Thursday, February 24, 2011

Palin headed to India. Because apparently those poor people have not suffered enough.

From the Politico:

Sarah Palin is traveling to India next month to rub elbows with Indian politicians and Bollywood stars.

The former Alaska governor is scheduled to speak at the India Today Conclave in New Delhi on March 19.

Palin aide Rebecca Mansour confirmed the details by tweeting a link to the organization’s website, writing only “Gov. Palin will be traveling to India next month.”

It’s unknown if Palin is getting paid for the appearance, but the $1,850 price tag to attend the two-day event makes it seem likely that she got her quote – reportedly $100,000 per appearance.

Palin aides have been weighing a foreign trip for months, but had only previously disclosed that they were planning a still unannounced trip to England and Israel sometime later this year.

The conference’s choice of Palin is an odd one. She will be the only American politician attending the conference, which is stacked with Indian and Pakistani officials, business leaders, public figures and entertainers.

Gee I wonder if Snowdrift Snooki realizes that she is flying to India and NOT Indiana? You know India, home to many, many brown people, who are probably relatively unimpressed with a skinny inarticulate failed politician from Alaska.

I also wonder if her people realize that currently the country is in political turmoil and there is no guarantee that the people in charge today will STILL be in charge come March 19?

And has anybody told Klondike Kardashian that India is home to the second largest number of Muslims in the world, while only about 2.3% self identify as Christians? That is certainly something that a person well known for saying negative things about Muslims should have probably thought through.

Oh what am I saying?  The people of India are very peace loving, after all that is the birthplace of both the Buddha and Gandhi.

I mean unless Sarah Palin tries to smuggle a weapon of mass destruction into the country she should be fine.

Oooh, that's right. 

Well knowing her if anything DOES happen she will just throw up one of her children as a human shield and then blame President Obama for any injuries they might receive.

At least we know Trig is safe since she would need his birth certificate to get him a passport. But if I were Piper I would run and go hide in an aunt's house or something until April. Just to be safe.


  1. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Can someone explain to me how traveling to a foreign country increases one's foreign POLICY experience????

  2. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Tell her to say hello to our jobs our our money.

  3. Anonymous4:16 AM

    I hope she knows to shake hands with your left hand! This trip will be disastrous, I'm sure! I don't even know why she's still trying!

  4. Anonymous4:18 AM

    If any of you know who Karl Pilkington'll be happy to know that America will have its own version of "An Idiot Abroad!"

  5. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Love the cartoon and your comments, Gryphen! Started by day with a smile. Thanks.

  6. Olivia4:30 AM

    How will she ever deal with the smells and the reality of India? It is a beautiful country with lovely people but you cannot hide the fact that in the cities you will find palatial buildings with rag and paper huts next to them and animals roaming everywhere. I guess they could put her in a car with blacked out windows to get to the venue. Another thought... the people listed to speak appear to be highly educated and impressively experienced. She is going to come off like a shoed up hillbilly with her manner of speech and limited knowledge of anything more complicated than clubbing halibut.

  7. ManxMamma4:39 AM

    This absolutely sickens me. She has no business presenting herself as one with a vision for America. On the other hand, I read somewhere that questions could be submitted by email. I've got a show stopper - on what continent does India sit?

  8. Anonymous4:45 AM

    That's a pretty wide net they had to cast just to keep Sarah's name in the news.

    Wonder what will be the "breast milk" moment for this one. I have a theory that the breast milk comment was really meant for Bristol so she wouldn't feel badly that she's not nursing a baby right now. No indications of the 2011 baby that she wanted. Maybe she has tossed it aside for other pursuits.

  9. Anonymous4:47 AM

    This post is unnecessarily mean. I'm disappointed

  10. TruthSeeker4:47 AM

    I've been to India. I absolutely love the country, its people, its food.

    At the same time, it was the most difficult place for me to visit, due to the heat, the rubble, the constant noise.

    It's a shame that Palin will be adding to the pollution in India, with her presence .

  11. Anonymous4:51 AM

    A bit off topic, but can she keep calling herself "Governor Palin" when she quit the Office? Is there a protocol on that or at least some socially acceptable etiquette? It seems to me that if you quit the Office, you shouldn't get to call yourself "Governor" any more.

  12. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Palinis to be the keynote speaker to this group. Her speech: My Vision of America! Seriously, this is a huge publishing group and I have to wonder why they would bother with this half-wit. Is this her ploy to claim foreign policy cred? What a crock.

    Palin does NOT speak for America in any way. She represents America's worst. You would think a country that puts such a high value on education--only amongst the elites, Sarah,--would know better. But I realize there are many Repub Indians in the USA that are just as bigoted as Sarah. I hear them all the time where I live. Disgusting

  13. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Doubt she'll ever go there. Pay no attention to the scandal over there, here's a shiny object for you to look at!


  14. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Demographic for the conference in India is quite probably mostly MALE. Palin's appeal needs no other rationale.

  15. Anonymous5:04 AM

    That was one of your classic stupid articles.

    Are your "sources" in India getting prepared to cover the trip?

    Hey, Maybe Devon can add the trip to the manuscript and run it up to 700 pages.

    Sarah is running circles around your ass.

  16. Anonymous5:05 AM

    It always amazes me that anyone would actually pay to hear this moron speak. Half the time whatever comes out of her mouth is unintelligable to begin with.

    And what in hell could she offer the Indian people that they could not have gotten from her Tweets and Facebook pages that would require discussion?

    This woman is an idiot and those standing in line for tickets just to be in her presence are equally idiotic.

  17. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Hey, Ugly Mansewer, the Governor of Alaska is Sean Parnell. Unless there's a 51st state in your sick twisted mind, there is no entity titled Gov. Palin.

    Mansewer must be stuck in a 2009 timewarp.

  18. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Speculation: The British trip. Since Britain has in the past, banned individuals who practice violent rhetoric and hate speech from it's shores (the Phelps gang from Westboro) Palin could well be denied a visa for her inflammatory comments that caused the Tucson violence against Congresswomen Giffords. And I'm sure someone would suggest the Brits do so,right?.

  19. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Wise choice to follow the money where she might still be considered a novelty.

  20. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Civility and courtesy toward all members of the public are very important to the Office of the Alaska State Governor. We respect individuals’ First Amendment right to express their personal views on private online forums, but as public servants we are held by the public (and ourselves) to a higher standard, and we should strive for civility.

    In a better world where Sarah Palin never made it past Valley politics, such decorum would be respected in such high office like the Indiana AG's office - in trying to diffuse violent 'satire' by one of their own, Deputy AG Jeff Cox who suggested Police use Live Ammo on peaceably assembled demonstrators in Wisconsin.

    Instead, we had a juvenile woman at the helm and use the press office to mete out revenge in snarky and unfit edicts against critics and issues she shouldn't have had a voice on.

    This is a grown up world with very dangerous consequences, and our emotionally and intellectually stunted Chief Executive was given license to abuse office and she did so with impunity. Perhaps some Dems saw her as a useful idiot, but by pairing up with her to give her legislative success, you only propped up her credentials and made her a national conservative rock star to misrepresent her record to achieve higher notoriety.

    India, maybe you want some American comedy relief the way LIA truly saw her as - Palin is a joke, and it must be fascinating to see an American Calamity Jane or a female version of Yosemite Sam caricature live at your conference. For once, the purchasers will get their money's worth.

  21. Pundit5:21 AM

    Before any of you fret and wring your hands over this too much, let me reassure you a little bit.

    Atithi Devo Bhava. (Guest is God)

    I'm sure Indians will go all out to make sure the Palin camp has a safe and memorable visit.

    I'm sure lots will fawn over her celebrity status.

    But I'm also fairly confident we are all in on the joke. Indians, broadly speaking, love politics and are keenly aware of US-India relations and India's position on the global stage.

    The Living Media conglomerate that owns the India Today weekly magazine (compare it to TIME) and runs this annual conference has previously invited Pakistani dictator and former President Musharraf and American film maker, James Cameron post-AVATA­R.

    So my first reaction to this news is, it's all about ratings.

    It's a pretty smart exploitative nationalistic calculation by the organizers. The India Today people know Palin's participation guarantees unprecedented internatio­nal media exposure which will boost the profile of their annual event. The Palin obsessed American MSM will cover every minute of this trip.

    I would pay to be a fly on the wall if Palin meets Sonia Gandhi.

    I would love to see her how Palin reacts to the people, the food, the dress, the intellect, the socialist traditions, the political philosophies, the youth, the business community, the poverty, the history, the culture, the religions, the free press, everything.

    This should be a riot.

  22. Anonymous5:24 AM

    It is rather nice that questions for the speakers can be sent in ahead of time. I know I have dozens of questions for Sarah and I have lots of questions for the other speakers concerning Sarah. This could be fun.

  23. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Anon @ 4:47

    Sarah, Todd, Bristol and even Willow are unnecessarily mean, every day - they live it.

    Desiring to progress their notoriety and dollars perhaps against those that seek to destroy their ability to grift off hard working real American patriots via of immature and gutteral responses.

    Why is it acceptable for the Palin's to destroy other peoples lives while making themselves appear justified and as sympathetic victims? They are a dangerous and hurtful family, even if they fall from mainstream coverage, they'll spend their days and generations getting back at those (all of em, any of them) that did not hype their brand.

  24. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Sure, just like she was going to England and Israel. Imaginary travel plans, very sad.

    @4:51, yes, she can call herself Governor. I was listening to MSNBC on Sirius a couple of weeks ago and Christine Whitman, former Gov or NJ was addressed as Governor. She was also head of the EPA under GW Bush from 2001 to 2003. She did serve at least one full term and one half term in NJ and obviously Palin did not in AK, but I guess, technically, Palin can call herself "Governor". Even though titles don't matter to her, ha ha ha, whatever.

  25. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Sarah will win them over by letting them know her own children have Indian heritage.

    [cue RAM furiously scribbling a note to Sarah: "don't mention todd/kids r indian. diff kind indian!!!!!"]

  26. Anonymous5:35 AM

    What exactly does it mean to run circles around someone's ass? It sounds like a pretty stupid to do. Will Sarah be wearing her jogging shorts?

  27. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Why not just invite Britney, Snooki, or Lindsey Lohan?

    For someone as uninformed and xenophobic as Ms Palin to visit India and this conference is nothing more than raw, naked ambition pretense to be seen as "statesman"

    She's going to be SHOCKED to find she's surrounded by very intelligent, brown-skinned folks who are far more informed than she is on nearly every topic.

    Palin's first impressions:
    "What? You're Hindu and Muslim here? You're not all perfect far right Jerry Falwell dominionist Christians here? How can we save you? You're all going to hell you know?"

    For MS Palin to attend this conference and speak her only hope is a short skirt and flashy shoes

  28. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Raise your hand if you think Sarah's going to say something stupid while she's in India.

  29. This is actually scary! She could put her big foot in something and really screw things up. Things are really, really touchy right now with Pakistan in particular. Yikes! I wish that Secretary Clinton would order her to be "briefed"--you know, given a stern talking to before she goes. I wonder if she knows that it's possible that they don't have Taco Bell there? The food is delicious, but probably not to the ex-Govs liking.

  30. Anonymous5:46 AM

    ManxMama - well now you did it! You gave her a heads up and she will just have Bristol Google the answer.

  31. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Appears that someone here working for Palin got her an invite. Does she realize that she might get traded over there and never see America again?

    Oh well, hope she will be happy with her new life over there, you betcha.

  32. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Wonder if she's going to wear cobra stilettos? Or maybe water buffalo boots?

  33. she wants bristol to go n that slumdog millionaire show to hellp bring home the palin family bacon.

    this plan is nuts. why would india pay her to speak?!? and who's going ti translate palinese?!?

  34. Anonymous5:50 AM

    4:47 am -

    This post is not mean. You should have read what was said on Huffington Post and CNN. Gryphen is being polite compared to some others.

  35. Anonymous5:53 AM

    @ 5:41 Maybe she's going to bring bibles to the brown folk.

  36. Anonymous5:53 AM

    5:04 am - troll comment

    Bristol, Willow, is that you? You two sure are obscessed with asses. You do realize that you are the biggest asses by far.

  37. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Dim Wit went for Dim Sum on Hong Kong trip and now is going to India for mo money.

    Grifting has gone international!

  38. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Am I the only one who's WAY less concerned about Palin now that I've read (almost all of) Blind Allegiance? Don't worry, people.

  39. ...Can we leave her there...?

  40. Anonymous5:57 AM

    anon 5:24 is trying to justify his/her hate

    Keep on hatin! It proves democrats are ridiculous. You don't even know this family, these people as people. You don't know their pasts, or what's in their hearts. You assume horrible things based upon what bloggers write and other people say, despite the past lies that have been written on these pages.

  41. Gryphen, your satirical comments are getting more pointed.
    It seems Margaret Thatcher's photo op and a trip to Israel did not materialize. When Palin was booked overseas to address economics the team member of "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" was an odd choice.
    America's exceptionalism despite economic collapse just shy of a great depression is etched in my mind with a nonexistent gas pipeline ,high school and elementary school dropouts.
    I smiled imagining an interpreter burdened to interpret word salad. Palin has finally gotten her talking points
    down repeating misinformation and misidentifying enemies spinning lies those tirelessly working to improve opportunity are doing the opposite.

    The comments to put Gryphen in his place (in company with the appointed Secretary of State, elected Potus and even the Flotus' education work so Americansay chose improved health) smack of entitlement to control superiority
    via dissemination of lies divisively. I suspect Ghandi qualifies as a loser too for not being paid for speeches spinning "it's all for the cause".

    At C4P they ridicule the Potus for not being paid for speeches. They don't care if Palin quit a job actually committed to and to serve the people. Yet they are entitled to hail the half term as governor. Palin is an embarrassment and inappropriate spokesperson for our nation.

  42. a peaceful indian5:59 AM

    you racist bastards .... your comment section reflects your following.... also , we dont have a general election for another 4 years , you prick ... so get your facts right ... if you think this scam is going to bring down a govt .. you will sell anything to your ignorant masses just because you oppose sarah on everything .. i oppose her on everything but i dont call you a cracker .. oh I just did you wank job of a blogger ..

    a peaceful indian

  43. Anonymous6:00 AM

    I don't get it. One day there are tons of adverse insights & revelations released about her bad behavior and criminal activities and then the next day we are reading about her proposed visit to a foreign country. It is as if she has an invisible shield of Teflon surrounding her.

    So now, as in the past, it's business as usual for Sassy Sarah. How depressing for us all.

  44. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Running circles around someone's ass is obviously a reference to Sarah being a hard ass worker, just like Bristol. ;)

  45. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Anonymous at 5:09 am

    Thank you for your correct spelling of RAM aka Bekkky aka Rebecca Mansewer. I have been spelling her last name wrong, so now I will remember the two words of MAN and SEWER. Thank you again.

  46. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Sarah's international travel sets the stage for her next book:

    "Don't Eat, Pray, Screech"

  47. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Do they have to pay for her airfare and hotel too? Betcha her fee gets taken out of the entertainment budget for the convention.

  48. Anonymous6:04 AM

    So will she wear her tight short skirts and her hooker shoes? Maybe she could have some of those Wonder Woman bracelets reproduced and give them out as gifts to the women there.

    Will Todd be going or will he have to stay here and babysit for her kids, his kids and all the grandkids?

  49. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Maybe India will keep here. Hope springs eternal.

  50. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Why doesn't she pack up her sideshow and just go the hell home already? How much further down the polls can she sink? Her mammoth ego and her delusional idea that she will someday lead this country is beyond delusional. Perhaps she's heading into pathological delusional territory now. I'm sure she thinks that when she clicks on her facebook account and sees the couple of hundred thousand suckers who friended her that this somehow validates her delusions of grandeur. Guess what Grifter Grizzly. Lady Gaga has 28 million friends on facebook. I guess that more than qualifies HER a one way ticket to the White House.
    She'll go to India for another stamp on her passport and so she can add another picture of her 'wish you were here' photos in her scrap book. But somehow in her inner circle should let her in on the fact that 1% of the population of America is certifiable. What we 'unreal" Americans like to call her "base."

  51. Anonymous6:09 AM

    4:47-ok Man-sour

  52. London Bridges6:11 AM

    Holy Cow!

  53. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Will snookums jr be joining her in India? She does realize the cow is sacred there. Perhaps taking Bristol might not be in her best interest?

  54. Anonymous6:19 AM

    5:04 AM,

    Awww. What's the matter? Are you scared?

    $arah Palin is classically stupid. The only ass $arah Palin is running circles around is her own. The half-term governor is her own worst enemy.

  55. Anonymous6:20 AM

    How do all the vaccines she needs to travel to India mix with all the pharmaceuticals she uses?
    Inquiring minds want to know!!

  56. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Anon 5:04, my my aren't you bright and articulate!
    "Sarah is running circles around your ass?"
    ROFL!! WTF does that even mean!? Is that hillbilly slang that you "morans" use? Because it is such a moronic thing to even say. Your hatred is seeping out of your pores.
    Are you jealous of Gryphen and Jeanne? It sounds like you are!
    And Sarah isn't running around anything! She is great though at running away from her jobs, all media but Fox and answering tough questions live. She also seems to run away from the truth about her husband and charming well behaved. Yes, Sarah excels at running away from the truth about herself as well as from REAL responsibility.
    She's an empty headed arm chair critic without any original thought. She certainly is incapable of having a " vision" for America. Someone in India is doing this to make a fool of her! Just like they did in Hong Kong and the recent Long Island talk. She's so desperate for attention that she's going to stop for a photo op with a woman with dementia who doesnt even know who Sarsh is!
    What a brilliant plan she has in place! Hahahaha It will provide fodder for comics everywhere! Let's see if Sarah shows up in India with a short skirt designed for a 24 year old! She has so much class. And I sure hope she brings the leopard shoes and that wig with the curly hair.
    She sure is going to charm those Indians. Shes just like them after all. Wasilla is just like Mumbai so they have much in common.

  57. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Will Bristol use her imaginary skills and google India and give Momma Palin some talking points?

    Or will Bristol google Indiana and give her that info?

    Remember when Palin gave that speech and blurbed all wrong about the college that Reagan attended? What do you bet that Bristol googled that for her and gave her the incorrect info as Bristol is not too smart?

    Some say that Bristol gets paid from SarahPac and that Todd was on the payroll too?

  58. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Can someone explain to me how traveling to a foreign country increases one's foreign POLICY experience????

    4:04 AM

    It doesn't.
    But as she is supremely unqualified, her handlers keep feeding us this shit to make us think she is importsnt. Except she isn't
    By the way, I'm going to Canada for spring break, as are my kids. I want to be appointed queen of the galaxyy when we return. My sons, royal princes of canadian smartness.
    Thank you.

  59. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Let's see, what about this for talking points for Sister Sarah:

    "When I'm President Palin, here's my Vision for America"

    1)Universal firearms and weapons for everyone over 13 years old.
    Grenade launchers and C4 for those over 21 with ID.

    2) Public schools torn down and used for landfill.
    Home schools, or Christian private schools only.

    3) No rules on business concerning pollution or EPA, or worker safety.
    Get rid of the Dept of Education, EPA, OSHA. Much more funding for the drug wars

    4) Hospitals and clinics are all private. You can't pay? Too bad,
    just die on the street.

    5)Road, highway, bridges, are privately maintained, since doing it publicly by taxation is too much like socialism. That's income re-distribution!!

    6)Same for Police & Fire & sanitation. Rich folks can have gated communities
    with private armies and fire brigades.
    The rest of the peons can fend for themselves.

    7) ALL abortions punishable by death, no exceptions for rape, incest, medical or other reasons.

    8) Mandatory church attendance Sunday and Wednesday for all, since everyone will
    be Christian. Women and girls, cover your head, because bible says so.

    9) Universal 30% tax to support military

    10)No need for free elections, as business will appoint their insiders.

    Since this is satire, I don't have to tell you this is a bit over the top, but if the extreme far right religious folks like Palin had their every wish granted, something like this would happen.

  60. Anonymous6:28 AM

    She's not going to India. Palin lives in a world of, "If I say it enough times, it is so." She will keep repeating in the press about her trips abroad. Then it will sink into her followers brains that she ACTUALLY went. "Didn't she go to India? England? I swear I remember reading about that. Man, that Sarah is a world leader!" That way she gets to be a world traveler and not actually leave her house or do any work.


  61. Anonymous6:31 AM

    And about Israel, we really don't want Sarah to visit.
    Her pretend concern about the Israelis was made very clearly when she commented that thousands of Jews frim around the world would soon be immigrating to Israel. The truth is that immigration to Israel is at an all time low so clearly she plans on instigating a war so she can lead the Christians to heaven or whatever the story is. Sarah pretends to have some kind of special love for Israel but Jews everywhere see Sarahs true motives.
    We don't want her visit stirring up problems and she brings problems wherever she goes. She is a poison.

  62. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Someone is working overtime in the Palin camp to pretend that Sarah is still relevant? What you want to bet that Bailey's manuscript has been sent ahead of Sara to some media folks in India? Sara will get snookered and be laughed at and humiliated.

  63. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Will uneducated Sarah really go to India or will she believe it is a setup to get her out of the country? Will this trip be a fairy tale just like Bristol going to college?

    Will Sarah find out that her name is on the no-fly list; or will the Koch Brothers or Franklin Graham fly her there?

    Will Sarah take all her family with her and be props for her so no one will ask about her corruption in Alaska?

  64. Me thinks this visit has something to do with her 'coming' wig line. Connecting no doubt to the SarahPalin trade mark

  65. GhostbusterTX6:46 AM

    Germaine Greer is presenting at that conference !!!

    Oh, to be a fly on the wall if their paths were to cross...that would be an encounter worth the price of admission.

  66. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Does India have Red Bull and Taco Bell for the Princess Isanidiot Palin? Will she carry a dead moose in the cargo hold of the plane as a peace offering?

  67. Anon 4:47 and 5:04:

    Hi, $arah! Hi, RAM!

  68. Anonymous6:56 AM

    4:47 - What? You think this post is mean?

    I am INSULTED that this woman even speaks in our own country. It is appalling to me that she goes out of our country to represent the US in any way shape or form.

    Whoever was worried about her seeing how India really is doesn't need to worry. They will put a blindfold on her so she doesn't have to see it. India is a beautiful place but like you say there is a palace next to what I can only describe as slums. It is odd that way.

  69. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Maybe, after Tucson, she's on a domestic terrorist watch list and won't be allowed back into the country once she leaves....

  70. Anonymous7:05 AM

    5:57 AM

    Boo-hoo. Cry me a river. We know exactly what is in their hearts based on $arah Palin's stupid Facebook rants, twitters and ghost-written books, and her live interviews on Fake News, and her stupid T.V. show. The negative impression most people have of $arah Palin is because of $arah Palin herself. It's her own fault.

    We know what's in Palin's heart when she defends Dr. Laura's use of the N-word in public, but calls for Rahm Emanuel to be fired for using the word "retarded" in private, or when she makes a video about the shootings in Arizona and pretends that SHE is the real victim. And on, and on, and on.

    We know what's in Palin's heart when she lies about the truth. Like when said she was found innocent in the Trooper-gate investigation. Which was a lie. We know what's in Palin's heart just by the psychotic way in which she reacts to criticism. We know what's in $arah Palin's heart when she never takes responsibility for her fuck-ups, and instead blames everyone else.

    $arah Palin does not know the President and the First Lady, or what's in their hearts, she doesn't know them as people. Yet she has made herself an expert on the Obama's pasts, knowing what's in their hearts, and knowing them as people. $arah Palin can't stop telling lies about the Obamas, and taking pot-shots at them. $arah Palin does nothing but show hatred for people she doesn't know. So spare me.

    Palin is a mean, vindictive, lying, hypocritical, hateful, bigoted, ridiculous republican!

  71. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Maybe she's "going international" to find a place that doesn't have extradition treaties w/the US?

    Now that she's milked her fame here, she obviously thinks foreigners are even stupider than her "base".

  72. At 4:51am, there are etiquette rules for addressing former public office holders. I know a lot of people do it but it's not correct to call her Governor Palin. That title belongs to the current governor. It's the one at a time rule. It is correct to address her mail to The Honorable Sarah Palin (yeah, I know, I'm thinking the same thing) or to introduce her as the former governor of Alaska. But she should be addressed as Mrs. or Ms. Palin if one is choosing to be polite. ;)

  73. Some troll on here keeps saying we don't really know these people; we are passing judgment and hating them without knowing them: well, I disagree. We have gotten to know Sarah, Bristol, Todd because they won't stay out of the limelight, out of the news, off Facebook or Tweeter. We hear for ourselves the hatred and the stupidity that issues forth from her very mouth every time she appears on FOX or before a right-wing conservative gathering of some kind. We hear and see Todd bullying people; we see the snarky mean looks on his face. We have seen Bristol diss her own mother then turn around and defend her in a mean way to a citizen expressing their views. We have seen Bristol and Willow unloose their venom on Facebook against another person. They act mean, spoiled, stupid IN THEIR OWN WORDS in front of the camera and you say we don't know them! We know them too well. And we want them to go away. They need to repent, not us.

  74. London Bridges7:23 AM

    Obama "outsourced? Sarah? Brilliant!

  75. Anonymous7:26 AM

    A Peaceful Indian @5:59 AM,

    If you think we are racist, perhaps you should visit $arah Palin's Facebook page, and read the comments left by Palin-bots.

    Peaceful Indian, WE are not trying to bring down the government. That would be the anti-government secessionist $arah Palin and her brainless bots.

    "A Peaceful Indian," I think you are a troll. And perhaps, maybe you are the racist? You come here and call US racist, (based on what?) and call yourself "A Peaceful Indian." That reminds me of the time during the right-wing hysteria over the "Ground Zero mosque" when the bigoted Muslim hater $arah Palin, used the words "peaceful Muslims," as if "peaceful Muslims" are rare and unusual.

    You are so transparent. Fuck off.

  76. Anonymous7:26 AM

    This is too rich - Ms. Palin's new handler getting her out of the country. Wonder why? Hmmm what other surprises are due to be revealed next month?

    My latest tweet: @jaye52 Jaye
    @SarahPalinUSA going to India? I wonder if she's aware of the caste system. She's no Brahmin - more a Harijan? Look it up toots.!/jaye52/status/40803911551946754

    Hee hee ;-)


  77. Anonymous7:26 AM

    6:11 London comment ever!

    She will definitely put her Naughty Monkey clad foot in her mouth. She can't help it when she is in the good ole' US of A. India's diverse culture will be more than she can handle.

  78. Anon 5:04 is getting almost as funny as Sarah herself.

  79. And she thought there were too many Asians in Hawaii...

  80. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Would be nice to hear her meet Indian and Pakistani dignitaries and doing her "oh gosh oh golly oh gee shtick on them. Can imagine them on a temple tour, and her shrill voice echoining across the gardens and pools and fountains, "flippin' unbelievable"!!

  81. Anonymous7:39 AM

    'A peaceful indian,' what are you
    talking about?? Why are you so angry?


  82. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Palin did the speech in Hong Kong, took the money and ran. No reason the India gig will be different. The organizers for both events share the same goal, give their old flaccid male attendess a warm tingly boost. The audience won't be LISTENING to Palin anyway.

    Palin wants money and celebrity. Exposing one's stupidity to ridicule just doesn't matter to a sociopath.

    win-win. I bet she goes.

  83. Hopefully she'll try and tip a cow and get sent to jail..Or maybe Bristol will, after a drunken night...

  84. Reepicheep7:48 AM

    I saw this tweeted:

    nealbrennan: Sarah Palin headed to India next month. For once, she'll have diarrhea from somewhere other than her mouth

  85. emrysa7:50 AM

    hey every conference needs comic relief, right? I doubt that any of these people take palin seriously.

  86. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Gah! Palin is a disgrace to this country. she should be paying to speak, because people are not getting their money's worth with this very ignorant, stupid, no-class money grubbing moron. People in the white suits need to speed her away to the nearest insane asylum.

  87. 10catsinMD8:03 AM

    Does she know that they do not kill cows in India. They roam the street. Maybe she really thought it is Indiana? That reload deal is not a good idea here.

    Can Fox control an Indian mob if they holler at her? Don't think so. Will they throw shoes at her?

  88. Anonymous8:06 AM


    You write the best titles for your posts.

  89. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I hope she realizes the difference between Hindi(the language) and Hindu(the religion).

  90. Anonymous8:14 AM

    It's just good PR for the conference to have Palin speak. I mean, had most of us heard of the New India Conclave before this? Now many Americans have. They're using her, she's using them for money. Frankly, I'm anxiously awaiting her description of her "Vision for America." It should be ridiculously entertaining.

  91. Anonymous8:22 AM

    India's guest list did include entertainers, did it not?

  92. Anonymous8:23 AM

    To 5:59, no one here has said anything racist. Using phrases such as "brown-skinned" is not intended as a racist slur. It is used because that's how Sarah seems to view people: whites vs. non-whites.

    The right-wing GOP and Tea Party, Fox News, Limbaugh and Beck (and all the rest) do not like "brown-skinned" people. Or had you not noticed.

    People who respond to this blog are almost exclusively progressives or independents who disagree with the racism rampant on Sarah's side of the political spectrum.

    If you've taken offense, perhaps you might wish to research what Chuck Palin said about Sarah's experience in Hawaii as a young college student, read about how Sarah ignored the suffering of the Native Peoples of Alaska during her brief stint as Governor, how she only uses Todd's lineage when she wants to produce biracial credibility but ignores it like the plague otherwise.

    Progressives have always been at the forefront of Civil Rights issues. Conservatives - particularly right-wing conservatives - have always been against Civil Rights. The division is one of the most basic distinguishing characteristics between the two groups.

    I suspect Sarah, like her right-wing associates and followers, sees the people of India only as an objectified source of cheap labor.

  93. Anonymous8:33 AM

    5:57 - we know the Palins probably better than most political families because Sarah has pushed the entire family onto the national stage, even taking cameras into their daily lives on her "reality" show.

    Nothing we have seen, heard or read about is endearing.

    Trust me, most of us would like nothing better than to never, ever see, hear, or read about the Palins again. We wish we could erase the past two and half years of Palin memories from our collective memories.

    The majority of Alaskans wish they'd never heard or or voted for Sarah Palin.

    But none of us wish as hard as John McCain that Sarah Palin was just a bad dream. She destroyed what little credibility he had left and will be his cursed legacy as long as American political history is read and discussed.

    So, sweet one, understand we know more about the Palins than we wish. Sarah makes sure of that by her obsessive need to be in the news every single day, and we wish she wouldn't.

  94. Ted Powell8:40 AM


    Go to the India Today Conclave page at

    In the Day 2 column, locate Sarah's DINNER KEYNOTE ADDRESS entry, near the bottom.

    Click on the adjacent red "Ask Your Question" button.

    Enter your question on the form that comes up. It asks for Name, City, Email, and there's a CAPTCHA image to identify.

    My question was: "Please discuss the effects on America's energy policy of the Alaska Gas Pipeline." When I submitted it the form objected to the City field because I had city comma state. When I removed the comma my submission was accepted.

  95. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Bristol wants to go to India with her mom so bad she is willing to take a cut in assistant pay from $20,000 to $19,000.

    Oversexed Bristol is tired of Alaskan boys and can't wait to try her some Bolly Wood.

  96. Anonymous8:43 AM

    If Sarah is so hard up to get stamps for her passport she should just go to Disney's It's A Small World. It is so much faster and she could be done visiting foreign countries in minutes.

  97. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Hi Anon. @ 5:57 AM --- You must also (too) be from Wasilla and/or Alaska -- to 'know this family, know these people as people, know their pasts, and what is in their hearts'? ?

    Well, the 'horrible things we assume, (based upon what bloggers write --lies?), are things we DO NOT HAVE TO ASSUME, but they are the things we know, see, are aware of, etc., b/c we do 'know this family (argh!), know these people as people (if that's what you call them?), REALLY do know their pasts, and what is inside them (which is not hearts, as they have no hearts!!).

    We, and the bloggers, and whoever else, are NOT 'hatin' -- but rather just stating (the true) facts -- Why don't you (and all your other 'troll pals') try doing the same? Or at least, find out what the truth really is before 'spouting off' like you always do.

  98. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Sarah wants to fill her passport with stamps so bad, when Sarah goes to Taco Bells she asks the cashier to stamp her passport.

  99. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Sarah justifies Bristol appearance to the India organization for free by saying she is bringing her own cow.

    It aint a virgin cow, but it is still a cow.

  100. I Love Some Ignorant American8:51 AM

    1) You guys are totally ignorant about Indai's political stability. There is no way the govt. is going down until the next election. This is not the Arab world.

    2)The India Today Conclave is waaaaay different than the Shanghai meeting Sarah attended. This event will be broadcast live on national tv (India Today owns a major english news channel, and sevral regional language channels.)

    3)Your stereotyping of India and Idiaans is almost as bad as Sarah Plain's.

    4)Mark my words, Sarah Plain will get some TOUGH questions after her speech. Indians attending the forum are well informed about Palin and American politics. not to mention where their loyalties largely lie with; Obama. I have seen Tony Blair face some tough questions for his Iraq War in previous India Today conclave event.

    5) If you haven't noticed, Sarah Plain is sharing stage with really odd bunch at the conclave:

    *A Hindu fundamentalist.

    --Chilef Miister Narednra Modi, key note speaker: A man acucsed of genocide (the Hindu-Muslim riots in 2002, led to detahs of over 1000 muslims in his state), and denied visa to the USA during the Bush era.

    *Leader of a ultra right wing Hindu extremist group

    --RSS Chief, Mohan Bhagavat. Some members are recently arrested for terror attacks, blowing up bombs in mosques and muslim gatherings. They also systemtaiclay attack churches and burn chiritian missionaries. Mahatma Gandhi was assasinated by a RSS fanatic.'nuff said.

    *A former armed communist rebel leader.

    --Ashim Chatterjee aka Kaka, Former Naxal and leader, Communist Revolutionary League of India

    6) Lastly, the audience of the conclave won't be mostly old males. India is changing at a really past pace, it has a lot of women voices, especially in the media.

  101. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Besides money, photo-ops, etc., why is she going? This is more of her opprobrious behavior--under the guise of "foreign policiy," she can further promote and market herself. She has been subjected to much negativity the past couple of months, given the NE/Tripp story, the leaked manuscript incident promising more negative info about her, not to mention the obtuse remarks regarding "spudnut" etc., all casting unfavorable light on her.

    Ploy to "escape" and have a more positive media spotlight on her while charging her usual "appearance" fees for foreign policy travel?

    Wonder if she will wear the leopard print shoes? (hee hee)

  102. Anonymous8:54 AM

    the question is...what the hell is she going to talk about? she's only capable of rattling off talking points that are relevant to the US political scene.

    Not sure what those "small town American good common sense solutions" are going to mean to the Indian population....

  103. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Anonymous at 5:04:

    You are a moron....or rather, as you might say: a moran.

  104. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Anonymous @ 5:33: ROFLOL!!!

  105. Anonymous9:25 AM

    After traveling many miles and days to India, Sarah stands in front of the India Customs Officer and screams out to Bristol, "Why you incompetent googling research non-educated non-dancing pregnant fat cow, you brought the wrong passport. Instead of bringing my passport to India, you brought Lou Sarah's passport instead.

  106. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Now the tables are turned on the people of India. When we call for computer problems, we end up speaking to an outsourced english speaking India computer technician and we keep having to say "HUH can you repeat that, I don't understand you".

    Now the english speaking India people will be saying that to Sarah's word salad english language. "HUH can you repeat that Mrs. Palin, We don't understand you".

  107. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Sunshine1970 said...
    Hopefully she'll try and tip a cow and get sent to jail..Or maybe Bristol will, after a drunken night...

    7:43 AM

    Maybe the India men will try to tip Bristol?

  108. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Mom I googled India like you asked me to do and did you know India has their own DWTS show? If I took third place in the finals here in the United States, maybe I have a chance of taking first in India? Do you know any Indian teabaggers in India? Where's my gorilla costume? I'm taking it to India just in case.

  109. Anonymous9:44 AM

    No Todd you cannot take Shailey to India with you. Yes I know Bristol took her sex partner to the Republican convention and yes I know Bristol wants to take Gino to India and yes I know it is not fair to you, but no you can't take yours.

  110. She's "traveling to India" just like she "accepted an invitation to talk with Margaret Thatcher," and, "is planning a trip to Israel."

    Gryphen's speculation that she thinks she's going to Indiana is probably right on the mark.

  111. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Before Sarah goes on stage in India, she's going to spread some white cream on her upper lip and is going to sart off her word salad act with, "GOT MILK?"

  112. Anonymous9:47 AM

    She's giving a fluff speech, and being paid for it. That has nothing to do with foreign policy, or even the social and cultural issues that the conference is dealing with.

    She will probably fly in, check in the conference hotel, speach and fly out. Dealing with westernized foreign people will be difficult enough for her, she won't want to venture outside the hotel.

  113. Anonymous9:49 AM

    "Bristol do you really want to go to India? You will be traveling many days and will be disappointed when you find out that they don't have Big Macs."

  114. FEDUP!!!9:50 AM

    For crying out loud, SHE IS A PRIVATE CITIZEN!!! Why in the world would she be invited to screech at that meeting?!?????

  115. To Pundit @ 5:21
    "I would love to see how Palin reacts to the people, the food, the dress, the intellect, the socialist traditions, the political philosophies, the youth, the business community, the poverty, the history, the culture, the religions, the free press, everything.

    This should be a riot."

    Well, yes, it would be an international laugh riot if we could get good reporting on it.

  116. FEDUP!!!9:53 AM

    People are wondering how she will be able to go to India with the smells and sights of abject poverty...: Simple, the same way she went to Haiti - in a darkened private limo (maybe even the curtains drawn, so she will not need to see any of the poor beggars), and then she will be right there in the 5* hotel, where she will be attended hand-and-foot by servants to serve her every whim.
    Wonder who gets to go with her this time - Bri$tol, Willow, or Piper (or all of them)?

  117. Anonymous9:55 AM

    While in India, Classy Sarah Palin again tries to knock down First Lady Michelle Obama by telling the Indian people with all dem cows and milk u guys have here in India, I know u people don't titty feed you babies.

  118. Anonymous9:58 AM

    No Todd, it is not a sacred ritual to screw a cow in India.

  119. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Bristol can't wait to go to India. She'll finally come back to the United States of America with a college diploma after taking a 2 hour class at the India National University and will be addressed as Doctor Bristol Palin, Certified Abstinence Doctor of India.

  120. Anonymous10:04 AM

    These events are planned way in advance so I don't think this was a last minute thing.

    Over there they may not know yet that she is a punchline over here now.

  121. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Can't wait for her to order a cheeseburger in India.

  122. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Peaceful Indian
    I don't know why you are so angry either.
    The majority here cringe to even think of Palin speaking or acting out as if she is an official. No one thinks she ought not to go because it is India.

  123. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Sarah, Somalia is having a conference. Are you interested?

  124. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Is Sarah going to India to give a paid speech or is she leaving the United States to avoid prison time for money laundering and for domestic violence after beating Todd with soup cans for paying for sex?

  125. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Sure, when you leave an office, you can be called the (highest) title you held, i.e., Colonel, etc.

    However, if you look at people who left office due to quiting, you don't get to keep the title. Look at King Edward VIII. When he abdicated (much like Sarah), he lost the title "King" and was given the title Duke of Windsor. You don't hear people (even today) calling him King Edward VIII. It is always the Duke of Windsor.

  126. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Sarah had the RAMster tweet that info to change the subject, for the one things that she's good at is deflection and the art of the swindle. I'm all for off-shoring the ignorance to India and await the day when the MSM and bloggers alike are no longer lapping up her vomit. This woman (and her husband) should be in a federal penitentiary.

  127. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Amen to that, Peaceful Indian.

    I concur.

  128. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Did anyone happen to search for SP on the India Today website? Hilarious! No mention of her visit but these were some of the top results:

    * Quote of the Week - December 10, 2010 - "I eat meat, there are leather chairs in my office, Sarah Palin is deranged and The Learning Channel should be ashamed of itself." - Aaron Sorkin.

    * I don't think about Sarah Palin: Obama

    * Republican leader Sarah Palin was booed on live TV when she appeared on 'Dancing With The Stars' to cheer her daughter Bristol Palin.

    * Sarah Palin walks away with ton of free goodies from Oscar's gifting suite

    * Father of Sarah Palin's grandson to pose nude for Playgirl.

    * Palin's fashion needs cost party $150,000

    * Palin guilty of abusing powers

  129. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Doesn't Sarah know there are brown people there? Or is she just paranoid of Asians and Pacific Islanders?

  130. Anonymous11:01 AM

    She is not representing my America by going to India. She is really just promoting herself. And, she is not being sent by our government - it's all about sister Sarah.

  131. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Oh my, what is Sarah going to do when the India news people ask her questions and she does not have the answers already loaded into her FOX News teleprompter?

  132. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Bristol is so excited about going to India, she will now be a certified member of the International Mile High Club instead of just being a member of the Domestic Mile High Club.

  133. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Doctor CBJ this is Lou Sarah calling, oh I'm sorry Lou Sarah is my code name for Sarah, Sarah Palin. With Willow being pregnant and everything, how much will it cost to do a Wild Ride from India? Cathy, can I call you Cathy? Do you have anymore of those stomach pillows? I got rid of my last evidence against me.

  134. India Today Conclave event is a joke.
    Please did anyone read the speakers who are lined up for this? A bunch of Indian movie stars and corrupt Indian politicians.
    What now is is all for outsourcing?

    My vision of America: what she is going to tell them that she shoots and hunt from helicopter and uses crossfires?

    I did not know my countrymen Indian's are that dumb to invite her. I will not visit my hometown :( :(

  135. To the commenter who thinks we don't know the Palins, if we take off the table all that has not yet been proven and only leave the documented facts surrounding that dipshit family, it still adds up to sleazy. Put aside the fact that I know that area and am related to people nearby. I have a friend I DO know, very well, and SHE attended several meetings, in her capacity as hospital administrator, at which Sarah was also an attendee. My friend has stated in no uncertain terms (this was long before Sarah hit the national stage, back when she was city council and mayor)that not only was Sarah ALWAYS the only person at the meetings who had to have everything explained to her more than once, but that she was also a classic chest thruster. Man in room, chest thrust. My friend started calling her Barbie long before she was dubbed Caribou Barbie. Now, anon troll, YOUR turn to give a very specific example of Sarah's character, that YOU know about, either directly, or once removed by a person who is trustworthy. Crickets? Yeah, that's what I figured.

  136. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Sarah: and for the talent competition in India, I think I'll sing "One little Two little Three little Indians, Four little Five little Six little Indians..."

    Anybody see my flute and my one piece bathing suit?

  137. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Is she going to ban the international and Indian press from covering her 'American Exceptional'

  138. Anonymous12:01 PM

    What's going to be funny is that most of the non-Americans will speak much better English that the American does.

  139. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Is Sarah going to India to film Sarah Palin's India starring Sarah Palin?

    Or is she going to India to hock those 99 cent books returned to her from Costo and those other stores? Piper is going to be real busy during the book signing.

    Or is she going to India to hock those 2 cent Sarah Palin's Alaska DVDs which are not flying off the shelves?

    I can't think of any other thing Sarah can do in India except her usual grifting.

  140. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Bristol is so excited about going to India, she will now be a certified member of the International Mile High Club instead of just being a member of the Domestic Mile High Club.

    11:08 AM

    Bristol - I'm not just a member, I'm the president of the Domestic Mile high Club.

  141. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Can someone explain to me how traveling to a foreign country increases one's foreign POLICY experience????

    4:04 AM

    Well when I went to California, I got a chance to see how other people live.
    - Sarah Palin

  142. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Anonymous Olivia said...
    How will she ever deal with the smells and the reality of India?

    Why would you think she will every leave the hotel with her two room luxury suite,an bendy straws except to get into and out of the airport limo?

  143. icstraights12:39 PM

    5:04 AM LOL!

    They invited her and possibly paid her for "A GOOD LAUGH"...she is getting punk't yet again.

    A bunch of corrupt Indian politicians and movie stars?!!!

    DO YOU REALLY think even Baliwood takes her seriously?!

    This is 'cheap' entertainment to them: I CAN'T wait to hear India's laugh riot!!!

  144. Anonymous12:43 PM

    HAHAHA!! Oh the irony...

    Shailey Tripp is part Indian!

    (from her blog) "Three quirky things about me: 1. I am Indian and Cajun (not American Indian) 2. I like to play DnD 3. I had flying lessons"

  145. @omomma

    The India Today Conclave is aired LIVE every year on their sister TV channels, Headline Today (English) and Aaj Tak (Hindi). Like I said, the parent company Living Media owns several properties.

    I can't even count for you how many regional TV and print media we have. The Indian press will be all over this. Don't forget every single international mediahouse of significance has a South Asia office in Delhi from France 24 and Der Spiegel to CNN and BBC.


    Pl see my comment up at 5:21 for my theory on this booking.

    @peaceful indian and anyone else who doesn't get the jokes

    People here are making jokes about how they think Sarah and family would react, given their presumably low information base on this topic, just like any other topic. Don't confuse that with racism from the people making the jokes. I'm not offended. I am familiar with the snarky tone of this blog.

  146. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What's going to be funny is that most of the non-Americans will speak much better English that the American does.

    12:01 PM

    I thought Sarah Palin was Canadian?

  147. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Anonymous said...
    HAHAHA!! Oh the irony...

    Shailey Tripp is part Indian!

    (from her blog) "Three quirky things about me: 1. I am Indian and Cajun (not American Indian) 2. I like to play DnD 3. I had flying lessons"

    12:43 PM

    So while Sarah is in India getting paid, Todd will be gettin some India of his own back here in Anchorage.

  148. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Mansewer got her this gig with pay and they don't even know who else is on the cast. Bekky is just like Sarah and they will not pass up a paycheck ever no matter who the cast is made up of there.

    Maybe someone is trying to get her out of the country and not let her come back.

  149. Anonymous1:55 PM

    So is Sarah Lou Who going to take Todd along or will they just use more old pics of the two of them together? Since the appearance of the wedding ring, there has been little to no indication of them together.

  150. Pursang2:15 PM

    What are the odds she creates an international incident by shooting a cow?

  151. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I wonder if she realizes Germaine Greer will be there? Ouchx4

  152. Does she know the education level of the other dignitarie­s ? The Prime Minister of India is an economist and a friend of the President Obama (both intellectu­als).
    If she though Katie Couric set out to undermine her, wait until she gets to India - the invitation (and allowing questions) was designed to humiliate her on the world stage!
    Perhaps Palin knows this, but had no choice but to accept the invite in order to take the heat off (the Lou Sarah facebook acct; the Bailey book excerpts and Todd's hooker).
    She has to find a way out of this appearance, no? Otherwise, she will be an even bigger LAUGHING STOCK!

  153. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Sarah Palin Is Going to Find Herself to India!5768991/sarah-palin-is-going-to-find-herself-to-india

  154. Anonymous3:00 PM

    "I know, presidential candidates like to travel abroad to boost their foreign policy credentials. And Palin needs those credentials badly," said New Hampshire Union Leader editorial page editor Andrew Cline, in a blog post Wednesday evening. "But I find it hard to believe that, presumably less than a year from the primary, someone who makes a trip to India a higher priority than a trip to New Hampshire is a serious presidential candidate. Chalk this up as one more bit of evidence that she's probably not running."

  155. Anonymous3:10 PM

    "I Love Some Ignorant American": Why do you think they invited Palin?

  156. Lou Sarah Who?4:40 PM

    Anon at 623 said, " 'Sarah is running circles around your ass?'
    ROFL!! WTF does that even mean!?"

    It sounds like the language two Wasilla trash-talkers used to try and defend THE WORST REALITY SHOW OF THE YEAR.

    Isn't that #$%&ing right, Willow?

  157. Ted Powell4:44 PM

    Anonymous 2:17 PM wrote: I wonder if she realizes Germaine Greer will be there? Ouchx4

    Not to mention Niall Fergusson, British historian and Sir Tim Berners Lee, Inventor of the World Wide Web.

  158. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Let's all submit questions for Sarah's session on the 2nd day

    Here's my question I just submitted:

    You were quoted in an email in 2009 to your aide Frank Bailey as saying quote, "I hate this job"
    Not long after that you quit your job as Governor
    How can you expect citizens of the USA to ever vote for you in any election after you quit the Governor's office only 1/2 way through your term?

  159. Olivia5:10 PM

    Anonymous 2:17 PM wrote: I wonder if she realizes Germaine Greer will be there? Ouchx4

    Not to mention Niall Fergusson, British historian and Sir Tim Berners Lee, Inventor of the World Wide Web.

    4:44 PM

    I can guarantee both of you that Sarah Palin has NOT A CLUE who any of the above mentioned people are. She also is pretty sure that she is the biggest celebrity on the program because, y'know, she isn't familiar with anyone else on the program.

  160. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Anon @ 1:46pm "Maybe someone is trying to get her out of the country and not let her come back."

    Oh wouldn't it be great if Palin left for India and was not allowed back into the USA by customs officials.

  161. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Palin Bot a 20 year old is proud to announce his religion as "RED NECK" inspired by Sarah Palin

    "The 20-year-old has said on his MySpace page he was proud to be a 'f****** redneck'.
    His pride came to light after Sarah Palin was asked to be Sen John McCain's running mate on the 2008 Presidential Election campaign after Bristol announced her pregancy and the couple's first engagement.
    The country also has a popular American Redneck Society, where members can join for as little as $20.
    Some of the money goes toward a'Redneck Scholarship' fund for educating rural youths."

    Read more:

  162. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I am an American of Indian birth and mentioned this to my relatives in India,that some one was stupid enough to invite the 'Cuda. He said ,"Maybe somebody was just joking and daring somebody else to invite her". I'm really hoping this is a con on the level of Sarkozy. Nobody in India that I know of wants her there! There are enough nutjobs there to ask for more :(

  163. hauksdottir7:11 PM

    India is a country with wall to wall Moslems and Hindus... both socially conservative cultures.

    Hmmm... Bristol will doubtless give more fashion assistance: silks in bright colors! So, Sarah will sit on the dais waiting to speak in red peekaboo heels, hot pink mini skirt, and yellow/pink/red paisley nehru jacket. The 7 chakra-colored necklaces won't even show. Much.

    No one will remember a word she said, which will be to her advantage.

  164. hauksdottir7:18 PM

    Anon @ 5:04 AM

    "Sarah is running circles around your ass."

    We've heard this phrase before. Often. Willow, or Bristol, is that you braying again?

  165. Anonymous10:06 PM

    An Idiot Abroad II.Is Ricky Gervais paying for this?

  166. Did she cancel Israel? Looks like she is going to duck NH GOP debate in May.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.