Sunday, February 06, 2011

Sometimes we just have to stop and take a moment to remember why we love it here so much.

This is from the top of Flattop on Friday night.

Looking out over Anchorage.

The Aurora Borealis was dancing the night way.

This is one of my favorite places to hike in the summer.  It is only about ten minutes away and absolutely gorgeous both in the summer, and in the winter.

Here is a picture of the city from the day before, from a different angle, and a little earlier in the evening.

These pictures come to us courtesy of my friend Dennis Zaki.  Thanks Dennis!


  1. Beautiful scenes. We're in the Appalachians of Kentucky and if the coal companies don't destroy...

    Actually, I've never been anywhere in the natural world that isn't beautiful. You can keep the sociology.

    Alaska, however, is special.

  2. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Couldn't sleep. Got up to surf the net. Glad I did. Glorious photographs!

    Whatever minor troubles bothered my slumbers seem gone now because the photos reminded me of what matters.

    Thank you both, Gryphen and Dennis, for giving me a better perspective.

    I feel so much better now.

  3. beautiful! have always wanted to check out anchorage and the rest of alaska... someday, when the palin's are incarcerated or sent through extreme rendition out of the country for treasonous activity. minus the torture, of course. just send them to some nice communist socialist islamo-fascist getaway, courtesy of the american people. the innocents can stay.
    aneeeeweeeeeee, here is a bill maher clip that had me in stitches:

  4. Anonymous3:56 AM

    You are blessed to live in such a lovely place. We in Oklahoma wonder how you deal with the intense cold and snow? We are beginning to feel we can relate!

    Oh, and I love your blog..been lurking about a year now.

  5. womanwithsardinecan4:35 AM

    I used to take endless pictures of Juneau across the channel when I lived on Douglas Island. It seemed like there was always some perfectly lovely light turning the scene into yet another perfect picture.

  6. Anonymous6:18 AM


  7. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Stunning. Thanks for sharing. Have no to plans in this lifetime to come for a visit, but the pics are changing my mind. A friend of mine lived there for a few years and she loved it.

  8. Thank you very much. Those are beautiful. I have only been to Fairbanks in Aug-Sept timeframe and there were forest fires and smoke blocking most of the view.

  9. Beautiful G! Thank you1

  10. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Beautiful, serene landscapes. How could such a beautiful place produce such an ugly clan as the Palin/Heath crowd??

  11. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Oh the serenity and peace that overcomes me when I see pictures of such beauty and calm! Thanks for sharing these pics! Alaska is at the top of my Bucket list and I look forward to spending long, unhurried time venturing there and getting lost in all her wonders.

  12. Anonymous9:27 AM

    So glad you are surrounded by such glory, Gryphen.

    It cannot always be healthy for your soul to keep this blog going, you spend so many hours a day researching, reflecting, commenting on the nefarious Ms Palin.


  13. These make me homesick.


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