thrill of the kill, the trophy and story to tell your friends about. these hunters don't care about the meat as much as they do the trophy hide. it is a big business.
    4-the disgusting part now, is that sarah is getting paid to do this for entertainment on tlc. my question is this- do most hunters get a french manicure before they get blood under their nails.

  132. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Sarah speaks for all of us white guys who are not racist but are sick and tired of being fucked by affirmative action, big brother government, and heretical leaders who really have inherited their positions through blue-blooded patronage. and, if I hear another drunk driving story involving an illegal I mean what the hell folks? Boys and Girls, please, do not even start spouting your intelligentsia about gay rights. I could vomit.

  133. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I would not watch her show and giver her anymore than she deserves, which is nothing.

  134. loveandknishesfrombrooklyn2:08 PM

    My, her tweets are sounding a little more paranoid, disconnected and jumpy lately, no? I thought they were hammered out by some of the online residents of the Palinville Asylum before I read the post. I suspect that if someone sneaked up behind SP and lightly tapped her on the shoulder, she'd jump 50 feet in the air. Could the hoped-for public meltdown be far off?

  135. Anonymous2:13 PM

    " Ron said...
    Charles Blow blows off Palin:
    So left-leaning blogs like The Huffington Post plaster pictures of her and her family all over their sites with entries about her latest gaffe or sideswipe. But she’s barely mentioned on popular conservative blogs.
    12:19 PM"

    Of course they aren't going to talk about her, but
    you bet your a$$ they'll vote for her. That is why
    liberals won't shut up--she has to be exposed &
    exposed & overexposed & made irrelevant.

    Tina Fey made her a laughingstock (using silly's
    own words!) & helped McCain lose, that is what
    we need to do every day. Mock her, torment her,
    you know it kills her that she isn't respected. She
    doesn't know she is a sleaze, she thinks the people
    who don't like her are the sleazes, but she cares
    what we, the sleazes, think, of her if she didn't
    care, she'd go away.

  136. annymoose says don't complain about other people doing your killing? If you find something abhorant, why have someonelse do it? I agree, now get your ass in the Marines and quit waving flags like a limp,impotent,lonely palin man. Unless you want to be a wasilla killer like palins pals, in that case,just go to leneanworth and save us some time.
    Good Hunting to YOU. Eddie Burk is coming back to Wasilla for some hunting too. What game do you think he will be after?

  137. Aussie Blue Sky2:20 PM

    Bekki, you really need to stop writing your sarcastic "Really?" every time you pretend to be really your boss or her mini-me. It really shows the reader - upfront - that it's really YOU and not really your boss or whatsherface.

    You're stale and predictable and you need to add some variety to your ghost-writing. Perhaps your boss will give you a holiday break from those flame wars you're always starting; you can use it to brush up.

  138. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Anony: Who cares if Sarah remains proudly anti-hunting.

    I remain proudly anti-Palin.

  139. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Unless a household is part of the Nielsen Rating network, TLC doesn't know we are watching. No worries.

  140. She is not worth the powder to blow her to hell! She just acts the fool to make money.

    Everything about her is phony with the ultimate goal of making fools think one of them can be President.

    The half Governor will keep revving up the people for the R's and at the last minute beg out saying regrettably she has to take care of her family. She is tits on a bull!

  141. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Palin’s pro-hunting posts began on Friday when she urged fans to tune in to “see how we fill our freezers and feed our families with home-grown tundra-roaming Alaskan wild game. We'll show you how Alaskans hunt. As my friend Sue says, ‘the tundra is the type of landscape that will make a man out of anybody.’ And, PETA...” she wrote on Facebook.

    In a preview of tonight’s episode the 2008 vice presidential nominee explains “in many remotes areas of Alaska there’s no grocery store nearby. It’s 4 or 500 miles away. We’re down to just five moose packages, three caribou packages... It’s time to get out there and go caribou huntin’.”

    Palin seems to relish not just the hunt itself, but the political language surrounding it. Her books are loaded with references to “organic sources of protein,” which is a long way of saying say “wild animal meat.” And while she alludes to the idea that the show is somehow controversial, it doesn’t seem that there has been a giant public outcry. Palin seems eager to pick a fight here, even if no one is fighting back.

  142. angela2:37 PM

    Look everybody-- Anon 2:08 (the first one) thinks Sarah speaks for him.

    Enough said . . . . .

  143. Anonymous2:39 PM

    anon@2:08. Another loser blaming everyone else for his failures.

  144. Anonymous2:43 PM

    It seems that they let her have her "tweet machine" on Sundays, ever notice?

    Is it a coincidence, or is RAM off on the Lord's Day? Sarah sure isn't.

  145. Native Americans (one might call them "real" Americans) understood the sanctity of life and the immense onus on them to respect the animals they killed to eat and live.

    Their way of life was bound in ritual and honor and a deep understanding of what it meant to take the life of an animal. They let no part go to waste.

    Instead, we see the hickster Palins trying to prove their pro-war prowess by slaying or slaughtering or bludgeoning or butchering a fish or an animal. No incense. No respect. No sense of reciprocity. No thanking the animal for the life it gave in face of overpowering odds.

    I eat meat on occasion, but a day does not go by that I fail to intone, "All life is one, everything that lives is holy: plants, animals and men. All must eat to live and nourish one another. Let us bless the lives that have died to give us our food, and let us resolve by our work to pay the debt of our existence."

  146. Anonymous2:47 PM

    From Willow's homophobic Facebook rant to Sarah's confusing and misspelled political "notes" to Bristol's counterattacks on Keith Olberman and Margaret Cho, the Palin family can't resist the siren song of Facebook, the preferred venue of passive aggressive jerks. Ladies: stop.

    Appealing to Facebook when you have a beef with someone is just about the least direct and constructive way to advance dialogue. It's snotty and shields you from direct counterattack, and thus it's the perfect venue for Sarah Palin and her ilk to not-communicate with the people whom they feel have wronged them. Responding to adversity by posting something on Facebook is like being angry with a coworker and rather than directly discussing an issue with them, at their desk, face to face, you email the entire office. Or, like, email an entirely different department and sit back in your desk, crossing your arms across your chest, satisfied with a job well done.

    Quite frankly, it's all starting to get embarrassing. I'm actually embarrassed on behalf of the Palins, those social media-misunderstanding rubes, like how I'm embarrassed for a growing segment of the population that doesn't seem to understand that Facebook isn't appropriate for airing most of your personal problems and expecting to get some kind of karmic satisfaction.

    Read more:

  147. Anonymous2:48 PM

    anon @2:08

    Anyone that starts a whine with "us white guys that aren't racist" is a complete dick. Yeah, you're no racist. You're an anyone-but-me-ist which actually makes you worse than a simple minded racist. I hate to tell you but your girl Sarah benefited from affirmative action laws...she just won't acknowledge it . Those laws also allowed women to get a seat at the table. It was jackass white guys like you that bitched and moaned when women started entering the workforce. And don't even try and deny it---I was there, I heard it, I saw it.

    So fuck you sir very much. Your days are numbered and you can't stand it. You use a shake-your-ass and wink-at-me phony like Palin to help you still sprout that manly rod. She validates your ignorance and her show showcases it for you. Well prepare yourself to be taken down by all of us that were made to stand on the sidelines so your ego could be soothed.

    I'll not sit back and watch decades to civil rights be trashed by the likes of Palin or her ignorant white guy followers. Those elitists you bitch about, those bluebloods you whine about? Those were some of the founding fathers. You'll not be allowed to rewrite history nor will Palin be allowed to either. So spare me your platitudes and your faux concerns. Maybe you should gather up your rag tag tribe of Palinites and go huddle around Sarah's compound.

  148. aj weishar2:52 PM

    Did she ever get a hunting license and tags if required?
    Palin needs to join another "for the kill of it" hunter, Dick Cheney, on a reality hunting trip.

  149. Facebook Lurker - Bristol's FB page is still there. However, You may have had something to do with her changing the privacy settings to stop normal searches for her name. It also sounds like she defriended you. Congrats!

  150. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Not wanting someone to be president "because they perceive her as inferior in intellect and social and political standing" isn't snobbery, it's damn sensical. This whole notion that my uncle or my neighbor or my plumber is somehow qualified to be president simply because they "love" America is pure bullshit, dangerous and stupid bullshit.

    People are leaders for a reason. They work hard and they get into good schools and they gain experiences and wisdom and people vote for them for a reason. It's because they're smart, charismatic, savvy, and hopefully because they have a good heart and they want to make the world a better place. These people are rare. They are SO rare.

    Palin needs to learn that just because she wants something doesn't mean she gets to have it. It's like she wants to skip all of the foundational preparation, experience, learning, savvy that makes a person actually, like, qualified for this position.

    Read more:

  151. Anonymous3:11 PM

    "Sarah speaks for all of us white guys who are not racist but are sick and tired of being fucked by affirmative action, big brother government, and heretical leaders..."


    "Sarah speaks for some of us white guys who believe we are not racist but are sick and tired of believing we are being fucked by affirmative action, what we see as big brother government, and heretical leaders who don't share our religion. We would much rather believe we are being fucked by Sarah Palin."

  152. Anonymous3:12 PM

    7 months pregnant.. yeah RIGHT!

  153. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Wonder if it's one of those faked scenes like singer Troy Gentry's (from Montgomery Gentry)hunting incident. He had someone film him shooting a bear. Turned out that Cubby the bear was someones pet that they sold. Troy bought it and staged the shooting/ filming to look like he was actually a hunter. He just wanted to look like he had the patience, knowledge and skill to HUNT and kill a wild animal.

    Remember Cheney's hunting adventure? Those birds he was supposedly shooting at had just been released from a cage.

    I betcha whatever Grandma kills was domesticated or drugged before she killed it.

  154. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Bristol Palin Takes Gay Dig at Margaret Cho on Facebook

    Bristol, who denied having political motives for writing the post, closes with a stridently political message and a dig at Cho’s sexuality.

    “You say you ‘don’t agree with the family’s politics at all’ but I say, if you understood that commonsense conservative values supports the right of individuals like you, like all of us, to live our lives with less government interference and more independence, you would embrace us faster than KD Lang at an Indigo Girls concert,” she wrote.

    KD Lang is openly lesbian, as are the Indigo Girls. The implication is that this something Cho would readily respond to.

  155. Anonymous3:21 PM

    yep, def NOT preggo

  156. Anonymous3:24 PM

    this one specifically states feb 2008

  157. Mickey3:26 PM

    Anon at 12:32 hit it square on the head. If you take a quick listen to the current media murmur, you'll hear almost nothing about Palin's show. Her tweets are a pathetic, desperate attempt to MAKE her stupid show controversial.

    She's reaching her saturation point, people are figuring out her game. She's getting boring. Thank goodness.

  158. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I find it interesting that SP is on at 6pm, 7pm, 8pm and 10pm, with the 8 and 10 being the hunting episode. Perhaps they just add up all the viewers to get their magic number. Weird how last week the 10pm time slot said "To be announced" however when I clicked on it there was the SP salmon show. I refuse to watch TLC or another of the other related stations just so I don't have to hear her b.s. Thanks for the updates - you take it so we don't have to!

  159. Mickey3:31 PM

    Anon at 12:45 said this: "Sarah's extreme views are not extreme to me. People say that she is racist. I say that she is honest. I wish she would be more racist because she speaks only the truth. How could she not, she is one of us."

    You guys have got such short memories. George W. Bush was one of you, too. Remember? He was the guy you all wanted to go out with and have a beer. I don't mean this to sound insulting, but you people gotta start aiming higher for your leaders than just someone who's "one of us". Sheesh.

  160. lwtjb3:33 PM

    O/T. Have you seen the December Mother Jones? It's great! Great vision of Sarah on the cover. Plus articles:"Attack on the middle class. A confused & frightened citizenry votes against its own self-interest." "They say they're taking back America, but really they're taking your money!!!"

  161. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Anonymous @ 2:08, wow - thank you so much for showing us all the absolute worst impulses of someone who calls themselves a fan of Sarah Palin.

    What you wrote pretty much sums it up.

    Affirmative Action isn't the reason you are struggling. Sorry if you are going through hard times.

    Last I checked, illegals certainly aren't the only ones with drinking problems. Perhaps you know something about that.

    Don't know if you supported GW Bush, but he was a fine example of someone getting where he got because of his blue-blooded heritage. Don't let the Texas thing fool you.

    As for gay people being supported by the intelligentsia, well, you said it, I didn't. You'll get there someday, just keep at those books and you may start to understand...;-).

    Oh and did I mention you have, or will have, 'big brother' to thank for your social security benefits and your medical care when you retire? Unless you are a millionaire, but millionaires aren't as angry as you seem to be. They are just happily fleecing people like you and me, since we are the ones who will be paying for their tax breaks. I guess you just love them so, so much. Good for you, someone has to do it.

  162. re Kevin's comment - Way to test if Sarah really hunts. Have her pronouce 30-06. Bet she fails.

  163. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Anonymous at help. Medication would be a good start; throw in some anger management and you might be fit for the public.

  164. Anonymous3:41 PM

    "She's reaching her saturation point, people are figuring out her game. She's getting boring. Thank goodness."

    Yup, she is 2010's Paris Hilton.

  165. Sarah's family has a history of not having the proper licenses. When she was on the anti-Wooten tirade she tried to get Wooten arrested for illegal hunting. Seems her sister Molly had the license but Wooten (Molly's husband) shot the moose. The state police or DNR or whatever told Sarah no, that if they arrested Wooten they'd have to arrest Molly and I think her dad (he helped butcher it? My memory is hazy here).

  166. Anonymous3:45 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    yep, def NOT preggo

    3:21 PM

    Anonymous said...
    this one specifically states feb 2008

    3:24 PM"

    I hope everyone saves those pages, they
    might vanish.

  167. There is definitely a note of panic in these tweets. Sarah's terrified that no one is going to tune in. I won't. Anyway, I think most people eat a mix of foods (including meat)... don't they? Now if Sarah would just open up, and reveal how distorted the clusterfuck that is her mind is... that might be worth a look. (I'm a horror buff.)

  168. Anonymous3:48 PM

    "Turned out that Cubby the bear was someones pet that they sold. Troy bought it and staged the shooting/ filming to look like he was actually a hunter. He just wanted to look like he had the patience, knowledge and skill to HUNT and kill a wild animal."

    If I recall correctly, the poor bear needed extensive
    and expensive dental work & that is why he was sold.
    Pathetic. Humans, just pathetic.

  169. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I would have a lot more respect for her if she got involved in some kind of animal conservation efforts in her show. Maybe she could "shot" tranquilizer darts so that animals could be tagged and studied. Surely with all the warming in the north, some efforts are being made to study the effects on the wildlife in Alaska. But to think that showing yourself as able to kill an animal is just bizarro and needless given her significant wealth. I'm just repulsed by all of this.

  170. Anonymous3:56 PM

    As somebody pointed out at Tboggs' blog - now she's being pre-emtively offended!

  171. Anonymous4:02 PM

    "In a preview of tonight’s episode the 2008 vice presidential nominee explains “in many remotes areas of Alaska there’s no grocery store nearby. It’s 4 or 500 miles away."

    FOUR (4) miles sounds about right, but Stupid's grocery stores are even closer than that.

    We must never forget that Stupid and her family live in the wilderness without telephones or canned food. Plus, the Taco Bell is not within walking distance. It's just over a mile away.

  172. 12:45pm. "She is one of us". Only in the sense that she is a homo sapiens, as I also am. There is no other common ground between myself and my family and the Palin family.

  173. Anonymous4:20 PM

    I've always thought any photos from the time period in which Sarah Palin claims to have been pregnant with Trig, her face and neck haven't shown any sign of normal pregnancy weight gain, or fullness. When women are pregnant, their faces show it (as in the young woman we have been scrutinizing more recently).

    Sarah's face and neck look exactly as they did when she wasn't pregnant. It's just not natural or believable.

  174. I was a vegetarian, ovo, lacto, for twice in my life. One period lasted for 6 months, the latest for 9 months. I was a physical wreck after both episodes and had to be coaxed back into consuming meat for my own health.

    We can make wise choices regarding our consumption of mass produced meat products, but regardless of how wise our choices are something has to die in order for us to eat.

    My maternal grandmother raised 11 children in rural Virginia. She fed them with 2 pigs each year that us grandkids lovingly fed scraps to and chickens that were like pets to us. I'll never forget the day when I was 11 years old when my uncles shot one of the pigs in the head wenched it upside down and slit it's throat to bleed it. They then placed it in an old clawfoot tub full of water with a fire underneath to soften the hair and skin in advance of skinning and butchering. I would not partake of that meat in the beginning but then life went on and I was hungry enough to eat that pig. Same with grandma harvesting chickens and putting their necks on a bloody log and chopping their heads off. Sometimes the chickens would continue to flop and fly around and once my little brother had to climb a tree to collect a headless chicken corpse, so that grandma could make us our favorite sunday meal of fried chicken. This side of my family was an example of raising your own food and putting up your vegs in a root cellar or canning and jarring enough to get a large family through the winter. I'm always glad that I was exposed to that level of meat and vegetable harvest first hand and have a personal knowledge of just what happens when an animal gives its life for our nourishment.

  175. emrysa4:28 PM

    anon @ 2:08 pm sez:

    "Sarah speaks for all of us white guys..."

    sarah is a complete and total fraud. even if you are pissed off about the things you mention, you should be embarrassed that you let a fraud speak for you.

  176. Anonymous4:36 PM


    Have you seen this?

  177. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Have you seen this?

  178. pursang4:43 PM

    Using my best Marlin Perkins hushed voice, "and we see Sarah Palin stocking the ever elusive domestic cow so she can feed her family and use its hide to clothe them. She will also use the hide to make her husband Todd new seatcovers for his snowmobile. Now watch how Sarah uses natural cover to sneak up behind the cow as it chews its cud and attempts to bash it over the head with her laptop. Oh no, the cow has caught wind of the Tundra Twit and lets out a loud moo to alert the rest of the herd. Her cover blown Sarah retires to the local Denny's with her family for burgers and fries. She munches her cooked cow flesh that an employee from Denny's bagged in the woods just this morning content in the knowledge that she will take to the wilds tomorrow to hunt the wily lamb".

  179. Ennealogic @2:47

    Beautiful thank you for sharing that.

  180. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Looking forward to Frank Schaeffer's book on the sexual undertones that pervade the obsessions of the religious right ... can't look at that picture now without seeing underlying message of SP holding a giant phallic symbol!

  181. @ 8:14 AM,

    You asked how many grocery stores in Wasilla?

    Carrs-Safeway, Walmart superstore, Three Bears (like a Costco warehouse), Fred Meyer, myriad convenience store-gas stations, plus Sears. All in less than ten minutes of her home on Lake Lucille, which is about two blocks off the Parks Highway.

    Wasilla is basically one seven-mile long strip mall.

    Within ten miles are many more stores, North and East. South about 40 miles is Anchorage, with many box stores, etc.

    Most people don't have $3,000 to pay a pilot/guide to go hunt a caribou even if they were lucky enough to win the lottery.

    Most people here who hunt for meat go for moose because it is more accessible. Caribou herds don't roam anywhere near Wasilla.

  182. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Guess Bristol's ghostwriter is not familiar with many American gays as KD Lang in Canadian!!

  183. Chenagrrl5:35 PM

    What is that strange blue beetle crawling out of her cleavage?

    PS She holds the guns wrong.

  184. Anonymous6:28 PM

    The photos of Palin were actually taken in 2009 during the Samaritan's Purse trip to the villages that were short on food.

    She was NOT pregnant in 2009 and doesn't claim to have been so.

  185. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I think that she is trying to change her "ignorant" image and is dumb enough to think that throwing some big words around and mentioning her journalism degree will fool people, esp. influential GOP members, into believing that she isn't as dumb as the things that she says and by having other people speak for her and claim their voices as her own. As most people know, you can't pretend to be smart for long, esp. when you haven't been smart all along (in fact been anti-smart) unless they are just as dumb as you are. She still thinks it's about image and not about substance because image is the fun part and solutions to any problem are really very simple anyway so why research or discuss them?

  186. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Also, how many days since Eldest Daughter has made an appearance? A running tally would be interesting. After being in the news (and making $ for it) almost daily, it's hard to believe she's made a clean-break just like that. Is this the predicted 4-months in hiding?

  187. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I was really moved by your recounting of your rural Virginia experience with raising and consuming animals. It was very touching.

    I realize that almost ALL of us have no real appreciation of the connection between our sanitized hot dogs and a creature that existed before the "hot dog". I am an omnivore and I am aware that I also fail to consistently pay homage to the life that existed before I purchased a cellophaned package of ground beef.

    Your memory of raising a few animals per year and enjoying the ensuing "product", while being aware of the sacrifice (yours and the animals) seems to put things in the proper perspective.

    Sarah obviously gets a JOY out of the describe a much more balanced sense of loss/gratitude/satisfaction.

    Thank you for your memories. (Sarah is sick)

  188. Kelli M8:12 PM

    We're so proud of little Bristol. She has come a long long long way from hanging out with loosers.

    BFFs Bristol Palin and Maci Bookout

  189. Anonymous12:48 AM

    What was with the head band in that show tonight?

    Does she think she's Olivia Neutron Bomb?


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