Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell takes Glenn Beck to school. Divinity school apparently.

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I don't know about you but I just love to watch a person who uses religion to manipulate his audience, get called out for his ignorance in a very public manner. I have personally done it multiple times, but you know it NEVER gets old.

It also appears that all of the mocking coming Beck's way from MSNBC and Comedy Central has had some effect. From the Hollywood Reporter:

Beck has reportedly been mulling the idea of his own cable network for more than a year but isn't eyeing it as a direct competitor to Fox News Channel.

The news, which the Times attributes to anonymous sources, comes on the heels of a previous report that Fox News executives are mulling the idea not renewing Beck's contract when it expires in December because of the host's declining viewership.

You know I am highly doubtfull that Beck will be able to start a brand new cable network all on his own. I don't believe that Goldline has enough advertising dollars to support Glenn Beck all by themselves, and I am not too sure he has any other advertisers left.

Too bad there is not a market for crazy, because that is something of which Beck has a never ending supply.


  1. Anonymous2:58 AM

    I LOVE THIS!!!

    The twinkle in his eye as he proceeds to methodically and intelligently "school" Glenny on religion is priceless.

    Thank you so much for posting this and for all your work on this blog. It gives me faith that sanity will prevail in this country.

  2. Olivia3:45 AM

    I can see Beck on a local cable access channel.

  3. Glenn Beck is a "mormon". I was raised Mormon, which is a whole different thing. I was also excommunicated at age 19, because my family had me kicked out, which was all well and good. But I have an actual point beyond personal history. Those of us who were raised Mormon went, very often, to "seminary" which was a 5 am affair that went on for the whole 4 yrs of HS. We were supposed to read the entire bible, and then the Mormon "scriptures." I was possibly a bit naive but I actually read the m-fing Bible during that time. We were told to, and I had already gotten down the discipline, of reading stuff because it should be read, so I did it. I suppose not many of my contemporaries even went that far, but we also did memorize many, many passages. The point is, that being raised Mormon, I have a good deal more knowledge of the actual text of the Bible than a Glen Beck come lately could ever possess. Especially the studious Mormon I was. What actually confuses me is how sickly militant Mormons have become. They seem to have forgotten that most of the nitwittery doesn't even consider them Christian, or perhaps it's over-correction, but they never cared before. They see the the possibility of power now so they are willing to embrace things they never used to. I am not a Mormon, and haven't been for years, but I used to have some positive things to say about the way they did things. Now they've bought into the hate arms race. They didn't used to be there, and I'm sorry they went. There were some very nice people, good people, who I find myself mourning,, and they did a lot of good works. I'm sorry they went all low road. Glen Beck is a scab.

  4. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Oh pullease God give us Beck News... Sarah Palin can do political reports. What, she doesn't know politicas? She can do family fluff pieces. What, does know about that either? Well she can read the sports scores.. there, Beck found a place for her!

  5. Anonymous4:29 AM

    OT.. Bill Maher calls Palin a "Dumb tw*t" and Palin BBF Greta Van hype-a-bot bitches and complains on her show. Lets ask a real authority on Sarah Palin and should know if it is true. We now go to Wasilla, Alaska and Todd Palin. Go ahead Todd, Is your wife a dumb tw*t?

  6. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Tea Party Fizzle

    With Fox News host Glenn Beck’s ratings down and the biggest tea party rally eclipsed by a recent pro-labor rally in Wisconsin, could the tea party be losing steam? One new sign: a big tea party convention in Tampa, FL this weekend — headlined by such conservative favorites as Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), Fox News Judge Andrew Napolitano, and former GOP Congressman Tom Tancredo — attracted only about 300 people. The Save America Convention’s website lists 25 guest speakers, meaning there was one speaker for every 12 attendees. If one includes the 13 musicians and other performers listed as entertainment, that ratio drops to one for every 7 and a half.

    Joseph Farah, the founder of the birther news website World Net Daily, who spoke at the event, promised “lots of opportunities for interactivity between participants and presenters.” Indeed, this photo from the convention posted by Saint Petersblog suggests attendees would have little competition to meet Farah and the other speakers:

  7. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Tea Party Fizzle

    With Fox News host Glenn Beck’s ratings down and the biggest tea party rally eclipsed by a recent pro-labor rally in Wisconsin, could the tea party be losing steam? One new sign: a big tea party convention in Tampa, FL this weekend — headlined by such conservative favorites as Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), Fox News Judge Andrew Napolitano, and former GOP Congressman Tom Tancredo — attracted only about 300 people. The Save America Convention’s website lists 25 guest speakers, meaning there was one speaker for every 12 attendees. If one includes the 13 musicians and other performers listed as entertainment, that ratio drops to one for every 7 and a half.

    Joseph Farah, the founder of the birther news website World Net Daily, who spoke at the event, promised “lots of opportunities for interactivity between participants and presenters.” Indeed, this photo from the convention posted by Saint Petersblog suggests attendees would have little competition to meet Farah and the other speakers:

  8. angela4:51 AM

    Lawrence is amazing.
    Listening to him is like a balm for my brain as there
    is so much stupid out there.

  9. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Well he can stock his Crazy Channel (instead of Clear Channel) with personalities (note, no labeling like 'analysts') like Kelsey Grammar, Victoria Jackson, Rick Sanchez and the creme de la creme of know-nothing racist losers - Sarah Heath Palin.

  10. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Fox News Senior Vice President Joel Cheatwood is reportedly set to leave the network to join Glenn Beck's media company, but a source close to the situation says that the executive has been reduced to little more than Beck's "babysitter."

    Mediaite reported Monday that Cheatwood was set to join Beck's Mercury Radio Arts in a move that suggests Beck may have "much bigger and more innovative plans [around his TV future] than anyone had previously thought." The report comes as Beck's future with Fox News remains in doubt, and is one major indication that he and the network may part ways.

    But despite Mediaite's characterization of Cheatwood as a "Fox News bigwig," a source close to the situation claims that Cheatwood has been marginalized at Fox News, saying that he already spends most of his time at Mercury and is only seen at Fox News HQ when Beck's show is taping. The source also told the Huffington Post that Cheatwood's contract with Fox News expires in the next few weeks, and that the network was not planning to renew it.

    Cheatwood has been a close associate of Beck's since the two were both at HLN, CNN's sister station, where Cheatwood helped create Beck's first, pre-Fox News show. He has also become one of Fox News' primary spokesmen for Beck in the media.

  11. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Many early prophets were just high on moldy bread or having epileptic seizures. Revelations is a prophet on acid!

  12. Anonymous4:56 AM

    O'Donnell is loving every minute of taking Beck apart. Beck is helpless against an educated liberal Irish Catholic who also is an award-winning screen writer. Watch it again. The words, the meter - it's lyrical. And the twinkle in his eyes. Beck is getting pwned.

  13. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Glenn just loves the old DOOMSDAY theme, doesn't he?

    Glenn Beck: MSNBC Is 'Anti-God Network' (AUDIO)

    Glenn Beck said that MSNBC is an "anti-God" network following his war of words with MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell about the Bible.

    Beck made the comments on two separate occasions. The first was on Friday.

    "I believe that MSNBC has become the most anti‑god network ever put on the air in the history of America," Beck said. He was angered by O'Donnell's comments about the Book of Revelation, which he made on Thursday. There, he called it "a book of fiction," and said that "no sane person" takes the Bible completely literally.

    On his Monday radio show, Beck repeated the charges. "There's a whole network that seems to be the anti-God network being set up," he said. "They are preaching that no intelligent person believes in the Book of Revelation. I will tell you that I know a lot of intelligent people who believe deeply in the Book of Revelation.

    Beck also repeated his dark prediction about the world on Monday.

    "The world is about to be plunged into complete and utter darkness and despair," he said. "Quite honestly, famine will follow."

  14. nancy5:05 AM

    Sorry this is off topic, but just saw this on Talking Points Memo about Palin and the new right wing spin ignoring her sinking polls and declaring that the presidency would be 'a step down for her.'

    The Palinbots must be coming to the realization that their fondest dream of a President Palin in 2012 is only a viagra and/or sleep induced delusion.

    You betcha!

  15. 10catsinMD5:15 AM

    Great discussion. I also had 12 plus years of religious schooling. A majority of that was not reading the bible. There are many other "books" that were not included in the official "bible." The official bible was created by Roman Catholicism. Other learned scholars have contributed to religious knowledge since Christ. Bible thumpers are only looking at a small portion of Christianity. I was taught that at the end of time, we all go to heaven to meet Christ. I don't recall anything about Revelations.

    As to Beck being a Mormon: I spent a few years in Utah and, as a Christian, there was a distinct difference between us and them. Mormon is a Mormon is a Mormon. Christian is a Christian.

    OT. Someone is sending a round an email about 9/11 similarities. Japan earthquake was 3/11 and there are several other phenomena on 9/11. I don't believe in that comparison at all. Just a lot of concidences.

  16. Anonymous5:50 AM

    If he's a "socialist", sign me up.
    His realistic look at the world is exactly what's been missing from the airwaves, and I hope he stays on this topic of these false religious "prophecies" every night.
    My one fear is that he's going to get death threats, much like Salman Rushdie did after writing "The Satanic Verses".
    Stay strong, Lawrence, and stay safe. The nuts out there don't like to hear the truth, unfortunately.

  17. Thomas is reported to be the earliest book on JC. It is the "ask the father" book. When were the others writen? Look at history and see what happens to any thing in just 100 years. Thomas talks about going directly to the father, not thru someone else. No new religion needed. So much for the whole Christian thing, unless you just like being in a church etc. Revelations to me by the way is an inner journey, best not projected on others. Projecting it on others to me is judgement.

    In a lucid moment the Joseph Smith said something about one judging oneself. Again an inner journey.

  18. Gasman8:44 AM

    So, Becky wants to start his own network? I say, go for it, Becky. He will flounder miserably. At best, his little dog and pony show would attract only B list batshit crazy buffoons. If the A list batshit crazy buffoons ain't movin' the country to the right, how the hell is Becky going to do it with even less compelling on air morons?

    How many people would be willing to pay to have a Beck network on cable or satellite? How many would cancel their subscriptions if they couldn't opt out of having Beck's network in their subscription?

    What advertisers want to be associated ONLY with Glenn Beck? Damn few, I'd bet. So, he would have to totally foot the bill for his Vanity Network. He'd limp along for a few months and then pull the plug. Aside from burning through much of his cash, he would accomplish virtually nothing. It would be entertaining to watch him fail on such a grand scale.

    If he had any brains, he'd stick to radio and make millions for years to come. But we all know that Becky is a brainless asshat.

    Just more delusional bullshit from Glenn Beck. Becky is just farting through his mouth again.

  19. @annon 4:56- If you look at history and the book of Revelations there is no hallucination. It was a very long extended metaphor, but hallucination, not. Ergot, no.

  20. @10 cats in Md,
    Oh, you've spent some time amongst my sick people? They used to have some bit of cred, but no more. It's all gone stupid. Beck it the sign of the end of their credibility. Once they needed the approval of the main stream a-holes everything that was ever somewhat pure about them was gone. I will reiterate, there WERE some good people. Don't ever think there weren't. I mourn them, because it's all gone to evil. It was always dumb, but some use to be nice.

  21. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Oh, I am loving that O'Donnell. He knows very well that Beck picks and chooses bible verses, and has no actual understanding.

    By the way, I was raised in a Mormon family, and read the bible cover to cover and the four standard works. My parents meant well, but none of these books stands up to any serious scrutiny.

    If I had only studied mathematics or botany during those hours, I would have a much better understanding of how our world REALLY works, not ancient Sumerian mythology.


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