Thursday, April 21, 2011

Alaskans hate Sarah Palin. No, I mean they REALLY hate her!

From USA Today:

A new Alaska Poll released today shows 61% of Alaskans have a "very unfavorable" or "somewhat unfavorable" opinion of Palin, a former governor and the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee.

Thirty-six percent view Palin positively, according to the survey by Dittman Research & Communications.

"There are a number of reasons why her popularity isn't nearly what it once was," said Matt Larkin, president of Dittman Research & Communications. "A fair number of Alaskans just have Sarah Palin fatigue."

Larkin notes Palin once had an approval rating of 86% when she was governor. Today, Alaska legislators are trying to undo some of the legislation Palin got passed and Larkin believes some people could still be upset that she abruptly resigned in 2009 before her term was over.

Actually we just hate her because she made us all look like idiots, tried to inflict Joe Miller on us, used our state as a backdrop for a nine part reality show campaign commercial, and tricked us into thinking she had a Down syndrome baby.  What's not to hate?


  1. Anonymous5:18 AM

    C4P will never report this poll.


  2. Anonymous5:29 AM

    She really has lost her looks and put the mileage on her body.

    Thanks to RAM, Sarah 24/7 was way too much exposure for such an uneducated nasty woman who is a known liar.

  3. Anonymous5:30 AM

    isn't polling in AK extremely difficult? I have lots of friends in the Valley, Fairbanks and Eagle River and there are many people who have never met her, yet want to. When I look at my fb newsfeed, many friends of alaskan friends defend her. I'm not implying AK would support her in another race by any means. That's like saying America would vote Bush, Clinton or Obama in again if their first elections were replayed.

    To Bill, Didn't c4p mention the poll?

  4. Anonymous5:31 AM

    The eyes say it all!!! She has become unglued and she scares the hell out of me. No, I do not believe she will ever again hold elected office BUT the venom she spews is contagious and is reaching the most dangerous among us: the angry and ignorant who do not get that the USA is a land of INCLUSION and FAIR PLAY!

  5. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Only if she and her family all move away from Alaska will it again seem palatable for me to travel there. She is toxic, as far as I'm concerned. I don't even want to breathe the same air. Too dramatic? Well, to put it in some perspective, with Donald Trump spewing all his hate around "in the Palin style", I think it would be difficult to visit New York (my favorite city) now, seeing his gaudy imprint all over. Same thing.

  6. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Hey, Gryphen, since Bill McAllister seems to be a wife beater, do you want to go down to the courthouse and check this out on 4/29?

  7. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Yeah, and I bet this survey did not include the Nick Tucker or the people of Emmonak.

  8. Anonymous5:40 AM

    It's still unbelievable to me that 36% of Alaskans still have a positive view of Palin. What's up with that? Surely the number of brain dead Alaskans cannot be that high.

  9. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Second 5:31am. In spite of the flattering lighting and peaceful background SP's eyes were over the top creepy.

    This is a woman who would do or say ANYTHING for attention or money. I hope her kids have a safe place to stay when mom goes NUTS.

  10. Anonymous5:50 AM

    If you aren't reading TBogg already, you may want to start. How hilarious!

  11. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Sad but true, AKers, that before Palin I thought very differently about your state. I imagined heroic, brave, outdoorsy, independent people with a respect for each other and the environment. (A fantasy, right?) Since Palin, I know far too much about the politics and social fabric of AK-- and still wonder about a place that can produce and support AND continue to support (by not coming forth with the truth) this mentally unstable grifter. I'm from Texas, and we've produced some doozies-- but not even the Bushes (who, after all, aren't real Texans) come close to the flagrant public madness of Palin. Just compare the Bush twins to the poor Palin children.

  12. Anonymous5:56 AM


  13. Anonymous5:59 AM

    @5:30, it's extra funny when you 'bots try to seem reasonable or even detached. You always get your obnoxious little digs in, though (in a completely unsubtle way). Too predictable!

  14. Anonymous6:02 AM

    To: Anonymous @ 5:30

    I have not seen the poll on C4P.


  15. Anonymous6:02 AM

    This poll mirrors recent national polls which show her unfavorable rating between 55 and 61 percent.

    The C4P spin on these polls is that they are manufactured by the MSM in order keep Sarah from running. Seriously, they actually believe that.

  16. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Frankly, I'm appalled that 36% of Alaskans still like her. That's more than in the rest of the country.

    She has forever made your beautiful state a laughing stock.

  17. Anonymous6:17 AM

    You know I just went back and read some Rebecca Mansour tweets and comments she wrote; she is supposed to be educated but her writings do not sound any better than Bristol or Willow Palin.

    RAM might have got an education in college but she is extremely rough around the edges and sounds just as illiterate as the Palin kids. She also sounds as if she really loves Sarah in a love partner way. Wow!

  18. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Concern Troll 5:30...we see right through you. Do your Alaskan FB friends include Bristol?

    The writing is on the wall. Sarah is no longer The North Star. Her pathetic, aborted Governorship and her shameless grifting has opened the eyes of all but the lunatic fringe.

    And, by the way, since we've moved beyond horse and buggy and we aren't reliant on two tin cans and string, statisticians and pollsters are actually able to successfully gather a representative sample of Alaskans.

  19. laprofesora6:17 AM

    Yeah, I get it, you get it, the rest of the world gets it. But how do we get Scarah Paylin to get it? She takes delusion to a whole new level.

  20. The CofP is going to be in total denial of this poll. The only polls they believe are the ones where they vote over and over for hours on end. Now they're whining because Palin was taken off the 2011 most influencial list. Maybe because they realize all the votes are coming from the same ten people ( active members at Cofp). They are a very pathetic group. I bet they stay up at night thinking of new conspiracy theories to justify the fact that Palin is in the crapper.

  21. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Palin is probably the only GOP candidate that could manage to lose Alaska.


  22. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I had Alaska on my "to do" travel list.
    Not anymore. I know way more about the place than I need to know. I couldn't bear to spend my time with such crazy people.

  23. Nancy in New York6:32 AM

    To Sarah Lou (anon. 5:30)

    Bush only made a second term because of swiftboating and 'red alert, orange alert war on 'terrusim' crap. Clinton got elected twice. McCain proved he had dementia by picking the Alaskan Snow Flake as VP and Obama is coasting to a second term because the Goppers only have certifiable lunatics as potential opponents.

    As far as 'lots' of your friends who want to meet her, who gives a rats ass? 'Lots' of people smoke, 'lots' of people don't believe in evolution, 'lots' of people don't believe in climate change, 'lots' of people believe the earth is only 5000 years old etc. etc.

    In other words, 'lots' of people can be misinformed, self destructive and/or woefully ignorant.

    The Palindrones can be described as all of the above.

    Thank God that 'lots' more people in the world are not as moronic as your so called friends and are gleeful that the only place "President" and "Palin" are combined are in posts written by her delusional worshippers on her Facebook page.

  24. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I am beginning to have doubts that Levi is the father of Trig or Tripp. It appears he was a convenient political prop to appear alongside Bristol as he was young and good-looking.

    Maybe this was just another Palin snow job on America because there are more questions now about that whole affair. Kind of like Sarah with the star of David, see the shiny bling and change the subject.

    The Palin family is very dysfunctional, nothing is as they try to make it appear.

  25. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Ahhhhh, Alaska, we don't blame YOU for her....we blame HER!

    After all, you folks have been among the first to share the real identity of SP with the rest of us!

  26. WakeUpAmerica6:34 AM

    @5:34 my, my, my! Isn't that an interesting development?

  27. Anonymous6:36 AM

    5:34 AM re: domestic abuse

    He must have challenged her to a duel, thrown gauntlet and such and she just didn't respond.

  28. Anonymous6:36 AM

    So we find out that Alaskan politics is no different from FL, Chicago, NY, CA, MS, WI...

    Did you really think AK was all beautiful scenery and majesty? Only a poisoned mind chooses not to visit an area based on one resident. There are tons of Alaskans who don't know Sarah personally (bloggers included) and even more who have never met her. Communication in AK is tricky. The bigger cities are mostly liberal. Outsiders need not to judge based on generic accounts from people they've never met. That's like me (a native Floridian) judging Obama on his association with Chitown thuggery. Or one of you judging a FL politico based on Scott or Jeb.

  29. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Gryphen, can you look into those comments on your other new thread about the President's town hall on Facebook []?

    There seems to be some startling documentation about Trig and Levi's dad?

  30. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Not a nice legacy for her to leave behind. But she did it to herself.

    Not only the quitting, but the aftermath her constant twittering and facebooking, People, Us, TMZ, E! Entertainment, Fox News, Book tours, appearances on DWTS; if that wasn't enough, then her increased ugly verbal attacks at others who crossed her, her whining about the media, her "blood libel" video, her verbal nasty criticisms of the President. On and on.

    And of course the SP's Alaska, which alaskan taxpayers can thank her for.

    Why am I not surprised.

  31. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I look at her now, I listen to her now, and I know in my heart she has turned her back on the Lord.

  32. Lynne7:07 AM

    I'm not all that sure that Alaskans care what people from the lower 48 think of us.

  33. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Mrs. Palin has brought embarrassment to the State of Alaska like no other!

    She is as ugly inside as she now is outwardly.

  34. Anonymous7:21 AM

    5:30 Bush was never elected, he was appointed by the right leaning Supreme Court. President Clinton was an excellent president. And President Obama is working against a tide not seen side the Great Depression while fighting an ideological battle against the American Taliban. Sarah Palin will never be president but you should definitely send her all your money.

    Go swim the Sea of Pee.

  35. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Trig Again

  36. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Trig, Ears and Hallways

    I would like to focus on two issues that are raised regularly in our discussions. Trig's ear and the hospital hallway.

  37. Anonymous7:37 AM

    To this day, I still cannot believe she walked off her job as Governor. It just showed such indifference to the responsibilities that Alaskans entrusted her with. I am really hoping that Frank Bailey's book goes into some detail about what drove her decision to do so, because I don't buy for a minute that legal bills are the reason. Exactly how much does it cost to defend yourself from an ethics charge when you have the state offering to pay $100K of your legal bills? For that matter, why would you have to hire a lawyer to address every charge when you have a team of staff, state lawyers, and a commission made up of people you appointed?

    We've also never seen an itemized bill for $500K in legal fees, yet her lawyer said he considered it a "public debt." Alright, then show us the bill so we can see what we supposedly owe.

  38. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Trumping Palin

    On the heels of yesterday’s Pew data showing that both Republicans and Democrats thought Trump was getting the most exposure of all the potential GOP 2012 candidates, Alexander Trowbridge put together an “Echo Chamber” showing just how Trump-obsessed the news media has been lately.

    The latest meme appearing everywhere? That Donald Trump has sucked up Sarah Palin’s media oxygen.

  39. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Alaska's pristine wonder first attracted people who loved nature and the idea of homesteading and starting new. Alaska's statehood grew from people who were survivors and gutsy. A wilderness where people depended on each other; it was live and let live; accepting and non-judgmental. (generally speaking). After 1980, the state became an oil state, more right wing and corporate influences. Some Alaskan progressives moved to Washington state and Oregon. I moved to AK in 1975 via CA and WA. My family and friends are progressive. The political crap is nauseating. However, I don't want to move away. It is still a great place to live. Abundance of fresh air and fresh water (no pollutants); great summers for harvesting food and stock up on fish and game (if you fish & hunt); plenty of outdoor recreation year round; cosmopolitan restaurants, hotel and theatre; best of both worlds; there are still jobs and opportunity. We need more progressives to move up here!! :-)

  40. Molly7:47 AM


    Donald Keith Johnston has a different DOB than Keith Johnston, and thus is a different Johnston.

    The first one has a DOB in 1962, Levi's father was born in 1965.

    (Gryph, correct me if I'm wrong)

  41. Anonymous7:48 AM

    What a difference a year makes!

    Sarah goes from the ninth spot on Time 100's Most Influential in 2010 to E! True Hollywood Story in 2011.

    Palin is nowhere to be found on Time's 2011 list:

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Anonymous8:01 AM

    6:17 I genuinely believe Sarah Palin chooses women and men who have a crush on her. She NEEDS that feeding of her ego the way a drunk needs a drink. She's the mean girl in high school that wants the girls and guys to compete for her affection. And while they are doing that, they won't notice that she has no substance or intelligence whatsoever. That's why her staff were literally high school friends.

  44. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Sarah needs to sport more of the Star of David bling.

    "Jews for Palin" - a party of one or two.
    /war _room/2011/04/20/jews_

    The outfit, which launched to a fair amount of attention in 2010, describes itself as an "independent group of academic, religious and political leaders" devoted to promoting Palin. Its founder, a Philadelphia-based former newspaper editor named Binyamin Korn, told me last April that he would be releasing a list of prominent supporters of "Jews for Palin" within a couple of weeks. But that never happened. In fact, there's no evidence the group is anything more than a website and public-relations vehicle consisting of one member -- Korn himself.

    The group did make a bit of news earlier this month by piggybacking on a scheduled Palin speaking appearance before an antiabortion group, which Jewish Americans for Sarah Palin rebranded as a Shabbaton event.

  45. Anonymous8:03 AM

    sarah´s feelings of self-worth are directly proportional to her poll numbers. She follows them religiously and is extremely sensitive about the results. These numbers are ¨too real,¨ ¨too raw,¨ and ¨stab the heart!¨ They have sarah and her legion ¨wee wee´d up.¨

    Anon@5:30´s comment is not for us, It is for sarah, who will no doubt read this post.

    So, sarah, back off your daughter, Bristol. You and the bots are making her look like the most over hyped, over rated, under achieving young lady on the planet. Seriously, you issue a news release because she graduated from high school? High School grads the world over snickered. You issue a news release about her attending a Washington function and lie about her ¨gracing¨ the White House? They give tours of the White House. My daughter, who has gone on six school sponsored field trips to the the WH, snickers. Bristol knows abstinence is unrealistic. That is sensible. She thinks Levi should get his GED. That is good advice. Frank Bailey thinks she is a sweet person. So do I. Do not beat that out of her. Nurture her strengths and accept her as a person. You may learn something.

  46. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Now all the Pee-bots will just label all Alaskans as "haters." Whoops.

  47. Interesting. In the book, "Game Change", Palin is portrayed as obsessed with Alaska polls after she joins the national ticket. It seems that her self-image was tied up with what Alaksan voters thought of her.
    I wonder if this poll will have an effect on her? I suspect Palin is itching for any reason to leave Alaska for Arizona.
    This poll might be the push she needs.

  48. Alaskans are victims of the deranged and hateful 'Queen of Everything' like the rest of us in the lowers 48 (and elsewhere). I still look forward to visiting some day.

  49. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Listen, I don’t purport to be an expert on Christianity. And, I certainly don’t flaunt religion like so many of our elected officials do.

    But, if you’re going to wear your Christianity on your sleeve, here’s an idea: Get the basic facts right.

    Last night, on FOX, Sarah Palin said to Sean Hannity, “Happy Easter Week, Sean.” He responded, “And, Happy Easter Week to you.”

    Huffington Post has the video. You can see this exchange at around the 1:30 mark.

    Here’s one important thing: it’s not Easter Week. Any practicing Christian knows (or should know) this is Holy Week. And, it’s not a “Happy” Week — it’s the most solemn week in the liturgical calender. This is, after all, the week Jesus died. Seriously, this is as basic as it gets in Christianity.

  50. mitch8:26 AM

    I really wish someone from our extended group would go over to C4P and set them straight about the AK poll and the glaringly obvious questions about the "wild ride" and her complete lack of judgement. I would, but I've been banned!

  51. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Where's the tweet for Track's 22nd birthday which was yesterday, April 20th???

    SarahPalinUSA Sarah Palin
    Awww...growing up to be a fisherman! Happy Birthday!
    18 Apr!/sarahpalinusa

    No Trig isn't a prop and he can read twitter too.

  52. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Easter week? When's the last time Sarah Palin has been to church?

  53. Anonymous8:32 AM

    The 2011 TIME 100

    Meet the most influential people in the world. They are artists and activists, reformers and researchers, heads of state and captains of industry. Their ideas spark dialogue and dissent and sometimes even revolution. Welcome to this year's TIME 100

    **And do we see Sarah on the list?

    She really is a has been now.,29569,2066367,00.html

  54. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I bet the 36% positive comes from the lunatic fringe of the evangelical movement. Someone should do an expose on them one day. Should be interesting.

  55. Don't know but this might explain her irrational behaviour

  56. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Since Toad was in charge when she held the office of governor, why doesn't HE run for office? $carah did little, according to reports, and ALL e-mails and business had to go through Toad. Maybe Alaskans are fortunate that she didn't actually do the job, since she fails at just about everything she touches.

  57. Anonymous9:20 AM

    5:3 AM, if polling in AK is that difficult then that means those high poll numbers Sarah used to get must be questionable too, huh?

  58. Anonymous9:52 AM

    As an Alaskan, every time I see one of these polls, I seriously wonder "Where are these people who LIKE her?" Much less really, really like her. I don't know anyone who defends her, and the people I know who worked with her REALLY don't like her. I've concluded that, like some of my relatives, they are people who rarely follow the news and so they aren't exposed to her very much. Some are probably the hometown booster types who are rah-rah for anything or anyone Alaskan.

    Meanwhile, over at C4P the other day, one of the truly deluded acolytes keeps insisting that Alaskans MUST like her much more than polls show, and that she would take Alaska in a presidential election. Yeah, keep telling yourself that, folks....

  59. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Is it "fatigue" or simply "a growing awareness" that's set in?

  60. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Alaskans don't think much of Joe Miller either. Whose unfavorables are worse among Alaskan Voters? Sarah's Or Joe's?

    Miller, who defeated Murkowski in the Republican primary last summer then eventually lost in the general election when she ran as a write-in, has very high negatives. Only 6 percent said they had a "very favorable" opinion of Miller and just 12 percent said "somewhat favorable" (for a total positive rating of 18 percent). His negatives: 73 percent (20 percent had a "somewhat unfavorable" opinion and 53 percent said "very unfavorable.") Nine percent were unsure.

    So that endorsement of Joe Miller was a win also too for Sarah. What will C4P say about this? Who Cares.

  61. Anonymous10:38 AM

    @8:56 - if you can, can you please post the link again? And break it up! Would love to read the link to Ted Casablanca....Thanks in advance.

  62. Anonymous10:41 AM

    It was interesting to click on the link and read the comments at USA Today. I think of that as a very middle-of-the-road, leaning conservative paper. But most of the comments were anti-Palin. Fewer pro-Palin comments, and those were often double or triple posted. Seems like Palin fatigue has set in everywhere! And I love that Miller's numbers were even worse than Palins. That man shouldn't be allowed near any office, ever again.

  63. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Anon@9:52 a.m.- I agree. I haven't met a fellow Alaskan who likes SP either. It's the usual groan, roll your eyes, ugh response. The ones that answered favorable in the polls are either low information or the "christian" Prevo church goers.

    One of my friends had people visiting her; when they went out doing their tourist things, they reported back that they didn't meet one person who had a nice thing to say about SP.

  64. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Thanks for recommending TBOGG 5:50.

    Funniest tag I've seen.

    "Hoist on own retard"

  65. Gasman11:36 AM

    I know that Sarah Palin is vain and stupid beyond measure, but how in hell does she think she can get to the White House if 61% of Alaskans want her to rot in hell? Her support outside Alaska is no better. I'd love to hear her explanation for how she sees this playing out in her favor.

    In the history of our nation, there has NEVER been anyone elected president who was so reviled in their home state. Palin ISN'T going to be the one to break that streak.

    Palin is such a fucking moron.

  66. Anonymous 7:37:
    "We've also never seen an itemized bill for $500K in legal fees...."

    Of course there's no documentation. Sarah Palin is above accountability. She and her team never lie and their claims must be reported as fact. (sarcasm alert)

  67. Why would polling here be any different Anon @ 5:30? WTF? We don't live in fucking igloos and sorry sister but real Alaska is not reflected on your sorry ass facebook page. People who do know Sarah who aren't Palin panty sniffers and just your average run of the mill conservative families who may have had an appreciation for Palin in the past now think she is a quitter and a money grubbing good for nothing embarrassment to our great state. The fact of the matter is she is not worthy to be a steward of this awesome place.

    She sucks *Period* Take your bullshit somewhere else this bogus Palins=Kennedys equation does not compute. Are you people really that insane? Get help!

  68. FrostyAK2:21 PM

    We have to remember that these pollsters call people with landlines. That pretty much leaves out the rural native communities. A great number of people in Wasilla still have landlines. The streets of Wasilla run red with republicanism.

    Imagine what these numbers would be if the rural native population was included in the polls.

  69. AKRNC2:37 PM

    This poll will do wonders for her if she decides to run! She's always bragging about her record in Alaska. Hey, $arah, if it's so great, why are they anxious to change everything you did?

    Sarah, please run and you'll see that what happened in Wisconsin was just a small taste of what will happen in most states you visit. You can erase the "booing" from the video, but it doesn't change reality.

  70. Smirnonn2:59 PM

    The rest of the nation has a similarly unfavorable view of the paylun. She's toast, thankfully.

  71. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Sarah looks like a witch in that picture. G, you ought to do a picture book with the many faces of Palin with a caption under each.

    We would support you!

  72. Anonymous10:05 PM

    There are so many valid reasons to hate her. Let me not count the ways. Suffice it to say, she is despised by Alaskans.

  73. Anonymous10:23 PM

    2:21 PM, I also wonder what these numbers would be if the Alaskan rural native population was included in the polls. I personally contracted with Dave Dittman to do a poll in the past and it was very problematic to call rural communities. Most survey calls go to the urban centers.

    Actually, I don't wonder how the rural communities view Sarah. Given their demonstrated disgust for her hand-picked, lying Joe Miller, I'm positive that people living in the Bush hate Sarah even more than we do in the urban areas.

  74. Anne In DC4:31 AM

    Alaska is a beautiful state that I would love to visit one day. That said, I don't blame Alaskans at all for Palin. I blame John McCain for foisting this train wreck on the lower 48, and I blame Palin alone for her character deficits. Thanks to Palin's excessive exposure, which people like RAM aided and abetted, Palin's approval ratings have sunk like a rock in quicksand. Ever since she came on the national scene in 2008, she has subjected us to her fact-free, shrill screechfests and gratituously attacked the president as well as the First Lady. She has no solutions to any of the problems this country faces, and she reminds me of a bull in a china closet. Only a relatively small group of delusional Palinbots still see her as presidential material, or think she compares favorably in any way to our president. Not only would she not carry Alaska if she were foolish enough to run, but there is also the well-established fact that no one with such high unfavorable approval ratings across the nation has ever prevailed in a presidential election.


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