Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Rachel Maddow to Wisconsin protesters: "You are winning this fight!"

Kind of long, but definitely worth the time to view it.


  1. Anonymous4:46 AM

    I don't know whether to be really angry or just sad. When did the RNC declare war on Americans? If this is about votes (of course it is!) do they think that the people they throw out of work are going to come back and vote GOP ever in their lifetimes? Do they think their kids won't know how Daddy and Mommy lost their jobs because of GOP greed? I used to think Sarah was the leader of the idiot pack, now I think that all GOP brains were created equally...very small, with only space for hatred and greed. I hate to use a GOP slogan, but I want my country back-the one where we cared about others and pulled together.

  2. Anonymous4:57 AM

    I love that Sarah Lou misspells mckinley in her twitter account "@mckinely777". (I'm sure that was on purpose. Creative writing?) And the Karl Rove impersonation is great. Is anything going WELL for Sarah these days?

  3. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I'm ashamed I ever voted Republican. These greedy bastards have no shame.

  4. Rachel is doing a great job on the WI protests. Thanks for posting the video!

    I was surprised to find an objective, if not sympathetic, article in Forbes, written by Rick Ungar, accusing Gov. Walker of lying about public employee pensions.

    He quotes another writer who gets in a dig at our media:

    "Accepting Gov. Walker’s assertions as fact, and failing to check, creates the impression that somehow the workers are getting something extra, a gift from taxpayers. They are not. Out of every dollar that funds Wisconsin’ s pension and health insurance plans for state workers, 100 cents comes from the state workers."


  5. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Wisconsin workers and protesters are what this country is supposed to represent. I salute you with all my heart.

    Thanks Racheal for the much needed coverage in Wis. The MSM (corporate thugs) have treated this very important matter with a virtual media "blackout". China and Iran are so proud of your actions CNN, ABC, NBC, Faux, CBS and disappointingly the NYT.

  6. honeybabe9:11 AM

    the gop targets all american wage earners. they are pretty fierce in attacking women's rights too. of course they LOVE the rich (and hope to become rich in the process). i really think everyone is starting to notice. can't wait for the next election.

  7. majii1:31 PM

    "I don't know whether to be really angry or just sad. When did the RNC declare war on Americans?"

    The republicans in leadership positions have always declared war on Americans. All one has to do is remember how stubborn they were in December 2010 in refusing to negotiate with President Obama UNLESS they got tax cuts extended for the richest Americans. Going back further, one has to only examine the legislation they have passed over the last 30+ years beginning with Reagan in 1980. Reagan began the assault on unions by firing the Air Traffic Controllers and started us on the path to increasing the deficit to levels never seen before, and the other rw presidents sold Americans out to pander to corporations and keep their seats in Congress!!! The assault on average Americans didn't start in WI, for sure, and I witnessed all of it from Reagan to GWB. What many Americans have failed to understand all of these years is that the republicans have used abortion and attacks on gays and lesbians as a distraction to earn their votes while behind the scenes in Congress they have been fully engaged in crippling and destroying the middle and lower classes. We pay for their lavish lifestyles while we struggle to make it and educate our children so that they will have lives better than the ones we are living.


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