Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Stephen Colbert highlights another crazy Arizona politician.

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  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    I'm being VERY selective about what stories I click on at websites... esp. HuffPo, who seems bent on keeping Sarah in the news even when they have to make up a story, but here is a headline from today:

    SarahPAC's New Chief Of Staff Gave Go-Ahead For Spending On Palin's Pricey Wardrobe During Campaign

    Good pick, Sarah!

    BTW- The only Sarah story on Politico this a.m. was an old one about a guy who dresses up as Sarah. I had to laugh.

  2. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Goodbye letter to Sarah from Todd:

    To My Little Barracuda,

    I know our fishing boat has reached the shore. All the fish are dead, the boat is filling up with water, and it’s about to capsize. Yet, I prefer to remember the good times, when the fish were biting, and when there were so many salmon in Bristol Bay that I couldn’t get the fish guts out of my hair. Remember when your mom actually cooked for us instead of having to resort to Taco Bell? Remember when we actually liked Levi? Remember when I didn’t have a retarded special needs child that required my time? Remember how excited you were when you first had a story written about you as the wife of the Iron Dog Champion? Remember how funny it was when we had to get witnesses from the nursing home for our wedding? I remember like it was yesterday...

  3. Anonymous6:33 AM

    How in the hell can these people be taken seriously as lawmakers in the country? Has a gun now become the God or something? It's outrageous to think that this isn't just laughed right out of room, but clearly Arizona is reverting to the wild west days of yore.

  4. Lynne7:06 AM

    Maybe this guy just wants to be Sarah's next husband?

  5. Anonymous7:35 AM

    this is the same guy who once told a reporter he had to crawl out of a woman's attic, shower and get to the AZ senate/committee to vote. though he owns a HVAC company, it played out histerically on the Twitter. we have so little to laugh about in my state. how this douchebag was appointed to chair the Senate Judiciary Committee is beyond me....

  6. hilarious but absolutely unbelievable. thank you stephen for lampooning this stupidity.

  7. OT for this post....

    So is this how Sarah's been laundrying her CPAC money for her own personal use: Todd has been on the payroll (but has been replaced...hmmm wonder why?) "Over the weekend, SarahPAC filled the chief of staff role on Sarah Palin's team. Her husband, Todd, had been functioning in the role, but now Michael Glassner, a former Bob Dole adviser, veteran Republican operative, and most recently a staffer on Palin's vice-presidential campaign, has been added to the small organization, a move first reported by CNN."

  8. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Lady Rose.. thanks for the comment. I hadn't seen anywhere that Sarah already had a chief-of-staff and it was Todd that she fired!! Love it.

  9. Anonymous8:28 AM

    So what everyone is reading as an indication that Sarah is getting serious about running by hiring a chief-of-staff turns out to be really just a way to get rid of Todd. How convenient.

  10. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Why are so many loonies in Arizona? Is it the water? Is the military doing testing to see if certain things can drive people loco?

  11. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Stephen Colbert has the crown for reigning king of comedy in my heart. These moments are priceless.

  12. Anonymous9:43 AM

    That doesn't mean Todd was on the payroll. However, that doesn't mean there isn't fishy business. I doubt there is. I think Sarah is playing things very carefully

  13. Anonymous10:05 AM

    ha ha ha ha ha ha bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

    I spill my coffee reading this pathetical analysis, on our dear Victim $carah gime more money at C4P. Where is Her tweet or facebook comment on Sharley Tripp and Toad the pant snifer. No refudiating articles yet?
    How about the pant snifer defending himself...Huh

    ha ha ha hah ha ha ha

  14. Anonymous10:28 AM

    how many other wack-a-doos were elected? i like that Colbert highlighted this fellow - we need to keep our eyes on all of these freaks.

  15. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I have two theories about the Tripp baby name. Sarah knew about shailey and she made Bristol name him Tripp to punish Todd or Levi knew about shailey and he named the baby Tripp so he could hang it over todds head


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