Sunday, February 06, 2011

Bill Maher's New Rules from last Friday.

Most of them are pretty good, but pay special attention to the last one where he talks about Michelle Obama's fight against childhood obesity and slams Sarah Palin over her attempts to suggest that those attempts endangers our freedoms.

(Big thanks to Crooks and Liars for posting this.)


  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    "Cause we should get our medical advice from a drug addicted fat man"


  2. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Sarah Palin offered an extended tribute to Ronald Reagan in Santa Barbara Friday night, praising him specifically for not being bothered by criticism. Then, in an interview the CBN's David Brody following the speech, she said that if she ran for president she'd follow the same course of ignoring the naysayers.

    But she couldn't help but get in a jab at the press in the same interview, telling Brody that “much of the mainstream media is already becoming irrelevant."

    Such shots have, of course, become staples of Palin's repertoire. They illustrate that, DESPITE HER CLAIMS, criticism plainly DOES GET TO HER.

    If she wanted to truly take a page out of the Gipper's playbook, she could take a trip to his newly-renovated presidential library here and listen to one of the radio segments he taped after his ill-fated 1976 presidential run.

    Recalling his travels with the political press corps during a tough campaign, Reagan offered nothing but praise for the reporters who covered him and often wrote skeptical stories about his primary against President Ford.

    "I have to say their treatment of me was fair," Reagan said.

    He added: "We parted friends and I'm richer for their friendship."

    Now, was such a gushing message only a heartful tribute to the fourth estate? Of course not. Reagan used the period between his '76 and '80 runs to court reporters — sitting for interviews with such big feet as then-Wall Street Journal writer Al Hunt — in hopes of improving vital relationships.

    But that's the point.

    Reagan, who was savaged within his own party and by some quarters of the media, knew he wouldn't bolster his White House hopes by only lashing out at his critics. It's a lesson Palin speaks favorably of but has yet to follow.

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Well said. Excellent

  4. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Most of our modern foods have "hidden sugars", often found in low-cal and low-fat foods. Sugar is the main culprit of obesity, diabetes... store bought fruit juice sounds healthy but too much causes insulin imbalances. Fresh fruit is okay tho. It isn't difficult to prevent diabetes. Back to basics: simple protein foods, vegetables, palm-sized servings of starches (Americans eat huge portions), less dessert (try whole wheat bread with peanut butter and sliced bananas for a sweet tooth, or a couple of pieces of dark chocolate). Once a week, have pizza, apple pie, ice cream, cake, and your special indulgence, not Everyday. I'm a 60 year old woman, and still the same size as when I was a teen. (size 4 and 5), and do not have any medical problems of any kind. I hope people pay attention to raising their kids with proper nutrition, otherwise, we will be like the Romans, and you know what happened to them.

  5. Anonymous9:46 AM

    When It Comes To Egypt Sarah Palin Needs to Shut Up

    Sarah Palin, an intellectual cripple, has opened her mouth about events in Egypt. She should shut her yapper and then forever keep it zipped.

    Her criticisms of President Obama are as relevant to him, world politics and U.S. diplomacy as a mosquito on a race horse. Here is the first sentence . . and I am using the word sentence very loosely . . . of Palin’s comments about ongoing events in Egypt:

    “And nobody yet has, nobody yet has explained to the American public what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us know who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak and no, not, not real enthused about what it is that that’s being done on a national level and from D.C. in regards to understanding all the situation there in Egypt.”

    The chief political concern of the Egyptians protesting in Egypt is that they want their leaders elected through an open democratic process. Should the attempted ouster of the dictator Hosni Mubarak succeed, Egypt’s new leader will be chosen by means of an open, competitive, democratic election. How could President Obama at this date possibly know who will win that election?

    Palin the stupid dingbat went on to say “Now, more than ever, we need strength and sound mind there in the White House.”

    There was a very good reason Barbara Bush said she hopes Sarah Palin stays in Alaska. That reason is, Palin is a fool, a simpleton, a dunderhead with an exceedingly low IQ. You can bet your bottom dollar that if asked point blank to explain who Ayman Nour is, what role he has played in Egyptian politics and how Hosni Mubarak persecuted him, Palin the intellectual cripple would not have the first clue.

    Palin’s statements reveal that she does not have mental stature meaningfully to criticize President Obama’s managing of the United States’ diplomatic relations with Egypt in this period of that country’s crisis. Her mouth is like a vacuum cleaner nozzle, and her head the vacuum, in that every time she comments on politics, she further sucks dignity out of our national discourse. It is way past time that Sarah Palin the mental cripple took the hint that Barbara Bush was kind enough to give her on national television.

  6. Michelle is taking on a very important issue.
    When it comes to obesity in this country our liquid calories are a big problem. I see all these ads now about how the gov't is going to tax soft drinks and even flavored water--horrors! Well think of it like the cigarette taxes --which at the beginning were fought against as gov't interference and now people now to the extreme of vilifying smokers as the root of all evil--not saying that smoking is good but people have no problem saying that we shouldn't pay for their health care for smoking related diseases so we tax cigarettes to off set the cost. So why are we paying for healthcare for people who choose to not follow reasonable health guidelines for exercise and calorie intake? The soft drink tax only cost people who choose to drink them. The money raised would go to fight obesity related illnesses which kill a lot more people and drive our health care cost through the roof.

    Here is a calculator of how much money a state could make by just adding pennies to the price.

    No one is saying that you can't have soda, just limit the amount. Also those flavored waters are nothing but sofa drinks in disguise like many flavored yogurts are one step away from being ice cream. This tax could balance almost every state's budget within the year and possibly lower the average intake of soda products per person

    I have no problem with personal freedom of what people choose to eat but take the personal responsibility for what it does to your body. Not everyone can be thin but every person can choose to have a healthier lifestyle.

  7. Anonymous10:36 AM

    The First Lady could have taken up the cause of "Lets quit picking on Sarah Palin" and STILL Palin would find some way to make it sound like a Nazi plot.

    Just WHEN will the minority of people who continue to think of her as someone to idolize, finally conclude they've picked the worst person ever?

  8. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Oh please Gryphen, let's get on with it.

    Remember the VF article that said she is a huge liar? That documented many of the lies (but not babygate). I thought that might be the preface for some SPECIFIC lies.

    The other day, someone said VF is backed up with stories about SP. So where are they?

    The weird recent NE article that seemed to wither on the vine when the AK police said "no trainwreck here," a very unusual statement by police.

    The new photos of the Spouse's Lunch? Are they still coming? Do they do the job? Have you seen them?

    This is like a huge abscess that hurts a lot. Can't we lance it so it can drain?

  9. Anonymous10:53 AM

    10 Things Conservatives Don’t Want You To Know About Ronald Reagan

  10. Anonymous10:58 AM

    To 9:46 ... No! No! We Alaskans do NOT want Sarah Palin to come back here and stay here. We hope she goes to Arizona for good. She is an embarrassment to Alaska. Her ratings here are in the tank. When she was announced for veep I began that very day to email everyone I had ever heard of to tell them what a horrible choice McCain had made, and now people are finally saying to me, "Boy, you really had that one right from the start." It's taken the rest of the country far too long to see through Palin but at last, thank heavens, it seems to be happening. Just don't call her an Alaskan.

  11. Right on Bill! I truly wish SP would shut her trap. It'd be different if she had something of value to say, but that woman truly is and idiot.

    Note to anonymous at 9:35 - type II diabetes is easily avoided - type I is not. In type I, insulin production in the body shuts down completely. It is not yet known what causes this to happen.

  12. WakeUpAmerica10:59 AM

    I have to say that whatever has happened AGAIN to AlaskaWTF now looks like a malicious attack.

  13. Anonymous10:59 AM

    O/t but bris, willow and trig were all at the reagan ranch. Idk who else if anyone but those 3 posed with sarah for a picture

  14. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Screw Reagan.

    I stumbled on this impressive effort to chronicle what is for many of us the real legacy of Ronald Reagan by a young film school student, Joah Colby-Milbrath. In the narration he says his mom is a lesbian, and she selected his name at the Names Project. His moms must be proud.

  15. Anonymous11:09 AM

    While Egypt remains poised on a razor's edge, the predictable attacks have begun from the nonthinking Righties. Sarah attacked Obama, although for the life of me, I could not decipher her intent, except she seems to claim that Obama is both weak and not sane. She also seems to be demanding a briefing on the innermost discussions within the Oval Office. Also.,-Thank,-I-do-you%29

  16. Anonymous11:11 AM

    "Her criticisms of President Obama are as relevant to him, world politics and U.S. diplomacy as a mosquito on a race horse."

    I hate to squash a good analogy but obviously the writer of this has never heard of EEE, VEE or any other mosquito borne equine disease. They kill horses and other mammals if they are not vaccinated.
    Just saying.....

  17. Anonymous11:13 AM

    If anybody is having a problem getting on to Alaskawtf, you can get on by using

    Rather a strange way of blocking access isn't it!

  18. Anonymous11:19 AM


    I have a good friend who is a gryphen reader and lurker. Her name is Jasmine Holyfield. She is a member of that very liberal college age group and a political junkie who really misses Olberman. Jasmine is a terrific recruiter for our side. Even though she went to school in a conservative school district in Georgia, she did not hesitate to recruit other students to the liberal side after they had been brain washed (heavily influenced) by their parents. After graduating from college in the worst economy ever, she made lemons into lemonade. Instead of becoming depressed and sitting around while she applied to non-existent jobs, she went to Spain to teach for two years.

    It was a wonderful experience. The other teachers and students were terrific. She learned to speak and understand Spanish and immerse herself into another culture. An Olympic bid, a World Cup Victory, and a bull run later she is ready for her future.

    In a few months, the second year will end. Jasmine will start graduate school to earn a Ph.D in political science this fall. This summer she would like to be an intern for STA Travel. There are many interesting places to visit and people of all cultures to meet. Jasmine needs your help to make that happen. She made a one-minute travel video that she would like you to watch. Either before or after you watch the video (even instead of) you hit the FAN button and register a vote. The applicants with the most votes win.

    Thank you in advance to everybody who takes the time to vote. We need to encourage and assist students who are trying to be positive and productive with their lives.

  19. Anonymous11:44 AM

    If it had been Scarah who got that 3 a.m. call - we would have been at war by 4.

    As for the transperancy of what's coming out of DC -- this from a Wasillabillyturd that had to have a yahoo email account to bypass State business. You can be guaranteed that she & her cult have never heard of 'Muslim Brotherhood' until this week, but now they've found their next boogey man.

    That she questions the authenticity of the protestors - man she is devoid of anything human.

    Have to also say - I'm listening to the Tribute to Ronald Reagan. I haven't heard anyone slip up yet and refer to him as 'God' but someone will.

    Personally - he's on my list of Presidents I didn't trust and/or hated with a passion. He was a smooth 'Hollywood' talker that IMO too many people bought into. I never trusted what spewed from him as he was two-faced and passed it off with a joke. His story telling too created a distraction. When you look back at his record - look at the major debt left behind. I've not found anywhere that you can calculate it to today's dollar but I feel it wouldn't be much different if we could. He too 'grew' government. So all the rethugs lovefest of Reagan - he goes against everything they speak of.

    His presidency was in two ways similar to Palin - he allowed Nancy far too much power/influence as Palin allowed Toad in gov's office. Secondly, they both operate/d by soundbytes.

    As today was by invitation at the Library - hmmmm. Is she or isn't she??? Newt is & spewing that everyone should study Reagan & we'd know better how to handle mid-east. Really - Not. Wonder what we will hear further to her speech from Friday. Her last tweet & FB entry is still on spudnut!! Amazing she wasn't first out of the gate with a big birthday wish. She's slippin'!!!!


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