Monday, January 03, 2011

Palin will not face charges for wasting meat during hunting episode of "Sarah Palin sees Alaska for the very first time."

From CBC News:

"You have to be prepared, after you've bagged that animal, to haul it out, and you want to get all the meat that you possibly can," the former governor said on the show.

"We're going to take those hind quarters and the four legs with us, and as much backstrap meat and rib meat as we can."

However, Palin's father said he would not gut the freshly killed caribou.

"We're going to quarter it and take him home, so I don't gut him," he said on camera.

That decision surprised Riley Woodford, a spokesman with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in Juneau.

"Why didn't he want to gut it, and why didn't he want the organs?" Woodford asked.

"That's even more perplexing, that someone who seems to know what they're doing would do that."

State regulations say hunters who kill caribou, moose, sheep, deer and other large game must salvage, among other things, "all the meat along the backbone between the front and hindquarters," including the backstrap and tenderloins.

Woodford said it is nearly impossible to access a caribou's tenderloins without gutting it first, but said there will be no investigation, since it's not known what happened after the cameras stopped rolling.

According to Alaska's hunting regulations, the "wanton waste of big-game meat is an extremely serious offence punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 and one year in jail."

Well in my opinion that is just a miscarriage of justice.  They have Chuck Heath saying on camera that he is going to waste the rest of the meat and if they had any balls all Fish and Game would have to do is interview the TLC camera crew, demand the unused footage, and get to the bottom of this.

Let's face it, there are still people in Alaska afraid to take on the Grizzled Mama for fear of their jobs.  She does still have a lot of friends in high places in this state.

Personally I think that TLC is missing a chance at a true ratings winner.

It would be a natural spin-off inspired by her current reality show called "Sarah Palin sees the inside of a jail cell for the very first time!"

I know I would be loyal viewer, and I have the feeling it would prove to be the most popular show in the TLC lineup.


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    She's Ba-ack. Or somebody is.

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Oh TwitLaTweet Sarah will be sure to throw a Twitter fit over this!

    Obama's rating jumps to 50 percent

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Why does the state of Alaska allow one of its residents to break the law again?!?! She has to follow the same laws as every other US citizen visiting or residing in the state have to follow. Why does she and her family get away with so much crap????

  4. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Gryphen if you went caribou hunting and Sarah Palin was still our governor and you were filmed doing the same thing, the same violations as Sarah did, what do you think Sarah would do to you? As much hate the Palins have for you, you would of received the harshest penalty Alaska laws would permit and then some. You would of received Palin Justice and what does Palin receive for her crimes? Palin receives payback, thank yous and "look the other way" from her cronies in office.

  5. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I'm an Alaskan woman, who has helped skin two bears. I have done my share of cooking moose, deer, and caribou.. When I lived in WA, it was elk. No offense to avid hunters, but I could never get around to appreciating the posed pictures of the hunter and their kill. I have no problem with hunting, but wouldn't want my picture taken with the dead animal. Anyway... if I feel this way, just imagine what a turn-off these photos of Sarah are to people who aren't exposed to hunting.

  6. Anonymous12:26 PM

    o/t but I think this proves that to work in the business in any capacity, one has to be willing to lose all integrity. Remember that the next time you defend anyone in politics

  7. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I thought that with Botox you had to be re-injected after awhile. Maybe Sarah is in "hiding" while she recuperates like last time. She is a very vain woman. I am sure seeing herself on "Sarah Palin Sees Alaska for the Very First Time" was not pleasant for a woman who only focused on her scenes and her close-ups.

  8. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I am not a hunter, but was born and raised in Alaska. From eating wild game, I was under the impression that the backstrap was the best and most tender part. And my parents were always eager to receive a moose liver from friends.

    Am I wrong on this? bt

  9. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Palin's dad seems to be as fake a hunter as she is and doesn't even acknowledge major rules regarding this. He may have been a rule breaker all his lfe too and maybe that's where Sarah gets her attitude that she is above rules that are meant for everyone else.

  10. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Somebody that works for SarahPac finally noticed it was Alaska's birthday! Congratulations!

  11. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Gryphen, since you're a citizen of AK, you can make a complaint. Please point out to them that Woodford's statement is backwards. He said "there will be no investigation, since it's not known what happened after the cameras stopped rolling." In reality, that is the whole purpose of an investigation -- to find out what happened. Therefore, they MUST, as you said look at the unaired film and talk to witnesses. THEN (and only then) can they say for sure whether or not further steps should be taken.

  12. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Sarah also violated the seat belt and car seat laws in Alaska on TLC. Even if they claim that the vehicle wasn't moving, and they filmed while the RV or car was parked, the show was meant to give the impression that Sarah was driving a car or playing with Trig in an RV. The law requires that children up to a certain age be secured in a car seat; Trig was dancing in the RV. There were times when neither Sarah nor Piper used their seat belts.

    If Sarah, as the former governor intends to put Alaska on display, then as the spokesperson for the state she should be setting a good example, not breaking the law.

  13. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I am not a hunter. But I have been present when several moose were butchered and for the life of me I can't figure out the logistics of quartering an animal without gutting it. Perhaps Chuck Heth as a different definition of "a quarter."

    Judging by Mr. Heath's residence he is a trophy hunter not a subsistance hunter.

  14. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Missing Scarah? Either she is having more surgery or Brisket has given birth.

  15. Anonymous12:56 PM

    -Sarah Palin

    So Sarah Palin and her father shot numerous times and killed a caribou and did not harvest the meat?

    Basically what Sarah is saying is fuck the starving Native Alaskans -let them eat the cookies I brought them, fuck the starving Haitians but smile for my pictures, fuck the citizens of Alaska who are going through hard times that could of fed their families with the meat she left behind during her photo op.

    "I got mines, you get yours" Palin attitude sucks to people of our state who could of used that meat to eat during the harsh Alaskan winter.

    There are people who could of used Sarah's hunting permit to shoot caribou to feed their families. To Sarah, to the Palins and to the Heaths, hunting is just a reality show for them.

    An Alaskan caribou lost his life for ratings, not for food!

    This hunting trip was a photo op meant for ratings just like Sarah‘s Haiti trip!

    Darn it, Sarah could not even load her own gun!

    What happened to, “We eat, therefore we hunt"? Is that nothing but an applause line for Sarah?

    Sarah needs to stop repeating that line, that lie!

    Get out of Alaska and leave us alone!

  16. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Maybe Chuck was going to gut it after he got home, and deal with the meat then?

  17. Gasman1:02 PM

    They have on air footage of Chuck Heath admitting his crime and they're NOT going to even investigate it? Chuckie could face a year in the big house and have to cough up $10K, but instead he gets to walk after copping to his crime on national TV? Did I miss something? What other laws is Chuckie exempt from?

    Methinks that ya'll in Alaska have a two tiered justice system: one for the Palins and another for everyone else.

  18. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Trophy hunts are how assholes roll in Wasilla.

    No body does it like these dudes. The Wasilla boy will get off for turning on the other man.

  19. Anonymous1:07 PM

    So I'm reading this pretty sweet book about the founding fathers personal lives. I've come to one definitive conclusion so far. Slander has always been prevalent in this country. People in both England and the colonies tried to slanderize Washington for whatever personal reason. People try to slanderize
    pretty much every living and dead politician, celebrity, public name - mostly out of jealousy.

    Washington was a great man. He denounced slavery at his life's end and released his slaves. he always did right by the people he served. I'm not comparing Sarah to him in this manner, as she hasn't experienced what he had. I compare her detractors and enemies to his. Everyone has an agenda. The best quote so far from the book is "Ultimately, the George Washington pseudo-scandals are a cautionary tale about the way fame attracts this sort of dafamation from those who want to believe the worst about a great man. Their reasons run the gamut from envy to political partisanship to revenge for perceived or imagined wrongs."

    We've seen people milk their relationship with Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Michael Jackson, Oprah and now Sarah.

    We as truthseekers must be careful not to intermingle what we wish to believe with what is. Most of what I read in this blog and the comments is opinion and embellished slander. Words get twisted. Exact scenarios get warped with time.

    It's interesting to dissect just why certain people choose to remain connected to others in less then admirable ways.
    *I know slanderize isn't a word but I go with convenience and I'm known for making up words

  20. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Although that offense wouldn't warrant jail time, I know I'd watch that TLC series when she does get caught finally with all the other illegal things she's hiding. I can't wait to see Sarah is in that pretty orange jumpsuit without a flag pin. Do you suppose they have to cut out all the hair extensions when you're in jail, too?

    I'd also like the spin-off series of "Another Palin goes to jail" for the other grifters.

  21. Anonymous1:11 PM

    The bitch is back:

    "Alaska's energy resources & strategic location noted on 52nd b'day RT
    less than 20 seconds ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®"

  22. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Is Sharia Law the same as Sarah Law in Alaska?

  23. Anonymous1:19 PM

    She gets away w/everything illegal! What is new in the past few years the citizens of Alaska have covered her?

    She DOES still have friends in high places! (Watch the non-release of the emails to date!) We can begin with our our 'current' elected Governor Parnell who was a prior appointment by Palin before she quit as govenor.

    His Administration still has members that Palin appointed while sitting in the seat as 'Alaska's Worst Govenor'!

  24. laprofesora1:21 PM

    That whole clan makes me sick, every single one of them.

  25. Sarah is taking Alaska back before the dark ages1:25 PM

    No Sarah, and your jerk friends that are part of the corruption, you do not 'progress Alaska' or love or care for Alaska when you practice to get out of every crime or misdemeanor. One day tourists are not going to want to go to a place that is so foul when it comes to the law. You don't respect the law and you don't respect the people or animals that it is to protect. You are a bunch of wimpy crooks that can't stand to take any responsibility for your own actions. You are only about deception and finagling your way out of things. That is what you teach your kids and why the older ones are such a mess. There is nothing honest or Christian about any of these low life miscreants.

  26. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Folks could start a writing campaign requesting TLC to follow the law, and respect the State and hunter's ethics by either giving the footage over to Alaska wild life of offering to pay for the offense.

    It would be a good PR move for TLC with the show loosing ground, and would distance them from Sarah whose polls remain in the bottom of the chum bucket.

    And they could make it into a "teachable" moment for their viewers.
    You know, like their name implies "learning."

  27. go away Palins1:33 PM

    I'm not crazy about Arnold Schwarzenegger as a governor but he won't quit and he will make a better X-governor. He and his wife aren't weak and they don't wank off when they are caught violating. They face up, do right and go forward.

    Sarah's life of crime is like Chuck's pile of bones. She has closets full of it and the bones are piled up sky high.

  28. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Yay! Someone posted today on her twitter account.

    Methinks the last 2 yrs were about energizing a core constituency. Now she's quieting herself, and going to come out a more "serious" person. Try as she might though, she won't be able to contain her bitterness, and she'll fall eventually like a ton of bricks.

  29. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Tough one to prove without the carcass or a couple good eye witnesses. The TLC/LA crew isn't going to kill their golden goose. Chuck has probably been breaking fish/hunt regulations for decades. The seat belt situation is also ironic given that the ex-gov was featured in all those "click-it or ticket" PSAs. A whole family of hypocrites.

  30. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I completely agree with Anon @ 1:39. As someone in the film/TV industry, I can attest to the dramatic difference between what you see on screen and what actually takes place on set. Even if someone did file a complaint, the burden of proof would be on them to prove that the cast/crew did something wrong.

    Without an eyewitness that could testify to seeing the Palin crew leaving the carcass 'unharvested' and could produce proof to back up said accusation, any investigation would initially be little more than a fishing expedition. It would require little to no effort for the Palins and TLC to circle the wagons and back each other up, especially in light of a dearth of physical evidence that proves they did anything wrong.

    All they'd have to say is that the comment was misleading due to poor editing and that they certainly did harvest the carcass properly. Without any physical evidence to the contrary, it's their word against any accusers' (even if someone defected from the TLC crew and offered testimony to support the charge).

  31. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Prosecute Palin and her hunting crew, repeat it to everyone you talk to and let's have some real justice.

    Bet you a dollar they took NO meat at all from that kill, weren't they out in the middle of nowhere and were piloted in by a small plane.

    Guess you can get away with murder if no one sees anything.

  32. @12:36 pm,

    You are not wrong. My dad always brought home the heart and the liver.

    I am surprised it wasn't gutted either, because anyone who has butchered knows you have to carefully remove the liver to get the gall bladder out of the way - if it breaks it will spoil all of the meat it touches. And who wants the chyme from the intestines on their meat? No one! because it is nearly the poop.

    Of course you gut the animal before taking the meat.

  33. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Alaska still operates under her corruption, evidently.

  34. JenniferinVA2:06 PM

    Didn't SP and Todd go after trooper Wooten over an alleged illegal moose kill? Supposedly he shot the moose on his wife's tag or something like that and they wanted his ass canned from his job for that.
    They were all about the rules then, and of course this was the very job keeping her nephews with a roof over their heads and food in their bellies.

    Republicans are all about the rule of law - for everyone else. They don't like the rules when they have to follow them. Don't look for an apology for this either. They never apologize for anything - ever.

  35. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Really, it's a great time to review. Take the time to watch Sarah's Greatest Hits.

    I actually forgot how she ridiculous she sounds.

  36. I'm in agreement with 12:53pm - that Bristol gave birth.

  37. @1:01 pm:

    You would not haul an ungutted carcass home because the heat of the decomposing innards would create dangerous bacteria. Stomach juices are intended to break down meat and start to act rapidly on the body when you die. There is also a great deal of risk from the gall bladder leaking then tainting the meat, and for the contents of the intestines to also contaminate it (think E. coli).

    No, you would not take an animal home to gut it.

  38. Anonymous2:21 PM

    That sounds like wanton waste. And if Palin can get away with it then so can you and I. No one should be above the law.

  39. Anonymous2:22 PM

    "there are still people in Alaska afraid to take on the Grizzled Mama for fear of their jobs. She does still have a lot of friends in high places in this state."

    Gryphen, aren't you FROM Alaska? Do you not get it, either, or are you just so disconnected and out of the loop of Alaska business that nothing is a threat to you? I envy you that place.
    I don't know of anyone who is "afraid" of Sarah Heath and her parents, Todd Palin or any of the other Palins, Blanche and Bob Kallstrom, etc etc.
    You yourself suffered collateral damage for speaking out about Sarah. You KNOW what the deal is. It's not fear. It's that the whole state is a very very small town.

  40. Anonymous2:26 PM

    12:41 You make so much sense!

  41. Bristol's Paunch2:34 PM

    How much has she been allowed to get away with?
    1. Fake pregnancy - Check!
    2. Not paying taxes - Check!
    3. Scamming Alaskans for travel expenses - Check!
    4. Troopergate - Check!
    5. Getting Levi a job on the slope illegaly - Check!
    6. Bristol's "graduation" - Check!

  42. Anonymous2:37 PM

    The key is when Chuck says that they are going right home. That means he's not going to bone it in the field. You can completely legally harvest large game without "gutting" the animal. What he's describing is leaving the viscera in the carcass, filleting the legs off at the shoulder and hip joints, boning the rib and neck meat off, flipping the carcass over (the viscera slides away) and taking the backstraps and tenderloins out. It's not hard and you limit the possibility of splitting the intestines or bladder open. You leave the hide, head (less tongue) ribs and backbone in the field.

  43. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Naw, she's not back. It's a retwitter of Whitney Pitcher's twitter.
    Pitcher is a contributor to pro-Palin websites and part of the "Palin Twibe" thing. What the hell is that, anyway?
    She has her own blog.

  44. Anonymous2:56 PM

    When the next hunter does the same thing, claiming that Sarah did it so it's OK, the Alaska courts are going to face a big problem. That hypothetical hunter can subpoena the TLC tapes as his defense. If TLC destroys them, then they are left with the footage that claims that Sarah and Chuck did not act in accordance with Alaska law. Alaska has set a very dangerous precedent, because now hunters will invoke the Sarah Palin Excuse. Alaska, you just dealt yourself a handful of trouble. Now, your laws don't mean anything.

    In Sarah's case, it's not really whether or not she committed a crime. It's the example that she is setting for everyone else. The TLC series is supposed to be attracting visitors who will feel that they can do what Sarah did; they saw it on TV.

    Sarah brought cookies to a school that didn't allow snacks. Her catch phrase involves pushing back against Big Government telling her what she can do. I guess that also applies to following the rules about claiming travel expenses for her kids, a per diem for living in her own house, and a not so legal defense fund. Sarah has been pushing the limits of the law ever since she was mayor of Wasilla, redecorating her office and claiming that she would do whatever she please until the courts told her to stop. Sarah has been bullying the justice system one time too many.

  45. Anon @ 1:07 said: Most of what I read in this blog and the comments is opinion and embellished slander.

    Most of what I read about Palin's life is outright lies or embellished mythology. Of course this blog publishes opinions. Slander only sticks if someone publishes untruths. If Gryphen is publishing slander, then why doesn't Palin sue him? Then all the pertinent records would have to be opened in order to refute the charges. For instance, if it is untrue that Gryphen or his posters are guilty of slander for saying that Trig is not the fruit of Sarah's loins, then, sue him. And in court, a birth certificate and hospital records would have to be produced to prove him wrong and thus guilty of slander. Won't ever happen. And we all know why. BTW, been there; done that. I wrote the truth on my blog; was threatened with a lawsuit and when it was pointed out to the person I supposedly slandered that he would have to open up "the books" in court, he backed right off.

  46. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Don't miss this!

    Sarah Palin Proposes a Hunting Trip to Dick Cheney

  47. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Didn't Trooper Wooten mention during the Troopergate mess that Chuck had wounded a wolf while out snowmachine hunting, and he was the one who tracked it down and finally killed it?

    If my memory is correct, that's the sort of thing that should tell you everything you need to know about Grandpa Heath's hunting ethics.

    I also wondered during that episode what happened with the meat from the caribou whose antlers that their hunting buddy brought into camp by himself. Did he pack it in by himself? Did they retrieve it later? Or did he just find the antlers on the tundra?

  48. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Reality TV gold miners baiting bears?

    Alaska officials hope Discovery Channel show doesn't inspire another Gold Rush

    "But state regulators say the series has so far failed to explain that producers applied for permits and consulted them before tromping into the wild. Sometimes, a state employee was keeping watch, just a few steps off camera. For the most part, the miners went by the book. "

  49. Chenagrrl4:33 PM

    Chuck Heath is a blowhard who may know how to kill, but not salvage. In the name of those going hungry in every corner of Alaska, I say shame on you!

    And as for Fish and Wildlife or the Troopers, pull up your big boy pants and get going, or you will have guides thumbing their noses at you all over the place.

  50. Anonymous4:36 PM

    That is a beautiful reindeer. Why would anyone want to pose like that? Most of all if you fail as a hunter like Sarah had to film. Her father is known for his crap in the state with fish and game. Isn't that The Learning Channel that is complicit? Won't that go to Home Schools and even some class rooms to learn about Alaska and hunting and all the wonderful things they talk about promoting? Why would parents want any children to see examples like the Palins? Children need to know the truth about this. TLC must put in a warning and have it blocked so that children won't be taught in this manner. I hope decent hunters and parents will not let any of them get by with this.

    Sarah has a corrupt state on speed dial for these incidents, the officials will never deal with her other than to enable the lies and wrong doings. That is just a fact of life. It shouldn't stop people from writing and complaining about the unjust teachings and the wrongs they are all spreading.

    It is sick that reality tv is setting the standards for the future generations. People must be addicted to it, they know it is all part of the "BIG LIE" and they can't stop watching or giving it to their kids. Who will be the next reality show star from Alaska? That seems to be a favorite theme. Step right up and get your own Alaskan reality show!

  51. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Looking back...

  52. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Another thing I have not seen mentioned is that when Sarah and Bristol were on the commercial halibut boat they they were seen clubbing, cleaning and icing the fish.

    This requires a commercial crew license. I wonder if they had them?

  53. Anonymous5:22 PM

    @anon 4:36 If the halibut fishing was commercial, then no minor children 17 years and under are allowed to work in that industry. Period. I didn't see the episode. Which kids were there? Willow? Piper?

  54. Scruffer5:53 PM

    Here's my prediction:
    - Bristol's house purchase was a distraction (mostly for people like us, focused on the Palin Family's BS. Kinda like 'Hey look!! A squirrel!!!' Distracting from 'action' elsewhere.)
    - Sarah is running for the Arizona Senate seat in 2012. She knows she cannot be President, she knows Arizona is the only place she could get elected to anything.
    - There's in-fighting with Todd. He doesn't really want to leave Alaska, nor does he want too much more publicity.
    - The kids are falling apart by the day. Most don't like what Sarah is doing to their lives. They want to escape by whatever is necessary, but which will KIll Sarah's chances of getting elected.
    - Right now they're negotiating. Who gets to do what, who gets how much money.

    The family is a mess. Sarah wants to run, wants to have some semblance of 'power' and/or relevance. Her family doesn't.

    That's how I see it.

  55. STOP ATTACKING HER!!! If she is defeated who will speak out in favor of childhood obesity unlike that awful Michelle Obama? Dont forget, this is a nation of fat people. And the Thund'ra From The Tundra loves fat people and supports their god-given right to be fat! (And it doesnt hurt that standing next to fat people makes her look more attractive, also, too....)

  56. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Bristol's Paunch 2:34 PM said...
    How much has she been allowed to get away with?
    1. Fake pregnancy - Check!
    2. Not paying taxes - Check!
    3. Scamming Alaskans for travel expenses - Check!
    4. Troopergate - Check!
    5. Getting Levi a job on the slope illegaly - Check!
    6. Bristol's "graduation" - Check!

    Hey Bristol's Paunch, you forgot:
    7: Willow not charged for breaking and entering - Check!
    8. Piper not penalized for missing 3/4 of her total school days - Check!
    9. Track avoids jail time for attempted school bus murder - Check!
    10. Willow not charged for usage and distribution of drugs - Check!
    11. Todd not charged for distribution of confidential documents from his last employer - Check!
    12. Bristol not charged for impersonating company office manager - Check!
    13. Bristol not charged for impersonating abstinence advocate while engaging with multiple partners - Check!
    14. Sarah not charged for claiming to be a combat vet mom while son never fought in combat or received Combat Infantry Badge - Check!
    15. Sarah not charged for impersonating governor - Check!
    16. Sarah and Todd not charged for raising underage sexually active children - Check!
    17. Sarah and Todd not charged for having house built with illegal hockey rink materials - Check!

    I have to go to work, will continue at a later time.

  57. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Alaska is finished with the Palins.

    No longer loved in the state.

  58. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Headlines: Palin will not face charge for wasting meat.

    I don’t think any Palin females wasted or not like any meat they faced!

    Raging hormones and no condoms, that's the Palin females problem! Mother like daughter like grandmother!

  59. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I just noticed something--why was she wearing
    woodland camo when they appeared to be hunting
    in an open field?

  60. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Sayruh follows CSLewisDaily, they

    Selfishness has never been admired-CSLewis
    half a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone


  61. Anonymous6:45 PM

    kathy griffin's new years eve resolution is to go after willow palin!!!!

    you gotta love this!!!!

  62. Anonymous6:48 PM

    i dont know how to do a 'screen shot' but you have GOT to go to sarah's twitter account now and get one....

    apparently she replies to someone taling about homos....

    its truly truly horrible!!!!

    this lady is crazy!!!!

  63. the very first thing you do when you shot and kill a animal that you are going to eat is GUT IT.The reason you do that is to cool the meat down..and I don't care if is cold,snowing,wind blowing,you Gut It..anyone that is a real hunter knows this..moving a animal that has not been gutted is very hard..moving a animal that is gutted is hard but you lose weight when done the proper way..these morons screw up every damn thing they touch

  64. Anonymous7:17 PM

    This one isn't worth pushing IMHO. I know a lot of people who debone their meat without gutting the animal and a person who knows what they are doing cane do a slick job of it. Would I do it myself? No, much greater chance of getting bacteria in the meat and dirt and debris. Also a lot more game hair on the meat that will need to be cleaned later. It's not that hard to get the tenderloins out either. You just roll the guts out of the way, after you've removed the other meat. The fish and game guy you quoted is being disingenuous at best. The game laws don't require organ meat to be salvaged so there is nothing technically wrong there. Again, personally I save it and eat it or give it away, but in this case, no law was broken. Many hunters don't take hearts and livers, and most don't take kidney or tongue either. And the brains? I used to get requests from some Asian friends in Kodiak for the brains, but other than that, they're not commonly used.The leftovers don't go to waste in the wild. If the ravens and camp robbers don't clean up the bones, the coyotes, wolves, mink, marten, bear, and wolverines will. The only possible law they may have broken is that some units require the meat to stay on the bone while being transported. If they were hunting in such a unit and that was the requirement, then the actual boning out of the meat was illegal even if they saved every ounce.


  65. I'm certainly not defending Palin or her poor excuse for a caribou hunt, but you can certainly harvest all of the meat w/o gutting the animal. You simply quarter one side, remove the backstrap, ribs (or rib meat) and meat along the spine; then you flip the animal over & repeat the process. This is actually a more sanitary process (especially out in the field), because you don't risk contaminating the meat with the contents of the animal's stomach or intestines.
    While gutting may be a more common practice in areas where people can actually transport the entire animal back home, when hunting in remote areas, it is preferable to not gut the animal.
    That being said, some people do like to harvest some or all of the organ meat and in that case you would have to gut the animal but harvesting the organs is not required by Alaska state law. So, the Heath/Palin hunting party may or may not be guilty of wanton waste, but the method chosen to harvest the meat does not automatically make them guilty.

  66. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Regardless, it still leaves St. Sarah the Gutless a liar about being able to "field dress" a moose.

    Maybe she thinks field dress refers to her haut couture for the Tee Vee.

  67. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Misinformation.......look people, if you want to remain credible, know what you are talking about. No kids under 17 are allowed to fish commercially? Really? Go to the web addy blow and scroll down and you'll find this.......

    Crewmember licenses: Child crewmember licenses are available for residents and nonresidents under the age of 11.

    Obviously you can fish commercially under the age of 11 if you can buy a license for it. The point is moot tho Bristol is over the age of 18 and she was the one halibut fishing.

    And for those of you who don't understand cutting an animal up without gutting it, I'll try to explain it. First, you slit the hide from tail to head along the backbone and peel it back exposing the backstraps. You fillet them off the bones and then peel one leg at a time from the hide and cut each leg off. The front legs are attached by muscle only, the back legs there is a hip joint to cut away. You keep peeling the hide to expose muscle which is trimmed from the bone. The neck meat, the brisket meat, the flank meat and then the rib meat. All this is done with the carcass laying on the hide that has been peeled away so as to keep the meat as clean as possible. After rib meat has been removed, you roll the guts out of the way to fillet the tenderloins from the inside of the backbone. If you want to save the heart and liver, you can now remove them from the entrails.

    Some people cut their animal this way as it greatly reduces the weight of the pack you are carrying out. You can also remove the heavy leg bones at this time for en even greater reduction in weight. As I said above, you have a greater risk of bacteria getting in the meat and dirty meat by doing it this way, but it is common for some people to do, and if you take care while you're doing it, your meat will certainly be edible. Some people I know take a small plastic tarp to do their butchering on in the field. This helps keep things clean too.

    Here is a link with pictures of the process . Be forwarned it is graphic, but all part of the natural process of eating meat.

    Also, by not gutting in the traditional manner, you save time, which can be important if it's late in the day or you're in bear country. (Pretty much all of Alaska is bear country) The faster you get things cut up and packed out, the less likely you are to have a bad bear encounter with a bruin who wants your catch. Also, you don't risk contaminating the meat by accidentally puncturing the gut.


    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Yes. Misinformation. I would also add political partisanship & just plain wanton ignorance. Sorry, I know you were trying to be calm and maybe even defuse the situation with facts and avoiding inflammatory comments and attitude. Sorry. It does not matter to these people.

      Most of these people are to busy attacking Republicans to really know what they are talking about. Many probably have never been in the 'field' much less killed or butchered an animal. I have field dressed more than a few animals so feel free to say I am Republican and guilty of wanton waste if you like. That would fit with the attitudes and behaviors exhibited in most of these posts.

      While I agree that there could certainly have been (and in fact probably was some degree of) an investigation, I think that those who jump in and say things (like neck meat wasted) based on limited and selected information are idiots. A discussion focused specifically on gutting or not gutting says nothing about the neck meat. There is no way these people left the neck meat to waste. This meat makes a great roast (several in fact) among other options for consumption.

      As someone who has been around for more than a couple decades, I also still learn something new on a regular basis. So ... for those of you who do get out and harvest in the field, consider that there are things that your poppa and others never learned or never taught you.

      Again. What a bunch of idiots.

  68. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I am surprised they did not have a pulley rigged to hang the elk and let it bleed out,it keeps the meat nicer.

    If all they were to take were the fore and hind quarters they need not have gutted the animal, if they were knowledgeable about where to cut.
    Getting the back and internal organs is tricky, if you nick the guts you will ruin the meat it touches.

    It is not that hard to tie off the lower end of the large intestine and above the stomach and basically roll the intestines and stomach out intact still in their covering sheath. The bladder can then be tied off and removed with the kidneys. Then you have a clean shot at the liver, if you've been careful with the bile duct, heart, lungs, pancreas and then the whole spine from the neck down.
    In an animal that size and with that long neck there is a good deal of meat there and the tongue.

    They wasted a lot. Shame on them.

    Sarah is supposedto be a Christian. She slaughterd one of God's beloved creations for a photo op and to try to prove she has balls.

    She gets more disgusting by the day.

  69. Anonymous8:02 PM


    She not only supports fat she loves all the health problems that come from the diets she defends. What does Michelle Obama know about frontier womins? Isn't it all about, the freedoms, the freedoms to be unhealthy and get sick? Sarah is working hard for no death panels, all that is too expensive. Let the poor, now the middle class, just have long suffering and die. It is much quicker and more humane. If you don't have the $40K to shoot and gut your own caribou have you earned the privilege to eat? The American elite can expalin the details.

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      If you are a licensed dietician, shame on you.

      As for the rest of your comments, your poor sentence construction makes it clear you are very confused and enraged. This will cause a lot of serious and life threatening medical conditions (as in: I hope you do not 'stroke out' and such - ask your doctor)

      So I suggest yoga, meditation, exercise as a minimum and it seems your diet is perfect so we do not need to go there. You may also need counseling and medication (unless you think there is a big conspiracy by pharmaceutical companies and the medical community).

      (On the topic of exercise: hunting involves a lot of physical exercise and requires getting in tune with self, environment and nature. You might find yourself waking up to the real world and not some abstract reality you live in now. If you do not want or need the meat, take a camera. You might even earn some $ to help offset the treatment costs of your current and future medical conditions)

      Also, if you think it cost "$40k to shoot and gut your own caribou" then you definitely need to take my advice.

  70. Aussie Blue Sky8:29 PM

    Looks like you were right and the tweet has been deleted. I just know it's RAM screwing up there. ;)

  71. Anonymous8:45 PM

    What is going on? This is her first day back and it is stranger than fiction.
    Did Sarah Palin Just Tweet Her Position on 'Homos'?

    What happened to Gryphen's post?

  72. Anonymous8:49 PM


    Why did you delete the post on Sarah's retweet with the word 'homos' in it (below)?

    "HeyTammyBruce But this hypocrisy is just truly too much. Enuf already--the more someone complains about the homos the more we should look under their bed"

  73. The tweet is not deleted, I just looked at it, but the post about it has disappeared.
    I don't think Palin realized what she was retweeting. It is all very confusing.

  74. I deleted my post because I misread Palin's tweet.

    Bruce's tweet was about the hypocrisy of the homophobes coming out against gays when so many of them turn out to be gay themselves. By retweeting it Palin was actually supporting that position.

    That is not how I read it the first time, and when I realized my mistake I deleted the post.

    Even though Palin would never admit it I do try to be fair.

  75. Anonymous9:49 PM

    JenniferinVA, when you talk about SP and Todd demanding that others follow the rules then neglecting to follow them themselves -- you're absolutely right.

    HOWEVER, there is absolutely NO reason for you to lump all Republicans in with that family and accuse the Republicans of having the same approach to life. That's just as wrong as if you said that all Democrats do it. Please stick to the facts: the Palins don't follow the rules and do not apologize for their bad behavior.

    Above and beyond that, you do NOT have any facts to back up such an erroneous statement. I can easily point to one Republican who has apologized for something, and one Democrat who has apologized. That immediately makes your declaration that "they never apologize for anything - ever" sound uneducated and defeats your argument.

    Sarah Palin and Todd do NOT represent all the members of any group -- not ALL Alaskans, nor ALL millionaires, nor ALL fishermen. They are simply themselves. Please keep your argument focused and don't insult others by lumping them in with the Palins.

  76. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Troopergate is one big lie. Wooten should have been fired and Monegan was ungrateful. Sarah offered him a job that he was at one time interested in. TO keep his pride, he turned it down. That is fact

    Also, Sarah had nothing to do with getting Levi his slope job, nor the resignation of said job. His dad worked on the slope.

  77. Anonymous11:34 PM

    o/t but Piper just posted a happy birthday greeting via Bristol's facebook.

  78. Sarah placed people in the DOL to protect her and her children from prosecution. Until they are cleaned out of that agency this is going to continue. In Alaska justice is only for those who have the power or money to control it. Anyone else who did this would be prosecuted.

  79. Gasman11:55 PM

    Anon @ 1:07,
    "I'm not comparing Sarah to him in this manner, as she hasn't experienced what he had."

    But you ARE comparing Palin to Washington, which means that you are a fucking moron. There IS NO COMPARISON. Washington actually accomplished things and finished his jobs, all by himself. He didn't quit as general or as president. Palin?

    Of course Palin "hasn't experienced what he had" and she never will. Why? Because she is a simpering buffoon whose incuriosity is exceeded only by her vanity. WFT HAS Palin accomplished that would qualify Palin to pick up Washington's shit?

    You might as well try and compare Palin to Einstein, Stephen Hawking, or Sir Isaac Newton. You might as well compare Washington to a dung beetle. The comparison of dung beetles to Palin would also be unfair - to the dung beetle. At least dung beetles do their jobs competently without getting others to bail them out, without being mired in controversy, and without bitching about everything being some other dung beetle's fault. I believe that the task of performing the dung beetle's duties would be far to intellectually taxing for Sarah Palin.

    Nothing could strain the bounds of credulity more than trying to compare Palin to Washington. She can't fulfill her duties as Mayor of Shithole Alaska without getting the help of a City Manager. Did Washington have to call to get someone else to do his jobs, EVER? She can't fulfill her sworn duties as Governor of the smallest state without quitting in a petulant hissy fit. Does that sound even REMOTELY like something Washington would do? Did Washington ever allow Martha to act as Deputy General and conduct military campaigns? Or did Martha ever get to play Deputy POTUS in George's absence?

    I know why you posted anonymously: because no sentient being would be caught dead comparing Sarah Palin to George Washington. Come to think of it, maybe I am being overly generous in assuming that you are indeed sentient.

    In all honesty, that is the most insultingly ridiculous hyperbolic inflation of Palin's nonexistent abilities that I have ever read. Up until this very moment, I did not think it possible for any human to be so fucking stupid.


  80. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Hey Griffin, check out Sarah's new homophobic tweet before she deletes it:

    HeyTammyBruce But this hypocrisy is just truly too much. Enuf already--the more someone complains about the homos the more we should look under their bed
    about 4 hours ago via web Retweeted by SarahPalinUSA and 61 others

  81. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Why doesn't the Wildlife Troopers investigate? If it were I (I'm half native) or any other native, I'm sure the State of Alaska would charge me to the full extent of the law! Something needs to be done! She really must have lots of dirt on people in high places in order for this to happen! How disgusting!

  82. Hey Gryphen, I understand why you deleted the post but the topic is still interesting. That post caused me to delve into the word of tweets and retweets and Tammy Bruce. Other tweeters are wondering if palin understood what she was retweeting and that palin is supporting the repeal of DADT? A few months ago she said it was 'too soon'.
    You don't really do open threads on your site, but you could do an open ended post about this retweet and kind of treat it like an open thread. You know an open thread with a topic.
    What is interesting is that a tweeter called palin 'anti-gay' and Tammy Bruce defended her. I would love to see that topic explored a little.
    I misread the retweet also, but I still find it odd that palin retweeted that one, Bruce made a lot of tweets on the subject.
    Anyway, just a suggestion.

  83. OverMountainMan7:59 AM

    For those of you who may not be aware, The backstraps are along both sides of the spine from the shoulders to the hips, The Tenderloins are along the spine also but located inside the ribcage, I can't speak for Caribou or Moose but with Whitetail deer you can access the tenderloins without completely gutting the deer, However the heart and liver cannot be accessed without gutting and while not sounding so they are some of the most delicious parts of the animal

  84. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Gryhen, Why don't you write an article about the many times we have seen that laws don't apply to Mrs. Palin? It'd we good to see the various instances laid out in one comprehensive article: computer hacking, perjury at trial, game meat violation, speaking against Levi contrary to child custody agreement, activities on Wasilla Assembly (I'll do it as long as nobody calls me on it -- or words to this effect), ethics violation in Walt Monegan case, etc.

  85. Anonymous1:57 PM

    11:04, good try at distortion. But Palin was wrong on Troopergate, plain and simple.

  86. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I don't think Sarah would ass backward apologize for anything with the exception when she made the statement about the WBC arson. I do think she is attempting some damage control with her retweet. Making peace with the Tammy Bruce-bots or some such. Love it when they get played for the fool. It may not have been Sarah but whoever had control of the blackberry that day. Thanks to Willow, Bristol and Andy there was a crack at Palin Central and they had to get the team back together.

    January 4th, 2011 Is Sarah Palin Apologizing For Daughter Willow’s Anti-Gay Comments On Twitter?

    Last year Willow had Sarah's blackberry and tweeted a greeting for Tripp. My first impression of the recent retweet was it was a response to Willow's homophobic rant and Sarah's inability to handle the situation as a decent parent. No apology from Willow and what Bristol did doesn't count as one either. Tammy Bruce worships her and her and the family package deal. Something had to be done. No apology from any Palin and this was all she could think to do to save face with Brucebots. HA! They must be so happy today that she can return to play an energy and foreign policy expert and whine about real leaders.

  87. Anonymous7:41 PM

    What other crimes has Sarah and the Wasilla Hill Billies committed that were not investigated or overlooked by our corrupt Alaskan government, sorry, I mean Sarah's hand picked Alaskan government empolyees?

  88. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Tonight, while TLC apparently was re-airing all of the SPA episodes, the Animal Planet had three one-hour programs about Alaska entitled (1) Natural World, (2) Alaska Dogs, and (3) Wildlife Troopers. They were all VERY interesting to watch, and I couldn't help but contrast it with the few promos I've seen for SPA and the description of the SPA episodes I've read.
    On topic, the episode entitled "Wildlife Troopers" showed various investigations into caribou and moose that were found killed without all of the meat being harvested. When the trooper was investigating one of the "crime scenes," it was stated that the MINIMUM sentence for killing an animal and wasting the meat was one week in jail plus a monetary fine (I don't remember exactly how much, but at least $1,000.) The trooper indicated that, while he didn't have a lot to go on, he would continue to investigate and try to bring the guilty party to justice. Yet something that would seemingly be fairly easy to follow up on is just let go?
    I am not a hunter, but I assume that, since the reason given for not charging Palin and/or her father was that they didn't know what happened after the cameras turned off, there must have been some reason to suspect that the law was broken.

  89. Anonymous2:48 PM

    You all are ignorant. You're not stupid or dumb. But you are ignorant.

    It is very easy to get ALL the meat from a game animal without gutting it. It is called the "gutless field dressing". Just google it and you'll see plenty of videos of how to do it.

    Nearly all elk hunters use the method. Most moose hunters are starting to use it too.

    So, before you jump to conclusions and look for a reason to bash, try to learn something about what you are talking about...


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