Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Palin-bots are in a complete state of denial about Frank Bailey's book.

The flying monkeys are flapping around in a blind panic over Bailey's book while attempting to appear completely unconcerned.

Just check out this response from a spokeswoman from SarahPAC according to the ADN:

Pam Pryor, a spokeswoman for Palin's political action committee, said she didn't expect Palin to react. "Doubt she will respond to this kind of untruth," Pryor said in an e-mail.

The article also states the following:

Bailey wrote in the book that he and his co-authors put together the manuscript with the help of more than 60,000 e-mails he sent or received while working for Palin.

I have to wonder did Ms. Pryor read this part about the "60,000 e-mails?"  It seems a little careless to label something an "untruth" with 60,000 e-mails to back it up, don't you think?

And let me just add that I know Jeanne Devon quite well and there is little doubt that she has meticulously cross referenced just about everything in that manuscript to such a degree that the Palins will be completely unable to legally challenge its content. Then we will see just who is the one telling "untruths."

The nasty little gremlins over at the Sea o' pee used the headline "Why Nobody Should Be Worried About Frank Bailey’s Hilarious Manuscript" for their dismissive post about the book.  However from what I read it appears they have not actually had a chance to see what is contained in that leaked manuscript:

Bailey claims to have thousands of e-mails from Governor Palin that supposedly substantiate the charges that he levels against her in the manuscript but the Alaska media that has access to the manuscript has failed to cite even one damaging e-mail.

I am pretty confident that their tune will change dramatically after they see with their own eyes just how many damaging revelations are contained in those 456 pages.

Gee I wonder how winged monkeys get around after their wings have been clipped?


  1. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Palinbots are in a complete state of denial? ....Umm... yeah....we already know that. It would be news if one of them came to their senses.

  2. Anonymous5:09 PM

    HaHaHa LOL

    "Pam Pryor, a spokeswoman for Palin's political action committee, said she didn't expect Palin to react. "Doubt she will respond to this kind of untruth," Pryor said in an e-mail."

    Talk about Bristol's DWTS clown act and Sarah gets mad. Talk about what Sarah reads and she is all over it defending herself. Talk about crosshairs and the Arizona shooting and she won't let it go and comes out with a statement which did not work and then she came out with a video that failed as well. Accuse her of the things written in the book or accuse her husband of paying for sex and mum is the word. What a retard Sarah is.

  3. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I am reminded of a spinning plate routine. Eventually, there reaches a point where you can't keep them all going at once.

  4. Anonymous5:15 PM

    OT, but WTF. According to HuffPost's Lila Shapiro, on the ground in Madison, Sarah Palin apologized for not being able to make it to the Tea Party leg of the Wisconsin rallies in a statement read to the crowd.

  5. Anonymous5:23 PM

    It's really hard for the bots to deny everything. We have seen the Branchflower report, and it said that Sarah abused her office as governor. Todd acted like an enforcer and shadow governor. He had a table and a phone in Sarah's office. There are tape recordings of Todd leaning hard on people to fire Wooten; the recordings have been played in the media.

    In the face of this, Sarah claimed to have been exonerated. Either Sarah doesn't know what that word means, or she feels that she can deny anything. "Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?"

    Sarah has bullied people for quite a while. After her disastrous interview with Katie Couric, the next time that she was in front of a friendly campaign crowd, she challenged her audience to play "stump the candidate." No one took her dare. It's the same as daring people to check out her stretch marks when all that she had to do was to show Trig's birth certificate.

  6. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Sarah is "willing to sacrifice". She's willing to sacrifice her governorship, Alaska, her family, friends, employees, religious beliefs, soul. But, she got a new concrete slab in her back there is that.

  7. Kittykat525:26 PM

    At this rate, Sarah's gotta be screaming and lobbing bowling balls at her refrigerator.

  8. Anonymous5:27 PM

    But are those emails ever going to see the light of day? I mean, if the manuscript has been leaked, will it ever get a publisher? And if it's not published, how will they ever get to see the emails?

  9. Anonymous5:30 PM

    So when is someone going to offer them a book deal?
    I'm serious, maybe they should self-publish on or elsewhere. This book needs to come out and SOON.

  10. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Any word on when the book will be available? I couldn't find a listing on Amazon yet.

    I hope (and believe!) that this book, along with those by Dunne and McGuinness, will far outsell Brisket's "memoir" even with the artificial numbers inflation that we know her mommy's PAC will attempt.

  11. The only thing Sarah can do now is try to delay (AGAIN) the release of emails by the state of Alaska. It's the only way she can say the ones cited in the book are false. Otherwise, she's screwed. Double proof. Whoops.

  12. AKM would not ever write anything that she had not thoroughly researched and substantiated. She has never been "out to get" Sarah Palin. She writes the truth about Alaskan politics and politicians. I imagine that a some of the pBots even know this and they are probably losing sleep over this manuscript. Well, good I say. I myself will be sleeping better!

  13. Thank you for this post Gryphen.

  14. Anonymous6:02 PM

    "So much damaging info..." that every publisher in the world said no.

  15. I doubt the "good" folks at c4p are allowed to read the excerpts or the book - that is how cults operate.

    FWIW - I think the book should just be titled "Blind Allegiance," with the rest of the words as a subtitle.
    "Blind Allegiance" will remind everyone of "Blind Ambition," an excellent expose' of Watergate.

  16. Anonymous6:12 PM


    I have to wonder if this so-called leaked manuscript is a red-herring to distract the public from something else going on -- or about to.

  17. Anonymous6:19 PM

    "... I wonder how winged monkeys get around after their wings have been clipped?"

    By private jet, of course. ( and Sponsored by somebody with more money than brains.)

  18. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I still believe BRistol had Trig in March, at 7 1/2 mos

  19. Anonymous6:46 PM

    The Alaska media got copies of the manuscript, not the emails, so how would they confirm that something in the book was verified in the emails? In fact, we're all still waiting for copies of the emails requested two years ago.

  20. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I went to C4P and read some of the comments. Although it appears on the surface that they are in complete denial, it appears that they are deleting posts which don't toe the SP line. A few pages in, there's a post by someone who says he's getting angry because of all the people who are worried about Bailey's book. But I didn't see ANY comments from anyone who was worried. Now they even have to spin for their own followers. You'd think they'd get dizzy.

  21. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Anon at 6:46:

    We are waiting for the official e-mails from the state of Alaska, but Bailey has his own copies, which are quoted in the book. I'm sure his copies are safe and sound, in more than one location.

  22. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Anon at 6:02: ' "So much damaging info..." that every publisher in the world said no.'

    I'm guessing you haven't read the many articles on the leaked manuscript? It is just now being shopped around. That is what led to the leak. There zero evidence to support your claim that even one publisher turned it down.

  23. SME1317:02 PM

    I'm just hoping no one leaks the manuscript to Sarah so she can prepare any defense or make up more lies to cover her ass.

    I also hope Jeanne and Frank get some security soon. The Palin's cannot be trusted.

  24. Anonymous7:05 PM

    anon @ 5:15.. my guess would be that it was mansour, or whatever the eff her name is, that "apologized" for not being in WI

  25. angela7:08 PM

    Anon 6:02
    Poor Bot. or Palin family member. No one has said no.
    At this point, if Bailey got the manuscript copied at
    Kinkos, bound it with twine and sold it on the street-- it would sell a million copies in a few weeks.

  26. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Once the book hits the shelves, I think they should put all 16,000 of those emails up on Amazon Kindle at $5 a pop.

    Because you know only a fraction of them are going to be in the book, and many different pairs of eyes looking at the raw sources will see things that these three missed.

  27. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Thank you Shailey Tripp and Frank Bailey. thank-you. thank-you. thank you!!

    -fellow longtime Alaskan

  28. Anonymous7:29 PM

    @6:02 Excellent point. I believe AKM & Gryphen and anxiously await the book. YEt, I have been curious as to why they couldn't get a publisher - and why did Frank back out earlier (or did someone back out on him?) Still lots of unanswered questions. If Levi could have earned big money telling what he knew, and there are rumors of Bristol writing a book, why couldn't Bailey get a book deal?

  29. WakeUpAmerica7:32 PM

    What is Jeanne Devon's role in all this? Did I miss something?

  30. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Given everything I've read about this man, from the ugly, underhanded things he did for Sarah to his love of Fox News, I'm having a seriously hard time buying his temptation/redemption schtick.

    As much experience as he had with that woman, one would think all those emails she fired off about getting ahead of people's "suspicions" (not doubts!) about Trig's birth would have been enough to ring warning bells in his head.

    I want to know what all he left out of the book. You know, all the stuff that made HIM look really bad as well as Sarah.

  31. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Thank to the Alaskans posting all of the truths they know about Sarah on these blogs - it's greatly appreciated.

  32. Anonymous8:19 PM

    The sheit is about to hit the fan for Sarah Palin and Todd Palin. I'm just stunned how any member of the Palins can walk down the street without feeling ashamed and embarrassed about their family. They probably don't care since they made all that money. Where ever they go, people know their story and how crooked they are. Move over Bernie Maddoff, ya gettin company.

  33. Anonymous8:27 PM

    The caribou is a comin home to roost ya lying stinkin cheatin skank.

    The name Palin is nothing to be proud of and the crooked stories associated with that name is on the internet for life and generations of Palins are going to know how crooked and ignorant Sarah and Todd Palin really are.

  34. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Even good people get conned. Sometimes the mind can't accept they were unwitting dupes or a person would intentionally deceive and manipulate them. Palin' projecting mirrored her and Todd calculated victimization of others then lying to deny their behavior.

    I hope their house of cards falls on them and the unjust wrongful anger and punishments others suffered is ten fold to them serving justice.

  35. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Sarah has brought Bristol on the team so she can get a paycheck too.Could it be possible if they go to jail bristol will go with them?

  36. Anonymous9:07 PM

    I'm eager to see why she actually quit being governor. Wonder if that will be detailed in the book?

  37. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Congrats AKM, Bailey.

    Nail Pailin's "cojones" to her lying forehead for all to see. Let's see how orange jumpsuits suit the quitter grifting governor.

  38. onething9:34 PM

    Thousands of emails, if he was with her about three years, would mean she wrote at least two or three per day the entire time. Are they all emails directly to him?

  39. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Congrats AKM, Bailey.

    Nail Pailin's "cojones" to her lying forehead for all to see. Let's see how orange jumpsuits suit the quitter grifting governor.

  40. Anonymous10:07 PM

    T'would appear that Mrs. Todd Palin could use a strong shot of Baileys!

    Oh the tragic irony which surrounds sister sayrah.

  41. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Anon 8:27pm

    You are so correct. For generations it will be an embarrassment to have the Palin name.

    I hadn't realized how true it is. There are going to be some pissed off grandkids some day.

    Maybe Sarah & Todd will have a moment of clarity and try to save them selves from the sinking ship!

  42. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Disgrace, thy name is Palin.

  43. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Hilarious? Were it not true, they'd call it libelous.

  44. Palin-bots everywhere have begun to reluctantly admit that their idol has feet of clay. In a HuffPo piece a couple of days ago, conservatives in Iowa candidly admitted that Palin is unqualified for leadership, although some of them praised her ability to rev up crowds to donate money. One man disapproved of her quitting when the going got tough in AK; he noted that being President is much tougher than being governer, and he believes she can't be trusted with responsibility. Others pointed out her lack of accomplishments and intelligence, and (my personal favorite) one said that she doesn't have the depth, strength, and experience of a woman like Hilary Clinton. One lady said it wasn't fair to "kick the girl while she's down." I have to wonder why this person thinks Palin is only temporarily down, with the odd implication that she might somehow rise from the ashes. Plus, calling a woman who's pushing 50 a "girl" is belittling in itself.

    Even on Fox blogs and other bastions of Palin lunacy, it's commonplace to see bots preface Palin admiration with the clause, "I wouldn't vote for her, but . . ." (and then fill in the blank with a baseless reference to her patriotism, religious faith, family values, blah, blah, blah.)

    So I laugh at the trolls on IM who make scornful remarks as if Palin is untouched by the facts Gryphen and other astute bloggers have provided. She's not Teflon. The truth is sticking. It's too late for her to reverse the downward spiral. I see her going down the drain with her garish leopard print hoochie-mama sandals being sucked out of sight.

    Not long ago, Gryphen and Dirk predicted that difficult times were ahead for Palin in the coming weeks, and boy howdy, were they right! I feel sorry for the kids, but Palin is reaping what she sowed.

  45. Anonymous1:06 AM

    You know if Sarah and Todd had an ounce of common sense then they would get their asses out of Dodge and move completely out of the country for good and take the entire family and the Heaths with them. Of course, ya gots to have some "common sense" which these two lying grifters do not have.

    Bet you that they have been on the phone 24/7 trying to call in favors. Phone list probably includes names such as Koch Brothers, Fox's Rupert Murdock, Krystal, Clarence Thomas, Gov of Alaska and you name the rest.

    Maybe Bristol can google "going to prison for lies and criminal doings" for Sarah.

  46. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Deny, deny, deny, that's what ole Bekkky gets paid big bucks for by Sarah. Maybe Rebecca Mansour should have just stuck to her failed screen writing career.

    Who would seriously pay for RAM after the utter mess she has created for Sarah while trying to pretend that Sarah was so qualified and so media savvy. Bekkky has been advertising herself as a media guru. Her social media skills are about par with an ant pissing on an elephant and giving it herpes.

  47. Anonymous3:00 AM

    onething @ 9:34, he was most likely CC;'d on more emails than he received personally from the whole lot of them. If he was as high up in her organization as he seems to have been, he'd need to know a lot more than just stuff from her or Todd. I would bet he has copies of emails sent to nearly everyone in that organization.

  48. London Bridges3:04 AM

    A little Scott Walker dirt:

    He should be forced to run for his life and resign.

  49. FloridaDem3:09 AM

    I've never been to that site before. They're nuts. They actually believe SP can be president, and not only that, they think if she doesn't run it will hand Obama a victory. Weren't they awake in 2008? Didn't they see her lose to Obama? And THAT was when people actually liked her. Now, forget it.

    Anyway, they can't seem to stay on topic on the thread, it's mostly about other crap. They talked more about her shoes than they did about Bailey's

    I liked this:

    "it’s rumored that Obama will come to WI on Monday. I can’t stand that he is inserting himself into this argument. Work on your own budget, pal!"

    That's hilarious. They think Sarah Palin, who is this little annoying gnat flying around and commenting on things she has no business commenting on, is important, but the POTUS whose business it actually is, shouldn't say anything. LOL. That's pathetic.

    And why do they all keep using words like "pal" and "buddy?" Are they all 80 years old???

  50. Anonymous3:55 AM

    In the future, "Palin" will be a synonym for "lying grifter".

    Chuck "Sarah never lies" Heath will be a proud dad.

  51. Anonymous4:05 AM

    It's fitting that these revelations (Bailey's leaked excerpts and Tripp's additional interview) have come to light. For Grandma Sarah, there's nothing presidential about this weekend.

  52. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Gryphen... tell your sources it is time to go on the record and spill it all...

    Time to take down this sack of shit once and for all.

    Too bad Frank was not around when house was built... but others were.

    Time to send Sarah and Todd to jail.

  53. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Anon @ 8:38 "even good people get conned" is absolutely right. Frank & Shailly didn't doubt the pregnancy because they're NOT sociopaths, so it wouldn't *occur* to them that anyone would be so sick to try it.

    Let me tell you about living with a sociopath--if anything goes wrong, they are NEVER at fault. They form their own belief system and literally cannot accept any other reality unless there is no other choice.

    Sociopaths are masters of disguise. They will do and say whatever is necessary to accomplish their goals. They will not usually get their own hands dirty and recruit well-meaning folks to do their dirty work.

    I lived with this for almost 20 years and it's not hard to recognize once the fog has been lifted. Palin is incapable of changing because she is who she is.

  54. Anonymous4:56 AM


    Well, if the emails released to Todd are any indication, all the Palin administration did was email each other and usually to multiple recipients. After all, very few of those emails were from Sarah directly---and was supposedly a "personal" acct so she could get spousal advice.

    Publishing any of the leaked enmails at this stage would be in violation of copyright. Remember when sarah's second book was leaked and she sued to keep it off the web! Se thing here.

  55. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Sarah, how do thee perpetrate a fraud? Let me count the ways...

  56. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Levi doesn't know shit about Govt affairs. Cmon, politicians kids don't keep tabs on their parents dealings. And if they don't. then their bfs surely dont. Besides, a lot of teens have been to the Palin house for events etc. Most defend the family. No one knows anything unless they were a culprit as well

  57. Anonymous5:58 AM

    One thing I can not comprehend, fathom or follow is how a women who believes she has the ability to run for the highest office in the land, getting ready for a speech, ask her daughter(who her self has not had an education) Google, the internet for information on the economy.
    For some reason this is just beyond understanding. To me, this speaks that Sarah thinks of her self and family as way beyond being able to be touched by anything or anyone. Total self absorption consumed with self love and worth.
    Will the latest disclosure's do the job? Or will she find some other to way to skate free?

  58. FloridaDem...please join me in giving the thumbs down to every comment. They get so bent out of shape when anyone leave a thumbs down. I go the group several times a day to leave thumbs down. I could use some help!

  59. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Thank you Frank Bailey and Shailey Tripp for stepping forward. Perhaps a few other Alaskans will take off their gloves and tell the truth.

  60. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I love the poetic justice of this- that Sarah's private email accounts created to avoid the state's email & the FOIA scrutiny that could go along with them will be her undoing. The details of the private emails are coming out while the state's emails are still being withheld and redacted. Smart move $arah!

  61. Anonymous7:29 AM

    3:09 AM says about bots referring to Obama:

    "And why do they all keep using words like "pal" and "buddy?" Are they all 80 years old???"

    That, my friend, is how they refer to an "uppity black man".

  62. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Anonymous said...
    One thing I can not comprehend, fathom or follow is how a women who believes she has the ability to run for the highest office in the land, getting ready for a speech, ask her daughter(who her self has not had an education) Google, the internet for information on the economy.....
    5:58 AM

    Makes you wonder who did Sarah's research when she made the comment that North Korea is her buddy. Must of asked Piper to do her research for her on the internet because Bristol was too busy conceiving. Sarah could not ask her husband Todd (Chief of Staff of SarahPac) to help her with research because he was definitely too busy playing "tit-a-ly winks" with anybody he could find.

    So what do ya expect from Sarah Palin:
    Someone who claims to have won the state title for her high school basketball team and she scored less than 5 points in the game.

    Runner Up beauty contestant whose talent was playing a simple song on a flute.

    Pregnant before marriage.

    Mayor of a very small community less populated than a New York City block and had to hire a city manager to do her job.

    Governor of the smallest populated state in the union. Population of the state of Alaska can't even compare to New York City.

  63. Anonymous7:55 AM


    ummm... there is no copyright on emails. if you send an email to someone, you do not own it any longer.

  64. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Sarah has brought Bristol on the team so she can get a paycheck too.Could it be possible if they go to jail bristol will go with them?

    9:04 PM

    Bristol needed the job to pay for her new big ass chin she is now sporting. Can we also include Bristol in the money laundering scheme from SarahPac since Todd was removed from SarahPac's payroll scheme? Reminds me of the times Sarah took her kids and friends on official Alaskan government trips and got the taxpayers to pay for her kids and friends. Sarah do you really think Todd is going to stop cheating on you because you fired him and he has no income? He still gets a check from the state and he can't wait to hit the streets on check day.

  65. Anonymous8:09 AM


    Read the original posts here and at Mudflats that came out on Friday.

    The story is Frank Bailey's, and Devon helped with the actual writing.

  66. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I just read a post somewhere else, suggesting that Bailey is "Judas Iscariot"

    Palin is not "Jesus" and it's obnoxious to make the comparison. Face it, politicians have been written about since the first recorded words. It's called HISTORY! Every President, Prime Minister, etc. has tons of books published about them.

    Palin tries to control what is said about her by scrubbing her Facebook site of anything about her that isn't glowing. Even thoughtful and respectful posts that disagree with her vaporize.

    I would like to read this book.

  67. Anonymous8:58 AM

    It seems obvious what the problem with the first book would be,Mr Bailey had no experience as a writer and was not a household name for publishers to offer him what would have been an expensive ghost writer.All of those thousands of emails to research and refer to and turn into a large book.It would take a team of writer/researchers to do it.AKM is an excellent writer and researcher.I would not hesitate to believe the facts of anything she would put her name to.The other writer I don't know,but I am sure AKM would not work with someone not truthful.

  68. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Congratulations to Frank and Jeanne. I hope they shop around to get the best deal possible for the manuscript.

    I agree with 8:38pmAnon about "good people get conned" and the remarks about sociopaths. I'm sure Mrs. Todd Palin said or did anything to manipulate other people to get their hands dirty so she could better deny, deny, deny.

    "Oh Frank, my life is in danger, I am so afraid." I'm sure she batted her eyelashes, while tears of self-pity welled up. She has had great success with this ploy.

    If the book is libelous she can sue.

    Run, Scarah, run as fast as you can in those trashy leopard print sandals, but you can't out run the truth.

  69. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I have a video that you need to see.
    The former governor is featured.
    How can it be sent to you without posting it in a comment?
    It is very embarrassing.
    It can't be explained away.
    This is not a joke.

  70. Like several commenters here, I go to Sea of Pee occasionally to lurk and mark some thumbs down, but it's really hard to take. Several of the brainwashed ones were all lathered up about Palin in leather and leopard skin. The strangest thing is the fantasy land they live in, in which they see Palin as a viable candidate and some kind of great brain, what with her common sense and all.

  71. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Jude at 11:41, you are not kidding !
    I could not believe the "c4pea" comments about her hitting a "home run" at the LIA event in New York...that that is why this new fake info is coming out, supposedly because "Liberals are so jealous of her huge score at LIA this week"...totally delusional.

    It would be hilarious if it were not so disappointing and scary. We must carry on :)

  72. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Anon@1:06 am

    Bill Kristol is no longer one of the SP acolytes which is a major sign that she is quickly becoming irrelevant. Since Tucson, he has been carefully critical of her and distancing himself...he and several other prominent conservatives.

    Interesting to note that on O'Reilly this week Billo weighed in on the GOP field....not front runners but the field of candidates...with Dick Morris. Neither Morris nor O'Reilly put SP in that field at all. They talked about Mitt, Pawlenty, Newt, Huck, Christy and even several I've not heard mention of before but SP wasn't even part of the speculation. Why? Because they know she's no longer relevant. Does make me wonder when Fox will let her go.



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