Friday, February 18, 2011

Middle Eastern countries not the only ones following Egypt's lead by standing up to tyranny. Check out Wisconsin.

Source for photos
From the LA Times:

Wisconsin was in political limbo, if not chaos, on Thursday as more than 20,000 protesters swarmed the state Capitol to denounce the new Republican governor's plan to strip collective bargaining rights from most public-sector unions, and Democratic lawmakers fled the state, denying the GOP majority the quorum it needed to pass the bill.

Gov. Scott Walker's budget repair bill has sparked days of demonstrations and is one of a number of attempts by newly elected Republicans to strike at public-sector unions, one of the pillars of the Democratic Party.

Conservative analysts have long contended that excessively powerful unions representing teachers, welfare workers and other state and local employees have boosted pay and pensions across the country, laying the groundwork for the nation's fiscal crisis.

The biggest crowds of the week squeezed into the Capitol on Thursday, shouting down the state Senate president as he tried to start the session. Thousands more gathered outside, their cries echoing off the building's stone walls well into Thursday night. During the day, 15 school districts in the state closed because teachers were at the protests.

Before the expected vote on Walker's proposal, all 14 Democratic senators fled, leaving Republicans one senator short of a quorum. The Senate adjourned without debating the bill.

footage of the protests.

Now perhaps the American people will finally realize that the real Republican agenda is to destroy the middle class, do away with public education, and inflict their religious beliefs and moral sensibilities on a defenseless populace.  You would have thought that most of us would have come to understand that after eight years of the George W. Bush administration.

If you want to learn more MSNBC's Ed Schultz has been doing some amazing reporting on this situation.


  1. Anonymous4:14 AM

    The Fake News Network is reporting that these are "violent" protests. Nothing could be further from the truth. They have all been peaceful and Police presence has been minimal.

    Fox News LIES again !

  2. Anonymous4:14 AM

    This infuriates me. He gives tax breaks in his first days in office that create a deficit so he could bust unions.

    2/3 of corporations in WI don't pay taxes!

  3. Anonymous4:15 AM

    The concerted effort to bust unions was most likely the brain child of the Koch Brothers!

  4. Anonymous4:31 AM

    The republicans are trying to destroy the country and make the rich richer. More people will lose their homes and families will be torn apart by this republican agenda. With no unions, everyone will be making minimum wage, no retirement benefits and probably no insurance benefits.

    They want to destroy social security, public schools, women's rights, and all welfare. How anyone could vote for these assholes is beyond stupid.

    There will be blood in the streets and violence everywhere before this is settled. The middle class and poor are not going to take this anymore. There will be war.

    The republicans should be concerned for the havoc they are causing. These republicans will be run out of the country and it better happen soon. Life under W Bush was bad and the economy went falling but these republicans now are acting like dictators. Sarah better also shut the hell up about getting rid of social security. Her damn family members are on social security and medicare. She might want to rethink a little and leave the country now.

  5. Anonymous4:36 AM

    I read elsewhere that protests were starting in Ohio and Indiana. John Boehner better cover his ass and run for high ground. Ohio is not going down the rabbit hole by getting rid of bargaining rights. Boehner is going to be toast very soon, he also is sucking up to Koch Brothers, Wall Street and the Chamber of Commerce. I have family in Ohio and they all are getting really ticked off by this circus clown.

  6. Anonymous4:48 AM

    These republicans cannot see how unfair it is to give thousands of dollars in tax cuts to Billionaires, which causes a bigger deficit, and then turn to the working class and tell them that they have to pay it.

    They said the rich had to have the money because of the deficit. MAKES NO SENSE. Rich people have excess money which they can save, which ties it up, and working class live paycheck to paycheck, spending their money stimulating the economy.

  7. Wisconsin has a long proud tradition of progressive politics. Impeach Scott Walker!

  8. London Bridges4:50 AM

    Today's Democracy Now featured Wisconsin. You'll have to wait before it is up online, but they pointed out Gov. Walker cut taxes for corporations, but WI has no fiscal crisis. It is pure union busting. They exempted police and firefighters from the bashing, but guess what? The firefighters stood in solidarity with the other public employees.

  9. Anonymous4:52 AM

    The Wisconsin governor LIES. He is trying to break the union but says he is trying to balance the budget. That is like saying you are trying to get a sliver out of your finger by cutting off your arm.

  10. Anonymous4:54 AM

    The Republican m.o. is very straightforward - tax cuts for the rich followed by war on the poor and the middle class because "we're broke" (the Koch Bros just got an extension of their tax cuts so leave them alone).

    It's good to see we've finally stopped rolling over!

  11. Anonymous5:04 AM

    The Teachers and other unions have given up salary and benefits for the last couple of years through the bargaining process. (A process that the republicans want to eliminate so that they, the republicans, can dictate even larger take backs). The unions are more willing to help the country than the super rich who demand to not suffer. Oh the power of the purse. the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

  12. Anonymous5:11 AM

    The Republican party has become the American Taliban. Republicans fought like wild dogs for tax cuts for the wealthy and proudly defend massive salaries for Wall Street. Then they attack a school teacher's salary. Beyond disgusting.

  13. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Thanks so much for posting this. I am very upset with our Gov. I did not vote for him. This isn't about wages. This is about workers rights. Media, please get the facts correct. These are not greedy people looking to steal your money.
    The unions exempt from this are the very ones who supported Walker in the elections. Big lies are being told.

    (Go Pack)

  14. Anonymous5:15 AM

    The Koch Brothers rear their ugly head in WI by funding anti-union buses to the protest. Billionaires against middle America. The whole game against unions was orchestrated by the Koch Brothers to kill unions.

    I am starting to hate this country. Since when did teachers, nurses, plow drivers, police and firefighters become public enemy #1?

    2/3 of corporations in WI do NOT pay taxes!!!

    Please tell me one thing Republicans have done to encourage job creation since taking power.

  15. In Ohio, we have the same union busting attempt going on. I hope our State Senators do the same thing. Our pompous ass of a governor called a cop an idiot for giving him a speeding ticket recently. That has not gone over well with the general population. Go Wisconsin!

  16. Christie here in NJ is doing similar damage in our state *sigh* - and now Coulter is going to be in our state too trying to get him to run for president in 2012

    but we have to fight these corporate political goons where ever they are and some how win some for the middle class and poor -- there must be some way to show the teabaggers that they have been lied to by Faux News and Republicans over and over and over again and yet they still fall lock step in line and send in what little money they have to richest people in our country

  17. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Thanks for sharing this info. Here's a small correction...

    Tyranny = one r and two n's

  18. Anonymous5:36 AM

    If this happened in Seattle, I would join the protests and I'm not even in a union. It's about so much more tha this. I really cannot believe the governor of Wisconsin did this. I cannot believe Wisconsin let it get this far. I would have expected Wisconsin to have already started the process to recall or impeach the governor.

  19. Hannah5:40 AM

    My brother is a cop in Wisconsin. He is beyond disgusted at the way the WI governor has played this. This is pure politicking at it's WORST! While police are "exempt" from Mr. Walker's new plans, it is only because they are one of the three unions that supported Walker in the candidacy. My brother has a different take on it: Walker is trying to appease these unions, since he just may need to use them to force certain other union workers back to work. WI is purely a testing ground for big corporate money's plan to run labor into the ground. Please, don't let them win.

  20. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Also in Seattle, Rob McKenna, the Republican AG, wants desperately to be the Washington State governor. He's already shown his ugly side by joining the the legal fight against HCR (against our very vocal governor's wishes). I hope Washington State is seeing just how much damage a Republican governor can do to a state in a very short time.

    McKenna tried to present himself as a "centrist". Then he was caught speaking at a Tea Party because "he was just curious". Then he said he wouldn't go to any more Tea Party rallies. Then he put Washington on the list against HCR.

    Watch out America, stay away from Republican governors. They will destroy your state.

  21. Anonymous5:49 AM

    @anon 4:31 "With no unions, everyone will be making minimum wage, no retirement benefits and probably no insurance benefits"

    While there are definately important reasons for having unions - especially when paychecks are at the wim of the tax system, let's not go overboard. For those of you who are not union, do you make minimum wage today? Do you pay for your healthcare? Do you contribute to your pension? (Do you even GET a pension?)

    Many unionized teachers and state employees pay for little or none of their benefits, and make a very competitive salary. Let's stop kidding ourselves with the "teachers aren't paid enough" argument. The average salary of teachers is on par with other professional college graduates, yet they get 3 months off. State employees? Yeah, let's look at PA, where the liquor store employees are state employees, and get state benefits and a pension.

    Sometimes change is tough ...


  22. Smirnonn5:53 AM

    snott walker is a fucking idiot. I live in south central WI and have seen him impose his retarded conservative ideology on everything he's been involved in. He's also amazingly narcissistic. Just watch him on video. He starts waaaay too many sentences with "I."

  23. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Ed Schultz: Wisconsin is the Ground Zero for American Workers

    Last night on the Ed Show, Wisconsin Sate Senator Fred Risser said of Governor Walker, “He’s been governor for less than two months, and already he’s tried to take away a lot of the prerogatives of the legislator. In fact, earlier this week, he decided to take away rules making process, take it away from the legislature, now he’s attempting to take away from the legislature collective bargaining rights, but he’s also taking away from the elderly, Medicare programs, and he’s doing it by himself – I don’t know why some of his own party don’t slow him up.”

    The Republicans aren’t walking Walker back because this is what they stormed the Government to do – to strip Americans of their rights, freedom and liberty by any means possible, even if it means violating the rules. This Tea Party “kill the worker” meme is not inherently conservative or Republican; this is the new conservative; the compassionless conservative, the chaos-driven conservative, the economic failure conservative.

    The Republican public relations firm of Fox News are likening the protesters “Cairo” (one must remember that the conservatives are against the protesters in Cairo — it’s hard to keep up) as if standing up for your rights as a human being is anti-American. The conservatives are calling the workers “un-American” “freeloaders” and suggesting that the peaceful protesters are “about to get violent.” If anyone is a freeloader, it’s the Republican Tea Party governor, who is being paid by the very people he’s stepping on. Don’t tread on me, indeed.

  24. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Wisconsin protest -- Walker says he won't be 'bullied'

    As protests mount in Wisconsin over Republican Governor Scott Walker's blatant attempt at union-busting, the battle lines are clearly drawn.

    On the side of teachers, librarians, bus drivers, janitors, and the thousands of other Wisconsinites who are defending their right to have a say in the terms of their employment -- God:

    Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki on Wednesday said in a letter to lawmakers that workers should not be "marginalized" ... He said in the letter there is a "moral obligation each of us has to respect the legitimate rights of workers.”

    Not to mention the Green Bay Packers (who I understand are pretty popular in Wisconsin), Wisconsin Senate Democrats, the Democratic National Committee, and the President.

    On Walker's side? Himself (and he says he won't be "bullied"). And every Republican and conservative who spent last year insisting that people with tea bags dangling from their ears and screaming about "death panels" were the voice of America, and who are now describing the thousands of Wisconsinites who object to Walker's plan to take away over a half-a-century of their rights to pay for his tax cuts for special interests as "union thugs" and "rioters."

    Meanwhile, Walker's union-busting bill is on hold while the Wisconsin 14 -- the Democratic Senators who left the state -- remain in their undisclosed location:

  25. DebinWI6:05 AM

    Here's another video from a protester who was actually there:

    They are very peaceful, they are just trying to paint them as evil. Morning Joe were bashing the teachers taking time off to protest and the Democrat State senators.

  26. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Wisconsin Gov. Walker Ginned Up Budget Shortfall To Undercut Worker Rights

  27. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Please sign petition in support of wisconson strikers at progressive web site. fight for the poor and middle class americans..fair labor for all.

  28. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Wisconsin Gov. Walker Ginned Up Budget Shortfall To Undercut Worker Rights

    Wisconsin's new Republican governor has framed his assault on public worker's collective bargaining rights as a needed measure of fiscal austerity during tough times.

    The reality is radically different. Unlike true austerity measures -- service rollbacks, furloughs, and other temporary measures that cause pain but save money -- rolling back worker's bargaining rights by itself saves almost nothing on its own. But Walker's doing it anyhow, to knock down a barrier and allow him to cut state employee benefits immediately.

  29. DebinWI6:14 AM

    Oh, I also forgot: They (it seems media and the right) are trying to sell this as the "government" workers taking a cut, because everyone hates the government. But they forget that these aren't the politicians, these are the super low-paid teachers and public workers who give up their base pay for the benefits. These workers make less than private sector, and yes they do pay towards their pension and benefits. You should see the interviews of the people who agree with Walker (not educated and believe the propaganda)but now on Facebook everyone is now like, oh, now I understand. That's why it is very important that the Democrat state senators left the state. The more time people really think about this, they understand that taking out collective bargaining is a BIG deal!!!

  30. Anonymous6:19 AM

    It's really something, They want to do away with min wage, benefits , unions, go back on child labor laws. Rape laws. Take away abortion( even if you don't want one -the choice should be there) now there is rumbling that even birth control will be the next- ALL this will keep people in poverty. I wonder if the grand scheme might be, since there will not be good jobs, all these new children being born,unable to pay and care for them, will children have to be bound out(as in the old times) to the corporations, to the rich,do with what they want! I almost fell over yesterday one right winger wants birth control for horses- but not humans. I've been telling my dau that these right wingers and teabags act like dictators. Truely religous people would want healthcare , and the best for everyone.They think normal people don't deserve any kind of a decent living wage or any benefit, except them. They give tax breaks to the Corp,rich to line their pockets instead of making jobs. They are mean and ugly and throw in pro life and the flag, and pull this other stuff. Women and workers are going to have to start marching, all over america.

  31. Anonymous6:24 AM

    6:11 thanks for posting that link, I just sent it to HuffPo too, I hope they feature it. I feel like it's 2008.

  32. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I feel crushed by Big Money.

    Taking to the streets is the only way to change things. I just never thought we would have to take to the streets in America.

    In WI, the unions have negotiated. The issue is that they are breaking the union.

  33. Anonymous6:46 AM

    5:49 AM,

    Well the rich don't hardly pay for nothing! They don't pay their fair share. How often do you see rich people protesting in the streets because of politicians trying to take away their rights, and steal their pensions? Never.

    These politicians don't want take anything away from the super wealthy, they just give things away to the rich off the backs of the middle-class, and that includes teachers.

  34. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I almost think it would not be the worst thing in the world for education to slowly become solely privatized. Not that private schools don't face the same issues, but the schools themselves could work independently and not have to worry about what others are doing. I am oversimplifying the matter but it generally makes sense.

    Public school teachers generally make a great deal more, generally have less education, yet they seem to care more overall. Public school teachers have no motive to stay after and help students, as they will always have a job thanks to their union. I deal with theatre unions in NY everyday and it's a whole lot of bullshit. We have an usher who literally gets wasted at every party, one time she was knocked unconscious. Did she get fired? Nope. Because that would have resulted in a huge union vs private co battle, costing US a lot of money.

  35. I've said before that what is happening in Tunisia and Egypt could easily happen here.

    I've also said that a certain faction in this country was moving us toward a fascist state.

    I think I'm 2 for 2 right now.

  36. Anonymous7:16 AM

    These fools never studied history or government.

    The stability of a state is based on the middle class.

    In short, the middle class has everything to lose, so they work hard and keep the world turning.

    If there is no middle class, then there is a HUGE gap between the lower class and the upper class.

    The upper class can survive whatever happens - politically and economically. They have money stashed everywhere and can move about.

    The lower class has nothing to lose and everything to gain. If they revolt and win, then they get a better life. If they revolt and lose, then they are no worse (economically or politically) then they were before.

    In short, if a state has a huge happy middle class, then the state will be a huge happy political and economic power.

    These greedy fools don't realize that when they piss on the middle class, it splatters back up on them.

  37. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Most big corporations don't pay federal tax. Example: Bank of America and Cheveron and others (can't think off hand). I learned yesterday that 2/3 of corp in Wis don't pay state tax. Must be the same in all states. How is this such a bad climate for business?. Just a sob story to get more from goverment and states. There are all kinds of contracts with BIG OIL CO'S in the gulf (in our waters) they get to drill and own that oil and they don't even have to sell it back to us, at a discounted price. Unbelievable.

  38. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Our most propserous time as a nation (the 1950's) saw the largest tax rates.

    SUCK IT!

  39. Anonymous7:31 AM

    New Jersey is not far behind - tax breaks for the very rich - and there are plenty of them here - and major cuts for teachers and union workers (because "we don't have the $$$ now)- pretty sad when your major goal in life is to bust the NJEA - Of yes, and how do you not fill out federal paperwork properly to be considered for educational funding? You always hear how much NJ loves Christie - who? I certainly don't know them, but, then again I'm not in the upper echelon.

  40. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Every Democrat should be standing with Wisconsin.
    Where are the Alaskan Democrats when your moron of a governor refuses to implement health care reform??
    And why aren't Arizona Democrats out there protesting?
    Jan Brewer went to court to drop 250,000 or something adults off of Medicaid. So if you are poor and sick in Arizona, Jans death panel will kill you soon! And that's after she dropped mental health care benefits and transplant services. Have a seriously mentally ill parent who can't work and loses their house and all money due to their illness??? No medicine or treatment for you!! Jan the Nazi governor is taking away health care from the most vulnerable in the state. Now Alaska is following and soon the other states with these ignorant Republican governors.

    We should all be proud of Madison and support them. Maybe if the rest of us, including myself, stopped blogging and whining on blogs and got off our asses and joined state groups, maybe we can stop what these Republicans want to do to our country! It has never been a scarier time for the people in this country who are not in the top 5%.
    It amazes me that people naively voted for these people.

  41. Anonymous7:41 AM

    the income of the rich has gone up more than 400% in the past 15 years. Everyone else? possibly 2%...if you managed to keep your job.

    there is no such thing as trickle down economics. It's another lie. The rich have been hoarding all the money so the slaves will have to pay for progress.

  42. I live in Madison, WI and yes I'm a public employee. My daughter, who's a senior in high school, and I have been down to protest. As of right now the rallies have been peaceful. Faux News is lying through their teeth, again, that these protests are violent, they are not. Peace is what we want and the chance to let our voices be heard. We don't want to be dictated, we want to be lead by someone with common sense, not by a college dropout with a a chip on their shoulder and axe to grind against the good people of Wisconsin.

    Too many fools (that's you Faux News and the teabaggers) believe that these protests are about money, it's not. The protests are in response to Walker wanting to destroy the collective bargaining rights of public workers. That has nothing to do with balancing the budget but everything to do with destroying the middle class.

    Two years ago we took furlough days, no raise, increase in insurance payments to help balance the budget. All state workers are willing to make the sacrafice to help Wisconsin, we did it once we'll do it again but we are never willing to let you take our voice away to be heard. Walker is putting up a smoke screen and making this about money but it's really about the rights of the American worker, all American workers regardless if you're a public or private employee.

    The high numbers of this deficit you are hearing about were created by Walker to appease his contributors. He create two massive deficits AFTER he took office. One of his new bills exempts corporations from income tax which accounts for about half of the deficit he's crying about. The budget repair bill will place more power in the governor's hand not in the people's hands. This cannot happen. You take away our rights, you take away our power.

    The Wisconsin democrats left the state because Walker and the republicans were unwilling to negotiate, they were not being cowards. In order to stop this bill from being rammed through they did what was necessary and made sure that a vote couldn't be conducted. They are heroes in many people's eyes because they are trying to do what's best for the people of Wisconsin. When Walker is willing to negotiate they are willing to talk. We were all given two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we can talk.

    Walker said that the majority of Wisconsinites are in favor of his plan. Again, another lie from our dropout governor. Reading many comments from public employees who voted for Walker they indicated if they knew that he was going to pull a stunt like this they never would have voted for him in the first place.

    The Green Bay Packers, a unionized team, has said that they are against Walker. They are all for the rights of public employees to collectively bargain. The firefighters, who are exempt from this sham of a bill, are marching with us. Police officers, again they are exempt, are madder than hell that this is happening too. Unfortunately they can't march with us, since they are being called to duty to keep peace on the capitol. I salute them for a job well done. They are being treated respectfully by us and we in turn are doing the same. We know they are in a tough position and are grateful for their service to the citizens of the state.

    There was a sign at the rally that really is quite appropriate, "An injury to one is an injury to all." Wisconsin is going to fight for what we believe is right for everyone, not just a select few. And come January 2012 let the recall of Walker begin!

  43. Wait a minute. I thought the meltdown was the fault of Acorn and all those welfare leeches buying McMansions?

  44. Anonymous8:14 AM

    There's a grassroots movement underfoot in UK, called UK Uncut, calling attention to corporations that pay little or no taxes as well as the politicians that help that come to be. I believe their first target was Vodafone, regarding the wealthy British owner who didn't think he should pay his fair share in taxes, if any at all. The UK Uncut's peaceful sit ins and education of the situation to the masses was very successful which in turn put pressure on the politicians to correct the measure. I wish I could locate the article of how they came they came to be .. few friends meeting after work for a beer and fed up with the free ride of this particular corporation and a public (social) entity that will have to suffer or be eliminated because of lack of tax funds. The group's method to raise public awareness to this particular issue was very, very effective.

  45. Anonymous8:18 AM

    You said It! We need to support the Wis workers ,the Ohio workers, workers all over america. I did look it up and there were protests in NJ over Cristy's cuts ,but never got national news like Wis. People are really going to have to keep up with what is going on and educated themseves. That is why they want to dummy down america. not wanting people to even believe in Science, or give us news, that is unbiased. Sarah and Michelle sound so stupid, They think if you use or pharses like commomn sense remedies, listen to corporatations. no taxes go after entitlements, we need a solid conservitive in the WH, but never really saying anything solid.

  46. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I hope hundreds of thousands more of us take to the streets in the days ahead. It's probably the only way to change things - fast. Look how just two weeks of protesting in Egypt took down thirty years of entrenched power.

  47. Anonymous8:24 AM

    If Walker was a Dem the Repuklican teabaggers would be acting like the dissidents in Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, and Tunisia.

  48. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Found the article on UK Uncut movement. Very good read. From AlterNet...

  49. laprofesora8:26 AM

    PA John:

    In PA teachers salaries depend on what district they're in. Some teachers earn a very good wage, but in poor districts, with less of a tax base, they certainly do not.

    Please stop using the "they get three months off" excuse. Most schools go until at least the middle of June and begin again in August. If you wanted this time off you could have been a teacher, too. And please do not begin to criticize until you have spent at least one day in front of the classroom. That includes dealing with parents, administrators, and endless paperwork. You have no idea how difficult the job is; there is no pay and no time off that is too much.

    This mess in Wisconsin is not about the unions, it's about buying elections. Watch Rachel Maddow's show from last night.

  50. And the long tentacles of the Koch brothers are reaching into WI. Someone leaked notice of the hearings to thier front groups and now they're paying to bus Teabaggers in for the hearings.

  51. laprofesora8:33 AM

    Anon@ 6:48:

    What in the hell do theatre ushers have to do with teachers???

    And you say teachers have no incentive to stay after school and help their students? Please stop embarrassing yourself, you have no idea what you're talking about. Why don't you say what your profession is so I can insult you?

    This has nothing to do with unions, it is about buying elections. Watch Rachel Maddow's show from last night.

  52. Punkinbugg8:48 AM

    "Now perhaps the American people will finally realize that the real Republican agenda is to destroy the middle class, do away with public education, and inflict their religious beliefs and moral sensibilities on a defenseless populace."

    Good point, but you give them too much credit. They have no true religious beliefs or moral sensibilities. They just USE people who do.

    Picture "Pottersville" in "It's a Wonderful Life". No middle class, nothing but wealthy Mr. Potter and poverty-stricken slums.

    On Wisconsin!!

  53. Good. Glad to see OUR side standing up for ourselves. We have a similar situation brewing here in NM.

  54. PA_ John.

    Unions do more than negotiate benefits and salary.

    I'm a teacher and I pay into my pension and I pay into my healthcare. I'm tired of generalizations implying I'm getting some sort of fat cat free ride.

    I have two masters degrees and I'm vilified for making a salary in the low middle class. In fact, with furlough days and an increase of my contribution to healthcare, I'm approaching upper lower class. Sorry, but I think what I do is more important than that, especially considering the amount of certification and training I must do on my own time and pay for out of my own pocket to meet legal requirements.

    I'd also like to point out that unions do a lot more than negotiate salaries and benefits. My union negotiates a 3 year contract. After that is done they spend most of their time dealing with violations of rights and grievances due to abuse by administration. If these violations and abuses did not take place, then we wouldn't need a union. But I have no reason to believe that should my union be busted those violations and abuses would go away. On the contrary, I'd expect the to increase at an alarming rate.

    That's why I have a union. And that is why I will fight any attempt to bust it.

    That is also why I will NEVER vote for a Republican. At this point, I consider the Republican party just short of a Fascist party. Look up the definition if you wonder if I'm just name calling. I'm not. I'm calling a spade a spade.

  55. dancingthroughlife9:41 AM

    As others have said, similar things are happening in Ohio right now. Ohio Senate Bill 5 proposes taking away collective bargaining from public employees. Kasich has also threatened to punish any public worker who strikes, up to and including termination (which, of course, is illegal, but his recent run-in with a police officer, where he calls the cop an idiot for giving him a ticket, makes it obvious he thinks he's above the law). He's also wanting to privatize everything, most recently prisons and the turnpike. This all after he campaigned on the loss of jobs (Ohio was the #6 state in the country for growth last year), and cutting the budget (of course, after he was sworn in, he gave his cronies raises). He has decided to live in his own home instead of the Governor's mansion, with the state paying for the upgrades to his home so the security is "adequate." On top of all this, his declaration for MLK Jr Day named MARCH 17th instead of January 17th. Dumbass.

    If we're really tired of all this crap, perhaps we should look into each state's rules for recalls and actually do something about it. Alaska didn't, and I certainly don't want other states to end up as they have. (No offense to Alaskans, but I think we should learn from what you've shown us)

    For all of you who keep saying teachers earn enough, we get three months off, we have protection from the unions, etc, etc, etc, perhaps you should talk to some public school teachers and see what it's really like. Yes, there are those teachers who take advantage of the system, but for every one you hear about on the news, there are hundreds or thousands who only want to make each child's educational experience the best they possibly can. No one I know has gone into education for the money. Teachers get paid nowhere near the salary of other "professionals." As cliched as the saying is, teaching truly is the profession which makes all others possible. The things that teachers deal with on a daily basis, I would say most people couldn't handle. From students misbehaving to the stories you hear about students' home lives, it is truly a taxing job, but one which comes with the greatest rewards as well- there is nothing like seeing the "aha!" moment in a student's eyes, or having a student tell you they love your class, are liking your subject for the first time, or a student realizing they are capable of more than they ever thought they were. Those are the moments that make the certification process, certification renewal process, professional development, silly rules coming down from above (can't take St. Patty's Day off- not that I had any inclination of doing so until they said I couldn't; the administration now asking what we're taking personal days for- which I don't quite think is legal), and of course the ever changing educational mandates, worth it. I truly wish members of the general public- especially those who complain about teachers' unions- could see what a so-called 'regular' day is like for a teacher: the good and the bad, the heartbreaking moments every teacher experiences. It's unlike anything most people have ever experienced.

    Thanks, Gryphen, for posting this today. My week has been a crazy one, capped off by 4 hours of parent conferences last night and 4 again this morning, and in writing this comment, while rambling, it helped me refocus. I'll stop now, as I have grading and lesson planning to do (on my half day "off").

  56. Anonymous9:50 AM

    What a joke this Governor is. I live in Wisconsin. He has the State Troopers out looking for the Democratic Senators to bring them back to Madison. He has threatened to activate the National Guard if the state workers strike. What's next with guy...internment camps?

  57. Anonymous9:54 AM

    America is waking up! FINALLY

    Was beginning to wonder how bad it would have to get before we stepped out of our apathy. Now I think we know. The sleeping beast is waking up.

    Alternet has a terrific article on the Koch Nazis involvement in WI - it's all about the money in their pockets.

    Go Wisconsin - we've got your back.

  58. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Wisconsin, there's a way!!!!!!! Recall the other eight Republicans that have been there over a year and you get a Democratic Majority!!!! Wisconsin, do this now!!!!

    Eight GOP State Senators In Wisconsin Can Be Recalled Right Now; Gov. Walker Can Be Recalled In January

  59. You know. It always bothered me that Mr. Potter got away with embezzling the money. He was never caught and never had to pay for his crime.

  60. And my friends this is what we should all be doing till we get rid of the Diebold machines and break up the media conglomorafucks we will have to march and demand whats right.

    The elite want ignorant slaves not an informed society.

  61. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Oh Pa John at 5:49 do you really expect us to believe your pack of lies?

    No we don't. Teachers make very poor salaries compared to other college grads. In most states employees have been paying into the pensions now that the stock market has not been doing well. And speaking of pensions, do you know how many states have used big profits in the stock market to give a "holiday" on payments into pension funds? Why?

    Also the pensions probably would not be in trouble if they had been managed more conservatively and not relied upon stock market bubbles to pay benefits.

    And while we are at it why were so many of the toxic waste mortgage assets dumped into public employee pensions by Wall Street? Wall Street lied about the quality of these investments and should pay back the pensions now that they are doing so well again that they can get big bonuses. It's only fair.

    Wish I was in WI to be in the streets to support these fine, hard working Americans.

  62. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I am a Wisconsin teacher who has been at the Capitol in Madison for the past three days. I am so heartened by almost all of the comments I have read here; you really have a grasp of the situation, including the big picture. For me, the issue is the loss of collective bargaining rights more than anything. If we cannot bargain for working conditions--class size, prep time, transfer, class assignment, a voice in curriculum matters, etc.--the quality of education will deteriorate significantly in Wisconsin. Governor Walker has manufactured this budget deficit himself by giving breaks to his own special interest groups. He is a puppet for the extreme right, trying to make a name for himself as the first of several Republican governors to go this route.

    This protest has not been at all violent or chaotic. To the contrary, it is running so smoothly, I have thoroughly enjoyed myself all three days. Madison is a model for the nation in the use of public transit, and I've not had to wait for a bus more than ten minutes. I was able to talk to a Republican legislator and several interns in their offices with very little waiting time. The police and bus drivers love us. People are polite and bringing their kids. Iron workers, cab drivers, and firefighters (even though they, along with police and state troopers, are exempt from this proposed legislation) are supporting us. My favorite chant is "This is what democracy looks like." And I am proud to have been inspired by the Egyptians!

  63. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Reactionary right's strategy

  64. Anne In DC11:32 AM

    He wants to erode workers' rights in order to deprive them of the ability to fight back when he is screwing over them. This is what happens when people either vote against their own best interests or not at all.

  65. Anonymous11:47 AM

    If you stop and think this is why the big push for state rights! they don't want to comply with any federal law. they all have dictator complexes

  66. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Ah, Jeez, now teachers salaries caused the financial collapse???? Since when have teachers salaries been so wonderful?

  67. Anonymous11:58 AM


    This will bring a tear to your eye. Firefighte­rs entering the Wisconsin Capitol playing bagpipes to show their support.

  68. Ah, brings to mind the time when the Dems in the Texas state legislature high-tailed it over to Oklahoma in an attempt to stop, if memory serves me correctly, the GOP gerrymandering plan.

    I'd like to see a little less hyperbole on both sides, BUT it does seem to be an absolute insult that the WI gov is cutting back the wages and benefits of ordinary folk, only to pass it out to special interests. I mean, if it were a matter of having state workers pay some of their own pensions (after all, I do) in trade for investing the money in infrastructure (bridges, roads, rail etc), that would be one thing, but to simply line the pockets of the rich? Hah! No wonder people are mad.

  69. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Its not about the money at this point
    even my 16 year old niece gets it, she's heading to mad town this weekend to join the protest
    rock on 'lil sister!

    i hope they all start a collective song of "let there be peace on earth"

    -the aunt from northen 'sconny

  70. Yes, FOX lies. I have been at the state capitol last night and again today. The crowds have been entirely peaceful. Loud chanting in the rotunda, but positive energy. Even parents with children have been going in and out.

    Unfortunately, the Tea Party is bringing a "counter protest" to the capitol tomorrow. I don't think that geniune expression of different views is unfortunate. I do think this this is hardly a genuine grassroots effort, and fear that this will be used to gin up dramatic confrontations for the media infotainment, especially FOX. Rumor has it that they are bringing in a certain female celubutician whose name I won't stoop to mention.

  71. Anonymous3:18 PM

    This decision could affect the majority of Americans and this is being orchestrated by big corporate interests in Washington through the Koch brothers.

    Unions have paved the way for fair and safe employment practices over decades, like child labor laws, 40 hour work week, paid time off, overtime pay, etc. By dismantling the unions all workers will be at the mercy of big corporations who will put profit before people.

    Also, Walker is not imposing these changes on police & firefighters because their unions supported his quid pro qo and not legislation. Firefighters have gone against Walker and joined the protestors in support.

    The reasons the Democratic lawmakers fled is because Walker refuses to compromise and sent police out to arrest them for not showing up to sign the bill, so they crossed state lines.

  72. DebinWI9:50 PM

    Came home from dinner tonight and had a robocall on my answering machine asking for the whereabouts of my State Senator and if I've seen him to call a number, and of course bashing him for a few minutes before the call ended. It was fashioned like an Amber alert. Wow.

  73. DebinWI10:02 PM

    Pro Walker rally paid for by the same tea party goons and has Joe the Plummer (wouldn't he be pro union?) and of course Andrew Briebart.

    Someone said Sarah was going to be there, but I doubt it as I haven't seen anything confirming it.

    Quotes I found off of someone's face book -- the nob.

    "Time Saturday, February 19 · 12:00pm - 3:00pm Location Wisconsin State Capitol, East Side of the Building

    More Info NOW Featuring Andrew Breitbart of, Joe the Plumber, Herman Cain, Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit, Ned Ryun - President of American Majority, Tim Phillips - President of Americans for Prosperity, and Vicki McKenna. More Speakers TBA. "


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