Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Alaska Rep. Don Young now following Joe Miller's lead by denying any connection to Schaeffer Cox. Update!

Courtesy of the Southern Poverty Law Center:

A Republican congressman from Alaska, who also is on the board of directors of the National Rifle Association, now is attempting to distance himself from a Fairbanks militia leader accused in a high-profile firearms, murder and kidnapping plot.

The connection between Young and Cox is drawing national attention from the National Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, the liberal Crooks and Liars blog, and Media Matters Political Correction, a liberal monitor of the political right.

That apparently is drawing heat to the congressman.

A staff aide at the Alaska congressman’s office in Washington, D.C., said Tuesday that several calls had been received, but that the office had not issued a formal response. The aide referred inquiries to Young’s press secretary, Meredith Kenny, who had left Washington, D.C., for a week-long visit to Alaska, possibly because of the developing controversy in the state.

“The Congressman has absolutely no affiliation with Mr. Cox,’’ Kenny said in a brief E-mail response when asked Tuesday for reaction. The press spokeswoman confirmed that the YouTube video was taken at an Open Carry Day in Fairbanks in 2009.

“Congressman Young attended solely as a staunch defender of the Second Amendment,” Kenny said. “The letter the Congressman signed expresses the view that we should elect those who will defend the Constitution, and in turn the Second Amendment, as written, or vote them out of power.”
Let's face it Don Young was teabagging way before teabagging was cool.

Like many old time Alaska politicians he has a love hate relationship with the Federal government. 

On the one hand he wants all of that government pork for his pet projects and to repay the people who contribute to his campaigns, but on the other hand he does not want the Feds to make any rules he has to abide by. In other words he is like a petulant teenager who wants dad and mom to buy them things but not make them stick to a curfew or do their homework.

However THIS time Young might have shot his fat mouth off one too many times.

Check out the video below. (Young shows up at the 42 second mark.)

There you have Congressman Don Young telling his constituents NOT to obey the laws of the United States of America. In other words essentially telling people in his state to break the law, if in fact they do not agree with it.

Now Schaeffer Cox did that very thing, and because of his lack of respect for the law, and his belief that he was above it. he now faces Federal charges and possibly life imprisonment.

After watching the above video it is hard NOT to see that Rep. Young had some part to play in the fact that Cox did not feel he had to obey the laws of the government if he did not agree with them. I believe that somebody needs to ask the Congressman what he meant when he said what he said to this impressionable young man, and what message he believed he sent to everybody in that Denny's restaurant by signing that treasonous letter.

Update: A new website is urging Don Young to repudiate the letter he signed for Schaeffer Cox and to re-swear his oath to uphold the Constitution.  Part of that oath reads as follows:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and, while subject to amendment, it does not countenance insurrection or violence against the government. In fact, one of the express powers in the Constitution (Article I, Section 8) is the ability of Congress to call out the Militia to suppress insurrections, not foment them. By signing a document that countenances violence against the United States government, Representative Young has violated his oath “to support and defend the Constitution” and given comfort and support to its domestic enemies.

I think that perhaps there are a number of Republicans currently serving in the Senate and the House who would do well to revisit this oath as well.


  1. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Maybe someone should remind Cox and Young that the most precious, basic 'right we have as human beings' is the right to our own lives and the lives of our families. Then they can explain how their devotion to protecting rights would allow them to even conceive of murdering or torturing another human being or innocent families of their 'enemies.' I am so sick of these 'protect my rights' people feeling no obligation to respect the rights of others. That's where their BS falls apart. They don't care about rights, they care about THEIR right to do whatever the hell they want regardless of who it hurts. Once they start talking about their responsibilities in addition to their rights, then I might consider listening to their nonsense.

    Just kills me when our media attends these whiny, self-centered Tea Bagger 'rallies' and report that these people 'have some valid grievances.' So does every human on Earth, but most of know we are not entitled to have the world revolve around us and be reformed in our image. It is time to stop pretending these idiots are legitimate voices in public debate. They are emotionally stunted spoiled brats who are, sadly, now well-armed and dangerous and that's how they should be treated.

  2. Anonymous9:41 AM

    doncha know that these fuktard neo-con/teabagger "republican politicians" are above the law ? Especially this entrenched congressional lifer. How/why do we Alaskans keep voting this scum in ? Term limits anyone?

  3. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Things are going from bad to worse for Mr. Cox- he's no longer welcome at the Prince William & Kate royal wedding!

  4. Anonymous10:04 AM

    That is the first time I have heard Cox speak. He is going to get tore up in prison.

  5. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Perhaps Don Young is finally going to have opened his mouth and is going to pay the consequences? My hope!

    I'm nearing 70 and have never voted the man...and, I'm proud to be able to say that!

  6. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I fail to see what you're saying he said. Don Young seems to believe the constitution is only as good when it's followed and that means guns are allowed to be utilized to keep a well-regulated country. I kind of don't blame any of them. Too many current leaders in this country have the mentality that it's ok to change the founders' document to feed their agendas. (I'm not saying this is always a bad thing - obviously there were additions we needed) but if democrats had their way and only their way, they'd continue to dismantle what the founders set into motion and theyd probably revoke the 2nd amendment which would get them shot at (and rightly so)

    Infringing on others' rights isn't what govt is meant to do and giving non-residents the same rights is definitely not what govt should be advocating. Shame on the feds for suing AZ and starting war with Rupubs just because said repubs are the ones who actually have the balls to go after corrupt unions and do the things dems have no desire, foresight or balls to do.

  7. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Spc. Jeremy Morlock, of Wasilla, Alaska, had earlier agreed to plead guilty to three counts of murder, one count of conspiracy to commit assault and battery, and one count of illegal drug use in exchange for a maximum sentence of 24 years.

    My wish is he does every one of those years as the deal is far too light. He should rot in hell. I don't give a rat's ass if his parents or sister cry their eyes out. He's still breathing. As for anyone testifying on his behalf 'that he's a good boy' - fuck them.

    Pisses me off too that the army tried to restrict the access to the photos. Morlock should thank you lucky stars they only just got exposed and his deal was already signed.

    I'm not a forgiving person. Morlock deserves a 'working over' in the can.

  8. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Anon 10:24

    Don't let facts get in your way - you know, those facts that Rethugs/Morons are devoid of.

    Obama signed a bill expanding the 2nd amendment allowing guns in national parks. He's never signed a bill restricting the 2nd.

    A little enlightenment Anon - he's a Dem. If you use your singular brain cell, you might recall that your last Rethug in office actually restricted the 2nd.

    But then why would a Moron know that as not only devoid of facts - devoid of a brain.

  9. angela11:19 AM

    Anon 10:24

    I don't know where you got your Fairy Tale Dream book from, but it must be opposite day in your world. Do you understand that the governor in Michigan will be able to fire local officials, mayors etc. and put his own choices in---hmm. wonder if they'll be corporate?

    Do you understand that busting the unions is to get the corporations taking over state government. You may hate the government but you will REALLY hate the corporations. They don't even pretend to care when they poison your children and you go hungry.

    And no one has taken 1 gun from anyone. It seems the GOP is making a mad power grab denying the constitution. Looks like fascism to me. But of course the corporations and the GOP need useful idiots like the militias by telling you the worse thing in the world is to be poor and middle class people wanting to make a decent living. and of course that the man in the WH is out to take your rights. I live in Ohio--I know what these fools are doing.

    And you buy their bullshit. Useful idiots, indeed.

  10. You can see the implications of a poor public education system in the video from Cox and the number of followers.

    Those people are interested in learning about the law and their is really a shame they didn't get taught what's "real" in school.

    Now they jump at the opportunity to listen to people who are standing at ready to mold them to their vision.

  11. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Anon 10:24: Find another country. The one you wish to inhabit isn't one the Founders would recognize. Unlike you, they were compassionate men who saw the backside of self interest, in and out of govt.

  12. Anonymous11:53 AM

    It's so nice of this douchebag to wear his little brown trademark cap - you can pick him out of a crowd in a split second.

  13. Anonymous11:54 AM

    You know, I've always wanted to visit Alaska, but I don't think I can feel at ease with people walking around with guns strapped to their hips.

  14. Anon @10:24
    Go fuck yourself. This isn't about Wisconson and the unions. Sounds like you just let loose with your canned speech.
    Don Young is a filthy shit-bag and has no business being in Congress. In fract, he should be censured by his peers and shown the door.

  15. Anonymous12:04 PM

    10:24 - I recommend you start reading the Constitution and several historical biographies of the founding fathers. You desperately are in need of more information.

    I would also suggest you familiarize yourself with the context of the Bill of Rights and the various Amendments. You might just have your horizons expanded and understand the need for the Constitution to reflect changing attitudes towards women, blacks, et cetera.

    Government is ideally meant to keep citizens from infringing on other citizens' rights - including those of the newly anointed "citizen corporation." Law exists to ensure fairness for all - and the Constitution is crucial to ensure that the delicate balance between the majority vs. the minority of citizens and citizens vs. the government is kept.

    Right now, it seems that a minority of right-wingers are trying to impose their quasi-religious and economic agenda upon the rest of us. That vocal and highly active minority is stripping the majority of citizens of unions, public schools, the freedom to worship or not worship as they please in favor of a narrow, radical Christian value system.

    Let's back off from blaming the Democrats (there are radically conservative Dems as well as Republicans) or the Independents, okay? There is enough blame for everyone, but I suggest you look more closely and think more deeply about the horrendously fascist agenda of the far right (Republicans, Tea Party and Libertarians). They do not seem to want to honor the rights that the majority of Americans have worked to create and protect for over a hundred years such as Child Labor laws, union organization rights, equal pay, public education, safer water and air quality, et cetera. Think, please. Don't just react. Think deeply, please.

  16. Anonymous12:08 PM

    11:25 - public schools aren't responsible for Cox. You can't teach kids who can't or won't learn. You need parents who are actively involved in their kids lives and who give a damn about raising decent kids.

    Schools are the place where kids go wrong. Families bear the greatest responsibility - and then, sometimes, though rarely, some kids are just mentally unbalanced. Most of the losers, though, are losers because no one in their families cared enough to make sure the kids felt loved and knew right from wrong.

    Parenting is one of the most noble and yet most demanding roles any of us will ever have. To be responsible for another human being is a huge privilege and a heavy responsibility. Too often, people just have kids and let the kids fend for themselves.

  17. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Okay, you keep putting this guy´s mug up. Let´s see, Todd does the dirty with younger woman, one of them a minor, and sarah is wee wee´d up to high heaven. sarah being sarah wants to get even. That explains her obsessions with David, Levi, and the young stalker-in-her-mind-only fella. And this Cox gets around, always has his face in the cameras, like sarah. And he´s younger than Todd and that´s all that matters.

    Cox tapped sarah, or sarah tapped Cox, or put it however you want.

    They banged each other.

  18. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I don't know much about Cox, only what I've read here; I live overseas. But my alarm bells went off when the music started on that video. I suppose you would have to be Mormon or to have been Mormon, as I was before I opened my eyes, to recognise it as one of the signature hymns of the Mormon church, 'The Spirit of God (Like a Fire is Burning).

    Curious, I Googled 'Schaeffer Cox Mormon' and landed on a discussion group for Mormons and politics. There the posters make the link between Cox and Cleon Skousen, the extremist right-wing Mormon behind Glenn Beck's rantings.

    Does anyone know about Cox's background? Is he in fact Mormon? To me, using that music suggests a signal to fellow Mormons (assuming he is one) saying that he's speaking not merely politically but from his relationship with their god, which is a potent call to Mormons.

    Just a curious connection, I suppose.

    European View

  19. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I meant to post the link:

    European View

  20. Anonymous12:49 PM

    What you want to bet that Sarah and Todd do not know him either and never had anything to do with Cox. Waiting in about 1 - 2 - 3

  21. Anonymous1:15 PM

    12:09 pm...kind'a like i'll show ya mine if you show me yours?.... Wouldn't surprise me one bit if $carah's been bangin' the "neighborhood boyz" for years, fits her image to a T

  22. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Would be interesting to find info on Cox and Palin together.

    Here is a video from 2009 where Cox says he's known Palin since before she was in politics (2:50)

  23. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Found Newsminer article that sets out Cox is son of a Baptist preacher and unsuccessfully ran for Alaska Legislature seat in 2008. AK and a never ending run on morons running for gov office!!

    "Cox is a mountain climber, carpenter and the son of a Baptist preacher. He started the Second Amendment Task Force early last year after an unsuccessful bid for the Alaska Legislature. He challenged District 7 Rep. Mike Kelly in the 2008 Republican primary."

  24. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Blind Item: There is a blog which is a spinoff from a popular award-winning blog, where there are now commenters that have been raised to the level of "contributors" that, after having "studied Alaskan affairs" for many years now speak from an Alaskan point of view, while not being Alaskans. Hint: It's not Palingates.

  25. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Anon 10:24,

    You actually just did what you accuse other of doing--manipulate the language of the Constitution to fit your agenda. The 2nd amendment does not say anything about a 'well-regulated country,' it references a "well-regulated militia,' and states it is 'necessary for a free state.' When it was written, the US did not have a standing army (actually did not have one until WWII). We relied on citizens and their personal firearms to create necessary militias to defend the country from outside enemies and secure our freedom. That's the actual history of the document. It's not some mystical reference to a bunch of yahoo's running around claiming to be sovereigns while attacking and having no allegiance to the country that grants them the freedom to behave like idiots if they so choose.

    I think that's the most disturbing thing about a lot of people who claim to be defending the second amendment. They don't bother to learn history or context and are inordinately focused on their 'rights,' but never on their responsibilities as citizens. It's really childish and selfish and they try to disguise it as some noble defense of the Constitution. It's not and the rest of of country sees through the nonsense of Cox, Young, et al.

  26. Anonymous7:40 PM

    His name is Yon Dung. He did not talk guns with those gun nuts. Those gun nuts that sit in jail did not fall from his tree.

    If he did talk guns with these gun nuts it was all legal and constitutional. That's what they were saying at that time anyway...

  27. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Tossed salad, anyone?

  28. Anonymous8:00 PM

    anon 1:32 P.M.

    at your link

    Schaeffer Cox on Sarah Palin:

    " Well she's a good person. She's honest and innocent and everything like that. Here's Sarah's weakness"

    ...interviewer interrupts...

    Cox again:
    "Sarah Palin's biggest weakness is that she's very susceptible to bad advice. That's it in a nutshell."

  29. Anonymous1:06 AM

    anybody else notice that Schaeffer Cox's voice and accent sound EXACTLY like Todd Palin? Could they be related? things that make you go hmmmm....

  30. Anonymous1:21 AM

    If he really wants to be a republican fucktard he needs to declare war on public education.

    Just like these republican fucktard wannabee presidents did.
    Michelle Bachmann, Ron Paul and Herman Cain.

    "The public school now is a propaganda machine," Paul said. "They start with our kids even in kindergarten, teaching them about family values, sexual education, gun rights, environmentalism, and they condition them to believe in so much that is totally un-American."

    Holy shit! If they stop believing in the stork then WTF is next? What if they start teaching that trees DON'T cause pollution? But Ronnie Raygun said they did! Just like when Reagan got paid to sell cancer sticks. Reagan Merry cough cough Christmas- "I'm sending Chesterfields to all my friends." cigarette ad

    Smoking causes cancer, asbestos and lead are bad, and other shit I learned in public school.


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