Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dairygate floats back onto the horizon.

Courtesy of Mat-Su Frontiersman:

The Alaska State Commission for Human Rights has ruled that discrimination and wrongful termination complaints filed against Matanuska Creamery by two former employees have merit.
Former creamery office administrator Kay Schaugaard and former pasteurizer Amy Moore, who are both Mormon, allege company co-owner and Chief Financial Officer Karen Olson made disparaging remarks about Mormons and not wanting “any more (expletive) Mormons” working for the company. They also claim co-owner Kyle Beus did not take their discrimination complaints seriously before they were fired more than two years ago.

Schaugaard, who hasn’t bought creamery milk since she was ordered to leave the premises Dec. 5, 2008, said Monday she strongly suspects her termination is directly related to her allegations that company executives misspent federal funds.

Schaugaard said Monday the Federal Bureau of Investigation is conducting an investigation into the alleged funds misuse. When contacted earlier this year, the FBI would neither confirm nor deny such an investigation exists, as is its policy.

“Some of the financial transactions that I was in the process of researching were extremely suspicious,” Schaugaard said Monday. “I couldn’t track where the grant money had been deposited. Kyle Beus and Karen Olson would not give me the data I needed or the answers I needed to make sense of their finances.”

After a 22-month investigation, the Alaska State Commission for Human Rights ruled last week that Schaugaard and Moore have a legitimate case against the company for religious and sexual discrimination.

I have to say that one of the most frustrating parts of watching the slow disintegration of Sarah Palin's reputation, and the end of her political aspirations, is the federal piece.  The Feds simply do NOT move very quickly, and even if there are some slips which alert you to an investigation, NOBODY will tell you anything about it.

However I will say that, if my sources are correct, THIS is not the only Federal investigation which might bite half term celebrity Governor Sarah Palin, and her administration, in the ass.

But don't worry Palin-bots.  All your Queen has to do is add a scene to her propaganda film "The Undefeated" of her running into a burning barn and rescuing still smoldering cows, while her hair and makeup remain completely untouched, to convince the public that she is innocent of any wrongdoing in this case.

BTW if you want the very BEST roundup of the pertinent details about Dairygate, just head right on over to Palingates and let Regina bring you up to speed.


  1. Anonymous6:51 AM

    "There were so many more shocking revelations that Frank wasn't comfortable putting in, so we didn't. He wanted to tell the story about what was wrong as opposed to things about affairs and legitimacies and diet pills. Yes, he wants people to know what kind of person Sarah Palin is like, because that is important," Morris said.

    Interesting side bar comment from Morris about what Frank didn't put in the book. A sequel perhaps?

    More importantly watch the way it's worded. Implies Frank could have written about legitimacy (Trig?), affairs (Saree and Todd, Brisket?), and diet pills? Who's heard anything about drug abuse before?

    And I suspect there are emails about Dairygate - Oh my, just get better.

  2. Anonymous6:52 AM

    From what I've read about Dairygate, it's shocking that it hasn't been investigated sooner. I think the only reason it hasn't it because of Alaska's remoteness. It's great that it's being investigated now and I think the GOP will push it hard if Granny makes any sort of traction. The will not tolerate her for a moment.

    Do you think Romney won't have constant TV ads on Dairygate, a fresh new Granny controversy? You bet he will.

  3. A. J. Billings6:55 AM

    The thing about Karma is that it's sneaky. Something that's been smoldering for 30 years can bite you hard when you least expect it.

    The BOTS know that Sister Sarah the Magnificent is only worthy of worship and should be considered a real Queen.

    What will happen to them if PAY-lin actually gets convicted of some crimte, even a midemeanor?
    How can they possibly reconcile that?

    I honestly believe that if she outright ran Todd over with her SUV on live TV, they would say she was "too overcome by emotion" and would please insanity on her behalf.

    I rest my case

  4. Hey Gryph,

    We're on the same wavelength today already. I had just commented about Mat Maid Dairy on another post. Palin's, along with her hand-picked cronies' handling of Mat Maid were not only inept and irresponsible use of the public trust, but also the means utilized in securing bridge loans to continue operations of the Dairy were possibly fraudulent. The books were definitely cooked to show a profit in the one month period to be evidence of a turn-around. During that same time, expenses continued to grow and gross margins continued their downward spiral, so any first-year accounting student would be able to identify those discrepancies at first glance. It was merely using accounting tricks which was to mislead the public and the federal sources of additional funding. How this boondoggle has escaped more scrutiny to this point is a testament to the corruption and graft that continues today from Palin's administration and handed down to Parnell. It's Parnell's baby now to make public or it becomes an albatross around his neck, also too.

    It's time to bring the whole matter of Mat Maid and all its records into the sunlight so Alaskans can see the legacy of Sarah Palin at the public helm. Sarah knows that people don't want to have to invest their time and attention to complicated matters like Mat Maid where bad business decisions and crony-ism were the rule not the exception, and where secrecy and fraudulent book-keeping were used to hide the horrendous operations analysis leading to their decisions.

    Keep up the pressure, Gryph. This is a matter where Sarah isn't dealing only with public opinion, but also with state and federal funds in addition to the public trust.

  5. Anon @ 6:51...I too see the wording as a tease of what's to come. You can rest assured..Sarah knows what's in the emails and does not want them shared with the world. I would love to hear the details of the dysfunctional family.

  6. What will it take to finally bring this battleship down? She's being bombarded with the truth, yet she resurfaces with a vanity video that may signal her entry into the presidential race. I don't call for violence, but it may take a stake through the heart or a silver bullet to shut her up. Even the good news has a caveat: She can take a beating and keep on bleating. When will the nightmare end?

  7. Anonymous7:23 AM

    So I read on HuffPo that "The Undefeated [Quitter]" is going to be run as a feature film in movie theatres.

    I'm sure it'll give "Atlas Shrugged" a run for its money.

  8. OverMountainMan7:35 AM

    I was reading this story in the AD this morning and wondered if this wasn't the same folks from dairygate, Sarah must be hearing footsteps !

  9. Anonymous7:49 AM

    That poor lone cow on the ice flow says he,like Sarah, is up a creek without a paddle.

    I'm hoping you Gryphen and friends realize your tenacity and patience in all this produced a good harvest. Guess this will be the year the the Queen gets her just desserts.

    No wonder she high-tailed it to AZ. Imagine trying to show her face in the local Wal-Mart or shops and stores in Wasilla?

  10. Gryph: I was going to go to the NYC public library and try to find photos of her in the archives from winter of 2008...but if a real journalist is really investigating Babygate and publishing a book, then I am sure they did this.

    Could you confirm that this book is still happening?

  11. angela8:07 AM

    Its funny---when certain people kept saying that Dairygate would shine a light on what the Head Grifter was really all about, most people yawned. Its wasn't sexy enough. No babies, no ill gotten mansions, no illegal Fund Trusts. Just missing milk money. Lots of it.

    But lets face it---Al Capone was brought down by accountants.

  12. I just wondered if any of the Dairy funds could have found its way into the accounts of "Safari Investments LLC"?

    When I learned that Palin's new mansion in AZ is listed under Safari Investments LLC, a DE limited liability company, I got curious and did a research on that company name. It turns out the company was first registered in 1996, which as you know is the same year as Palin became Mayor of Wasilla.

    While I may understand why Palin would use a DE LLC when buying real estate today due to her high profile, I do not understand why she would need a DE LLC to "hide" her investments back in 1996. If I'm not mistaken, 1996 was the year when Palin invested in the Safari Lake properties?

    I know that one of the main attractions of incorporating a LLC in DE is that you are not required to list the officers of the company. However, if Palin was a founder/co-founder or an officer or had any interest in this company whatsoever, I would think the law would require her to include this on the financial disclosure forms that she has been filing when running for elected office since 1996? There is no mention of Safari Investments LLC on the financial disclosure form signed by her on 10/23/09.

    Here is the link for searching for coroporate entities in the State of Delaware:

    Searching or Safari Investments LLC gives the following results:


    4981621 is the last filing done on May 12, 2011. This is the entity listed on Palin's new mansion in AZ.
    2603779 is the entity that was registered back in March 1996. I believe it's the same entity, but that the registration may have lapsed for example due to failure of paying the annual taxes/fees.

    Something smells fishy about this. Why would someone running for Mayor of a small town like Wasilla have the need to hide her investments by incorporating an LLC in Delaware?

    Is someone looking into this? Gryphen?

  13. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Is the State of Alaska and Gov Parnel crooked?

    Besides not releasing Palin's emails, why didn't the state investigate Dairygate? We should all be happy the FBI is looking into it because Alaska has shown us that they can't be trusted.

  14. Virginia Voter8:49 AM

    The FBI and DOJ are much more patient than we are. Federal investigations take time as they gather evidence and secure the proper warrants. Its been over three years, but John Edwards and John Ensign are getting their due, and Sarah will get hers. She's left too much wreckage in her wake.

    Here in the DC area , a two term county executive, Jack Johnson, in Prince Georges , MD was arrested back in Jamuary after a 5 year investigation for money laundering, taking bribes from developers , and fraud. This guy thought he was untouchable, even declaring his innocence after being caught on tape telling his wife to flush checks down the toilet while she stuffed $70k in her bra. Johnson finally agreed to a plea deal after his legal team reviewed the overwhelming case against him.

    One day I hope to see Sarah and Todd do the Jack Johnson perp walk . I have patience,

  15. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Sharon: "What will it take to finally bring this battleship down?"

    By "bringing her down" I wouldn't settle for anything less than her being dragged off in handcuffs, but I'm afraid she's here to stay for a long time. Let's be honest, she's a lucrative media entity who offers two products, both of which generate a great deal of money.

    Product one: loving Sarah Palin. She makes a lot of direct money off this in the form of book sales, SarahPAC, her legal defense fund, and whatever products she has coming down the pike.

    Product two: hating Sarah Palin. She makes a lot of indirect money off this product via free PR. A lot of Internet sites and blogs make some money off this product.

    I can't stand the witch, but the above is pretty much the truth. We're all helping her outlast her welcome.

  16. Anonymous8:57 AM

    What Anonymous at 8:33 said.

  17. So I read on HuffPo that "The Undefeated [Quitter]" is going to be run as a feature film in movie theatres. I'm sure it'll give "Atlas Shrugged" a run for its money.

    I wonder how many John Wayne fans will buy tickets, thinking it's a remastered release of the REAL "The Undefeated"?

    That title is another Sarah Palin lie, also, too.

  18. Tada @8:25 AM, might I suggest you post your findings on as many blogs and news sites discussing the new Palin Scottsdale house as you can find?

    More people need to see what you found.

  19. Oh, it is about time.

    Kristan Cole is the primary offender, leading the pack to do the dirty deeds there. I hope they send her to prison for years and years.

  20. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Contrast the Dairy Disaster with the way in which our President took the reigns of the car companies. The contrast is startling!

  21. Anonymous9:28 AM

    The "State" knows exactly what is going on with Dairygate and are working diligently to keep it covered up.

    The latest plan for the Palin dairy is to get yet another $300,000 in state loans to move to the old Mat Maid building in downtown Palmer. Here are their demands: They want to lease that building for $1 a month lease for five years! They want money to move and reconnect all the equipment. They want a moratorium on their loan payments as well. The lock-step board members are ready to vote for this and they are rushing paperwork through before anyone catches on. The direcotr of Agriculture's father in law is the largest dairy farmer left ...see any conflict of interest?

    What private businessman in this state would not want that kind of sweetheart deal? There is a sense of entitlement.

    Then there is the matter of where the $630,000 FEDERAL grant money went? The bookkeeper could find no record of where that money may have been deposited. When she started asking questions, she was fired.

    Money laundering? Got Fraud?

  22. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Your "sources" said she would be toast by the end of February. Unless they meant the postponed (again) email dump, they was wrong (again). I for one am about to stop running every time the boy cries wolf, as bad as I want to get there just in time to see the wolf eat the witch. Or something.

  23. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I still come back to the fact that Romney is very calculating. He won't dirty his hands bringing down Sarah, but his operatives will. Never forget that Steve Schmidt was hired by the Romney campaign almost immediately.

  24. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Palin reminds me of the very sad celebrities who only listen to those in their inner circle who stay in the inner circle by telling her what she wants to hear. Similar to celebrities like Michael Jackson, Lindsey Lohen, etc. This is why she is so absolutely clueless as to what will happen once she announces her campaign. The political genius of others who actually work with a team of rivals would never happen with Sarah.

  25. Anonymous9:43 AM

    So it is true that the wheels of justice turn rather s-l-o-w-l-y.

    Tickety-tock, sarah!

  26. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Karen at 8:02

    Why not go yourself.
    You might find something that others have missed. Search differently.
    Look at things that aren't indexed well on the internet- like local newspapers that might have received and republished press releases. Then search what you find to see if it referred to on the internet.

  27. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Yes, Kristan Cole did all of Sarah's dirty work.

    As Chairwoman of the Ag Board, on christmas Eve of 2007 she sent an email to Joe Austerman and Raymond Nix that said "Ray/Joe, please start working together as soon as possible so that Mat Maid can relinquish the building in anchorage tothe ARLF for management, move Donna to different space, help Kyle (Beus) get any remaining equipment, supplies inventory out of the building, sell (trade for credit on bill) furniture to Carlile, etc. Also, if we aren't going to pick up our milk crates at the stores at the end of the month, Kyle might want toget some of them rather than having them go to waste. Merry christmas to you both. Kristan

    This new dairy also had an equipment lease for $2000 a month. No payments were made so in Nov 2009, the equipment lease for nearly 1/2 million dollars magically disappeared. No paper trail. Looks like Ms. Cole gave away state assets to keep the Palin dairy afloat? You be the judge.

    State officials are fighting hard to keep this under wraps, while this dairy is granted yet another $300,000 loan. All while under an FBI investigation. The Board of Ag is eager to get this loan voted on ASAP before anyone catches on that this is a money pit.

  28. KaJo @ 9:03
    Please help me spread the word. I have so far posted here and at the blogs of Politicalgates, Joe McGinness and Malia Litman.

    Safari Investments LLC obviously must have had more than $1.695 million dollars in the accounts in order to pay cash for Palin's mansion in AZ. Were did the money come from? Is all of it from book sales etc? But again, what was the purpose of incorporating it in 1996? What transactions took place between 1996 and May 2011?

  29. Anonymous10:54 AM

    DO you think the delay of the release of the emails has anything to do with a federal investigation of the dairy?

  30. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Sharon: "What will it take to finally bring this battleship down?"

    Well, there was a time in this country where a politician caught reading answers off her hand would be enough to bring her down. Sad to say, that time is now gone.

    One thing that Palin really has in her favor, oddly enough, is how the low the expectations are for her. That's mainly why she keeps getting away with such dishonorable behavior. It's just not shocking when a stupid person reads off her hand, or flatout lies about the findings of an ethics investigation, or is clearly reading off a teleprompter and hand written notes for supposed interviews, or using crude language, and I could go on and on. She's a lout, and it's her saving grace.

  31. Anonymous11:31 AM


    This is interesting.
    Among the questions are: Are these three different entities with the same name? Are they related in some way? Without paying the money at the state site who knows? Even after paying money at the state site perhaps the only thing found might be that there was one LLC established and then dissolved, a second established and then dissolved, and now the third created just before the house purchase. Seeing the dates of dissolution if that is what happened might be interesting, but might not really be conclusive evidence of anything either.

    There is a number of reasons why Delaware incorporation is attractive- the ability to hide what is going on is just one of them.

  32. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I don't know whether this has anything to do with Dairygate but it seems to me that the Palins have lived well beyond their means for many years. I say this because what they own and what they earned never seemed to me to add up.

  33. 03/18/1996
    Safari Investments LLC was incorporated in Delaware; File number 2603779

    Safari Investments LLC was incorporated/reinstated a second time in Delaware; File number 3812803

    Safari Investments LLC was incorporated/reinstated a third time in Delaware; File number 4981621. This is the entity that Palin used to purchase the AZ mansion for $1.695 million on 05/13/2011.

    The filing back in 1996 was done by the same Delaware agent as did the filing on 05/12/2011, which is why I believe it is the same entity. My guess is the registration lapsed due to nonpayment of taxes or fees and thus had to be reinstated twice.

    When did Palin invest in the properties at Safari Lake? Did that take place in 1996? If so, what is the connection, if any, to Safari Investments LLC?

    Why was Safari Investments LLC not included on Palin's financial disclosure forms such as the disclosure form signed by her on 10/23/2009?

    If she should have included this on the financial disclosure forms, what is statute of limitations for having this investigated?

  34. Anonymous @ 11:31

    We know that Safari Investments LLC incorporated on 05/12/11 is the entity that is listed on Palin's new mansion in AZ.

    We know that the registered agent for this entity is "The Corporation Trust Company".

    Who was the registered agent for the entity with same name incorporated back in 1996? Lets see... "The Corporation Trust Company"!

    Coincidence? Perhaps, but not very likely in my opinion.

    Anyone in Alaska who can get any Palin spokesperson to comment on this?

  35. Anonymous12:33 PM

    What ever came of that rumor of a trust fund that the Heaths were in charge of? And the rumor that the Palins were recipients of that money, which wasn't theirs to begin with?

    Was that before the 1996 LLC?

  36. Here's another reason why I think Safari Investments LLC "incorporated" on 05/12/2011 is the same entity as the one incorporated back in 1996:

    Safari Investments LLC purchased the AZ mansion on 05/13/2011 for $1.695 million. I don't think the company could have incorporated, set up bank accounts and transfer $1.695 million into the bank account in just one day.

    I think the 1996 entity was REINSTATED on 05/12/2011. Thus, the bank accounts were already in place and "fully funded". If so, what was the purpose of setting up this entity in 1996 and what financial transactions took place between 1996 and 2011?

    And why no mention of Safari Investments LLC on any financial disclosure forms?


    Any connection between Safari Investments LLC and Palin friend Corey Rossi who is the head of AK Department of Fish and Game and whos compnay is called Great Northern Safari Company...?

    I'm just throwing ideas out there...

    I hope someone is seriously looking into Safari Investments LLC... If the Palins incorporated this company in 1996, then something stinks big time.

  38. Anonymous2:19 PM

    so...she's not going to get away with everything and there's a real chance that she might actually end up in a pretty orange jumper?


  39. Anonymous2:21 PM

    i won't be satisfied until the day i open the yahoo homepage and see, in GIANT letters -- Sarah Palin ARRESTED

  40. Anonymous2:44 PM


    "Loving" vs. "Hating" SP

    I think you've got something there. Reading over at McGinniss' blog how he's been great friends with Roger Ailes for 44 years. Ailes had no small hand in MAKING Palin on the national scene; now Joe will (sort of) "un-make" her, (while remaining studiously Trig-nostic, of course, as they all do).

    In between the three of them (Palin, Ailes and Joe), us normal people are just taken for a colossal ride.

  41. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Since there is an original movie titled The Undefeated, can this tripe of hers claim the same title?

  42. Anonymous6:59 PM

    The only thing that I find odd about this story is that I know for a fact that the Beus family are Mormon, as I rented a house to the brother. Why would the Mormon owner be part of blatant discrimination against Mormons? I don't really get it.


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