Friday, March 18, 2011

Progressive groups in Wisconsin getting serious about recalling the Republicans.

From TPM:

Recall fever is catching among the Wisconsin left these days. The state Democratic party has collected just about half of the signatures necessary to make a run at recalling eight state Senators eligible to have their terms cut short (Wisconsin law says only a politician who's been in office for a year or more can be recalled.)

The progressive coalition of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and Democracy For America is banging the recall drum, too, after spending more than a half-million dollars on TV ads lambasting the Republican state Senate and Gov. Scott Walker (R). Now the groups are launching the first TV spots to call for recall directly.

Awesome!  I am very proud of the Wisconsin progressive for standing up for their rights and serving as an example to the rest of the country of what it takes to stop the Republican tyranny from sweeping across our nation.

I am going to start talking to my fellow Alaskans in order to prepare for this same type of overreach happening up here as well.  If they can get away with it, Republicans will stomp all over our civil rights without a second thought or a moment of hesitation.

And Wisconsin is a prime example of that fact.

BTW as these brave progressives are fighting for their rights, and maintaining an amazing level of civility in my opinion, there are others trying to smear them with accusations and presenting evidence of threatening behavior that personally make me very suspicious.

And remember that this is Andrew Breitbart's website. He is the guy behind Jame O'Keefe, who uses heavily edited video to make up lies about organizations he perceives as left wing, you know like NPR.


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    If it were progressives wanting to expand the 2nd amendment, can you imagine the response of the right wing?

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    More Republican tyranny- just heartless and cruel (and possibly in violation of HIPPA

  3. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Ex-teacher Sharron Angle Boldly Defends Public School Teachers: They Are Over-Worked And Under-Paid.

  4. Anonymous9:27 AM

    This just in: Wisconsin judge blocks budget proposal

  5. Anonymous9:32 AM

    More info: Judge temporarily blocks Wis. union law

  6. Erica from Dallas9:38 AM

    These new Republicans are taking away our rights.In Texas we are watching the "emergency bills"being pushed through so swiftly we can't organize march or lobby fast enough to counter this endless list of proposed new laws.It is time to find out our legislatures names and phone numbers and put it in our phones.Also thank those that support us.They are very lonely right now.
    Our governor ,Rick Perry told us our State was financially healthy last year and now we see we will be 27 Billion dollars in the hole this year,So Texas will be cutting billions in funding for nursing homes and Medicaid,billions for public schools,billions for worker's training etc.
    Don't sit back and think everything will be ok because this country is being taken over by big corporations

  7. Anonymous10:04 AM

    A judge blocked the anti-union law! LOL

  8. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Let's remember that Breitbart was in WI during the protests. When his sick day campaign against teachers didn't work, one might suspect that Breitbart or one of his stooges actually left the notes, made the signs and wrote on buildings. Unlike the tea party protests, there wasn't a hand gun or shot gun in sight.

    When even Beck is criticizing the accuracy of your reporting, you are in real trouble!! Ha Ha

  9. Anonymous10:11 AM

    This is how teabaggers start their patriotic days: "We, the Corporation, in order to form a more perfect union.."

  10. I have been reading on a number of sites for the past week that the signatures to recall in Wi. have reached "almost half". A week to be in that same "almost half" position doesn't appear to be real encouraging.

  11. Anonymous10:41 AM

    george: If you read the article, it actually points to a "nearly half" report from 3/14. The article is about the campaign, and doesn't say it is reporting the latest number (which is presumably unknown to them). The numbers are a regurgitation of the 3/14 report. All reports are that the recall efforts have widespread support (as opposed the the efforts to recall the Dems, which appear to be flagging).

  12. Anonymous10:44 AM

    We, the middle Americans, seem to be under attack from the GOP/TP types who want to have government rule our private lives while destroying every assistance program and quality-of-life programs that give hope and comfort to those struggling to do the right thing, to raise their families with dignity and quiet resolve and we seem to under attack from the militia - no government at all types who want chaos and individual struggle to prevail.

    Neither extreme seems to care about helping others. Who will they turn to when they need help should their money or their bullets run out? Will they truly be content to live within their me-only mentality or will they reach out when desperation drives to despair as they or their loved ones need special help from the rest of us?

    I do not understand what they don't get about all of us being important and being in this life together. I don't understand their callous disregard and disrespect for human life and human need.

    Most people are not driven by demons to be the richest, the most self-sufficient, to prove their worth above others. Most people know they, their loved ones, friends and even strangers are inherently worthy.

    Each of us is important, but none of us can truly face life alone all the time. We need to be able to reach out to help, but also to be humble enough to accept help.

    I am proud of the people in Wisconsin who are standing firm, who are saying they are worthy, they are enough and that no one can strip them of their worth by bullying or oppressing them.

  13. Anonymous10:47 AM


    WC to Palin: Don’t Go There

    Alaska’s Shame has posted an extended Facebook screed, blaming the Obama Administration for the increase in the price of gasoline at the pump. Palin really shouldn’t try and do economics, but of course that’s just one of many things she shouldn’t try to do. WC will analyze a few of her claims.

  14. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Go Wisconsin! Every working person (and non-working)in this country should be fighting for collective bargaining rights. Our basic human and civil rights are being challenged from all directions - equal protection under the law for women, minorities, disabled, workers, citizens - no area is free from attack by the GOP - even children (what kind of monsters advocate rescinding child labor laws!). Gryphen, you are right about preempting the same kind of activity starting up in Alaska - be prepared, it's coming if not already there.

    I transitioned from being a lifelong moderate Democrat to a very progressively left Democrat - primarily due to the bizarre level of Right Wing Extremism that is making its way toward becoming a social norm.

    I support President Obama but cannot express how disappointed I was at the inadequate support given to Wisconsin and Labor, political realities notwithstanding. A huge opportunity to stand up for all Americans in this country was wasted, not just by the President but by the Democratic Party in general.

    After hearing just about dead silence from most of our Democratic Senators and Congressmen in DC, after closing the barn door too late in Wisconsin, I see Joe Biden taking to the stage with Trumka, all smiles, oh yea, Labor has all our support, we're "with the common man" platitudes. In reality, when push comes to shove - guess what, we are still on the losing end, we have to stand up for ourselves.

  15. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Gov Scott Walker is the greatest union organizer since Cesar Chavez.

  16. States like Wisconsin, Ohio, Missouri, and Michigan are doing exactly what the baggers have accused President Obama of trying to do; Take away our Freedoms. They really are too stupid to see it.
    "Emergency" City Managers with the power to fire an elected official? Really?! Looks like the Repubs ARE the Socialist, Marxists, Fascists, & Communists!!!

  17. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Just in: Joe McGinniss will receive the International Thriller Writer's True Thriller Award at Thrillerfest this summer. In your face, Sarah.

  18. Gasman11:31 AM

    If there is no cost to Walker's dictatorial overreaching in Wisconsin, we will DEFINITELY see the GOP repeat that model elsewhere in this country. The best way to put the brakes on the jack booted thuggery of the GOP is to toss those little GOP fuckers in the WI Senate and Gov. Snotty Walker out on their asses. Nothing like being served a giant serving of whoopass from the citizens to let them know they ain't listening.

    I'm guessing THAT will get the attention of the GOP. There has to be consequences for Walker spending all his time in office sucking Koch.

  19. Anonymous11:38 AM


    ""Rebecca Mansour grew up in a legitimate variation on the values mouthed as slogans by the Palin ilk (community, family, strength in adversity, overcoming the "haters," etc.). The amazing irony is that the undertone of the Palin rhetoric ("real Americans," homogenous, white and leary of the "other") is the very undertow the Mansour family swam against during her childhood."

  20. Anonymous12:39 PM

    OT but Malia has a post about the quitter queen going shopping in a store in India, all items are over $500 each in this very high priced store.

    Maybe Sarah the dimwit is trying to find a gown of royalty for her worthless azz.

  21. Send those dirtbags packing. After that video of them passing the illegal law in an illegal session, I want them all very very gone. I want the Republican legislator version of the crappy FBI agent getting sent to North Dakota.

  22. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Palin now mad at India lamestream media too..

  23. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I think everyone should start trying to lower all law makers salaries, benefits and pensions.They raise theirs every year, and have nerve to do this the the middleclass. Take away our rights to collective bargining, public schools , they want everyone to go to pay charter schools. trying to make dummies instead of inteligent humans. Take away student voting, making it harder for all to vote. Taking away funding for Planned parenthood, NPR .Only want ppl to listen to Corporation news, radio. Corporations owning town states and so forth. These ppl are subsoed to be patriotic?????? Missouri is wanted to lower the minumim wage. Going to have to fight fire with fire. Demand that they have lower pay benifits and pensions too. Where is everyone! helping the world helping rebels but letting ppl in our country get their rights stommped on.

  24. OMG, Did anyone go to Breitbart's site and look at the smear they are running against the Wisconsin protestors? One person posted a comment that said something along the lines of "wanh you big babies, it doesn't feel so good to be bullied back when you're the bully, does it?" and you must read the vile and ignorance that was spewed back. Are people really filled with this amount of hate? It's really sad.

  25. Punkinbugg1:31 PM

    I just got an email from my brand-new (R) representative. She co-authored legislation to require a photo ID to VOTE, supports the law to make women and their doctors perform a v@ginal sonogram before she is allowed to have an abortion (at the patients' expense of course), and wants to limit the number of ballots that a person can mail in for other people. (Because there is SOOO much voter fraud by having people go door to door, collecting mail-in ballots and "supervising" live ballots.

    Wow gee -- and here I thought it was all about LESS government, LOWER taxes and jobs jobs jobs.

  26. 10catsinMD1:43 PM

    Just got my copy of "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Campbell.

    Really good book. Hits home on what has been happening for a long time, as I have been questioning a lot of incidents that have happened and then get explained away.

    Free market and freedoms are only as good as the responsibilities that are held along with our freedoms. That line from the pledge of allegience - ..."government by the people, for the people." Government has an obigation to take of the people here, not just to use us to feed corporations and raw capitalism.

  27. London Bridges2:50 PM

    I hope there is some penalty for being recalled. like losing one's pension or benefits. Otherwise for these lazy idiots it would serve as a reward!

  28. London Bridges2:51 PM

    Naomi Klein?

  29. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Crazy money grabber woman blocks media in india. She created her own utube called Palin TV. Ha ha ha ha

  30. Anonymous3:18 PM

    From the BBC News in India
    O/T What is Sarah Palin doing in India?

    Though her reality Alaska TV show premiered this month (aired on Monday nights) it doesn't appear to have been a hit with audiences addled on political scandals, cricket and soap. People are not even sure what Ms Palin knows about and thinks of India. "I am very excited to visit India," she has been quoted as saying in what appears to be her only observations on the country so far. "Americans have a great respect for the world's largest democracy."

    The theme of the conclave is "the changing balance of power". India Today owner-editor Aroon Purie believes America's supremacy is being challenged. "A feisty former vice-presidential nominee from America," said Mr Purie, while opening the conclave, "who will be our gala night speaker [on Saturday] will surely disagree with this."

  31. MadCityKaren8:54 PM

    While the recalls of Republican senators in Wisconsin is going very well, there are a number of Democratic senators at risk of recall as well ... I've been doing some research this evening and have found that a number of the "contact" people for these petitions, moreso in northern areas of Wisconsin, appear to be Tea Party associated/sponsored. (I only have solid proof of this association in one case: check out the Tea Party of Green Bay and the recall of Sen. Hanson shows on their main page.)

    I don't know the general vibe from those areas of the state, but given the bad rep that Scooter Walker has given the Republicans in the state, I can't imagine that any of the recalls of Democrats will go over well, especially if people in those districts are aware of the potential Tea Party/"extremist" association.

  32. Mary in San Antonio9:54 PM

    MadCityKaren, there was an article on Huff Post yesterday about this. It seems the GOP are not getting support for recalls against the Democratic senators; they have cut the number they are trying to get recalled down to only three. They have not been able to raise very much money in comparison with the Democrats and the Wisconsin Republican Party has not been forthcoming with any money to help them. Some Republicans are admitting that the Democrats have outworked and outorganized them on the recalls. It sounds like a majority of people in Wisconsin and the rest of the US are supporting the recalls. It looks like the intelligent people have realized just how union busting can affect all of us worker bees, in addition to union members.

  33. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I'm kind of surprised that there hasn't been more coverage of the BS that the Governor of Michigan is doing to his state.

    Not only does he want to be able to get rid of collective bargaining, but he wants to be able to take individual towns over and remove duly elected officials and replace them with Corporate shills.

  34. MadCityKaren8:19 AM

    @Mary in SanAntonio ... yep, saw that article too. Given that a number of polls has declared Walker "too polarizing" I can understand why the national and even state GOP are keeping their distance.

    On Wednesday DailyKos had an interesting breakdown of the districts that senators eligible for recall (both Democrat and Republican senators) as to how they'd voted in the 2008 election, here:

    Still, I am bothered that there is a Tea Party influence in the recall of 4 of the Democratic senators (Hansen, Holperin, Lassa and Miller; interestingly, Lassa is not listed in the article on DK, so maybe that recall is pretty much a non-starter at this time as indicated in the HuffPo article).

  35. jerry, of eye on washington5:47 PM

    Wisconsiners---here is a plan that might actually work!! Stop paying your mortgages. Read the plan on


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