Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Sister Sarah breaks Twitter silence to launch attack on President Obama. Couldn't resist, could you Oh Grizzled One?

There has been one weak tweet yesterday about Alaska's 52nd birthday, and a couple of retweets (Both via the web and NOT her ever present Blackberry), but I have not been particularly convinced those were from the Grizzled Mama, and until now Palin's Blackberry has been eerily quiet.

Until today of course.

Dependence on foreign oil: "@amsol: MT @saeverley Top 5 things #Obama has done to raise gas prices: http://bit.ly/fOkq08 #drillnow #energy"
22 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

The article she links to is from a Right Wing think tank poorly masquerading as a bi-partisan think tank, as evidenced by the fact that it's General Chairman is none other than Newt Gingrich, and the headline for the article is the "Top Five Things That Obama Has Done To Raise Gas Prices." (Such a bi-partisan headline isn't it?)

The article is chock full of right wing talking points undoubtedly provided by oil company lobbyists, and of course it blames Obama's decision to curtail offshore drilling for the rise in oil prices. ("Damn him for responding to people's outrage over the Deepwater Horizon oil spill!")

You know what I find interesting is how outraged the Right Wingers are about $3.00 a gallon gas, and how quiet they were back in 2008 when the average gas price was a whopping $4.00 a gallon under the Bush administration.

Hmm, interesting no?  Almost like there was a double standard or something.

Of course the arguments made in the article are the same "drill here, drill now" arguments that make Sarah Palin's spanx all moist but which have NO real connection to the reality of the situation.

Apparently Palin did NOT spend her holiday break educating herself on how the energy needs of this country will ultimately have to be met. (I know, surprised right?)

In the immortal words of my daughter, "Epic Fail, Snowdrift Snooki, Epic Fail!"


  1. laprofesora8:16 AM

    Nice try, Twitler, but we're so over you. Have a nice life.

  2. Anonymous8:19 AM

    It's going to be two full years of campaigning, and obviously the Rethugs are determined to brainwash the public into associating high gas prices with Obama's policies. It's absolutely insidious what they do, downright evil. (It wouldn't surprise me if it were the opposite - Big Oil will artificially inflate prices to help get the GOP back into the White House.)

    I really think we need to frame their deliberate misinformation campaigns as brainwashing, because essentially that's what they have done with their supporters for so long.

  3. Notice the MT?

    That's a Twitter convention introduced by @shoq to indicate a "Modified Tweet", beyond the normal RT indication.


    I wonder if Sarah has any idea? Strike that, we know she has no idea.

  4. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Now this is how a real Governor works with the people !

    ALBANY - New York State Gov.Andrew Cuomo put his money where his mouth is Monday by cutting his pay - and the salary of his top aides - by 5%.

    "Change starts at the top and we will lead by example," Cuomo said.
    Cuomo will return nearly $8,950 to the state treasury. Lt. Gov. Robert Duffy along with all of Cuomo's top aides will also forgo 5% in pay.

    Cuomo's pay cut is his latest symbolic move since taking office Saturday. He's removed Capitol barricades and reopened the historic Hall of Governors - home to his office - to the public.

    He's also requiring his aides to undergo ethics training.

  5. She must have overlooked that little article about North Dakota. A lot of talk here about switching to natural gas, it might start getting interesting.

  6. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Can anybody ask Sarah Palin what ties she, her husband or family has or has had with Mystik Lubricants?

    Sarah Palin's husband Todd was part of an Iron Dog snowmobile racing team this year sponsored by Mystik Lubricants, a division of the Venezuelan oil company Citgo.

    "Yes, that same Citgo that's owned by Venezuela. Socialist Venezuela. Socialist, Hugo Chavez lovin', Venezuela," wrote Jeanne Devon of the blog the Mudflats.


  7. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Republicans also want to immediately repeal "ObamaCare", the President's health care plan. They won't get the votes, but even if they did, they have NO plan in place ready to go. Typical.

    Also, they are whining about the necessity of raising the debt limit, saying "we never did that on Bush's watch".

    Wrong again ! The debt limit was raised 7 times during the Bush administration, adding $4.9 trillion to the national debt.

    Republicans sure have selective memories, don't they ?

  8. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Never expect any of her tweets to make sense!

  9. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Bush raised the debt limit 7 times while in office, adding 4.9 trillion dollars. NOW the republicans want to say "NO" just because there is a man of color in the Oval Office. Hypocrites. If you don't raise the debt ceiling and the debt rises above it, the United States will default on its debts, which will make our currency literally not worth the paper it's printed on and put the world in a global depression.

  10. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Cuomo's pay cut is his latest symbolic move since taking office Saturday. He's removed Capitol barricades and reopened the historic Hall of Governors - home to his office - to the public.

    He's also requiring his aides to undergo ethics training.


    sarah redecorated the Governor's mansion, added a tanning bed and collected per diem while living at home.

    Quite a contrast !

  11. And gas is down today by $2.50 a barrel. As usual, she's an idiot! Gotta celebrate THAT $ista $arah!

  12. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Here's a happy thought: 2011 is the year when we can put Sociopath Sarah in our collective rearview mirror! Like everything else she's done, she blew her turn in the public spotlight, with bad timing all around. She looks like last year's trend, way past her sell-by date. Old news. And I think spring we'll see people just flat out tired of her negativity, her mean-girl spitefulness, her petty vendettas. She's looking - and sounding - more and more irrelevant with every passing day. Watch as the grown-ups in her party marginalize her, mover her aside as they get down to serious business.

    Watch as everyone panders to her base to position themselves for the primary - then the mad scramble back to the middle to appeal to all the moderates they'll need for the general election. This should be fun! And as always, she'll be pageant walking as if she knows what's going on.

  13. Hey, Gryphen - RAM got a new Blackberry. I think Palin's recent tweets, including the latest, mean RAM's vacation is over.

    RAMansour: "Just got a BlackBerry Torch. Lots of cool bells & whistles, but I hate the touch screen keyboard. (Don't think I'd like the iPhone.)" 5:02 PM Dec 30th, 2010 via Twitter for BlackBerry®


  14. FEDUP!!!9:48 AM

    TOTALL O/T, but here is the story of one mother who gave birth to a D/S baby, and what emotions she went through, complete with tons and tons of photos (contrary to SOMEone WE know...).

  15. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Palin Either Has Run Out of Things To Say Or Is Running For President

    Here’s something we’ve noticed about Sarah Palin over the past month or so: She hasn’t said much. In fact, she hasn’t posted anything with any political relevance to Twitter or Facebook in two weeks. And now she has tweeted this dumb thing. Has she finally ran out of her stock of idiot pablum and poor diction? Maybe. Or maybe she decided she needs to stop being so objectionable so she can run for president.
    Obviously, it would seem impossible that Palin would run out of things to say, because she has never said much of anything. It’s the same wedging half-educated regular-lady speak, reheated over and over to push buttons. And considering how slow news was the past week or two, at the very least, she would have had a captive audience in the media, ready to “report” her Facebook spewings to the general public.

    But maybe she’s taken a different tack. Maybe she’s finally decided she’s reached the peak of her wingnut power supply and needs to switch gears to make America stop hating her, so she can be elected. Maybe she’s already started running for president or is looking to see if she can get her favorability ratings up to see if such a run even would be possible.


  16. majii9:54 AM

    It's quite obvious that neither Palin, Gingrich, or any of the other "conservatives" that are playing this game of blaming President Obama for rising gas prices can make up their minds.

    On the one hand they characterize him as inept, and on the other they claim he is SO powerful that he can cause the energy companies to do his bidding. They seem to always forget that Big Oil has little/no love for President Obama because he wants them to act in a responsible manner as they the extract resources that they sell. It was not the democrats that Big Oil gave most of its donations to in the November 2010 elections.

    STFU, Palin, and learn what really influences gas prices at the pump. Once again, your ignorance is on display for all to see.

  17. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Gryphen did you read about this tweet:

  18. Anonymous9:57 AM

    She also (according to Huffpo) retweeted a tammy bruce tweet, suggesting a reversal in her opinion of previous anti-gay crap spewing from her moosechili hole. Has Toddy come out of the closet?

  19. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Some may claim, George Will among them, that there is no way that Sarah Palin can become president. But others in the GOP disagree and are speaking out, while Palin herself continues to reinvent herself for the 2012 run.

    Despite Will's recent claim that Palin would never be president, being unable to win key states needed to get elected, newly elected Pennsylvania senator Pat Toomey states that there's no reason the Tea Party cheerleader couldn't win his state.

    Pennsylvania U.S. Senator-elect Pat Toomey said Sunday on Meet the Press that he thinks former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin could win Pennsylvania.

    “I think it is possible,” Mr. Toomey said after being asked whether he thought Ms. Palin could carry Pennsylvania.

    “The electorate wants a return of economic growth, wants serious fiscal discipline. If they believe they’ve got a candidate that’s going to deliver on those things, then it’s possible,” the Pennsylvania Republican added.
    Winning those key states could become much easier if Palin builds up her foreign policy skills. With the announcement of a trip to Israel in the works, she could be doing just that.

    Sarah-the-will-she-go-won't-she-go-for-Obama's-job-Palin is in travel mode. We're not talking Washington. For now it's fie on a bus trip to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. She's planning to go farther. Miss Sarah can't see Israel from her house so, even if she lacks mileage, she's organizing a see-all, hear-all, know-all, meet-all, learn-all, tell-all first plane ride to the Holy Land. This lady knows on which side her votes are buttered.

    The journey, transportation, accommodations, schedule, appointments to see VIPs, the faithful who accompany her, are being arranged as we speak. Target date's springtime.
    So, gathering GOP supporters, burnishing her foreign policy credentials, now Palin just needs to find a way to appeal to those beyond just her ultra-rightwing conservative base. Could that be what her recent semi supportive GLBT twitter fiasco was about?


  20. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:04 AM

    Anon @ 8:55 am--

    Andrew Cuomo is a class act, unlike Chris Christie of NJ and that waste of carbon from Wasilla.

  21. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Gryphen, I can't believe you haven't commented on the HOT Palin topic- her retweet of Tammy Bruce's DADT tweet. The conservative world is all atwitter over it. She may actually lose some of her fanatic base over this one.

  22. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Why not ask palin about her failed pipeline, you know the one that gave her all that experience of an energy expert?
    That pipeline has gone nowhere and has cost the state of Alaska millions of dollars.

    I would not mind listening to somebody who had experience, success and reasonable solutions for the energy crisis, but that is NOT the quitter twitter queen.

  23. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Sarah Palin Makes a Brave Re-Tweet Sort of in Support of Gay People Maybe

    yeah, also, you betcha!


  24. Beldar10:28 AM

    "Dependence on foreign oil: "@amsol: MT @saeverley Top 5 things #Obama has done to raise gas prices: http://bit.ly/fOkq08 #drillnow #energy""

    Oh, it's her all right! Read it out loud in Gristly Mama's screechy caterwaul just as it displays on the page and you have to admit it sounds remarkably like her authentic infamous word salad gibberish.

  25. FEDUP!!!10:28 AM

    O/T again - Here is a follow-up to the birth story of the D/S baby, one year later:

    You can see the love, and the happiness in all pictured. You also see that the little girl is making bid strides towards a normal life...

  26. Beldar10:44 AM

    @anonymous 9:07am

    Yeah, you're right, it's time we drop the pretense that it's all just politics and the genteel "man of color in the Oval Office". I'm not accusing everyone, but way too much of the opposition to our president comes under the heading of "Anger About TNITWH". No other explanation accounts for the depth of the hatred for Obama that the Tee Hee Hee Party ginned up within weeks of the inauguration. Let's at least be honest about where it comes from.

  27. Anonymous10:51 AM

    For someone who is an energy "expert",Palin has no concept of how the oil market works. Just because the oil is under U.S. soil doesn't mean the U.S. gets it. I guess she doesn't understand the free enterprise system either.

  28. Anonymous11:08 AM

    "You know what I find interesting is how outraged the Right Wingers are about $3.00 a gallon gas, and how quiet they were back in 2008 when the average gas price was a whopping $4.00 a gallon under the Bush administration. "

    That is what I still don't get--it is the same with
    the tea baggers--where was their outrage THEN?
    Why now? What is different now? What is different
    about this President? Hmm, I can't imagine.

    The sky-high gas prices are what ruined
    the economy. People were having to pay more
    to get to & from work, so they had less to live
    on. People started to let their houses go. I had
    to stop volunteering because I couldn't afford
    the gas. $4.00 a gallon now is nothing--because I
    can't afford to leave my town anyway. I live
    in a small town & all we have is a Walmart,
    so I buy things online. That saves gas money,
    and taxes, and I don't have to drive to the next
    county to go to the malls.

    I can't imagine how high gas prices would be
    if McCain had won--the only reason the price
    went down, conveniently just before the election,
    was to try to fool the voters into thinking the
    Republicans weren't apeshit about whoring
    and killing for oil. Like Bush promoting SUVs.
    Fuckers. It is all Obama's fault! Every one
    knows, when shit happens, blame a negro--like
    Susan Smith did.

  29. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Did you see this:


  30. To Anons @ 9:55, 9:57, 10:09 and 10:27, the Tammy Bruce re-tweets were probably directly related to the National Enquirer story about the WGEs "lesbian problem."

    NE basically said WGE is anti-gay and thus didn't care when her daughters posted homophobic remarks on Facebook.

  31. Anonymous11:10 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    Big Oil will artificially inflate prices to help get the GOP back into the White House.

    8:19 AM"

    Yup--just before the 08 election they deliberately
    lowered it, hoping to get the fools elected. Didn't
    work though.

  32. Anonymous11:54 AM

    9:48 a.m. Thank you for the birth story! What is so very interesting is how nobody knew Nella was DS. My aunt was DS and of course this was in the mid 1930s, so nobody knew before birth. It was a shock but my grandparents were the most loving people in the world — never letting her go and devoted parents to her to the end of her life.
    I think it so very odd that Sarah Palin knew and did not prepare her family. She also didn't seem to celebrate his arrival but remained ambivalent all the way to his birth. No photos at the hospital and a terse announcement of his birth. And, the wild ride was not the act of a caring parent. No way.
    Nella, on the other hand, received the love she deserved form the get-go!

  33. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I remember when everyone was saying, "What the HELL, man? We supposedly WON the Iraq war, and now gas is MORE expensive???"

    I too, wondered about that. Then I read Naomi Klein's book that revealed that, indeed, BP and the other big boys DID get their mitts on Iraqi oil, alright...but for us to think they would SHARE those spoils with us common folk, is a real hoot.

    It only allows them to control the price (and run it UP) all the more.

    Disgusting...we taxpayers fund the war, and big oil walks in and snaps up the only financial reward to be had, from it all.

  34. Anonymous12:12 PM

    LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn said...
    Anon @ 8:55 am--
    Andrew Cuomo is a class act, unlike Chris Christie of NJ and that waste of carbon from Wasilla.
    10:04 AM

    Very true and his Lt Governor is great. He was our Police Chief and then Mayor here in Rochester and did a super job at both. NY is in a tremendous economic mess right now and has a supremely dysfunctional legislature that can't even agree that it's a good idea to put toilet paper in the bathroom! However, I have faith that, if ANYONE can make a dent in the hellhole of Albany politics, it's those two! We are sad to lose Bob Duffy as Mayor, but glad that we get to share him with the whole state.

  35. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Don't forget that this is the woman (when she was running w/McCain)who claimed the new pipeline was under construction in Alaska when it wasn't (I'm an Alaskan!) and it's still not being built under current Governor Parnell (appointed by Palin initally and now just elected to the seat!). Palin is not at all savy about energy and it has been proven! God, I wish people would ask her questions about the statements she makes. She'd show her enemptness to all so quickly.

  36. Virginia Voter12:16 PM

    I am so fucking sick of this oil meme. The oil companies,their lobbyists, commodities traders, and speculators are to blame for the rising cost of oil...it is not in demand anymore now than it was 3 months ago.

    Big oil companies have decided that they're not happy with last year's profits, so they send out their minions (faux analysts) to spread lies to the media about global demand rising. The media reports it like the lapdogs they are, and speculators and traders tell their clients to invest, thus driving up the price. There is absolutely no more to it than that, no matter what Sarah says. You see, she's heavily financed by oil folks from Texas, so she has a vested interest in spreading the lies.

    There is no oil shortage, it's the same trick from 2008.

  37. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Palin sorta, kinda showed support for DADT by retweeting Tammy Bruce who used a word that some in the gay community would find offensive.
    Perhaps she should go on Rachel Maddow and explain her puzzling ways.

  38. Aussie Blue Sky12:47 PM

    Miss Mansour is presently forced to cover for her lady boss. It's not hard to see it's giving her the vapors.

    Suffer, Bekki. You deserve everything that's coming your way.

  39. Anonymous12:53 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Did you see this:


    11:08 AM"

    I miss watching WNTW--I blocked TLC from
    my channel line-up when they brought the
    Palin reality show on. I won't watch ANYTHING
    from TLC.

  40. Anonymous12:54 PM

    When I see Sarah (or someone working on her behalf) trying to grab some media attention, I wonder what she is trying to distract us from. Could it be this latest story by Media Insider Gossip: http://mediainsidergossip.wordpress.com/ where she alleges that Willow is pregnant and wonders about the alleged baby: abortion, adoption or keeping it.

    And now that VF has gone off to Arizona, I think that it's time to revisit Splitsville Rumors, rumors about Trig and the Wild Ride, and anything else that VF used to threaten law suits about. Who is going to step up and be Sarah's new hatchet man (or woman)? Todd is good at the threatening, but he hasn't been to law school.

  41. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Palin is an idiot. She may travel to other countries but that does not give her any foreign policy credentials. She will not run for any campaign seat again, she is ignorant and would not be able to do any of the jobs.

    RAM may keep on trying to get her name in every paper and tv headline daily but RAM is not a good political handler. She just manages to make Palin look even more ignorant and she just keeps on cashing those Palin paychecks.

    Both RAM and Palin are both idiots.

  42. Here's a link to a funny jpg C&L posted of Palin and Bachmann

  43. CBS devoted an entire 60 Minutes to the mysteriously soaring oil prices of '08, and some of their background material was from a study conducted by Penn State University, in which the Penn State study discovered that the Saudis were telling us the truth in mid-'08 when they said that if the market were setting the price, oil would be right around $65 instead of twice that. While we were told every week about the increased world-wide demand (it's those damned Chinese/Indians/Brazilians, etc, etc), real demand had actually fallen during the months that oil prices had more than doubled. The real cause of the increase was manipulation, and it was done through the secretive Commodities Futures Market - the same secretive market the Republicans fought to protect last year from regulations that would have made it more transparent and price manipulation virtually impossible. Back in '08 we also had oily hack Bush 43 helping his oil cronies by throwing fear into the market every week or two with his stupid Cowboy George bravado toward Iran. When Congress threatened to investigate, all of a sudden the price headed south and didn't quit until it bottomed out in the low 30s. Quite a coincidence that as soon as it appeared Republicans would regain enough seats to block investigations we began getting deja vu all over again. Get used to it - "fiscal conservative" and "Tea Party Republican" are just a euphemisms for "even more of a corporate whore than regular Republicans."

  44. Pursang1:12 PM

    Guess the Twitter DT's got too much for her. Must have been seeing pink elephants tweeting in the corner so she gave in and gave herself a big old shot of hate and spread it to her followers.

    Sarah...silence is golden and so are tweet-free weeks.

  45. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Boehner's Real Death Panel Replaces Palin's Fake One


  46. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Drill baby Drill!!! can't let it alone can she? She looked into her bag of tricks and thought rehashing was a good choice. Epic fail $arah

  47. sounds like they are using an old attack on carter in the modern day. we'll have to nip this lie in the bud. welcome to the 2012 campaign season!

  48. Anonymous1:38 PM

    This is ridiculous.. When is this Propping of Palins going to end. I am tired and sick of it.. Bristol is offered a radio talk job..


  49. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I'm not sure anyone is listening to her anymore......

  50. o/t, xbut the one whom i will no longer name retweeted a tammy bruce comment, seemingly taking a gay-friendly, pro-dadt stance, though it's not clear that it wasn't just a mistake, or even done by one of her people. here is a huffpo article:

  51. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Christine O’Donnell and Sarah Palin Like To Mingle Funds


  52. Nikogriego2:26 PM

    I agree with Virginia Voter's comments on how the price of gas/oil is determined/marked up by Big Oil. I find it interesting that most of the Republicans, such as Sarah Palin, who are always in bed with Big Oil, allegedly find it terrible that the price of oil/gas is high. Since high prices benefit their bosses, you would think they would be in favor of high prices (and I think that in reality, they are). Certainly Sarah P. benefited when she was Governor of Alaska when the price was high-she could issue large checks to the residents of the State to reflect the increased oil revenue of the State.

  53. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Gryphon, if you spoke to any oil company rep, they would tell you, quite rightly, that oil is a publically traded commodity whose prices are driven by supply and demand. Anything that makes traders nervous is going to affect prices. "Oil company lobbyists" neither drive nor invent those circumstances.

  54. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Here we go again. Just when I thought we would have a New Year without this screaming ninny, yet here she is wreaking havoc again. I can't wait until this bitch is brought down. Enough Already!!

  55. aj weishar5:57 PM

    Newt was making a preemptive strike, before people realize the Republicans are back in and gas prices are going back up.

  56. Anonymous6:23 PM

    This woman is just an idiot. And an asshole.

    Palin calls for break from Bush energy policy



    TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) — Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Wednesday called for a "clean break" from the Bush administration's energy policies, which she says rely too much on importing foreign oil.

    In a policy speech, the Alaska governor said the recent drop in gas and oil prices shouldn't deter consumers and lawmakers from seeking alternative energy sources.

  57. Anonymous6:30 PM

    2:26 pm you are so right, As the price of oil went up it became clear Alaskans would suffer rising heating oil and gas prices. But, you must remember, she only cut us the $1,200 checks after she was aware she was on the short list for VP. There isn't a magnanimous bone in her body.
    Our permanent fund checks are tied to the stock market, not oil.

  58. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Sunday, Oct. 12, 2008

    Palin's Blown Opportunity on Energy Independence

    By Michael Weisskopf/Washington

    Sarah Palin promises to focus on energy independence if she becomes vice president, a mission she claims to be uniquely qualified for as governor of an oil and gas-producing state. "We must get there," the GOP nominee said September 18 on Fox News. "It is a matter of national security and our future prosperity."

    But earlier this year, Palin missed an opportunity to help the US mainland obtain billions of cubic feet of natural gas from Alaska's Cook Inlet. Her support of an effort by major energy producers to export the fuel to more lucrative markets in Asia came just as a facility that will provide the first practical way to bring the state's natural gas to the lower 48 states was set to open on the Baja coast in Mexico.

    At no time did Palin or her government cite the desire to preserve Alaskan gas for the lower 48 states.


  59. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Palin stumbles on question about Congress ban on oil exports
    H. Josef Hebert/The Associated Press
    Published Thursday, October 9, 2008


    WASHINGTON -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, touted by GOP presidential candidate John McCain as his expert on energy, seemed to have problems Thursday explaining whether the government bans oil exports - especially from her state's North Slope fields.

    A questioner at a town hall-style meeting in Wisconsin said he had heard that at least 75 percent of the oil drilled in Alaska was being sold to China and said, if true, he would like to know why.

    "No. It's not 75 percent of our oil being exported," Palin said,
    suggesting some of Alaska's oil, in fact, may be going abroad but not that much.

    "In fact," she added, "Congress is pretty strict on, um, export bans of oil and gas especially."

    No Alaska oil has been exported since 2004, and little if any since 2000, according to the Energy Information Administration and the Congressional Research Service.

    And Congress has never imposed outright bans on oil exports. Congress prohibited exports of Alaska oil in 1973 when the Alaska oil pipeline was built. But that ban was lifted in 1996 when there were large volumes of Alaska oil coming down from the North Slope and U.S. demand was soft.

  60. Anonymous6:42 PM

    So, we're going to consult oil company reps about what makes the price fluctuate - and believe they are telling us the whole story?

    We are not idiots.

  61. Kimosabe6:45 PM

    Here is how to lower the price of gasoline. Put a prospective tax on it, say 25 cents/gallon, to begin in 2 years, and to increase by 25 cents a year for 3 more years. The expectation of reduced demand would drive the futures price down on the commodities exchange to about $40/barrel, or $2 gasoline ... make that $2.25 with the tax. Of course, the oil companies would never support it.

  62. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Food donations starting to reach Bush villages
    By Mary Beth Smetzer
    Published Thursday, February 5, 2009

    FAIRBANKS — More than two tons of food donated by Fairbanksans and local businesses this past week is reaching its intended recipients.

    The village of Kotlik received half of a 4,465-pound shipment of donated food Wednesday by small plane and expects the rest to be delivered today.

    Kotlik is one of a half dozen Western Alaska villages experiencing food emergencies confirmed by the state Department of Commerce.

    A poor 2008 fishing season and few village jobs, combined with high oil and gas prices, have made life difficult for many living in isolated coastal communities. Other communities identified with hungry residents in the Yukon River Delta region include Emmonak, Nunam Iqua, Alakanuk, Kipnuk and Mountain Village.

    Kotlik City Council member LorrenaPrince said once the second shipment of food is received and sorted, food boxes will be distributed to families by village volunteers.

    Prince said the current price of stove oil in Kotlikis $7.79 per gallon if paid in cash and $7.85 if charged. Gasoline rates are $7.75 per gallon and $7.85 on credit.

  63. Let's all take the pledge - see GrainneKathleen 2:05pm - and stop using that awful woman's name. It just feeds her over-sized ego. Avoiding it now will help us envision a P-free world in the future.

  64. Anonymous7:06 PM

    When I bring up higher gas prices (as well as tax increases and fiscal irresponsibility) under Bush, my Republican relatives say, "Well, it wasn't his fault--he had a Democratic Congress."

  65. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Much like any other answer she hadn't been able to answer, articulate or understand from the 08 campaign trail. . .


    I'll bet you dollars to donuts she still wouldn't be able to improve on this answer she gave as an energy expert.

    Reaching back with her tiny little brain, all the boring technical books full of jargon from her Oil & Gas Commission days that she had to read but quit so she didn't have to, she remembered 'fungible commodities' and molecules 'taken out' and whatnot.

    Looking back you realize how insane all this was, to have McCain give this woman a platform.

  66. Anonymous8:28 PM

    If Sarah Palin choosed to fly commercial to her speaking engagements instead of requesting a personal Leer jet to take her round trip, would that conserve fuel?

    Just asking.

  67. Anonymous8:34 PM

    To anon@10:03 a.m.

    Pat Toomey is not liked at all in PA by moderates or Dems and just barely won, thanks to a huge outpouring of Palin's pals' money. He owes Palin for his seat and knows it. I would take whatever he says about Palin's electability with a very large grain of salt.

    Palin could definitely not win PA--the state is a swing state that goes from Dem to Republican in presidential elections due to the votes of moderates-which include many Republicans.

    Most Republicans in PA are not far-right fundamentalists like Palin's base . They are more center right ( which would actually be center left in politics now due to the right shift American politics has taken in the past 30 years) like Eisenhower, Bill Scranton and so on.

    If Sarah Palin gained the Rep. nomination (highly improbable) she would not win votes from moderate Republicans--of which there are many, disaffected Dems, and swing voters unless she completely abandoned her fundamentalist base: an equation that spells a no-win in PA for Palin.

  68. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Please. I beg you. Next time you plan to use the words "Sarah's","spanx", and "moist" in the same sentence-a warning above the post would be the friendly thing to do. Running off to stick a finger down my throat now. Maybe two.

  69. Anonymous4:01 AM


    My guess is that there is a Palin coming out of the closet.

    Who could it be?
    Track -bisexual?
    Bristol- bisexual?
    Willow - bisexual?

  70. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Diva Sarah, stop flying around in lear jets and conserve fuel. Why not fly commercial?

  71. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Would love to see Sarah's house fuel costs.

    Let's see, she has two houses. One is a 2 story and the other is a 3 story house.

    Assuming Sarah and Todd live together (not sure), Piper (minor), Tri-G (minor), and Willow (minor -underage - high schooler)all live in one of the houses.

    Bristol lives in Arizona.

    That must mean Track either lives with Sarah and Todd or he lives in the other house by himself. Can't see Track living in the same house with his parents.

    How much fuel do you think it cost to heat a 3 story house and a 2 story house? In one of the houses there is only one person living there!

    Keep in mind you never see the Palins wearing extra clothes in the winter?

  72. Anonymous4:35 AM

    United States must be doing great with fuel and fuel prices?

    It was not too long ago Sarah Palin announced she was going on a book tour by bus and then she fooled America and was seen getting off of a personal lear jet and boarded a big bus that drove her a few miles to the book store.

    Why even take a bus for a short trip when Sarah could of taken a fuel efficient car from the lear jet to the book store?

    Why even taken a lear jet? Sarah could of taken a commercial flight and then taken a fuel efficient car to the book store?

    By the looks of Sarah using lear jets and big buses, price of fuel and quantity of fuel must be great.

    So what is Sarah complaining about?

  73. Anonymous4:43 AM

    America is great!
    Fuel prices are great!

    I'm assuming that is true since Sarah Palin encouraged killing foxes, wolves and bears from air planes when she was governor of Alaska.

    There was a time when people hunted on the ground when fuel was expensive.

    I recently seen Sarah on tv using fuel to travel just to kill one caribou in the name of tv ratings and she did not even harvest all the meat from her kill!

    Life is good!

  74. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Life is good for the Palins! How much fuel does it cost to cook and feed the ever growing Bristol Palin?

    Bristol ate so much, she could not even loose weight by dancing every day.

  75. Anonymous4:54 AM

    I don't think fuel cost that much? With all of Sarah Palins big houses with big windows, she does not worry about heating bills and fuel costs during the Alaska frigid winters with all that cold air coming off the lake just a stone throw from her big windows in her 2 and 3 story houses.

    Must be great to be a Palin?

  76. Anonymous6:34 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    Diva Sarah, stop flying around in lear jets and conserve fuel. Why not fly commercial?

    4:04 AM"

    Miz Palin is a SUPERSTAR, she isn't a regular
    person. She is half President, half Movie Star.
    Can't have the unwashed masses mussing the
    Queen of America & reporting on her in-flight

  77. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Maybe dippy needs some tweets reminding her that when she raised taxes on oil companies while Governor so she could pay off each Alaskan for high approval ratings, that SHE caused a spike in gas prices in the lower 48. We pay each Alaskan every year their pdf or whatever it's called money because they pass on Palin's higher tax to us.

    Can't find the article right now but sure someone could google and find it.


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