Monday, March 07, 2011

Young boy uses his innocent looks to make right wing racist rhetoric more palatable, but the only thing he accomplishes is to make us hate his parents.

Clearly this poor young man is reading from a script provided by his NRA card carrying, Grand Wizard of the KKK father who is too cowardly to show his face on camera.

This is why a public school education is so incredibly important, because you just know this kid is home schooled by two of the most ignorant individuals who ever got drunk and accidentally made a little racist together.

By the way who wants to bet me that this kids parents are HUGE Sarah Palin fans?

(H/T to Wonkette.)


  1. Anonymous2:17 AM

    this is just so sad. makes me want to go back to bed ...

    you're off to a rip-roarin monday mornin, gryph, ol' boy!

  2. Anonymous2:38 AM

    OT but you have to see this. Palin is giving an interview to a BBC reporter.

    "[Governor Palin begins to walk away]

    SP: So again if I decide to run we know that we have to put up with a lot of the BS that comes from the media but ... It's not all of you guys but some of you still claim that Trig isn't my kid. I think that's an indication of screwed-up media.

    JL: You were saying, your favourite from the media? Which one is that?

    SP: Is that trig is not my child, which is still out there in the media.

    JL: How offensive is that? How do you deal with that?

    SP: Would you be offended if someone said you're child wasn't your child? It's offensive. OK, you know what, I'm really really trying to enjoy one of the best days of our lives."

  3. Anonymous3:02 AM

    "A show for white kids"?Are you kidding me? Sad, just sad.

  4. If there's one thing guaranteed to turn me from a rational balanced person into a seething mass of anger, it's being preached at by a child. The jehovahs in the UK are very keen on hiking their offspring round to tell me the good news but they back off if I ask whether they've explained to the child that they'll let him or her die should an operation ever become necessary. Perhaps you guys in the USA are more tolerant and balanced but I'd lock the parents up for child abuse.

  5. Anonymous3:28 AM

    fuck you kid.

  6. WakeUpAmerica3:47 AM

    Sounds like a South African accent. What a shame that his young mind has been filled with so much hate.

  7. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Awww... ain't that cute? An adorable little blonde white supremacist.

    Andrew's parents are no doubt too chicken-shit to spout their racist garbage on the internet themselves; to encourage their child to do so is an utter disgrace.

    Good luck, kid.

  8. angela3:56 AM

    Someone call Children's Services . . .
    This has pretty much ruined my day.

  9. Chenagrrl4:43 AM

    This is alarming. It's so clear the kid is reading a script and being coached.

    More alarming is his marionette movements. Where is he? If you know, call child protective services! This is only the tip of the iceberg. Home-schooling, my foot!

  10. nancy5:18 AM

    Sad, sad, sad. Why do parents project their hate on their children? This is abusive and the kid is going to be messed up because of it.

    Instead of allowing their child to grow up happy and secure, they're are instilling in him fear, distrust, anger, racism and superiority over others.

    Martin Luther King Jr. said it best, "never look down on someone unless you're lifting them up."

    Guess his parents were at a klan meeting that day and never learned that lesson.

  11. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Gryphen, the attack on homeschoolers here isn't waranted. Believe me, there are plenty of this type en masse in schools all over the place, including isolated rural public schools, accredited private RCC and other religious schools, etc.
    Homeschooling, like those other education options has a range of parents and students. Parents choose homeschooling for a number of reasons, including academic ones.

    I think you owe homeschoolers an apology.

  12. Anonymous5:29 AM

    O/T here's part of the video from the BBC interview.

    The rest of the interview is scheduled to air tonight.
    Should be very interesting to watch Palin's body language.

  13. Anonymous5:50 AM

    What's Eating Grifter Granny?

    The BBC interview is short but very telling.

    Amazing that Palin is still bringing up things from years ago. Can she not let anything go?? These are the "so called" lies that are still bothering her?

    Africa as a continent
    Book banning
    Trig's parentage

  14. Anonymous6:01 AM

    That's just the same rhetoric I hear on fox news daily. He has a good future in Murdoch empire!

  15. Anonymous6:02 AM

    This kid' grandfather is the head of the Klan. His parents and his older sisters are all involved in it. I saw pics of the sisters, one wearing a KKK white robe, standing in front of a burning cross. There is another pic of this boy, his mother, and his two sisters standing together and posing proudly in front of another burning cross. Absolutely sickening.

  16. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Thankfully I can barely understand the little bastard. No big surprise he'd be from the south...

  17. Gryphen, I have not watched the video but wanted to comment on your anti-homeschooling stance. While I recognize that a larger percentage of people homeschool for religious based reasons, there is a very large non-secular homeschooling community as well. Please don't throw the baby out with the bathwater here. Many of us homeschool our children because we see how NCLB has handicapped their educational opportunities. Still others chose this route to avoid the over medication or unnecessary labeling of children who simply learn at a different pace/style than public school can provide.

    Hate comes in all shapes and sizes and there is no evidence to suggest that public schooled children don't have the same possibility of hatred and bigotry in their homes as homeschooled children or vice versa. I recognize that you were once a participant in the public school system. Please do not let that cloud your vision by stereotyping homeschool families to be hate filled and ignorant.

  18. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I suppose everyone noticed the fake-book wallpaper in the second half of the video and on the image in the IM page. Figures.

  19. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Danielle, you are right about SOME homeschooling being a plus. I recall two homeschooled children in one Alaskan family were accepted at Harvard some years ago. But it sure takes a special Mom to do it -- it is sooooo hard to do it right. I know I could not do it well.

  20. Anonymous7:00 AM

    For all you defensive home schoolers out there, chill.

    Home schooling may have it's merits, however, the bubble that kids are in when they do not participate in regular socialization that occurs with public or private schools is part of shaping a young personality. The kids learn to participate with groups, are exposed to other cultures, races, ages and sexes, a microcosm of the real world.

    We live in a world that is diverse and colorful. Home schooling cuts off those influences, for positive or negative, and robs the child of interacting in a way that simply delays the reality of life. In many cases, hatred, prejudice, close-mindedness, and an extremely skewed thinking does not have to face the mirror of the community and can fester and grow without check.

    Of course this is not applicable to all home schooled children, by any means, but the possibility exists exponentially with children who are only influenced by their parents in a closed environment.

    So, just stop your being all miffed that Gryphen is expressing his opinion, after all it IS HIS BLOG. You might want to remember that when you get all sanctimonious and whiney over his commentary.

  21. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I think it might be a good idea to differentiate between what I call homeschooling and homeskooling.

    Homeschooling= Making the choice to educate your child or children at home because you have found the available schools do not meet the needs of your child or children. You devote your time and resources to obtaining and using materials appropriate for each child's age, abilities, etc... You find and arrange interesting field trips, and take advantage of experts in your community or online to enhance your child's or childrens' education. You encourage a love of learning in your child or children by your words and actions.

    Homeskooling= Keeping your kids out of the public or private school systems because you can't handle your religious, political, or parenting views being challenged. Education materials are not selected on the basis of academic rigor or to address the special needs of your child or children. Honestly, you find the whole process of education a giant bore, but this way you don't have to worry about getting your child or children to school on time or dealing with teachers. Another bonus is that you can easily drag your minor children with you when you go on another tour to hawk your latest bitchfest of a book.

  22. Anonymous7:43 AM

    It's called indoctrination, and it works quite well, unfortunately.

    I think it's really sad that these parents apparently have not sought speech therapy for this child. It seems obvious that he has a speech problem. I hope they get him some help.

  23. The ignorance of homeschooling displayed in Gryphen's comment is really disappointing. If public schooling is a guarantee of a socially adjusted, well-balanced, tolerant person that can anyone explain now the public school system managed to produce Sarah Palin. Or Bristol Palin? Please...

    I don't blame the public schools for their anti-social, narcissistic behavior. And as a homeschooler in the south, my decision to home educate is exactly what makes my kids different from their publicly schooled peers, who are largely racist and extremely conservative due to peer pressure and the presence of a lot of very conservative teachers.

    No, our kids don't spend eight ours a day locked in a classroom with their peers. They are active in 4-H (our daughter spent the weekend at a state competition that ended with a houseful of her friends sleeping over Saturday night). They are involved in local theatre, science activities, political causes and also are fortunate enough to have friends of many ages. They are as at ease with adults and little kids as they are with their peers. And having an autistic brother and meeting his friends has helped them become very understanding of the special needs community.

    Bottom line, the mindset displayed by the kid in this video come from the parents. I would certainly agree that being locked away in a homeschooling environment where the only exposure a kid gets is to racism is certainly a bad idea. But to attempt to paint all homeschoolers as being like this guy is just another unfortunate misstep in what has become a trend of late on your blog. You never seemed to be spiteful nor intolerant in the past, Gryphen. What has changed you so?

    Oh, and one more thing that I'm going to throw out there for you anti-homeschoolers to chew on. My oldest daughter who was homeschooled is now a *wonderful* teacher in the public school system. She supports both public schooling and home schooling as options that should be available to parents, and sees a place for them both. She is open-minded, and a good teacher, because she was taught to be.

    So there you go.

  24. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Actually, there was someone at that meeting with a gun. I remember seeing an interview with him. He didn't draw it because he was afraid of shooting bystanders AND being mistaken for one of the terrorists and shot himself by police.

    Oh, and attack homeschoolers all you want, Gryph. I home schooled my older daughter for complicated personal reasons her last few years in high school, but it wasn't to control the information she was receiving or the people she came into contact with. It was very difficult and expensive, since I had to hire tutors in subjects I wasn't qualified in myself (I have a PhD, but not in everything!) and she finally begged me to let her go to college a year early because she was so socially isolated. Her story has a happy ending as she's now a lawyer with an Ivy League diploma, but our up close look at the kind of people who normally do this was frightening.

  25. Smirnonn11:09 AM

    Hey Gryphen,

    Home schooling is not all bad. My wife and I home schooled our kids for 4 years until we found a school system that fit our standards. My wife has a degree in education. When our kids entered public schools they were well ahead of their classmates.

    That said, this video sickens me. Children should not be fed such racist nonsense.

  26. Wow, Anon @ 8:12. You sound a lot like Sarah Palin; use the worst examples of a certain group (Muslims, minorities, home schoolers) to define the whole bunch.

    I know three things. 1) There are a lot of religious, whack-job home schoolers who've done a terrible job educating their kids. 2.) There are a lot of kids who've graduated from the public school system who are just as poorly educated. 3.) Using the worst examples to vilify the parents who can and have made their educational option work is an unfortunate example of prejudice.

  27. Anonymous1:30 PM

    How come the British? This is not your typical southern bible thumper racist.

  28. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Not sure if the videos are being made in the USA or not, but this kid definitely has an accent.

    But more importantly, the children and family services department really need to pay a visit, soon.

  29. onething7:04 PM

    Not all kids thrive in the regimented environment at public (or private schools). I was bored almost to tears every day in school. I would have loved home schooling, except I would not have wanted my mom to be the teacher. Dad would have been fine.

    I started out homeschooling my kids, and the only reason I didn't persist is because I got divorced. Of the three, I regret that the youngest was not home schooled. She was never comfortable in school, and struggled with learning disabilities which she slowly outgrew but had to withstand weekly spelling tests that were an agony and meaningless for her.

    My motive for home schooling had nothing to do with religion or indoctrination, but a love for freedom, a learning pace fit for the child, and a desire not to waste so much of their time.

  30. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Word is they fed him and let him play video games for a 1/2 hour after this.


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