Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sarah Palin finally admits that she was wrong. Well sort of anyway.

While speaking in front of the Safari Club last night Palin did a little editing to her most famous slogan.

“Don’t retreat, stand tall,” Palin told the crowd as she emphasized the importance of “responsible conservation.”

“Don’t retreat, stand tall?”  What does that even mean?

You would assume that Palin's patented "don't retreat, reload" would have been a phrase more accepted by a bunch of gun toting wealthy hunting enthusiasts than in just about any other place in America, and yet the Grizzled Mama chose to censor herself. Why?

Could it be that she has finally seen how irresponsible and potentially dangerous her ridiculous rhetoric might be to innocent Americans?  Highly doubtful.

Could she have chosen to modify her patented phrase as a show of respect for the still recovering Gabby Giffords?  Nope, not buying it.

Or could it be that her handlers have finally managed to get a message through that cotton candy brain of hers that if she does not stop acting like a hate spewing, inhuman lunatic that her reputation will remain so badly damaged that, instead of actually having the opportunity to run for President, she may soon have to flee the country in disgrace?  Ding, ding, ding. Folks I think we have a winner!

Let's face it, Sarah Palin NEVER admits to a mistake. And changing perhaps her most famous rallying cry, is essentially doing exactly that.  The only reason that she would ever do such  thing is that somebody explained in very simple, easy to understand words, that she simply had no choice.

At least that is my opinion.  What do you think?

BTW I wonder how Burton Cummings feels about this change in Palin's slogan?


  1. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Hey maybe you can get Sarah and Bristol thrown in jail for changing the motto.

    Liberals will have fun with the motto until they realize she has taken the "gun" out of their hands by changing the motto.

  2. Anonymous4:58 AM

    "Don't retreat, just re-tweet!"

  3. Anonymous5:00 AM

    I've had my fill of Sarah and I'm thinking she is never going to leave the political arena, but I sure do appreciate hearing that wonderful classic from fellow Canadian, Burton Cummings again. Love that song!

    Thanks for that, Gryphen.

  4. Anonymous5:00 AM

    I would very much like to know who it is that has the clout to sit SP down, and insist that she do or say something.

    She really has no sense of decency; I wonder if her handlers ever consider that they are enabling a someone with the morals of a very spoiled five year old to have a voice in our political process.

  5. Anonymous5:03 AM

    An Evening with Sarah Palin: The Outdoors Enthusiast, Not the Politician

    The only disappointing thing about my trip to Reno was the fact that, due to the recent shootings in Tucson, security was extremely tight. Gov. Palin’s scheduled exclusive meeting with the Weatherby Foundation board, which I might have had the opportunity to join, was canceled at the last minute.

  6. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Her lawyers must have made her change it; they know there will be civil lawsuits over the Tucson tragedies.

  7. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Hunting and fishing part of American Exceptionalism???????? Sure, scara, Americans are the ONLY people in the world that fish and hunt. Can't wait for this brain-dead moron to weigh in on the turmoil in Egypt. You know she will since she thinks she IS the president.

  8. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Sarah Palin and the Homer Simpson Economy

    As it turns out, the donut-eating Homer Simpson is not just the embodiment of Sarah Palin's "Spudnut economy." He could be the poster boy for Palin's campaign against the socialist, anti-obesity agenda of First Lady Michelle Obama. ("Where are the s'mores ingredients? This is in honor of Michelle Obama, who said the other day we should not have dessert.") In the 2007 Simpsons Movie, Homer and the family flee Springfield for the friendlier confines of Alaska:

    TOLL BOOTH MAN: Welcome to Alaska. Here's a thousand dollars.
    HOMER SIMPSON: Well, it's about time! But why?

    TOLL BOOTH MAN: We pay every resident a thousand dollars to allow the oil companies to ravage our state's natural beauty.

    HOMER SIMPSON: [hugs toll booth man] I'm home!

    On so many levels, Sarah Palin's "Spudnut moment" for the American economy is shared by Homer Simpson. As he once put it, "Donuts, is there anything they can't do?"

  9. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Well, she went from that idiotic "Drill Baby Drill" to "Drill Here, Drill Now" after the oil spill.

    Remember how she just had to 'correct' Joe O'Biden with her retarded mantra in the one and only kindergarten version of a VP Debate where Sarah only answered the questions or created responses only to what she felt the American public wanted to hear?

    For all those journalists and pundits that said she carried her own in that performance, I want to make them sit and re-watch it for a whole day in the face of Sarah's great reveal (as a divisive know-nothing loser) and share with us just how she carried water in that "debate" instead of inspired National Review editor Rich Lowry to write that he sat up after Sarah's first wink - that the potential VPILF "sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America."

    Sarah Palin is only here and visible only because of her looks and that she pretends to carry a 'conservative' message. Lord knows they need more attractive conservative personalities, but for them to put this violent talking yet pusillanimous bitch on a platform does their sector of the American public no service.

  10. Anonymous5:16 AM

    It's a curious choice. Did she thing not saying something like it would look worse? She's wrong. She's once again drawn attention to herself and once again reopened the whole Tuscon can of worms.

    Of course, getting talked about is Palin's chief objective. Perhaps she thinks keeping it "fresh" will allow her to continue to play the victim card.

    Another horrid mistake by Camp Palin. Here's something else your daughter could type:

    What a bunch of noobs. :D

  11. Anonymous5:16 AM

    She can modify her slogan, but her irresponsible original words and her damning cross-hairs map will follow her to the end of the earth. She cannot escape that.

  12. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Brilliant, love the homage to Stand Tall. I can just see $arah sitting next to Cummings at the piano, ala The Captain and Tenile. Her hair style harkens back to that era, with a little less frizz.

  13. Anonymous5:18 AM

    WTF happened to AlaskaWTF ?

  14. I dunno, if you are in a position where you are considering retreating, does suddenly standing tall seem like a good idea?

    Can't she come up with a slogan that is coherent or at least not stupid?

  15. Anonymous5:27 AM

    I think she'd better stop posing with rifles and giving "love of guns" speeches. Ms. Palin's brand has been badly damaged by her inane phraseology and inability to understand why her feminine "macho" shtick makes her look so unappealing.

    Sarah is trying to redefine her message and remain relevant. She wants to be remembered as someone who made a difference in US history. That won't happen. Future Poli-sci classes will study 2008's election as the beginning of a new era in America with the first black President.

    In a hundred years Sarah Palin will be a small footnote in our country's past. She'll be compared to Joe McCarthy for her divisiveness and delusions of power. If anything she will be a case study of NPD in politics.

    Sarah - it will be awful to be as reviled as he was. Get out of politics while you can. Get a show on QVC shilling AK moose stew and sell your soul for the $$$ you so desire.


  16. Ratfish5:42 AM

    Sarah Palin is damaged goods.

    We know it. And she knows it.

  17. Anonymous @4:58 said...
    "Don't retreat, just re-tweet!"

    Love it.

  18. Anonymous5:54 AM

    1. You're dead wrong. Sarah will most definitely be a vital part of American history and you're making it happen for her. If it weren't for gossip spreaders, there were be no account of history at all. Most history books are basically biased opinion which is why it's hard to find a decent one to learn from. But it's still entertaining to read the truly sensatioal ones.

    2. Dont retreat stand tall is a pretty good slogan
    it teaches young people not to back down to bullies or to be afraid of challenging themselves.
    Thats Sarah's legacy, inspiring the youth of today who didnt fall for the con artist in the white house. How much did her PAC make last year? exactly

    To the first commenter, jealous of Bristol much? You know, she's not the first teen mother to be spotlighted and in todays world, she certainly wont be the last. the teen mom is immensely popular for its entertainment value. Blaming bristol for anything is like blaming sarah for evil deeds carried out.

    btw, Sarah was to blame for columbine doncha know

  19. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Is this the speech that Alaska WTF said Sarah wouldn't show up for?

  20. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Gryphen, you will LOVE today's Doonesbury!

  21. Anonymous5:59 AM

    See Gryph, even Sarah did it. Now maybe you can admit that you were wrong too. Ahem.

  22. Anonymous6:02 AM

    5:10am. LOL. If there is someone who can edit video, it would be hilarious to do a video of Sarah making her political points and then having Homer mirror her thoughts. It would be the best video ever.

  23. Anonymous6:05 AM

    This woman is just so painfully stupid. Her well-paid advisors, also. She would have come out of this tragic episode so much better if she had simply uttered the words, "Well, yes, we all need to tone down our rhetoric, perhaps." Nothing huge, just that would have been enough.

    Instead, she refuses to say anything that smacks of taking any responsibility at all, and then she insists on recycling the very rhetoric in question. Who does that? Changing it is tantamount to admitting it was wrong, as Gryphen says. She should have retired the expression altogether.

    She is the gift that keeps on giving. She is done, politically. They will be writing about this one in the MSM all this week, in addition to Egypt.

    She's like the maladjusted sibling who just can't help trying to get negative attention.

  24. Anonymous6:09 AM

    I think "stand tall" is evangelist code. I remember a tv commercial about 10 years ago that ran ad nauseum of Rexella Van Impe using that term.

  25. KAYLA GOBLE6:12 AM

    when you even think abou blaming Sarah for anything evil that occurs, please remember that there are people who gleefully display a "dummy sarah" hanging from their roof, ADULTS approve of beheading Sarah for a CHILDRENS PLAY just for laughs (why does the short story the lottery come to mind? people want to go with the flow and mock Sarah even when they look like immature fools. yet when people join together to call Obama out on lies and con artistry, they're labeled tea bagging racists)

    Who's poisoning people's minds? It aint Sarah. Sarah inspires people to show pride, These adults inspire kids and perspective audiences to take pride in being hateful and inhumane.

    Continue to take the high road Sarah. Maybe it will rub off on the country

  26. Anonymous6:26 AM

    KAYLA GOBLE says: "Sarah inspires people to show pride"

    Sarah Palin resigned her public office. Sarah Palin shot and butcher caribou for the TV audience. Sarah Palin gave the "blood libel" speech.

    Inspired the heck out of me.

  27. Anonymous6:27 AM


    Good comment. I agree.


  28. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Anonymous @ 5:54:

    You are completely wrong. There is something to be said for the statement that "history is written by the victors." However, even the most paranoid of regimes cannot capture all dissenting views. Personal letters, diaries, etc., these are also tools for historians to use. One of the reasons Samuel Pepys diary was such an immense discovery was because he never intended for it to be read, therefore is was written without fear.

    Sarah's stupidity and lies stand on their own. She's a proven LIAR. She has no judgment. She's immature in the extreme.

    The formation of history is an amalgamation of sources, both official and un noffical.
    To try to justify her lies/obtuseness by saying "history is opinion" is grasping at straws.

    "Don't retreat, stand tall" is really a mixed metaphor. One "stands tall" because of pride in ones accomplishments. It has nothing to do with adverisity.
    "Stand firm" would have been a better choice since it connotes "pushing back" against an attack.

    I realize the nuances of the English language are lost of Sarah Palin, and perhaps you as well.

  29. She paid close to $100,000 in Q4-2010 for political advisors and writers. And this is the best they can come up with?

    The great quote from "This is Spinal Tap" applies: "There's a fine line between clever and stupid." For Sarah, it's more of a wall than a line.

  30. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I think her mystery supporters didn't exactly drive sense into her head, they just said, "Tone down the rhetoric or we're giving our millions of $$$$$$ to Michele."

  31. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Oh my Palin apologists so early on a Sunday. Good morning @ 5:54 a.m. are you a shill for the failed Palin brand?

    I don't know what koolaid you've been drinking, but most folks I know (Republicans also, too) roll their eyes in exasperation at the mention of Palin's name. Unfortunate I know, but true.

    I do agree she will be remembered - as an undereducated, incurious person with a mean girl mentality. Their is nothing inside her empty shell except hate and vindictiveness. That's how she'll be remembered.


  32. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Having "fixed" the "don't retreat..." slogan, Sarah Palin can start working on her other blunders. The writing on the hand fiasco clearly needs some work. And Palin could make another attempt at fixing up "blood libel".

    A STUPID woman's work is never done.

  33. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Kayla, tell us where they were doing that. Proof, please.

  34. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Somehow I just don't see this Safari Group as people who 'stand tall' i.e. stand up, march, protest, letter campaigns etc... for “responsible conservation.”. I see them retreating into their offices picking up the phone and calling their lawyers, lobbyists, and legislators to make things happen. I guess after a successful chat, they stand tall and pour themselves a bourbon or two and pat themselves on the back. The canned lingo still comes across as her attempt to stroke and titillate the audience for I find it amusing that $arah was telling millionaires and people with affluent means not to be afraid to go after what they want. $illy $arah, you know and they know it's the $ex that $ells!

  35. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Change her story? I think we are seeing her try to evolve. Motivation?
    Certainly not a change toward being human.
    1. The NH Straw Vote - 7% and falling
    2. Lawyers may have told her that continuing the guns and ammo lingo after Tucson might, just might set her up for a real lawsuit - can't always get lucky twice - next time it might be someone with Palin porn pasted all over their bedroom
    3. Michele Bachman on the move to take over her role as TP leader and front runner
    4. MONEY - I'm guessing with her second book a flop, a canceled reality show, an increase in legal fees, never ending payouts to family and other grifters her cash flow might be getting tight.

    I'll go for a mix of 1-3 with number 4 being the final absolute motivator.
    Note - I included nothing about NE story because I think that this was not shocking news to her except that it finally came out. I'm guessing she knew in 2008 when she tossed her ring in the lake and maybe even faked a baby.

  36. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Oh, the boring, intellectually-challenged, yet overly emotional Sarah Protectors trolls are back, spinning their same sad Sarah Palin Fairy Tales ("She's an inspiration! She's not an historic footnote! Bristol is so amazing!").

    Ahem. The rest of heard Burton Cummings sing "She's Come Undun" a long time ago.

  37. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Blood libel renamed Blood Liberal. watch for it

  38. Anonymous6:45 AM

    She is an idiot to even use part of this statement and will never be able to recant what her original statement meant as she pointedly said to Bristol while helping her at the shooting range.

    That clip is what should be played for the world to remember that Sarah knew exactly what she was saying and demonstrated it clearly.

  39. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Hunting and fishing part of American Exceptionalism????????

    I live in MN. Hunting AND Fishing are both on the decline here. This is especially true for duck hunting and ever deer. As the older hunters retire (or get shot in the field) they are not being replaced. Younger people don't want to bother buying the gear (except the gun) and then having to do the work to go out in the environment and maybe get cold, or wet - eeeew. So if Sara thinks Hunting and Fishing are examples of American Exceptionalism then Sara, we are in some serious trouble as a country

  40. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Maybe her "stand tall" remark was meant for the boy below the belt of these dudes. Wants to see if she's still got what it takes to fulfill Tracy Morgans take on her.

  41. Anonymous7:07 AM

    What's that big black thing next to her in the pic? Her mad witch hat?

  42. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Kayla, I disagree with you on many points, but believe you are tight about a few things. Neither political side is inherently evil but there are definitely people of poor judgment in both parties.

  43. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Someone as delightfully funny as you has a go at SP:

  44. Anonymous7:13 AM

    In battle, don't retreat, stand tall is a good way to get shot.

  45. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Don't retreat, stand tall: Get a bump-it?

  46. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Her power to get attention was in saying things that crossed the line. When she couldn't add anything intelligent to the conversation she used violent imagery and said mean,outrageous things to get attention.
    It's all she had.

    No one wants to hear that from her now. It's over Sarah.

  47. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Some facts about safari club (via wikipedia):

    "Safari Club Internaltional has been criticised by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) for supporting the hunting of endangered African antelope species at fenced "game" ranches in Texas and Florida and for giving awards for the hunting of big cats and leopard, elephant, lion, rhino and buffalo in Africa."

    "In 1979, when SCI was fairly new, it sought government approval to import 1,125 trophies from 40 different species (gorillas, cheetahs, tigers, orangutans, snow leopards, and others) into the US for "scientific research and incentive for propagation and survival of the species." Because the animals were to be hunted, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service denied the request."

    "In 2005, controversy erupted over tax write-offs taken by big game hunters for donations of trophies to museums. IRS rules allowed only the fair market value of such donations to be deducted, but many donors filed returns claiming deductions at "replacement cost," calculated to include airfare, guide fees, taxidermy, shipping, permits, and all other costs associated with the original hunt.[26] In most cases, the donations were worth only a fraction of the claimed value, and often accumulated in museum storage facilities."

    "In 1994, SCI successfully lobbied for a change in the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act 1972 to allow for the importation of previously banned sport-hunted polar bear trophies into the United States from Canada.[16] In 2007, SCI testified at a U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service hearing opposing the proposed listing of polar bears as a "threatened" species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act."

    These are not your typical everyday hunters who actually do support practical conservation and use of kill for practical purposes such as food source and population control. These are rich people who just like killing exotic animals.

  48. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Don't retreat, reword. I would like to see Sarah tell an audience of wounded vets to "stand tall," especially is some of them are in wheel chairs. It will be considered quite an accomplishment if Gabby Giffords is about to stand tall and walk on her own. Doesn't Sarah ever think or does she just reload?

  49. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Palin Kills It in Gun Country
    Rocking the house at the Safari Club International annual convention, Sarah Palin warned Obama was out for their gun rights—and dangles a major hint about 2012.

  50. And another Burton Cummings hit: "American woman, stay away from me. Don't need your war machines, etc." Good tune.

    5:54 A.M. Is that you, RAM? Looks like your style. What does your girl Sarah have to say about the situation in Egypt? (You know. It's in that country of Africa.)

    You must flove the new slogan. Lawsuit-proof. Not. Also like that Annie Oakley pic of your idol has probably been enlarged and downloaded by all those rill men for their masturbatory delight.

    "Sarah Palin for President: the candidate you'd like to f**k." (Now if some enterprising person wanted to make a million, marketing a blow-up doll of Sarah could do it.)

  51. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Someone just said "Bristol is amazing" I agree, amazingly BRAZEN. Here she goes around giving speeches for lots 'O cash telling people to remain abstinent. Then she goes to her boyfriend in Arizona, or her other boyfriend in Alaska. Do you really think the little pudge is being abstinent? Her lifestyle is making her look like a 40 year old mother of 4. Too much hard living will do that to a person.

  52. Ted Powell8:19 AM

    KAYLA GOBLE (6:12 AM) wrote in part:
    "why does the short story the lottery come to mind?"

    Good question, considering how different the situation of Tessie Hutchinson was from that of Sarah Palin.

    Mrs. Hutchinson was selected by what to all appearances was a truly random lottery, and had no opportunity to opt out once selected.

    One might argue that Mrs. Palin's selection by John McCain approached randomness, but once the November 2008 election was over, she had the opportunity to opt out, to go back to the job she had sworn to carry out.

    Her situation is not at all like Tessie's. It was self-selected.

    (I had to look the story up because I'd forgotten Mrs. Hutchinson's name over the 52 years since I read the story in university. You can find it at )

  53. Anonymous8:21 AM

    saying really STUPID stuff gets her lots of attention. which is so Childish!! but it works doesn't it!
    as she calls it making lemons into lemonaid! it's to bad they haven't linked hooker payments from the state.

  54. yukonark8:39 AM

    I love Anonymous 5:10am's reference to Sarah and the Homer Simpson economy. Donuts (Spudnuts) and Beer - now THAT'S American Exceptionalism! Just add the Spiderpig music from The Simpson's Movie and you have the trifecta of stoopid.

  55. laprofesora8:43 AM

    "Don't retreat, stand tall"???

    That's stupid.

    Too late, Scarah, the damage is done. And you're an idiot. This makes you look like a scared idiot.

  56. laprofesora8:50 AM

    "Who's poisoning people's minds? It aint Sarah. Sarah inspires people to show pride"

    Is dragging your pregnant 17 year old unwed daughter in front of the world showing pride?

    You are a fool.

  57. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Methinks our buddy Dirk Diggler will have to pay up--- he lost the bet.

  58. maybe already posted, but there is an article about her speech and the convention in reno. it sounds like yet another one to miss. i like the way she reinvents the meaning of her children's names.

  59. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I've mentioned on this forum, that Palin's cult-like followers would sit there silent, even if Sarah were to dismember a live, screaming baby on a stage in front of them.

    In a similar way, it really pisses me off that the NRA members, will defend ALL manner of gun use, as if admitting that "hunters" do NOT need a military style, repeating weapon, with a clip holding dozens of rounds, to do any actual "hunting," would weaken their case.

    If the purpose of gun ownership is to wipe out entire species of animals, then this would make sense...but they ALSO claim to be "conservative" about not overhunting, and so forth.

    It makes them lose all credibility with anyone with a working mind.

    PLEASE let someone from their ranks, rise up and call for some decency.

    I hoped it'd be Charlton Heston, but he was too old by the time he got involved, and showed signs of mental deterioration--and fell right in with the push to allow everyone to own every type of weapon made...MAYBE short of nuclear devices, but who knows?

  60. FEDUP!!!9:50 AM

    LOL! "Stand tall"...
    Saying that to a hunter, especially a Safari hunter... Does she want real hunters actually KILLED???
    I mean - I am not a hunter, so I might be completely off whack here - but as a hunter, do you not HAVE to duck down, so you are not seen prematurely by your prey???

  61. Anon at 4:53. Palin is the gift that keeps on giving.

  62. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Sarah and Bristol, standing tall for the right to sleep with multiple partners.

  63. FEDUP!!!9:59 AM

    anon @ 5:03:
    So, she was able to give her screech before a crowd, but then she had to cancel the private meeting with the Foundation BOARD members 'for security reasons'. YEAH, RIGHT! (And *I* have a fridge I want to sell the people way out in the ever-frozen area of Alaska!)

    I guess she realized that if she were to actually mingle/talk with REAL hunters, she would be exposed completely as the fraud she is!

  64. Don't retreat, rephrase.

  65. Anonymous12:07 PM


    Palin is not, in any way, what you indicate.

    Being from Alaska - her lies have been proven - she was a horrible governor - lied about the pipeline being under construction (still isn't and won't be!) - the Alaska Legislature found her unethical although she lied about that too - she is not a 'fine' example for children (especially young women) -it has been found that Todd actually ran the Alaska government while she was in the position part time and became a quitter (the Alaska Legislature actually had pins made - that they wore on their suits - saying 'Where's Sarah') - I could go on and on and on.

    Plus, she is a racist - proved it right here in Alaska as well as on the campaign trail w/McCain. The woman will go down in history in a very negative way.

    She, in no way, can begin to compete w/President Obama or VP Joe Biden for that matter.

    Go talk about your 'idol' on some other blogsite! Or, vet Palin in Alaska, so that your blind infatuation doesn't look so bogus.

  66. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Sarah can change her motto, change her wig, change her ways but I'll never change my mind about her. She went too far for too long and I'm not buying any kind of new image soft spin that she spews out. If she came out and said she was a liar, I'd start looking for her motive.


  67. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Hey Kayla Goble,
    I've never seen any of those violent images you describe- can you provide some documentation? I HAVE seen a lot directed at our president though.

  68. Anonymous1:08 PM

    mlaiuppa- I hope you tweeted that phrase far and widw!

  69. Anonymous3:44 PM

    RAM tweeted that she did say "Don't retreat, Reload" in the Reno speech. If true that she hasn't backed down from it, she is acting in her true to form defiance. Or perhaps Palin changed Becky's speech on the fly and didn't tell her yet?

  70. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Extremely fascinating and insightful essay on canarypapers:

    Sarah, Jared and the T-Word

    Palin may change a few words here and there because of legal reasons but never her attitude, or her message.

  71. aj weishar7:39 PM

    Wrong! She watched her Alaska program and saw the lady who didn't know how to reload her rifle. After Sarah finished making fun of the woman, Todd said "That's you. Don't you remember? Your dad had to reload your rifle for you."
    All kidding aside, she eventually will get criticized by the media for using the "reload" message and not knowing how to reload.

  72. carrieoki12:31 AM

    While watching Palin's antics, we need to be looking beyond her "shiny object" appearances to the real malevolent forces pulling her strings. I am seeing this warning message in several places & find a lot of truth in it.
    "Don't retreat, stand tall." This choice of verbiage is interesting. Palin has had dog whistle code words in most of her speeches. I 1st tried old West slang. Nothing there. Then checked military jargon. " ''stand tall'' : (US) Used as a verb for ''to be proud,'' or ''to present a military appearance.'' Also can refer to having to answer to higher authority facing consequences: "Standing tall before the man." What do you think?

  73. carrieoki12:42 AM

    Am not sure if comment was accepted by Blogger, wanted to put in my 2 cents.
    Found the definition of "stand tall" on a web page of military slang. Which definition do you think Palin is using as dog whistle to her Flying Monkeys?
    ''stand tall'' : (US) Used as a verb for ''to be proud,'' or ''to present a military appearance.'' Also can refer to having to answer to higher authority facing consequences: "Standing tall before the man."

  74. Beldar3:44 PM

    Here are my suggestions for alternate slogans that the screechy wretch could use in place of "Dont Retreat, Reload":

    "Don't think, Just shoot someone"
    "Don't be rational, do something violent"
    "Don't stumble, Tie you shoes"
    "Don't surrender, Deposit $1"
    "Don't retreat, Gibble dee beeder boo"

    The rest of my suggestions don't make enough sense to appeal to the Gristly One's smarter followers so I'll stop here.

  75. Sorry, anonymous at 1:08 pm. I don't have a twitter account. Never felt the urge to tweet.

    Tweet it with my blessing.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.