Friday, March 18, 2011

Poll saying that Independents would favor disgraced actor Charlie Sheen over disgraced half-term Governor Sarah Palin has caused the flying monkeys to take flight.

You know there are literally so many negative stories coming out about Palin that I have to pick and choose which ones to post or else I would probably not even have time to eat or sleep. 

So I passed on the Public Policy Polling survey that showed bat shit crazy Charlie Sheen polling higher among Independents than bat shit crazier Sarah Palin did.  Funny, but others had covered it so I left it alone.

But that was before I read this e-mail from a Palin-bot to PPP that I felt perfectly illustrates the frustration and seething rage that seems to define those who are left among her rapidly dwindling supporters.

From: M JN []
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 1:07 PM
To: PPP Information
Subject: Partisan Propoganda Polling

Dear Partisan Propoganda Polling,

PPP/Kos/SEIU you are now even more of a joke than you were before. Your polls are such lies that are growing more and more outrageous by the month. You really have been proven to be Propoganda Polling except you don't poll, you just make it up. Everything you put out on Palin is suspect. What kind of a Pollster puts out a Palin vs Charlie Sheen poll and polls the favorability of Levi Johnston and Asks Alaskan's if they Can See Russia. Are you kidding? You Pathetic Partisan Loons really hate Palin and the fact that you include such questions make you a joke. PPP is agenda driven garbage and your polls on Palin are not believed by anyone but the moronic left. Plus your latest poll on John Kasich with a 35% Approval and 54% Disapproval, How much did the Unions Pay for that Propoganda? You are making it up because Kasich is going after the People that write your Checks, the Unions. Public Propoganda Polling is now alligned with the Daily Kooks and SEIU, so we know that your polls are Left Wing Propoganda. Your Anti-Palin agenda is so obvious, you poll the favorability of Levi Johnston and her versus Charlie Sheen. Left Wing Lunatics and Derranged Palin Haters should not be in the Polling Business. Your Alaska Polls were way off in Every Race because you don't poll! Public Propoganda's South Dakota polls are Laughable, your numbers on Palin and Kristi Noem are bullcrap. Everything you put out on Palin is bullcrap and every poll that you put out is bullcrap. Partisan Democrats have no interest in Accurate Polls. You lie! Your South Dakota numbers are bogus, your Missouri Numbers are bogus, your Palin numbers are bogus, and your credibility is Non-Existent. If Palin Runs, your propoganda fails.

Oh my!  Are you all loving this as much as I'm loving this?

I especially love how the guy misspelled propaganda, over, and over, and over again. Which as you all know is the calling card of the true and faithful flying monkey. 

In fact I believe there have to be a certain number of misspellings before they are allowed to get their wings.


  1. Anonymous3:34 PM

    "Bullcrap" is such a childish word to use.
    If they can't "man up" and just say "bullshit", I think they should be automatically tuned out.

  2. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I think they call that wee-wee'd up.

  3. Thanks Gryphen. I was really bummed out about something I can do nothing about, and this post made me smile. Thanks for the smile and the giggle. Gotta love the monkeys. We would be bored without them.

  4. Enjay in E MT3:48 PM

    Wow - Retire the RINOs has an excellent example of RWNJ response.

    Making Up (or Made up)
    Poll (or Polling)
    Lie aka Bull Crap aka Bogus
    Left Wing

    Can't fight on Facts - just rant & rave with a lot of name calling.

    I don't know - why not compare Reality Star Palin with TV Actor Sheen ....both are "in the same biz" even though they are on different "stages". Much like Cashews & Walnuts - they're both NUTs.

  5. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Such interesting capitalizations. Also I've noticed that "loon" is a favorite disparaging term of the bots. They're all so predictable. Sad, really.

  6. padoreva4:02 PM

    Yay! She's finally become irrelevant. We've waited a long time for the Rethuglicans to wise up. Now they have to acknowledge what an embarrassment she is. There's no turning back at this point. Her political career is over.

    When are the IRS or other law enforcement agencies going to get involved?

    When the lieutenant governor of South Carolina gets in trouble for spending campaign funds on computer equipment, family vacations, meals and a dress for his wife, you'd think Ms, Grifter ought to face some charges. She'll look so purdy in that orange jumpsuit.

  7. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Which Palin was that awful letter written by? All Palin's support is smoke and mirrors, so it has to be one of them.

  8. Anonymous4:13 PM

    3:50 I've noticed that capitalization among student recently. I thought it was faux German, but it's not just nouns.

  9. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Do these monkey's not understand that their Queen is a moron yet? What will it take?

    Pretty early on I held my nose and became a member of haraSmaeT just to try and see how her fans think.
    Well THEY DON'T THINK. It's pure emotion, no reasoning powers.

    It's kind of sad.. actually, I could tell "someone" put a lot of time and money into developing that site. It's very polished and sophisticated, but the content is 98% weird, mis-spelled rants.

    It is not uncommon to see their queen's name spelled "Sara". How can Becky look at that site, see the quality of participation, and not put two and two together?

    Even thrilling posts such as "Sara Will Win and be The Best Prisadant Ever" gets a response of 10 or so comments.

    Alas, the stupid will ever be with us.

  10. Anonymous4:24 PM

    the misspellings are sad and so prevalent amongst tea baggers. IMO none of them are any more educated than the non-educated Scarah.

  11. Anonymous4:25 PM

    I can understand people wanting Charlie Sheen over the bobble head. He knows he's over the top and laughs about it.

    SP thinks she's normal with all her lies and faked pregnancy.

  12. majii4:25 PM

    How OLD is this person? Is this the best that retire the rinos can do? If it is, I fully understand why he/she would defend, and vote for, Palin!! This is a pitiful, misinformed soul, and I feel sorry for him/her. This person is more to be pitied than ridiculed.

  13. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I suspect the biggest demographic for "Two and a half Men" is Palin's contingent. It's not exactly the go-to show for the "elites", if you catch my drift.

  14. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Gryphen, now quit causing the bots to pull out their hair. Then they will all have to wear wigs.

    Hey, you have a great week-end up there in the wilds of Alaska and stay tuned for news of the Quitter Critter India fail trip.

  15. Chenagrrl4:46 PM

    Love it. Propoganda. Right up there with refudiate.

  16. Lynne4:52 PM

    That was definitely a good example of "out there". It never ceases to amaze me.

  17. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Now she's going after the NYT from India at 5:00 AM - posting another lengthy FaceBook post we're suppose to believe she wrote in the middle of the night?

    Good job, Bekky! RAM is a lapdog on call 24/7 defending her queen.

  18. Lynne4:55 PM

    I like that picture of Charlie Sheen, by the way. I wonder if they could get him to play Frances "Schaeffer" Cox in the movie.

  19. Our half-governor's visit to India had made it to blogs there. And it has attracted all of the usual madness: those who worship her and those who loath her.

    The FSM alone knows what they must think of us.

  20. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Your rong you loon. We kan spel 2. Give uz bak ur freedums nd condoms.

  21. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Gawker has a story. Palin is not pleased with coverage of her in India. Bwahahahahahahahah!

  22. Anonymous5:33 PM

    At least with Palin and Sheen, they are comparing apples to apples. They are both crazier than a shit house rat.


  23. WakeUpAmerica5:46 PM

    So, my question would be: If it is all so bogus, why are your panties in a knot? Why do you care? As a matter of fact, I think that some of the polls they do are political satire. Are you capable of recognizing that, you dumb "moran"?

  24. Anonymous5:47 PM

    it's fun picturing the flecks of foam/spit flying past the last 3 or 4 teeth in the pinheads of the bots when they're pounding out this spew on their keyboards. Probably grunting/screaming each word that they're s-l-o-w-l-y typing .......BTW, somebody just posted the link to this thread over at ADN...

  25. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Put a wig on Charlie and they are separated at birth!

  26. emrysa6:07 PM

    I would damn sure vote for charlie sheen before I'd vote for the quitter. hell I'd vote for tri-G before I'd vote for sarah.

  27. Anonymous6:11 PM

    You know, they say that bad press is better than no press at all, but when it's ALL bad press, I think that means that she's all washed up and just a political Lindsay Lohan. No one is even going to want her endorsement.

    BTW- With such a quick trip to India, it must have been hard for Sarah and Todd to figure out which cultural stops to try to fit in.... no? A shopping trip to the mall? Well, that's to be expected from someone that wants to eliminate the NEA.

  28. Anonymous6:15 PM

    You know, they say that bad press is better than no press at all, but when it's ALL bad press, I think that means that she's all washed up and just a political Lindsay Lohan. No one is even going to want her endorsement.

    BTW- With such a quick trip to India, it must have been hard for Sarah and Todd to figure out which cultural stops to try to fit in.... no? A shopping trip to the mall? Well, that's to be expected from someone that wants to eliminate the NEA.

  29. If he's spouting bullshit about Kasich, then he's one of our home grown Ohio tea bagging Ohio morons. Sheesh

  30. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Anon @ 3:50 PM:

    "Also I've noticed that "loon" is a favorite disparaging term of the bots."

    That's because they all use the Offishul Tundra Princess Dikshonerry.

  31. Anonymous6:29 PM

    And you shall know them by their typos...

  32. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Palin's complete political resume: Two and a Half Terms

  33. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Winning!! :-)

  34. I kind of feel sorry for these people because they think our President should be "one of them". Recently there was a quote from a female journalist that no longer supports Palin. She was having difficulty understanding the narcissistic wish (that is what she called it) that some voters have for a POTUS to be someone that they can relate to; someone that they see themselves in.

    Leaders are leaders because they have certain qualities that not everyone has, but the strong Populist Movement in this country wants a POTUS that is as uneducated and unschooled in Diplomacy as they are. They want to embrace "Joe The Plumber", but there's a reason Joe is a Plumber and not a POTUS. Joe might be a great Plumber, but great Plumbers don't necessarily make great Presidents.

    Palin's bachelor's degree and her various political offices are proof enough to them that she is qualified to run the country. To them she is educated enough, yet not an "elite". They ignore all claims to the contrary regarding her suitability for even those offices she held. She had to hire a city manager to run the city as Mayor, she was on the Oil and Gas Commission and then resigned because she was in over her head. She quit her job as Governor because she was being picked on (and she never showed up for work AND she only got elected because she ran against the most Hated Governor Ever, in the Primary). Alaska was ready for change in 2006, but she wasn't up to the task.

    There are loads of reasons that Palin is unqualified for even these lowest of offices that she's held, but all these folks see in her is themselves, and that's all they want. They want a President who's "just like them". In that case, "they" should all just run too, because many of them are equally as qualified.

  35. 10catsinMD7:51 PM

    OT. Reading Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein, about Milton Friedman and his idealogy. Article aboout RAM in LA Times discusses how her father was a fan of Milt Friedman and his complete free market enterprise. This idealogy is thoroughly discussed in book above.

    No public schools, no SS, no Medicare, no Social Services. All should be privatized and profit oriented. You know, like hospitals are today. Total Free Market.

    Other comments I have made are about how discussion in Shock Doctrine lines up with what I have read previously about CIA involvement in other policital arenas.

    Palins continuous talking points come right out of Friedman's idealogy. Hot stuff that RAM. SP doesn't know how to go beyond mouthing the basic, textbook mantras.

    We need checks and balance, minimum wage, SS, and Medicare. Tax corporations. They are paying less taxes now that ever in the past 30 years or so.

  36. Anonymous7:57 PM

    So wonderful that $he came in on a bang and is leaving on same.

    If $he'd whimpered $he just might be closer in line to POTUS.

    Go, $arah! Long live $he who cannot shut up. Bless your heart.

    I see you've crawled up under a rock, McCain. Good for you. Way past time. Don't get too comfortable. Your sins are about to find you out. (Thank $arah).

  37. PollyinAK8:07 PM

    Anonymous said...
    And you shall know them by their typos... 6:29 PM
    Your comment gave me a good chuckle! Sure need it, with all that's happening in Japan, and my Palin-fatigue has been on overload. Just doin' my usual IM checking in before I close down shop. Remember to watch Palin "live" in India tomorrow!

  38. Anonymous8:27 PM

    When a palinbot's head explodes, are there any brains?

  39. Anonymous9:36 PM


  40. Gasman10:33 PM

    What a fucking moron.

    Why does He Seemingly randomly Capitalize some words And not Others?

    I think this goober must be close to stroking out.

    PLEASE, people: DO NOT EVER sit out an election! If you do, you risk letting assholes like this guy decide who runs our government! Do you honestly think this cousin hump is capable of making a rational decision in the voting booth - OR ANYWHERE ELSE!?

  41. Anonymous10:40 PM

    "When a palinbot's head explodes, are there any brains?"

    To Anon 8:27
    The answer is NO it's just air gushing all you hear is a loud Whooosh.

  42. Anonymous10:55 PM

    I just love Gryphen's moniker for Palinbots, "Flying Monkeys." Could there be a more apt description?


  43. I like loons. Lake Lucille used to have resident loons, the real kind. Likely not now if the fish are gone. The other kind still there though.

  44. Gasman11:13 PM

    Anon @ 8:27,
    "When a palinbot's head explodes, are there any brains?"

    You give voice to a common misconception.

    The answer is: No, because their skulls contain naught but a vacuum, and never contained any gray matter to begin with. Therefore, they actually IMPLODE, not explode. Thus, there is also little or no accompanying sound.

    Remember, nature abhors a vacuum, Palinbots' heads contain vacuums, ergo, nature abhors Palinbots.

    Palinbots: they ain't natural.

    Ya' gotta' love logic.

  45. Anonymous12:13 AM

    6:30pm.....that's being a "little generous" isn't it ? Wouldn't it be more like 1/2 term>>>>quitter....big picture though, and not that it matters, but even had the twat gone full term and not quit $he still doesn't, or never will, know jack shit about governing. Matter-0-fact her entire life has been nothing more than a cheat and a scam. $he's nothing more than, and never will be anything other than cheap white trash, a skank extraordinaire...

  46. Anonymous12:14 AM

    3:34, um, what? words are words and you are a picky, nagging batch

  47. Anonymous12:18 AM

    I don't understand why people think they KNOW Sarah just from others' experiences with her. That's ridiculous. People don't act the same around everyone. Most of the outspoken critics have never met Sarah. She's a hoot, a real funny lady who knows who to compliment people and make them feel good. Old friends say she hasn't changed in this regard, she's the same old Sarah who has faith in everyone if they'd just work.

  48. Anonymous4:33 AM

    First trip ever for Sarah to India, and what does she decide to do; go shopping. Sarah of no social skills has no curiosity about anything except money and clothes.

    I find it a little strange that she took Todd, but not Bristol. Maybe Bristol is not up to the flying after a delivery and a chin implant.

  49. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Charlie has more brain cells when he is drunk and sky high than Sarah has on one of her sane days. Forgive me, I just screwed up, Sarah never has sane days.

  50. Anonymous4:36 AM

    I too would choose Sheen over Palin. Both are impaired people with mental problems, but Sheen at least is very Smart and very politically knowledgeable and inquisitive..something mall shopping Palin is NOT.

  51. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Anonymous said...
    And you shall know them by their typos...

    6:29 PM

    That is funny, except they are not typos.They are uneducated mis-spellings.

  52. AKRNC5:02 AM

    You know the post is from the PeePond when you see the repetitive usage of certain phrases but this one is really over-the-top! LOL, it's also a sign it's them when there are the usual spelling errors, not typos, but the actual inability to spell correctly. I guess they don't understand that red underline is a clue that they need to use spellcheck.

    However, they have deemed themselves to be much more intelligent than the rest of us. Check out this post that I truly thought was tongue-in-cheek, but no, they meant every word of it. Sadly, it demonstrates their lack of I.Q. , not one that is rarely, if ever, seen. The highest I.Q. ever measured from the sources I could find was approximately 200 to 205, yet this is what the 'bots believe!


    Van says:
    February 10, 2011 at 12:24 PM

    “PS C4P/posters lead, pollutico follows!”

    You bettcha Dan! I have noticed over the last couple of years that the average IQ of this site most assuredly is in the low 200's plus. It seems that we are always months ahead of what is happening in the LSM and only weeks behind in what Sarah is doing. Makes me (and should make us) feel really good. :-)
    Thumb up 8 Thumb down 1


    I'd normally be sympathetic to such delusional 'bots but they are far too nasty to feel sorry for them, and far too stupid!

  53. Anonymous9:42 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    I don't understand why people think they KNOW Sarah just from others' experiences with her. That's ridiculous. People don't act the same around everyone. Most of the outspoken critics have never met Sarah. She's a hoot, a real funny lady who knows who to compliment people and make them feel good. Old friends say she hasn't changed in this regard, she's the same old Sarah who has faith in everyone if they'd just work.

    12:18 AM"

    We know Sarah Palin based on what she has
    shown us. She has been a media whore for, what,
    3 years now? She has books, online postings,
    TV shows. We know Sarah, that is why we don't
    like her. Even when she controls her image
    (the books, Twitter, reality TV), she is not
    a likable person, unless you like people like her.
    I don't like people like her, I think she is a
    bitch, and a liar, and a bad mother, unpatriotic,
    a hypocrite, a bully, a racist, etc. You can't deny
    any of that, you just happen to like people like
    her, probably because you are the same way.
    Birds of a feather.

  54. Anonymous10:29 AM

    A Palin and Kasuck bot?? Wow. Talk about a retard!

    Ohiovoter who misses our wonderful governor Ted Strickland!!!!!!!

    O/T I haven't been keeping up with all the Pathetic Palin crap since Ohio has even bigger problems with Kasuck. Did you see the picture of Palin's 40+ PR hack in the ADN? Lord have mercy!! lol

  55. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Charlie: WINNING!

    Sarah: WHINING!

  56. Propoganda (n): The opinions expressed while jumping up and down on a pogo stick.


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