Friday, January 21, 2011

Sarah Palin continues to free fall in the polls.

From Swampland:

As it now stands, just 17 percent of independents have a favorable view of the former Alaskan governor. Overall, 19 percent of Americans have a favorable view of Palin, less than half of the 40 percent of Americans who have a favorable view of Barack Obama. Among Republicans, nearly a third--29 percent--have an unfavorable view of Palin.

Look I am telling you people, we have a fork and we have a Palin, I think we know what comes next.

(Disclaimer: I am in NO way suggesting that anybody impale Sarah Palin with kitchen utensil.  That would be ill-mannered and uncivilized.  You know, like something only a teabagging right wing fanatic might do.)


  1. Go BACHMANN2:21 PM

    'More Likely' To Run In 2012 If Sarah Palin Does: 'I Can Show A Contrast'

    My money is on Bachmann but it looks like a fun time for all.

    Sarah's bad timing is doing her in. Bachmann is better looking and she doesn't shove her kids in your face all the time. What a joke Sarah was to force her daughter into that silly dysfunctional documentary and what a circus the dance contest was. I could only see it as another Tom de Lay make over flop.

  2. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Ahwaaaa! I was just getting out my potato masher. Nuts.

  3. Anonymous2:28 PM

    So what you are saying is that we should not call and leave messages threatening to mash her with our forks nor should we put her picture between our tines, nor should we throw our forks through her pane glass windows?

    The only way that you will get my fork is to pry it from my cold dead hand. Then, you might as well take the knife and spoon too. Please make sure I dont have anything on my face, as a friend, Im just askin...

  4. Anonymous2:30 PM

    My favorite name for Sarah is the Anchorage Steamer, courtesy of Jon Stewart. But, lets modify it--the Wasilla Steamer. So appropriate.

  5. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Wow 70% of Republicunts approve of Palin.

  6. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Gryphen, thank you for clarifying that there should be no fork impaling. But I feel there will be a lot of canned good thrown at the refrigerator in Wasilla tonight.

  7. Anonymous2:40 PM

    If you want a good laugh, visit HP and read some of the posts on the affair--it is a hoot. The defense over at C4p is funny as well, but in a sad sort of way--those poor people over very, very sad.

  8. Anonymous2:43 PM

    the Todd story has now reached the next level: meta-analysis.

  9. inciting violence is a serious crime2:51 PM

    Have the Feds told Sarah to STFU? She just said she wouldn't and now she does STFU.

    Palin silence = guilt

    Bristol will speak for abstinence soon. Can't wait!

  10. Anonymous2:54 PM

    So, if it comes to pass that Palin gets relegated to back bench - way, way back, do we change our focus to the equally crazy Michelle Bachmann?

    I find it ironic that Michelle Bachmann is surging ahead as a top fundraiser (leaving Sarah in the gutter) and is planning to put her own self forward in a separate State of the Union rebuttal. Talk about visions of grandeur.

    It must sting Sarah to see someone she actively campaigned for surpass her. Limbaugh did say Bachmann and Palin were pretty. Well, only in his eyes. Pretty is as pretty does.

    Crazy is as crazy does and both broads are about as crazy as they come except Bachmann is emerging as the top harpy.

    Poor Sarah - getting it from even her former allies. Okay, I am not being sincere in my sympathy, but you know that, right?

  11. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I have no doubt they've removed all sharp objects from around her right now. She is probably an the edge of a breakdown.

  12. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Sarah impales herself every time she speaks.

  13. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Actually, it would be nice if Sarah got the Ted Stevens treatment from the IRS. That would make me very, very happy. Except, in the end, I want her to go to prison, after giving all of her money to Van Flein.

    DOes anyone in Alaska government understand how much they could make from blowing the whistle on these grifters?

  14. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Steampunk Palin!

    With 8 pages of pinups!

    A sure hit with the teabaggers!

  15. Just sent an email to you with a bit of interesting stuff....ENJOY!

  16. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Crosspost 2:30 and 3:10 !

    I never knew about that!

    What will Jon Stewart do with Steampunk Palin?

  17. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I went over to C4P, to see for myself. A couple of things surprised me: not that many comments per article, and many comments from the same few folks.

    Yet it is a very expensive, gaudy looking place. I had always before been stopped by the ridiculous header composite photo, now showing Ms Palin overlooking the White House.

    Something smells fishy to me.


  18. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I think we should call Sarah the "Wasilla Steamer," like Beaver, was called "the Beaver."

    For example, Karl Rove mocks the Wasilla Steamer.

  19. laprofesora3:43 PM

    Jon Stewart called her "Petty Woman" the other night ($P not MB).

  20. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I was so hoping she would just spontaneously combust.

  21. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Is Bachmann Jewish? Well, the Wasilla Steamer wasnt really going to be her friend anyhow. The Wasilla Steamer only accepts Christian's of a certain cut of cloth. Ask the former Mayer of Wasilla, Mr. Stein....reputed to be a Jew by the Wasilla Steamer's followers, but alas, only a Lutheran.

    Are you getting used to the word Wasilla Steamer yet?

  22. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I think it would be interesting to find out what percentage of these target groups have unfavorable views of famous dictators (Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Saddam Hussein, Vlad the Impaler, etc.).

    Even Mass murderers probably can't score a perfect 100% "unfavorable" in such a poll.

    The comparison might give the numbers added depth of context.

  23. Anonymous3:52 PM

    C4P is really over the top tonight. They actually think they're a high traffic MSM outlet. So far, they have about 175 comments on the Todd affair...yea, their important and their dreams.

  24. 10catsinMD3:55 PM


    Just sent scanned jpegs of the NE article to you. Hope they are not too big.

    Shailley Tripp is not that bad looking. She has no makeup on in the picture, and she is somewhat heavy. But I don't think she is ugly.

  25. Lynne3:59 PM

    I am so disappointed, Gryphen. I was going to make some corny remark about impalin, but you impaled first...darn.

  26. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Thanks for the reposts and reports from places like C4P. I went once and never again.

  27. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Kind of fun to see Bachman overtaking Palin. Bachman is more attractive, but she is younger. Palin has aged horribly in the past two years - as has Toad!

    This is fun to watch and I wonder when the crime side of things will come out as did more of Toad's being unfaithful? (Although I really don't blame him - sister Sarah appears to be a cold fish!)
    Don't forget that it has been proven that sister Sarah (the Christian) was unfaithful too - with a friend and business partner of the Toad!!!! .

    As we keep saying from Alaska - she is NOT what she indicates she is!

  28. Anonymous4:04 PM

    And the interesting thing is that SteamPunkPalin has been on the internet since August?!

    What other surprises await in plain sight?

  29. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I just left HP and the story is flowing right along with the comments and it is a party atmosphere there and yes we made all kind of funny comments. I was surprised at the ones commenting that already knew about it before the story was posted there.

    Gryph, this story went viral with your help and many were talking about reading your blog and how honest and trustworthy you are. You do have a large following and many do not make comments here as they just read to keep up with the news.

  30. Anonymous4:10 PM

    One last report from the c4p. They are at each other's throats over whether or not to put up a post comparing todd to Obama. Some of the old regulars don't think it's classy- ya think?
    There has been a "ship jumping" of sorts. A few of the old ones have started their own site "Standing4Palin". It seems that they have not told everyone from the original site about it yet, he he.

  31. kimwim4:12 PM

    A Palin-free month by Dana Milbank. Then maybe she'll go away?

  32. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Sarah Palin continues to free fall in the polls?


    It looks more like Sarah jumped out of a airliner with no parachute. That's how fast she is dropping in the polls.

    As far as Todd is concern, he decided to ride it out in the airliner, he is not just a member, he is the president of the Mile High Club.

  33. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Maybe this explains the continuing free fall in the polls. People looking around and sniffing to see what smells.

    Found this comment at boingboing where they have a discussion about some comicbook.

    This comment does not include the use of kitchen utensils except for food preparation.

    "I think of Palin like a moose-turd pie prepared by a master pastry chef. It might look delicious in a culinary magazine but it's not something you'd want stinking up your kitchen, let alone something you'd want to actually choke down."

    No kitchen utensils were misused in the preceding post.
    Do not at moose-turds whether raw or cooked in a pie. Unless you think a former half governor should be president; then go right ahead .

  34. Anonymous4:22 PM

    If Sarah Palin is too fragile to tweet coherently, the polls are the least of her worries.

  35. Anonymous4:23 PM

    10catsinMD said...

    Just sent scanned jpegs of the NE article to you. Hope they are not too big.

    Shailley Tripp is not that bad looking. She has no makeup on in the picture, and she is somewhat heavy. But I don't think she is ugly.

    3:55 PM


    Have you seen Sarah Palin without makeup? She's no beauty queen without it. I can see why Todd aint hittin' it. Sarah's skin is blotchy and pale. Not attractive at all. Her legs not going to win any competition either.

  36. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Brisket is Todd's daughter, no doubt about it.

    Brisket and Todd prefer the "$9.95 All You Can Eat Meal Deal".

  37. onething4:26 PM

    They use the word 'affair.'
    That indicates Todd doesn't pay for it...does he?

  38. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I've not seen anywhere a summary of the ratings of the reality show, so here goes:

    November 14 - 4.96M (Ranked #6)
    November 21 - 3.04M - #68
    November 28 - 3.49 - #28
    December 5 - 2.78
    December 12 - 3.1 (Gosselin family)
    December 19 - 2.56
    December 26 - 2.49
    January 9 - First Hour - 2.457 - 1.4/2 HH - 0.7/2 A18-49
    January 9 - Second Hour - 2.369 - 1.3/2 HH - 0.6/1 A18/49

    Where no ranking shown, indicates it fell well out of the top 25.

    Relating to the premiere on November 14th, this is the breakdown of the 4.96:

    Premiere of TLC’s Sarah Palin’s Alaska (Sun, Nov 14, 9-10 p.m. ET/PT) garnered a 3.5 HH rating and delivered 4.96M P2+, 1.8M P25-54, 1.1M W25-54, 1.6M P18-49, 4.7M P18+ and 3.9M P35+, according to Nielsen fast nationals.

  39. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Sarah is probably at home depressed eating sheets and sheets of cookies. Pretty soon Sarah and Bristol will look like twins, a pair of hippo's.

  40. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Oh, puhleeese. Bachmann. I'm in Minnesota and that woman is NUTS.

    Her husband has generally been left out of discussions, but wait until Bachmann starts making sounds about running for POTUS and he'll be hung out to dry. He has a psychology practice that specializes in praying away the gay. Yup. He cures 'em. Good luck explaining that to Independent voters.

  41. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Bachmann can remake herself. She had to put up with Palin but she has the time now to pull it together.

    Sarah never belonged in the same circles that these women in both parties ran in. She didnt have the education or sophistication to handle this crowd. Heck, she didnt become a university graduate until McCain bought her that degree!

    Education or not, these women do not operate as talking twats; most are in it for public service.

    Whether I agree with them or not, I do think they all are pretty intelligent, well-spoken women.

  42. Anonymous4:36 PM

    The larger question is why is anyone with a 19 percent approval rating, or lower, even being discussed as a relevant figure in modern politics?

    Is the media going to squeeze every drop of publicity out of her until they have to finally admit she's not a subject worthy of public interest? Why don't they interview Bozo the Clown, maybe he wants to run, too.

  43. Anonymous4:37 PM

    10catsinMD said...Shailley Tripp is not that bad looking. She has no makeup on in the picture, and she is somewhat heavy. But I don't think she is ugly.
    She is probably fun to be around and a good listener. Todd could be fed up with overdone make-up, hair extensions, french manicures, and botox = high maintenance. Plus, Sarah is stupid, controlling, pitiful, and vindictive, that is true "ugly"...

  44. Anonymous4:39 PM

    if you want pure entertainment the comments at HP article re: Todd and NE, are great! the comments are well-done and hilarious. people are having a good time.

  45. Anonymous4:41 PM

    I'm afraid I think of Michelle Bachmann as one who makes Palin look SANE.

    Right behind those eyes, (and no one can call her ugly, if she is still and smiling and not spewing forth hate speak) you can detect a completely batshit crazy mind.

    Another person who looks calm and credible when compared to Bachmann, was our WITCH candidate providing laughs during the midterms.

    While I think I can see the PUT ON aspect of what is uttered by the likes of Boehner and McConnell (and Newt just DRIPS it out the sides of his jowls)--allowing you to figure they aren't INSANE, just laughing behind the backs of their devoted followers, for falling for the bullshit rhetoric they toss out almost daily... Bachmann's case I really fear the woman is POSSESSED, and believes all the crazy talk she babbles out at the camera.

    We must hope for her to be given the chance to utter more and more crap that will expose to even the most dimwitted among us, that she simply cannot be trusted to do anything but DESTROY the American way of life.

  46. Anonymous4:50 PM

    The chart tells the story.

  47. Polly4:59 PM

    Have you heard of Ignore Sarah Palin Week??

    And if you need help during the week, go to this Facebook site to hang out with others ignoring her.

  48. teutonic135:00 PM

    I heard Olberman just quit?

  49. Anonymous5:09 PM

    My husband was just laughing at the thought of a Prez. Palin (gah) being flummoxed at the idea that she wouldn't keep the presidential salary which is usually donated.

    I took it a step further and laughed about her balking at the bill outlining her family's expenses every month(President Obama gets one each month for his family), cursing about how much the menfolk are spending on pay-per-view porno movies and trying to figure out how to scam her PAC into paying it.

    God help us if this woman get near the WH -- honestly, I don't even want her to be able to take a tour of it. Let her go to the Smithsonian or something.

  50. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Someday, C4P will go the way of the PUMAs. Remember them? They were supposed to have such a huge effect on the 2008 election and then -- nothing. Sarah's supporters are just like them, living in a fantasy world, believing that there are enough of them to give her the presidency.

  51. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Shannyn just tweeted:

    @KeithOlbermann just got Donahued.

  52. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Rachel Maddow is on Bill Maher tonight!!!

  53. ManxMamma5:34 PM

    Totally O/T....but Olbermann is leaving MSNBC? WTF? Anyone have details?

  54. Anonymous5:57 PM

    just give that lameass bitch the middle finger, because she's just a H8R.

  55. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Dont worry. Bachmann doesnt have a chance to win either. I forgot and carefully reminded that she is batshit crazy too. Palin is probably crying on Franklin's shoulder. Franklin, who pretty much fucked his father's legacy from behind. He and Palin would make a perfect pair. They could share "the Purse."

    Oh, I am never watching MSNBC again.

  56. Anonymous6:18 PM

    For those questioning, Michelle Bachmann is a fundamentalist....another crazy woman that thinks God speaks specifically and directly to her.

    As a Minnesotan, believe me, she represents to me, great shame in the crazy that she reflects upon this fine state. My opinion is that she is much more publically polished, and yes I think she is prettier than Palin. But like Palin, the surface is a very thin veneer for something more disturbing. I won't go on....I know that she has no legislative record of note...and am not comfortable with her extremism. I see her as yet another pom-pom girl for the religious right. But where as I think Palin is a phony-baloney Christian, I think Bachmann may be a more sincere religious zealot, and frankly I find that very, very disconcerting.
    She was a Bush groupie, which adds another layer of "disturbing" to this picture.

    I mean no offense to people with deep religious convictions. I respect the freedom our country endows on it's citizens to practice, or not, the religion of their choice. I think we need to fiercely protect that right. But I am absolutely opposed to theocratic government...and think the trend towards religious agendas infiltrating our legislative bodies terrifying.

    Sue in Minnesota

  57. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Yesterday and the day before I felt that this story probably wouldn't have any legs. But today I'm feeling this is seriously going somewhere and is most likely taking down the Palin family once and for all. The silence leading up to this by the Grizzly bitch since before Christmas is a true sign. She is done! And I think the Palins have finally figured out they can't fool anyone anymore.
    They are drifting into obscurity!

  58. Earmark Ulu7:06 PM

    The fun part is that whatever ad server you have running on this site put a picture of a piece of roasted chicken up under this article with the caption "So juicy...the yummiest bites"!

  59. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Andrew Sullivan on Palin Free Feb:


  60. Anonymous7:27 PM


    for inciting violence if she visits Australia, attorney says
    Under Australian law, inciting violence is a serious crime: an offense which could even trigger the prosecution of members of the US political class and mainstream media who called for the assassination of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to his attorney.

    Comments by Robert Stary, Assange's Melbourne-based lawyer, were carried in the US by a Friday broadcast of National Public Radio's Morning Edition.

    "Our main concern is really the possible extradition to the US," he said. "We've been troubled by the sort of rhetoric that has come out of various commentators and principally Republican politicians — Sarah Palin and the like — saying Mr. Assange should be executed, assassinated."

    Stary added: "Certainly if Sarah Palin or any of those other politicians come to Australia, for whatever purpose, then we can initiate a private prosecution, and that's what we intend to do."

  61. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Bristol Palin on Bob and Mark 1-21-2011

  62. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Sue in Minnesota

    @6:18 PM

    All I can say is ditto, ditto, ditto. Practice your religion any way you want but DO NOT expect to have the right to shove it down my throat - or run the our government with it.

  63. Anonymous9:21 PM

    OT question: Was Track Palin discharged from the military?

  64. Anonymous9:57 PM

    My guess is Palin is hospitalized and is having ECT treatments.

    One of the conditions it is used for is:

    Severe mania, a state of intense euphoria, agitation or hyperactivity that occurs as part of bipolar disorder. Other signs of mania include impaired decision making, impulsive or risky behavior, substance abuse and psychosis.

  65. Anonymous1:01 AM

    I just saw on a national TV show tonight (I'm in Alaska) - where it was being discussed on the gal/guy show - Parker and ? (cannot remember the name of the guy?!) that the national media is talking about NOT publishing all the commentary Palin puts out there via tweets and Facebook. Finally! She is going down - slowly but surely.

  66. Anonymous5:13 AM

    "Have you seen Sarah Palin without makeup? She's no beauty queen without it. I can see why Todd aint hittin' it. Sarah's skin is blotchy and pale. Not attractive at all. Her legs not going to win any competition either."

    The most beautiful woman in the world would become ugly if she had Palin's "insides".

  67. Anonymous5:18 AM

    To 3:47PM. No Michelle Bachmann isn't Jewish. Very fundamental religious views, similar to Sarah's. I used to live in her district.

  68. Anonymous5:32 AM

    For those asking about Michelle Bachmann...She is exactly like Palin in her political rhetoric and attention seeking narcissistic behavior. The difference between Palin and Bachmann is that Bachmann actually appears to live a family values type life with her family. No skeletons have been exposed and she also raised several foster children.

    This isn't a defense of Michelle Bachmann. I lived in her district for quite some time and can't stand her politics, but her family values credibility is far superior to Palin's Insane Clown Posse activities. Think Palin without meth, sex and misuse of government power since Bachmann hasn't had the opportunity. Both are bat shit crazy but Bachmann seems to live the virtues she preaches.

  69. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Sure am glad you added that clarification, G :)

  70. Anonymous5:44 AM

    All the embarrassed Republicans who defended her for the last two years are now declaring a moratorium on Palin or Palin-Free February. Bullshit! You created, defended and preached the politics that created the hound from hell and defended the beast, and you will live with the legacy! When 70% of Republicans still view her favorably, she is still spotlight material.

    This is bigger than Sarah Palin. It is about the ugly rhetoric and hatred the right embraced and now wants to pretend never happened. Bullshit! You fed it, clothed it, nurtured it and now want to ignore it.

  71. Anonymous6:00 AM

    To those who wonder if Palin is hitting the oreos, she's likely not. She fasts when she's stressed. So it's we'll probably see her reappear very thin, all covered up and wearing a wig. In fact, she may be looking very bad right now and it may be what's keeping her off the airwaves. Her advisers are probably trying to get her to eat, to sleep, and to calm down. When she feels better, they'll hand her the "plan" to counteract this and she'll implement it.

  72. lwtjb9:59 AM

    The thing that really bothers me the most about women like Sarah, Bachman and Brewer is the hate they spew and how totally lacking in compassion they seem. Whatever happened to the milk of human kindness? Or even listening??

    What comes from these new women seems worse to me than the old line conservative politicians. These women seem like their aim is somehow more personal and nasty than we've seen before. Well, maybe with the exception of David Duke and his ilk.


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