Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Have these idiots heard Bristol Palin speak?

Apparently the people who manage this radio station are so hard up for publicity that they are actually offering the famously monosyllabic Bristol Palin a job on the air.

No I am NOT kidding! Read the offer for yourself.

See? I told you.

Perhaps somebody needs to send these morons this example of Bristol Palin's on air personality to give them a little perspective.

And THAT is while talking to a paste eater like Eddie Burke!  Imagine how much worse she would be with somebody who did not occasionally lick the microphone because he thinks it is a giant fudgesicle?

Oh wait!  Is this another example of my attempts to destroy Sarah Palin's children again?  Or am I just stating the obvious?


  1. Anonymous5:52 AM


  2. Anonymous5:56 AM

    just for fun i searched bristol on facebook. i gave up after scrolling through TONS of "i hate bristol, bristol sucks, bristol stinks, bristol cant't dance, i wouldn't fuck bristol with your dick, ect ect ect ect ect,,,,
    i kinda felt sorry for her. she would not have hundreds of hat pages set up for her if her mom had not got her into this.

    bill in belize

  3. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Pistol has no "natural talent", other than making babies. What a joke.

  4. Anonymous6:04 AM

    What "natural talent" are they talking about - the talent to get pregnant continuously by different guys? The "talent" to turn boring into a DWTS gig that paid her $345,000.00? If she is a "welcome addition" then the station has to be on it's last legs, or it soon will be if she accepts the offer. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.

  5. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Bristol will be the new Paris Hilton, famous for being famous. Actually, Paris became famous for having made a sex tape. Bristol became famous for having sex and producing a baby (maybe two or three). Paris's favorite expression is "That's hot." Bristol's favorite expression is "That sucks."

  6. Anonymous6:13 AM

    All that because she graduated from high school.I guess it must have been a slow day for news.She certainly does show a lack of personality.All I can say is Wow.

  7. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Actually I think you would be smarter to focus on Sarah and her political aspirations. This is all a big distraction. If some station is dumb enough to do this, why do you care? You don't have to listen to her boring drivel.

    How did you get this letter? If you have it, how do you know if it's real or not?

  8. Anonymous6:23 AM

    You seem to have some Bristol under your skin.

  9. Anonymous6:37 AM

    I hope that contemptible woman's daughter accepts. I'm sure she will do her best to demonstrate the level of intelligence and vast knowledge of the world this family has.

    Either that, or she will simply repeat her mom's 10 or 15 stock responses to any question.

    Honestly, I feel bad for America whenever one of these grasping hillbillies gets any kind of attention.

    One of the most fantastic things about this country is it does reward and promote smart, creative people no matter their background.

    I dislike people given preference simply because they come from a well known family.

    John McCain is a product of this system. He was able to make countless mistakes in good judgment, crash several airplanes, and avoid the consequences because his dad was an Admiral in the Navy.

  10. Bella the Bunny Girl6:40 AM

    Women like Sarah always see themselves in unhealthy competition with every other female around, even their own daughters. Daughter Grizzly getting the job offers and tabloid attention Mamma wants - must be driving Mamma nuts.

    That's why Gryphen posts it, lol.

  11. Anonymous6:40 AM

    You mean, like, get up early? EVERY day? And WORK for a couple of hours? Are you people nuts? My mommy is RICH! And FAMOUS! And going to be president!

  12. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Bristol isn't interested in working every single morning. This job is so beneath her. She can make more in Hollywood.

    Where did you get this letter? Good point that maybe it's a fake.

  13. Anonymous6:48 AM

    EVERYONE in Phonix needs to call these clowns and tell them they will switch to a palin free station should they put bimbo in training on the air.

    this is just asinine.

  14. Anonymous6:50 AM

    P.S. Using the word "contemptible" because it starts with "con" - a good description of what this woman is all about.

  15. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Clear Channel, say no more. Right wing radio is a cabal, you don't need talent. You just need to be an idiot with a shtick. Laura Schlessinger is my neighbor, we started to pay some attention to her racket years ago. Tammy Bruce is a friend and big defender of hers. Same old, same old. Bristol the Pistol would fit right in as long as she can have her own in house studio.

  16. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Oh, Gryphen--you big meanie. Picking on a poor, innocent, teenage girl.......oh, wait--she's not poor, innocent, OR a teenager anymore, is she?

    Come to think of it, she's just a poorly raised, (apparently) vastly experienced ;) twenty something year old woman who happened to have a poorly raised, somewhat experienced, twenty-something wanna-be mother with a really bad work ethic but a knack for bringing in the big bucks by showing off the perceived assets. (props or otherwise)

    Sounds like fair game to me! She certainly had a better chance than that caribou that half term gov. Barbie pretended to kill on the last Sarah Does Alaska.

  17. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Where are the Palins at Gryphen? The kids don't go to school?
    I just spent 2 weeks visiting family and we were out and about sightseeing, eating out and hanging around but, now school is back in session and everyone of the relatives has gone home so the kids could keep up with schoolwork. Where are those Palin kids at? No school for them in Wasilla?

  18. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Work!!!! that is a four letter word to the Palins.

    $15K for 30 minute speech a few times a year OR get up early and work each day for $30K a year.

    Ain't going to happen... it is just free press for radio station.

  19. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Please, Gryphen- get a hold of the recent pictures of Bristol (that will show her true natural talents).
    I am frustrated that we haven't seen a bit of her since the DWTS fiasco and having way of seeing her bump.
    If she is more slender, I am sure that a white-out has occurred, but if not, then we will know how all her abstinence campaign has really affected her.

    Does ANYONE have any pictures or sightings over the last month?

  20. Anonymous7:02 AM

    "Compensation is negotiable?" If she holds out for 5-cents per "um" and 10-cents per "like," she's going to be a very rich girl in a hurry.

  21. Anonymous7:05 AM

    So, will Pistol accept the offer and does this mean that all of the pregnancy rumors have been put to rest? Is she no longer in hiding?

    Seems that with the twitter emergence of Sarah from the darkness of the past week or so, all the dire speculation of the Palin family's trials & tribulations are diminishing like air from a balloon. Are we back to business as usual now?

  22. Anonymous7:13 AM

    O/T but Sarah's fellow Mama Ditzly Michele Bachmann is reportedly considering a run for President. Didn't she get the bot-memo that she's supposed to be Sarah's VP candidate? Heads exploding today.

  23. Anonymous7:17 AM

    "her values and personality fit the team"? Now that is a real recommendation!

  24. Anonymous7:17 AM

    She'll have a studio built in her home in Maricopa. Distance from Maricopa to 96.9 station, 33.79 miles. Right next door to Sky Harbor Airport. Not gonna happen (travel daily.)

  25. Anonymous7:21 AM

    So many talented on-air out of work hosts in the Phoenix area, and they want BRISTOL?

    If I were a trained on air host, with a background in broadcasting, I'd be at their door demanding a interview and audition. They must have the opening. Also too, was'ent there a rumor a few weeks back about Bristol going to Phoenix to go to school for broadcasting?

    I wish I had a famous parent so I too can get a free ride out of life. Why work hard, when you can hardly work and make a fortune? Great role model. A slutty gal who has Jesus tattooed on her hiney.

  26. Anonymous7:24 AM

    This is via Clear Chanel - which is Right Wing all the way. You know the old saying, it's not what you know, but who you know(?)

    Why would Clear Channel fall all over themselves to offer an on-air job to a nobody, no-talent like Bristol Palin?

    Why did Bristol choose to move to Arizona? Why did she choose to buy a house without any form of employment? Why all of a sudden did a lucrative job offer pop up?

    The big question is: how does Sarah Palin benefit in here with Arizona? How does Sarah Palin benefit in here with Bristol's move & job gig?

    And, a curious question, what happened to Bristol's gig in her own consulting firm?

    Denise (Michigan)

  27. Ferry Fey7:32 AM

    Maybe it's their way of being shock jocks. Because we're certainly shocked at the offer, and it gets everyone talking about them. Priceless publicity!

  28. Anonymous7:37 AM

    pr for station, distraction from pregnant palin(s)let's keep our eye on the ball people.

  29. Anonymous7:39 AM

    One of the most difficult (and underrated) jobs a person can have is something involving talking "on your feet", and thinking on your feet. Bristol Palin hasn't got one lick of talent in that area...I wish she'd take the job so that the listeners could mock her mercilessly.

  30. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Oh Gryphen, you are a riot! Where did your "paste-eater" expression came from? In the 1950s, when I was little, we used white paste in school (not Elmer's; it came in a big jar and was thick like jelly) and some of the more developmentally delayed kids ate it and were reprimanded by adults, while the rest of us looked on in shock (until we got used to it).


  31. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I wonder why Bristol is being offered a job on the radio, where we can't see her. For that matter, she doesn't need to come down to the station. She can literally phone it in. The only reason that any radio station, TV program or any other media outlet uses the name of Bristol Palin is that they saw what she did for the sagging ratings of Dancing with the Stars. It's not Bristol's sparkling personality that people tuned in for. The Palin name is tabloid magic, people watch them the same way that they watch Snooki, because they attract attention and really have no other talent than attracting attention. Famous for being famous.

    By the way, any truth to the rumor that Willow dropped out of school?

  32. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I agree with others that focus on the family is a huge distraction, which also puts us on the same level as these dull people.

    Less family, more SP malfeasance, pls.

  33. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Bristol´s ankles are fatter than Hilliary Clinton´s ankles.


  34. Anonymous7:57 AM

    She hasn't done anything to earn the job offer, but some people get lucky breaks. I don't begrudge her that. Maybe she'll take it and hone her skills. Picking on her shows little to discredit Sarah and justifies the criticism the bots will have of blogs like this.

    O/T - Oftentimes politicians who have run for the presidential nomination get picked for the ticket as VP. That may be Michelle Bachman's tactic. She is also delusional.

    Picking on the kids turns me off.

  35. Anonymous8:01 AM

    As mentioned before Clear Channel Broadcasting Network is right wing owned national corporation. I'm pretty sure it is based out of Texas. I'm sure it is her mom's connections with Rick "the hair" Perry and other Texas rich old white guys that Bristol was even considered. Palin stupidity attracks redneck stupidity which it seems there are a lot of in Az.

  36. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Let's hear from some in AZ. That letter makes it sound as if AZ-ers
    are clammering for MIX to hire her.
    Did Megan McCain already turn them down? Bristol is not capable of talking & communicating with others
    about current events, local or otherwise. To do that you need to be
    'up' of what's happening around you,
    get the pulse of things, so to speak.
    Being a DJ is harder than it looks.

    Why is this happening? Why is a dull-witted,totally unqualified celebra-nit being fast-tracked to a
    position that requires skills she does not possess?

    Sharon TN

  37. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Anons @ 7:54 and 8:01, absolutely. It's brilliant - a job she can do using no film footage (though some like to have tape as well). And Clear Channel is probably the main reason the far Right has held the market share it enjoys for so long.

  38. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Arizona: turning into Alaska, with cactus.

  39. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I can spot the paid Bots in these comments. I bet even the paid Bots laugh and agree with your posts! How could they not? Keep up the good work!

  40. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Love the Huge Goth Death Moth photo....

  41. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Michelle Bachmann running for president?? What a joke, unless she runs with Palin as "The Bitch and the Witch" Either one could be top of THAT ticket.Bristol had better take every opportunity to make money, because I have a feeling the gravy train will leave the station soon.

  42. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Someone getting paid by SarahPAC to write letters pretending the pregnant Bristol is a hot commodity.

    Someone like RAM trying to write screen plays for the ignorant and uneducated and trying to do a smoke & mirrors on the pregnant girl-woman again.

    The Palin-family circus is no longer going to get many bookings as people are waking up to the truth about this grifter family.

  43. Anonymous9:10 AM

    "Have these idiots heard Bristol speak?"

    Speaking is not what made Bristol famous. According to Levi, Ben, Gino and the rest of the boys in Bristol's graduating class, Bristol is famous for her humming skills.

  44. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Clear Channel and its subsidiaries is the group paying for Sarah Palin's nationwide appearances and speaking engagements.
    Offering Bristol a job is probably just part of the package.

    Honestly, I wish she would take the offer. Nothing wrong with gainful employment and she's going to be hard-pressed to find any business that will hire her to be Office Manager/Receptionist/Medical Assistant without a high school diploma and that will allow her random extended absences.

    She already IS the Paris Hilton of Alaska. Anytime now, she'll come out with a line of clothing and a signature fragrance.

    There's simply no possible way she completed Alaska Standards graduation requirements. I can't imagine how Wasilla High School could have gotten around it. The only option is a Certificate of Completion.
    Shame on you, Wasilla High School. It does such an incredible disservice to all of Alaska's teenagers, to pretend that she earned a diploma. There are so many kids (and parents) trying to get graduation accomplished, in the face of some pretty insurmountable odds, rigid requirements and unsupportive administration. Look at the drop-out rate! This isn't because kids don't care. This is because they simply can't remain in school an extra year or two and it looks hopeless, so why stay in school?
    If I was a Wasilla parent, this would be such a loud issue. I would be at School Board meetings asking the questions.
    I personally know of a Wasilla student athlete the same age as Bristol who did everything right and wasn't pregnant. She had to choose between graduation requirements and advancing a developing career in national competition that was likely to lead to a spot on a national team. She dropped the sports career, because Wasilla High School wouldn't allow her a one-week absence to attend U.S. National Championships.
    Here's how it works - a student can be absent unlimited days if the sport is school-sanctioned. That means that cheerleaders can go to Maui and Alaska girls can compete nationally in Flag Football and Tennis. Yay.
    But for sports not offered in school - skating, alpine skiing and snowboarding, martial arts - there is NO allowable absence. It's around 15 days per semester, for any reason, including illness and emergency. Doesn't matter how well the student is performing academically. That's the rule. No exceptions.
    If I was a Matsu parent, I would be freaking out!

    The huge irony is that Alaska has the single largest number of winter sports Olympians per capita, of the entire United States.
    No thanks to Alaska schools! Stingy, inflexible, defeating education systems.
    Every single one of those homegrown Alaska Olympians ultimately faced a moment where they had to choose a different academic path and remove themselves from an Alaska school in order to advance in their sport. I don't believe there's a public high school in all of Alaska that can claim an Olympian as a graduate.

    But Wasilla graduated Bristol Palin. Hurray! Now, Wasilla, get all your other pregnant teenagers graduated. With diplomas.

  45. Anonymous9:17 AM



  46. Awwsome, cool, yeah, wow. The 4 words I have heard Bristol say. Now the ones she writes on facebook like fag etc. you know nice christian moral girl stuff will be sooo awesome. Should be an exciting show. snark

  47. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:27 AM

    IMO, them's in the know realize that Deah Sarah appeals to an older, undereducated demographic. They want to use Brissie to pull in the young'uns who are impressionable enough to admire her for the "talent" of havin' babies as a teen, and ending up "famous." Most of these girls will be old enough to vote in 2012, so...get 'em before they can rationalize, dagnabbit!

    So now we've gone from the Stepford Wives (SP, Bachmann, Angle, etc.) to the Stepford Daughters. Scary!

    BTW, the term "paste eater" caused me to spit a bite of my lunch across the room. Good job! ;-)

  48. Sorry, this is OT, but we have an office pool going on Bristol's next baby name. My money's on Trio, with other choices being Tron, Trek, Trick, Trey, Treat, Trudge, and the long shot, Tribble.

  49. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Perhaps it will be a sensation to have Bristol on air "giving the middle finger", stating "it sucks" and her verbage a la FB slams to any callers who have a different opinion.

    This young woman may be able to do radio for she has demonstrated that acting is not a talent she has. More power to uneducated persons who have connections and can earn money via being put in the limelight and dressed by contributors monies.

    I had to laugh when a woman I know asked why Bristol is spoken of as poor, having to work her fingers to the bone, poor poor teen mom yet able to pay cash for a house?

    The Palins need to let go of the poor, struggling teen identity for Bristol. People who pay cash for a house, rarely work are not "struggling".

  50. Anonymous9:49 AM

    That's a very rare picture of bristol on the IM homepage; but then, any picture of her with her legs "together" is rare !

    Very rare !!

  51. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Bill in Belize
    Those are violating and dissgusting comments people post about Bristol.
    That is why it's a healthier choice to actually protect your offspring's privacy and teach them not to sell intimate details of their lives for money. Privacy isn't soemthing they can buy back and building a ridiculous fence won't do a bit of good when you drill the proverbial peephole in it or call the tabloids.

    The funniest comment I read was "Sarah Palin values privacy the way a stripper values their modesty."

    The Palin clan wants the money and can't comprehend selling themselves out is the cause of loss of privacy. In their minds that is "all the fault of" other people.

  52. Anonymous9:54 AM

    That radio station should hire this guy:

    "Homeless man Ted Williams becomes viral video star in quest to be radio announcer"

  53. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Listening to Bristol is nearly as exhilarating as listening to paint dry. Looks like "Mix" will need to learn that the hard way since they haven't yet caught on to the obvious.

  54. Anonymous9:55 AM

    OT- This is something to let people know who believed Palin that she HAD built the longest pipeline by taking on oil companies and the good 'ole boys. It's amazing how many people swallowed the bait the pipeline had been started and built.

    I am willing to give a person credit for what they did, even Palin who worked to get a deal. IMO that is a big whopper of a lie for the pipeline does not exist.
    When she quit the governorship a friend of mine was sympathetic for Palin had built the greatest pipleline great at "energy". I had to burst the bubble of the lie informing my friend. Truth bursts the Palin is an energy expert bubble. Truth is a "hit piece" to Palin...destroys the false persona she has conned people of.

  55. Anonymous10:36 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Love the Huge Goth Death Moth photo....

    8:44 AM"

    We are looking at the rare Wasilla Butt Moth
    (Latin name: Wasillyis Grifterus Rumpus
    ). You can tell a Butt Moth from
    other moths by the mammoth size, fluctuating abdomen, and the fact the wings are attached
    at the butt.

  56. Anonymous10:57 AM

    "It is my observation that you can turn your natural talent into a broadcasting career"

    And this is? Spitting out children as a teenager out of wedlock as well as denigrating others who differ with your narrow views on Facebook? Maybe it is your dancing talent.

    Give me a frigging break. I honestly thought Clear Channel might have an ounce of integrity but resurrecting a no talent airhead for ratings and then blowing smoke up her butt is no way to prove it.

  57. Anonymous11:32 AM


    Looking at Bristol's goth picture on IM -
    “We are looking at the rare Wasilla Butt Moth
    (Latin name: Wasillyis Grifterus Rumpus
    Mothis). You can tell a Butt Moth from
    other moths by the mammoth size, fluctuating abdomen, and the fact the wings are attached
    at the butt.”
    10:36 AM

    ***********************************"That's a very rare picture of bristol on the IM homepage; but then, any picture of her with her legs "together" is rare !"

    Very rare !!
    9:49 AM

  58. Ferry Fey11:36 AM

    It's not customary for legitimate job offers to be offered using stationary that has no return address on the first page of the letter.

    It's not customary for a business letter offering employment, and seemingly introducing itself to the prospective employee, to start as this alleged letter does:

    "January 3, 2011

    Ms. Bristol Palin

    RE: Offer of Employment as a Broadcaster in Phoenix"

    The RE: would mean it was responding to a previous letter about them offering Bristol a job,
    yet the text suggests it is the initial introduction and offer.

    A google of their site for Bristol's name shows no citations, showing no previous interest.

    Smells funny, Gryphen. Where'd you get this funny smelling thing?

  59. Anonymous11:40 AM

    They are flexible and can accommodate Bristol’s schedule and she can perform her show from any city, any where?

    Are they trying to say they can accommodate Bristol’s schedule and that she can even perform her show from the maternity ward?

  60. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Jude I would bet on Trio or Triola, if Gino gets stuck with the fatherhood role.

    9:54 AM ABSOLUTELY!!

  61. Anonymous12:07 PM

    eh, there are poorer choices currently holding jobs as on air "personalities". If she accepts and doesn't provide ratings, she won't stay. Remember Jenna Bush's stint on TODAY? and she HAS personality.

  62. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Yes Bristol is boring. But it cannot be denied that she intrigues people. And stop with the continuous pregnancies. She hasn't been pregnant since Tripp and probably wasn't before. Rumors don't help anyone, but make the rumor spreaders look moronic

  63. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I find it FASCINATING that the majority of America thinks Sarah's ignorant yet she remains #2 most admired woman

  64. Anonymous12:15 PM

    The picture of Bristol from the ACES game last week made it to the internet as well as pics on facebook of her at family holiday parties and at the compound

  65. paste eaters are window lickers also too12:17 PM

    "Paste eaters" on

    the Daily Show
    October 7 2008.

    John Oliver: As you can see (undecided voters) fall into a variety of categories: Attention Seekers, Racist Democrats, the Chronically Insecure, and right here the Stupid. That is 45% of undecideds. They are the swingiest of the swing voters. And they, as they always do, will decide this election.

    Stewart: Well that is a fascinating thing. How do you break down the Stupids.

    John Oliver: Well ironically, it is a rather complex demographic. You’ve got your paste eaters, your numb skulls, your nitwits, your f@#ktards, people whose heads get stuck in jars when they eat pickles- that’s a surprisingly large component, people who loose arguments to babies, douchenozzles, tiger petters-people who jump up and down on frozen lakes when the ice is too thin, shaved gorillas that have somehow acquired driver’s licenses, the voluntarily lobotomized, and finally- Cubs fans.

    Does this describe any groups other than undecided voters?

    "she built a HUUUge GAs Pipeline while she was Govwrnor"

  66. Anonymous12:18 PM

    WHAT MOOSEPOOP! This is a back handed promo for Bristol. Maybe they think it will help her self esteem if she thinks Clear Channel wants to hire her. A dumb celebrat won't understand how they operate. Isn't Clear Channel the one that make canned shows that they incorporate so you think you are listening to a local channel. When actually they could have taped thousands of miles away. They feed it to many other places as if it is local. Something like that. It is cheaper than having to staff radio stations, "common sense fiscal conservatives." Clear Channel is worse than Fox. Bristol is a sucker if she believes the Tea Party didn't get her in the DWTS top 3 and if she believes this letter isn't just to fake her credentials and another propaganda ploy. Sure they would hire her to do canned shows from Alaska and pretend she is in Arizona. I don't know she wants to sink that low now that she and Tripp have a new love shack or what nuts.

    Somebody else must have heard Bristol is moving to the area. I am so glad she will feel safe knowing Sheriff Joe is close by to look after little Tripster.

  67. Anonymous12:19 PM

    We learned via Willow's fb that her and her friend chose to be homeschooled in early Nov. This was not recent

  68. I've spent the past year struggling to make ends meet in spite of being told I'm a brilliant writer and speaker... this kind of shit just makes me want to cry.

    Why didn't *I* think of getting pregnant when I was 17 and making a fortune while whining about how rough it is and how hard I have to work to make ends meet?

    Maybe cuz I'm not stupid -- and my parents were never political figures.

  69. Ferry Fey12:43 PM

    Okay, I've just been given the link to it on the station's website. But it's still a weird letter.

  70. This offer is most likely generated due to political pressure. Remember Van Flein and Sarah's dentist friend have moved there. Arizona is extremely controlled by a small number of conservatives in a very micromanaged way. I went there for a job interview at the cost of Del Webb Hospital in Sun City. The process was desgined to eliminate those who ask questions and can think. The first day, rather than go for a job interview we went to look at houses and apartments. They put me and the jewish nurse from New York next to each other in the car(I mention ethnicity only because this indicates she is educated and outspoken) and how funny it is considering my personality that we were sitting next to each other. We asked questons like, "Why are we looking at places to live when we have not seen the hospital or even had an interview." It was weird. They announced a cocktail party for that night. I don't do cocktail parties. It was designed to eliminate people with particular political leanings and personality types by getting them to talk with people from the hospital. They would choose from the group who would be granted an interview. Their criteria was not education, experience, or patient care, it was their political and religious agenda. Myself and the nurse from New York were told we could not go to the cocktail part. She was upset. I told her this is a good thing because going to work for these people would have been a nightmare. I was very happy to avoid the cocktail party, so I had a good time that night. The next day I took a taxi to another hospital and got hired on the spot for a better and higher paying job based on my education and experience. So, Del Web paid for the flight and hotel, then I got a job with someone else. I laughed all the way back to California. Then I decided based on how crazy that experience was that I did not want anythig to do with Arizona. That was one time I made the right choice.

  71. sewnup1:00 PM

    Made me laugh out loud. Why do they think Bristol wants to WORK, for cryin' out loud? I don't think a job holds any appeal for her.

    As for Clear Channel, I don't know about other places but the stations here would hire a parrot so long as it parroted other radical right-wing parrots. I wouldn't let my dog work for them as a greeter.

  72. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I don't know how to send you an email - but yesterday, I had an appt. and the professional person who met with me and I were chatting. Her children go to Colony Middle and High school. They played sports with Willow who attends CHS. I asked if her daughter was friends with Willow and she said NO, none of the parents want their children to spent time with Willow as she is a bad influence and has been in trouble. Also, Willow lives with the Fuller family because Sarah and Todd travel so much and Willow is attending school. The person said they try to keep this a a secret, but Willow has been living with the Fullers for a while now. I said, Is she pregnant? the person said, I would not be surprised.

  73. Bristol's Paunch1:29 PM

    Anonymous @ 12:19
    Willow is home-schooling with her boyfriend? WTF?
    That means she's pregnant doesn't it?
    Could you post a link to your evidence?

  74. Anonymous1:33 PM

    "RE: Offer of Employment as a Broadcaster in Phoenix"

    To: Ferry Fey 11:36 am said..

    "The RE: would mean it was responding to a previous letter about them offering Bristol a job,
    yet the text suggests it is the initial introduction and offer."

    I believe "RE:" means "Regarding:".
    It is part of the introduction of the contents of the letter.

  75. Anonymous2:22 PM

    @bill in belize

    This is my favorite anti-Palin facebook group.!/group.php?gid=313988896391

  76. Anonymous2:51 PM

    The big loud rumours in AK are that BOTH Willow and Bristol are preggers. Why can't the media do a better job of exposing this for Gods sake. How hard can it be. Can Sarah be paying people off and telling them to shut up.

  77. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Clear Channel, another tentacle of the GOP machine.

  78. 10catsinMD4:38 PM

    Check this one out! Love it.

  79. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Geezus fricking christmas.....Aren't there really talented people all across this country who went to school and actually studied to work in radio?? Aren't there talented people with really cool voices who want to get into radio and Can't break into the industry?? And then there is this fukking moron no talent uneducated, poorly spoken NOTHING who gets handed a radio career???
    This country is seriously fucked up.

  80. Pursang6:33 PM

    See this is where they make their mistake when they say, "this position would only require a few hours of work a week". This is a Palin people, a few hours of work a week is far too many for such a delicate flower as Bristol Palin.

    Now a couple of hours of work per year she can handle but a week? Geez, what are you trying to do to poor Bristol kill her? And what of her child, what will Thumper or Twizzler Palin do when poor Mommy is slaving away at the studio?

    It's just not fair for a Palin to have to work, so go take your job and shove it KISS/MAGIC 98.6 or whatever your station is called!

  81. Anonymous9:46 PM

    I have been hearing Willow is "home schooled." Does anyone have a link? She worked in the reality show last summer. She was with the boy that takes care of Trig. Would he father her baby, if that is why she isn't in school. If she is living with Juanita Fuller how hard can that be to verify, someone get a picture if she leaves the house.

  82. I won countless trophies for public speaking when I was in high school. I graduated from a great college with honors. I was editor-in-chief of my college newspaper and published in the school's literary journal. I tutor for two years. I was on the board of a prominent college organization, and thanks to my PR efforts our membership grew by 50% within one semester.

    I've have experience as a copywriter, grant writer and technical writer. I'm also a freelance journalist and have written about everything from pop culture to activism.

    A few years ago I was interviewed live by a local TV station live, and I was told I had a great deal of charm and naturalness in front of the camera. I even ended up dating one of the guys who worked at the station.

    And right now I'm doing temp work. It seems as if society really doesn't value women of substance.


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