Tuesday, January 04, 2011

It is VERY easy to spot Joe Miller's car driving around these days.

Think about it, it will come to you.


  1. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Stick a fork in it; it's done!

  2. LOL....O. M. G.!! So very funny and clever! Applause to the creator!

  3. Stick a fork in him, he is done. When I first saw it I thought it was a huge antenna. LOL

  4. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Oh yeah.............he is sooo done!

  5. Anonymous5:06 AM

    I hope AKM's last post about Miller will be her last word on the subject. Just a tad nauseating how she's making Joe Miller out to be the Norma Rae of the fight for elections integrity in AK. Whatever.

  6. Anonymous5:07 AM

    That is very clever.

  7. Anonymous5:13 AM

    I'm sorry to say, what would be more appropriate would be the cartoon of that frog that is choking the herron's neck that is trying to swallow the frog.

    Joe Miller may have milked that legal gravy train from that unending monied spigot that feeds the conservative rage trough (I know too, that that is a lot of metaphors also) for all it was worth in the moment, but something new has to be on the horizon for the Pity Party inspired by Palin.

    Miller's got to have offers, he's got to have plans. He will not go gently into that good night, walk through the valley of death, he's got a cause being an agent of the Palin Pity / Tea Party. A new think tank? A new Values Voters Coalition? A book tour with the other Senate losers in over their heads?

    Live Live Live! For the First Time, Christine O'Donnell, Sharon Angle, and Joe Miller at the Forum. Hear from the Conservative Crusaders as they speak from the heart about fighting for the unborn, the sexless, the unqualified, the witless and dense. . .

  8. linda6:15 AM

    as i scrolled down i only saw the top of the photo first and i thought the handle was a giant penis. then i scrolled further and saw the fork. lol!

  9. Great Pic! I also don't think Miller is done, after all, we still occasionally hear from "Joe the plumber".

    BTW, is Miller's wife still on that board, can't remember name of it, that Sarah dear appointed her to?

    Well somebody in the Miller household needs to shave and get a real job.

  10. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I wonder if these people ever consider they would be more successful maintaining principals and ethics.

    In hindsight it was a scary look into the future when Miller as Palin does has any person who questions them removed, threatened and physically aggressed on. Anyone who does not also play games that anything goes and the means justify the ends must be removed. I don't believe people like Miller or Palin care at all if someone destroys a person or even murders them who called them out on their corrupt practices.

    They promote themselves as fine upstanding christians reminding me of Tony Soprano or the baptisim scene in the Godfather. The red flag is their mastery of posturing as "the victim".

  11. Anonymous6:35 AM

    before I scrolled all the way down I thought it was a giant phallus

  12. Anonymous6:54 AM

    I'd say Miller Time is about over.

  13. Enjay in E MT7:46 AM

    Perhaps several conservative christian colleges & big buck think tanks can enroll these loosers to give classes on "getting refudiated in the election booth"

    With special seminars on
    "How to avoid the press"
    Part 1) Angle can sell her new running shoes
    Part 2) Miller can show his "quick cuff" expertise
    Part 3) O'Donnell can just disappear in a puff of smoke

  14. @4:36 AM,

    When I first saw it I thought it was a huge ...

    That he is a huge prick.

    Then I realized, etc.

  15. 5:06 AM,

    Even worse than trying to get aligned with JoeMilLiar is his apologists trying to get street cred by saying AKM and Shannyn Moore back him up!!

    Implying it is more than a single issue they back him on.

    Nauseating. Yup. That's the initial sensation.

  16. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I had to read the comments to figure out what it was since the fork had only 2 tines. At first I thought it was a penis (dick head), then a vibrator, then a magnet of some sort. Funny picture and fits him perfect though.

  17. Penis handle w for tines... I read it as FORK YOU Joe...


  18. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Was there any proof or evidence revealed about his suspected affair? Maybe that would put a fork in his marriage and reputation as well.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.