Friday, April 15, 2011

Let's end our Thursday evening with a little music.

Warning: Language for grownups.

(H/T to joeymac)


  1. Anonymous4:21 PM


    I LOVE IT!!!!

  2. Anonymous4:27 PM

    It's not Friday morning yet... but I enjoyed this just the same. Funny and clever at the same time! THANKS!!

  3. Lynne4:30 PM

    That was very cool. Had me singing right along and laughing also too.

  4. Anonymous4:31 PM

    OMG!!! I have tears in my eyes...OMG where's my inhaler. "Buy my book...
    Stop! Stop! Too damn funny :)

  5. Just to clear up any confusion, I tried to robo-post this for tomorrow morning but it posted immediately for some reason. So I had to go back and change the headline.

    Sometimes Blogger is my friend, and sometimes...

  6. Anonymous5:22 PM

    OT - Gryphen do you know anything more about this?

    Someone posted on the FB group Palin Birthers about info. posted on the wall of Shawn's father (the guy Palin had the restraining order taken out on)

    "one of his comments, makes me go hmmmmm Sarah Palin Heath can`t run for President.The deal with the Secret Service in July 2009 said that if Sarah left office and never ran for President she would not be charged for hiding THREATS AGAINST PRESIDENT OBAMA THAT SHAWN CHRISTY MADE,20 OF THEM,ALL TO GOVERNOR PALINS OFFICE.CLAUDE KILPATRICK,GOVERNORS SECURITY KEPT ASKING SHAWN TO DO MORE THREATS,BUT FOR 6 MONTHS,NOBODY,NOT EVEN SARAH,NOTIFIED KAREN OR MYSELF."

    I can't read the wall myself - but did send a friend request - if accepted I'll go read what is there for myself

  7. ROFLMAO....I'm still laughing. Bless you G.

  8. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Florida "Uterus Controversy" Song Parody

  9. Wow, that's professional parody.

    The singer sounds just like Sam Cooke, one of my all-time favs, tragically murdered in a Los Angeles motel when he was only 33.

    Thanks for posting.

  10. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Oh what a difference, not that long ago...

    fizzle, fizzle goes the grifter.

  11. i had that song in my head the other day after thinking of the scene in the movie "witness." what a great adaptation - insanity!

  12. FrostyAK7:31 PM

    Another excellent video. Thanks.

  13. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Just watched segment on Rachel Maddow's show -- LOVED IT!!

    Governor Brian Schweitzer of Montana - A dream governor. I remember when he spoke at the Democratic Convention. He's one honest politician who loves his job.

    This video, you have to watch as he is just having far too much fun doing his job and you know the Rethugs are spinning their wheels trying to figure out how to get rid of him!! Clone the Man!!

  14. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Awesome. Sam Cooke would've been proud his song was put to good use.

    CO Almost Native

  15. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Leftists are going to hell because they have dirt mouths and they hate Jesus.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.