Thursday, April 21, 2011

Glass full, Twitter fired up, sarcasm set on 11. Bring it on E! True Hollywood Stories! Update.

Here is the link to my Twitter account.

And please remember that all mistakes should be blamed on alcohol consumption and not just stupidity.

However any mistakes tomorrow are fair game.

Update: Well I made it through the gauntlet of stupidity, misinformation, and lies about her family that made up the E! Totally False Hollywood Story.

This is usually the part where I would post my tweets and explain what the hell I meant by them.  But I have finished two glasses of cheap wine and all of the little words on my computer screen are all blurry, so I am just going to post the tweets and you can figure them out for your own damn selves.

And yes, I AM a mean drunk.  Thanks for asking.

These first few tweets were before the show started.  You can tell because it still appears that I retain the will to live.

How do I get this cork ou....never mind I got it.

I just wish that anything the E! Channel created was exciting enough to justify that exclamation point.

Maverick, mother mystery? What kind of a description is that?
Aaah the nightmare is back!

Wasilla =Mayberry? ON what planet is that comparison accurate?

Assembly of God church. That is where Sarah learned that she was destined to be a quitter..I mean leader.

(I meant quitter!)

"Go-getter, aggressive" translation: B##ch!

Okay the People magazine guy is just spouting lines form "Going Rogue." Great journalism.

(Wine has kicked in, and the spelling mistakes have begun...began...started.)

This wine ins not working. I can still make out her voice.


"Are you ready to send us to Washington"? Remember how America answered that?

Oooh Charlie Gibson interview. Ouch!

I wonder how many pairs of Palin panties Ziegler has?

(Totally legitimate question.)

He is blaming the idea that Palin is stupid on Tina Fey. Damn you Tina Fey! How dare you expose this moron for being a moron.

Katie Couric interview. Strike two!

Palin explaining that she did not understand the question so she got defensive. I actually believe that.

Now she is slamming Nicole Wallace.

And the Going Rogue meme was born. Lord help us all.

Doesn't like being labeled a "bomb thrower?" Perhaps she should not have thrown so many bombs?

Nine more minutes. More wine!

Headed back to her job? She hid under her bed until July. Then she quit.

Oh my favorite day! Palin reNOBODY knew she was resigning. I don't care what anybody says.

Cashing in with her book.

Ahh the un-reality show.

Now depicted as symbol of Tea Party.

Aw isn't that sweet? Bristol is still earning her pocket money by suggesting her mom could still be the President.

Is it over? Did I make it? Hot damn!

Honestly I have to say that the above tweets, as incoherent as they appear to be, make MUCH more sense than the actual program.

Update 2: Palin-bots think the E! show was a "hatchet job" because they interviewed Lyda Green and Shannyn Moore, and used a red eyed picture of her.

Oh please!  They covered for her fake pregnancy, minimized the importance of her many ethics violations, puffed up her mythology of being the perfect working mother, and essentailly stroked her ego with latex gloves covered in Jergens® hand lotion. If they had serviced her any more thoroughly she would have had to leave a fifty dollar bill on top of the dresser for them.


  1. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Mainlining tonight, huh?


  2. emrysa6:19 PM

    yeah gryphen, turn it up to 11! that's my all-time fave movie so I enjoyed the reference. I look forward to reading your twitter while I am enjoying my cold ones.

  3. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Bottoms up, my friend.

  4. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Can I just say...REALLY creepy avatar!

    Don't think I could follow along with that face looking at me! It's enough to give me nightmares.

  5. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Use morphine! Oh, the humanity!

  6. meena6:44 PM

    A.B. Culvahouse:The Idiot Who Vetted Sarah Palin:

    "His enthusiasm about Palin has waned since the vetting days. Reached by phone the same December week that she went to Haiti, with a Fox News crew in tow, Culvahouse did what so many Republicans have done recently when asked if they’d support Palin in a 2012 run for the White House: He didn’t answer the question.

    “I respect Governor Palin,” said Culvahouse. “But I would have to see, first, if she runs and, second, how serious her campaign is.”

  7. meena6:47 PM

    MY country-India see's palin as: "Attention-savvy Sarah Palin keeps stirring presidential run speculations".


  8. reading the tweets - good job, Gryph.
    This is just an hour-long campaign commercial/fluff piece.

    Her last hurrah before the three books of truth (Baily, Dunn and Macguiness).

  9. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Geeze the editing on this thing made Lyda and even Anne Killkenny appear to be saying things sympathetic to SP.

  10. Anonymous6:55 PM

    OT, teenager successfully fakes pregnancy for 6 months!!5794607/teen-fakes-pregnancy-for-school-project

  11. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I just turned on E, listened to about 3
    minutes of the show, and turned the TV
    off. I can't stand her voice. My PC speakers
    tore up awhile back & I've never replaced
    them, so I don't watch the $P videos posted
    here, and they rarely show her on MSNBC,
    so I'd forgotten how headachey her voice
    makes me. I have a feeling I'm not missing
    anything by not watching her TS. It looks
    very boring.

  12. OK. I now see why Ceee4Peeeee did not broadcast this program. Even though there were many untruths in it, she was not painted as the queen she thinks she is.

  13. @ella...did you watch it? Personally I didn't see it as a campaign ad at all, especially the last few minutes.

  14. Anonymous7:11 PM

    I just couldn't watch. Sorry. far as the "creepy" avatar of Gryph's is is a Guy Fawkes mask worn by the internet and real-life activists "Anonymous". Surely you have heard of them? *wink*

  15. The only shock I had watching this was how very wrinkled and old Palin looked in 1996 and 1997. Boy,she has really had some serious plastic surgery these past 15 years. And YES Gryphen, the woman is VERY cross-eyed. And it's both eyes - not just the left.

  16. Anonymous7:35 PM


  17. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Thank you for taking one for the team. All I could manage is the crib notes.

  18. I watched it - yes, I deserve a medal also too!

    Honestly, I'm not sure what to make of it. It wasn't extremely flattering to Palin, but at times it did sound a little like a campaign commercial. For example, they made a point of saying that Track was born just 8 months after Sarah & Todd married, but then they throw in Sarah refudiating the Trig Truthers, almost out of nowhere.

    I was also disappointed that the Branchflower findings were never mentioned, nor were the Sports Complex allegations or Dairygate.

    All in all, it did make it seem as though Sarah's 15 minutes of fame have expired, and that's a good thing!

  19. red queen @7:03 - no, I did not watch it - was reading live blog, and it sounded like the announcer and most of the people featured were praising SP.

  20. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Heads up!

    Mansour gets Keith Olbermann's Worst Person of the Day Bronze Award


  21. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Thanks for doing this Gryphen. I can't stomach to watch that bitch anymore.

  22. Anonymous8:59 PM

    I didn't watch and still have a headache just reading this post and thinking about what I didn't watch.

    Was there old footage (before 2006?) of her in this show?

  23. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I was going to be brave, really I was, but when I turned it on the announcer said something about her weekend sportscasting job. Job? Arrrgh!

    I didn't have the courage (or the wine) to watch more - had to change channels. It's not as though E is a favorite channel, and it is now deleted from favorites.

  24. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Gryphen..I am COMPLETELY serious:

    I believe this was hastily cobbled together assault on ears and eyes alike...was made JUST so everyone could hear "you could never tell she was pregnant until a month before!"

    This is seriously the most dishonest pile of steaming moose nuggets I have EVER seen.

    I am just sick over this.

  25. Anonymous9:37 PM

    This has nothing to do with the tv show.

    But it is interesting.

  26. Anonymous9:43 PM

    You are a far stronger person that I am. I'm not brave enough to watch anything on E!.

  27. seemed pretty lukewarm to me (especially as compared to a couple of years ago when Palin fever was at its highest).

    E! of course isn't known for its substance and it was probably pretty heavily edited, but Moore, Kilkenny, and Greene have never been known to lower themselves to Palin style cheap shots and cat fighting.

    For the most part it wasn't very interesting.

  28. FrostyAK10:33 PM

    The trailer I saw had Nick Carney and someone else dissing her... was that cut from the actual show?

    Sounds like it was really a toss up. For that 30% who still support her (WHY?), it was seen as positive. For the 60% who do not support her, it didn't endear her to them??

    I cannot wait for Karma to kick her to the curb. But then Karma doesn't work on my/our schedule.

  29. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Notice how C4P thinks EVERYTHING sounds like it is the opening of a presidential campaign by Sarah?...

    Birds fly overhead - that's a sign she'll run.
    Trig has a birthday - that's a sign she'll run.
    Sarah's begs for money anew - that's a sign she'll run.
    MSM reports on her speech - that's a sign she'll run.
    MSM does not report on her speech - that's a sign she'll run.
    Sarah has a fan in Iowa - that's a sign she'll run.
    I stubbed my toe - that's a sign she'll run.
    Sarah's in the news - that's a sign she'll run.
    Sarah's not in the news - that's a sign she'll run.
    I filled up my car with gas - that's a sign she'll run.
    Spring is here - that's a sign she'll run.
    I counted to 100 - that's a sign she'll run.

    Desperate. Delusional. Pathetic. Gullible.

  30. Reading the comments at the site deeming the E story a hatchet job I noticed a connector selected one version of Palin's multiple versions.

    It reminds me that habitual liars get away with their lies by again lying they never told a lie that is repeated. They smile saying "stop making things up!" spinning the honest person is THE liar.

    It is opportunistic that Palin has duped her supporter to believe no one but her via FB and twitter. The media is actually good at playing actual tapes and video. Palin does not want her pawns to see or hear hear her tangled web of lies. I read at C4p posters who also chose to not watch FOX either duped by Palin to not believe any one... Given she is a pure christian
    who would never lie!

    Does the word sociopath come to mind or cult leader?

  31. Wow, everyone should watch this. so many old photos and clips.bunch of liars covering for her, 'she never looked pregnant until one month before' huh?
    half is load of bs, but other half is interesting. i am sitting here shocked at some of this shit. wow she was cutthroat from the beginning, i think it is the crazy eye. the people of alaska got really fooled. come on, wake up now.

  32. oh by the way, i have been studying lie detection with a friend, palin has so many markers at the 30min mark. she is talking about the birth of trig and she is looking up, down and all around, omg.i counted 6 markers but my friend will count for i know for sure she is lying, she lies all the time, she is a professional liar.

    anyone else notice that it looks like bristol is wearing the empathy belly at the convention? this is to prove bristol was preganant. remember the whole story hangs on bristol being 5 months pregnant at the convention. knock out that leg and the whole house of cards comes crashing down. something is really wrong with bristols boobs at the convention, as a man, i notice these things.

  33. Anonymous12:07 AM

    You know that Comcast owns E! Entertainment. They would never hurt any re-puke-i-klans.

  34. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Damn, that woman stinks. She needs a good extermination.

    G, hope you didn't catch anything looking at her scary face.

  35. Anonymous2:05 AM

    Did you read about the panty-sniffing lawyer from California that is criss-crossing the state of Iowa for Palin?

    Sounds like an idiot that RAM is involved with. Low intelligence aliens for Palin.

  36. Anonymous2:09 AM

    I hit the jackpot -- we had a power outage and therefore -- MISSED IT!!!

    A thought - Was this her attempt for another political-infomercial prior to announcing her running??? It couldn't be done after she announced as then E would have to do it for all!!

    Remember - 'Pissle Brisle' got friendly with E while on DWTS & in AZ house. Think of the interviews with Rancic, the stunned space cadet on E!.

  37. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:47 AM

    Yikes. Thanks, Gryphen, the only way I could manage watching this dreck would be with the help of some serious Quaaludes.

    From what I could tell, I don't think this was intended as a starry-eyed luv fest. This was a hastily hashed-together puff piece to deflect the books coming out, with the extry-added attraction of trying to quietly squash the Trig story so the general public would dismiss it when the truth hits the MSM. Her backers are probably irked that Trump and Bachmann have knocked their cross-eyed queen off the front pages, too. Is this in anticipation of a POTUS run for Screechy? Who knows--it probably took some major funds to put this together and get a prime-time slot fairly quickly.

    FYI--Shannon Moore was on Thom Hartmann the other day, talking about environmental issues in AK, and the subject of Trig came up (VERY unusual for Thom!) Shannon implied that Trig was definitely SP's, and Shannon felt she was trying to endanger the baby during the Wild Ride. In fact, SM used the WR story as the reason why so many believe Trig ain't Sarah's. To quote Arte Johnson: "Veddy innnnteresting!"

  38. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Wasilla is like Mayberry?? I had no idea that all the residents of the real Mayberry were meth addicted, pregnant teenagers. They all seemed so happy!!

  39. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Gryph that cheap wine will make you sorry in the morning. What size wine glass did you use-16 oz.? ;-D

    As for the topic, sorry did not watch it. Was at the ballgame and then the casino - both winners!


  40. Anonymous5:19 AM

    So the Peeer's thought this fluff piece was a "hatchet job"? Wait till "Game Change" premiers.. hint: Diva/Whack Job.

  41. Beldar "Moose" Conehead5:40 AM

    Suck it up, Gryphen. Yes, she's a train wreck but YOU volunteered to watch her for us and report back so we dont have to rinse our eyes out with bleach! Her unrelenting awfulness is part of your job. And if you have to drink yourself numb to endure the pain, all I can say is, "I'll buy ya a bottle!"

    Good job, dude.

  42. Anonymous5:44 AM

    After listening to Sarah's voice screech all day in the house, I wonder if quiet Todd ever had enough of it and told her "WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?"

  43. Anonymous6:16 AM

    It should be noted- in the show, they were saying that in ALL of Sarah's pregnancies, she "never looked pregnant until a month before delivery".

    The fact that she went back to flat tummy no belly after the Gusty pics? The fact that she looked enormously pregnant FOUR MONTHS before Piper's birth?

    Well, I'll let you guess as to whether or not anyone mentioned THOSE issues.

  44. Anonymous6:30 AM

    anyone else notice that it looks like bristol is wearing the empathy belly at the convention? this is to prove bristol was preganant. remember the whole story hangs on bristol being 5 months pregnant at the convention. knock out that leg and the whole house of cards comes crashing down. something is really wrong with bristols boobs at the convention, as a man, i notice these things.

    11:47 PM

    I agree 100% - why would she do that? To cover for the only reason.

    My guess is Tripp was born MUCH earlier than stated.

  45. Why is it that these blogs always have commentary about how she has Alaskans "fooled"? We've been over here for a long time; except for the few inevitable diehards around Whitesilla.

  46. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Instead I watch the Smithsonian channel, a program about Victory Gardens... said they were one of the real secret weapons of World War II: gave a sense of community, common purpose, and shared effort to Americans. I was so inspired that I am going to go hack at my dense clay soil and see if I can add another vegetable bed.

    The hell you with you, Sarah. You are a joke, a nasty parasite, and a destructive distraction from the important issues facing us as a nation.

  47. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Hatchet job? They have lost all perspective. What will they do when the movie AND the emails AND two books land in the middle of the make-believe world they've got going over there? And that's just until Dunn's book arrives! It's all bad from here.

  48. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Sarah might actually be in the midst of her "unconventional run"...

    As Wasilla mayor she hired a city manager named John Cramer to do her work. She preferred to spend her time looking pretty and to spend unapproved money (road maintenance taxes) on remodeling her office.

    Sarah never did the work required to be a productive member of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. It was too hard and she quit.

    As Alaska governor, she never showed up mentally or even physically to do her work. Long before the McCain campaign, Alaska state legislators on both sides of the aisle were routinely wearing "Where's Sarah?" buttons. Sarah just delegated her responsibilities away until she quit them all together. She said she hated that damn job.

    Now, as a unconventional presidential candidate, she never told anyone that she is running (She doesn't want to work but does want to rake in more Fox $). Given her modus operandi, she's delegating her running responsibilities to the likes of Peter Singleton who is schmoozing Iowa for her. Sarah just doesn't feel that she needs to show up like the conventional candidates (i.e., "lesser" humans) . Expect Sarah to entice gullible people to do her campaigning, perform her debates, conduct her non-Fox interviews, and concoct some semblance of a platform. She'll greedily take credit for everyone else's work even though she won't have the least understanding of it. However, you can always count on Sarah to show up for photo ops, throw out catch phrases, and insult the President.

    So if you want a President who's in it for the limelight and who won't hesitate to ditch all responsibilities, Sarah's the empty red suit for you.

  49. I wish I would have seen the thing about the Victory Gardens.

    In my last post I typed "over here" when I meant to type "over her".

    And for the most part, we are.

  50. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Look, EVERYBODY knows Mayberry had a horrific Meth problem. And why do you think they named him "Opie"? LOL

  51. Well. E! didn't even get the name of the town that the Heaths first moved to in Alaska right.

  52. Anonymous11:15 AM

    C4P didn't like it? That's enough for me. She is now officially a joke and a loser. Only those types of celebrities are given their own E! True Hollywood Stories. :):):)

  53. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Wasilla = Mayberry LSD

  54. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Good one, 12:35 PM.

  55. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Talk about your hatchet job! Whoever the "surgeon" was who botched Bristol's face needs to have his/her license revoked, stat.


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