Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Sarah Palin calls President Obama's decision not to enforce DOMA "appalling." And believe me, this is a women who knows all about appalling behavior!

From the National Organization for Marriage:

In response to a question from me, Sarah Palin offered this exclusive response to President Obama's DOMA decision:

"I have always believed that marriage is between one man and one woman. Like the majority of Americans, I support the Defense of Marriage Act and find it appalling that the Obama administration decided not to defend this federal law which was enacted with broad bipartisan support and signed into law by a Democrat president. It's appalling, but not surprising that the President has flip-flopped on yet another issue from his stated position as a candidate to a seemingly opposite position once he was elected."

So it's "appalling" to refuse to defend a law that discriminates against millions of our fellow Americans?  Is it "appalling" to stop vilifying people for a biological difference that they have no control over?  Is it "appalling" to finally allow people who love each other to demonstrate that love by getting married regardless of their gender?  No, none of those things are really "appalling."

But do you know what I find appalling.

Pretending to have a happy marriage because it is economically convenient, is appalling.

Lying about our President to the American people, is appalling.

Forcing your daughter to dance in front of a national audience like a trained monkey while her body swells beyond the ability of the costume designers to camouflage her condition, is appalling.

And perhaps most appalling of all is having this organization use this picture to perpetuate a lie about the birth of a child solely for political reasons.

Yeah, you know I can't think of anything more appalling than this most perfidious of lies.

When it comes to appalling behaviors, you win Mrs. Palin, hands down.


  1. Olivia4:57 AM

    Isn't it so funny(not) that the people who rant and rave about "big government" are the ones who most want government to regulate our private lives?

  2. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Marauding Gay Hordes Drag Thousands Of Helpless Citizens From Marriages After Obama Drops Defense Of Marriage Act,19325/

  3. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Considering the number of divorces in the extended Palin and Heath families, Sarah Palin (whose marriage is a sham) needs to shut her pie hole.

  4. angela5:14 AM

    Damn. Sarah and Todd's marriage is truly an example of why people should stay unmarried, have no children and wrap themselves in large condoms and never speak to anyone they might be attracted to.

    Sarah whores to anything anti- Obama. At this point it should be a drinking game.

    The President wore black socks Sarah what do you say to that you cheap moronic penny ho?
    Sarah: "I'm appalled".

    Drink another shot of whatever everybody!

  5. London Bridges5:15 AM

    A college freshman intern was leaving the office late one evening when he found the newly elected governor, Scott Walker, standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in his hand. "Listen," said the WI governor, "this is a very sensitive and important document and directive here from Mr. David Koch, and my secretary has gone for the night. Can you make this thing work for me?"

    "Certainly," said the intern. He turned the machine on, inserted the paper, and pressed the start button.

    "Excellent, excellent!" said Walker, as his paper disappeared inside the machine. "I just need one copy..."

    "A leader without integrity is a leader in name only."

  6. nancy5:23 AM

    If the President orchestrated peace throughout the world, the Grifter would say he's anti military.

    In other words, Obama can't do one thing she won't criticize.

    She'll NEVER get over being on the losing ticket in 2008.

  7. Connie5:24 AM

    $arah, YOU are appalling.

  8. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Great post!

    Have any theories been worked out as to what happened to Bristol's latest pregnancy? The pictures were pretty damning and now *poof* she's slim again. I find it hard to believe she'd get to 4 or 5 months without having the pregnancy terminated if she were planning to do that, if for no other reason than to keep from appearing preggers.
    Any explanations? This family is so fucked up!

  9. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Once again, the difference between Progressives and Regressives is obvious:

    Progressives get into the Boardroom and out of the Bedroom.

    Regressives get into the Bedroom and out of the Boardroom.

    There you have it.
    So simple.
    So dangerous.

  10. Anonymous5:33 AM


    People who concoct strange stories to feed their agendas to destroy a family when they are the last people who should judge others, especially when they don't know facts

    People who refuse to see the obvious truth about the most shady and manipulative administration in this country, and continue to call anyone racist who does see this

    Spreading false rumors about a young woman

    using a child to destroy his family, not even considering the child's future or what he means to said family.

    One more for good measure: What I find truly appalling is the action of taking one person's side over another, or starting heinous gossip and reporting moronic lies to feed one's political agenda, or not even pretending to be aware that there are specific reasons things occur and bystanders/gossipmongers NEVER have the answers

  11. Anonymous5:35 AM

    @ Olivia, exactly what I think! They want to tell gay people how to live and not to live. They want to tell women what to do with their bodies and not do with their bodies, and the list goes on! She is appalling and makes me sick!

  12. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Isn't it so funny(not) that the people who rant and rave about "big government" are the ones who most want government to regulate our private lives?


    wtf are you talking about? Most people don't think about Govt unless it's taking something from them, unless they are being forced to pay a tax hike, unless a child is being enlisted under federal mandate...Most people don't bother with bullshit from the DC elite and most would do anything NOT to have those people create shit that doesn't involve them paying money so junkies can have cable in jail or minorities are given passes in life.

  13. Jeanabella5:37 AM

    Anyone who uses a quote from the grifter to make a point should remember what happens when you "lay down with dogs" ...........
    as for the appalling woman who is palin, this was just another opportunity to bash our President.
    She is a joke now, everywhere, on every talk show, comedy show, journalists. So much bad press makes the very public perception of her look like a loser, and no one likes to be associated with a loser.
    When religion and government are separate as it should be, some of these right wing nuts will be heard from less and less when discussing politics.
    If the goverment issues a license to build a house and a license to marry another human, what is the difference to them. Who cares who marries who and what they are building? Civil unions are agreements and marriage is a civil union with the religion part. Marriage is not a copy right for any one group, at least I didn't think it was.
    Thanks Gryphen, You're always on top of what's happening.

  14. Anonymous5:39 AM

    "I have always believed that marriage is between one man and one woman, the man's best friend, and the occasional hooker."

  15. This is an issue of faith. And that can be no basis for a law.

    And republicans use government to legislate morality nothing else.

  16. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Lou Sarah Alert: 5:03 A.M.

  17. Most people are finally getting it that she is not relevant.

    At all.

    She could change her eye wear 8 times per day and still exhibit no intelligence or "common sense".

    Her bumpit is her strap on brain.

  18. Anonymous6:02 AM

    She was for the bridge then not for the bridge & on and on. I guess it is only okay when she changes her mind.

  19. angela6:03 AM

    Anon 5:33
    You need a drink of sanity. But I have a feeling you shall be dehydrating for the rest of your life.

  20. Anonymous6:09 AM

    What's appalling is marrying Dud Boy so she could take advantage of the Native health care system with a child that wasn't his. It's also called insurance fraud!

    There's a limited amount of money put into that system every year, and when it's gone it's gone. How much of that total did this insufferable bitch fraudulently suck up back in the late 80's.

  21. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Maybe she thinks that criticism will cause President Obama to quit halfway through his term. It worked with her!

    GO AWAY QUITTER! Nobody but the dung eating beetles care what you have to say anymore.


  22. Anonymous6:43 AM

    The State is not in the sacrament business.

    Marriage is a contract, which is why when you divorce, you don't go to church, you go to court.

    Churches can define marriage anyway they want and if a marriage is not blessed by some church, it isn't real to them anyway.

    So all they care about is the "wrong" people getting any benefit.

  23. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Awe.. the picture warms my heart.

    Todd is smiling thinking about the massage he just got from Ms Tripp or the next one he will get.

    Sarah is smiling because nobody has exposed the fake birth yet.

  24. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Looking at the picture posted, did Sarah get a chin implant?

    Also what is that dark line on her neck going from the bottom of her ear to her chin?

  25. Anonymous7:08 AM

    3. 2. 1. DRILL BABY DRILL

    I predict this moron going to start her dumbass chant again.

  26. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I for one will welcome our gay overlords. We will all dress better and have much nicer decor in our homes.
    That kidding aside, me thinks Sarah has a lot of cleaning up to do of her own background and bullshit before she starts to label anything appalling. Last time I looked in the dictionary, her photo was right there.

  27. Anonymous7:09 AM

    angela said...
    Damn. Sarah and Todd's marriage is truly an example of why people should stay unmarried, have no children and wrap themselves in large condoms and never speak to anyone they might be attracted to.

    Drink another shot of whatever everybody!

    5:14 AM

    THIS JUST IN: Sarah is a WINO!

    Wife In Name Only

  28. Anonymous7:15 AM

    What is appalling is Sarah Palin and all her lies and criminal things she has done. Saying that I also found it appalling for Bush to lie to start to two wars and remember our economy tanked under Bush also. Not that is appalling. Republicans and Tea Party are appalling.

  29. laprofesora7:18 AM

    Scarah Paylin is irrelevant. She is a sideshow freak with nothing substantial to say on any subject. She has exposed herself to the world as the petty, immature, ignorant, uneducated, jealous witch that she is. If anyone pays attention to what she says, it is for the pure joy of laughing hysterically at her expense. It's over, Scarah, but you're the only one who doesn't know it.

  30. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Regarding Palin flip flop: Palin outright lied projecting the congress insisted on spending money for a bridge to no where. Facts are officials said no to earmarks for the bridge. There is a distinction between changing one'sind or decision versus choosing to blame shift one's action or decision and exchange identity. That brand of lying is pathological when Palin does not stop telling the lie choosing to also blame shift everyone else is lying about her.

    @5:33 again, further evidence how people automatically give trust to people mistakenly without checking on facts or learning more about them. Narcissists, personality disordered, psycho and sociopaths prey on this human weakness.

    Several friends of mine got sucked in by Palin near delerious she had built the largest pipeline, told the "wasteful" government NO about the bridge etc.

    I learned after a self professed self sanctified pathological liar decimated lives, committed shocking atrocities to not trust anyone just because he or she sounds good.

    They know their destruction and chillingly feel good pulling one over, doing horrific thongs setting people up to be falsely condemned and punished for crimes the con committed.

    Any parents who use their children as a means to their end abandoning them, neglecting their needs then brainwashing them everyone else is guilty (up is down) I'd be glad if they could be pit on a deserted island. Such people eat their own young prey on their own flesh and blood.

  31. Anonymous7:31 AM

    OT but where's Sarah's support for Special Olympic's " Spread the Word to End the Word" today? Guess the R-word just isn't appalling to her anymore.
    In case anyone would like to pledge:

    ~ buttercup ~

  32. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Sorry Gryphen, I know about not feeding but I can't resist. A 'One Toother Alert' at 05:33 and, "...for good measure," one at 05:36. Obviously a delusional nitwit dreaming about black helicopters who loves them some Palin and Beck... with a whole lot of Limbaugh thrown in. They should try Reynolds Wrap, not the no-name brand.

  33. Anonymous7:51 AM

    5:33 - Wow, what the hell have you been drinking?

    Perhaps you might really look at Sarah's records in office. Not so good & she lies like crazy about it.

    And also, too, SP put her family in the spotlight NOT us. She has made a freaking fortune off all of you nuts.

    IF she had ever been serious about anything other than money & fame she would have went back to Alaska to finish her term. She would have boned up on FACTS.

    And also, too, please for the love of God give us ONE example for ANY of the "problems" she is always going on about. Oh that is right, it is all about common sense, uh, gov. is big & bad and uh, ummm, and ah, ummmmmmm, lame stream media oh, oh, oh I know and ummmm the liberals are killing our country.

    For ONCE I would like to see any of her supporters answer that question.


  34. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Is this not intentionally misleading by making it sound like it was a Democrat idea? I looked it up, confused, wondering why Clinton would sign that piece of crap.

    Well the vote was high enough to be veto proof was not it?

    Clinton had no choice am I correct? Wasn't he against it? I mean I'd hope so but you can never underestimate the dems.

  35. Anonymous7:56 AM

    What is appalling is Sarah pushes family values yet she and her mother were in the family way when they got married. Bristol didn't even marry the father of her child.

    What is appalling is Sarah claiming to be a great mother yet she parades her kids around like they are cattle and cannot dress them appropriately in cold weather (see her on Bus Tour with Trig).

    What is appalling is Sarah claims to be a fiscal conservative yet she took federal money for the Bridge to Nowhere, left Wasilla 19 million in debt, and ran the Mat-Su Dairy into the ground.

    What is appalling is Sarah claims to be a Christian yet will not forgive everyone who crossed her (Troopergate, John Bitney, McCain's staff, Levi Johnston)

    What is appalling is she thought Obama's citizenship should be an issue (which she has flip-flopped on since) yet she will not produce Trig's birth certificate)

  36. Anonymous7:57 AM

    How many more states have made same sex marriage legal since Obama took office? The tide is turning on this issue and this administration will not fight against the movement toward equality.

  37. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Neither of the three people in that pic look the same anymore. Sarah's surgery makes her look so hardened. Todd is so much skinnier. And the baby has grown.

  38. Anonymous8:15 AM

    5:33 and 5:36 - you must have wandered into the wrong blog.

    5:33, you are just a little too over-the-top with defense of the Palins unless you are part of the family.

    5:36 - of course people think about the government - when they get their tax refunds, their pension checks, when they need the roads repaired, a burglar is breaking in, their house is on fire, a product is found to be dangerous for children, they feel a threat from a foreign country, and just about any darn time they themselves want something to make their lives better or safer, their water cleaner, their air purer or they get pissed-off at someone or something. Gees, 5:35, think.

    Oh, yeah, and they do when they want control over other people G-man is sure right about that.

  39. Anonymous8:37 AM

    O/T: I found an article that might be interesting to you and others:

    I guess you don't need no stinkin' Harper et al to become a successful author...

  40. Pres. Obama didn't flip-flop on DOMA. During the campaign, he said his personal belief was that 'marriage is between a man and a woman'. He never said he supported DOMA and, in fact, did say he supported civil unions.

    I'll give Palin the benefit of the doubt that she isn't purposefully misrepresenting Pres. Obama. Let's blame it on her brain which is 'wired differently' and lacks comprehension ability. It's somewhat similar to her inability to understand the difference between Michelle Obama promoting responsible eating and exercise and not letting people eat dessert.

  41. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Well at least she said it correctly, sort of mostly. The DOJ is enforcing DOMA, unlike what most Republicans are saying. Obama agreed with an evaluatin by the DOJ which determined, based on federal court precedent, that DOMA is unconsitioutional. But Holder clearly stated that DOJ will enforce the law.

    Therefore the DOJ will not defend a law they see as unconstitutional. Congress, which passed the law can defend DOMA in court and probably will.

    It would be more "appalling" for the DOJ to continue to defend a law that harmsa citizens which the DOJ had determined was unconstitutional.

  42. Anonymous9:14 AM

    angela said...
    Damn. Sarah and Todd's marriage is truly an example of why people should stay unmarried, have no children and wrap themselves in large condoms and never speak to anyone they might be attracted to..
    5:14 AM

    So true so true.

    I'm 65, in my life time I have known two couples who seemed to have a good marriage. Marriages that have lasted for many decades.

    What makes them unique is not the quality of the marriages they have, but the quality of the people they each individually are.

    Hey, I'm way to egocentric to marry and I've always known that.

  43. Anonymous9:23 AM

    At first I thought anon 5:33 was describing $aint $arah's behavior in snark-mode for here was my first take of their post (in parenthesis):

    "People who concoct strange stories to feed their agendas to destroy a family when they are the last people who should judge others, especially when they don't know facts (I remember the queen's campaign to paint Joe McGinnis as a pedophile. I remember her campaign to lie about her opponent that he wasn't married and wasn't a Christian but was Jewish. Or David Kernell, the student that guess her elementary password and caused her world to come tumbling down? Or Levi's family especially his mother? What's is so priceless is that the queen KNOWS the facts yet chooses to ignore them for her OWN agenda)

    People who refuse to see the obvious truth about the most shady and manipulative administration in this country, and continue to call anyone racist who does see this
    (The GOP brethren in Congress as well as throughout the states come to mind...Boehner, McConnell, Cantor, etc.. along with their propaganda machines under the likes of Breibart, Fox News, Roger Ailes, Murdoch etc... Or in $aint $arah's administration alone,lying about what Bears are considered endangered. TrooperGate. DairyGate. Being a MIA Governor yet still collecting a paycheck provided by your fellow taxpayers. Fraudulently claiming official Alaskan business in order for the State to cover your children's travel expenses. Not paying Taxes on developed property. Oh the list goes on. )

    Spreading false rumors about a young woman (Oh, her hand in destroying people as well as society's attempt to help their fellow man is not bounded by age or gender. No sirree. Whose accusing who of 'palling around with terrorist'? Who associating 'Death Panels' rhetoric with HealthCare reform when we have Death Panels today (i.e Arizona's transplants debacle, Insurance rescissions ? Who slams College students seeking answers to important financial information as 'dumpster divers' because they won't Sit Down and STFU? Who chants 'don't retreat but reload' to incite violence? Oh by the way, did she ever say a prayer for Christina Taylor Green or Gabby much less mention them by name? )

    using a child to destroy his family, not even considering the child's future or what he means to said family. (Again, David Kernell comes to mind as well as Tripp regarding Levi's accessibility to his child)

    One more for good measure: What I find truly appalling is the action of taking one person's side over another, or starting heinous gossip and reporting moronic lies to feed one's political agenda, or not even pretending to be aware that there are specific reasons things occur and bystanders/gossipmongers NEVER have the answers" (oh here warped political agenda...If you don't agree with me, then you're not a Patriot and don't love your country. Political discussion is only good when you agree with me. Your freedom only applies when I say it does and everything else is considered un-american and unconstitutional. Only I have the answers to America's problems but I'm not at liberty to share them. War is good. My version of Christianity is the ONLY religion for America and the world. My religion should be more involved in my Government for the Constitution say it's so. My servant's heart exists solely for my pocketbook.)

  44. Funny trolls. They were absent the day brains were handed out.

  45. Anonymous9:46 AM

    SHE is appalling. And she needs to go away.

    At the risk of sounding impatient, pushy, whatever: WHAT happened to the story that the pictures from the spouses' luncheon, proving that Palin was not pregnant with Trig, were coming out via some media source? Remember, the "Finally" post?

    Seriously, I need to know if this walking canker sore is going down anytime soon or not.

  46. Tata Ala9:48 AM

    OT - From Andrew...

  47. Anne In DC9:50 AM

    Sarah Palin is an appalling excuse for a human being. She is petty, immature, intellectually stunted, and emotionally arrested. Why else would she be obsessing over everything this president says in order to disagree just for the sake of being disagreeable?

    Marriage is not going to stand or fall because the president chooses not to enforce DOMA. Marriages succeed or fail because of the partners involved, and no one else.
    From where I'm sitting, at least, the Palins don't look like they have much of a marriage. And if the recent allegations about Todd are true, I would think Mrs. Palin should be directing her attention to salvaging hers. It's obvious that whatever happens, the enforcement of DOMA or the failure to enforce it has nothing to do with her marriage.

  48. I can't think of anything about Sarah that isn't appalling. It's also appalling that the Alaska and national media has helped her promote her 'perfidious lies'.

    OT but in the category of misrepresentation - There was a comment on the Ivy Frye post that KTUU captured Ivy on video at the Iron Dog finish in Fairbanks -- NO...they didn't. She wasn't there.

    If anyone wants to establish that Ivy was in Fairbanks, please link to a photo or a video screen capture.

  49. TruthSeeker9:53 AM

    5:33 @ am: Thanks for describing the Palin's to a "T". That is exactly their appalling behaviour. In fact, calling the Palin's appalling is an undertatement - the Palin's are disgusting and revolting.

    GRYPHEN: Thank you for choosing that photo of the baby with his "My Puppy" cap on.

    Didn't one of the released Palin e-mails (months & months back) talk about the pick-up or delivery of a puppy?

    And now here's the picture of that little puppy. See the blue "My Puppy" tag beside Todd's grizzled chin. And I believe just above that tag is an applique of a little puppy, though I cannot be sure of that.

  50. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Hi Folks,

    Have you checked out "Palin's Deceptions"website. Hurray Up and check this out. Unbelievable.
    Poor Gabby Giffords? Do you pray for her. She is so lovely and graceful and to think that Palin is responsible.(murder? it sure looks like it. I read something the other day that Palin threatened someone else with "crosshairs" in the same way as Palin did to Gabby. This woman went to the police about it.
    Where are Palin's emails that she's been waiting for?
    Remember check out "Palin's Deceptions" Unbelieveable!!!!

  51. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Also appalling: using the phrase "Democrat president," rather than "Democratic president." Until Tea Partiers STOP using this phrase (and Democrat party, and Democrat position, etc., etc.), they will always, and forever, be known to me as Tea BAGGERS.

    And as far as DOMA is concerned, as soon as someone can prove to me that two people of the same sex marrying can SOMEHOW DAMAGE the marriage of a "one man/one woman" couple, I'll support DOMA. Until then, NO!

    Baggers, stay out of our bedrooms!

  52. Anonymous10:28 AM

    From the article title: Sarah Palin calls President Obama's decision not to enforce DOMA "appalling."

    Citation, please.

    All the quote from Sarah says is, "I … find it appalling that the Obama administration decided not to defend this federal law …" (emphasis added).

    All the article says is, "So it's "appalling" to refuse to defend a law that …" (emphasis added).

    So where does the article title get, "President Obama's decision not to enforce DOMA" (emphasis added) from? There are enough people chaiming that he has made such a decision that I don't think it's appropriate to give them support here without some sort of backing.

    Please either provide support for the implication that Obama has decided not to enforce DOMA, or attribute it to a quote from Sarah (which at first was what I thought you were doing) or correct the article title to say "defend DOMA"—a much different thing.

    (BTW, I'm the same Ted Powell who's been here all along—I just noticed that you support TypePad IDs.)

  53. Anonymous11:00 AM

    OT but in the category of misrepresentation - There was a comment on the Ivy Frye post that KTUU captured Ivy on video at the Iron Dog finish in Fairbanks -- NO...they didn't. She wasn't there.

    Thanks for pointing this out. It is always suspicious when a claim like this is made with no details.

    It was such a timely and convienient rufudiation also too...(Gilda you are rilly needed).

  54. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Anonymous said...

    People who concoct strange stories to feed their agendas to destroy a family when they are the last people who should judge others, especially when they don't know facts

    People who refuse to see the obvious truth about the most shady and manipulative administration in this country, and continue to call anyone racist who does see this

    Spreading false rumors about a young woman

    using a child to destroy his family, not even considering the child's future or what he means to said family.

    One more for good measure: What I find truly appalling is the action of taking one person's side over another, or starting heinous gossip and reporting moronic lies to feed one's political agenda, or not even pretending to be aware that there are specific reasons things occur and bystanders/gossipmongers NEVER have the answers"

    5:33 AM

    You NEED TO BE SPECIFIC about your accusations.

    a) What strange stories are you talking about? It's been hard to get the facts since lies and half-truths are mostly what Sarah and Company tell. But, you're right, the facts are something we should know which is why they are being gathered.

    b) Exactly, what obvious truths are we refusing to see about the administration?

    c) What false rumor was spread about what young woman?

    d) What child was used in what way to destroy what family?

    e) What gossip and lies were started? Certainly we ARE aware that "there are specific reasons things occur" and that is why people are asking questions so that they CAN "have the answers".

  55. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Leave it to Sarah Palin to predictably go with the wrong side on everything. Wikileaks? Join the initial call to hunt them down, then back down when it's clear that Wikileaks has global support. Gabby Giffords? Fall for the rightwing's outrage that they're getting blamed, ramp it up by calling it a blood libel, get reviled by most of America. Joe Miller? Take a premature victory lap only to end up with egg on your face when Lisa Murkowski wins with a history-making write-in campaign. Christine O'Donnell? Make a phony display of supporting women candidates only to be embarrassed when your candidate effectively eliminates the Republicans' chances for winning the Senate majority.

    I could give example after example after example of how Palin always acts too soon and ends up looking like an idiot to most of the country. I predict her fainting over gay marriage will result in a similar outcome.

  56. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Spare us your fake outrage. You could care less about this issue when you were governor, you're only taking it up now to keep raking in money for your PAC from repressed rightwingers. What a phony.

  57. Anonymous1:22 PM

    why does every baby pix out of this gaggle of grifters look shopped in.

    no shadows in appropriate places.
    her fingers are never that thick.
    the contrast in skin tones.

    you cant believe anything that comes out of this gaggle.

  58. Anonymous2:04 PM

    What I find appalling - that Sarah Palin AGAIN publicly scolds the American president.
    And AGAIN, repeated presidential comparisons of the Wasilla housewife with no resume, no job, and meager employment/education history.
    And AGAIN, feeding her need for media attention, good or bad.
    And AGAIN, associating her name and image with presidential potential.

    This is why she gets invited to speak as a foreign affairs "expert" by small countries. This is why Israel invited her to a significant conference and why she's going to India.
    They THINK she's substantial because she's in the same sentences with REAL politicians.

  59. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Keep government intervention out of my bedroom and my uterus.

  60. FloridaDem3:55 PM

    How can folks like Greta and Tammy Bruce continue to support her when she's basically spitting in their faces?

  61. Anonymous4:32 PM

    It is well known in the valley that Sarah had that affair with Brad and now Todd has been paying for sex with another woman. Money is the only thing keeping them together. They don't have to spend any sort of time together on a regular basis. They tag team raising their kids- one on, one off-with Todd pulling most of that weight these days.

    And really, I could give a shit about all of that but she keeps wanting to shove her faulty values down my throat and don't appreciate it one bit. This woman needs to STFU.

  62. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I hate to say it, but I don't think Bristol was ever pregnant on DWTS. I see a LOT of adolescent girls with some pretty large bellies because they over eat and don't exercise enough. Yes, Bristol was "dancing" supposedly hours a day, but really, was it strenuous? Mark is on record a few times complaining that Bristle needed to work harder- be more intense. I just don't think she worked that hard and burned enough calories to offset the food she was clearly binging on.

    If her food intake was always out at restaurants (cheesecake factory anyone?) and at places like McD's, then she could gain weight very rapidly and it would immediately go to her mid-section- also because of the stress and all the cortisol surely having been coursing through her body. Bristle is also a mom, so again, she would tend to gain weight in her belly first.

    Many of these girls I see every day for all intents and purposes look pregnant- they truly do, but I know they aren't because they are in middle school and I highly doubt there are dozens of pregnant middle school girls roaming my school's halls. They are simply overweight.

    To lose weight as rapidly as she's seemed to post-show, maybe she got on the HCG diet. Some of her other "teen mom" classmates of hers have tried it and lost weight very quickly- that shit works.

  63. Good one on you, Gryphon, perfidious!!

    Thanx for what you do.



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It just goes directly to their thighs.