Friday, February 25, 2011

The art of surviving your birthday.

Do you remember when you were a kid and the only day better than Christmas was your birthday? And the reason for that was because, unlike Christmas where you got toys that you HAD to share with your stupid brother and your sister always received TWICE as many presents as you did (Because she was a girl and your single mom LOVED shopping for girl stuff.), on your birthday the presents were ALL for you. Which meant that your brother and sister could just suck it!  Hah!

Or was that just me?

Well anyhow at some point in your life, after you have passed all of the big milestones like turning thirteen and FINALLY becoming a teenager, and turning sixteen and finally getting your driver's license, and turning eighteen and knowing you were now an adult and the other adults had to treat you like a peer (Except your parents who never seemed to get that memo.), and then turning twenty-one and finally being able to legally drink in a bar, you kind of stop anticipating your birthdays and start dreading them. And the further away from the beginning of your life you get, while slowly inching closer to the end, the more birthdays become something you simply have to endure. 

Kind of like getting a prostate exam, only without the foreplay.

So yesterday for my fifty first birthday I treated it like I was on a damaged aircraft hurtling toward earth.  I knew there was nothing I could do to stop it, but I just hoped that once it happened I could walk away from it with all of my body parts still intact. Which is essentially how I have felt about most of my birthdays since around the age of thirty five or so.

However this year I have my daughter living with me. And she had her own ideas.

My daughter felt that I should do something fun and memorable. Which, oddly enough, in her mind meant I needed to get a tattoo. Yes, you read that right, a tattoo.

Are you asking why?  Yeah I did that as well.

As it turned out there really wasn't what one could characterize as a good reason. Not to say she didn't try.

"Because Dad, just think how cool it would be."

Yeah, do YOU know what is cool when you are fifty-one?

Getting out of bed without making that old man noise your dad used to make.

Having a pretty girl look at you in the gym with a face that says she thinks you are kind of attractive, and not one that says "Is that my dad?"

Taking your glasses off for a second and being able to find them without having to go get your back up pair first.

Getting a new tattoo was nowhere, and I mean NOWHERE,  on my list.

"Are you offering to pay for it?" I asked.

"Well no, but I would totally help you pick it out.  Hey we could get one together! Oooh we could get the SAME one!"

Matching tattoos with my daughter?  No that is not cool, that is creepy.

"Are you paying for yours?" I asked, already knwiing the answer.

"Well no, but you could pay for it because you LOVE me, and it would be so cool to both have the same tattoo.  Don't you think?"

No I didn't actually, and I told her so. Needless to say my birthday ended with no, hard to explain to new girlfriends,  father/daughter matching tattoos.

Instead my daughter, now disappointed in her father's complete lack of "cool," went off to run errands.

Good.  Peace and quiet is EXACTLY what I wanted on my birthday.

Later that night, right before I went to bed, she finally came back home.

"Close your eyes I have a surprise."  Uh oh!

However when I opened them, she had simply placed this on my desk.

"See Dad it it's a coffee cup because you love coffee!  And it has the periodic table on it, because you are so smart, and smart people like that kind of thing.  And it has all kinds of candies with nuts because I remember when I was little that you ate those all of the time. Do you like it?"

"Of course I do. Thank you sweetheart." And then she gave me the REAL present...a hug.

When she left to go watch a movie with friends, I sat staring at the cup full of candies that I have not had any desire to eat in the last fifteen years, and somehow I thought that it was exactly what I wanted.

Not because I needed yet another coffee cup.  Nor because I needed a bunch of candy that I don't ever eat anymore.  But because SHE gave it to me out of love, and having her tell me she loves me is really the only gift that my 51 year old self really wanted this year.  I just did not know it.

But now I do.

So this was not a bad birthday after at all.  I survived with all of my limbs intact, and with a warm feeling in my heart placed there by the most important person in my world.

As my mom would say, "You can't beat it with a stick!"


  1. Anonymous7:04 PM

    You are so cute! Inside and out!

  2. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I've got 10 years on you, Gryph, so I'm a really old codger.

    My theory is:
    As long as our kids still love us, it's a good day.

    Belated happy birthday, Old Man! And may you have a great many more.

  3. SME1317:10 PM

    Happy (late) Birthday Gryphen.

  4. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Love it! Once again, your stories about your daughter leave me a little misty.

  5. As much as I enjoy your snark on all things palin, teabagger and conservidon'ts, I believe my favorite posts are your posts about your daughter. The love you have for her shows in every story. I'm even betting, if she tried a little harder, there would be that matching tats today. Good thing she knows when to quit.

    Happy Birthday Gryphen!

  6. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Birthdays are always good. Consider the alternative!

  7. Pat in MA7:16 PM

    The bestest presents aren't the most expensive ones, they're the most thoughtful. That mug will bring you a smile every time you go to use it. Happy Birthday!

  8. Olivia7:18 PM

    awww...very sweet. But I was hoping for a pic of a tattoo.

  9. Chenagrrl7:23 PM

    Smile. You're still on the planet and you know joy!

  10. Hi all-

    Join me for Saturday Brunch? (a new weekly post)

    I know I have been MIA for awhile. Just had a lot of work to do on a new concept for the few of us in my profession. Trying to get it international.

    Bandit- I really want your totally educated about medicine input- as well as a comment ot two (plz).

    Really have good instinct on this one. It's heavy duty medicine and pressure- squeezed into a new concept- my blog. Fellow gators- want to join me for brunch tomorrow? Just drop by the link tomorrow and if you want- say hi.

    Please post freely. My bunch is a very intense group- they probably could use some conversation- away from what we do on a daily basis (bypass). They can be mean and infatuated with themselves- hence this blog- to soften up a dedicated group of people- and bring it down home.

    My twitter for this endeavor is @CircuitSurfers.

    I miss you guys.

    And btw- I think you will like it- Check the "about" post- and the twitter section (I tried a new way of sorting and linking on twitter- just search "PerfTopic" or "PerfMeet" and check it out). Was designed for instant help in the middle of the open heart operating room. Any suggestions?

    Listening to some Leon Russel right now- "Lady Blue" if you haven't heard it- it is beyond awesome- down load it and let me know what you think. Totally chilled and reflective.

    It's a song I listened to a long time ago before I joined the Navy and went to the Philippines.

    Frank (yeah- the Teut guy)

  11. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Happy Birthday, Jesse/Gryphen! We are so lucky you're around to share this birthday with all of us.

    And as we always end the Birthday Song - may you have "many, many more" to celebrate in good health, good cheer with good friends (both up close and personal and virtual).

    May all your needs be met, your wants be closer to fulfillment, and your fondest dream come true.

    Happy Birthday, dear sir, Happy Birthday indeed.

    ks sunflower

  12. That is so adorable - Happy Birthday from Trinidad and Tobago. I read your blog every day.

  13. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Happy belated birthday, Gryphen. I'm ahead of you 3 years and it ain't so bad. We have to take the good with the bad, the creaky joints that don't jump to command like they used to.

    It doesn't matter what the gift is, it's the thought and effort that counts; your daughter is so thoughtful and sweet. I have boys and they're a bit stiff on hugs, like two wooden nutcracker soldiers. But with each new year, the hugs improve, as the arms kind of lift up, still stiffly and awkward, but nevertheless, getting closer to looking like a real hug.

  14. What a cute story.

    You could always do like my younger sister. She got a small tattoo of a pair of lips on her behind. She said when she passed away she wanted to be buried with her behind sticking up so everyone she was unhappy with could kiss it ;>)

    Happy BD Gryphen and many more.

  15. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Awww! I know exactly what you mean. Just celebrated my 39th birthday yesterday and it was filled with little simplicities that made my heart melt. From musical birthday cards that magically appeared at 6:30am from the sock drawers of my 2 children with very sleepy (and closed) eyes that yelled "Happy Birthday Mommy!", to a birthday breakfast prepared by my husband of 20 years with waffles topped with strawberries and cream, scrambled eggs with turkey bacon and dessert. Next came lunch and fun, filled conversation with my Mom and twin brother over BBQ chicken and ribs and southern baked beans. Add to that a day filled with birthday wishes from those far and near from family, friends, co-workers and those who showed they cared via cell phones, texts, emails and facebook accounts. My evening was brought down with hugs, kisses and more love, love, love. What a gloriously simple celebration day my birthday turned out to be. :)

  16. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Happy Belated birthday G! Well its my better halfs birthday on sunday and now that i know you are a pisces, i feel i know you so much better as you have dealt with palin related things exactly as he would.

    I did not grow up with my father, however last yr i made an international trip to spend his 70th birthday with him.. the morning of his birthday i walked into the kitchen and gave him a hug and a kiss.. he did not say much, and after a minute he went into his bedroom and sat down.. i went in a few minutes to check on him and all he said was..' i waited 40 years for that'. it was his first birthday i had ever spent with him and gave him a kiss.. and it seems to have meant the world to him. sorry my post is so long, but your story reminded me of my moment.

  17. BAustin7:44 PM

    the older I get, the harder it becomes for me to remember/calculate my actual age. I think it's because I actually care less and less about my numerical age. For me, it REALLY doesn't matter.

    My philosophy is the older I get...the better my birthday present should be! lucky for me, the hubby bought into this idea.

    Happy B-Day Gryph- glad you were able to spend it with your daughter

  18. Happy Birthday! As much as you go to the gym you can certainly eat those sugary treats guilt free. And who can beat having a periodic table on his coffee mug? The next time you are at a loss as to how many electrons are in einsteinium you have it right there in front of your face!

  19. Anonymous7:52 PM

    First: Happy Birthday!

    Second: Love the mug.

    Last: The tattoo idea was sweet. I have no tattoos, but I would have done it in a second. On second thought, maybe not.

  20. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Happy B-day Gryph!!!!!

  21. Anonymous7:55 PM

    sarah: ¨Only a maroon would need a table to tell them when they´re having their period.¨

  22. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Happy Birthday, Gryph!

    Just for you! Stevie Wonder - Happy Birthday

  23. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Gryphen, Happy "belated" birthday!

    When you tell stories about your daughter, your heart shines for all of us and for those of us with kids, we can relate to so many of your experiences.

  24. Mrs. M8:16 PM

    I was so sure this story was going to end with matching tattoos!

    Happy birthday!

  25. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Great story! Happy Birthday G! I'm with you on the tatoo thing. It was sweet for her to offer and the beauty is you recognized that. I love that coffee mug! I say this to all my friends on their birthday so I will include you...

    Congratulations for another trip around the sun!


  26. merry joy - you make it look easy!! (and, we play bar trivia, and folks who know the periodic table are a big hit)

  27. bws588:22 PM

    Happy Birthday you young have ya beat by two years

    I had my own "Mom is kewl" moment today, and no it didn't involve matching tattoos with my son. Trust me if I wanted a tattoo I would have done it years ago, it's not like its a new idea.

    As I was coming into the house from the store, da boy casually asked me if there were any spare styluses for the the Nintendo DS. I said no, and his friend was puzzled why he asked me, and he said "Mom has her own DS"..I heard Lea say wow she's cool, and his reply was duh

    Enjoy the coffee mug, and watch out for the nuts...they play havoc with our old teeth

  28. Anonymous8:28 PM

    You know, you really are talented. You're an incredible writer. Your blog ...well, it can be really touching. Happy birthday you old man and thank you for the literary delight!!!

  29. Happy Birthday, Gryph. Nice presents, Heather.

  30. MadCityKaren8:45 PM

    Aw, Gryph ... what a sweet post! (And happy birthday, too!)

  31. Happy birthday. Celebrate!

  32. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Happy Birthday!!! Does your daughter ever read your blog? I bet she'd be happy about all of the sweet stuff you've written about her.

  33. Happy Birthday, Gryph! Even when your daughter makes it big in the movie business and buys you houses and cars, the hug and 'I love you' will be the best and most treasured gift.

    Thanks for your gift to us of the heartwarming and funny story. I'm wishing you a joyful, healthy, and productive 52nd year.

  34. I got the tattoo on my 51 1/2 birthday. Chicken.

    I had a good excuse, tho.

    My whole family was in FL but I had to stay home (Xmas) to take care of animals, etc.

    Plus I had a damaged digit that made me self-conscious (for about 30 years). So I turned it into ART. I love it. I have gotten a zillion complements.

    But, bottom line: ya gotta want it. It won't do to tattoo 'cuz someone else wants it.

    Happy Birthday!

  35. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Happy Birthday to you!

    From Texas,

  36. deebee9:54 PM

    "In my next life I want to live my life backwards. You start out dead and get that out of the way. Then you wake up in an old people's home feeling better every day. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, and when you start to work, you get a gold watch and a party on your first day. You work for 40 years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You party, drink alcohol, and are generally promiscuous, then you are ready for high school. You then go to primary school, you become a kid, you play. You have no responsibilities, you become a baby until you are born. And then you spend your last 9 months floating in luxurious spa-like conditions with central heating and room service on tap, larger quarters every day and then Voila! You finish off as an orgasm!"
    -Woody Allen

  37. I had to smile at these words from your daughter: "Well no, but you could pay for it because you LOVE me,". That's something my daughter says too.

    She never mentioned anything about matching tats though. Instead, the matching tats is how she and her twin brother celebrated their 25th.

    Glad you had a wonderful birthday...51 is young--I peak from experience, LOL

  38. Anonymous10:45 PM

    I'm a little younger and I think you are cute, but I have not seen you! I love your posts about your daughter!

    I hope you have more happy, smart years-- may they be blessed with all that you need, with a little extra to share!

  39. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Happy B'day you young whippersnapper.

  40. Late night happy birthday Gryph. After a while the aches and pains all meld into one then it becomes a buzz. So buzz on bro.

  41. angela11:22 PM

    Happy Belated Gryph!
    As always, stories about your daughter make me teary.

  42. Anonymous11:45 PM

    7:55 --- that was perfect, really funny. I hope others enjoyed it as well. I bet Gryphen did.

  43. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign12:22 AM


  44. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:58 AM

    Happy Birthday, Gryph! Mine is tomorrow; I'll be 53. I tend to ignore the numerals now. Great mug, BTW!

  45. Happy Birthday! I too like your tales about everyday happenings at home...... We all need to count our blessings!

  46. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Happy belated birthday, you young guy. Stay safe, healthy, happy and wise.

  47. ManxMamma3:54 AM

    I fall in love with you all over again whenever you write about your daughter!

  48. Happy Birthday and congrats on the sweet daughter. I'll be 52 in July and feel much the same about birthdays but remember that the alternative is no good at all. Anyway, 51 is the new 41.

  49. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Damn it, Gryph, you did it again. This slobbering fool has tears running down my cheeks and it's only 7 in the morning.

  50. Anonymous4:40 AM


    You work so hard to get the truth out (never mind your day job), you are an excellent Father and I am positive, an excellent Friend who loves unconditionally, is loyal, and a true Friend to all! You help others in their time of need and you always get word out when people need more than you are able to provide!
    If I lived in Alaska, I would be honoured to have you as a Friend!!
    So, HAVE A HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, with many more to come!! Enjoy life to it's fullest because, as you already know, life is too short to waste away.
    Best Wishes to one of my favourite Bloggers!!!

    Mary B

  51. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Now do the right thing, old guy, and go buy a tat for your lovely daughter! Laughing so hard. She is just like my daughter. How did your birthday turn out to be a chance for her to get something she wanted. Gotta love 'em!

  52. Anonymous5:31 AM

    I turned 50 this past September myself. At first I was dreading it... UGH I am getting so old. But I have now taken the attitude of "WooHoo I'm 50!" and decided that it's another milestone in life.

    Happy Birthday Gryphen!

  53. Happy Belated Birthday. 51 is still young, you could be blogging for close to 50 more years.

  54. Anonymous5:42 AM

    A lovely post -- and so glad there was no tattooing! Happy BD!

  55. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Sending a warm, sunny Happy Birthday wish to you from SC. Your stories are always such a joy to read especially regarding your lovely and captivating daughter. I wish for you to have many, many, many more years of sharing your humorous writings and gifts with us! Wish you good health and good times forever and a day!

  56. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I'm grateful for everyday..Happy Birthday G man..

  57. Anonymous7:55 AM

    As my granddaughter would say, (when she was four), Happy Dirtday! I love the periodic table coffee cup. My hubby is a science geek so I bought him a periodic table T-shirt last year.

    Trust me, you guys get better with age, ulike us ladies.

  58. Anonymous8:20 AM

    My mother, who will soon turn 92, and I, who will soon turn 65, have concluded that the best day of the year is the day after your birthday, because that is the longest time that you have before you have to deal with that aging thing again. So Happy Best Day to you!

  59. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Love the fantasy that girls get the goods on the was my fantasy too.

    But ...many of us girls born days after Christmas aren't enjoying that fantasy b-day...even as an adult.

    Having b-day first week of January means: everyone is broke, partied out and could care less you're anticipating being special one day each year....while brother gets mini-bike in Sept & parties like a rock star with steak dinners. .his January 4th sister got the undershirt matching her Xmas underwear ....and tuna casserole.

  60. FEDUP!!!8:51 AM

    HAPPY AFTER-BIRTHDAY, GRYPHEN! (And many, many more!) May this year bring that certain 'saga' you have been following for the last 2 1/2 years to a good-for-all and final end, with certain parties in orange jumpsuits for a very, very long time.
    ... And may your daughter bring you more delightful surprises. ;)

  61. yukonark9:13 AM

    Ah, Gryphen, you love and are loved. And you are truly becoming wise. You know you are richly blessed, and you passionately and eloquently share those blessings with us.
    Happy Birthday, and Many, Many Happy Returns!

  62. Awe Gryph - Happy Birthday!!!!
    My birthday was last Wed, and it was my kids who made my day as well. Started with a text from my 13yr old son at 11:00am the day before which simply said "13 hours :D". I woke up to texts from both kids and when they got home from school, was presented with a homemade card from each of them. It is these events that become the memories to warm your heart forevermore...>.<

  63. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I've got waaaay more years on you! Happy belated birthday, Gryph!

  64. I totally understand.

    My 49th birthday was my worst.

    In Sept/Oct. I was diagnosed with hypertension (went to stage one and meds within two months), high cholesterol and acid reflux. And on my Mother's birthday, which is five days before mine, I went to the emergency room and ended up getting my appendix out.

    It sucked.

    My 40th birthday was the best. My friends and I partied for a month. We started with a birthday prime rib dinner at my parent's house with the table pulled completely out for both leaves and all of the good china and ended the month with us all going out ballroom dancing on my parents' dime.

    After the 49th fiasco I didn't feel good. Then I hurt my back that spring. Turned out I had two herniated discs in my lower back. When I turned 50 my parents offered to send me on a trip to Europe. I declined. I still hurt more often than I was pain free. They asked me what I wanted. I told them they couldn't give me what I wanted. I wanted to feel healthy again.

    I decided I would only celebrate my birthdays every five years. In between, just something quiet.

    At 56 (and with different cholesterol meds) I'm finally starting to feel good again. So I'm looking forward to 60. That's the year I'll retire so we'll be having a big celebration.

    BTW, did you know there is a periodic table of hardware?

    (I have the periodic table of vegetables in my kitchen.)

  65. Anonymous1:10 PM

    You are really a sweetie and any guy that loves his daughter as much as you do has to be a GREAT father at any age. I have been perusing this site for a long time without ever making a peep, but wanted you to know I love it and you. Hearty Happy Birthday and many more.

  66. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Nice, really nice.

    And happy B'day.


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