Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Donald Trump tries to embarrass the President and gain the Birther vote by publishing his own birth certificate. Does not work out quite the way he imagines.

So the other day "The Donald" goes on this long, attention seeking  rant about how smart he is and that all he is asking for is to see the President's birth certificate, just to put the conspiracy to rest.  Of course he does this on Fox and Friends, which is essentially the "Today" show for the mentally handicapped.

Later the Trump chump decided to release his OWN birth certificate in a sort of "throw the gauntlet down" challenge to the President. (Yeah like he is paying attention to this moron!)

Here is a copy of that certificate:

There!  Now that the man with the stupidest hair on the planet has shown the President what an actual official birth certificate looks like, he feels he can demand the same from Obama.

Whoops, don't take that victory lap too soon Donnie-boy.

This from Politico:

The paper that Trump released says "Jamaica Hospital" on top and lists the date and time of what he says was his birth to "Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Trump." The piece of paper has a seal at the bottom.

But after several New York City-based readers contacted POLITICO's Maggie Haberman, her call to city officials revealed that an actual birth certificate, which is issued by the Department of Health, would have the agency's seal and also a signature of the city registrar - neither of which the Trump document has. Officials said the city Health Department is the "sole issuing authority" of official birth certificates in New York, and that the document would clearly say so, and "city officials said it's not an official document."

It appears instead to be a hospital "certificate of birth," meaning the piece of paper the hospital gave to his family saying he was born. Such a document typically has the signature of the hospital administrator and the attending physician.

Trump lawyer and advisor Michael Cohen didn't respond to Haberman's question about the document.

Unbelievable!  I have to imagine that the Birthers are now as disappointed with Trump as the Donald's last three wives.  He promises, and promises, but just can't quite deliver.

I do believe that this is, in the words of my daughter, an EPIC FAIL!!!!

BTW if there are any birthers lurking here today.  Here is the link to Snopes.com so that you can see the President's legal, and completely satisfying birth certificate for yourselves.  And after you have looked at it go stare in the mirror for a few minutes so that you can have a clear picture in your mind of what a racist looks like.


  1. Anonymous6:41 AM

    That looks like one I have for my children from the hospital and it says it is not to be used as a legal document. You still have to send to the state for a legal certified one to use for school or any other legal issue.

  2. laprofesora6:45 AM

    Donald Trump was born? The big question is, why does he think anyone cares?

  3. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Good lord everybody that has enrolled a kid on kindergarten or gotten a passport or drivers license knows yhis is not am official birth certificate. Epic fail Indeed

  4. Anonymous6:46 AM

    It's time for the donald to face the truth- his rancid tv show is way past it's expiration date and nothing can be done to save it.

    The total lack of respect for the GOP is entertaining, though!

  5. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I cannot stand this man. He is such an opportunist, a huckster. He just wants publicity.

    He knows damn well Obama was born in the US.

    No one cares about what you have to say, Donald. Stfu.

    (Btw, who's paying you to get out there and start this stuff again? Karl Rove himself?)

    It is in Donald Trump's financial interest to get the GOP back into the White House. Let's start exposing that fact, and see what he says.

    He is disgusting. Why in America do we allow people like this to dominate the air waves? Why????

    He is the very definition of obnoxious, a "legend in his own mind".

  6. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Hilarious!!!! These people can not get out of their own way. Nincompoops, every one of them.

  7. cuppajoe6:52 AM

    SANE Americans know that the birthers are just lying in order to distract the rest of us from the truly pressing issues of the day. In fact, I do not doubt that the Lord God Almighty could place in their hands the State of Hawaii's proofs already provided, repeatedly, and the insane birthers would still dispute the uppity black man's citizenship.

    It's NOT about the birth certificate. It's about the GOP, birthers, teaGaggers, and all the other flying monkeys continuously arguing, lying, fighting, distracting, and obstructing any forward movement by the SANE people of this country.

    One of the biggest GOP lies is that cutting taxes will grow this economy. All the GOP wants to grow is the bank accounts of the wealthiest magnates and corporations in this country, many of whom pay absolutely no taxes to support the USA. The rest of us taxpayers support these entitlements to the wealthy.

    Cut welfare for the wealthy! Make corporations pay their fair share of the taxes.

    And don't be distracted by the bright shiny thing in the corner that the birthers continuously point to. They are insane, but it doesn't have to be contagious!

  8. Virginia Voter6:53 AM

    When I saw this yesterday, I laughed my ass off. I , like the Combover was born in Queens, New York and have my original birth certificate from 1967, and can confirm that his is not the official, certified one. The City of New York issues them , NOT Jamaica Hospital, or any hospital got that matter.

    BTW, I would not go to Jamaica Hospital to even get stitches, much less give birth there . Maybe it wad different in the 1940s, but ugh, ever since I was born it's been a shit hole , and I say that as someone who's grandparents lived in Jamaica , Queens until they passed away.I grew up visiting them every week , and it has always been the hood.

  9. London Bridges6:54 AM

    Very often hospitals, in the past, handed out these certificates blank for the parents to complete. Not considered a public birth certificate and considered unreliable.

  10. Anonymous6:56 AM

    "And after you have looked at it go stare in the mirror for a few minutes so that you can have a clear picture in your mind of what a racist looks like."

    Oh-so-true . . . and when did IGNORANCE become the new currency of this nation? Scratch that. John McCain, this is your legacy . . .all mavericky ~ and what not.

    Dimwits, all of 'em.

  11. Anonymous6:57 AM

    O/T Let the Fox fights begin...

    BIll O'Reilly: Sarah Palin's poll plunge is her own fault
    “When I had her on this program I had specific questions she didn’t want to answer,” the Fox host said. “She wants to the give a speech, this, that, and the other thing.”


  12. Anonymous6:58 AM

    What a complete DUMB ASS. Wonder where the thing on his head was born at?

  13. He wasn't born in the USA. Says right there it was a Jamaica hospital. hehe

  14. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Oh, as soon as I saw this I knew... when my kids were born the nurses told me a thousand times that the hospital "certificate" was really just a souvenir.

    O/T if this isn't an April Fool's joke, it is one anyway:


  15. icantsay7:06 AM

    SOme guy on the Politico thread is claiming he used that kind of birth certificate to get a passport. I happen to know that is completely impossible. That was the only one my husband had when he applied for a passport and he was told, "No, you need the official certificate from the county." The way these birthers lie to themselves and others is just unbelievable.

  16. Anonymous7:18 AM

    What's more undeniable to me are the birth announcements in two Hawaiian newspapers.

  17. Beldar Zacharias Cohnhead, esq.7:20 AM

    What a maroon....

  18. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Yep, Epic Fail alright. Is Trump wearing makeup now or does he live in a tanning machine? Most of us don't have official birth certificates, just notification of birth. What makes his error fun is that he's just a stupid, fucking know-it-all. The hair, the hair...it's so distracting. Saw a photo sometime back of him in the wind. He has a serious bald spot on the back of his head.

  19. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I constantly hear him complain about what an embarrassment we are to the rest of the world and how they laugh at us------Well Done, Chump....thanks for being part of the problem and offering up NO solutions. Would some one just give this guy a stand up routine to take on the road so he just gets out of our face. He loves to talk about himself and wants the attention. It would keep him occupied and he is too stupid to notice that no one would be in the audience. Sorry, Ivanka, but your dad is a MAJOR, asshole. He embarrasses the hell out of me, can't even imagine how you must feel.

  20. angela7:24 AM

    You just CANNOT make up the stupidity emanating from these people. How the hell did Trump go through life thinking this was his legal BC?. Its a good thing he inherited and lost his fathers money 'cause left to his own devices he'd be the dumbass that he is and penniless

  21. Anonymous7:33 AM

    the man who has made a business out of filing bankruptcy has proven his stupidity is undeniable.

  22. Olivia7:33 AM

    Wow, he must have the same advisors as Palin.
    "Oh, you don't need to read or learn anything, honey... we'll take care of all that for you. We will just hand you a few points and you just go from there. Anything you really need to know, you can get from the bimbos, uh boobs, uh blondes on Fox. You know, the news you can trust."
    What a stupid stupid man.
    If he had half a brain, he would say that he was trying to make a point about the foolishness around the President's birth certificate but he can't think that quickly.

  23. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Just go ahead and try to get a passport with "that" birth certificate... it ain't gonna happen!
    Nancy B in SC

  24. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Looks like my hospital birth certificate. However, my official state-issued certificate lists the following information: state, town, hospital, residence of mother plus her birthplace and maiden name, my name, my gender, whether or not I was a twin or triplet, my date of birth, number of weeks of pregnancy, full name,place of birth, current address, race, age, occupation of father; whether blood tests were made (not sure if this was an Rh test or something else); how many other living children my mother had; how many other children were born alive but had died; and how many were stillborn. It is signed by the doctor who certifies that he attended the birth of this child (me) who was born alive at the hour and date stated; that the information was furnished by my mother, it has the date the certificate was recorded, the registrar's signature, and an attestation that it is a true transcript of the original certificate, signed by the registrar of vital statistics, and is impressed with the seal of the certifying official. And the official registration number.

    That's an official birth certificate, Mr. T.

  25. Anonymous7:36 AM

    more importantly, The Donald will never run for president because he would have to disclose his financial statements. That would not be in his best interests.

  26. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Yeah, I know...I saw this and knew the Donald made a huge mistake and was showing his lack of practical intelligence. I have a kid and I had to get the official state health department one--the one that can only be used for legal purposes--to get her on our medical insurance. I got both the long form and the short form. And for all those birthers who yell "we want to see the long form!" there's not much difference between the two. The long form just adds on the hospital and attending physician's name. Otherwise the short form is perfectly legit and acceptable for establishing place, time, and parents.

  27. Trump was on The View last week peddling this bullshit. He said that no one from Obama's childhood remembered him and he thought that was suspicious.

    That is not true at all! Plenty of people from his past remember lots about him - and yet the ladies of the panel just let him spout this BS. Not only that, they extended his appearance by inviting him to stay for another segment!

    To be fair, Whoopie made a weak attempt at challenging Trump about the Obama's citizenship, but he was allowed to say that Obama "won't produce" his birth certificate and that no one from his childhood remembers anything about him without anyone refuting that disinformation.

    Barbara Walters of all people shouldn't let that kind of lie go unchallenged on her show, and yet she and the rest all sat there mute while Trump and his hair spread proven falsehoods about the President of the United States.

  28. Hannah7:51 AM

    Yep, pretty much looks like the one I took to the license bureau to get my daughter her driver's permit. Guess what? THAT IS NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT! We had to pay $20 to get the "official" birth certificate. Trump has been trumped by his own idiocy.

  29. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Gryphen you are so funny. I really could give a sh#t about the Donald, but your post is hilarious and made me laugh. Thanks for brightening up my day.

    R in NC

  30. Anonymous7:56 AM

    To 6:53,

    Please refrain from using that broad racist brush. The hood? Because you may see black people and other people of color in Queens, you discount an entire neighborhood? My husband and all of my in-laws were from there. Decent, hard-working people. The community spirit and humanitarianism in Jamaica is unmatched. Dark skin doesn't not automatically equal pathology. Just as white skin doesn't automatically equal racist, or does it?

  31. Anonymous8:11 AM

    This is the frustrating thing about this ridiculous birther issue. People just don't get what a real birth certificate is. A "real" birth certificate is one issued by the state, such as what President Obama has released and Snopes has authenticated (as though it were necessary to do that). What idiot Trump provided (is he serious?) is a souvenir given by the hospital, which is not a legal document. Trump -- you're fired. (And we haven't even come close to hiring you.)

  32. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Another idiotic incompetent served up by the GOP. If the Democrats don't start calling out conservatives over and over again for their insistence on insulting the intelligence of this country's citizens, they are borderline stupid themselves.

  33. The Donald and I were born in the same hospital!
    I have a similar birth certificate from them.
    Plus the NYS birth certificate.Which is the only one that is accepted as proof of live birth.

    Kind of looks like Donald was born outside of the US in Jamaica, doesn't it?

    He is an absolute moron to produce this as a birth certificate and then complain about POTUS Obama!
    Of course most of the birthers don't think that Hawaii is a state!

  34. Anonymous8:25 AM

    For the person who left the comment to check out Snopes.com. If you are solely relying on Snopes.com as gospel then you are likely to believe anyone. Do your own research, and don't just rely on Snopes.com for your answers...

  35. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Ever wondered why the Donald never leaves the U.S.? Can't get a passport, Donald? Why not? :)

  36. Anonymous8:33 AM

    It does not matter what kind of paperwork Obama released they would say it was fake. You know like Palin's dr note. They don't even believe the birth announcement in two newspapers.

  37. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I have never liked Trump, but had to respect the fact about he had made a lot of money etc but since he has become a birther...the little respect I had for him flew out the window!

  38. Lynne8:40 AM

    The man is a pathetic joke! Once again, I appreciate the laughs you provide us, especially in light of all the unlaughable stuff going on now.


  39. Anonymous8:44 AM

    The really interesting thing is that in the Newsmax article (which Politico sites as the origin of the story), Trump says, "“It took me one hour to get my birth certificate." So, where did he get this hospital souvenir? From the hospital? (not likely). From the state? (not a chance.) From his or his family's own records? (likely the only way to get this souvenir).

    Therefore, Trump apparently has no copy of his state-issued birth certificate and will have to obtain a COPY from the state, and it takes about 10 days. http://www.health.state.ny.us/vital_records/birth.htm


    NYC does offer the long-form option (many states don't). This application http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/downloads/pdf/vr/birth1.pdf says it takes 10-15 days to get it.

    It's actually unfortunate that NYC offers the long form option, because Trump could likely get it. Hawaii doesn't offer that option, so it's apples and oranges. Also, the short form would suffice for Trump, and I'm betting he won't say that. That is, if he decides to go for that, given this debacle.

  40. Anne In DC8:45 AM

    Trump is every bit as morally and intellectually bankrupt as any of his potential GOP nomination rivals. All he has managed to prove is that he matches all the others in block-headed stupidity and the lack of any positive ideas for moving this country forward.

  41. myj588:51 AM

    So, Trump was born in Jamaica, I wonder do he have his Green Card LOL...

    I was born in Manhattan, NY.. I have the short form BC... The long BC torn into piece, it was a black copy dated 1958. The I have now, have the Health Department, Registar signature and The City of New York. It made out of special paper with pale pink with blue in the middle as one of the security. It also have dark blue engraved border with seals, it have a texture around the border... These are a few things they use as security to prove it is the offical document.

    My is similar to the President's BC

  42. Dinty8:52 AM

    Now the birthers are congratulating The Donald for "punking" Politico by releasing what they see as a certificate of the same caliber as Hawaii's Certificate Of Live Birth, therefore forcing the issue and claiming that they have done more birth certificate investigation than has been done for Obama. The equivalence is false, of course - a state-issued certificate with a seal is a very different thing than a certificate issued by a hospital, but mental gymnastics of this sort are not new to that crowd. Further, the issue of Obama's birth certificate has been investigated thoroughly, it's just that any journo with an credibility has come to the conclusion that Obama's Certificate of Live Birth is indeed genuine, and he was born in Hawaii.

  43. This is a phony issue. We all understand that. My question is- why is Trump bringing it up now?

    I am honestly not sure.

    But I have some random thoughts on the matter.

    First, I believe that the Obama-birther idiocy was created SPECIFICALLY (in part) to counter the serious issue of babygate re:Palin. There has been a conscious effort to make legitimate questions about Trig's true parentage seem like "crazy-conspiracy theories." If the Obama birther issue seems crazy, then by Fox news-simple minded logic, so, too, is babygate. BUT WE KNOW BETTER.
    Since Palin's expiration date is fast approaching, perhaps the Donald is trying to extend her usefulness to the party of greed.

    Obama was born in Hawaii AFTER it became a state. PERIOD. HOWEVER, even if he was born outside the U.S. (---Like JOHN MC CAIN, who was born in Panama--) Obama would STILL be a U.S. citizen because he was born to a mother who was a U.S. citizen. PERIOD.

  44. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Trump's mother, it should be noted, was born in Scotland, which is not part of the United States. His plane is registered in the Bahamas, also a foreign country. This fact pattern -- along with the wave of new questions surrounding what he claims is a birth certificate -- raises serious doubts about his eligibility to serve as President of the United States.

  45. majii9:06 AM

    The Chump has been successful in his attempt to pander to the birther segment of the GOP.

    Successful in making himself the laughingstock of the blogosphere!!!

    This is priceless. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving blowhard. ROTFLMAO. Hee hee.

  46. Anonymous9:09 AM

    The best part of this huge FAIL is that he starts every conversation with how smart he is and how he went to the best schools. Yet he isn't smart enough to know the difference between a hospital keepsake and an official birth certificate.

  47. Anonymous9:10 AM

    ANY document that is provided, no matter how legitimate it is, will be disputed by these nutcase birthers. This conspiracy theory is part of the Obama well-funded destruction machine, which has been operating since before he took office. Whatever it takes, they will keep this birther craziness up and running. In 2012 with the presidential election coming up, it is only going to get worse.

    Trump, who is an absolute buffoon anyway, is after the media exposure he is getting out of this. Perhaps Dancing with the Stars as Orly with his partner doing a birther tango is next for him.

  48. http://msgboard.snopes.com/politics/graphics/birth.jpg

    ^ That is the "birth certificate" you're referring to, I assume.

    The digital image Obama posted on the Internet as his real birth certificate is a digitally created image. It's not a scan of actual paper. Just look at it. And as MSNBC's Chris Matthews pointed out, that's not what birth certificates in Hawaii at that time looked like.

    Also, what Obama posted was a certification of live birth, which is a piece of paper that merely says he was born. There is no doctor's signature, no seal on it. What Obama released, anybody can get without actually having been born there. Hawaii regularly issued COLBs to parents for their children even though they WEREN'T born there. So the digitally created image of Obama's birth certificate is a reproduction of a piece of paper that anybody could get in Hawaii in the 60s without having been born there. Now here is the brief history of all this to-do about Obama's birth certificate:

    1. Hawaii claimed that Obama already DID release his original birth certificate during the 2008 campaigns. Because, you know, ALL original birth certificates are flat, 2D, digitized objects that only exist in the form of pixels. (For you slow Democrats, yes, that's sarcasm.)

    2. Hawaiian officials then CHANGED their story, claiming that all original birth certificates from 1961 were burned up in a building that caught fire.

    3. THEN, they changed their story AGAIN, claiming that Obama's birth certificate DID still exist, but that it was lost. (In other words, Obama was the only person in the entire United States of America who could not access his original birth certificate whenever he wanted to. Everyone else in America has no problem doing just that, but Obama, the most powerful man in America, his birth certificate was magically "lost." What, did it fly out the window and into a sewer somewhere? Don't BS us.

    4. THEN, they changed their story AGAIN when a Dr. Chiomi Fukino said she actually SAW this mysterious document, but that they were going to continue to subvert the law by denying all Freedom of Information Act requests to show it to the public. (Can WE see it, Fukino? That's all we want.)

    5. Hawaii got a new governor, a Democrat, a Mr. Neil Abercrombie. He said that one thing he would do when he becomes governor is put the issue to rest by proving the birthers wrong so that they can finally be satisfied at seeing what they've been asking to see for 2 years now. He said he would have it shown publicly so that anybody could see it.

    6. After being elected, though, Gov. Neil Abercrombie said that, oopsie-poopsie, he couldn't find Obama's birth certificate. (Why not ask Chiomi Fukino where SHE says she saw it, hmm?)

    7. Then glorious news broke: Governor Abercrombie then said he has finally found Obama's birth certificate, that Digital/Burned/Lost Relic of Yore! Yayy! MSNBC's Chris Matthews can now stop asking to see the birth certificate while simultaneously attacking "birthers." Finally, Abercrombie will do what Obama should have done 2 years ago and calm the public down. After all, Gov. Abercrombie is going to live up to his promise to show it to the public, right? Not so fast.

    8. After seeing Obama's original birth certificate (not the digitally created version Obama showed everybody on the Internet), Gov. Abercrombie is NOW saying that even though he has indeed finally found the birth certificate, he will not show it to anybody else. What? Is he playing coy, tee-hee? Unfortunately for O-zombies, no; the reason he gave for breaking his promise was that if he showed it publicly, it would have implications on Obama's 2012 election bid.


    In other words, my dear friends, it shows that Obama is NOT EFFING ELIGIBLE TO BE PRESIDENT!

  49. Trump is such a whore.

  50. Anonymous9:16 AM

    You'd be hard pressed to find a bigger tool than Donald Trump. He must be having financial problems and realizes "running" for President will bring in some cash.

  51. Anonymous9:25 AM

    As a professional genealogist, I must put in my 2 cents on this whole Birth "Certificate" talk.

    What Donald Trump has released is his Birth RECORD.

    What President Obama has released is his Birth CERTIFICATE. It is in short form. The short form is proof on where he was born and his parents.

    The Official name of one's Birth Ceritificate received from the State's Vital Department is called "Standard Certificate of Live Birth"

    U.S. Vital Statistics System Major Activities and Developments, 1950-95 (http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/misc/usvss.pdf)

    "In recent years, many States have developed forms by which official agencies may obtain confidential verification of birth facts. Many States also use the birth registration card or other type of short form certification of birth facts which does not disclose information concerning birth out of wedlock, adoption, or medical data irrelevant to most certification purposes."

  52. Anonymous9:49 AM

    The group of Repubs claiming they 'might' announce they'll run against President Obama just amaze me. None of them can beat him.

    And, as to this continual birther issue - don't they have anything else they can discuss? There are so many issues President Obama has on his plate. And, all they bring to the forefront is absolute crap to include lies and distortions.

    One thing is for sure - the Repubs love war...Palin is foaming at the mouth at having more disruption in the middle east. The woman is nuts!

    Again, we are damned lucky McCain and she were not elected. The Repubs have no one out there that can beat President Obama in the upcoming election. He is smart, kind, careful, thoughtful, loving, well spoken, ethical and has a wonderful wife and daughters. I cannot attach any of these words to one of the supposed Republican folk that 'tease' us about going up against him.

    Remember too, the polls show that President Obama is well thought of overseas. His favorable numbers still are high in the U.S. in spite of the constant negative commentary run against him by the Repubs which we hear hour by hour (hell - even minute by minute!) on the radio, Fox, etc.

    And, Sarah worries about the media being anti her....she'd never survive in President Obama's skin!

  53. Anonymous9:51 AM

    The funny part is the people that may have voted for him will think he was born in jamaica. How is he going to change that, there ain't no jamaica hospital in the good ole US of A. By god that's like being born in another country like Hawaii. It's just as tropical.

  54. Anonymous9:58 AM

    ROFL aw maaan... The Donald totally falls on his face right out of the gate. If I were him, I'd go full Palin on this and claim a liberal media conspiracy...

  55. Anonymous10:01 AM

    The Snopes site doesn't show Obama's birth certificate. Now you have me wondering if one really exists. And hey guys and girls, I'm a Canadian and I don't even hate black people so you can't accuse me of being a racist. If he's got one he needs to show it. If he's shown it then you need to provide a link to it that shows it.

  56. angela10:02 AM

    Lefty @ 9:12

    You should support the health care reforms.
    You are going to need a steady stream of meds to balance your, eerrrr, problem.

  57. Virginia Voter10:09 AM

    He, he, poor little birther Lefty Begone, I can just picture him banging out his pathetic post, pulling out his hair, wondering why no one is listening to him.

    Just love the numbered list of nonsense with no verifiable links, etc to back him up. Such a sad life, when even the most conservative Supreme Court in modern times won't even hear their case.

  58. Anonymous10:17 AM

    "What Obama released, anybody can get without actually having been born there. Hawaii regularly issued COLBs to parents for their children even though they WEREN'T born there."
    What proof do you have of this? Saying it does not make it so.
    The rest of your bullshit needs proof too. Anything from World Nut Daily doesn't qualify and will be ignored.

  59. Nikogriego10:42 AM

    Lefty Begone @ 9:12 is a "true birther", one who is wholly committed to the concept that President Obama was not born in the USA, and therefore cannot be President. Lefty Begone is absolutely sure of his or her position, and undoubtedly feels that anyone who questions that position is not reviewing all the evidence. Although Lefty Begone has cited numerous "facts", he or she also has conveniently left out several other facts: That the Constitution does not anywhere define "natural born" such that it requires of presidents that they be born in the USA; that the birth announcements in two Hawaiian newspapers from that time are legitimate; that President Obama's mother never went to Kenya during that time; that if she had given birth in Kenya, and then tried to bring a newborn back to the USA, there would be some record of this attempt-the newborn would have to have a passport or a visa; that the document of which Lefty Begone is so critical has been viewed by neutral observers in its physical form, and has been determined to have a raised seal; that this document is valid to determine US citizenship for US purposes, and that President Obama has been issued a US passport; that the only evidence that challengers have cited to attempt to show that President Obama was born in Kenya was a poorly translated interview with a relative, and there is no other proof of that allegation. The attempt to show that President Obama is not eligible to be US President is thinly veiled racism; would he be a caucasian, this would not be happening.

  60. Wow, check out the birther convention!

    Well here is the picture of Obama's actual birth certificate for the skeptics: http://tinyurl.com/549v62

    And here is Fact Check.org's post on the subject: http://tinyurl.com/6n9zka

    Now can somebody please show me Trig's birth certificate so we can put THAT conspiracy behind us?

    Oh that's right. Teabaggers only question the black guy's legitimacy, not Sister Sarah's obvious pretend pregnancy.

  61. Anonymous11:03 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    The Snopes site doesn't show Obama's birth certificate. Now you have me wondering if one really exists. And hey guys and girls, I'm a Canadian and I don't even hate black people so you can't accuse me of being a racist. If he's got one he needs to show it. If he's shown it then you need to provide a link to it that shows it.

    10:01 AM"

    YES, IT DOES. You have to click on a link
    on that page.

  62. Lefty Begone said...
    ^ That is the "birth certificate" you're referring to, I assume.

    The digital image Obama posted on the Internet as his real birth certificate is a digitally created image. It's not a scan of actual paper. Just look at it. And as MSNBC's Chris Matthews pointed out, that's not what birth certificates in Hawaii at that time looked like.
    No need to read past this paragraph to know that you are an utter buffoon.

    "that's not what birth certificates in Hawaii at that time looked like"

    Of course not, you moron. That is what is computer-generated NOW from the state database for a birth certificate requested NOW.

    It is identical to my son's birth certificate, who was born in Hawaii.

    "What Obama released, anybody can get without actually having been born there. Hawaii regularly issued COLBs to parents for their children even though they WEREN'T born there. "

    You are a liar. Hawaii did issue certificates to children born elsewhere, but the certificates state the actual place of birth. The certificates do not state Hawaii as the place of birth.

    Face it, a black man, far superior to you in every conceivable way, is the lawfully elected president of the United States.

  63. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Can't wait for Sarah to have to produce Trig's birth certificate??? Now that is one piece of paper I'm ready to inspect! Oh, that's right, Momma Grisley doesn't have Trig's birth certificate, Brisdull does or some other unnamed woman.Run Sarah RUN!!!

  64. Anonymous11:56 AM

    8:39 am: "I have never liked Trump, but had to respect the fact about he had made a lot of money etc but since he has become a birther...the little respect I had for him flew out the window!"

    Well...in his "defense," he can make a lot of money pretending to run for president on the birther platform. There is a pretty sizable market of stupid rightwingers who fork over money to rich people, as evidenced by Sarah Palin and Newt Gingriches' PACs. These people are easy, easy marks...and Trump knows it.

  65. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Where are Donny's itty bitty foot prints? This isn't the legal birth certificate.

  66. Anonymous12:27 PM

    The Donald was born in Jamaica? OMG, who knew????

  67. Anonymous12:39 PM

    The Donald is famous at this. It is simply a PR campaign to increase his viewership and $$$. He isn't running for President any more than the dumbass from Wasilla is. In the meantime, he will milk this for everything it is worth. Recall how he waged a huge war with Rosie when he needed a boost the last time.

  68. Anonymous12:54 PM

    The important point here is that Fox News is stupid enough to make a big deal about this "birth certificate". Does Gretchen Carlson do their research for them? Major dumbasses.

  69. Anonymous1:34 PM

    The Donald has apparently now produced a copy of his state-issued birth certificate and claims the original was done to show that his "certificate of live birth" from the hospital was not the real one.


    However, Huffpo fails to make the connection that Trump's hospital-issued "certificate of live birth" keepsake and President Obama's state-issued "certificate of live birth" are NOT the same thing. The President's state-issued certificate of live birth WOULD (and likely did) get him a passport. Sigh. I am really coming to hate intentionally perpetuated misinformation and/or idiots, whichever this is.

  70. thats right, who cares about the birth certificate , all i see is that Donald wants some publicity
    as i read here http://www.everydaysnews.com/2011/03/donald-trump-wants-to-verify-obamas-birth-certificate/

  71. Anon @ 8:39
    Donald Trump might have made a lot of money HOWEVER, he was born into a very rich family-- real estate wealth. He WAS NOT "a self made man" - for better or worse.

    TO avoid any potential confusion about Trump: in the borough of Queens, in the city of New York, there is a neighborhood called Jamaica. This is where Trump's birth hospital is located, NOT on the island of Jamaica, which is, of course, a separate nation.

    and finally, my dear "Lefty Begone" at 9:12-- I've got a question for you. Let's say that George W. Bush was born in Paris because his mom was on vacation there and went into premature labor--- would "W" be a U.S. citizen????? You BETCHA- because he was born to a mother who was a U.S. citizen. So your ENTIRE
    contribution here is, ahem, WRONG!

    Obama was born in the U.S. BUT, even if he wasn't, he'd STILL be a citizen, because his mother was a citizen. I think she was originally from Kansas or some other mid-west state.

  72. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Gryphen, I have supported you, encouraged you, and even sent money to you. However, I will never send another dime.

    Why? Because you just called me a racist when I am NOT. I don't care one little lick whether Obama is black, white, orange, or purple. You just made a HUGE leap in logic when you proclaimed that everyone (including me) who is not sure whether Obama's birth certificate is true is basing it on racial reasons. You, sir, are wrong.

    I simply know the state of Hawaii and understand the generous, welcoming mentality there. Back then, it was their policy to take people's word for when and where they were born. So, I'm just not sure.

    But, I am VERY SURE that you have insulted me for no reason at all.

  73. Anonymous2:29 PM

    My childrens BC has their names, parents names, their time and date of birth. Place of birth.

    It has a raised seal of our state. Plain as can be.

    It can get them a passport, drivers license, marriage certificate.

  74. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Nikogriego, I am certain that one of your points is incorrect. You said, "if she had given birth in Kenya, and then tried to bring a newborn back to the USA, there would be some record of this attempt-the newborn would have to have a passport or a visa." Nope. I went through customs twice, going to Canada and coming back, with my child who did not have a passport or visa or any sort of identification at all in 1998 (long after Obama's birth).

    Since 9-11, that would be impossible. But, back then it was much easier to travel.

  75. Anonymous3:09 PM

    So, the Donald just released his official state of New York birth certificate in place of the stupid hospital certificate he released yesterday.

    But, guess what? Donald Trump's mother was born in Scotland, therefore, he is not a natural born American citizen if you agree with the logic according to Obama birthers.

    "Mary Anne MacLeod (May 10, 1912, Stornoway, Scotland – August 7, 2000)"

  76. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Just a little FYI:
    I'm like Obama in two ways (well, more than that, really, like I live in Chicago and prefer NY-style pizza): my mom died and I live outside of the state of my birth -- NY, like Mr. Trump, allegedly -- and I live in constant fear of losing my birth certificate, because the only ones who can get a new copy are me or my mom. I guess my dad could get one, too, but he lives in Texas. Seriously, my passport has gone missing but I dread applying for a new one since it means I'll be without my BC for months and what if they lose it? I'd have to fly to NY just to get a birth certificate...

  77. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Gryphen, I really thought you were enough of a gentleman that you would apologize for your leap of logic when you tied together two unrelated ideas and insulted many readers. I'm saddened to see that I was wrong about your graciousness.

    Are you familiar with the study of logic? What you have done is look at two things that occur together and assume that one is the cause of the other.

    The two things that often occur together:
    1. Not believing that President Obama was born in Hawaii
    2. Racism

    I agree with you that many birthers are racists. But, not all.

    The second item -- racism -- is not the cause of the first. Uncertainty about the president's birthplace can happen without racism. In other words, you have fallen into the logical fallacy of confusing cause and effect.

    Some of your readers deserve an apology. Please do the right thing.

  78. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Gryphen, I have supported you, encouraged you, and even sent money to you. However, I will never send another dime.

    Why? Because you just called me a racist when I am NOT. I don't care one little lick whether Obama is black, white, orange, or purple. You just made a HUGE leap in logic when you proclaimed that everyone (including me) who is not sure whether Obama's birth certificate is true is basing it on racial reasons. You, sir, are wrong.

    I simply know the state of Hawaii and understand the generous, welcoming mentality there. Back then, it was their policy to take people's word for when and where they were born. So, I'm just not sure.

    But, I am VERY SURE that you have insulted me for no reason at all.

    2:26 PM

    How did Gryph insult you? He did not call you out by name. So Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous maybe you should take a stiff drink and sleep on it.

  79. Anonymous5:44 PM

    It is amazing that there is any American who is not comatose who does not by now know what the deal is with the three different types of birth certificates.

    The Donald obviously pays attention to the news and national and probably world affairs about as much as Sarah.

    Too damn funny.

  80. Anonymous @ 3:57 - Get over it...now you are being insulting by insinuating Gryph isn't a logical person, which is a an ad hominem logical fallacy in itself...two wrongs don't equal a right....

    I'm not saying Gryp is wrong...because I don't think he is...

  81. dizipoo6:17 PM

    "No hospital address" the birthers screamed about Obama's birth certificate. Likewise for the little Trampster, nothing that says "Jamaica Hospital" is even in the U.S. Far as I could tell this could have been issued in that little island Nation in the Antilles.

    I doubt the birther faction is aware there is a similar named hospital in NYC so this may stop the Donald before he really gets going on his PR tour.

  82. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Mary Mayhem, I never said anything about Gryphen being an illogical person. I said that one particular statement violated the rules of logic.

    YOU, however, took a specific point and turned it into a claim that it was personal attack. That is the very definition of "ad hominem." Although you know the fancy Latin term, it clear that you're not using it correctly.

  83. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Anonymous at 4:43 PM, you asked how Gryph insulted me since he did not call me out by name.

    Actually, it wasn't just me he insulted. It was everyone who is not sure about President Obama's birth certificate. He said that we were to looked at it and then "go stare in the mirror for a few minutes so that you can have a clear picture in your mind of what a racist looks like."

    That, my friend, is an insult.

  84. Actually, the whole Birther story fits Trump better than it ever has President Obama. It would make more sense that the white son of a wealthy real estate developer would have a falsified birth certificate because he was born outside the country. Being white and from wealth, Trump would have been far more likely to grow-up with the chance to be President when we look back at the 1950's and 1960's. Why should anyone trust someone (Trump) with such a history of questionable ethics?

  85. Anonymous8:13 PM

    YOu ignorant racist in denial 3:57.
    Yeah right - so why hasn't all this birtherism happened before? Not when McCain, who was actually born in Panama ran? Difference - McCain is a shade of pink.

  86. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Lefty begone:

    Funny. I just obtained a birth certificate in order to get a passport. Yep, had one of those souvenir type BC's for years. Footprints, Doctor's signature, etc. Managed to misplace it.

    Went to the county I was born in. Gave them the pertinent info and my photo ID.

    Received the Certificate of Birth I needed for my passport - contains mother's and father's names. City born in. State seal (watermark) not raised. Computer generated in about 5 minutes.

    NO doc or hospital. NO "looking up original.

    Sent to federal gov't. Obtained passport.

    Your were saying?

  87. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Anonymous 8:13 PM, did you even bother to read what I said?

    I agree with you that many birthers are racists. But, not all. And, I am one who is NOT.

    As I said, I don't care one little lick whether Obama is black, white, orange, or purple. I have dear friends and relatives of all races. I'm simply looking at the facts that I have experienced in Hawaii.

    You ask why McCain's citizenship wasn't questioned. The answer is that the Panama Canal Zone is a U.S. Territory. The law states that people born there are U.S. citizens as long as one of their parents is a U.S. citizen. That's a simple fact.

  88. Anonymous1:02 AM

    You wrote:
    Fox and Friends, which is essentially the "Today" show for the mentally handicapped.
    I'm in tears! Can't write any more. Still laughing!

    Denise (Michigan)

  89. Anonymous2:30 AM

    This is what I got in the hospital to put in their baby books, along with foot and hand prints.

    It is for show not legal matters.

  90. Anonymous5:18 AM

    LOL, how many mouth breather teabaggers are now scratching their heads and exploding at the thought that The Donald was born in Jamaica?

  91. @ Anonymous 6:50... YOU, need to research logical fallacies, more specifically Ad Hominem, before you decide to come back and troll this blog.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.