Sunday, January 23, 2011

Carrying on a family tradition Bristol gives a speech about a topic that she knows absolutely nothing about.

From the

Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol, who became a single mother at 18, came to the Brazos Valley on Saturday with a message for other young girls: Abstinence is the only sure-fire way to avoid pregnancy.

"I just want girls to know abstinence is a reasonable alternative and that all life has value," Bristol Palin said toward the end of her 10-minute speech at a charity fundraiser benefiting the nonprofit Central Texas Orphan Mission Alliance, which takes an anti-abortion stance.

"Abstinence," Palin added, "is not about morality, it's about reality, because it's the only thing that works every time."

She told the audience in detail what it was like to sit in the living room with her baby's father, Levi, her own parents and her best friend as she told them she was pregnant, adding it was the hardest thing she'd ever done.

"I'd rather give birth five more times than go through that again," she said.

The difficulties of being an unwed teen mother, she said, were compounded by the media's depiction of her family as one from "outer space."

Look I don't want to be mean, but from what just about EVERYBODY has told me about Bristol, she knows as much about being abstinent as her mother knows about telling the truth. In other words not a whole hell of a lot.

Nor by the way does she really understand what it's like to be an unwed teen mother in the REAL world, without the money and support provided by a famous wealthy family.

Of course the major revelation from this article might be the picture that I attached. It is the first confirmed photograph of her since DWTS, and she certainly does look slimmer.

Which of course must make all of us wonder how it is possible to finish the hardest workout of her life many pounds heavier than when she started and then start to slim down only AFTER she slips into a more sedentary lifestyle.

Of course this is the world of the Palins, where up is down, black is white, and exercise makes you a chubby mummy while stopping begins the slimming process. Hey, maybe her family really IS from outer space!

And once again folks, this post is NOT about being overweight.  It is about hypocrisy, and how little the Palin family respects the intelligence of the American people.


  1. Anonymous6:42 AM

    How is it that Bristol is still making speeches about abstinence while living with her new boyfriend in Az???

  2. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Sarah is using Bristol to stay in the publics eye for her deception. That pic of Bristol is not of a fat over weight girl.

    That is the belly of a preggo!!!! Anyone who follows this family is not very intelligent and really is naive. They are sheep.

    Absolutely disgusting that Bristol is speaking about this topic. What a joke!!!! Yo Bristol you might fool fools, but not me!!!!

  3. Anonymous6:43 AM

    It looks like CTOMA totally overestimated Bristol's draw. Bristol's turnout was about 200 attendees.
    The banquet seating capacity is 1,180.

    CTOMA Fundraiser
    Event Date(s): 01/22/2011
    Short description: Assm 1, 2, 3, & 4
    Full description: Featured speaker, Bristol Palin

  4. She has a Bumpit! Just like her mother. And she lost the baby bump. WTF? Abstinence? She really has brass tits to espouse abstinence when she's f-ing her brains out.

  5. Anonymous6:45 AM

    ENOUGH with the bumpits already!

    Who in the non-Palin world thinks that's attractive?

  6. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Having her for their "spokesmodel" HAS to be detrimental to the Candies Foundation. Don't they know that since she took the job, she has co-habited with at least 3 guys? Ben Barber, back to Levi, now Gino. Surely they could have revoked her contract in view of all the evidence. What a con artist. The Globe is reporting that a second "masseuse" is ready to tell all about Toad.

  7. Anonymous6:51 AM

    She still looks quite chubby, and I think now that this is the way she carries weight (unfortunately for her). She still looks maybe 4-5 mos. pregnant, but her arms are big, too. She is an "apple". Carries weight in her upper body, especially midsection.

    Nice beehive. As if her noggin isn't big enough?

  8. Looking at the body language in the picture, the 9 year old girl has way more smarts than her dad.

  9. A 10 minute speech. Wow. How much did she get paid to speak for a whole 10 minutes? If I had a teen age daughter Bristol would not be a role model I would consider.

  10. Anonymous6:54 AM

    What's that on her head? A beehive. Looks like hell.

  11. Janet Carter6:55 AM

    A huge audience of 200 people attended this farce. And I'll bet most of them were paid to attend. Bristol is shacking up with her boyfriend in Arizona and preaching "abstinence" in Texas. Give me a break !!

  12. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Guess the family values Texas repubs bussed in those 200 people to hear Bristol the pistol talk about her sex life. That girl is not too bright.

    Hope no one paid for that 10 minutes of garbage.

  13. Anonymous7:03 AM

    I'm sorry, but: the outfit!

    I thought, wow she looks someone from a faraway planet visited by the first Star Trek crew!

    and then I read the comment: the Family From Outer Space!

    is that mean of me?


  14. Anonymous7:05 AM

    The hairdo is enough to make me barf.

    The message is near criminal.

    The tummy? Don't even care anymore.

  15. Virginia Voter7:07 AM

    She doesn't look slimmer, she's still fat, just wearing looser dress.

    So wow I read the article and 200 people showed up...wonder who actually paid Bristols 10 minute $20,000 speaking fee? Another anonymous donor like those who pay her mom?

    What a joke...Bristol is encouraging future teen welfare queens to have their own little " mommas boy" who will make them rich and famous.

    BTW, great news on Alaska WTF

  16. Anonymous7:12 AM

    So I guess that shacking up with GINO is in separate bedrooms? How STUPID do you think we are?

  17. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Abstinence is not realistic at all. That is Bristol's real opinion.

    Abstinence is the best way not to be prepared when you do have sex, and you will. Sex is survival of the species, we are all hardwired to reproduce. Ignoring that is just ignorance.

    She is doing a great disservice to young women everywhere. Disgusting.

  18. Anonymous7:14 AM

    "I'd rather give birth five more times than go through that again," she said.

    Oh, and she will!

  19. Anonymous7:15 AM

    That hair 'do' reminds me of the 60's with short skirts and white go go boots.
    Anybody else old enough to remember?

    I really, really dislike her message.
    If kids are going to have sex, they need to use birth control.
    I wonder what her answer would be if somebody asked her today, "do you use birth control or your boy friend?"

    No birth control usually = parents

  20. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Abstinence is the best way to prevent pregnancy. Yeah, and not eating or drinking is the best way not to spend any money on food or drink. Makes as much sense.

    We have to eat and drink and we have a drive to reproduce that we cannot control or ignore. It is the survival instinct that all lifeforms have. Some may have a stronger drive than others, but it cannot be ignored. Except by anti=science religious nuts who think that humans are not like other animals.

  21. The Mama Grifter brood isn't smart enough, itself, to recognize intelligence elsewhere. Maybe it's inbreeding, maybe it's meth..... I don't know, I'm neither a sociologist or a doctor. I do know that this much stupidity in one family has to be exceptional.

  22. Anonymous7:17 AM

    What's with the prom-hair bumpit?

  23. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Will we soon hear from the Palin Fairy Tale troll who lives here on IM, WT%Alaska, and Blade's site? She's the troll who types fairy tales every day about how everything has a happily ever after ending in Palin Land. She'll tell us that Sarah waved a magic wand over Bristol's belly and the fat all went away. Tap, tap, tap. Sprinkles of magical Palin fairy dust.

  24. BAustin7:19 AM

    WHAT is she trashy!
    and the hair??

    And just like momma...she only has one speech. blah blah blah

    Get a DNA test Levi!

  25. Anonymous7:20 AM

    What the hell is she wearing? Geez, looks like the carpet from a vintage movie theater. That little girl is staring at her dress, thinking, omg does having sex give you bad taste too?

  26. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Bristol will live in your head rent free forever.

    You can't even bring yourself to admit she wasn't pregnant.

    There is an excellent chance when Tripp is 50 years old he won't be a lonely blogger ranting about vaseline and melons balls.

  27. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Once, when I was a kid in a red state, we got a chance to go meet Burt Ward (the original TV Robin of BATMAN) who was signing autographs in a parking lot. That's kind of what this reminds me of.

  28. Anonymous7:25 AM

    nice baby bump - 6 months? more? the busy dress disguises it, but the boobs and belly give it away.

    When is she due this time?

    The little girl is eyeballing that bump....would love to know what she's really thinking.

  29. Anonymous7:29 AM

    i think that pictures with Sherri is misleading. In the other pics from that day, she doesn't appear that big

  30. Anonymous7:31 AM

    "Bienski introduced Palin to the audience and said she'd accomplished more in 20 years than most people can hope to accomplish in a lifetime."


  31. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Message for younger girls:

    Grifting is a sure-fire way to avoid joblessness. "It's not about morality, it's about reality, because if you're a dimwitted high school drop-out, it works every time. It's the easiest thing I've ever done."

    "I'd rather get knocked-up five more times with as many different hillbilly fathers than go to college or, even worse, get a steady job."

    The difficulties of being a hypocritical lying scammer, she said, were compounded by the media's depiction of her family as trailer trash grifters.

  32. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I'm not going to judge her based on things I could not possibly know just for the fact that I was one who was called a slut from an early age and I wasn't even close.

    I'll also give her credit. She doesn't say "one must be abstinate" She states abstinence is the only way you cannot become pregnant. There's no lie. Young people need to be taught not to fling themselves at boys willynilly as they learn from mtv because THAT network is the truest form of reality these days. Sad to say. Since the late 90s, teen pregnancy and promiscuity has steadily increased. Now with mtv and other things, it's not shameful as it was in 2000. My friend who got pregnant junior year was sent to a "wilderness camp". Nowadays, they audition for teen mom. Sad world. Fuck you hollywood.

  33. The cognitive dissonance of paying to hear a teen mom who loves abstinence will always make me laugh.

    I wish I had a bridge to sell these misguided parents.

  34. laprofesora7:44 AM

    That father introducing his daughter to Brystil creeps me out! What is wrong with people??? Isn't he afraid his daughter will catch

  35. saying abstinence is not about morality but rather about reality is a terrible message. we all know that the abstinence only education campaign in this country is a fundie project, not one that the majority of americans believe in or subscribe to. the REALITY is that many teenagers are going to have sex, and then they will most likely have even more sex in their twenties, possible tapering off in their thirties ;o). it's pure negligence not to teach them about birth control and preventing std's. i know i am preaching to the choir here, but it really blows my mind that adults can be so irresponsible as to bury their heads in the sand and/or take an unrealistic puritanical stance on teenage sex and not give teenagers the tools to avoid pregnancy and std's. i seriously doubt that it will change the number of kids having sex, but properly taught and applied, it will most likely change the number of kids with std's and pregnancies. even my catholic high school was realistic about this. they taught that sex before marriage was considered "wrong" by the church, but they also taught that if you DO have sex, here's what you need to know and do. reality.

  36. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I have known so many bright, hard-working young men and women who would make Bristle look like the pathetic bumpit-wearing fraud she is. What the hell has she accomplished exactly? See what I mean about these Palins always padding their resumes? There are SO many young people who truly know the meaning of public service, and it sure as hell isn't giving crappy speeches for big bucks.

  37. Anonymous7:53 AM

    She definitely has accomplished more than some of us by sleeping around with multiple partners and getting paid by the Candies Foundation to talk about sex, sex, sex.

    I read the other day that in one high scholl there were 94 girls pregnant at the same time now. Guess they must be listening to the queen of sex Bristle.

  38. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Bristol reappears!

    A Bristol with a much SMALLER midsection then last seen, but for some reason those arms still look like ham hocks.

    This must be the famed "loose 25lb in 12 hrs" weight loss plan!

    Boy or girl, Bristol? And you are still taking people's money to promote abstenance?

  39. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Poor little Bristol just carries weight around her waist? An apple? BS

    She looked pregnant at the end of DWTS three months ago and now she does not. If she had been 'heavy" and lost weight how did she do it and still have FAT arms?

  40. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Once you instill the concept that the number one priority is to NOT get pregnant, the method becomes a mere matter of preference.

    My folks started saying "don't think we're going to raise any of your little brats" when I was about 10.

    Bristol Palin's income generating freak show is a measure of how easily some people part with their money.

  41. Anonymous8:17 AM

    "Abstinence," Palin added, "is not about morality, it's about reality, because it's the only thing that works every time."


  42. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Bristol is preaching abstinence like Sarah preaches nonviolence!

    I dont really care what Bristol does. I do think what she does, she probably does well ie fucking. And, if she likes to do that, whose to say she shouldnt.

    Just dont try to be a role model. I think we should try and protect our children from people like you and your family.

  43. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Bristol obviously felt buyers remorse even back in the middle of 2008. Seriously, what teen girl newly and gladly pregnant doesn't jump at the chance to have an elaborate baby shower? Like most teen decisions,
    she made a hasty one. She didnt think about anything in the longterm sense. I don't think shes insincere about anything she'd said. I think she's had ample time to think (while on the campaign trail, while Levi was away at work, while she was in Juneau, while she was living at home, while she was doing the angetine tango. I think her feelings now are pretty genuine. She wants to completely forget that part of her life and more on, while helping others to not make the same stupid, in the moment decisions. She's the perfect candidate for that.
    So is Sarah actually. Sarah could make a killing if she addressed her life in quick decision making and the negatives ramifications of that. Neither Palin is a bad person. They're just naive and want to move on.

    Could she be MORE honest, yes. Everyone can always be more honest. Embellishment is a natural way of speaking

  44. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Bristol has accomplished more than most people in their lifetimes? Really?

    The majority of people in this country have at least some college education. have fathered or given birth to children. They have been gainfully employed at least for a large portion of their lives.

    What exactly has Bristol accomplished that most people have not? The only things I can think of is being on two reality tee vee shows and selling her story and her son to the tabloids. Whoopie!

    Other than that, most people have done much, much more.

    Also, a 10-minute speech? Anyone who has given talks knows that 10 minutes is NOTHING. Then again, an accomplished gal like Bristol can put more people to sleep in 10 minutes than most people can in an hour. So I guess that was money well spent.

  45. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Bristol has the shape of a 45 year old mother of 4 kids. I was in better shape than that in my 30's after 3 kids and one miscarriage!

  46. London Bridges8:29 AM

    What is the basis for this being a "confirmed" photo? One that was released by the event organizers per Bristol & Sarah's "contract?"

    Were cameras banned from the event? Did Bristol speak from a Punch & Judy puppet stage where only her head was visible.

    Do Palin women give birth via the top of the bumpit?

    Just wondering?

  47. TNbluedot8:33 AM

    In the "interview" recording with the radio idiots the other day she started to say "book" when they asked what she was working on. In the article linked to this post she says she's and author.

    What do we know about her book? Who is the co-author? Subject? (Please not another Palin biography!!) Estimated publishing date?

    In a word: ugh!!

  48. Forever Anonymous8:35 AM

    "Abstinence," Palin added, "is not about morality, it's about reality, because it's the only thing that works every time."

    Abstinence. Does it come with batteries? Is it better than the rabbit?

  49. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Every time that Bristol appears to make another abstinence speech, Gryphen should post the clip of Bristol explaining that abstinence doesn't work.

    I'm glad that other people have commented on Bristol's appearance. Normally, it is not kind to criticize a chubby girl who has an eating problem, or who wasn't blessed with pretty looks. But, Bristol is a terrible speaker; she is not photogenic or cute. That hairdo really has to be a joke, or else it says something about the town where the speech was held. The choice of clothing is awful. It is in terrible taste to bring that little girl to hear Bristol's speech. At $20. per person x 200., one also has to figure on the rent of the hall, publicity, mailing, and Bristo's $$$speech. Someone is paying for this joke under the table.

    Bristol has accomplished more in her life than most people, if you count appearing the National Enquirer and tabloid TV shows as an accomplishment. Most people count accomplishments such as earning advanced degrees at the university level, getting a job on one's own ability (not because Mom's agent booked you into magazine shoots and a dancing show). Most of us would rather lead a life free of tabloid publicity, enjoying raising our family in privacy. Bristol didn't work very long at that receptionist job. She still hasn't managed to land a TV show of her own, despite all of Sarah's connections. And, judging from the emails that Bristol has been sending, she doesn't sound all that happy.

    I am going to suggest something that will be even harder for Bristol that telling her mother that she was pregnant or giving birth. Someday, Tripp will come home from school after hearing some nasty comments from school mates. Then, Bristol will have an equally hard time explaining why she shut Tripp's father out of his life, why she moved to Arizona (away from an extended supportive family), why she left him with a nanny half of the time. Accomplish that, Bristol.

  50. Anonymous8:41 AM

    The problem with Bristol's message is that it doesn't address the girls who get pregnant on purpose or who have unprotected sex and don't care if they get pregnant. Is her message that it's hard to tell your parents? Girls who are at-risk know that (and many have parents who don't care one way or another). Is the message that it's hard to be a teen mom?

    Bristol Palin, who continues to exploit her son to rake in the cash, who just bought a house in Arizona, whose motherhood is the only reason she was on DWTS, the only reason she is in the tabs, and the only reason she was in a music video. All of this despite not having to go out and support herself in a menial job and not having to pay her own way through college (or even go to college). All of this despite having a nanny and not having to worry a lick about actually taking care of her son day and night or how she's going to pay for food, doctor bills, and medicine.

    Bristol Palin is going to tell teenage girls that it's hard to be a single mom

    Bristol Palin and her message are full of crap.

  51. Pat in Branson8:44 AM

    If you look closely, the dress showing on her right side (viewers left) at first looks as though it is part of the wall. Follow the line from the shoulder and you will see that is part of the dress. Designed to make her midsection look smaller. It is what we used to call a "shift" dress

  52. Anonymous8:48 AM

    According to $arah, the family is getting death threats. How many of the 200 were security guards? How many were Bristol's entourage? Did the trip include a private jet and Gino?? Also too, first class accomodations? What ever happened to her own business? When will the people in Wasilla finally reach the breaking point about this entire fraud of a family?

  53. I agree with the "Anonymous" @7:29 AM who said..."i think that pictures with Sherri is misleading. In the other pics from that day, she doesn't appear that big"

    That old picture of Bristol from the Nov. 24, 2010 appearance on The View screamed "photoshopped!" to me then, and it still does.

    Sure, it was on the official site, but haven't we all been saying all along that it's ALL smoke and mirrors and deflection/deception with the Palins? ABC has proved to be just another TMZ/People/USAToday extension of the Palin Propaganda Machine.

  54. Anonymous8:49 AM

    She never said that she practices abstinence, just that it is the only thing that works !00% and then shared some reflections about her experience. You have to listen to Palin words carefully, because they choose them in a way that they feel won't catch them in an untruth. My hunch is that she had a 2011 baby sometime earlier this month.

  55. FJ Dandy8:50 AM

    Anon 7:14 said...
    "I'd rather give birth five more times than go through that again," she said.

    Oh, and she will!

    I thought the same thing! What a moron! And she gets paid for this shit?
    Some people have more $$$$ than brains.

  56. Anonymous9:03 AM

    No, there is definitely something unusual, inexplicable, about her upper torso. Why that ridge? Because she is wearing some sort of undergarment pushing her belly up?

    We need to see other photos from that speech. The angle of this photo makes it impossible to tell. Her chin looks less doubled.

  57. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Is it possible the Palins had their uteruses transplanted to the top of their heads?
    just wondrin.......

  58. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Bristol looks like Arizona Snooki in that picture. Yuck!

  59. Anonymous9:34 AM

    It's not Bristol, it's Willow.

  60. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Abstinence should be taught at home. Parents should be in charge of teaching their kids. Period. And for some, yes, it is about morality. And if it isn't, and it's about "reality" like Bristol says, then why aren't "real" poor young unwed moms there speaking instead of millionness Bristol? Now, if Bristol had a true desire to help her fellow citizens in abstaining for a better life, she'd maybe twitter about the struggles with her child, or do write-ups on facebook on her insights, for FREE. Then, later after gaining experience and insight and maturity, she could write a book. But, an inexperienced fame/celebrity-seeking girl who gives the middle finger to her and her mom's "haters" isn't a humbled struggling unemployed role model for the REAL world.

    Finally, it's up to the child, girl or boy, to decide whether they'll follow their parents decision or not. If they don't, there are consequences. Then, charitable organizations willfully "market" abstinence for donations. They "sell" Bristol's message for $$$. It's sell, sell, sell with those Palins. They'd sell their grandmother for profit.

  61. Anonymous9:40 AM

    So the message is - Just go ahead and give birth several times, but DO NOT sit down with your parents and discuss it?

  62. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I can't believe that hair. That hive is pushing 10".
    Is this in fashion, or is she copying her momma?

  63. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Now that she's living in Arizona, I think we should brand her as "Saguaro Snooki." But then again, that's kind of an insult to the original Snooki.

  64. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I think that what this is all about is how stupid the American public is in the lower 48. It seems that so many of them have no clue about the liars that ARE the Palin clan!!!

    Have videos and commentary been sent to the Candies group from Alaska? What about the videos giving the finger and Facebook copies of her and her sister's language?

    It's amazing that Bristol gets away w/this and projects herself to be a fine example of an unwed mother in the United States.

  65. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I think she still looks preggo. The construction of the dress with the high empire waist and the stiff fabric is keeping the dress from clinging to her belly. I bet the entire skirt of the dress is lined with interfacing to hold it out and make it fall in a straight line. Her arms and face are still round as ever. "This is how she carries weight". Come on people!

  66. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I'm not understanding the problem with the message that abstinence is the best way to avoid pregnancy. It really is pretty reliable.
    I will admit that IF you are going to offer abstinence as an option (and I think we do young people a disservice by suggesting that none of them can or will control themselves), you need to address the problem of your body screaming and encouraging you to keep going, not "pause and think." There are other options. Not all of them are prudish. From what I've heard, Bristol hasn't addressed that part of the discussion.

    I think abstinence is an option that we ought to encourage young people to consider, while also discussing with them why it's hard and what can be done to deal with the physical and emotional feelings that are involved. I'm not saying we shouldn't also teach them how not to get pregnant if they don't want to try abstinence, I just don't think we should ignore it as an option.

  67. Anonymous10:12 AM

    The examples set by the Palin family members should be kept FROM our children/teenagers - not exploited!

  68. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Anon @8:44 AM

    I think you are right about this. Looking at the photo this way, she doesn't actually appear slimmer, on the contrary. And that bumpit could be a diversion - makes her head appear bigger in relation to her body. And that girl is looking at her belly, IMO, possibly wondering...

  69. London Bridges10:21 AM

    July 14, 2010 is date Bristol & Levi announced their engagement. Let's assume announcement was a result of being with child. Further, let's assume Bristol was pregnant as of April 1, 2010. A baby would e born in early January, just in time to give another abstinence speech.

    Dancing with the stars ended November 23, 2010, leaving 6 weeks to continue Bristol's personal growth.

  70. It irritates me to no end that Bristol is still making a butt load of money from idiots that believe her BS. Any who I have my theory on the whole pregnant thing but need to run so I'm leaving a link and you can find it at the bottom of the post as an update!

  71. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Is that Bristol--- or is it WILLOW????????

    Look carefully-

    Remember how we had a hard time figuring out which one it was with Sarah when they confronted the women with the WGE sign?

    Seriously folks - who is that???

  72. Anonymous10:39 AM

    THat dress is way to busy and the angle wrong to judge whether or no t the baby bump is gone. Nice camo job.

  73. Anonymous10:40 AM

    THat's not a bumpit on her head- it's just what happens to the fat when you squeeze ever more tummy into Spanx.

  74. Anonymous10:44 AM

    ENLARGE THE PHOTO. IT APPEARS THAT THE AREA AROUND HER WAIST HAS BEEN PHOTOSHOPPED ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE OF THE PHOTO. The inside of the door is visible above her shoulder, but below her arm in the small triangular space, it appears like very grainy wood with no inside showing. IT DOESN'T MATCH! Please get someone with photo skills on it before the photo disappears.

  75. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Enlarge the photo. The photoshop work around the belly on the right side is obvious!!!

  76. Anonymous10:49 AM

    You're going to hell, Bristol...

    That's not my conclusion because I'm an atheist--it's part of that "religion" you claim to embrace.

  77. Anonymous10:55 AM

    "Bienski introduced Palin to the audience and said she'd GRIFTed more in 20 years than most people can hope to GRIFT in a lifetime."

    Fixed that for old Bienski

  78. Anonymous11:00 AM

    It would be great to know if the photographer from the newspaper took the picture of Bristol or if was supplied to the paper. If you enlarge the photo, it appears photoshopped by her waist, under her arm, on the right side of the photo.

    Were press allowed at the event? If not, then the picture was supplied by either Bristol or the event organizers. Who took the pictures with banquet attendees?

  79. Funny to hear a whore like Barstool to speak of abstinence. Maybe someone ought to tell her what the word means.

  80. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Even if they photoshopped the photo, could they count on 200 ripped-off people to be silent if she appeared pregnant (and unmarried) in public? -B

  81. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Abstinence is the only guaranteed way to prevent pregnancy........BUT, she'd rather give birth FIVE MORE TIMES than relive telling her mom.

    What kind of message was that?

    OT, as an old hippie I really liked her purple, gold-trimmed Jefferson Airplane dress.

  82. Anonymous11:26 AM

    It is Bristol. It is NOT Willow- please don't start this again. IT's the Homer teacher encounter all over again where people were insisting it was Willow when I know for a fact it was Bristol- and I was right. The photo in this post is BRISTOL.

  83. Anonymous11:27 AM


    That picture sure looks like Willow to me. Isn't Willow pregnant also too?

    WILLOW, are you a stand in for Bristol?

  84. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Rumor circulating that this is actually Willow, not Bristol.

  85. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Abstinence IS possible--I've been abstinent my whole life. But it has definitely been a struggle, and I wish that people who taught abstinence were more realistic about the struggles and about strategies for coping with sexual feelings. Instead it's all fear tactics and/or hypocrisy.

    We were taught in church and school that sex before marriage was wrong and that birth control didn't work that well anyway. (This is why I originally was abstinent, but my reasons have evolved through time and are now more personal than moral.) A bunch of girls I knew from this church and school did end up pregnant in their late teens or early twenties. Fortunately, many others were sexually active but had the sense to at least use birth control.

    I think the subject is far more complex than "don't do it" or "pause before you play." Having Bristol Palin as a so-called abstinence spokesperson does no one--not young girls, not people struggling to abstain, certainly not the people paying her--except Bristol Palin any favors.

  86. Anonymous11:34 AM

    It's been a full 2 months since the finale. It's not far-fetched that she was 7 months along. Sarah wasn't even showing at 7 months!

  87. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I enjoyed the melon ball and vaseline stories--I almost spewed soda over my keyboard. If Tripp at 50 is as well-adjusted, reflective, honest, and self-aware as Gryphen, he'll be fortunate indeed.

    And for the sake of any young girls in 50-yo Tripp's life, we'd all damn well better hope he turns out more like Gryphen than his great-granddaddy Heath.

  88. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Enlarge the picture. Isn't that Willow, not Bristol?? If you enlarge the photo, the nose, chin, etc. should reveal to those in the know who it really is.

  89. Anonymous11:43 AM

    My first thought was that Bristol's midsection looked slimmer, presumably because she'd had the baby. After reading comments about the construction of the dress, I still think she's probably given birth by now (look how big she was in November) but I'm sure there's post-baby fat that the dress is helping hide. The construction is unnaturally straight, and her breasts look significantly smaller than they did on DWTS.

    I'm intrigued by the suggestion that it could be Willow instead of Bristol. How far along is Willow's (alleged, cough) pregnancy?

  90. Anonymous11:44 AM

    That little girl is looking right at that belly thinking "Umm... something isn't right, here!"

  91. Anonymous11:47 AM

    OK, this picture is very strange when enlarged. If you enlarge the picture, it appears that there is also photoshopping that occurred around her chin. The line looks unnatural. Every picture of Bristol prior to this, even when she was thin, never shows skin tight under her chin area. This photo is very different. Someone with more skills has to look at this.

  92. Anonymous11:48 AM

    In her first interview since giving birth, the teenage daughter of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said having a child is not "glamorous," and that telling young people to be abstinent is "not realistic at all."


  93. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Enlarge the photo and then compare the skin area under the chin to the chin area on this photo when enlarged....

    The recent picture definitely has photoshopping around her waist and chin area.

  94. Anonymous11:56 AM

    This is a similar angle of Bristol's face when she was thin...

    Enlarge both photos and look at the area under the chin in both areas. There is clearly photoshopping in the picture from yesterday's appearance unless she had work done under her chin to tighten the loose skin. It looks photoshopped to me, as does the area around her waist on the right side of the photo.

  95. Anonymous11:58 AM

    It was Al Franken who did a piece for one of his books where he asked all of these politicians pushing absitinence for their own examples of practicing abstinence. Let's just say none of them were practicing what they are now preaching.

  96. Anonymous11:58 AM

    That's a weird presentation for the pic. Was it part of a collage or have some reason to tilt it like that?

  97. Anonymous11:59 AM

    11:06am. Yes, we could! All the people behind the scenes at DWTS kept silent. Doesn't the organization also have a vested interest in not being made to look like fools by publishing photos of an obviously pregnant Bristol? The 200 people who attended are fundamentalists and Palinbots. They wouldn't say a word if their pro-life candidate shot someone in the parking lot!

  98. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I think this guessing over Bristol being pregnant is stupid. Maybe it's true, maybe not. You simply don't have enough evidence to state an opinion either way. If you really want to know why didn't one of you go to this event yourself?

  99. Anonymous12:04 PM

    That hairstyle is NOT in style, not in girls her age or in older women. Maybe in the south or AK.
    But for a 20 year old girl?? How can she not know that?
    It's just plain weird.

    And WTF has she accomplished?? Give me a break!
    That is just wrong! My niece is two years younger and far more accomplished. And she never would be stupid enough to get pregnant. Does Bristol even work? What is her talent? She has no title!!!! (lol)

    What a joke..

  100. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I say it's Bristol, because the arm and face mole matches those in other photos, BUT, what happened to her ample bosom?
    ...and all of this????

  101. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Much as I wish,its not Willow,you can see the big mole from Bristles left cheek.I dont think photo shop either,I think its the light from the flash and the shadow from Bristle.

  102. Anonymous12:28 PM

    oh my, she's got the bumpit now. She's a mini-me of her mom.

    By the way, this whole teen thing is enough already. She's no longer a teen. And $35,000 for a 10-minute speech. Wowza, I wish all my schooling and hard work paid off like that. What a great message - Hey kids - since there ain't any jobs out there for ya even if ya go to college, just get knocked up - you can make a bunch!

  103. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Hate to agree but the photo does look altered.

    Click on it and it enlarges then look at her side by the door. One should see the edge of the door continue down between her body and her arm but instead, it is flat paneling.

    not normal

  104. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Palin is an embarrassment to the Republican Party, but it is not an embarrassment Republicans should be allowed to outrun or to forget. This is a party that has proudly embraced ignorance, bigotry, corporatism, and empty slogans, and Palin is the result of their efforts to appeal to the ugliest fears and instincts of their base. The Republican Party created Palin; she is the perfect and pure representation of its policies.

    Ignoring the ugliness doesn't make it go away. Just ask XXPresidentXX Senator John Kerry, who believed that responding to the Swift Boat accusations was beneath the dignity of a presidential campaign, until it was too late. The smears had been repeated so often, and his silence had become so deafening, that the lies became fact.

    Palin is no different. To ignore her is to give her free range of our political discourse, to allow her virulent hyperbole and lies to go unchecked. It is a mistake to think that the blogosphere, or one or two columnists from the New York Times and the Washington Post, have the power to make her go away by simply ignoring her. As she has made clear since 2008, she isn't going anywhere.

  105. London Bridges12:39 PM

    The girl in the picture is 9 years old!

  106. Anonymous12:43 PM

    It is Bristol in the photo. She has the same mark on her cheek here.

  107. Looks like Willow to me.

  108. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I have doubts that it's Bristol, too. The eyes look like Willows. Maybe I'm just suspicious of everything the Palins' do (with good reason!). I wouldn't put it past them, and it's not like the girls haven't been mistaken for each other before, WGE confrontation.

  109. Anonymous12:50 PM

    @11:06 AM

    It definitely would be hard to fool 200 people, I agree. Especially at an event where the subject is about pregnancy.

    Don't women get bigger as the pregnancy progresses? She seems to be no different, or even a bit smaller, than she appeared on DWTS.

  110. Anonymous1:02 PM

    That is definitely a photoshop job. If it represents reality, then Bristle's booty resembles a shelf. Just follow the imaginary line from above her arm to below. But then, maybe she's carrying the baby in her butt (along with her brain).

  111. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Being a single teen mother has paid off very well for Bristol. If anything, she and the girls on Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant, two shows on MTV all glamorize the life of the single teen mom who is happy to exploit her child and her situation in order to make money. There is an unkind word for people who sell themselves in that way. It doesn't matter if the price is cheap or expensive, then, we're just quibbling over price.

    Bristol was introduced as an author, so RAM must really be earing her pay, turnhing out something for Bristol to sign on her coming book tour. Will she drag the kid along as Sarah dragged Trig on her big old bus book tour? Will Bristol be giving more cheap speeches? (200 people attended at $20. a ticket is $4000.
    Even if they paid the premium $25. per ticket, that's a whopping big $5000. Somebody has to pay for the hall, the folding chairs, the publicity, and all of Bristol's expenses. And, she isn't exactly being a very good teen mom if she left Tripp at home with a nanny when there's a teen father in the picture too. (All right, they're 20now, but they are really both immature kids, too).

  112. It looks like willow's eyes to me. The hair is to take your eyes away from her her that does that cowlick thing

  113. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Wow, after going back and enlarging the photo it sure looks like Willow to me. The chin in particular. And the eyes. Hmmmm do we know who traveled with her? Who took the picture.

  114. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck1:16 PM

    i sure hope our federal tax dollars are not subsidizing these lectures on abstinece.

    anyone ever investigated that?

  115. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Some time ago, Bill Maher addressed the issue of abstinence, and it requires a little adult language to appreciate the problems with that line of thinking.

    Kids will be kids, and there is no fooling mother nature. If they do not engage in what we could call the usual form of sexual relations, there there will be a higher incidence of anal and oral sex, which is not protected with condoms, since there is no risk of pregnancy.

    Bill pointed out that while the risk of pregnancy is lowered, the rate of sexually transmitted diseases is higher, due to high risk behavior. Bristol's little speech is unrealistic for a number of reasons. She has gotten "fame" for not being abstinent, so she sets a bad example. I doubt that she talks aoubt aids, herpes or STD's. (Nice talk with that little girl there). If she is going to talk about no sex, she should not be tarted up to look like a tramp. (Sorry, but a modest look might sell the message a little better. Better to look like the Church Lady). And what an image, it was hard to tell her mother, harder than labor. That speaks well to the kind of honest relationship that a parent and child should have.

  116. Anonymous1:21 PM

    wow - yes Willow and Bristol share features, but they also have distinct features unto themselves. If you really cannot tell the difference, You most definitely need a prescription change. PLease remember that just because you want all the rumors to be true, they probably are no where near the truth you want.

    Thats the law of small town rumormill.

  117. Aussie Blue Sky1:35 PM

    In the interview with the odious Bob and Mark, at 4:28 Bristol Palin says she's "working on a b-" but catches herself and says something else. Why aren't we supposed to know she's working on a book?

    I hope Levi is ready with his libel suit.

  118. Anonymous1:37 PM

    the bottom photo is definitely altered - I saw the real one, that is not it.

    the other photo at the top does not appear to be photoshopped. She is standing in front of a reflective surface, her hair hangs down between her arm and her belly. However, check out the curve of the belly from under the breasts. Definite baby bump or serious

  119. Anonymous1:48 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Don't women get bigger as the pregnancy progresses? She seems to be no different, or even a bit smaller, than she appeared on DWTS.

    12:50 PM"

    She looks smaller everywhere except the arms.
    Some people were not made for sleeveless dresses.
    The midsection is really strange, she has no
    waist, and it looks like her hips & waistline
    will measure the same amount of inches, but
    then she has those arms. She is like a tube,
    except for the arms. I've never seen anyone who
    carried their weight in their arms, and no where
    else. The ballooning belly would not have gone
    away without the arms going away. Unless she
    had an ovarian cyst or something removed from
    her abdomen. If she is a belly pooch girl,
    there is no getting rid of that, but she did,

  120. Anonymoose2:04 PM

    Ha! What is Michelle Obama thinking?? Look at Bristol's tweet
    @kellyanncollins I'll actually be in DC this week. First Lady has invited me to be part of council she's creating. Mom not happy, oh well :)

    Also you people who think that is Willow in the photo have terrible face recognition skills. Bristol = long face, chubby cheeks, large forehead, no chin. ie the girl in the photo. WIllow's face is much shorter/rounder, small forehead, different nose, blah blah blah. See here for example:

  121. Anonymous2:04 PM

    That is an AZ look, esp sun-touched hair. Does she have to wait for the check to clear before she can sell pix of a new baby?

  122. honestyingov2:07 PM

    My first question WAS going to be what she said in her speech. 10 MINUTES!!!? 10 MInutes...That is NO speech...did she QUIT half-way through the half-hour? 10 min. is like the Introduction before the ' rill dill ' Speaker comes on.She could probably even fit that on her hand-prompter.

    Even a lame late-night info-mercial spends a half-hour to try to SELL you on some CRAP you don't want,don't NEED & don't believe in.
    I'll bet she took more than 10 minutes just fixing her hair.

  123. Anonymous2:08 PM


    Did you "rilly" mean to put two "ii's" in "family?"

    As for the baby bump mystery . . . let's say she was roughly 8 months prego in the photo w/ Sherry Shepard after DWTS. That would have given her ample time to pop out another babe, even if induced . . .

    Seems like the most likely explanation to a postpartum bump, yes? That's IF the photo is recent.

  124. Anonymous2:20 PM

    It's Willow with a wig to look like Bristol.

  125. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I do a lot of photoshop touch-ups. There are so many tell-tale signs, it is almost a joke. Starting left to right…
    1. Look under the blue-shirted man’s left arm (triangle area)- completely white. There is no evidence of the stone floor or chair legs. The crispness of the blue shirt on white is a classic sign of a paste.
    2. Bristol’s right thumb looks awkward. It also appears there is an oval darker area below it. Look very closely at the girl’s thumb. Not only does it not have a clean edge but it has two colors and the dividing line is in line with the man’s paper- cut and pasted.
    3. Bristols’s right upper arm looks like it has been cropped by where it crosses the edge of the door. It also does not match the size of the left arm.
    4. The right side of the door is definitely cropped and pasted. The repetitive pattern is typical of the “clone” tool. The circular white areas are also typical of the “eraser” or “clone” tool.
    5. Bristol’s torso on the left side is clearly manipulated. The dress edge does not appear continuous.
    This was on first examination. It make me more certain they are hiding something.

  126. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I do a lot of photoshop touch-ups. There are so many tell-tale signs, it is almost a joke. Starting left to right…
    1. Look under the blue-shirted man’s left arm (triangle area)- completely white. There is no evidence of the stone floor or chair legs. The crispness of the blue shirt on white is a classic sign of a paste.
    2. Bristol’s right thumb looks awkward. It also appears there is an oval darker area below it. Look very closely at the girl’s thumb. Not only does it not have a clean edge but it has two colors and the dividing line is in line with the man’s paper- cut and pasted.
    3. Bristols’s right upper arm looks like it has been cropped by where it crosses the edge of the door. It also does not match the size of the left arm.
    4. The right side of the door is definitely cropped and pasted. The repetitive pattern is typical of the “clone” tool. The circular white areas are also typical of the “eraser” or “clone” tool.
    5. Bristol’s torso on the left side is clearly manipulated. The dress edge does not appear continuous.
    This was on first examination. It make me more certain they are hiding something.

  127. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Check this out - doesn't look like Bristol to me - Willow?

  128. Look at the ears and the teeth to compare Bristol to Willow. "Beauty marks" can be put on with an eyebrow pencil. I believe it is Bristol, though. Either Photoshopped, post-abortion, or post-delivery. My guess is post-abortion, one of at least two, and this one late term. Somehow arranged when they were in Haiti (possibly an unscheduled stopover.)Bristol was not seen in public since then (don't believe the Wal-mart picture is current) until this speech. Timed to deflect the pregnancy rumours. Now, the question is: where is Sarah?

  129. Anonymous2:30 PM

    No it's not Willow. Mole on the left cheek.

  130. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Wouldn't it be great if we had something for girls to protect them from pregnancy just in CASE they slipped and had sex?

    Oh wait...we do, it's called the pill and it was invented in the 1960's.

    Or if you didn't take the pill, wouldn't it be great if they invented some kinda morning after pill to take AFTER you had sex?

    Oh right, they already invented that too, in 1974. And it's available over-the-counter.

    Or...wouldn't it be great if they invented something that would protect a girl from both pregnancy and STD's?

    Ooops. They already did, it's called a condom and it was invented in the 19th century.

    Maybe what Bristol needs is not an education, maybe someone needs to just drive her to a drugstore to see all the neat products available to prevent unintended pregnancies.

  131. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Wow, I admire that Bristol for having the willpower to not have sex since she gave birth to Tripp a couple years ago. I mean, do you know what tremendous willpower it takes to be celibate that long? And proof of her skills is certainly the fact that she's nice and slim and fit, not overweight at all, and controlling her eating, because that's the RIGHT thing to do! Oh...wait, nevermind.

  132. melissa2:44 PM

    That's Willow, not Bristol.

  133. Anonymous2:46 PM

    No, we don't need new prescription glasses as to whether this is Bristol or Willow. I could care less which one it is but I think it looks like Willow. That is my opinion.

    As to it must be Bristol because you can't fool 200 people; I seriously doubt the 200 people would know the difference here.

    They were told it was Bristol and like little sheep that is what they will believe.

    I can't imagine taking a 9 yr old girl to hear a sex speech. That is so twisted.

  134. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Looks like Willow to me.

  135. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Bristol's hair has been long for a while. The person in this photo is OBVIOUSLY wearing a wig. Why would Bristol need a long haired wig if her hair is ALREADY LONG?

    Also, too, the business with the beauty mark or mole is irrelevant. Anyone can use make-up to add this feature-- especially a sister who knows what Bristol really looks like up close.

    No, these folks are hard core grifters. They think they can get away with anything, even in the midst of a major family crisis.
    All they've done is to teach their kids that they don't have what it takes to make it in the world on their own merit, so they have to lie, cheat and steal. Those are the Palin family values.

  136. Anonymous3:04 PM

    2:30 - Who cares where Sarah is. It's been heaven not hearing that voice of hers! Hope is stays that way forever....

    Toodles Sarah!

  137. Anonymous3:12 PM

    "Bristol Palin says she's "working on a b-"

    Remember, baby starts with "b", too!

  138. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I wonder if the people who think this is Willow are also convinced that Track is the spitting image of Curtis Menard.

  139. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I think you might be right about that being Willow. The Bumpit hides the hair weave for longer hair.

  140. Anonymous3:24 PM

    someone said if you look closely the girl in the photo is NOT Bristol but Willow, that is why the speech was so short, she is being a stand in for Bristol until the baby is born.

  141. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I think it might be a wig too; one of the first things I noticed is how odd the hair looks and also those didn't look like Bristol's eyes and cheeks. Her cheeks don't look like that when she smiles. But yeah, the hair looks fake to me.

    Also her left arm looks photoshopped where it appears on the side of the dress. And the left arm is way too big for the cut out waist. Looks way out of proportion to the other arm!

  142. Anonymous3:38 PM

    January 23, 2011

    Hi Everyone,

    I was at the Fred Meyer store in Wasilla today between 12-1 pm. My husband and I were in the children's section and we saw Piper and a teenage-looking girl(Willow?) checking out newborn baby clothes.
    Who could be having or recently had a baby in order for them to be shopping for baby clothes? I mean Tripp(sick name for a child but whatever) is already 2+ years.

    Amy in Wasilla

  143. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Here are two more pics of that event:

  144. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Thanks for the 101 in photoshopping. Very interesting. I saw the white background by the shirt and it immediately looked wrong - once I knew what to look for. I hadn't noticed earlier.

    The handshake still didn't look suspicious to me after examining it. Then I got my son to shake my hand. I think the position in the picture is possible, but I'm seeing how it could be suspect now. Thumbs naturally cross over in a handshake.

    I don't see the problem with her arm where her arm crosses the door, but below her armpit the door is satin, and above her shoulder the door is glossy. Not sure if lighting would account for that or not. The door jam below her shoulder is different than the door jam above. I don't know if that's reasonable or not. The two arms do look to be different sizes, I think.

    The door has three different colors (1. above her shoulders, 2. below her arm on left side of BP and 3. below her arm on right side of BP.) I don't think lighting could account for all of it, but if an expert told me it could, I'd quickly believe it.

  145. I don't think there's intentional trickery or anything nefarious going on with the photo. It was taken by the Eagle staff. I don't rule out the common practice of using photoshop to 'slim down' the subject just to be flattering.

  146. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Anon 2:04, I live in Arizona and have a 20 year old daughter. That is NOT an Arizona look!!! Kids here are very California casual. And long straight hair, they straighten it and NO BUMPITS!!! I showed my daughter and she laughed. She also thinks Bristol is a loser and hypocrite. My daughter is a junior at ASU . She goes to school full time and works 25 hours a week.

  147. Anonymous4:00 PM

    She looks like Snooki with that hairstyle. Just like a Palin to take style tips from "Jersey Shore." WRT her stature (read: size), I maintained all along that she was just getting heavier, but was not pregnant. Many people overeat in response to stress (me!me!) and now that the stress of DWTS contest is over, she is eating more regularly and less obsessively. Of course she doesn't know what she's talking about, and her sponsors know that. They just care about the fact that people will pay to see the latest trainwreck.

  148. Anonymous4:00 PM

  149. Anonymous4:03 PM

    In that very fuzzy site that Lecy has for her ghost stories, sure looks like Bristol's head photoshopped on Willow. Experts in photo manipulation what do you think?

  150. How nice to see Brisket getting back down to her pre-pregnancy weight! Looks like her wite-out went successfully!

  151. SME1314:06 PM

    So are we assuming she gave birth shortly after DWTS? She must have. I'm sure Sarah bribed a midwife to take care of the delivery and then the baby mysteriously arrived at a safe haven drop off zone for mothers.

  152. Anonymous4:09 PM

    If you lighten the photo you can see that Bristol's hair on her right side ends abruptly like a straight cut from being pasted. I think when they photoshopped it they thought her hair would blend with the door and not be noticed. Gryphen get your experts to look at it!

  153. Anonymous4:11 PM

    There is definitely something funny about the pix of Bristol's supposed speech.

    They are either trying to pass Willow off as Bristol or are using some heavy photoshop.

    In these two pix, the dress isn't even the same.

  154. Anonymous4:23 PM
    why would brisdull change clothing for a 10 minute speech? In these photo's she sure looks like willow....

  155. Anonymous4:29 PM

    The girl behind the giant podium looks like Bristol. And a huge Bristol at that. I'll bet she never came out from behind that podium. They probably closed the curtains after her(cough cough) speech.

    The girl in the printed dress looks more like Willow.


  156. Anonymous4:32 PM

    @4:11, I was just going to say the same thing. (err, type the same thing.) On the lecy site, the dress is not the same dress.

    Also, look at the rather large derierre hanging out from the podium. That's not the same little backside from the other dress.

    What is with these people?! No wonder I can't stop, this is like a soap opera, but it's real life, and these hillbillies think they should be in the White House! Sheesh!

  157. Anonymous4:33 PM

    At the ghostly book site, Bristol has two different dresses. Behind the podium, she is in a solid colored dress, but the dress is obviously a print dress in the other pictures.

  158. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Bristol - a question directly for you - how do you talk about abstinence when you're currently with Gino? Because let me assure you, if you or your mom think you can treat the Paoletti family like you've treated Levi's - you have another thing coming. The Paoletti's are a tight clan and Diana is the true Grizzly Mom - not just someone who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. You'd be wise to tread carefully and treat Gino and Co. with respect and honesty, because they will so not play the blame / shame game with you that you managed to pull off with Levi's family.

    Deceit is supposed to be something you don't practice. Please think about your actions (like the speeches you give) and your words. Do they line up? And if not, then what will you do about it?

    A lot of us who live here feel badly for you. Yes, your mother plopped you onto the world stage while you were in a very vulnerable time of life when she should have protected you. It shouldn't have happened, but it did. You're going to have to learn to stand on your own, Bristol. You can be a woman of character and truth and class. The choice is yours.

  159. mat864:45 PM

    Ok, I know these girls- taught Bristol and another former student is Willow's BF. That photo is BRISTOL. If you see "willow's eyes" it's because they ARE SISTERS!

    I feel very strongly that this sort of guessing and speculation just adds to the anti-blogger complaints of the Palins. "See? That can't even get which daughter is which right- all the bloggers are lying!"

    This does a HUGE disservice to Gryph, PG, Malia, and anyone else out there digging into the FACTS and reporting what the MSM will not, for whatever crazy reason.

    Please just stop with the guessing and stick to the facts.

  160. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Wow 4:11
    Comparing the 2 legacy photos
    It looks like Bristol is wearing different dresses. I also can't see the necklace that is prominent in Gryphen's photo. Not only that but the hair is different.
    In Gryphen's photo, the white paper the man is holding is blending into Bristol's hand- that is photoshopped or Bristol is supernatural.

  161. Anonymous4:50 PM

    As anonymous at 4:32 pointed out, look at that ass sticking out from behind the podium. It's huge. not the same as in the other two pix in the printed dress.

  162. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Another strange thing. Bristol is wearing a necklace in the picture with the little girl, but there is no necklace on the picture with Lecy. I have a feeling that Willow did the photo ops and Bristol gave the speech behind the podium.

  163. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I think that looks more like Willow than Bristle. And really,if you're dumb enough to pay to hear her speak, would you be able to tell the difference?

  164. Anonymous5:03 PM

    If you enlarge the photo of Bristol with the 9 year old girl, the neck area has clearly been altered. It looks very strange in the enlarged photo.

  165. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Odd that someone who keeps birthing orphans
    would speak at the Central Texas Orphan Mission
    Alliance. Where is Ruffles? Did they adopt
    him out through this company?

  166. Anonymous5:19 PM

    You are correct, its tomorrow night.

  167. Anonymous5:20 PM

    And look at the hair..........different color and the girl giving the speech has no bumpit.

    Definitely two different people.


  168. Anonymous5:21 PM

    More info to make you go Hmmm... I do believe, without this blog, there would be no one to notice these things. Thanks for the food-for-thought.

  169. Anonymous5:28 PM

    When I first looked at it I immediately thought it was Willow. She has more of that sly Cheshire cat smile like the person in this picture.

    The fact that it was so controlled and two girls there with similar clothing and hair sure makes it seem like they are up to something. Can you say decoy !!

    Willow would be early enough in her pregnancy that she'd just looks like she has gained weight. The fact that so many people spontaneously have their radar up on this makes me think its Willow even more. Bristol would be 7-8 months by now and not slimmer.

  170. Anonymous5:45 PM

    The shape of the face in the picture with the ghost writer is definitely that of Willow, not Bristol.

  171. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Sorry about claiming that was an AZ look. Certainly someone from there would know better.

    I have to admit I was skeptical of the photo-shop and Willow stand-in theories since they really seemed off-the-wall. But I'm not so sure now. Nice job people.

  172. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Club Paris? Bristol? Altercations?

    I thought she was shacked up in Arizona?

  173. Anonymous6:54 PM

    "let's say she was roughly 8 months prego in the photo w/ Sherry Shepard after DWTS."

    oh...never thought she was that far along - but I would say she looked 5 months along on DWTS and may also have been dealing with morning sickness. It's why she had the 'flu' alot.

  174. Anonymous6:57 PM

    The pictures on Lecy's website are OBVIOUSLY two different people! The girl behind the podium looks like Bristol. At this point, I know her face -- even at a long distance. The girl in the standing hallway shot DOES NOT LOOK LIKE BRISTOL. The smile is different -- the whole "vibe" is different. Happier than Bristol looks...

    What's going on here?

  175. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Who would send their two pregnant daughters to an orphanage to talk about abstinence?

    Somebody who's hubby was caught screwing hookers and needs a distraction?

    Or maybe somebody who owes a debt to said orphanage? "What kind of debt would that be I wonder?" he asked innocently.

  176. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Sure seems like a lot of diversion to keep the focus off sister Sarah and Toad....Willow/Bristol - Bristol/Willow speaking engagement in the lower 48 - altercation w/Bristol at Anchorage's Club Paris Restaurant.

    We're giving them all too much time folks! They are truly an idiotic family with no morals.

  177. Anonymous7:51 PM

    But orphans in Texas orphanages don't get to be fish pickers!

  178. Anonymous8:21 PM

    How did this get to Texas orphans? I thought Brisket was speaking out against abstinence?

    So which Palin throw a fit there in Anchorage today? was that Bristol, Sarah or Willow? And why?

  179. I want to know what drugs these people are on. Did you read what Lecy had to say about Bristol? 180 degrees from our impressions. I mean, how does "haters", "this sucks", and the Facebook trash talk translate to "She is a truly beautiful person from the inside out. She is open, friendly and makes you feel that you have been her friend your whole life." Maybe it's the bath salt abuse I read about today in the WaPost.

  180. Pursang8:48 PM

    After the speech Bristol told a reporter that she didn't smoke, drink, or cuss. Unfortunately she then turned to a friend and said, "Damn it, I left my cigarettes at the bar".

    But I kid......

  181. 10catsinMD9:07 PM

    Just did a high resolution zoom on the picture of Bristol with the little girl. I have Adobe Photoshop. That picture has definitely been photoshopped. Some edges are weird. The hole between her arm and dress is a different color from the door colors above and below it. The pixels are very large, probably just a medium JPEG image if that. Someone used a point and shoot.

    I compared the image to other ones that I shot of people to see how the pixels from each photo line up. Pixelated lines are square blocks. My photos are JPEG fine and RAW imagery, so the block are very small and lines flow consistently to form the image.

    I use a high end Nikon DSLR, shooting in fine JPEGS and I have done photoshopping. It takes a lot of time to do a really good job, even then you can easily loose the smooth arc of grouping the blocks (pixel groupings). This one was done fairly clumsy.

    Remember awhile ago when Demi Moore had a picture on a magazine cover and a lot of criticism came out because the her hips/legs did not line up from top to bottom of arm placement. Same thing here. to much indentation in top of arm in the small space between her elbow and the dress. Probably done to make her look slimmer. Also her chin and the direct lighting reflected on her face washes it out.

    Picture was probably taken with a point and shoot and trimmed on a laptop before it was released to the public. A news or media photographer would have a better camera that would compensate for the bright highlighting on Bristol's face.

    So much for lecturing. Hope I didn't bore you all.

  182. 10catsinMD9:10 PM

    When I had my first and only daughter, I packed regular dresses for me to wear coming home from the hospital. Boy was I disappointed that the pregnant did not just disappear!

    I went to the hospital in a maternity dress and left in one. It took a few months, but I went down to my usual size 10.

    Just speculating if Bristol was pregnant and gave birth, she may not lose all that weight for a long time.

    Just saying.

  183. Fantastic title you came up with for this one's post. LMAO

    Hysterical yet true - Love it!

  184. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Who in the hell would pay or go see someone who barely made it out of high school speak for 10 minutes?

    I just can't imagine listening to a 10 minute speech from a nobody.

    Would anybody pay money to see a band where the band only plays for 10 minutes?

    Would anybody pay money and go out on a Saturday night date to watch a 10 minute movie?

    Would anybody pay money and go to a major league baseball game that last only 10 minutes?

    I can understand Bristol's father paying for 10 minutes with a prostitute, but I just don't see anybody paying for 10 minutes of Bristol's life story in the sack.

  185. Aussie Blue Sky10:19 PM

    I finally looked at the pic and all I noticed is she probably had her double chin lipoed away in early December. In the Walmart pic from a couple of weeks ago she was holding her chin resolutely DOWN. And if she had her fat belly lipoed last week she would be wearing a very tight girdle or something in TX. The other things I noticed were the empire line of her dress, clearly to show off the absence of said fat belly, and she is wearing a ton of professionally-applied make-up.

  186. Anonymous11:12 PM

    I just spent some time comparing photos of Bristol and Willow to the one for this event. That is WILLOW. The eyes, nose and teeth all belong to Willow.

    I think they need to be informed they got scammed.

  187. Anonymous11:17 PM

    This photo is photoshoped because the technical data in the exif doesn't match the focus. The aperture says 2.8 with 19mm lens. At that setting then the far background would be very out of focus. Look at that plant way across the room, it should be out of focus if the 3 subjects are in focus. Something fishy.

  188. Anonymous5:25 AM

    What is it about Palins photoshopping jewelry off their necks, here and Gusty photo?

    Sometimes speakers meet with people at receptions before their speeches. The eye-distracting dress could have been for that, and then she wore a solid purple from the podium. I won't rule out a little switcheroo with Willow or that cousin used before, but I think it unlikely.

    I just don't know if Bristol was pregnant on DWTS or if her previous pregnancies have left her midsection sticking out. It happens. And as for the hypocrisy of her abstinence speeches, fools and their money . . .

    I feel sorry for Todd. Seeing a prostitute may have been a very good coping strategy for him for being stuck with Sarah. If she hadn't sought the limelight, they would have been divorced long ago. He may have been a bad husband (and political operative), but he's always seemed a pretty good father.

    I want Sarah exposed for her own deceptions, not Todd's. -B

  189. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Gryphen, who's coming up with all the "it's Willow" comments? Seems like trolls.

    Also, I wish the so-called Photoshop experts would take a little break, as well. I owned a graphic design firm, and would bet anyone $1000 that the Eagle pic is NOT retouched in any significant way. Her shape looks the same to me as is portrayed in the Lecy fan photo.

    The white triangle under the guy's armpit is just the floor, blasted out. You can see that the parquet transitions to a white terrazzo or lino. flooring, the details of which are lost in the obvious glare coming in from the windows.

    I don't know if the Photoshop crew (be they one person or many) is for real or, again, possibly trying to stir up trouble.

    Bristol looks overweight, and trying to camouflage a belly, but a smaller one than in the DWTS/Sherri/Haiti pix. My guess is that her most recent 2010 pregnancy is behind her.

    She is not normally an "apple" shape, either, as these two pictures confirm:

  190. anon@11:17, I love EXIF data! and its willows eyes for sure.

  191. Anonymous6:13 AM

    I zoomed in on that photo in Photoshop and that's not Bristol. Her smile is completely different than her own, as is her chin. Her body is completely out of proportion. Plus she has some weird dark spot on he side of her face. It looks like someone's head was photoshopped onto that weird body. There is a gap under her arm that doesn't match either the dress or the wall behind her. Of all the photos that must have been taken why was the the "official" one?

  192. hey ANON @5:58 I am NOT a troll. I have been here for 2 1/2 years with the same ID... and that is NOT Bri$tole. not her eyes anyway.

  193. Anonymous6:29 AM

    @5:58 I'm one of those who had some comments here, and let me assure you, I am NOT a troll!

    That picture immediately raised alarms to me and I'm not a Photoshop expert, but something definitely looked out of place.

    Even the top part of her left arm is way too big for the bottom part of the arm; how could you possibly be a Photoshop expert and not notice things like that?

  194. Anonymous7:02 AM

    @5:58 I shouldn't have to say this to you, since you used to own a graphic design firm, but you do have to click on the photo to enlarge it to see some of these things that are out of place in the photo.

  195. Anonymous7:18 AM

    5:58. It seems like you might be the troll. The evidence of photoshopping is all over the photo with the 9 year old girl. As for me, I'm at this site daily and definitely not a troll.

  196. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Here's the simplest possibility: it's Bristol. She had the baby already, and it was given up for adoption.

  197. Anonymous8:48 AM

    To 5:58. The possibility that you owned a graphic design shop are about as likely as me starring in the new Cohen Brothers movie. Other than discuss the floor, you offer no credible proof that the photo wasn't photoshopped. 2:38pm offers actual expertise.

    The troll, in this case, is you!

  198. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Willow went with Bristol just for fun and they both ended up being photographed and that is what's up. People at the event didn't know who was who either.

    So Bristol can hide behind the podium and Willow met people!

  199. Anonymous10:10 AM

    By 5 months, no more morning sickness---at least for most people. A few unlucky ones have it the entire time.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.